Page 1: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL


Safety Ins_u_ions ....... 2, 3, 7

OperatingI_C_king Tips ................ 5Raise/Dower Switch ........... 4

Using tile Cookmp ........... 4

Using tile Downdr_t System ...4

Care and CleaningGrease Filters ................ 5

Painted or Metal Surfaces ...... 5

Stainless Steel Surfaces ........ 5

Insta//ation Instructions

Advance Planning .......... 8, 9

Belbre You Begin ............. 630" Cookmp/Downdr_t

UnitJVB37 ................. 10

36" Cookmp/Downdr_t

UnitJVB67 ................. 11Dimensions and Clemnces . .7, 8

Ductwork ............. 8, 13, 15Electrical and Gas Ix)cation .... 8

Installation Possibilities ........ 9

Installing tile Downdr_t

Vent System ............. 16-17

Optional Kits ............... 17Power Supply ............... 12Raise/Imwer Switch .......... 16

Venting Options ............ 14

Troubleshooting Tips ....... 18

Consumer SupportConsumer Support .......... 20

Warranty ................... 19

Write the modeland serialnumbershere:

Model #

Serial #

You can find them on a label on

tbe side of the blower housing.



164D4290P339 49-80183 02-03JR

Page 2: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL


PLEASENOTE: The downdraft vent system you have purchased was designed to be usedwith GE, GE Profile and GE Profile Performance cooktops listed in this manual

A WARNING!For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire orexplosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.

A WARNING:TOREDUCETHERISKOFFIRE,ELECTRICSHOCK,ORINJURYTOPERSONS,OBSERVETHEFOLLOWING:A. Use this unit only in the manner intended _NSuiticient air is needed for proper combustion

by the manuthcturm: If you have questions, and exhausting of gases through tile titlecontact the manuthcturer. (chimney) of fuel-burning equipment to prevent

B. Befbre servicing or cleaning unit, switeh poweroff at service panel and lock the servicedisconnecting means to prevent power fi'ombeing switched on accidentally. When the servicedisconnecting means cannot be locked, securelyfasten a prominent warning dmdce, such as a tag,to the service panel.

A CAUTION:,:orge,eralve,tilati,gusee,l_Donot useto exhausthazardousorexplosivematerialsandvapor.

/}55Installation work and electrical wiring must bedone by qualified person(s) in accordance withall applicable codes and standards, includingfire-rated construction.

back drafting. Follow the heating equipmentmamffacturer's gltideline and safety standardssuch as those published by the National FireProtection _-k_sociation(NFPA), and the

American Society for Heating, Refiigerationand Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),and the local code authorities.

_ When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling,

do not damage elecnical wiring and otherhidden utilities.

_ Ducted fans must always be vented to theoutdoors.

_ To reduce the risk of fire, use only metalducrwork.

_ PVC sewer pipe can be used as duct underconcrete slab if allowed by local code board.

_ This unit must be grounded.


/;_ Never leave surface units unattended at highsettings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasyspillovers that may ignite. Heat oils slowly onlow or medium settings.

N Always turn hood ON when cooking at high

heat or when cooking flaming foods.

_ Clean ventilating fhns fi'equendy. Grease shouldnot be allowed to accumulate on fan or filter.

_ Use proper pan size. Always use cookwareappropriate for the size of the surface element.


Page 3: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL



A. SMOTHER FLAMES with a close-fitting lid,

cookie sheet, or metal tray, then turn offtheburnm: BE _FUL TO PREVENT BURNS.

If the flanaes do not go out immediately,EVACULATE ,aND C_LL THE FIREDEPARTMENT.

B. NEVER PICK UP A FLAMING PAN You maybe burned.

17.DO NOT USE WATER, including wet dishclothsor towels-a violent steam explosion will result.

O. Usean extinguisherONLYif:

/. You know you have a Cla&sABC extinguisher,and you already know how to operate it.

2. The fire is small and contained in the areawhere it started.

CAUTION:Forge,eralve,tilati,guseonl_Donot useto exhausthazardousorexplosivematerialsandvapors.

Make sure all fingersare away from the downdreft topwhen it is lowered.

ff YouNeed Service...

Do not attempt to repair or replace any part ofthe do,aqadraft system unless it is specificallyrecommended in this guide. All otller servicingshould be referred to a qualified technician.

