
تجميع اساله النهدي

سوال 75

1-Sultan is 34 years old man came to your pharmacy Suffering from pyrosis and take Omeprazole for 14 days and it was helpful, what do you recommend?


2-Anti-nematode agent?

VermoxR ( mebendazole )

*class of Anthelmintics

3-Alternative of Panadol sinus is?

Adol sinus

4-Eye drop not used for more than 3-5 days?

Optizolin Eye Drop ( Tetrahydrozoline )

*class of Adrenergic Agonist , Decongestants, ophthalmic

5- Bio-garlic used as complementary treatment in Hypertension? true or false


6- Rinofed contains Guaifenesin ? true or false


* Rinofed Tablet is used for Cough, Nasal congestion, Hay fever, Upper respiratory allergies, Sinus congestion and pressure, Upper respiratory symptoms and other conditions.

Rinofed Tablet contains Pseudoephedrine Hcl and Triprolidine Hcl as active ingredients.

Rinofed Tablet works by stimulating the alpha-adrenergic receptors; blocking the action of histamine receptor;

Detailed information related to Rinofed Tablet's uses

7-Patients had productive cough, with pink, frothy sputum and dyspnea? Cardiac patients 8-Example of regular insulin? Actrapid or Novolin It is short acting Rapid-Acting *Lispro (Humalog, novoraprid ) *Aspart (Novolog) *Glulisine (Apidra) Long acting insulin * Insulin glargine (Basaglar, Lantus, Toujeo, vivaro) * Insulin detemir (Levemir) * Insulin degludec (Tresiba) 9- alternative of lantus is ?




10- All is glucometers with re-apply blood sample except? A)One touch ultra B)CONTOUR NEXT C)accu-check performa 11-Xarleto available in different concentration 10,15,20 ? true or false True *xarleto it is rivaroxaban it is anticoagulant medication taken by mouth Commonly used to prevent blood clots 12- Frequency dose of zinnat 500mg ? A)once daily B)twice daily C) three times daily * zinnat is cefuroxime it is 2nd generation of cephalosporin Zinnat is indicated for the treatment of the infections listed below in adults and children from the age of 3 months

13- Drug used in delay ejaculation? A) ErectaR B) LegamR C) HeroxR

• Legam is dapoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, for the treatment of premature ejaculation

• Herox is Tadalafil is a phosphodiesterase-5 Enzyme inhibitors

• Erecta is Sildenafil other brand name vaigraR

14- Sporanox available in different package except? A) 4 cap / box B) 15 cap / box C) 10 cap / box

* SPORANOX® (itraconazole) Capsules should not be administered for the treatment of onychomycosis in patients with evidence of ventricular dysfunction such as congestive heart failure (CHF) or a history of CHF. 15- Drug contain vit b6 ? A)pyridoxine B)bio-biloba C)marnys royal jelly 16- Frequency of dose Gyno dakrtin suppository 400mg is ?

A) Once daily B) BID C) TID

• It is miconazole 17- Gynodaktrin suppository available in different concentration except ? A-400mg B-800mg C-1200mg

18- Drug used in heart failure contains valsartan and sacubtril ? A- Twynsta B- Entersto C- Coveram

19- Omnicef contains ……………. As active ingredient? A)cefdinir B)cefixime C)cefuroxime

20- one of these product is hypertonic solution? A) Ocean spray B) Otrisaline C) Sinoclear

21- Altenative of singulair (anti-allergic oral) ? A)airfast B)leukast C) ketonil D)zaditen * Singular,airfast and leukast it is (montelukast) 22-coozar available in two concertation 50 and 100 ? true or false True *Coozar ( losartan ) 23- Drug contain fenofibrate except ? A)lipanthyl B)fenogal C)Lopid *lopid is Gemfibrozil 24- Alternative of exforge ?

A) Coveram B) Preterax C) Lotevan

*Exforge is amlodipine and valsartan

25- Alternative of salmom oil omega 3 ?

A- Amrizole B- Omega puls C- Diflucan

26-lines of treatment of tinea corporis except?




27- Patient is diagnostic as suffer cystitis so that the following is suitable advices except?

