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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Patience Is The Tower of Light 1

Ongoing Events at ICA 2

Hajj Pilgrimage 2

Thank You To Community 3

Patience (Continued) 3

From Our Readers 6

Test Your Islamic Knowledge 7

Classifieds 10

Eid Al-Adha Information 11

October Prayer Schedule 12






Dear brother and sister Muslims: The

wisdom is that the coming of trials

and hardships should be awaited with

patience, peace and conviction. Allah

(SWT) has stressed this point

repeatedly so that no man can escape

tests and trials. So that man may be

alert and ready at the time when these

hardships and difficulties descend on

him, and he should not be frightened

by these heavenly and earthly

tribulations and need not be

disappointed and disheartened.

As said in his Holy Book in Surah

Muhammad (31): “And verily we shall

try you till we know those of you who

strive hard (in the Allah’s cause) and

the steadfast and still we test your

record.” In this ayah, Allah (SWT) is

telling us to be prepared and that he is

going to test us so he can know those

who strive on his path.

Being patient is a sign of striving

towards Allah (SWT).

One of the poets has expressed the

same idea in these words: “We had

anticipated the hardships of the night

before their coming. So when they

descended, there was no addition to

our knowledge.”

“Patience” Continued on Page 3

This article addresses “Patience.”

“Patience is a light.” In the intricate

paths of life, when difficulties and

hardships confront a man, and the

darkness of adversities and suffering

becomes long, it is “patience” only that

acts like a light for a Muslim. It keeps him

safe from wandering here and there and

saves him from the muddy mire of

disappointment, desperation and

frustration. Patience is such a basic

quality that a Muslim needs it to shape

his life in this world and in the next. On

this basis only, he should attend to all his

work and make it a torch light for guiding

his way or else he will be defeated in the

field of life. He should prepare himself to

tolerate the hardships and difficulties and

should not holler or raise hell. He should

sit with patience and wait for the results,

however late they may take. He should

not run away from responsibilities,

whatever they may be.

No doubt and misgivings, no hardship of

trouble should prompt his intellect to

indulge in impatience. He should have

plenty of self-confidence. He should not

be frightened by the dark clouds

appearing on the horizon of life, even if

they may be appearing continually. No,

he should be fully sure that these clouds

of adversities and hardships will

disappear, and the clear and bright

atmosphere of success and glory will

appear again one day.

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And proclaim to mankind the Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on

foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep and distant

(wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj). (Quran: 22/27)

DHUL AL-HIJJAH The name of Dhul Al-Hijjah comes from the word Hajj or pilgrimage, which the Arabs would make to Makkah even before Islam. For Muslims, Dhul Al-Hijjah is the last of the three consecutive sacred months and the last month of the Islamic calendar. It was in this month in which Allah (SWT) revealed the following ayah: “… This day those who disbelieve have despaired of (defeating) your religion: so fear them not, but fear me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favor upon you and have approved for your Islam as religion …” Ayah 3, Surah Al-Ma’idah).

Ongoing events

at the ICA

Ongoing Events

at The ICA →

Weekday Madrassa (Monday – Thursday) – 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Weekend Madrassa (Sunday) 10:00 am – 1:30 pm Family Night - First Saturday of The Month, ICA Community Center 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Arabic For Beginners Class (Saturdays) 9:00 am to 11:00 am Advanced Arabic Class (Saturdays) 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Food 4 The Needy Program - Every Third Saturday of the Month - 12 Noon Masjid International Wahadah The Sealed Nectar, Biography of the Noble Prophet (SAW) by Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri - Thursday Evenings, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Book Reading)

Imam’s Class, Every Saturday, ICA Community Center, Alameda, CA 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sister’s Deen Class, Every Sunday, ICA Community Center, Alameda, CA 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

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Undoubtedly if accidents and obstacles are faced with a

clear sight and full preparation, it will prove advantageous

for Muslims and this will help in stabilizing and

consolidating his position.

Dear Muslims: We understand that patience relies on two

important realities:

The first reality is concerned with the nature of this

worldly life. Allah (SWT) has not made the world a house

of peace and satisfaction, or of rewards and recompense,

but he made it a house of trials. The time we spend in the

world is really a time for unending experiences. We come

out of one trial in order to undergo another trial which is

harder and different from the ones we have experienced;

that is, man is tested once by one thing and again its

opposite, as iron is first heated in the fire and then it is put

in the water. Similarly man is tested by favorable as well

as its opposing means. When Allah (SWT) blessed

Sulaiman (AS) with a great and magnificent Kingdom, he

knew about these natural laws of the world. Allah (SWT)

informs us in the Holy Quran, Surah: Nahl: 40. what

Sulaiman said, “This is of the bounty of my Lord that he

may try me whether I give thanks or I am ungrateful.

