Page 1: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak


The Crown Roller Mills.

Rush City, Minn.

Physician and Sureeon. Bell~ Jt• U,.-d .. r n.,..... IJI!lue 1" ""-'•

...,.uu" u,.,, lilo"' PI•• l.'llr• .. .. ••••••oaa.

~r. £. k.. Steplla~ New and Improved Machinery. Physician and Sur~~:eon .

Fin, t-CIIlSI:I Flour Guurnntct:d.

1-'HED fiE TXRTCR, Propr

Kashik & Hoefler, lli"ALEit.:; I:\


t· .. uollrinrlleo.u.

Deaf, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Poultrr,

lllac kler, • • Blaa .. •oaa.

a. J. Stowe, A-1. ~., Physician and Surgeon.

~~~v.~~~;.~£~~~·~~:.~~:~~~~;~~i\5 IIU•h (..llr, • • l'llll•o:••t••

:G.of,t. e. S.;tuuders. Attorney at Law.

IHu c kJ .. ,.-,

Attorney and Counselor at Law.

Plat! cu,.-, - -

£d. e. Giottr!J, Atton;ey at Law.

noliertsor• p3ros.,

General";::~andise. Bo.>st Good'i nl Lowl-.,t Pr• .,

:r. ..A. F'ra.:n. ta.,

Manufacturer of Harness ~ Trunks, Valises, etc.

Horse Supplies of all kmds cOn!ltantl)· on hand, Rcpa•ring a Specialty.

Pine City, .Mioucsota.

Page 2: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak


Page 3: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak
Page 4: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak

Clearing Sale I

All Summer Goods in Dry Goods

and Clothing will be sold ref,ardlcss

of cost.

This meatlS what it says. Dont miss

a good thing.


""'" NOW IS THE TIME. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to llu}ers lor all the light·\~ tight goods.

You will find the \\ ork of a Dcdlar .lt Ul r "torr~ sume­tlung \\'OI1G.l'rful, for we h<n •: dropj · cl th£' pnct:s

DOV\rrl.! Down! It wi ll pay to look O\'f'r our a~. 11trr Tlt. 1t ·will give

your l')'CS a fcu~t Lind your thoughts :~.- od fl·T satisfaction, and will show you an t·~'>) Wa) to 1 ocur ius1 what you

~i.'::;";::;f.'~:;.~~~:·:.h:'i~'',,::·•:';; I want and m.:cd, for a trithng outlay.

We keep Up the Quality! We keep Down the Price!

We have ma.J~ a tt::n-strik.c with the public and the pocket­book. W e offer you a rare opportunity to save money .

Wagons, Buggies, Cultivators, Plows, Seeders Hay Rakes, Spring-Toothed Harrows

Mowers a~d Biuders, '

Blacksmithing nnd W n~on .Mil kine; a SilOclulty. PINE CITY, MINNESOTA.

Page 5: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak

N1•Y1 halrmullro.Mt mad to 1hr h_y thl! '-111\\llUkot' Mau.,~,, ~IN•h llll~ wruo

}\nnitur~· Ut• Co. tlcmt flll)t\'l tht• dance given

ni~ht uuth•r tlw UUMJIIt~ uf the CitY l)nl Club, In p,~t Cmmor11

~h;n•. tunhllu~. . -1 wUI extend my tune to rt"mo.ln -'1 hl' \Ul• I til tlw~mkc H.h·t•r l::t're aU ncxt. wt>ek as the lnst days \! uiltlng tho Rlld~ronia

1 h t\lk.llll "~. hl~h u tl 1.!\'t>r bus b1..-eu, bnd weo.ther La mnklng some delay N !'llcKr:.y hiM~ a borseatruck bl' ,1nd th~~ .u~.• ~rn'" !t•lu·s or tlw with my work .All Intending to ligbtuing&turdayntgbL Chl nJ.{ 1\ · dam 1-!0ing out. thdr pictures tak('n should call !Jhas Noll\a Peterson 15 oLteud'lngl ;,, • .,,~' -Dot~ t Ut•Jeh'\.'l \our flrt! ut~urancll ~o.rly Jo:fA!! T.oRANAO!(, trnlnln •llchool Bl Rush City

l'l't.'J. \ Bn·tkemu\J.!• nl tlw Dru~ Phot.ogz:'pb~r So c~al !thssourl peo to bo.vo ~~~~"· 111 Bt.•• ~,.t ~\: I hi~" "hH e bUiltl· -.\1\ l'L'r"'Ol1F. tra.v· mO\'~ u llCrt• for t.bclr bC:Itb 111.1: JU t l'll l of the lto~n·p.nfficc should cnll tin 11ur loca.l t.1ck£'t P

-1'\w h:-lll ;..:.uu, 10

H.u!!!J CilV 00

agent :as he h,L<j; cuupou ltckeU. for D. A. Dunn !crt. for St. Paul h'wt )\mltl·'' pl.\\, •I b1•t wel'n th•1 North ,de u.ud can rurnl!;h you tron<~por on u. bustnebS trip. BrJ.nch aml Hush C1t·· l••am wn<> tatlon tn nuy .mt! ulltJoints in Frank Ruduot. apent. thu ,von IH the lattet"ll\ llw ,cere' of 7 United St.:ltt>!i Don t. rors;!'ct to buy at this place and Rush City. to~ • ~·mtr til'kcts ut thl» station wheu Mr. nnJ !\lr:t. J. B Hoppe, or St

-Th••rL' ,.,.,1

§ qmt(' at•rnwd h(>r(' 011

~oing tr;ncliug Paul, l:llJCOt the i''ourtl11n this burg

&turtl,n· fn•lll HLl ... h I al' und Dan.!· -)lr C l.. lla-1brouch. o. drt!R.t!'it;t Tl1e Laclii!S' Aid Socwty meet wllh wood Th••) t·amc in twn or tim"' 1\l :'oiL•ndun, :'oli··h . .says 1~\1 or th~ l!.rs. Wl!l>tcr ou Wcdnc»do.y e\·cu-

,..-al-.'flns 11lm·h Wl"l"L' tn.'-'lll~· dt.oco1 at~>d . t.•stimoni..tls That htwc bel'n v;ith tn'<'S n.lgs not! bunting. the milnufooturcrs The lwa~·y rL&\115 o[ lall.l have turn·

-At. the dnncc ~hen ou Saturday 1 colu.:, cholera nnd ed nearly all thl' meadows 111lo

t'\tllil!forthebcncfit,1fthehandbo.}'" . rcm~y could he dupllcn.t· lakca (\Uih- n uumbl!r of lhc "port., l'flm th:\t towo. For :!ole by J. y Rush City wcro iu o.~ndo.netl uuU aU Bnchl·nnd)1o &. Co rcporl having had n. floe time. -M Curry dt>partcd on Mom1o.y

-Miss Currie Vaonurden, or Row for Wdo~ Cruck where ll~ pla}"l>d n.rU Lake, '"ho htlS been sptmdLJJg 1-.";n~ I:l J.nrt~ nt.l that ll. n:c


0!1 I"'""' the ti"ourtb with her ]laren~

the tno;t month 'i~iltn~ WLlh her ~:;~~~h ~:~::t~J~;\~~;~:~~~~ 11, btill in thi!!JJioce. aunt. Mn; ChUt> Glum·i!IC, rctw·n· g-iwn by Mr ){urro.~.y the banl•:r. or Mrs. E. N. Kirk,_ or Minneapolis , 1 ·~::;:,:;~:;~::!;:!::::~·=.~:~ cd her home on W"dnt!!iUu.y. North Bmnch. He rct.uruc.U to Pine spent. the Fourth w1th bordn.ugbter I '

Born-To tbtJ WlftJ of Hinuu K~n- City Thur::;duy morning Mrs J. H Walton.

ncy a .WtH·k ugo l115t Thu~day n. ~on -Dr. Trowbr1dgo 1-5 now located l~rt•ighmg _u"'•'r tA!11 pound:s..'l'h!! Jn()th- in our city und cnn ~il fJ ample . _ . cr and dnld ~n· d, 111~ w.~HunUcr lh1~ n.ud attcuLwn t.o the co.r f': und IS ohang111g hands unH)·· _ki\lfu\ treatment of Dr Barnum mcnt of all oJWralwns aud work u 1 Judge Enos rccchcd nslil ghtshoc'k I·'

--Sticbt~. .t Pct.ncku h11\"e JUst. rc· be performed Ttm Unctor being of lightumg a fl!w do.y:~ ago. He U>

t:elved a ln.rgc !I tack ol.6cytbes whlcb h ere dOC9 not. need orbave to eutil'el~· over it. llltbougb be does

they .I{Utu·antce. If not. round !'in.tL'i· look as well.