A-drinking large quantities of fluids

B-Avoid delay in emptying the bladder

C-drinking large quantities of coffee

28-Cyclogest Available in different concentration except?




*Cyclogest is Progesterone

29-Drug contain fluconazole except ?




30- Vaginal cleanser can used for female below 4 years ?

A-canesten Sensicare

B-uriage GYN-PHY


31-Ear drop contain Chloramphenicol only ?

A-otosporine Ear drop 5 ml

B-Riachol 10 ml

D-Otocol ear 10ml

32-Suppository has astringent action ?




*Albothyl is policresulen

33- Clarinase available in dosage form ?




* Clarinase is a medicine that contains two active substances loratadine (at a dose of 5 mg) and pseudoephedrine (at a dose of 120 mg). It belongs to a group of medicines called nasal decongestants for systemic use .

34-Dose of suprax 100 mg/5ml for patient , his weight 10kg ?

A- 5ml B- 4ml C- 8ml D- 2.5ml

35-Alternative of Remeron ?




*Remeron is Mirtazapine antidepressant , alpha-2 antagonist

36-Drug used in increase calories out ?

A-natural green tea



Uniprost is alternative of Cardura ? true or false -37

True DoxazosinUniprost it is azosin) is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) (dox Cardura

and high blood pressure.

Alternative of mebo cream is ? -38

Avomeb-A B-Avocom C-Avocaine

39- Alternative of galvus is

Jalra-A B-Onglyza D-Trajenta

vildagliptin*Galvus or jalra it is

diabetic drug) of the new dipeptidyl -hyperglycemic agent (anti-is an oral anti4) inhibitor class of drugs.-4 (DPP-peptidase

Product contain amoxicillin , its concentration 875 mg ? -40

Hymox forte-A

B-Augmentin ES Suspension c- E-mox

41- all product contain zinc except ? A-GNC zinc 50 mg B-Stress tab zinc


42- All product combination between antifungal and corticosteroid except ?




43- Systemic antifungal classified as pregnancy category B ?




terbinafine*lamisil it is

44-Abilify available in different concentration except ?

5-A B-15 C-10

abilify is aripiprazole is an antipsychotic medication *

Lorinase available in different dosage forms except ? -45

Drops-A Syrup-B tablet -D

sedative agent of antihistamine -*lorinase is loratadine non

fosfomycin mainly used in respiratory tract infection ?-64 true -A


product contain cefodroxil ?-74 cephalex -A

Biodroxil-B Tabiclor -D

48- Vaccination for flu ? A-Relanza

xigripVa-B C-Resochin

49-Feminie cleanser suitable for women and men ?

leocrema-A B-cytarose C-sebamed

50-alternative of diamicron is ?

Glizide-A B-Glibil D-Minidiab

antidiabetic agent type 2 asulfonylure – egliclazidis iamicrone D antidiabetic drug in a class of medications known as - eGlibenclamidGlibil is

,sulfonylureas diabetic medication from the -acting anti-and short -oral rapid - eGlipizidinidiab M

ssulfonylurea clas

suitable as eye nutrient ?Multivitamin -15

pharmaton -A Dynamisan -B Vision nature-C

Alternative of Menogon ?-25

Fostimon -A Merional-B Gonal F -C

• GHuman Menopausal Gonadotrophine HMis enogon M

Alternative of crestor ? -35 Livazo -A

varinl-B Tovast -C

)® (rosuvastatin calciumRCRESTO *

in ? availableClortimazole is -45 Canesten-A

Fasigyn -B Vermox -C

all drugs used in improve libido in male except ?-55

Gentaplex -A Aphrofem-B

Aphromax -C

Drug contain isoflavonoids ?-56 phytosoya -A

femme -phuto-B isoflavones -C

all of the above-D

.?………Tavanic contain -57 levofloxacin-A

Ofloxacin -B moxifloxacin -C

.?…Rhinorrhea , sneezing , nasal pruritus are symptoms of -58 tonsillitis -A pharynigitis -B

Allergic rhinitis-C

all drugs contain Doxazocin except ? -59 niprost U-A

Doxagen -B Vesicare-C

Cardura -D 60-Micostat containes active ingredient ………..? A-Clotrimazole B-Terbinafine


61- clindamycin available in ………..? Dalacin-A

B-Famvir C-Cefix

62- alternative of doxydar ?