Whoever gives thanks, he only gives thanks for the good

of his own soul; and whoever is ungrateful is ungrateful

only to his soul’s hurt. For surely my Lord is absolute in

independence and bountiful.”

The history of life on this earth teaches us from the first

day until the present, is very sorrowful. The right thing to

do is that man should himself make his own way in this life

and he should be sure that the way to his destination is full

of thorns, trials and filth.


The community at Masjid International Wahadah would like to thank everyone who came

out to support the opening of our new masjid, MASJID INTERNATIONAL WAHADAH on

Saturday, September 13, 2014.

We, Insha Allah, expected a large group and were overwhelmed by the support of not

only the Oakland Muslim Community, and those "Not Yet Muslims" near and far, who

attended the Grand Opening.

Within the word WAHADAH, you will see "Ahad" meaning ONE and that's what we're

striving for: To turn to the One, the Only, ALLAH (SWT), who supplies all our needs and

answers all our prayers. Allah u Akbar!!!

So again, Thank You for your support. We look forward to the further development of our

community in Oakland and continued support for the Islamic Center of Alameda in the City

of Alameda.

Imam Musa Balde'

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The second reality is concerned with the nature and

temperament of faith. As in the relationship of men, true

friendship and sincerity can only be judged when it is

confronted with unfavorable and bitter conditions, when

they have to deal with the hardships brought about by the

vagaries of time, and when they are surrounded by

various kinds of problems. At such a time a man’s real

worth and sincerity is known. Exactly similar is the case of

faith. To find out the truth and sincerity about faith, it is

necessary that a Muslim be tested, he should be put in the

crucible of fire to see whether he will be burn away with

the impurities. That is why Allah (SWT) said in Surah;

(Ankabut 2,3): “Do men imagine that they will be left at

ease because they say, we believe, and will not be tested

with affliction?” Verily, we tested those who were before

you. Thus Allah (SWT) knows those who are sincere and

knows those who feign.”

Undoubtedly, Allah (SWT) has knowledge of everything

manifested and concealed and from the above ayah this

examination will be no addition to Allah’s (SWT)

knowledge because he knows all the conditions from the

beginning to the end. It simply teaches us that divine

knowledge cannot be made a basis for man’s reckoning.

His reckoning will be on the basis of his own personal

deeds. For example, if some criminals deny their crimes in

this world, then on the Day of Judgment, the proof can be

bought against them by making their own body parts as

evidence against them. Their efforts and striving to create

corruption and mischief among others and all their

misdeeds will be repeated before them.

On these two bases, the foundation of patience has been

kept. And for this reason Islam demands it, but he who

shuts his eyes from realities by force of his nature is

dumbfounded when he has to face hardships and his

hands and feet become inactive when he has to fight

difficulties. His rashness dislikes waiting and patience and

he is unable to tolerate it. Therefore, when anything bad

happens or he has suffered some kind of failure or when

he meets with an accident, the earth with all its great

vastness becomes narrow for him. The condition becomes

exasperating for him and he wants to come out of these

conditions in the twinkling of an eye, but it is obvious that

in this effort he will not be successful for it is against the

temperament of the world and the deen of Islam.

Brothers and Sisters: It is expected of a Muslim to earn

the virtues of patience by learning to wait and to wait for a

long time. Only through waiting and trusting in Allah

(SWT) that patience is acquired. Allah (SWT) wants us to

learn to wait; that’s why he mentioned in Surah Al

Ambiyah: 37 “Man is made of haste. I shall show you my

signs, but ask not to hasten.”

It is written in a hadith the Prophet (SAW) said, “He who

will adopt the policy of patience, Allah (SWT) will give him

patience, and no man has been given a greater and better

gift than patience.” Bukhari

Patience is a symbol of greatness, glory and perfection. It

is a means of security against the environmental

conditions and losses. That is why ‘Sabur’ is one of the

beautiful names of Allah (SWT), because he gives respite

to his sinning slave and does not hasten to punish them. If

they are quick in committing crimes, He enforces His

destined decisions and verdicts in centuries. He gives

respite to people for a long time. He does not catch them

immediately on their wrong action. That’s why he stated

in surah Hajj: 47: “And they will bid you hasten to the

doom, and Allah (SWT) fails not in his promise, and surely,

a day with Allah (SWT) is as a thousand years of what you


My dear Brothers and Sisters: Patience is included in the

factors of manliness, heroism, bravery and courage

because the burden of life cannot be borne by the owners

of weak and puny bodies. When one has a load to be

carried from place to place, he does not employ infants,

sick persons or cowards, but he engages strong shoulders

and powerful arms. The same is true of life. The burden of

this great responsibility can be lifted and shifted from one

place to another place by only that person who is lion-

hearted and is a mountain of patience and determination.

