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Application Package

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[email protected]


By COB Friday 28th September 2018

Please ensure you include:

Pages 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 of this package Your current resume

A copy of your latest school report

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Which Commonwealth Bank location are you applying for? (Please circle one)

NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): ________________________________________________ MOBILE: ___________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________________________________________________ CURRENT SCHOOL NAME: ___________________________________________________ SCHOOL CONTACT NAME (eg Careers Adviser): _________________________________ SCHOOL ATTENDING IN 2019 (if different from above): ____________________________ ARE YOU ABORIGINAL OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER? YES NO DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO HAVE A DISABILITY, IMPAIRMENT OR LONG TERMCONDITION THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO PERFORM CERTAIN TASKS? YES NO If yes, please give details: _______________________________________________________ DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO TRANSPORT FOR GETTING YOU TO AND FROM WORK? YES NO If no, how are you going to get to and from work each week? ____________________________ DO YOU HAVE THE EQUIVALENT OF 100 POINTS OF IDENTIFICATION? (ie Birth Certificate,Bank Card etc) YES NO

Griffith / West Tamworth / Dubbo

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Please complete the following list representing the criteria weare looking for in students wishing to join the School-Based

Traineeship Program. You:

Are you currently in Year 10 and continuing your senior studies on to year 11 & 12? YES NO Are you committed to a two year traineeship? YES NO Are you committed to working one day per week during school term plus more in school holidays as mutually agreed? YES NO Are you committed to allocating the time to complete the theory component of your traineeship? YES NO Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander? YES NO PERFORMANCE AT SCHOOL: Do you have a good attendance record? YES NO Do you have the ability to be able to catch up on any school work missed due to being at work? YES NO PARENT/GUARDIAN: Have you been briefed on the Traineeship Program and the commitments required by the student and the support you will need to provide? YES NO (If no, please contact GTES on 1300 881 279 or visit Are you committed to ensuring the student is able to fulfil their work commitments and attend one day per week during school term and at least half of their school holidays? YES NO Are you prepared to accompany the student to Sydney and attend one-week training at the Commonwealth Bank? (Date is the for the week beginning 14th January) YES NO

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Tell us why you want to complete a Cert II - Business ServicesSchool-Based Traineeship with GTES and the Commonwealth


____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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Although we have listed your local branch as potentially being able to host a

school-based trainee, it is important to note that there are no guarantees.

You will be kept informed.

Your application will be reviewed by the branch manager. Preferred

candidates will be invited to attend an interview.

The successful candidate will commence work on 7th January 2019 and will

work Monday to Friday - Full-time hours for that week.

The successful candidate will need to attend a compulsory induction

training in Sydney from 14th - 18th January and must be escorted by a

parent or guardian for the duration. (Reasonable costs for travel, meals and

accommodation are covered by the Commonwealth Bank for both trainee

and the parent/guardian).

Please sign below to confirm that you have read and understood all ofthe included information and agree to the requirements. Applicant signature: _________________________ Date: ______ Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________ Date: ______ Parent/Guardian Contact details: Phone: _________________ Mobile: __________________ Email: _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________

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What is a School-Based Traineeship? An Australian School-Based Traineeship is an Australian Traineeship which isundertaken part-time while the Trainee is at school. It is an arrangement that combinespaid employment as a part-time trainee, off-the-job vocational training and secondaryschool studies. What does an Australian School-Based Traineeship involve? An Australian School-Based Trainee undertakes a combination of secondary schoolsubjects, paid work and vocational training through a Registered Training Organisation.The Trainee can undertake training in a traditional trade or other occupation at theCertificate I, II, III, IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level. Training delivered by a Registered Training Organisation can be for a couple of hoursevery week or for a longer block of time, less frequently. This depends upon therequirements of the Registered Training Organisation and the vocational training course.Australian School-Based Trainees need to negotiate time-release from their schoolsubjects to attend work and training, arranging to catch up on any school material theymiss at a later date. The number of hours a Trainee needs to be employed per week differs between Statesand Territories. Some Australian School-Based Trainees can undertake their paidemployment outside of school hours, however others must take time during schoolhours to work. These arrangements depend on the requirements of the employer. How long does an Australian School-Based Traineeship take? An Australian Traineeship can take from one to four years to complete. Some AustralianSchool-Based Trainees will be able to complete their training when they finish theirsecondary schooling, while others will need to finish their training after they graduatefrom secondary school. This depends on the qualification and the speed at which theyprogress through their training. How are Australian School Based Trainees paid? Under an Australian Traineeship you earn while you learn. Trainees are paid a wage inaccordance with the National Training Wage Schedule. The National Training WageSchedule sets out the minimum rates of pay for employees undertaking a registeredtraineeship. The National Training Wage Schedule is set by the Fair Work Commission. Australian Trainees have the same rights to superannuation, workers’ compensationand other entitlements or requirements as all other workers in Australia. Moreinformation on awards, wages and conditions is available from the Fair WorkOmbudsman (

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How many days off school will I need to take? Generally you will be required to attend work in the bank one day per week duringschool term. You will have to catch up on any school work missed. How much do I have to work during my school holidays? Generally School-Based Trainees should be completing one day per week duringschool term and then half of their school holidays. Can I still get an ATAR? You will need to double check with your careers adviser, however in most instances,you should still be eligible to receive an ATAR. Can the day that I work at the bank be changed? Wherever possible, the Commonwealth Bank will try to work around your schooltimetable, however you will need to keep in mind that this is a two way street. What if I need to take a day off for excursions, exams or for any other personalreason? The hours on the job are calculated to allow for some flexibility for these suchinstances. It may be that you might have to make up some additional hours during yourschool holidays. Who else is involved and can help me if I have problems or issues? As an indentured trainee, you will have access to a great support network being theCommonwealth Bank, your Employer (GTES), NSW Department of Industry, AustralianTraineeship Support Network, your Registered Training Organisation (eg, TAFE), yourschool and you will have access to many other support organisations. Who pays for my uniform? You will be allocated enough uniforms to get you through. Any additional items ofuniform can be purchased at your expense.

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Will this guarantee me a job at the end of Year 12? Undertaking a School-Based Traineeship with the Commonwealth Bank will NOTguarantee you a position at the completion of your traineeship. It is the intention of theCommonwealth Bank to be able to try to source you a position, however this isdependent on a variety of factors and may not eventuate. What if I want to cancel the traineeship? If you undertake this traineeship and you decide that it isn’t what you are looking for,then it may be cancelled however there are factors to be taken into consideration (likeschool subjects, ATAR, eligibility requirements for HSC etc). If there are concerns wewould encourage you to discuss these with your branch manager, GTES or yourSchool Careers Adviser. How does a School-Based Traineeship fit in with all of my other school work? You will be expected to complete the theory component of your traineeship as well asall of your other studies. You will need to be organised and motivated in order tomanage your workload. There is help available if you need it! Do I need to have any experience to apply? No. You don’t need to have any experience. GTES and the Commonwealth Bank hirebased on attitude. You will be taught the skills that you need to use to be able tosucceed in this traineeship. What if I can’t make it to the week long induction in Sydney? This induction is a mandatory induction training. Most costs are covered by theCommonwealth Bank including travel, accommodation and food. The date of thiscourse is 14th - 18th January 2019. Should you (and your parent or guardian) not beable to make the course, we would suggest that you contact Amanda Hooper at GTESon 1300 881 279 as soon as possible for further clarification. How much will I be paid? You will be paid as per the National Training Wage Schedule.

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1300 881 279

161 Hammond Avenue, WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650

3 Stanley Street, WODONGA  VIC  3690

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