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CAP Test 1 林淑媛 Chere Lin


103.01.21 臺北市麗山國中

林淑媛 Chere Lin 台北市興雅國中英語教師 http://


基測中心: 會考中心:


1. 考基本的語言能力 考主要的、常用的觀念,不考冷僻、特例、罕見,甚至是有爭議的語法。


從題目上下文之間的關係來思考,不要鑽牛角尖想特殊狀況。 2. 英語科字彙 1200 字保險一點還是以 2000 字為標準


課本背後附錄都有單字表 脫離低分群記熟單字


3. 英語科語言架構表 4. 英語科溝通功能

5. 英語科溝通主題

基測英語科題目演變 —挑戰會考精熟級,請以 97 年以後的基測+100 年北北基+102 年試辦會考題目來看

1. 90-93 部編本教科書

題型變化不大,念熟課本可得到不錯成績 2. 94 審定本教科書


3. 97 年出現較多評鑑度高的題目 要深入思考,但不可鑽牛角尖,以免失分


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CAP Test 2 林淑媛 Chere Lin

會考英語科題目類型 1. 短題型

單字、片語應用 較固定用法的文法

2. 長題型

克漏字 閱讀題組

會考英語科命題比重 1. 以冊數言:集中在 3、4、5 冊 2. 以文法概念而言:


− 動詞時態、形式、類型的複雜與重要。 − 答對率偏低第一名:過去式與現在完成式混淆。

− 答對率偏低的其他相關題目:使役動詞、感官動詞的用法等。

中文語法較少或較模糊的觀念 − 祈使句與動名詞當主詞的句法混淆

− 不定詞或動名詞當主詞、假主詞 it(斷頭句:經常無法掌握主詞為何)

− there is / are 及其動詞時態變化 − 關係子句、後位修飾


− 代名詞 − 助動詞、代動詞

− 指涉閱讀裡考文法

97 年後加強文章整體結構與連貫 3. 以測驗能力而言:閱讀能力 提升文法細節到縱覽全貌的閱讀理解能力


長題型:克漏字與閱讀題組:要多思考通篇文意,從上下文找到適當的字詞。 能閱讀不同體裁、不同主題的簡易文章。


能瞭解文章的主旨大意。 − What is the main idea?

− What is the reading about?

− What is the best title of the reading? − What is the writer asking for?

− What can we learn from the reading?

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CAP Test 3 林淑媛 Chere Lin


− True / Not true

− 掌握 6 W: who, what, when, where, why, how − 特定訊息:數字、特別的字、圖片等


能辨識故事的要素,如背景、人物、事件和結局。 能從龐大訊息裡整理出重點或脈絡考訊息的整合能力(也是 PISA 評量能力之一)


閱讀前 閱讀中 閱讀後

1. 預測 predicting 2. 預覽 previewing

3. 略讀 skimming (跳讀)

4. 掃瞄 scanning 5. 提問 questioning:

6 Ws—who, what, when,

where, why, how 6. 掌握關鍵字 key words

7. 經驗連結


1. 提問 questioning:6 Ws 2. 掌握關鍵字 key words

3. 經驗連結

contextualization 4. 標示 signaling

5. 推論 inference

6. 猜字意 guessing from context

7. 做筆記 note taking

1. 反思 reflection 2. 分析和綜合

analyzing & synthesizing

3. 經驗連結 contextualization

4. 重讀、提問、視覺化

5. 評估與修正預測 6. 討論、反思文本

7. 推論、比較/對比

8. 因/果、結論、主旨 9. 作筆記、概述、整合



1. 平時模擬考、複習考答對多少題?

2. 是否常錯一樣的觀念?問題? 3. 看到字多就想放棄?

4. 單字量夠嗎?

5. 想太多?鑽牛角尖?粗心大意?忽略細節? 6. 題本空白?做筆記?