For this reason the leaders, rulers and the great

men/women of the nation have to face hardship and

troubles in accordance with their capabilities and qualities.

Allah’s (SWT) Messenger (SAW) was asked: “Which

people have to face the hardest trial?” He replied: “The

Prophets, and then the people of the lower rank, and then

lower and still lower. The people are tested in accordance

with their religiousness. The man whose relationship with

the religion will be strong and firm, but his trial will be

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hard. The man whose religiousness will be weak, his trial

will also be lenient. A man’s test goes on until he is

successful in his tests and then he walks on the ground and

there is then no sin on him.” Islam has honored those who

have been involved in the trial and tribulations of the

worldly problems and it has comforted the tired and

fatigued people, in order that they may get relief in their

sorrow and their burden of adversities may be lightened.

The Prophet (SAW) said: “A Momin is like a soft and

delicate plant, which is moved by the wind. Sometimes it

bends it and sometimes it raises it up, till he completes his

span of life. But the example of an infidel is like that of a

hard plant, whose roots are not deep. One blow of the

wind uproots it.” “Whom Allah wants to bless with virtue,

He inflicts on him wound.”

A man who fights with the hardship of life, sometimes he

defeats them and many times he is defeated by them. The

value of such a man before Allah (SWT) is much higher

than the man who sees the fun from a distance, neither he

has to fear any danger nor is any other thing afraid of him.

The reward that the patient and hard-working fighters in

the field of life will get on the Day of Judgment, the prizes

and the honors that they will receive will be much more

that what the other persons who were performing other

compulsory duties (worships) will be getting.

Dear Muslims: There are many varieties of patience. One

is that patience which manifests itself as steadfastness in

obedience. Another variety is the name of keeping ways

from trouble to stand firmly in adversities and display

courage in difficulties is also a kind of patience. The basis

of the first kind of patience, that is to be steadfast in

obedience, is the performance of the basic items of Islamic

worship correctly and r remaining constant on it, requires

patience and perseverance. For example, salat (prayer) is

a worship and compulsory duty of life which requires to be

performed repeatedly. About this Allah (SWT) says: “And

enjoin upon your people prayers, and be constant


In the Holy Qur’an, the mention of exhorting one another

to patience is made. The Almighty Allah has sworn that

the human welfare is equally dependent on both these:

“By time indeed, man is in the state of loss, except those

who believe and do good deeds, and exhort one another

to patience.” (Al-Asr: 1-3).

Opposed of the sins, it is only patience and steadfastness

which counter the pleasures and temptations which

glamorize the crimes. Allah’s Messenger has said:

“Paradise has been surrounded by the unliked things,

while the hell is surrounded by carnal desires.”

In another hadith, he said “O ummul U’la! Be happy that a

Muslim’s sickness removes his faults, as fire cleans the dirt

of iron and silver.”

O Allah! grant us to act upon your book and the sunnah of

your beloved Prophet (SAW), and grant us patience, love

and understanding of this deen. And may Allah (SWT) give

us all Jannatul Fardous....... Ameen... Sincerely, Imam

Musa Balde’

Behold! We gave the site to Abraham, of the (Sacred) House, (Saying): “Associate not anything (in worship)

with Me; and sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves

therein in prayer. “And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and mounted on

every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways; “That they may

witness the benefits provided for them, and celebrate the name of God, through the Days Appointed, over the

cattle which He has provided for them (for sacrifice): then eat ye thereof and feed the distressed ones in want.

“Then let them complete the rites prescribed for them; perform their vows, and again circumambulate the

Ancient House.” Such is the Pilgrimage: whoever honors the sacred rites of God, for him it is good in the sight of

his Lord. Lawful to you (for food in Pilgrimage) are cattle, except those mentioned to you (as exceptions: but

shun the abomination of idols, and shun the word that is false, --- (Holy Quran: 22:26-30).