Vibromycin-A B-Ciprobay D-Tabiclor

63-one of these is not alternative for Zithromax ?

Zeffix-A B-Azi-once C-Zimax

64- Alternative of avalox ? A-Tarvid

Maxim-B C-Levox

65-Avalox contain ……………… as active ingredient? A-Ciprofloxacin

Moxifloxacin-B D-Gemifloxacin

66- Alternative of euphyllin (beta agonist bronchodilator )? A-Ventoline

Theoped-B C-Dilanyl Euohyllin is theophyllinum

67-Alvesco contain Corticosteroid systemic, witch one ? A-Fluticasone

Ciclesonide-B C-Budesonide

68-one of these drug consider short B-Agonist ( beta agonist bronchodilator )?

Dilanyl-A B-Flixotide C-Seretide

eTerbutalin*Dilanyl is 69-Atrovent available as ampoule for nebulization (Chlinergic antagonist for treat asthma )?

true-A B-False 70-Dose of Relvar ………. Long Beta2 agonist bronchodilator ?

once daily-A B-BID D-TID

n oiEach single inhalat fluticasone furoate/vilanterol inhalation powder elvarR 184 micrograms of fluticasone furoate and 22 micrograms of vilanterol (as trifenatate).

dispensed dose of 200 micrograms of fluticasone furoate and -a pre This corresponds to.25 micrograms vilanterol (as trifenatate)

as ointment ? availableeye lubricant -71

fresh pmRe-A Refresh plus -B Hyabak -C

vividrin contain ?-72

Ketotifen -A Olopatadine -B

Sodium Cromoglicate-C 73- latanoprost is available in ?

lumigan-A B-Xalatan C-Travatan

74- Gentacin drop used as ……….? A-eye drops B-ear drops

Eye and ear drops-C

75-Eye product contain acyclovir ? A-Vigamox

Zovirax-B C-Artelac

1- Chose 4 side effect of corticosteroid?

• hyperglycemia

• cushing syndrome

• osteoprosis

• thromboembolism

• cataract

• salt and water retention

2- chose 4 side effect of insulin ?

• hypoglycemia

• hypokalemia

• lipodystrophy

• local allergic reaction

3- four uses for cleanser?

cleanser is a facial care product that is used to remove make-up, dead skin

cells, oil, dirt, and other types of pollutants from the skin of the face.

This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions such as acne.

A cleanser can be used as part of a skin care regimen together with

a toner and moisturizer.

4- What is active ingredient of omnicef ?


5- Fexofenadine give 2 doses ?

It is anti histamine 2nd generation

Tablet 30mg,60mg,180mg

Oral suspention 30mg/5ml

Oral disintegrating tablet 30mg

6- Intermediate insulin ?

isophane insulin or NPH (Neutral protamine Hagedorn)

7- Domperidone ?

*It is used to treat symptoms of stomach disorders and also be used to

prevent nausea and vomiting caused by certain medications.

*this medication is not to be used by breast-feeding women to increase

production of breast milk.

*Take this medication by mouth as prescribed usually 30 minutes before meals

and at bedtime.

*Duration of domperidone 3-5 days

8-onest of H2 blocker ?

H2 blockers begin working within an hour, and last for up to 12 hours

The onset of action is within 30 minutes if given IV

within 1 hour if given PO.

By either route the duration of action is 10-12 hours.

H2 Blockers do not alter the pH of gastric fluid already present within the stomach at

the time of their administration.

9-frequency of josamycin ?

Twice daily

10-chose correct state of stady state concentration ?

11- for asthma better choice …………?


12- Raloxifene use in ?


Postmenopausal women

13- linagliptin ?

Potentiate insulin secreation

14- ppi is ?


gold compenation with PPI drugs such as omeprazole or rapeprazole or lansoprazole

15- h2 blocker ?

Ranitidine ,cimetidine,famotidine and nizatidine

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