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附录二、剑桥雅思 4—7 阅读同义词替换汇总


剑桥雅思四册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 not in the face of ignore alarming rate of loss plight accept idea form opinion formal tuition classroom harbor hold misconception mistaken view curriculum science science multifaceted larger modification change thinking understanding the commonest the most frequent geographic location where dominant idea common response habitat live destruction of rainforests loss of rainforests responsibility responsible majority most survive existence need rely on surprising unexpectedly media coverage newspapers and television contribute to as global warming the world gets warmer destruction destroy

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 not known not certain unable no degenerated or rudimentary underdeveloped particularly sensitive very sensitive extremely keen vision in water exceptional in water primarily usually in general employ use courtship mating feed eat

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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track follow well-developed best developed

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 appreciate recognize be taken aback surprise show represent motion movement meaning understanding quickly rapid a list of a set of explore investigate understand perceive relate fit all everyone link to assign to resemble similar conclude conclusion interpret comprehend as similar

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 linguistic diversity the great variety of languages breed as a result of government policy government initiative the deadliest weapon factor disappear/vanish die out growing interest increasing appreciation learn teach survive survival on written form write bilingualism more than one language not survive endangered preventing a language dying out saving languages from extinction like preserving fruits in a jar not satisfactory thought the way we think affect determine teens young people old traditions the established way of life not want reject shift change lose loss endanger die out

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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disappear loss 剑桥雅思四册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 2

文章 题目 unusual differ Western world Western countries conservative attitude/loath reluctant visit consult climb/popularity increase contact visit high standing of professionals higher opinion take course retrain practitioner therapists business/clientele salary attend visit chronic long-term illness medical complaints

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 not normally unusual link-up connection enhance creativity beneficial timing record how much time cost animals their lives physical hazards cognitive mental involvement exercise children humans hunt, mate and socialize as adults adult activities build muscle/endurance training/get into shape build up strength larger brain organ growth it’s to do with concerning environment surroundings kaleidoscope/a lot different contexts a wide range of improvement in endurance fitness training particular chemical specific sustenance associate link

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 credit loan factor reason demand for income poverty independence independent entrepreneurship set up their own business parents or guardians family

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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supply provision lend money loan charge interest pay back modest rates slightly more in association with other types as a part of support aid

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 continent/atmosphere/water feature of our planet not predictable unpredictability fracture section block any further eruption remain inactive continent earth’s land surface make produce swiftly quickly horizontally horizontal extrusion outcrop with tremendous force violently

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 non-verbal behavior/facial expression body language written comments taking notes age, sex, social background social situation aware self-conscious minimize less several various a large number of points general specific data convenience convenient unavoidable necessary many the number of enable allow limitation miss statement comment unbiased objectively enable can cover the language as a whole a wide range of language deal only with focus on depend on/factor affect derive gain native speaker of the language those who speak the language concerned coverage cover supplement additional data information

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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need rely on 剑桥雅思四册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 1

文章 题目 the early years of the twentieth century about 1900 explosive release intensive burst greatly dramatic increasing growing global international possess the unique complement of genes gifted identify recognize early at a younger age US American rely on on method approach focus on aim to increase develop deficiency in trace minerals inadequate diet lead to link to enable records to be broken set new records focused better play a role key important useful comprehend/understanding explain understanding current knowledge fundamental basic

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 creative imagination creativity investigating investigation and as well as partly include interpretation translate what these things mean for the human story ancient languages film movie reality realistic portrayal picture in a more restricted sense in more than one way record document break down into subdivide evolve evolutionary dwelling building round/square shape why reason

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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tool and weapons/material objects written word written records importance valuable just as/rather like compare

剑桥雅思四册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 be faced with be shared economic progress economic development sustain sustainable obligation or duty role consequence impact awareness realization increase rise dramatic sharp economic progress economic growth provide produce it was assumed without question that belief accept acceptance ensure guarantee provide provision self-determining independence at exactly the same time at about the same time finite limit sink in become evident demographic and social changes population changes stem from/accompany have an impact predict underestimate

剑桥雅思四册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 1 文章 题目 scenic woodland peaceful country surroundings small charge extra fee delivery deliver luxury accommodation have dinner and stay the night warm welcome friendly greeting previous experience, ability relevant skills lift your spirit cheer you up all the family a variety of ages maximum attention individual guidance special concert public performance participation participant develop the confidence overcome shyness in no time rapid


雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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文章 题目 have the opportunity allocate working job election elect children’s center nursery care reserve a place first come, first-served graphic and visual communication skills advertising perform arts and the media TV construction, properties architecture manage management business company people with special needs the disabled office work secretarial tasks salon, facial massage and skin care, make-up, lash and brow treatment, artificial nail structures and ear piercing

beauty therapy

剑桥雅思四册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 3 文章 题目 better-constructed narratives well-written narratives more impressive excellent a great deal of plenty of money capital buy purchase practice make outside the major studios not in major studios commercial success profitable cinema film industry largest/dominant biggest pioneer first star system responsible for creating stars commercial success make the most money based primarily on based more on traditional own play a role influence

剑桥雅思四册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 1 文章 题目 receive receipt reservation booking payment cost paid rental breakdown broken repair service have it replaced buffet food

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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catering wedding solicitor/legal service lawyer estate and property agents live family rooms find somewhere to stay auditing, accountancy and taxation finance

剑桥雅思四册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 2 文章 题目 tropical fruit banana growing cultivation agriculture including Beef and Dairy cattle farming fitness instruction courses recreation program aged support program elderly care early childhood nursing program infant illness coastal management beach protection marine industry management fishing farming purchase buy

剑桥雅思四册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 3 文章 题目 pass on message communicate unravel the mystery the purpose measurement of the actual distance expressing distance inner inside point directly to point in the direction of


剑桥雅思五册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 draw on don’t ignore living contemporary be not seriously rivaled in general use deadline time limit

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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different shades of meaning subtleties of meaning to hand available in excess of over recognize as be hailed as throughout Europe in many European countries confer bring offer grant rise grow rise increase be associated with lead to famous well known in installment payment die not survive

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 built-in/instinct/genetic biological trait behavior in the cause of explanation have a positive effect help be instructed be told administer give carry on continue go on continue prior to before predict estimate be willing to willingness obey comply with predict expected anticipate expected 1000,450,etc. (number) statistical claim believe value positive social environment sociological personal and moral code personal value individual personal surrender more powerful in essence general

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 get worse pessimistic view a hit-list of a number of associate link not accelerate slow down

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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restrict slow down less not increase lopsidedness selection funding financial money funds overstate exaggerate argument claim skepticism criticism newspapers and broadcasters newspaper print items want expectation distortion of perception mislead trash waste rubbish waste future long-term pressing urgent

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 reshape mould into new forms like in a similar way totally entirely first in origin distinction unique a number of several factor reason immense great progress advance domain field find search substitute alternative such as like be called be known as such as e.g. granular grind extreme heat intense heat extract remove popular fashionable flow into the mould fill the mould today modern-day popularity welcomed in its early years immediately no disdain welcomed

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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biological biologically dub consider express the idea believe feel believe safely controlled psychic tension nervous energy puncture release modern theorists current thinking settle on not ignore belief view language understanding and reasoning in machines

artificial intelligence

present use activity activate associate with involve with demanding difficult rapid instantly as a result of because respond react person’s outlook person’s subjective views depend on relate to work operation pretty good valuable

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 exploitation exploit development revolution scientists socially privileged thinkers lack Have neither A nor B a suitable writing style a new kind of writing describe description lose momentum be overtaken growth develop as as a direct result of competitive competition

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 family configuration family type a cross-section of the range of disappointing fail explanation reason phenomenal positive result outcome

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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a cross-section of a variety of socio-economic status poor and wealthy disappointing do not succeed provide supply not substantial insufficient in an attempt to be designed to overcome educational under- achievement improve educational development auditory listening verbal speaking language ability interact with others advance score highly

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 sediment sedimentation food chain food production poison threat be being eroded/scour away disappear significance valuable erode erosion coast/coastline coastal hold back sediment land loss a lot of sediment high levels of sediment pollution pollutant Significantly/dramatically marked build up increase in the immediate future in the short term

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield military disparate separate field area unify bring together re-enter/rehabilitation again ignite public debate become a common topic of conversation term expression email/web pages information available electronically meet this challenge deal with difficulties peak not lowest point encapsulate reflect undue optimism original expectation boost benefit investor investment