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CAP Test 4 林淑媛 Chere Lin

衝刺準備 1. 答對 25 題以下:

多做字彙題,從句子裡學單字 試著多做圖文題,不放棄短文閱讀。

2. 答對 25-35 題

把文法觀念釐清,多做克漏字選擇題。 習慣做短文閱讀,並挑戰長篇閱讀

3. 答對 36-42 題:

注意是否常錯一樣的文法觀念 維持做長篇閱讀的習慣,增加語感和單字應用的能力。

加強 global 題型

4. 答對 43-45 題 簡易題目不要鑽牛角尖想太多!



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CAP Test 5 林淑媛 Chere Lin



Stand up.

動名詞 / 不定詞當主詞

Learning English is important.

To learn English is important

to = in order to

To go into a better school, I must study harder.

分詞構句,主動用 Ving,被動用 Vpp

Turning to the left, you will find the hotel. (If you turn to the left, you will find the hotel.)

Caught in the rain, he got a cold. (Because he was caught in the rain, he got a cold.)

1. _____________ (Be) careful when you pick up the broken dishes. _______________

(not cut) yourself. (BCT 980202 改編)

2. (1) (Play) in the water (2) lots of fun on a hot summer

day. (2) (A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have (BCT 980109 改編)

3. Mike: I heard there are many monkeys in this mountain. But I didn’t see any of them

last time when I was here.

Carl: _____________ (Hope) we can see some today. (BCT 980120 改編)

4. Sheryl: I painted the apartment myself and got a new couch and coffee table for the

living room.

Karen: _____________ (Sound) like a big job. What colors did you paint your

apartment? (BCT 980122 改編)

5. (1) (Study) in a foreign country (2) me a lot of money.

That’s why I had to sell my apartment.

(2) (A) cost (B) lost (C) made (D) spent (BCT 970110 改編)

6. (1) (Learn) foreign language (2) me to know more about

other countries.

(2) (A) helps (B) helping (C) help (D) to help (BCT 960112 改編)

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CAP Test 6 林淑媛 Chere Lin

7. _____________ (Work) all day on the computer makes my eyes really

_____________ (tire) (BCT 950208 改編)

8. Sam: _________ you have good time at Mr. Moore’s house tonight?

Tom: Yes. It was a wonderful party. I’m glad I went.

(A) Do (B) Did (C) Will (D) Would (BCT 950219 改編)

9. __________________ (not forget) __________________ (brush) your teeth before

you go to bed. It’s important to clean them every night. (BCT 940103 改編)

10. Judy: The ball game will be on TV tomorrow at six in the morning.

Lucy: _____________ (Get) up early and you won’t miss it. (BCT 940119 改編)

11. _____________ (Ask) questions _____________ (help) Henna _____________ (learn)

more and better. (BCT 940211 改編)

12. __________________ (Preview) the lesson before class _____________ (give) me a

better idea about what the teacher is going to teach. (BCT 930111 改編)

13. A-ming: Dad, can I go _____________ (dance) tomorrow?

Mr.Wu: _____________ (Finish) your homework and we'll talk about it.

(BCT 930220 改編)

14. _____________ (Think) carefully before you buy a new house. (BCT 920111 改編)

15. _____________ (Avoid) accidents, we have to drive carefully all the time.

(Hint: in order to) (BCT 920209 改編)

16. (1) (watch) American movies (2) (be) one of the

activities we enjoy most in our English class.

(2) (A) is (B) are (C) to be (D) being (BCT 920210 改編)

17. Susan: Oh, no! The door and the window were broken.

Victor: Who could have done this?