factory tb"Y t~oo be n•Lurned and cx­~h.lugo•J: or the UlOII~Y will be l't!fuml· ~I

-Ou Sunduv nr.:d 6crv1ce<J \'nil bf! held 10 the~~ . E ..:burch as [Hllows ry, of FrcdcriC'kstu"'n, Mo. ''Our blornill1!' 01t 10 3fl, ~nbJ•.ct, 'True rl!X'tor's r('med~ had fuil('d, then we Fmnd,.hip Elemng at 7 1~. tric1l Chamberlain':-> colic, choleonlccmd •·Jehu" Qu~.:Stion All nrll c.1r- and diarrhoea. remedy, wh1ch urstly mnt.ed to these scrv1ce.s. ~cry speedy rchd," For ~>:.le by J

---Th+. tint ,t ond best line of cloth Y Dreclmoridge & Co. b;v, beon visiting her parrn·~. ~IT' lng and ladJC'i and gent's furni.,}liug -Ja.,. Tiurley hilS purchn.o;cd n. oud Mrs. I. L Wescott, of tb1s, ll'O<xl on the line of the St Paul & fine pacer hy the nnmP or 'Jurry B" aud returnOO home lnst Wt"('k D'Jluth, c·an be !unacl at G. A Curl- from tbe )fl~ttr<"s~"> compnny. J~rry We expect Pine City j, drnpcd m Mn's Mturc nt Rush City, and be se\1,. B is 11 blnck tbrce-ycnr-old gelding, mourning owing t.o the Penny Eve· aL Jlrict.~ lhnt defy compditLOU and ('30. p11cc o. rmle better th[l,ll ning Pres~ bustinJ.('. Wonder If Mr.

-Scrl ices In the Presbytcr:o.n thrc!! mmutes. llt· ha.!! tlw appear- Geor11c will Jh·o throu~h tbi5 sbock?

church ncx~Sundoy. Jul~ 11 r:l~tn· ancl1J~~:~k~:7t :o;e~tr!~ta::~~ Mrs. John Tate, o!RutlcOge, spent

:~1~c\:·~~~.~~~PF~loc~t~r~~ .. '"~vc:in~~ the race of nny uno In the county ., week wit~ her parent.' ;err Hr:::~:~~:~:J~~;::~=.of,.. l ,, ll.\.all s E ... tun.tlLC o[ Human No· ~E s Gibb,:., of st. Jame!l, will r:~~~t~~,:~:~( :vwe~!/·g;ol~:.: turt!" All o.r\l inn ted to these ser· n.J.,rnm address the cttn•.rns of tlus t. L. w,•c:cott 'vice place on :Mondny afternoon at

-Y'lu mn.v hunt tbc world oVP-1' o'clocl>. at the court h•1usc lm!l, . . :l.llJ you will not find anot.bL'l" medt· lhe intcrrost of thecrl!nmery. Mr. ~tat1•, urr1vt>d ht•ro with h1!t cn.r loud cmc l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago .. hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak Thursday, and hL!i fnmtly arrived bQ,.,.,;J r.oul Inial! It ill plen. nut, t bighe'lt U•rmo; of lum ru. . o. Monday, to m~k{' th\Fi place tholr Aafe and r~mbk l~'or sale by J. Y. , All tho<;P lntL-'II''Ited 111 home. W J 1!'1 ol brothorof Gco L Dn-ekcuridgc &Co. ..:rt•nuu•ry wor~ ">bnuhl turn nut SlC\'1!11!'1, one of our_mo'lt prO!I~rous

& -~furrie,J -At the hcom~ of the and wo WISh h~m o.ll sue-'Ii' -The )h!W'l.U.kce MaLtr~sh brtdc I! rathl'l', Mr Cho.rlt.'fi Olson <'CSB posslblt!

tullwr ll.f•no'\i:ll!ng Comp:lll~owa~: three ml!o.'l ~;outh or lhi.<; pl.lcc. on ===== a first·d~ !I upltol tllrPr o.irs und July 2nrllli'l7, hv n.·v. P. i{nudt>cu

th' time _to have_ your fl~~111 ~fr ("ho.riP~ Du(\dc.r to )lL s:. P:\UIL\10. \ j;~~~~i~~f~~)~j~~~~~~~1 \ lounJ,! !IX rl up 10 r;om Sf , Art· r tlw ''1!rt•mony o. boun :t.n1l lyh!!h L('avc ordctli ut tlful dinm•r waa serve•! in,, pay1l1Un l~ionCL r hou.,t'! Nl.'t.led fur tbt• oc<..::1 ion 73or mnre

Jnhn :llurray I'}Ur popular ton invitC'd gue t w••n pn'""nt, ,uul nH very ·nr1a' -~rt1s1.. "'P' ut. the w-nnter vn.rt ,..0 tccl It a ,·crv 1 UJr>}ahlc aiT.olr practJlloncr fnr twerol f•f ! •• I WI• k iu V!rjfinla up on lt~rc Tlw PW"'UJ\ JUII·- ?iiLh. the muny ;;\~~~ati \f~~~~~~.'Jnn.,:n~l~r vx~ Iron Hau~c. wbl!t'c he \uwnn lu ~ls fnrnd of lhc tontractmg part!PJI Wllrk g~nrnnt('cd, o:r p~lccs rea-, ;o\. 111 ,nu• p!•,,... .. rty John rPJIO \VIIIhlllg tllem 11 loug and happ}" bOUablo ••v1 rytlung very dull on tbe ru.ljl(f'. llfl-' ' ---=-

Mr \'ann•uden, of -Prof J l P>'IJ{C'1 of tim Cmvl•f"-

1 f', brother ,.rllr ChBfl Glan· .. itv L.1w I'Chfl(}l an,J hiM wife lm.! V• 1 •rrh•l'fl in th1h ,,:.c.c nl1 Frldn pt~n!ltng thl w••ck at tlw Poke~o."Bmu the Tt•a• hers dr PmeyCounty kJ ~JJf'nd thr. Fol'll'l.ll Mf' Vaanur Prof PBIKc tR one of the moqt DCtiVt> A AUmtnl'r S£'hMl will bO held ~\ t1tll "WI~~~ w•;u ~:~ed 0~lth ~~~t::\l~hn·~h~it~f'~~rt~;~~~r~ ~1'1 ~~~tc~~if~ur:;ro~~c~:ok~lllyT!:!t ~~~:~~;' t~11~~~,t'~~ ru:~~ the ('ountryhoo~~ .. c ~~ ~~~~~!~n~ ~r;oe~ M!quoated to bring tbelr text

.~~~;~-~~·!~ n;,~;·~~:~:~:i~t~;;;;~\u~~;n~o L:ll':f ~;;~ h!.~~~. ~~or~~l~lobo hfur ~Kt":3 :: 1 1 111

, ~~:h~~~. 0~1j['i: ::~~~ la 1

the 8urtorhl~cnL\cnt of

~~;;,:;:·;,,;:;,~;;;• !!:~~t ~~r ;{}~ ll~ttl~o to:,~~~~: '· ! r·.mnndl•hiow ph I IIIII k l'•tkclt· -·,;,;:~·--,;; ~.::::·:·.•:'"''"""

If you wish to buy land in Pine county you should look over the tracts of land for sale by the un­dersigned near Pine C1ty Miss1on Creek, llrook park. and H1ncklc}

Price from $4 to $6 per acre on v r

Page 6: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak

I and JT ,";:: 1r1~~~.1r~!"~!1 th~u:'~r:~~~ two--.-·-"' -c;~c-o._.

Ml In tb t.rpruf the twu roouw thAt I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h•d !at l,y booeu ll&t'lr hnmll, •ll•nl 41111 ru wllbuut I nra---almuet \t'llhout lhouRbl UQ IDOD87 or wrmOr), tou, fc1r lh11unltnl betliflh .,.,. hrr \ Jlllblr nf lit till' mni"D tbnu tho cun ull 1ny fumltu~ •lun•u .... tb1.t h~ h•d l•h her, UIC!t'ltl" we till I nn Nm to <'UIU,.JIIn k " 1•bJ \"011 do DOL

r1~~ .:f.,,~~~~~~::~ .. r;:tl)!::'b~l:~,~~~~~ !..:: au1~7n':e0~r~ ·:: ... . -.d-••• c •··· ~eoc·..:· hllf It I"'" "flllbl), in "Jill"' or tlwlrdull- Iron• being looeeorn" She lnif J'<~UIIIIfe thnlllj.rh tbr en1Uk), elty monty, ebr wanla compa.DJ'

blld• (U bf'r !be IIII'UIOI'"J' ftnt. \\ bi'O J'UII gt'l l't'IIIC'd OU •t•uoo.phrrr. ~I(IWI) ht-rflltulth•ecauu• rurnJoany und you wantl~~~:~·~~~~;~:l~~~~g Hu olun ••uJ eh•tll:n'y "'"l"r the pl.-. drt•&' llor'l' t'YII'f'Y day,

tUtTI of !il'r diildJwuol 1hnl tbl' dtolllJJJI PIUIIIf'Y and bt>Jp kc-ep the Pn• lo.t. 'I h•n- "''"' th<' duth of h<'r umtbrr baa done I will puy you "-.making a

fqth .. r, aucl lnh•r thut of thr mothl'r. that, Out ftrst, nn IUtJUu•r Nof• you tlon of lon!.. Bnt Thrn """ nn alum• In tlw l'ill.lR'l" whtn!' nrt'CI tu ~d 11 IUtlr :,.hlllf'.. ahP, Robert.'• widow