3. The fire department is being called.

4. You can fight the fire with your back to an exit.

*Basedon "KitchenFire safety tips"published by NFPA.

SERVICINGBe sure electrical power is off before servicing the unit.

It may be necessal T to remove the do,aqadraft blower Disconnect power to the cooktop and remove itsystem in order to service components such as the first. Revm_e the steps in the Install the Oowndraftblower motor or air vent mechanism, section to remove the blower.

SmMce parts are a':ailable fi'om a GE Ser_Sce andParts Center.



Page 4: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Usingthe downdraftsystem.

Onsome models, the Raise/Lowerswitch is located at the top right ofthe vent.

Raise/Lower Switch (30" models only)

Turn tile downdraft blower ON by pressingtile raise/lower switch located at the topright of the vent. Place your finger on tile"center" of the switch and hold until youobserve the vent moving, then release.The air vent will rise. Use the selector switch

to mrn the blower ON,OFFor to changetile blower speed.

The vent may be lowered by again pressingtile raise/lower switch at tile top right sideof the vent. The blowm; if left on, willautomatically go offwhen the vent islowered.

NOTE:Formostconvenientoperation,set theblowerto thespeedyouusemostoften.Theblowerwill comeonto thisspeedwhenevertheunitis raised.

Use the selector switch to turn theblower ON, OFFer to change theblower speed.

Raise/Lower switch locationmay varg

Remote Raise/Lower Switch (36" models only)

The 36" models have a remote raise/lowerswitch. It operates in the same manner astile switch located on the vent. This switch

may be located beside the cooktop or in aconvenient location.

Using the Cooktop

Zt,CAUTION:8ecare ulwbenraisingor loweringthedowndrafLBesurepots,potbandiesandotherobjectsareclearof thedown&aftandcannotbestruckor tippedbythedowndraftbeingraised

NOTE:Thereisa slighttrimoverhangat eachendof thevenL

N TOavoidinjury,be surefingersare clearof thedowndraftcoverwhen it is beinglowered.

N Keep handsandfingersawayfromaftdowndraftparts.


Page 5: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Cooking Tips

The high air movement of this downdra/'tsystem can increase the cooking times forsome fbods. It may take longer m reachhigh cooking temperatures if tile downdra/'tis turned to high right away. Adjust tile fanspeed for best cooking resuhs.

For best results when heating oil for deepfining or when boiling water, use tile frontsurface units or ,a_t until the water is

boiling or tile oil is at frying temperaturesbefore turning on the downd_t.

Thedown&aftmaynotcompletelycaptureall thesteamfrompansonthe frontburners.


When canning fbods in a water-bath canner,a genre but steady boil must be maintainedcontinuously for the required time.

When canning foods in a pressure cannerthe pressure must be maintainedcontinuously for the required time.

Use of the blower at HIGH speed whencanning may reduce the temperatureenough to stop boiling. While canning,we recommend using the downdraft atLOW speed and using the front surface unit.

Care and cleaning of the downdraftsystem.Grease Filters

The efficiency of your downdra/'t dependson a clean filter. Frequency of cleaningdepends on the type of"cooking you do.Grease filters should be cleaned at least

once a month. Never operate the downd_twithout the filters in place.

TOremove:Pull the filters out by graspingthem and pulling straight up.

TOclean:Soak and then agitate in a hotdetergent solution. Light brushing may

be used to remove embedded soil. Rinse,shake and remove moisture before


Filters may also be cleaned in thedishwasher.

With careflfl handling, the filter will last foryears, ff replacement becomes necessalT,order the part from your dealer.

Painted or Metal Surfaces

Clean greasy surfaces frequently, usinga mild detergent.

Donotuseabrasivecloth,steelwoolpadsorscouringpowderbecausetheywill marthesurface.

Stainless Steel Surfaces (onsomemodels)

Donotusea steel-woolpad;it will scratchthesurface.



Shake bottle well.

Place a small anaount of CERAMA

BRYrE ®Stainless Steel ApplianceCleaner on a damp cloth or damppaper towel.

Clean a small area (approximately8" x 8"), rubbing with the grain of thestainless steel if applicable.

[] DlT and buffwith a clean, dlT papertowel or soft cloth.

[] Repeat as necessal T.