Susan: _____________ (go) in quickly and _____________ (see) if we’ve lost

anything. (BCT 910106 改編)

18. Paula: ________ that bid toy store Mr. and Mrs. Chen’s?

Kelly: Yes, it’s theirs. My daughter loves going there. (BCT 910210 改編)

19. If you want to be strong, _____________________ (go, swim) can help you.

(BCT 900110 改編)

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CAP Test 7 林淑媛 Chere Lin

解答 1. Be careful when you pick up the broken dishes. Don’t cut yourself. (BCT 980202 改編) 2. Playing / To play in the water is lots of fun on a hot summer day.(BCT 980109 改編) 3. Mike: I heard there are many monkeys in this mountain. But I didn’t see any of them

last time when I was here. Carl: Hope we can see some today. (BCT 980120 改編)

4. Sheryl: I painted the apartment myself and got a new couch and coffee table for the living room. Karen: Sounds like a big job. What colors did you paint your apartment? (It sounds…) (BCT 980122 改編)

5. Studying in a foreign country cost me a lot of money. That’s why I had to sell my apartment. (BCT 970110 改編) ( To study 不宜,因 had、cost 得知已經在國外唸過書了,用動名詞表示已做過的事較

佳。) 6. Learning / To make foreign language helps me to know more about other countries.

(BCT 960112 改編) 7. Working / To make all day on the computer makes my eyes really tired.

(仍以 Working 為宜) (BCT 950208 改編) 8. Sam: Did you have good time at Mr. Moore’s house tonight?

Tom: Yes. It was a wonderful party. I’m glad I went. (BCT 950219 改編) 9. Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed. It’s important to clean them

every night. (BCT 940103 改編) 10. Judy: The ball game will be on TV tomorrow at six in the morning.

Lucy: Get up early and you won’t miss it. (BCT 940119 改編) 11. Asking / To ask questions helps Henna learn more and better. (BCT 940211 改編) 12. Previewing / To preview the lesson before class gives me a better idea about what

the teacher is going to teach. (BCT 930111 改編) 13. A-ming: Dad, can I go dancing tomorrow?

Mr.Wu: Finish your homework and we'll talk about it. (BCT 930220 改編) 14. Think carefully before you buy a new house. (BCT 920111 改編) 15. To avoid accidents, we have to drive carefully all the time. (BCT 920209 改編) 16. Watching / To watch American movies is one of the activities we enjoy most in our

English class. (仍以 watching 為宜) (BCT 920210 改編) 17. Susan: Oh, no! The door and the window were broken.

Victor: Who could have done this? Susan: Go in quickly and see if we’ve lost anything. (BCT 910106 改編)

18. Paula: Is that big toy store Mr. and Mrs. Chen’s? Kelly: Yes, it’s theirs. My daughter loves going there. (BCT 910210 改編)

19. If you want to be strong, going swimming / to go swimming can help you. (仍以 going 為宜) (BCT 900110 改編)

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CAP Test 8 林淑媛 Chere Lin


100 PPK Test

31. What is the Japanese White-eye? (A) A kind of bird. (B) A famous singer. (C) A small town. (D) A kind of snack.

32. Bill took a lot of pictures during his trip in Taiwan. Which one is the picture he took on July 12? (A) (B) (C) (D)

What messages should you be aware of in the reading?


Bill is an American. He visited his friend Da-wei in Taiwan. Below is Bill’s diary about how the two friends spent their vacation.

July 10, 2008 Today is my first day in Taiwan. Da-wei’s family are very nice to me. They took me to Shiling Night Market for dinner. I bought some presents there for my family.

July 11, 2008 We went to a small town, Bali, and saw many things there. I also tried some interesting snacks. They were very delicious. Da-wei knows a lot about birds. He showed me several kinds. “The Japanese White-eye is my favorite, because it looks cute and sings well,” he said.

July 12, 2008 We spent the day at Fulong Beach. The weather was nice. We went swimming at the beach under the sunny blue sky. We will go biking at Guandu tomorrow. I can’t wait!

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CAP Test 9 林淑媛 Chere Lin


I. 15 seconds 66 words

Tom goes to a restaurant in the early morning. He is hungry. He orders a slice of pizza, a cup of tea and a carton of milk. The waiter asks Tom if he wants something else. Tom says, he wants a piece of cheese and a bowl of soup. Tom eats all his food and pays the bill. He is full now. He goes to work.