~~~~~ 1 ~;:·~~~};n;;,u'::·~~ !:;;,;:;:',¥"~~:~ ~~~~~:;~:~~~~:J;t :,~:~i:~~tO:~roulll• r.::.? .z!!.u~~~n:!,:a bklm"'~ ~p~etljirtJ• ~~~ "h" m,.t llobcrt ''You lrt my mothtr t11lk to JOU," h.. thut.

1\o!l trnn1 tb.iiJlOillt thl"IIH'IIInry ~~~- lUI, aftt'r a momtnt ur tnn, ~and lum IV. ~II wrought IIWiftl) '""' \hUll) Thr ln-re<l nut, cl011mg tht door •oftly. \nd 110, after an ln\erntf. fltq "*"' ;:·~;~.~~~~~~~"1,~~~~~;~i::r;·(.:::.~~~b:l~~ :,·,~ ~m~.! 1 \11~~ ':~:~h~1nr; ~~:~':;~":: ~;"·,~·: :;,~1o:nb~~~~h:':.J-e no-=·: lmo'>' -~~' ~~ bllf dl) 11nd thr rt"lllu~nl from tht' llil· hrokt>n 1-:nlflilh h:ul prou•d br mono nhlow. liPr hl(lplneaa wq not ex• lila:-~ .cunl the Ulrlh of the !Jab' Then p ..... u.!liln• tl .. ,n nil hrr AOn had 11ud ou:tly like the happlneu Qe had fell I..,,..''""'"'" t.b"" ohl\ of thl" dfl'llit'nt whe;, Uobt'rt "t'om,. 10 n•r child," tthe aRid, noon· Rt~ Jtnbert.'a witt', yiP& I& waa ntal. and "'"" h.:0u~:ht huUil' In ;m nmbulnnce. lnj{ly, "and lt't m~ put )Oil to bt'd aucl !)btdtz kDIPl'l' It and rejoleed,

Hr wu not ~~rrmual} hurt, tlu• llourgl'Qn llt:lkl' \(HI to Mlrt>p. Thtn you llhalllll'lp Uut the little girl atlll nunaloed with I :~~~j~:~~~~ ..,.,., though Ill' would hilt•• tn bt· n.h· the ohl Wt.lllllll Do not look nt mt> thnl tht' kind alatl'ra, anc] thl• waa ju.ta """ .,.11 { from Uu· orne"' nwhtlr. lint th,.y ,.. a\- It Ia I who urtd lht•t much II+' 1note In the aunablne torthemotht>r. '"No Juul IH-ru thrift} and uno I mont.' In the than lh~u nrf'cllt mr," llhr•·onc\udrd, In f:n:r) Sunday abe "lalted the ehllcl,juat hoP. to bank-mud• more than e-nough to lidt' he-r n:ltlte tongm• brfon!', ti!OIIRh thla waa neYer mrn· ban of"m ovl"r un idlt•nf'!tl of,, few wcl"k'l. I ft. tlom•d In the ftal Ofer thr drugature.. manufDCtUft," ]l<lht>rl h;a<l lung m·tll!!ol.o 1'\"Bt,.•nd uQ" \nd 1111 It rnml' that flol11.'rt'll widow lint nnr Sunda.J wbrn tb., mothprw~:nl "'and 1 propoae to bt" eouhl b11.n: Jt. She would ~u.~ for camr In hr lht> houllekrl'pl'r of tbl'l\ttlc ·•"n~ Hhulti!! Jookrd nry aerioua, and built, not oD11 at .hlnl mud• lwth:r thnu .my trulnl'cl uf thr-tt>, .IIOIIII'tlmi'R llerYing "" nlll'n hf' waa alone be IH-p~~ walking x-itlon, but at :nun.•·, nnol thry uonlcl still ht• b.ljlp_r t•n•lw:-r nut! hi'IJ>rr In thl' nront hltlt> up 111111 oloiYQ the ftoor. throughout the 1,01~eth"r llrug~~tort> on lht> llrnund lloor '•J .11ball be bac:"k •oon,tlea.r,"abebad will a«ord