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Maximizing the New Masjid: To the Heart of Dawah, Contributed by Muhammad Saadiq

In establishing a Masjid for Dawah and change in the Belly

of the Beast here in Oakland, we are poised to embark on a

path that certainly leads to success: A reward that only

Allah (SWT) can give and one that provides benefits without

measure. The Quran instructs us to do Dawah. In Surah Al-

Nahl 16:125 it states: “Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord

with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them

in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord

knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who

receive guidance.” In understanding this, there are a couple

of points that sometimes get lost in translation.

The first part of the order is to invite with wisdom and

beautiful teaching. In order to do this with any great

success, it is highly encouraged for one to study. Study both

the demographics of the community involved and a study of

the psychological aspects of the community that is to be

targeted. Whenever a commercial company decides a

product-launch, whether it is the latest iPhone or Galaxy

Note or whatever fancy gizmo, they perform extensive

market research. Before the Prophet (SAW) entered into

Medina, he sent before him Sahabas to instruct and provide

a comprehensive psychological landscape of what was to be

expected. When he entered, he knew the leaders from the

followers and friends from the enemies and he was well

prepared to deal with them all. In our community, there are

ongoing classes that will help you understand your Deen.

Please attend the Imam classes even if you don’t plan to be

an Imam. There are those whom you will have to lead that

will benefit from that knowledge. Please attend our

lectures and events held at the masjid, for learning this

Deen is paramount.

The next thing that stands out for Dawah is the packaging of

the message the “beautiful teaching” part. How do you

present Islam to those who do not yet believe? Learning

how to present the message is almost important as the

message itself. Presenting this Deen in the most palatable

way without compromising this awesome message takes

wisdom, practice and patience. Wisdom to know how to

phrase the argument and patience to withstand the level of

ignorance many people are involved in. The last piece is

how to argue with them or how do you face opposition.

Every salesman, politician, presenter and businessman has

to first know how he is going to handle questions and

objections. You must study how you are going to answer

the questions that are presented by people in a way that is

real and tangible to them. It is very important that success

comes from this masjid, at this time in history.

In this area, the population is primarily Christian or Catholic.

In Surah Al-Ankaboot 29:46, it states: “And dispute ye not

with the People of the Book, except with means better

(than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them

who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, “We Believe in the

revelation which has come down to us and in that which

came down to you; Our Allah (SWT) and your Allah (SWT) is

one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam).” Disputation with

the People of the Book for the sake of disputation is not

accomplishing anyone anything. In all cases, convey the

message as smoothly and easily as possible. We have a

simple message, God is One and He has no partners or

equals. However, if you must argue, you should seek to do

it in a public place where a third party can hear the

argument of both sides. So that if the person you’re arguing

with receives no guidance, at least the person hearing the

argument can evaluate the truth for himself. Allah (SWT)

states in this verse and in multiple other verses, how to end

talks with Christians and that is come to an understanding

that we only Worship Allah (SWT) and leave it at that.

Out of all Dawah, there is one quality that is irresistible

when reading the Quran where Allah (SWT) describes the

condition of our Prophet. In Surah Al-Kahf 18:6 it states:

“Thou wouldst only, perchance, fret thyself to death,

following after them, in grief, if they believe not in this

Message.” The worry of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) of

those he was sent to deliver the message. He worried after

every soul. Each person was precious, each soul was

valuable and was addressed as if they were running swiftly

to a ledge looking backwards. His concern was real and

when you make a connection with someone, many times it

is predominately how they feel. Christians will often talk

about having a Church-home. This is the congregation that

they most feel comfortable with, in that that they will pass

several churches week after week to go across town to their

Church-home. If you can make someone feel welcomed and

loved, chances are your Dawah efforts will be more

successful. As we embark on this incredible work, let us

share and invite all who will listen to the flock of the

faithful. Every soul within the vicinity of our Masjids is

sacred, it is our duty to reach out to them and welcome

them into the fold of Islam.

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Take A Short Quiz, Test Your Islamic Knowledge!

1. What does Iqamat-as-salat mean?

(a) Prayer at home. (b) Late night prayer (tahajjud). (c) Five Daily Prayers in the Mosque. (d) Eid prayer.

2. What position is the best position to make supplication during salat?

(a) After Al Fatiha in Ruku (bowing) position. (b) The position of prostration, sujuud (sajdah). (c) The sitting position after salat. (d) After completing the standing position, qiyyaam.