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 1

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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文章 题目 booming expansion wilderness regions fragile regions hunting animals and fish and collecting fruits food-supply all across the world international impacts effects profound disruptive needs demands aspiration needs little or no low investment financial cost attraction attractive seasonality/ defined parts of the year Not throughout the year ecology ecological culture culturally lead to result in decline fall farm output and a change in the local diet food produced locally traditionally traditional hunting animals and fish and collecting fruits food-gathering undermine damage local population local community renaissance revive establish business produce and sell

剑桥雅思五册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 rare/few and far between unusual say claim press publicity don’t want suppress the oldest the most extreme fail failure analyze examine every glass pane all the glass strength strong standard glass ordinary glass razor-sharp sharp tiny small without warning/unpredictable unexpectedly 620° heat rapidly quickly make manufacture interior inner

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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tensile force tension create form disagree dispute data evidence impossible to find not plenty almost certainly no doubt

剑桥雅思五册 TEST4 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 considerable plenty experimental evidence scientific evidence species types induce encourage breed even in midwinter breed out of season vegetative state life cycle cue trigger not yet have yet to growth growing excellent useful fluctuate greatly from day to day unpredictable are known as are referred to as regardless of photoperiod do not respond to light levels temperate-zone birds birds in temperate climates by depend on fertilization reproduce germinate, flower and seed reproduction never reach a maximum no limit like such as assured availability increasing day length longer days tolerant tolerance

剑桥雅思五册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 1 文章 题目 purchase buy a minimum of two months within two months overnight next-day paintings/photography/informative text art nesting site and migration patterns field hiker bushwalking atlas/maps/land/climate Geographica around the globe world mountain bike two wheels the A-Z of encyclopedia animals wildlife

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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prehistoric animals dinosaur graphic pictorial outdoor safety survival techniques in the Wild car tour driving adventure

剑桥雅思五册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 2 文章 题目 fee cost support assistance in other countries in countries other than the USA any no restriction assessment transcript, relevant award documentation learning method class participation, presentation and projects,

lecture, seminar, case studies, class workshop new first day

剑桥雅思五册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 3 文章 题目 need require deprive deprivation found that result researchers investigation sleep disturbance sleep disorder why reason sleep reduction therapy overcome sleep-related problems regulating the time people go to bed and when they get up, improve sleep quality

lifestyle changes

enable the body to rest and replenish, allowing time for repairs to take place and for tissue to be regenerated

remain mentally and physically healthy

pill man-made product sales have increased commercialized sleep disorder sleeplessness sleeping pattern sleeping habit change with age physical change five stages and four cycles process repeat more than once five stages various stages movement move

剑桥雅思五册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 1 文章 题目 wear shoes footwear it is better warn marshal official every half-hour frequency

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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computer-driven technological travel back through the centuries, travel to the twenty-third century

time travel

novel book launch a new science fiction introduction series a set of now present-day travelogue travel robberies crime look into investigate

剑桥雅思五册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 2 文章 题目 should advised exclusive excluding pay charge available obtain no space for parking inconvenient for car owners broadband Internet surfing the Web recent initiative new option the academic year a year privately-owned does not belong to the College communal not have your own

剑桥雅思五册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 3 文章 题目 the numbers have been falling, decrease in population


over 2000 species variations in type every part of the globe distribution attract/tourists attraction life is divided into four distinct stages life-cycle hot heat hatch production adult adulthood life live clear not unknown decline decreasing causes reason damp wet

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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剑桥雅思六册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 skills expertise a number of sports different sports apply one to others exchange focus on one aim narrow the scope scientific questions research activity 3D/digital camera visual image copy reproduce finance fund championship event will be in the future prepare plan develop produce slice not improve

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 global economy world economy grow/rise/expand increase at a compound rate of about twice a greater rate lose its advantages not effective competitive effective geographic neighbors nearby nations disproportionately prefer disk-drive computer components influence effect purchase rely on domestic market local supplier innovation/invention introduction keep a much firmer hand on reduce

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 unusual incidents unprecedented events hardships difficult