What is the reading about? (A) Tom’s restaurant. (B) Tom’s favorite food. (C) Tom’s breakfast. (D) Tom’s job.

II. 20 seconds 91 words

Cathy never wakes up in the morning because she never sleeps. In fact, no one needs to go to sleep. Cathy can play games all night, and she never feels tired. The first thing she does in the morning is to give her pet a food pill. Pets are very important to our lives because they can be used to cure diseases. After feeding her pet, Cathy studies by herself. There are no schools. At lunch, she always flies a rocket to her friend's home. She always stays there until dinner.

What is the reading about? (A) Cathy’s daily life. (B) Cathy’s pets. (C) Cathy’s toys. (D) Cathy’s meals.

III. 30 seconds 87 words

Lasagna comes from Italy. It is made of pasta, meat, tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes, people add eggplant. Omelet is popular in the UK. You can mix ham, onions, leeks and asparagus into the egg to make a delicious omelet. Sweet and sour pork is from China. In this dish, there are small pieces of pork, mixed with sugar, onion, garlic, pineapple and soy sauce. The sauce tastes very sweet. Curry comes from India and Thailand. You can use different meats and vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

What is the reading about? (A) Countries. (B) Food. (C) People. (D) Animals.

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CAP Test 10 林淑媛 Chere Lin


Mark the Answers

I. What 66 words

What does Tom have for his breakfast? Mark the answers.

Tom goes to a restaurant in the early morning. He is hungry. He orders a slice of pizza, a cup of tea and a carton of milk. The waiter asks Tom if he wants something else. Tom says he wants a piece of cheese and a bowl of soup. Tom eats all his food and pays the bill. He is full now. He goes to work.

II. Transitional Words 91 words

When Mark the transitional words for time sequence and mark number 1, 2, 3, etc.

Why _______________ 1. Why does Cathy never wake up in the morning? Mark the reason and number 2. Why are pets very important to our lives? Mark the reason and number

Cathy never wakes up in the morning because she never sleeps. In fact, no one needs to go to sleep. Cathy can play games all night, and she never feels tired. The first thing she does in the morning is to give her pet a food pill. Pets are very important to our lives because they can be used to cure diseases. After feeding her pet, Cathy studies by herself. There are no schools. At lunch, she always flies a rocket to her friend's home. She always stays there until dinner.

III. Where 87 words

Where are the popular foods from? Mark the items and the countries.

Lasagna comes from Italy. It is made of pasta, meat, tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes, people add eggplant. Omelet is popular in the UK. You can mix ham, onions, leeks and asparagus into the egg to make a delicious omelet. Sweet and sour pork is from China. In this dish, there are small pieces of pork, mixed with sugar, onion, garlic, pineapple and soy sauce. The sauce tastes very sweet. Curry comes from India and Thailand. You can use different meats and vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

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CAP Test 11 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Main Idea

What is the main idea (of the reading)? What is the reading (mainly) about? / What is the reading talking about?

What do we know / learn from the reading?

What messages should you be aware of in the reading? Which of the following is true / not true?

What is the best title of the reading?

What is the conclusion of the reading?

99-1 BC Test

Read the play and answer the questions.

Place: A child’s room with white walls, a white door, and a white bed. On the bed, there are some clothes.

Character: A doll, who looks very old and dirty, is sitting on the bed and speaking.

The doll: She should be here soon. We will play some games today.

(Three hours pass. NO ONE knocks on the door.)

The doll: Just a few more seconds. We might play “try-on-new-clothes” today.

(Five hours go by. NO SOUND is heard.)

The doll: Maybe the school bus is late. Soon she’ll be here, and we will sing and dance together.

(One day has flown away. The doll is still sitting on the bed, waiting.)