3. What are the names of four of the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) companions?

(a) Abu Bakr (b) Abu Musa (c) Abu Huraira (d) Uthman (e) Umar (f) Ali

4. During congregational prayer, which two are correct?

(a) Fill each row with the person next to you. (b) Fill the last rows first. (c) Fill each row beginning with the first row and stand close together. (d) Fill the front row. Then the one next to it, if there is any deficiency, it should be the last row.

5. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “You will go to paradise if you learn by memory” which one of these?

(a) The shariat (Islamic law) (b) Dua’s from the Quran after salat. (c) Rituals for performing umrah. (d) 99 names of Allah (SWT).

6. What are names of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) two grandsons?

(a) Zaid (b) Hasan (c) Abdul Rahman (d) Husain

(Answers to questions on bottom of Page 11).


What does Hajj mean? Hajj literally means, “To continuously strive to reach one’s goal.” The Hajj, or Pilgrimage to Mecca, is an once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those who have the physical and financial ability to undertake the journey. The Hajj is essentially a re-enactment of the rituals of the great prophets and teachers of faith. Pilgrims (those who embark on the hajj, symbolically relive the experience of exile and atonement undergone by Adam and Eve after they were expelled from Heaven, wandered the earth, met again and sought forgiveness in the valley of Mecca. They also retrace the frantic footsteps of the wife of Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS), Hagar, as she ran between the hills of Safa and Marwa searching for water for her thirsty baby, Ismael (which Allah (SWT) answered with the well of Zam Zam). Lastly, the pilgrims also commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) later substituted a ram in place of his son.

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As the pilgrim makes his supplications to Allah (SWT), he realizes that he is asking of the same Allah (SWT) that answered the prayers of those before him or her. These reminders are an important part of strengthening one’s faith, trust and dependence on Allah (SWT). Islam teaches us that we are more than mere physical creatures in that we possess an essence beyond the material world. Indeed, this is why all great religions have a tradition of pilgrimage. In the Islamic tradition, Hajj encapsulates this spiritual journey toward this essence. Hajj teaches one to show sincerity and humility in one’s relationship with Allah. The result of a successful Hajj is a rich inner peace, which is manifested outwardly in the values of justice, honesty, respect, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, mercy and empathy.

What does the City of Mecca in Saudi Arabia look like?

Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is situated at an elevation of 909 feet (277 metres) above sea level in the dry beds of the Wadi Ibrāhīm (Valley of Ibrahim) and several of its short tributaries. It is surrounded by the Ṣirāt Mountains, the peaks of which include Mount (Jabal) Ajyad, which rises to 1,332 feet, and Mount Abū Qubays, which attains 1,220 feet, to the east and Mount Quʿayqʿān, which reaches 1,401 feet, to the west. Mount Hirāʾ rises to 2,080 feet on the northeast and contains a cave in which Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sought isolation and visions before he became a Prophet. It was also in this cave that he received the first verse (āyah) of the Holy Qurʾān. South of the city, Mount Thawr, (2,490 feet) contains the cave in which the Prophet


(SAW) secreted (secluded) himself from his Meccan enemies during the Hijrah to Medina, the event that

marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar. Entrance to the city is gained through four gaps in the

surrounding mountains. The passes lead from the northeast to Minā, ʿArafāt, and Al-Ṭāʾif; from the northwest

to Medina; from the west to Jiddah; and from the south to Yemen.

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The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) – (Short Account) The Father of the Prophets, Birth of a Great Prophet (Reprint) Ibrahim (AS) was born in a house of idolaters, in the

Kingdom of Babylon. (Babylon was the capital of a small

city state of Mesopotamia, named Babylonia, located in

what is now Iraq). Ibrahim’s (AS) father, Azar, was a well

known idol sculptor that his people worshipped. As a

young child, Ibrahim used to watch his father sculpting

these idols from stones or wood. When his father was

done with them, Ibrahim would use them as toys, riding on

their backs and kicking them at times. Then, after a while,

he would see these same statues in the temple and people

prostrating in front of them! Ibrahim asked his father:

“Why do you take toys to the temple?” His father said,

“They are statues that represent our gods. We worship

them, we ask favors from them, and we offer them

presents.” Ibrahim’s mind rejected this idea and he felt

repulsed towards the idols. He started feeling angry

towards his people, who refused to believe that these

“toys” were only stones that could neither benefit nor

harm them. They could not be gods, they have no power.

Allah (SWT) is Greater than what his people were

worshipping. No human being could not find Allah, the

Merciful, the Mercy Giving, sitting on a table in a temple!