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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treeless polar desert that’s covered with snow landscape provisions supplier impact effect have more credibility and weight respect knowledge understanding gap/uncertainty limited get some idea appreciate hardships problems venture into visit out of the question impossible survive sustenance by rely on exploit catch 4500 years ago for thousands of years environment surroundings test them to the limits push to their limits well adapted not unmanageable descendants present inhabitants harsh struggle a handful of a few over the past 40 years in recent years abandon give up way lifestyle rely heavily on depend mainly on costly/£7000 a year expensive

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 win/ work spectacular well successful local pressure people power far higher increase commuting time traveling time wealthy higher incomes pushing everyone into the city center overcrowded center not a best approach avoid dispersal in population population distribution lead to impact transport public and private system create a better place to live improve the quality of life preference prefer inner not outer bicycle-friendly high level of bicycle usage not special only averagely good minimal public transport inefficient public transport

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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hard inappropriate rail network rail transport system work spectacular well profitably

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 gather data carry out research medical complaints medical problems in this age group, associated with old age age-related major most common smaller/fewer and fewer falling afflict suffer researchers scientists American the United States confirm show accelerating increasing medical medicine advance development improvements improved contributing play a part surge increase cause/influence/effect due to better-educated education correlation link live longer life expectancy represent show significant drop considerable reduction elderly old suggest mean financial burden cost expected previously predicted increasing self-reliance more independent maintaining a level of regular amounts of physical activity exercise help mental functioning prevent mental decline lower levels of stress reduce stress emotionally isolated loneliness higher levels of stress rise in levels of stress

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 grow plants and herd animals farming paramount necessary a sophisticated system a developed system limited restricted

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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qualify as a witness fulfill a civic role a sense of number arithmetic fundamental step necessary not attachment separate particular objects physical objects very first stage early is this enough sufficiency how many quantity rather than more important resolve confusion prevent misunderstanding gesture language body language lack of ability not be able to deal with large numbers express large numbers average generally not as familiar with numbers poor counting ability distinct not the same relics old later newer

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 14 Boulevard des Capucines in Paris location medium for telling stories focus on stories become come to happen so quickly changing speed American life and values other cultures stars actors be worth trying important shock react initial first all that mattered important at first very early flow of time passing of time It was by no means obvious uncertain movie big screen

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 have establish specific goals targets receive comments give feedback achievable realistic personalize individuals performance achievement make rewards contingent on link rewards to

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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transparent/equitable/equal fair mobile/leave lose highest skills and experience more skilled be prone to tend to workers employees independence not well suited to team work manipulative manipulated perceive feel participation participate remuneration/salary/bonus earnings publicise/openly communicate/visible disclose less important less need near the top of their list important advancement promotion rate sth very highly judge sth to be important

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 researchers studies note show treatment drugs on the market available slow human aging delay the process of growing old findings scientific evidence caloric restriction eating fewer calories delay aging/increase longevity extend human life few mortals not many people harsh not attractive not liver longer shorter lives free-feeding eat what they wanted reduce risk for diabetes less likely to become diabetic decreased likelihood of heart disease reduce chance of heart disease not have lower levels greater quantity of minimize the amount less generation production possibility/explanation/contribute to because emission emit hypothesis because scare in short supply emphasize focus on

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 pharmaceutical company drug companies offer sb sth expect sth from sb

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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$1000 honoraria financial incentives responsibility responsible escalating extravagance increase marketing promotion tremendous advantage positive side be not influenced be not persuaded affect what physicians prescribe promotion works marketing practices marketing techniques criticize criticism ethical judgment moral grounds get the attention of busies doctors in need of quick information

use to doctors

doctor/nurse healthcare environment watch clearly visible Tablet bearing a pharmaceutical company’s logo/ pen emblazoned with a drug’s name

drug promotion

Have every right legitimate make a profit make money

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 300000 large numbers of adults men and women learn teach accept the idea know decades for many years children’s chances of survival child health woman’s ability to read maternal literacy examine investigate value its children more highly attitudes to children teaching reading to poor adult women maternal literacy children infant educate learn to read child mortality infant mortality figure rate remain more or less unchanged stay work as well successful Education budget Money spent on female education

剑桥雅思六册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 survey research a quarter of common lead to suicide/ make the child feel unworthy and depressed


雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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change new approach experience difficulties have difficulty interpersonal relationships relationships as adults in later life be halved decline by 50% intervention campaign anti-bullying campaign key step important step develop produce clearly quite clear explicit detailed what will be done react early phases of development early part of the process alone on its own short-term not permanent liable potential distinguish recognize the difference supervisor supervision