tn!~~~.t:~···:~:~~.~~~~;~: 1::~;.~)~ 1 :~.~~:::; ;;~;;7~~:"~m~: .. ~~r~l~ll~1:~~:~~;~)1'r 1 ~1111~~ '~~~~ ~::·~~~:: ~-:.~~~!':;; ~"::~~··!~"'! . .!"~~~ bank Jfr<'W !!'lUI . lh<'\' Lr'"'''' up :.II hut I 1HI~ hy hill!' llhl' ht>C: nne n111'd to 1')"1', nud prrluapa that wa• wl••l mad" 'two room• of tht•r prC"tty 1\.it. fnrr•·on· without Rohrrt; I !ttl~ by llttlt' "ht'grc" hun JmpaUI'nt and cauaed hi• lade~~: .c~mv'" !IOkr 111111 buth to f'('Unomlzl" nml l'lll'l'rful nntl nlmnl't contt'nled to book and unhook tbenueh~ in .;nlc-r thnt •h'-' IIIIJ.:hl l)(' fl1".- to ~'l>'C' netwren hl'r nnd tbt'tlru!flflllt'llmnth· 1 old way, nutQnt•tlrally, u If :hrr .,.·hole tlrnr to thl" m ... i\1<1'• t':n,., the rr thl"rl:' r:une to br 11Uch n bond u mtl\' Jlll.r!JI of 110 unthlnklnl' pleee child. no" thrce l ror'l o!ll, w,J., put In t'Xilt ouly hrtwet'n l'l'l'o woml"n with After 11 tlmr hr put on oeh.1rl;',. of n '"•tl'rbood In a 'homt-.. Jlllrt' nnd almple mlnd11. But Robert's 1 11 dete:rrulnrd alr,and went ·•d:aere the <"ttllt "11-'i oul.' uouJinal, Thr Yoitlow could not. uadrl"'ltmnd the aon, 1 . do" 11 the atnln, muttering WI•


I yca! lt Ia better that aheebonld

no more Sunday vl•ll• to the Sla· home, und 1 wlll11f'e to that. Oh!

(\vllllltctothat. \"t"'l,)t'•!" On lhl' car whlrb ht' b011rtled be ron•

tmuetl to talk bt'io"' hill bn"'ntll, to the nl'ltonlllhmf'nt of hi• fellow pa.sM'Diff'N.

flill "lfe VIlA bidding good.toy to th!! IT ttl!' one .,. ht-n he en te-n-d the 'l•ltol"'l' room lit tbro home; and motht>r and olauq:hter ""rc lrto ab.orbt'llln one AD• otbl"r to notc Ina approach, In 11plle of 11111 hr1uy ttrnd llr na• thinking bow like the motho·r "'"• tllr child when Ilia '""~" anw b1m. and hill look ,...IU 110 Ill· tenae u.s to stttrllt' her na 11he bad be(OI'O bef'n 11t11rtled by him. I'"''"?_''~~··~·~;;_

eb·~~~:~·t ~~=~ ~~~ ~:::,~:;•n~h~;·~~~: .;;..-;;;·- b~~;~:bt~·,;;;i:~;;;;;;~~;;;~;;-~,.:;;;~i~ 11hnll no mor .. be left In thl• plaet!' Conn• to mt', little one; romt- to our honw romrl tht'~••roomt'aougbfor thrro• "'"' thl.m shnlt not longrr be 'l'Jmrnh·d from tb)' mntht'r'"

.\nil uftrr thnt tht'n- ltt'tr nu motra in th+' 'IIIIJMhine for hrr who hlld \Hleu. Huhcrt'a w'-ido'-"---

n1·rghb<J ... Wt'rr kin•!, f!O!pl"''•ally )lrll II• Ml'ml'd to hr frirndl), but It 10, J

Hhult"~ thc• r,ermnn mutlwr of thr· bcu h· l1l~ frlt>nclllhlp "'"' \okelr•ll, fur tht.f clnr I.:ancllord, who kq>t the lll'llt JII'Rr· Ut'\r'r tiJIOkl' tu om· nnoth~r t''tCtpt'frllen

:;::' ~ :~~~~~·;;,:.~~~t~~ .. II:,~/JI:',~ ::~::: .. ~;• ~~·~":'~ ~~~~~~:·::e:..•~~~~~td ~.: l~;.o~~ I w'.~""· ""~:••.•• jn•t un•l"r thr llut "'" re l•f~ With Uoh· tnmrn1 nnd nrii\IRIIII!IUru nnd to bl• ~rt h11d hr,.11 MJ hliJ•JII. mulhrr hi' tnlkt••l frrl'l)', In hrr Jlri!JI·

Page 7: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak

dC'l.J:":':·ll~loumng .. ,dt of th~ t~hlrt b~lt I~,,,._.,."'~" h.ts " lo.ts-rrl•d m bmnn, by FJddr rcpn 'l:'fllllllt' t~le ch .. 1fJ[t', the attmulc of tho;: fignrt'f; md1utltiK uwt1on 111 the d1· ftf110n of the bmoul du.fJtf' The '"' flg"~lfr5 bronght Mit m the hnnt ,U(' hkt-· ne t of C~•loiH'I Culv•ll. C.•lond Ad· am Jllcl \l;ajor Oowme th.- 'I'"Onndrd t;~ff nfhccn ;~lso Clill'lam S.nh:~.n S lo: 1ck Capt.lm W1hon U FJn"dl o~nd

C'lplalll Lou•' :\luller, who wrrt' 111 the the Tf'Rli''IMII llll.t mu tnul t:mt m '(14 It ochar~;r . .1nd 1htd at Gcrt)sburll the fir t voted Ill .lJIJ•rofJn:.te all the n:gunenl.:ll tv.o m the h~t day'~ fight. anol.\lulkr tn fund to the con rrnnwn of t~ame monu- thr ,hargr mcnL GoH_rnur :\Iiiier. colonel of the The Mtnrrnl of thr mcmu­Sc ·nth Mmne"'\nt l, and formM"}) hru- men1 15 10111! to be plc:nlllfl: imprc """

~:~:: G~~;b~~! t~~d r~;~ :."n:"~~'•~p11~ ~h:c~~a~~~~~1!e,?t~;m~·~,/!·~t~~~~~~·~':~: :~~d';"~~r a~,:~~~:1~d d~!~hr J~~~~; !:,,{~~cie: _<~;,:!~tl~ ~~~~~j~~~~h ~~~ ;on 1ron urn, tandmg ~romr lour fret lommandmg to the c:\~Uill olnrrnr l11Jth. Altrr rurch.nmJC :md plac•n~ A I~ prrtC'Iltiou~ monuffll'nl <land~ th1~ urn hl' h:tol a of S;;oo v.h1ch when: the rqr1mrnt fouRht on the Jd.

