
` How violent will it be when it erupts? Is Portland safe? What happened that the north and south faces of Hood look so different? What is its eruption history? (How many, how bad and how recent?) When was the most recent lahar? Mount Hood Why is the south face so smooth and worn compared to the north face? Near Hood River Ash deposit 40 deep. How violent will it be when it erupts? Is Portland safe? What happened that the north and south faces of Hood look so different? What is its eruption history? (How many, how bad and how recent?) When was the most recent lahar? 1805 Describe the 3 types of cones and how they form. Bbelknap Shield Volcano Belknap Shield Volcano Thick (Mt. St. Helens Lava Dome) vs Thin Lava Flow Paricutin Surtsey Iceland Oregon cinder cone: Pilot Butte (N of Bend) Oregon Cinder Cone: Tabor Mount Tabor Krakatau Krakatau 1883 Cascade Volcanoes (Mount Jefferson) Need to know: Sulfur pic Are we in danger? Portland is 50 miles SE of Mount Hood How far will the lava flow? Review: Are we in danger? Is Mount Hood active? Fumerole at Hogsback on Mt. Hood Fumeroles near Crater Rock Devils Kitchen hot ash and sulfur. Most recent eruption 200 years ago, created the lava dome Crater Rock Review: How Active Is Mount Hood? What gave the north face is features? South Face avalanche where did the lahar go? Hood River Delta North Face debris avalanche changed the Columbia Rivers path. l Lahar Deposits White River Drainage 2006 Highway 35 Hood River from creek to full river during 2006 flood. Post Volcanic Lahar Mount Hood, 2006 Newton Creek Rt 35 Rt 35 heading towards Mount Hood Meadows and Timberline. White River Bridge (Normally has a 20 clearance beneath it.) Ranier is predicted to have devastating lahars. 1805 Why is the south face relatively flat and smooth? 710 710 hood river flood Ash deposit with man standing near: 40 ft deep and 300 ft above the river. 400 feet deep at the time of the lahar.

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