NOTE:If a mineral oil-based stainless steel

appliance cleaner has been used befbre toclean the appliance, wash the suriZacewith

dish soap and water prior to using theCEI,bMMABRYTE®Stainless Steel ApplianceCleaner. After washing the surface with dishsoap and warm; use a generous amount of"CEI,bMMABRYTE®Stainless Steel ApplianceCleaner to clean the appliance.

To Order

To order CERAiVb\ BRYTE ® Stainless Steel

Appliance Cleanm; please call our toll-freenumber:

NationalPartsCenter 800.626.2002

ww_.GEAppliances.comCERAMABRYTE*StainlessSteelApplianceCleaner....................... # PMIOX311


Page 6: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL


Downdraft VentSystem

I If you have questions, call 800.GE.CARES or visit our Website at: IBEFORE YOU BEGIN

Read these instructions completely andcarefully.

• IMPORTANT - Savetheseinstructions for local inspector's use.

• IMPORTANT - Observeallgoverning codes and ordinances.

• Note to Installer - Be sure to leave theseinstructions with the Consumer.

• Note to Consumer - Keep theseinstructions for future reference.

• Note - This appliance must be properlygrounded.

• Proper installation is the responsibility ofthe installer.

• Product failure due to improper installationis not covered under the Warranty.


Fiat-blade screwdriver


Jig saw

Duct tape

Ductwork to suitthe installation


Open the carton and remove parts package.Check contents to be sure all pieces arepresent. (The parts package may be attachedto the power cord.)

Remove the shipping materials. Remove thecarton and set aside. The carton can be usedas a pad when changing or adjusting ventdirection.


_ Stabilizing brackets(all models) (4)

Remote raise/lower assembly (for 36" models only)

Wire box (2) Plastic strain Wire and whiteand screws (4) relief (2) connector (1)

Switch cover Attachmentplate (1) bracket (1)


Page 7: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions


/ CAUTION -Wall coverings, countertops andcabinets should withstand 200°F. heat generated byany cooktop.

. 7V8'c


j A j_

_B _

27 r"


30" Models 30" 28V4"

36" Models 36" 333/4"


[] Installation work and electric wiringmust be done by qualified person(s)in accordance with all applicable codesand standards, including fire-ratedconstruction.

[] Ducted fans must always be vented tothe outdoors.

[] When cutting or drilling into wall orceiling, do not damage electrical wiringand other hidden utilities.

WARNING - To reduce the risk of

fire, use only metal ductwork.

IMPORTANT: These vents arerecommended for island installations.

Against-the-wall installations arelimited due to countertop depthrequirements. The vent and cooktopcombined depth requires an extradeep flat countertop surface.

The countertop must be at least 26" deepwith a flat surface area of 231/2" or more, frontto back. (NOTE: JGP932S, JP350SC, JP930SCand JP938SC require 23%" flat surface area.)In addition, other clearances to the frontedge of the countertop must be considered.

• See specific cutout illustrations with yourcooktop model to determine requirements.

• A countertop witha raised lip or rolledfront edge may notallow enough flatarea for installation.

_ Flat surface_f area


Page 8: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions



• Installation must conform with local codes.

• The downdraft system with blower, motorand duct work will occupy the cabinetbelow the countertop and cooktop.

• The blower/motor assembly can be locatedbelow the cabinet floor. The assembly willfit between 16" floor joists.

In this installation a transition to 6" round

is required.

• The blower motor assembly can also beinstalled outdoors. Order JXBC67 forremote blower installations outdoors.

• Refer to Dimensions and Clearances for

information on appropriate placementand necessary clearances when planninginstallation.

• Refer to your specific cooktop installationinstruction for other appropriate clearances.

• Avoid placing cabinetry directly above thecooking surface when possible.

• If cabinetry is used above the cookingsurface:

Installation must conform with local codes.

Use cabinets no more than 13" deep.

Maintain 30" minimum clearance between

cooktop and unprotected cabinets directlyabove cooktop.

If clearance is less than 30;' protect cabinetbottoms with flame-retardant millboard at

least 1/4" thick or gypsum board at least3/16" thick covered with 28 gauge sheetsteel or .02" thick copper.

Clearance between cooktop and protectedcabinetry must not be less than 24':

EXCEPTION: Installation of a listed

microwave oven or cooking appliance overthe cooktop shall conform to the installationinstructions packed with that appliance.