;':~~J:·,·~~!~"' ,~c:.~" ~r:,::·~~ !~! )!:~~~~::~~:.' f~rb~ ~eii!u~h~ ~cirf:,d~h~~ ~~~~~:~h:'u~~tl>irl~ ami,.: lnr Jlu•·l ~'; :::; ~::~~~~ny<l:h~f.i~ltt\~[.~:,~~011~:

On Apnl to; 1&)1 the "1ate ;rnercm•· nmnant wa~ m thr 'I'Cr} «nltr nl rhc ly ;~pprupnatr•l S-'O.OCO fur the crC"C!IOn bli')Od) anti •lcci~I\C' totrilr :\lorcour. of t~'>'O cntlurlll't munuml·nl~ to the tnmp;,.nu:s F and C. ~parrll the ordeal of alory of thr F1r.1 TeJ:;Imcnt Onr "W"'' thc ola) before, here ,ho"cd them•dvrs to br a ~plendttl :md ebbnrate monu· ""rthy tompantons 111 artn5 of the mrn mrnt to cummtmnr-atc the n'>ble rhatj:.!c. had partictp:atrd in thr char).(C' :~.nd tht othM" wa~ to ~h(!W' thr 1Ht<1\!'>n Th1~ mmiUment to the thtnl day~

of the rtgm1rnt 111 the thin! d.;ay's 6A;ht fiFth! "a]<<) of B:arrc ~rrantte. Thr ba<e They callrd U'ltheu au! the bte sculp ~~a ~m~o:lr ~tonr 6 fert 4 !IIChe~ <quare,

tm Jacob FJ..Jdr of :\honcapohs. and thr next ocour~r •~ ~ lett oanc.l ;: mchrs hc\d many sc '!on~ v.1th h1m. Hr f;Ub- <qu:arc-, ,1nd a loot thtck- thtrd, :~.l~o =~. m1ttcd:. numlo.-r 11! de~1gn .. lor a brnnzc ~mglc tone, i~ 4 feet .:! mchr~ ~quare, fiaurr to he- p\acccl on the summit of thr and .:!I mcht~ l}uc:k. The- d1c ~~ J lett

,.,_....,.nonumcnt, o:~nd the- cnmm1S~JOn finally · 01.nrl .:! Jnchc~ cquarc-, ;mel J lett and 8 dtcJdc•l upron the hrr01C figure- nl a. ~ol- mrhe~ !ugh \\lth nutrd ttuarc column•. dJtr :~.dunnng 10 the- charge full ol de· caned m c.tch corntr The phmh •~..: trrmm.\Uon and obsh. frtt ;mcl 8 inchrs squ;ur, and 16 mchrt

For thr mQI!umcnt proprr, Barre, Vc th1ck It has the trcfo•l '"~'Jt'"'a. of the .,.anuc "' ~ drc.ukJ UJKin The con Sccnnol corp~ r:1i~rd on tach ~•de. The t.r_.f't w01" J(J\'t'll w Jamu H Sulhv.ln, ~halt 1!1 J lett ~quare a! the b;~<c and 18 ol \tum~o:~JJfJh 11 bc1nM ~IIJ>Ubtcd that lttt luijh f\CTY tunf' Tt:U t i>f" J\,m{c\ oJnd Ill\• rhu~ ha :\fmntsOia p:1.11J JIUtab\c I h:m1•hrd For 111 p:.rt r.l thr work he trlloulc 111 ~o:ra•utc :.nd loron:e to the was KI\C"n $10,.:00, nd FJddr fur the glor) of the ~t.;alw:art ~nd itilrlu' men l'FJ!l c: "'orlc rr~CJ\"ed $6 . .;!00 . The who rcprcscntrd If on the nation·, grrat­m.,numcnt " ' tinilll) rrettc•l •n the rst h:~.ttldidd. ")•nng of IF.~}\ anrl wa ilCCtpted July .:!, Tht monumenh hO!\'C brcn completed 11'<"1.1 on 1hc th•rtJrlh anmvtr .uy of the for four yra.n, but no ..1rtmn w.:~< t.1krn och,.qcr . _ I lor thc1r dcdic:mon unt•l the la•1 lrgl•-

cr!k 1:~~uc~~~~t~~ '!,~c~; ,~;a:l::~.~~~; i ~~~!.t"~'J~~~~~~~~~c~.~~·~ ~V~~~~~:;! C~j: '" od hdorr thr ch.u~rt Hllc, of Grand :\f:u":u C B ltdfcl·