The doll: Maybe tomorrow.... I’m sure she’ll come tomorrow, and then we will play.

(There in the room, the doll repeats the same story every day....)

play 劇本 character 角色

41. What happens in the play? (A) A doll is changing clothes. (B) A doll is talking to herself. (C) A doll is singing and dancing. (D) A doll is waiting for the bus to school.

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CAP Test 12 林淑媛 Chere Lin

100-2 BC Test

32. What is the ad for? ad 廣告

(A) To find a missing man.

(B) To find a new job for a man. (C) To look for a Chinese teacher.

(D) To look for someone to work for a family.

98-2 BC Test

Last month Jim brought a baby cat home from the pet shop. She is beautiful with gray and white hair. Jim gave her the name Popo. He and his family love her very

much and often talk to her. Popo is very shy and afraid of strangers. Every time Jim

brings his friends home, she will hide herself. It takes time to make friends with Popo. But when she sees you as a friend, she will be happy to be with you all the time.

Popo often lies quietly next to Jim when he is home. Sometimes she sits by the

window looking at the flowers in the garden. The family is always busy, and it is not easy for them to get together. But since

they got Popo, they have tried to spend time together playing with their little girl, who

has become the center of their family life.

31. What can we learn from the reading? (A) Flowers make a house more beautiful.

(B) Keeping a pet helps a family get together. (C) We should be friendly to people who visit us.

(D) It takes time to make friends with people who love cats.

We’re soon going back to Taiwan, and have to say goodbye to Mr. Brown,

the excellent helper for our family since we came to the U.S. Mr. Brown helps us clean the house, prepare dinner and take care of our two little girls. The

girls call him “Uncle Bill” and have a good time with him. Mr. Brown lives near

the train station with his wife. If you need somebody to help around your house, he can work for you from 1:00-6:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.

Please call him at 388-5566. If you need him to stay later, feel free to talk to

him. Mr. Brown can speak a little Chinese and will be the best helper for your

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CAP Test 13 林淑媛 Chere Lin

102 BC Test

In the art world, many artists with “weak” bodies have shown us a “strong” power in

their great works of art. Take Frida Kahlo for example. She was a healthy girl until she was knocked down by a bus at the age of twelve. Much of her body was

seriously hurt, but her mind wasn’t. In her paintings, we can feel her strong love of art

and life. Another example is Christy Brown. He was born in bad health, and the only part of his body that could move was his left foot. However, using his only foot, he still

was able to write and draw wonderfully. In his autobiography, Brown wrote what

happened in his life and how he began to draw pictures with his left foot. And don’t forget Stevie Wonder. He became blind soon after he was born, but he is now a

popular singer and songwriter.

These artists with “weak” bodies bring us many good things and much hope with their “strong” minds. Their stories tell us that the most important thing in life is not

what we have, but what we make of it.

artist 藝術家

39. What is the writer trying to say?

(A) History always repeats itself. (B) Art is the best medicine for a weak mind.

(C) We should try to make the best use of our lives.

(D) It takes more than hard work to make a great artist.

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CAP Test 14 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Context Clue

Context Clue A method to figuring out what an unknown word means by looking at the words nearby. There are several types of context clue:

Definition Clue Series Clue Synonym / Restatement Clue Antonym / Contrast Clue

SYAJH Grade 9-1-2, 101.11.27

One of the Maori’s favorite legends is about a child, Maui. Maui wanted to go fishing with his brothers, but he was not allowed, so he hid in their waka, or fishing boat. When he was found, he begged not to send him back. Because his brothers would not share their bait, he used his own blood and threw his fishing line in the water. He caught a very big fish and pulled so hard on the line to bring the fish up that he put one foot on the edge of the waka for more power. When he brought the fish in, he was hit to break the edge of the boat and fall into the sea, creating the Kaikoura Peninsula, a town in the northeast of New Zealand's South Island.