• Working areas adjacent to the cooktopshould maintain 18" minimum clearance

between countertop and cabinet bottom.


Prepare ductwork to vent to the outdoors.

• Use the shortest and straightest duct runpossible.

The maximum permissible length for ductrun is 150 feet.

Refer to Duct Fittings chart to calculateequivalent length for various ductconfigurations.

• The downdraft blower system is designedto use 31/4" x 10" ductwork. It can betransitioned to 6" round.

• Ductwork MUST be vented to the outside i

never into a crawl space, attic or otherenclosed space.

Determine the need for a wall cap or roofcap. Purchase the cap in advance fromyour home building center or plumbingsupply.


Plan the placement of the electrical outletand gas (if used) carefully. Gas or electricaloutlets cannot be placed on the back wall ofthe cabinet because it may interfere with thedowndraft plenum.

Install a standard electrical outlet withinreach of the vents' 2 foot long power cord.

• The vent and a gas cooktop combinationcan operate from the same 120V standardduplex outlet.

• Electric cooktops must operate froma separate 240V junction box.

REMOTE SWITCH(for 36" models only)

The downdraft vent has a separateraise/lower switch. Plan to install the switchin a convenient location outside of thevent/cooktop cutout.


Page 9: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions


When the kitchen design calls for an againstthe wall installation, move 24" deep basecabinet forward, 3" to 5'.' Filler panels canbe angled or flat to fill the space betweenadjacent cabinets.

Maintain cutout clearances to front edge as specified.

/// FillerFiller panel

Base panelcabinet Base sink

30" Min. for JVB3736" Min. for JVB67

In an island or peninsula, the countertop canbe extra deep to provide seating opposite ofthe cooktop. Adding base cabinets on eachside of the cooktop provides extra storageand countertop work space.


18" ii

: Base to sink30" to 42"

_l _ End

Cover panelpanel

overhangper cooktopclearancesmust be

/ maintained


Page 10: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions



NOTE: Before you begin, measure and markDimension 3 to ensure that adequate flatcountertop surface is available.

Identify the cutout illustration for the cooktopmodel you are installing with this downdraftvent system.

• Draw lines on the countertop to followas a cutting guide.

• Make sure sides of the opening areparallel and rear and front cuts are exactlyperpendicular (right angle) to sides.


|l_J]ll_l_m .I|_H i |l_l_.l Llo iw* r. 1.1_ 011J _,lJ] 0 }.ITJ f E_,r.ll_| LJl_|l,llm

[] [] [] [] [] []Overall Cooktop Surface Surface Depth Minimum Setback Combined Combined

Model No. Width Overall Depth with Downdraft* Cutout to Front Edge** Cutout Width Cutout Depth

JP326 30-1/4" 21-1/4" 23-3/8" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-3/8"

JP340JP350JP930 29-3/4" 20-7/8" 23" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-1/4"JP931JP938JP939

JP350SCJP930SC 29-7/8" 21-1/2" 23-5/8" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-3/8"JP938SC

JGP328JGP933 30" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-3/8"


JGP336 30" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-1/4"

JGP932 29-3/4" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-1/4"

JGP930S 30" 21-1/4" 23-3/8" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-1/4"

JGP932S 29-7/8" 21-5/8" 23-3/4" 2-1/2" 28-1/2" 22-5/8"

*includes 1/8" gap between cooktop and vent trim

**Required to maintain UL or AGA approvals


Page 11: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions


NOTE: Before you begin, measure and markDimension 3 to ensure that adequate flatcountertop surface is available.

Identify the cutout illustration for the cooktopmodel you are installing with this downdraftvent system.

• Draw lines on the countertop to followas a cutting guide.

• Make sure sides of the opening areparallel and rear and front cuts areexactly perpendicular to sides.


|l_J]ll_l,l.l|_H I |l_l_.l LIO iw* r. 1.1_ 011J _,lJ] 0 }.ITJ f E_,r.ll_| LJl_|l,llm

[] [] [] [] [] []Overall Cooktop Surface Surface Depth Minimum Setback Combined Combined

Model No. Width Overall Depth with Downdraft* Cutout to Front Edge** Cutout Width Cutout Depth

JP626 35-1/2" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 34" 21-1/8"

JP960JP961JP968 36" 20-3/8" 22-1/2" 2-1/2" 34" 21-3/4"JP969

JP960SJP968S 36-1/8" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 34" 21-7/8"