剑桥雅思六册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 1 文章 题目 weekends and nights outside normal working hours primary point of contact speak first basic information general information request ask brief details explain your symptoms or illness your problem relocate move have a record of your telephone number new contact details nil not show look at report to sb talk to sb member staff coordinator

剑桥雅思六册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 2 文章 题目 on the basis of on every second year not every year applicants students full-free scholarship pay 100% of the student’s tuition fees half-free scholarship 50% of one year’s fees no charge no fee formatted floppy disk floppy disk at any time at all times book reserve access use

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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be advised to do should 剑桥雅思六册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 3

文章 题目 more prosperous/ large total population/ increased per capita consumption


water-intensive/consume 70%of the world’s fresh water


improve successful charge/cost/incentive/commodity/market economic cut back on reduce loss/leak waste environment/ecosystem/grass/vegetation/plants natural resources grim prospect future increase rise rapidly dramatically more increasingly increased growing larger bigger total population global population price increases charge high prices improve the rate substantially dramatically increase high levels of water-use efficiency increase the efficiency use application prevent protect better improved improved affect interfere add to worsen Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean many countries

剑桥雅思六册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 1 文章 题目 academic staff/education teachers hospital and medical staff nurses higher education university self-employment start your own business hospitality hotel government position jobs in public administration rural/farm agricultural casual work temporary work online Internet half-price discount disability wheelchair user parties of a group of companion accompany

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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refund money get money back unforeseen circumstances unexpectedly

剑桥雅思六册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 2 文章 题目 make a weekly allocation of your time make a timetable the most significant task first prioritize area or space/place space avoid aches and pains comfortably log alphabetically catalogue books and other articles references useful important copy photocopy take your mind right off it for a period of time/ away from the task

take a break

discuss talk topic work reply to letters deal with letters gather information/look at sources/ use cataloguing systems

use the libraries

apply for a job interview acceptable acknowledge skim and scan reading tenses grammar

剑桥雅思六册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 3 文章 题目 sailplanes/aeroplanes mechanic flight name identification disagreement conflicting theory wipe out all species widespread destruction of animal life earth our planet all continents all over the world new find clear proof capable of flight could fly catch fish over open water hunt their food from the air difficult difficulty change over time evolve use/Make use of take advantage of natural currents environment unable fail to are known are discovered specimen evidence over more than wide across

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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剑桥雅思七册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 mammalian ancestor/dinosaurs early mammals manage to survive avoid dying out given that why nocturnal night find their ways navigate cannot see don’t rely on vision detection of submarines/war military blind humans blind people like comparable sense sensation limb leg or arm like similar sense perceive discover understand build design exploit apply measure calculate detection find incorrect inaccurate talk about refer to coin the term the word was first used since because

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 water resources water supply worldwide global soaring increasing mainly because of due primarily to expansion improve food feed don’t have adequate sanitation service/ relevance to health

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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lack access to lean drinking water consequence effect Ecosystem/degrade soil quality environmental shift back to revision experts scientists fall/not rise/slow rate downward trend explain/factor explanation ecological criteria/higher specification raise standards soar growth new technology modern technology home domestic Roman Empire ancient Rome consume consumption

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 new not traditional approach way radical mainly look at be concerned with peripheral details unimportant details with great concentration concentrate hard evidence theory beforehand prior to expectation aware be easy and pleasant not demanding methods teaching activities not unusual conventional conventional ordinary new words new vocabulary notoriety well known maintain admit

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 during the past 1400 years in 1400 years unscathed not destroy office blocks buildings erect build absorber/dampen the effect absorb some of the power earthquake severe weather conditions inner staircases interior access to top watchtower observation post fifty per cent half Buddhism/important temple religious

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

Page 28: Å` 9R[Æx {,N rH OUná heman222@163

constrain stop 剑桥雅思七册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 2

文章 题目 removal of pesticides purify chemical fertilizers and pesticide chemicals cause/result effect firs, then and now stages refer to as term not appear hidden vanish decline birds/insects several species of wildlife rarely make the connection/not appear not recognize food poisoning illness caused by food conclusion conclude threefold higher separate ways different types pay for payment supposedly realize feasible realistic need reliance many farmers most farmers too big a jump unable in thinking and in practices adapt to introduction establish shift change as well as and