48. What does “waka” mean? (A) A house. (B) A ship. (C) A fish. (D) A town.

SYAJH Grade 8-2-2, 101.05.09

She sneaked softly through her garden to look closely. She found a little Fairy mother singing softly and moving the flower to and fro like a cradle. …The good old woman sneaked quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a flower.

38. Which picture shows the action of “sneak”? (A)




39. What does the phrase “moving …to and fro” mean? (A) Hunt. (B) Hide. (C) Slide. (D) Swing.

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CAP Test 15 林淑媛 Chere Lin

100-1 BC Test

There are many kinds of dances, but each has its own rules. When we dance, we follow different rules. We move to the front or stay in the back. We dance close together or leave lots of space for each other; We dance excitedly or slowly to fast or sweet music; We dance to show how we feel in happy or sad times. Sometimes we dance with people; Sometimes we dance solo. Yes, we dance differently; But we won’t dance without rules.

40. What do you do when you “dance solo”? (A) You dance excitedly. (B) You dance by yourself. (C) You dance in a public place. (D) You dance without shoes on.

99-1 BC Test

Alice: Hi, Jerry, I heard you had fun with Peggy in Merry Park yesterday. Jerry: Yes. We had a great time there. Why didn’t you come with us? We got

there by bus in only ten minutes. Alice: I know, but the ticket is more expensive on the weekend. Also, I’ve been there

many times since it opened five years ago. Did you try the Dandelion Seat there? It’s so popular that people have to wait for over an hour to get a ride.

Jerry: You mean those flower-like umbrellas that fly high in the sky? Alice: Yes. I enjoyed riding on the Dandelion Seat and looking over the city. It was

a great experience. Jerry: Eh...I liked taking the train to get around the park better. I don’t think it’s fun to

ride in the air. I’d feel like I could fall down any time. Alice: Maybe you would like it more at night. It’s wonderful to see the beautiful lights

below your feet. Jerry: Well...I’m afraid of high places. Alice: Oh, I see. That’s too bad.

37. What may the “Dandelion Seat” look like? (A) (B) (C) (D)

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CAP Test 16 林淑媛 Chere Lin


99-2BC Test

ES-ME is a fun computer program. Here is how it works:

※ First, tell ES-ME your birthday. ※ Then ask your question. ※ Finally, you will get an answer from ES-ME.

Below are the four questions people most often ask, and the funny answers they get.

Q1: Will I get a good job? ES-ME—Sure you will, if you are able to do a good job.

Q2: When will I die? ES-ME—You’ll know when the time comes.

Q3: Can I find my true love? ES-ME—Yes, you can, if there’s true love in the world.

Q4: What will be on my next school test? ES-ME—It will be what you’ve been taught.

37. What does “You’ll know when the time comes” mean in the reading? (A) You will die when you get old.

(B) You should know time flies and never waits.

(C) You can know when you will die only when you are dying. (D) You can believe time is the best medicine for a broken heart.

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CAP Test 17 林淑媛 Chere Lin

One Thursday morning in Blue Town, I noticed a lot of people going to the church. Later, all the people in the streets stopped and just stood where they were. All of them 18 quiet for two minutes. Everyone looked serious. I found this strange and asked a woman what was happening. She said that they were commemorating the birthday of St. George, who 19 for helping the farmers of the town to get back their land from the king. Later, I saw some people wearing and selling flowers on the streets. They told me the money would be used to help poor farmers. Since that trip, I 20 about Blue Town a lot. I often tell my friends about this experience and show them some pictures I took there.

commemorate 紀念

97-2-18-20 BC Test 克漏字綜合考動詞時態

18. (A) are (B) have been

(C) were (D) would be

19. (A) has been killed (B) was killed (C) would be killed (D) is going to be killed

20. (A) thought (B) was thinking

(C) have thought (D) will think

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CAP Test 18 林淑媛 Chere Lin

99-1-19-21 BC Test 克漏字綜合考文法、語意連貫

Mr. Hutman owns a restaurant. One day, one of his two cooks ran away with

some money. Mr. Hutman was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday,

and the restaurant 19________ very busy then. So that night he called his friends, but

could not find anyone to help.