JGP628JGP963 36" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 34" 21-7/8"


JGP636 36" 21" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 34" 21-7/8"

JGP960S 36" 21-1/4" 23-1/8" 2-1/2" 34" 22-7/8"

JGP962 36" 20-7/16" 22-9/16" 2-1/2" 34" 21-3/4"

JGP962S 36-1/8" 21-1/16" 23-3/16" 2-1/2" 34" 22-1/8"

*includes 1/8" gap between cooktop and vent trim

**Required to maintain UL or AGA approvals


Page 12: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions



This downdraft vent must be supplied with120V, 60Hz., and connected to an individual,properly grounded branch circuit, protectedby a 15 or 20 ampere circuit breaker or timedelay fuse.

Gas CooktopsIf this vent is installed in combination with a

gas cooktop, it may operate from the sameduplex outlet.

Electric CooktopsIf this vent is installed in combination with an

electric cooktop, the vent must operate froma separate 120V outlet.

A properly grounded 3-prong receptacleshould be located within reach of the vents'

2 foot power cord.

• Locate the receptacle inside the cabinet onthe right side wall. The receptacle cannotbe placed on the back of the cabinet wallwhere it may interfere with the downdraftplenum. See illustration.

Do not leave gas or electricalconnections within shaded area.

outlet12" abovecabinet floor

NOTE: Do not use an extension cord or

adapter plug with this appliance. FollowNational electrical codes or prevailing localcodes and ordinances.


Page 13: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions


NOTE: Do not exceed 150 foot maximum permissible equivalent lengths!

Flexible ducting: If flexible metal ducting is used, all equivalent feet values in the table should bedoubled. The flexible metal duct should be straight and smooth and extended as much as possible.

(_DO NOT use flexible plastic ducting.

Add equivalent lengths for all duct pieces and transitions used to ensure that the duct run does notexceed the maximum 150 feet.

im nm1 ft. (per

foot length)

1 ft. (perfoot length)


I_]f_i _ II_ _ i0_l L=_111_'1_

6" Round3W" x 10" 3V4" x 10" 24 ft. Wall Cap 21 ft,Straight 90 ° Flat Elbow with Damper

(_ 6" Round [_ 3V4" x 10"6" to 3V4" x 10" 7 ft. Wall Cap 27 ft.

90 ° Elbow Transition with Damper

3V4" x 10" _

6" to 6" Round 5 ft. ]_ 6" Round 20 ft.45 ° Elbow 9 ft. Transition Roof Cap

6" Roundto 3V4" x 10" 20 ft,

3W" x 10" Transition 6" Round 24 ft.90 ° Elbow 16 ft. 90 ° Elbow Roof Vent


*Equivalent lengths of duct pieces are based on actual tests conducted by GE Evaluation Engineeringand reflect requirements for good venting performance. See chart for CFM Duct Length,



Page 14: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions



Side-to-Side Adjustments

The entire blower mounting plate can beadjusted 31/2" to the left or right. This will helpto align vent discharge to house ductwork.

Loosen screws to adjust

blower left to ri j_\

Discharge Direction

The blower assembly may be removed andturned 90 ° for a left or right side discharge.

• The downdraft vent is shipped with thedischarge outlet pointing straight downand can be changed to the left or right side.



Discharge down(as supplied)

• A left or right 90 ° direction adjustmentshould be performed before dropping intothe countertop opening.

• Flatten the shipping box to use as a pad.

• Lay the vent on its back onto the pad.

To Change to a Left or Right Discharge

[] Remove the 4 screws holding the blowerto the mounting plate assembly. Retainscrews.

[] Remove the blower assembly, turn itover to access the 4 nuts holding theblower to the mounting plate. Removethe nuts.

O MPORTANT: Do not lift the motorby the power cable.

[] Turn the blower to the left or rightdischarge direction and reinstall the 4nuts.


Discharge left



Discharge right

[] Reinstall the blower and mounting platewith original screws.

To Locate the Ductwork Holes in the CabinetFloor or Side Walls

[] Temporarily, put vent into the countertopopening.

[] Push the vent all the way to the back ofthe opening.

[] If you are transitioning to 6" round,place transition (obtained locally) overthe discharge outlet.

• Mark the location and remove the


• Cut holes and install ductworkconnections.