Ibrahim (AS) began to search for the truth. One night, he

went up to a mountain, leaned against a rock and looked

up to the sky. He saw a shining star and told his people:

“Could this be my Lord?” But when it set, he said, “I don’t

like those that set.” The star disappeared, it could not be

Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) is always present. Then he saw

the moon rising in splendor and told them, “Could this be

my Lord?” But it also set. At daybreak, he saw the sun

rising and said, “Could this be my Lord, this is bigger? But

when the sun set he said: Oh my people, I am free from all

that you join as partners with Allah (SWT)! I have turned

my face towards Him who created the heavens and the

earth and never shall I give partners to Allah (SWT).” Our

Lord is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and

everything. He has the power to make the stars rise and

set. Ibrahim (AS) then heard Allah (SWT) calling him: “Oh

Ibrahim!” Ibrahim said trembling, “Here I am O my Lord!”

“Submit to Me! Be a Muslim!” Ibrahim fell on the ground,

prostrating and crying, he said: “I submit to the Lord of

the Universe!” Ibrahim kept prostrating until night came

again. He got and went back to his home, in peace, full of

conviction that Allah (SWT) had guided him to the Truth.

Where Do I Start? By Abu Muhammad Yusuf (Reprint), Contributed by Sister Zehra Fatima Imagine waking up one morning to find everyone smiling, just peace, harmony, tranquility, mutual love, respect, serenity… Wouldn’t it be divine? We all desire to change the world for the better, but where do we start? A wise man once said: When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town, so I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I know the only thing I can change is myself. And suddenly I realized that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world. So what is really the secret to changing world? Actually it's not such a big secret! Allah Ta’ala gives us the perfect and most wise solution: “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran-Surah Rad, 13:11). If we desire change, then let us change what is within ourselves first and have high hopes and good expectations about gaining help from our Creator. The Messenger of Allah Ta’ala (peace be upon him) is reported to have said that Allah (SWT) says: "I treat my servant according to his expectations from Me and I am with him when he remembers Me…if he takes one step towards Me, I will take ten steps towards him. If he walks towards Me, I will run unto him.” (Hadith: Bukhari & Muslim). Often we fear and resist change. Boldness, courage and determination are essential components of change. The secret of change is not to fight the old, but to refocus and build the new. We need to take it one step at a time. Rome was not built in a day and a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Sometimes it's the smallest decisions we make that can change our life forever. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will, Insha Allah, change. Allah, The Most Wise, is always there to Help and Guide us. So let us not delay and try to be the change that we wish to see in the world. Allah U Akbar!!!

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Large Single Room Available for Rent, Oakland, California

A large single room, with a walk-in closet, is available for rent, with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities The

room rental is $600.00 a month and is located in Oakland, California. Rental includes utilities, internet and

private parking. The $600.00 rental is available with a six (6) month lease. Potential renter must have current

positive employment and provide previous work and residential references.

You will be sharing our beautiful home with a family of three (3). The picture of the room is room is shown here.

We are close to public transportation, if you do not have a car. You can contact us at [email protected]

or 510-306-1843, mention Room for Rent in the e-mail or if you call.



“Going on Hajj”, for me, was one of the most important events of my Islamic life. When we changed planes in Jeddah for Mecca, we began chanting Labbaik Allah humma labbaik, Labbaik la sharika laka labbaik, Innal hamda, Wan-ni'mata, Laka walmulk Laa sharika lak. Meaning: O my Lord, here I am at Your service, here I am. There is no partner with You, here I am. Truly the praise and the provisions are Yours, and so is the dominion and sovereignty. There is no partner with You! as we neared our goal: The circumambulation of the Kabah. And, later, when we (hajj group) found ourselves at the top of the Mountain, we could not believe where we were! Allah U Akbar!!!

Muzdalifah Mt. Arafat

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The Islamic Center of Alameda & Masjid International Wahadah Invites You to Come and Celebrate Eid-ul-Adha

Food, Fun, Children Games, Barbeque All Day

and Much More

DIRECTIONS: Traveling Oakland South 880, exit Hegenberger Road, make a right on Doolittle Drive. Keep straight until you see the sign “Martin Luther King Shoreline Park,” turn right into parking lot.

From Alameda, take Otis Drive which will curve over the short bridge; stay in left hand lane which will turn into Doolittle Drive. Proceed until you see, on the left side of the street, Martin Luther King Shoreline Park. Parking lot on left side of the street (Doolittle Drive).

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