Jts ~un trunwn m.1y br rlc~cnbtll a~ finj(Cf ,11\d \\ ill!alll Lnchren. ot \ltnnr-

~~~~:~~~ a~·~e~~~~~~~~~~~n '\~'::rc';:nt~~i,j the cxp(nd1turc of 11111 Sct\1011 t nf tin~ 01tt, wludt ..... u apprm c-d .'\pnl ], 18<l;. ~~ :~.t follow•·

'lccuon 1 rhe mnnumcnt crrdrd h~ th •Ute nl :'-.fmnr~nta ron the hattie-field 01 l,.ctt) <lmr~t to commemorate the 1111· mortal charJ,tc nf the Fu t :\hnnesota 111· fantr} hall be tlcdtc oiul h} thr IJOVCf• nCir of thr <t.l!C" ant! ht nulii.IT\' ~1.1ff,

7~~. ~~~r:.:~:~!~ ~~;.r::ni:~\J,~~~ J:~vt,:~ prurncr of tho~t 'Ctcrans "h" "ere nw,tcrcd 11110 •atd rCJrlment !tor th~ ttrm of thrcr yr:oar< pnnr to Iaiii hJttlc .1nd who p.1rl1l'lpatrd !herrin, 11r whn wrrc prnrntrd from parttcipumg thff<'

:fr 1~\~,:a-~,o~~;~~~~~1ru~;1 :u~;{~~¢~~:~~~; hy rt'l r.n nf ~Jcknc tmurrcd wh1lc m hnr col duty on the march from Fn.l­mauth, Va, ''' thl:" b.Jtllrhc-ld, and all nH•mhrrq of saul rc~onmcnt who wrrr dl~­rhargrd by rr 1 rm ••I "rmud ~I any time pnor to au\ hattlr Thu~ It Wi15 thJ.l <Jillt I jO HlCTJn~ of

the olol F1r t wtnt tn (;uty lmrR .u the tlptn~ of the- ''"'c- w1th rhc- JlO\'trnot a111llu •tafftn I'·'""'Jialr mthc- dtdtca· lion of thr mnnlllnrnt

folio" On ., ~ultd lonnd;al!r>n lit the )or,ttom b:uc, ll:bnb lrrt ;111el 18 •nrhu thl(k, thr nrxt cnur•e 1 t~xs8 lrrt and '" 111rht tlurlc; the nr:o;t. qx11 lrrt by J(, lnrhr~ ;ami the next, ll:o;eJ fnt I•)' -'0 111rh<" Ontlu cnnrr1 lat•ltu:dtt'llr t.1blrt blnclc ,, ''"kif bluck nf the pur· ~ t f'~.lJlll~ '1'7 feet ;j!lfl 5 ftrt i mdtr~ CURRENT TOPICS.

~SE~whrTht)l~;lr:_nthn1 t~:J ~!.l ~~::ctl~:l 'lnr. npet"ln~"uoday atreat ( 1 t1y _. !crt :ulll "' m~hn ht~h On tr•P cara ~n Toronto, Can . coatii:IUe. to 1 1 1h1 ,n 1t OII'Jl !Jrunzt flhnth, '' md -...·orW IV! wrll th1t the thntateued at­tht 11:Hitlll.C hi(!Ur nf" lJrt>IIJt ulthcr. teUipt lu the <Jae•tfoa In lheeourta

~ n:~~~~t~~:~' 1,0 1,~;r ~~~~~~~~~~:~: 11'11 ·~~~~'will prr~tnbly be •baolluac-d. '1"1'" "Ahttr th~ rq;:1mrnt .:ICti(JCuln rll TNI!: Clt.J c:ouoell o.~f Charlcaton, S.C..

lhtrtJ tnnr JtJr j'll" 1 fhr tP nf th] ~~:;;~ ::rt 0:;:;::-;t~~~~~~~ f•Rc~': t'h " 11 ;;;~' ,Jj ,f,~' ,J\;"f.,~,1n


~ fl~;·~~~~ operatlor IP Charlll'atoD to place their lit fotold, -.vlurh thr mu!JIJillc l•rnn'r wlrl'tl uad•r gi'OQad wltbla th• ~~oea&. !KIId•tr rvrr Jrll r I rr tl1r .um• nlthr '-P 1•an. Jt;~te of !l,f,nnr 01 •lunr Ill l1rnnrr (In !-1111. JOII"C Ev.a•a, who M 1 ..,,.. ap a brnnzf' plait on th~ e•t•J>o<o!lf' lolto "' p~~obllahed a book on aacl~rat atoae ha• thr biUI'k, 1 th ' Tll111011• m r;n d plem~rnt.a ~d or~~oame~~ota of o~at llrl-lrtu•r t..Lo hu Ia • If"• I. mt!Utlte rewltt.&n

tbe 1'o\nme a~~od addrd much lmpor\a~~o& IOfot"matloc.

Jmecdltor o f the ~"'ldorado, le, Reo publtcao remarl111d the ntht! r day• • Oar wlta hal"l a rntlnl •I••P lu~ nlaht. !ohO!' awoke thla moralur with brJrbt cy"' a ••f"'ltamlle a~~od • a prior rbldc•P appetl\01'"

l'arrn I. IIUift', of Chlrar., Ia lbe olrtrat maa who "''r appllrd for oat.­aralltatlnP JOQpen In 11tt• ecn~atry. 1111 "•m• frnm !'I r••7· aod, tho111h n yeara old. ••~~erta t•••DJ01 at lcaat 1••ra m rP-•-1_11_& __ _

Urad llullanA

Fl1't Indiana. tucludl~~og Chlf'f \\'~e- 1

Sug, ~trr deatl nt :\lalonc-'a l'oint. on Mllla L~ta I.akr, a~ul at!1'rrlll othen nrc ox preted to dtc u • rnult of drink log •·pain ktllrr. · hair oil aPd other prepnratlon" conla1Pint alcohoL The lndlnn paymt•Pt i111a been I:'Q!mr oo then-, and the ludsana rurved them­-.cl1'c-ll with tbl'l 11lUft', Which wu boull'llt fmm !llulone'a trudiPII' peat. Indian rldCI'$ arr now aeourllll' el"ei'J •••,. n-U•• Ia Clll-..,,

&::~lotfo;!'~•rrrc~~r;~!10~01!~. ~~:K ~~~ llllcago, July G -The blgbC"Sl point ou1 trouhle muy reaull, u the red· Teachcd b) the the-rmometer OP Moll• ~>kin• thin II :\lalour i11 to blame for tbe day "oa 'ill 'f. A 1remcndoua death roll Ueath~;. I ,.. .. pl.lcl!'ll on ~nl. Thecoroner"'IIU

Knn~kJ~dlynloL ::-~~!~=~~~~~~l~~~=~=~::::: The- •mpn·me et:~nrt hilA ha~~odcd IP • d and on Satunlll.f and Su~~oday.

~::~~~~ o:~~~: cl:l~n"' ~~dft:e ~::1t: I !~~~~~~M:::y~r:=~"'Jse:r: ~:: ll~ ;.0:' c~~~~:;c::'lo~l1~.,toy~:r:t:5f~ ~·rr~~~ ~ ":;:; ~":r b;:;: ~::enlaa~mtha at-of lllnd wu IJ.Cl apart In that eounty U'l ut ICI==c==-=:.: far oc~tp\tol purpo~c11, but thr 11upreme c,. .. loac lUll• Cattle. f.:ourt }Jolc.hl thnt thf' lcl!'~lature cau I'D Kunlcnk r. Ill, Jt1l1 J.-A cyclone n.bout bu1ldinll' a capitol w1thout flr.t paa~~cd o'er Donrbo~~onala a~~od lioneer dlsp0'51n,:r of thnt lan1l, fl'l1'rn fol' the towtuhiJM Frld.aJ afternoo~~o. Two purpo1e llnm11 were Wrt'ckcd, and ill one of

hhln•pJH"d. the-m two cblldrt'n parrowJ,r escaprd>f'th A. :\fcllooald, of Uuluth, wltb tlJclr 111'U. An orc:hanl of four

who Willi girf'n the cultody of thr two 11cru w111 uprooted A large amount children ... hen •hi!' rcc:ei1'C'll • dl1'oree or lhe 1tock wna kii!Miund blAilJbulld· from brr hullbnnd, JRek Mcllooalll, a lnp wen damaged b1 lla"htuln~ No !e1ow ... -ccka a~o. h1u cotnplalned that fatalltlel rrportt'd. though hdOJ'IUDtfOD

~~;~~~~;c~4;1a,'lrhrlcti1~:!''7:.r;:C'il ~":; 11 mca~r:: -...,-...,.,--,-

hrr formrr 1Julbnod hu gone to C.aP• adn. nnd ahr fra.n that he hu kid· napped thr child ren

Page 8: Jlionttr. · l't ual to Cho.mbcriain's culic Gihhs hM npclkcn hero t.wicL' before, of movables and ~.tock a_ wock ago hoiH~ and dio.rrboca. remedy for t\10!1tJ whohnvo beard him speak

~~~;~~:~::,~!j~~~~;~?~;; , :~uo oa " ... "

~f/.t~;~~~t~;:.~~~§:~~~:~g~ I Rb drew from und r b pJJI th

I tter •h• bed writtel awl haqdlll U. Dr KIIIL "Wbett Ill• l•11e ol tb8

1111r :~'.:":n•1 .. ~~:!~! :/t JDU

uu• fl'\11:1 ~~~~~: ruas::.':y7'=~1!!:: 0~~= ~:~•II~!~ :~::~~U!!~:=~ d~r~::~tlt~~~;~ll ".':~~~ lJI~1~h~~) t~;l:trllt IIIII ~~::~~~:.:!~~tel!.~ t::m:ud!::s~· .~~ thnnlfhl uf hi• •lumhlt>nt. aln>ady ~':';~;;~~:;~~~:-e:--~'!:~~ ~~o1"' ~~k):~~!. ·:·';~~~:: :·:.~:~;:,~~ ~~~· ~~ ~~~~t!~~;::,.:'~ :~:r ~!rm!~:~~~ :-ro!:~~~~~~~~·,~':,','!t~11th:~:~~~ c::,~~tl~ \~•: ~~~n~~~~::.::~ ~r:~~u::n~ br.atb­~~~ ~~~tt.:~,·~ ,::~:rwl~:~~~~~~~:;:: 111!','~: :~:~.~~~;::!io~~~~~~~:::.'~~J!:i· :::.~~ ~~'::::·11~! :~~~~·:,·;~~Jat mdfra.yffi linl'nl unte fmm Dr. Llll•: 04\ld run>h got 0\11) 1\C\~ clulhe 11.nll 1;~,:!":~ 9d~u ... Tt''o~r ~ 1 f1~.~t>yl~:; ~!:~ wbt'n br dhl he wenl tu • chraJI to hDI'., ll will be • •ucnutW on .. Thtll

:·~l~t;l~du:~~~. ~~~~~:~~u :,:~~ ~":~1hil~el;'·~ l~l;:;~:}"0Y~~~7.!h~~,~~~~~:~E?i~~ hud bf'..-n ll ft•W lll<'h'-'11 llllier he WOUirl o"Hrly YOUMI, J lt0Wt:: CLUB."