Order JXRB67 for installation of the blowerand motor below the floor.

Order JXBC67 for installation of the blowerand motor outdoors.


Page 15: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions


Secure the lower brackets

to blower housing



the upperbracketswith screwslocated onthe sideof caseand attachto back ofcabinet

Place the downdraft vent into the

countertop cutout, against the back side.

[] Secure the downdraft to the countertopsupplied brackets. See illustration.

[] Fasten 2 brackets to vent side and secureto cabinet back wall.

[] Install 2 brackets on the bottom of thevent. Attach brackets to slide screws on

the vent and to the floor using woodscrews (not supplied).

When installing in a tile countertopsurface, it may be necessary to applya locally approved caulking to coverany gaps.


Use minimum 26" gauge galvanized or24 gauge aluminum duct 31/4" x 10" or6" round. PVC duct should be used if

installing under a poured concrete slab.

O DO NOT USE flexible ducting.

Always use appropriate roof or wallcap with damper. Laundry type wallcaps should never be used. See theDuctwork Length and Duct Fittingschart.

Use the straightest duct run possible.

For satisfactory performance the ductrun should not exceed 150 feet or its

equivalent length when bends orvarious fittings are used. Refer to thetable of equivalent lengths to calculateyour installation.

_Duct tape over

seam and screw



• Install ductwork so the piece of ductnearest the downdraft unit slots INTO

the next piece of the duct. Secure thejoints with self-tapping screws andapply duct tape around the joints toensure an airtight seal.


Page 16: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions



NOTE: Step 3 is for 36" models only.Skip this step if installing a 30" model.

WARNING - Disconnectelectricalpower from the unit before beginning switchinstallation. Failure to do so could result inpersonal injury or damage to the electricalcontrols.

NOTE: Determine the location for the

Raise/Lower switch. The wiring lead is68" long.




i i



[] Drill a 3/8" hole into the desiredlocation. Use the mounting bracketas a template to locate the holeaccurately. Check for interferencebetween the switch cover, adjacentobjects and cooktop/vent overlaps.

[] If switch is mounted into a tilesurface, drill the hole between tiles.Use locally approved caulking tocover any gaps.

[] Center the mounting bracket over thehole and mark pilot holes. Removeand drill holes according to type ofcountertop.

[] Mount the metal switch bracket

with screws (not provided). Choosescrews for your type of countertopor use locally approved adhesive.



Remove protective film from the top ofthe switch trim.

Peel film from the adhesive strips on theback of the switch trim. Thread the wirelead through the mounting bracket andcountertop. Press trim over the mountingbracket to set the adhesive.

Connect Raise/Lower Wire Lead to Wire Box

[] Thread wire end with the connectorthrough the hole on the end of a wirebox. Pull approximately 3" additionalwire length beyond the open end ofthe box.



Connect the mating wire connectors.

Install the wire box onto the bottom ofthe countertop or directly behind theswitch. Use screws or adhesiveappropriate for the type of countertop.

Place plastic strain relief over the wire,just outside of the hole at the end of thewire box. Do not pinch or twist the wire.Snap the strain relief closed and pressinto the hole.

Control box

Connect Wire Lead to Control Box

[] Thread the long 68" wire lead throughthe end of the other wire box.

[] Push wire leads into the white connectorprovided.

[] Push wire connector into the matingconnector on the control box. Install thewire box onto the end of the control boxwith screws provided.

[] Place plastic strain relief over the wire,just outside of the hole at the end in thewire box. Do not pinch or twist the wire.Snap the strain relief closed and pressinto the hole.

[] Coil the excess wire and position awayfrom moving parts and cabinet contents.


Page 17: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Installation Instructions


Plug power cord into a properly groundedreceptacle.


• With the downdraft in the "down" position,place the cooktop into the cutout.

• Push the cooktop back until the back edgeof the cooktop just barely touches the frontedge of the downdraft cover.

• Using a dime as a thickness gauge, alignthe cooktop so that there is a minimumuniform gap of 0.05" (the thickness ofa dime) between the cooktop and thedowndraft cover.

NOTE: Do not force the downdraft cover to

move rearward when aligning the cooktop.This may cause the downdraft cover toimpact and damage the cooktop when thevent is raised and lowered.


