Page 1: 就醬  補一堂漢語常識課
Page 2: 就醬  補一堂漢語常識課

Preface You may know that there are 2 versions of Chinese

character. Traditional one is applied mainly in both Taiwan & Hong Kong while simplified version is popular in China, Malaysia as well as Singapore. On the other hand, you’re probably not aware that Mandarin is just a simplified dialect. The presented slides picture you the Sinology regarding Chinese language development. 

Page 3: 就醬  補一堂漢語常識課
Page 4: 就醬  補一堂漢語常識課
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Page 23: 就醬  補一堂漢語常識課
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Page 34: 就醬  補一堂漢語常識課

相關連結1. 夜雨寄北 李商隱

2. 渭城曲 王維

3. 將進酒 李白

4. 網路字典

5. 廣韻

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