~11:.'\,c~~~; ;::;:,:~ ~~:t.lir~::·ul ,~0::\:~•; Tbc uth~r note" ;' .. ".v",,'',.'' ouoO,uumr j

~nu~~l k1




, :~,~u:;~,u~~~~u1l,~yUPc:,";.!~i ji!' ~~~~~~:!;~:I lUI beallliful IPI Ju~l·ph's to muke him mor~ ro:ILJ•C"Cil'<l ut hill ollLCll or moru lo•ed ut home .. \.II be)"und tbollt' h\O pltu.'fll wWI nothing to huu

llut ;\l.1ry Juvcd IHm Sht:1 more thun tovtd him.. :.l.u• put him 011 n u.ntl t•ro••nt-d lum \lith glur.) um.l :·.··· ., ... -·-·. '" ·•·:-·."

~~IOI:b~~~~~= ~~~~~~~:~~tc;th~I~U~t• .. t,l ;;;:; ;;:~;.~,;·;,:;,!~~;;; .aud s\11• \\ould bon! dh!d fm buul('lutll}.j :;;;·;,;;;;.;.:·;;., ,;;;;;;h;~·

ri~~~;y n7.·:~~:~~:::~~~·b!;•~;:~~~.·:~·~,:~\~ bnYc lookl"<l like n dut:bc-. .\~ h \\lltr,

In her ,;huple, honu:-made gowu.li_ nntl tno>th:•~ ll<.mnl't, 11hc oul} loukl'd hl<o n o,·.:ry bcuuuful moltu:r, wlul'l1 llf IDOr<ll tb.::m a-ome ducht:~>ICll Uo.

