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How to chose a stroller for your baby

Finally the big moment arrived. You are a parent had just a small baby was born. Together with great love and excitement, there is concern for the safety of the infant, and will make sure that nothing displeased him. Well, you need a baby carriage. This article will detail what you should check out this selection.Using a cart you can stroll with the baby (even while sleeping), to calm him when he cries, rest Mlahuz it all the time. However, choosing this baby carriage a very complex issue, and employs the new parents even before the arrival of the baby. There is a wide range of baby strollers, and one can easily get lost in abundance. There are baby strollers sports (with three wheels), carts with bath and a soft or hard. I want to do order selection process.Important parameters in selecting a baby strollerIt is very important not to deviate the most important things a baby stroller: be safe, high quality, convenient child and parent (a reasonable weight and folding easy.) Also, you should spend a little more than a wagon, especially if going to another child. The following are the main parameters in selection:Safety wagon - the wagon is important to make sure his daughter Israeli standard European or even American, indicating that she had tests. Will provide a company with responsibility for repair services. Check whether the cart stable enough. It is recommended to put a bag that weighs 3 pounds on the cart handles and see if it stays stable. Out of fear that your child will be at the cart and it will reverse it, or remove him from the wagon and it will reverse back. Check quality of materials, unrestrained - not to be ashamed. It is important to match the function as well as to a baby car seat. Quality fabrics - have to ask some questions: Are the fabrics "breathe"? Does the sun visor is also against the rain? Is the mattress soft enough but thick enough to not feel the back of the wagon chassis? Is removable padding to washing if necessary?Weight cart - is very critical because there is extensive use of the cart. Highly desirable to have a convenient lift it - the house is not on the first floor and an elevator, or in the trunk and more.Ease of folding cart - fold should be comfortable because folding in real time, the baby will be on their hands, perhaps not an ideal situation - crying, screaming, when it's hot or when it rains very much. Typically, resting one hand fold more often women than a cart that requires two hands for the fold. Furthermore, please note whether there is a convenient carrying handle cart when folded, and if there is an automatic lock after the fold.Cart size - make sure you can get the wagon and leave more space in the trunk as well in the car while driving. Keep in mind that if setting out a family vacation, have to leave room for more items in the trunk except the wagon. If the width of the cart is too large (over 60 cm), the cart did not come into any elevator, will take up much room for folding, or may not come into any room in the house. On the other hand, if the cart is too narrow it will not be easy chubby baby, or a more advanced age baby , so you can enjoy it for long.Wheels - they vary depending on family needs and location. If you live in a country with dirt roads should be wide and large wheels, compared to those living in urban areas would be satisfied with small wheels.In conclusion, it is important to test, compare the various companies, find baby carriage convenient, relatively easy, the most suitable family for the baby. This is a great start new life.It is also practical to find it all online using articles about babies or just simple Google search.

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