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 research identify improve improvement have different degrees of success effect support and understanding co-operation government authorities officials act as a reference for future as a future model begin start isolated almost inaccessible with the locality outside the local area improve improvement communities local people participate in lend a hand not successful hinder attempts efficiency efficient

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 1

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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文章 题目 contact communication urban lifestyle city life forcing encourage navigate find their way bearing/visual landmarks position prevent not able to odour clues sense of smell spot find agricultural agriculture compared similar to feed edible secrete secretion control other fungi that might act as weeds weed-killer fertilize fertilizer waste unwanted material genetically genetic screen analysis improve or modify upgrade swap exchange strains species continually constantly domesticate develop sophisticate advance ruin affect use waste

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 techniques methods develop development enter the Americas migration to America when/clues questions interbreeding human population different populations share a set of such variants closeness sample research result find that/it wad deduced that DNA/geneticist genetic study evidence teeth/incisor dental argue conflicting views

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 3 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 discard exclude

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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constantly renewed renewable artificial not natural survive exist frontier boundary transcend not limit conclusion/declaration decide possible effects of unforeseen events change systematisation systematically extension extensively genetic diversity all kinds of species databank information available be collected and shared preferential give priority harmonise co-ordinate

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 1 文章 题目 tens of thousands of a large number of slaves people conventional picture generally believed odd strange noticed found put theory to the test test theory huge weight/ 300-tonne heavy stone bear lift massive blocks of large pieces of harness use a wooden artefact an object look like resemble found discovery develop ideas experiment deliver send as early as 1250 BC two thousands years ago dump flaming debris on their foes weapon

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 2 文章 题目 called/known as rename commercial companies soul/ nourishment/ like blood through a heart dependent exceed more than crash sharp decrease annual each year monitor check show up to spawn sufficient to permit fishing

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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halt stop prosper successful found establish Environmental responsibility care for environment

剑桥雅思七册 TEST 4 PASSAGE 3 文章 题目 adjust adapt after about four minutes long term one single intrusion occur error mistake unpredictable unexpected take its toll on manifest disruptive at first find it difficult at first one year later a year later longer long-term the knowledge know control/ turn off make it stop eliminate negative effects and after-effects problem don’t arise loud high-pitched soft low-pitched interfere affect ability capability

剑桥雅思七册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 1 文章 题目 notice inform moving home a change of address anywhere in the UK throughout the country use for any other enquiries handle enquiries complain complaint problem fault free not charge Shorter rapid Small amounts of small quantities of dry low in moisture non-porous casing skin soup, sauces and beverages liquid warming for a second time re-heating Wipe out/ remove grease or food Keep clean

剑桥雅思七册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 2 文章 题目 heavy initial outlay/not cheap expensive importance impressive

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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rely on depend on manufacturing and storage producing goods vans and lorries/transport/parking vehicle knock know remove extend outwards or add extra floors create more room allow permit change extension near close to pick up collect pay check wage approve authorize additional extra paid compensation overtime hours 40 hours a week payroll deduction charge taken off their salary request select complete forms fill in documents known as name

剑桥雅思七册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST A SECTION 3 文章 题目 wrap around breed genetic qualities detection find 0.1% chance difficult top good unswerving concentration not easily distracted neurobiologist scientist attention deficit have difficulty paying attention maintain focus maintain concentration long periods constant praise encouragement roaring engine noisy praise approval controversial not widely accepted spot notice escape miss

剑桥雅思七册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 1 文章 题目 for personal use not for work best cost-effective charge pay not allowed prohibit management owner

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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文章 题目 unpaid work volunteer employ work doesn’t apply to doesn’t cover in the first 6 months at the start special provision different rules include provide through via pay wage overtime working longer hours able can talk with speak to less than below inspect look at employer boss fail to dose not require need complicated complex uncomplicated easy recipient sender

剑桥雅思七册 GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST B SECTION 3 文章 题目 became the property bought built constructed bridge was opened to traffic road leading to the bridge open only to pedestrians close to traffic a mystery/ no eye-witness accounts no written evidence sketches paintings over the Severn across the River Severn fund raise money cheaper/more efficient attractive be fitted together be connected to each other

雅思9分密码 第二版 何满 [email protected]

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