On Saturday, many people came to the restaurant for lunch. 20________ cook got

so busy that he wanted to leave, too. 21________, one of the waiters, Henry, told Mr.

Hutman that he could help in the kitchen. People who had lunch in the restaurant that

day enjoyed the food Henry cooked. Mr. Hutman was very happy and made Henry a

new cook of the restaurant.

19. (A) would be (B) is (C) has been (D) will be

20. (A) One (B) Each (C) Another (D) The only

21. (A) Also (B) In fact (C) Luckily (D) For example

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CAP Test 19 林淑媛 Chere Lin

102-57-60 CAP Test 長篇克漏字,考動詞時態轉移

57. (A) has shown (B) had shown (C) showed (D) will show

58. (A) has seen (B) had seen (C) sees (D) would see

59. (A) has been (B) had been (C) was (D) will be

60. (A) has got (B) had got (C) got (D) would get

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CAP Test 20 林淑媛 Chere Lin

102-52 CAP Test 推論

You don’t want to be Kim’s assistant. She gives you lots of work and never feels

pleased with what you do. However, if you “pass the test,” you’ll almost 100% sure be

promoted to “real” lawyer. I passed, and now I have my own office and my own assistant.

Last week Kim kicked out her new assistant. And now she’s treating me like her

assistant again. “Maureen, get me a coffee.” “Maureen, copy this for me.” Yes, the coffee

room is closer to my office, and yes, I know the copying machines better, but now my

business card says L-A-W-Y-E-R, not A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-T!

No one will fight Kim because she’s dating Emerson, our boss. Fighting the boss’s

girlfriend won’t do you any good. Ted fought her once, and now he’s sitting in the “Cage,”

the smallest office here.

Next to my office is Jackson’s. He was Kim’s assistant before me. He told me that I had

to let her know that now I work WITH her, not FOR her. “She’ll get very angry at first, but

she’ll forget about you after she finds the next ‘lucky’ person, and then you’ll be OK,” said


52. Sally is another lawyer in Maureen’s workplace. If Sally agrees with Jackson, what

would she most likely say to Maureen?

(A) “Make it clear to Kim that she is not your boss.”*

(B) “Help Kim find a new assistant or share yours with her.”

(C) “Don’t fight with Kim, if you want to keep your job here.”

(D) “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be part of your fight with Kim.”

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CAP Test 21 林淑媛 Chere Lin

102-36-38 BC Test 大量訊息整理

Here is Danny’s science report for summer vacation.

leaf(複數 leaves)葉子

36. What do we know from the report? (A) Danny’s bean plants had yellow flowers. (B) Danny planned to grow sunflowers at first. (C) Danny failed the first time he planted the seeds. (D) Some of Danny’s bean flowers were eaten by bugs.

37. What does Their old home mean? (A) The backyard. (B) The flowerpot. (C) The flowerbed. (D) The living room.

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CAP Test 22 林淑媛 Chere Lin

38. There are some MISTAKES in one of the pictures Danny drew for his bean plants.

Which is the picture he needs to draw again?





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CAP Test 23 林淑媛 Chere Lin

102-54-56 CAP Test 大量訊息整理

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CAP Test 24 林淑媛 Chere Lin

55. What do we know about the four people in the video? (A) One of them is Pattie’s sister. (B) One of them is David’s best friend. (C) One of them is the aunt of two of the others. (D) One of them is the mother of two of the others.

56. What can we learn from the video? (A) Pattie is good at taking care of people. (B) Pattie remembers little about her mother. (C) David is a serious man who seldom smiles. (D) David finds it difficult to talk abouat his family.

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