• Accurate alignment of cooktop anddowndraft is necessary to ensure that thereis no interference when air vent is raised

and lowered. There should be a gap of0.05" (the thickness of a dime) between theback edge of the cooktop and the frontedge of the downdraft cover.

• Radiant cooktop cannot be flush mountedwhen using this downdraft vent.


JXRB67 optional accessory for indoor remotelocation of the blower/motor assembly. Usethis kit when the blower and motor assemblywill be located below the cabinet floor.



JXBC67 optional outdoor cover accessoryfor remote installation of blower and motor

assembly on an outside wall.


Page 18: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

Before youcall for service...

Troubleshooting tipsSave time and money! Review the chart below firstand you may not need to call for sen/ice,

Possible Causes What ToDo

The vent is not fully extended. • Press the Raise/Lower switch.

The blower control switch • Slide it to the right.may be in the 0FFposition.

Vent not plugged into an outlet. • Plug vent into a 120V power outlet.

Raise/Lower switch did not • Hold switch down for a couple of seconds to

engage llft motor, activate motor.

Circuit breaker may have • Check circuit breaker: Reset if necessm'y.


Remote switch not plugged in. • Check all connections between the remote switch

and vent body.


Page 19: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL

GEDowndraft SystemWarranty.

All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,or an authorized Customer Care® technician. To schedule service,on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, orcall 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737).

Staple your receipt here.Proof of the original purchase

date is needed to obtain serviceunder the warrant_

_'_ GE Will Replace:

Any part of the downdraft system which fails due to a delect in materials or workmanship.Dm`ing this fu_ _ne-_'ear warranty_GE wi_ a_s_ pr_vide_ free _f charge_a_ _ab_r and in-h_meser',dce to replace the defective part.

N Service trips to your home to teach you how to use if Replacement of house fus_ or resetting of circuit

the product, breakers.

if Improper installation, delivery or maintenance.

if Failure of the product if it is abused, misused,

or used for other than the intended purpose or

used commercially.

if Replacement of the replaceable Filters.

if Damage to the product caused by accident, ifre, floodsor acts of God.

if Incidental or consequential damage caused by possible

defects with this appliance.

if Damage caused after deh'very.

This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for homeuse within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home.

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what yourlegal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General

If you have an installation problem, contact your dealer or installer. You are responsible for providing adequateelectrical, gas, exhausting and other connecting facilities as described in the Installation Instructions providedwith the product.

Warrantor'.General Electric Company.Louisville, KY 40225


Page 20: - PartSelect · • Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. • Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty. TOOLS YOU WILL



Have a question or need assistance with your appliance? Try the GE Appliances Website 24 hom.-s a day,any day of the year! For greater convenience and faster service, you can now download Owner's Manuals,order parts, catalogs, or even schedule service on-line. You can also "Ask Our Team of Experts''"your questions, and so much more...


Expert GE repair service is only one step away fl'om your door. Get on-line and schedule your service atyour convenience 24 hours any day of the year! Or call 800.GE.C_M/ES (800.432.2737) during normalbusiness hours.

RealLife DesignStudio

GE supports the Universal Design concept-products, smMces and emdronments that can be used bypeople of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need m design for a wide range of physical andmental abilities and impairments. For details of GE's Universal Design applications, including kitchendesign ideas for people with disabilities, check out our Website today. For the hearing impaired, please call800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322).



Purchase a GE extended warranty and learn about special discount.s that are a'_ailable while your warrantyis still in effect. You can purchase it on-line anytime, or call 800.626.2224 during normal business hours.GE Consumer Home Selwices will still be there alter your warranty expires.


Individuals qualified to serdce their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their homes(VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today, 24 hours every day or by phoneat 800.626.2002 during normal business hours.

Instructionscontainedin thismanualcoverproceduresto beperformedbyanyuser.Otherservicinggenerallyshouldbe referredtoqualifiedservice personnelCautionmustbe exercised,sinceimproperservicing maycauseunsafeoperation.


If you are not satisfied with the smwice you receive from GE, contact us on our Website with all the detailsincluding your phone number, or write to: General Managm; Customer Relations

GE Appliances, Appliance ParkLouisxdlle, KY40225



Register your new appliance on-line-at your convenience! Timely product registration will allow for

enhanced communication and prompt serdce under the terms of your warranty, should the need arise.You may also mail in the pre-printed registration card included in the packing material.

20 Printed in the United States

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