an! :o~;~~~::::.lll:::~~.l~:~~~ ~~::~~~ ~~ !fo!~l ~::~~:d~~~1:~~~~rr::~~~~ 50, wiUl ll dce1• IIIOUrning humL Oh III II Jllnfl Ill 1L good IIUMIII; lhll will lllkll .:ar;eo

~~~~~Y&llt ,~~.:~~:,:~l ~~:~·;~~~h;.~ro;;~t~! ~~~~~~~~~r~~}::h~; ,:u::a:::~ ,:;:_" l -d.;&ugbter. oln.~'(! In , Ill! bu1 ·MARY" kuee, a.nd be unll the t•ura.l.o 'fbc Jbn•t> dooloMI ~tnod \\I plug ti.Jelr nn11 cluHted wat.h tbe llttJc 1 ~:lell.mlng ln•tnllue•Hs, tulklug lu hlllf· >miUIIIl her wbl~pen of the Ofli!Mtl\On. A whlte-

'Thero: ts n llt'IYI.f 11111<it• wulower," CI>{IJ>ed 11\l ... lle wus •mplumug the shecli!. 1.hnugbL :\l.l''Y. "and he olo~:><n"t ~oePm to ami path.l.lng from Lite t"lpf'rollng table. mind much [ wonolo>r lr IJn~id would At tht! 1lde ol the bell "lwre Mnrl (lht had nhno.t ~U~Ifl "will") cure 110 il•y. •mother doctor and nnothtr whhe· little." I'RPJICd uur11c 11tood \\lltcblug tor the

Suddenly tb~ oldt-r mnn turned to the llr~~t !lgn11 ot lu~r retunuug con.sclonll· ~ur:J.te, and Mnry lliiW hi• bee druwn uesa !)be Juy lieunl} nm.l with rnu11· In :l11 ugonya! gnet. clc>1 rcluxed, w•th l'loseLil t:)es, llrt.>nth·

'"Du.l ynu e<"cr bury J.nyone you loved mg laborJouBIJ, nod wbite 1111 the linen desf'""ratel} ~·· he n.Kilt-d. on her lll~d.

1.'be cur.1Cc uu"''"rcd \VIIb nppropn· Da•ld puuhed open tbedoorwlth court9y: ".l';"o, 1 have ht:cu n•ry stendy lmnd, nud Cd.IUC ucroi'R the room lortunate 1 ha~c olwR-)11 lboughL bo" · to tl•e bed. Without n word he dropped t'li'C~r. thnt the only WJHC way to) fuce on his knees ID n grie!-Btrlcken heap at .such a grid would IK- pbilosoplucally. the lled11ule. kno••ing 1t was (,od"l! \\Ill tbnt It Dr. 1-.llill put. hla band on his llhoul-GbouW como: to ull.'" dl'r, und hi!! looked up, •nth. Ullb'1Lillli-

··You hu•e nl.'•t!r hurled un~ont you Julien ey•'ll, that pttl(ully plc:nded fora lOll.'<l II. tteratt•l.). Whf'll ) OU come tu wonl of hope do that }Oil will not be Lhlnklng or plu· "She'' Ill do u('ll," llllid 1he dot:tor, in Jowphy," a.;lnl tho other a ebet:ry whi11per "The opt>rutwn was

And th+!n th•·.l' apol:..• uf other \ ~uc ce.lill fur beyonU.our ('Xpt'et.uiLonK-;\I.;Jry JIUILed dowu her •uti t.o Hut 1t Ill importnul for J,..,, tn l.'Otne

wd cht:ek.a. out uf tbe ellLer qult'tl). Dott't. you 'l'oor lJa•J<P lit: \\til lllind; ht: w11l think, ~tr. Wmalow,ll \\Ould Ue n f.I'OOfi

not. forget n~ht a\\,1)."' 11he lhought. plun for JOII 111 11lamllu·rc ut th.., font .\ bulf-bmtr Jut..,r, ll.1r~ 11Lood lu n of the htd, wberfl Hhl' t"U!Ifi('e you wht•Jt

de:~.n. bare hill~ romn lul:b up on til~ Kho• 1lr.<t Opl'nll her e3e11? Tht-11 l'lhe Will

top llnnr of ... tJI!Let bonrdln!f·hOUI!e on forget t·nttr~ly nil the JIUin of her lll'J>­o. tdt: 11tre<'l .\ younj.f doctor \\ith unnlon from }Oil, nn1l 1.'\'erythlug \\til \\id~nwa\tt"', Luh·lhg••nt fuoe \\Uti bl" qull<' nle" nud c~·mforto.\!11•" ing to h"r Da\ul ro11t', .hunlli)' ob,.rlll'nl, nml

• Yu, .\In~. l!uhin!IOtt," he "'ud, gr<~\t:- 11tood "here the tl~X"Ior dir('t'tP!l, Ue­ly, 'tht Ojll'r.ttron 111 llllJlt'r.J.Iifc, It 111 \OIIrhtJ::" ,qth hilL f'Y''II thr pa.\o. hf'nu\1· tbf! onl) "'H tu llllll' )uu r lift. 1f •t £nl fiLI:C l}ing anud lh~ tlw.:k hrow11 aUL'I' C<.l , )' ou \HII beeume u JWrfecUy bnntla. Rlruu~ wom;an; t! 1t. full!!. }011'11 he ":Sow, )(I'll "Wioai0\1, i11 thr ptllo•'l" lll'arl.'d lh~ paul ufnln~er~n~:dcnll1, right"'" n•ked Dr. Elll11, tr\"Lnl{ to yau'll not !Urlhe> op~rutlun more rDII.'tC her. ''Won't you lc\ me try to t.han I* h.ulf bnur at tbe mo!lt. .I put tho rn.l11e you up n little?" ea~·· plulnly to .) 011 \ m• mufit know lt ll'l'Ule<.l bou!'ll to D01vh.l bdort• all tbt: c•reiiUIIItlln<t 11, all tht- rtak11, that. )(ary, "lth ;~ dtt-p "'f.!'h,liftedhl'rhl'll\} you m11y il\.'1 Ide Wt'llly" white lid•. .I\ tnomrnt l1er hnlf-con-

"I. hufu de<:Lded," Rht! an11wtr••d, ""lous eft'" restt:d on 1he dootor, who &tcadll}. v.u11 t~peaklng to hPr, und then 1hn

• \"cry wl'll, 1 Will hn.v" th" niiMII'II lookrd nt Dnvld She trtPd to m1k~ 1aere Inn lillie wblle, nnd thf' ollU!'rdoc- tht nervtlt!!JI Hp11 lliOVt!-falll'd" once, tora will mee-t me hf're nt a quar.,._.r he- und tl1Pn 11lon ly, patnht\1}, ~~obu ~~-nlth fure l"-O J bare 11poken to lh~m uhotlt "Dnrllng, I lo•e you!" it.. [ na11 only wtultng for a llnal won! "~he'R nil right now," ISIIIhl flr. 1-.llh, trom you lu (:Ompli'IC niL the rUTRnge- in n tonf~ of rthl'f :m~nta" rn" few momrnt11 nil th" doetort~.luul

lit bado• ~t11ry '"(oOO<.I mormug," un•l gon~. lt>n.•lnlf Dnvld anol a. 1111r11e to left beruloue walrl\ ~[o.ry

}.Ian \f.t>l tllllurolly rntlu•r a, 0\~,,nl, ·~hi'' I doing 11plrndhll:r 110\¥, 11\r,'' "llpt'd;lly 11h0ut llttil' lhllllo,..· ~llld<•l"!'l, 11.1\tl tit<' llllnlt', 11\0<"t'!l h} lhr lrouhlr in WOrl.lll o~nd 111Uda·11, t'\"1'11 \t•ry IIIUU.IJ D:\"rH\'11 fll.<"f' lt"l llf>I'.Lk 10 him. "Tht•rt• onf''J, nmde hrr tthuo•t fnlnt, 11ntl """ IR not 11 bit morl' tlnngo•r" w1111 ufra1d tu lnnr>l nlt1111' ... r '""''-'l"Jlln Uut fJJvul dhl nnt hrhrvP tluat Thr u. ru•1fll h lu·nlt'it. HuL ht•r pulse Willi >lhlltlow of th•• tt·rrlblt' jlOII IIL h~llty of hl11 H•ry ateu<l.)' nn• H ll<'••uwd to hrr to wtrr'11 d) mg had fo~ollrn arrntt~ hlllllt"nrl, 1111y. "IJafhl, .l.Jnv1d, IJ1"ill,"' u.o It llt·.J.l und It would tniH• more tbnn worda tu

lib•• w~o~lk•·d u•rr to llu• •~lmlow untl IIH It Jl)<)l<rd 1lown .ot thr l"'oplr f'rmotng 11111J \<1 thf' •lo<•lnn .-•·nt olov.u thf' III~P" lfT>hiJt Ul the •lro·rl. illll'l'/11/"d IU lwr uf thP boarding h0\11'11' Onl' nit\• th.~L 10he bu<l rnllr .. tv liull hl'l Jl""'I'IOnlll· ".\no! yt-l "ITe 11rn tntlJrhltltot womrn jt, Blm 11~<1 rouiiJ h"•lllll" th111 "r. nrt• uot br-aH•" Jt;,h~n m lw h.tlwltl t\u•dU<JQr:tnd ''Ob,)~li,Lhf'¥Dn"br:at•,nrlhl'"\¥nrhl 11.,. hQardlng-lwu t kt•rrwr """ wu~ wouhl 1101111 hr drttnpu\utl'•l," lltltd the filul w 111 nf ttnl lffiJlOrtun• t' lu nnbotly n""'"''~ ·fii'•IJ:I:II ,Jo< lor lthn had tulmlu· nbout her. r ... ,,,.. tlm·tt•rntuluurllrllllill llltrrt•l tlu r-!her "llnl--.rr-Or- EIIIR, wa 01 u. 't"I\JI 1'11111 thrro· Wf'rll 11111111 111)\V wlull tlo ynu tl!lnk nf lhnl!ll'hcmo "r;tAe5"' !Ike htl 111 tl11• 1 dy 1 h" lw~· Q! mHu· (or rrmm·lnR" lhf' \f"nnUnrm J>ltaLI wrrd Cull tJf propll' whn Wt•re njlprndl~ lit lnfunt11, nnd tlolnR" nwny uulnJ.r '" tllf' !<Ill, """r li)"IIIN' •·••·n IIIIW furr11•r with d111nrrfl of IIJIJlrTidirltlll':''' ..&it lllhf! fhml,:tlit rtf It tho hlork pn\1 ".\Jfrf'ntlll'il<'lllr 11111 n ~trrlt 11d\~lnt'r, dralh M'('lfll •I In ..-ttl~> u~rr lwr nnd 1111 olnrtnr," nniiWI'rr•l J.Jil~. htiiA"IilnR' •hf' aaw. aud .,mnthrr ht>r Jrnnol-uRtllft'tlly '\\1tt>" "filii llwl •

"!tly hnahnnd nt.Y hn~h1H1•I'" 10hf' mnlhror- with a 1111hjrvt lo tr.\·, r-nm•l<lrr-

P:.';:'J;11•;;·;n1~~~:~~ 1:1 ::~:·":;t :~~~;;;;,,. ~;:n~'~ JOIII"'•@r•lr•• trrnllll fnr II• U(lrn•·

:~~~~~:~~uW.~,'j,~; .. :,.l~:;,~ ':'r!';,~ rl A~~ "'~:·I_~'." \~~n;:;:;:ll:.::;;•lr Rrt~nl n•• on tlu "nnln~. 'I'll "•he wrn~ TJ1~rrwtrnf•l·• 11'111""" ~flf'RN1 '"""

:~~::~J.~ :~~~,./\~'t~· lndo•lr•.r th•r th•r tb•tKmnl1 of an7 otflcrUtlnl Sb• bad .,.,-,.r tbou1ht otdJinralnn•· lfi'Utnr-e.

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