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Understanding IBM Maximo Architecture - Configuration and Performance

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J2EE/Java Application Architecture The TPAE Architecture Maximo Reliance Pyramid Network


– Resolving Issues

Hardware– Minimum Requirements

– Common Problems

– Soft and Hard Partitioning

Services– J2EE Services

– Database Services

– Report Services

Maximo– Fine Tuning


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Considerations for this presentation

Because of the approach of this presentation, some technologies will be covered from different perspectives (Example Network tuning and Maximo tuning for the network)

Every environment is different and exact tuning solutions require and analysis of a specific environment

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J2EE Application Architecture

Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Application Architecture

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Quick overview of Java Technologies

Java code is written in a text style editor in semi English terms.

Source text files (.java) are compiled using a java compiler (javac) to become class files (.class)

Class files are really a collection of tokens that execute in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

JVMs are written for each computer environment (OS, Processor).

Since it is the JVM that is running on the computer equipment, Java code does not have to be recompiled for different computers. The same code runs in different JVMs

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Quick overview of Application Servers

Java code can execute in a JVM without the use of an Application Server

Application Servers were designed to simplify JVM management and provide additional functionality

Application Servers provide deployment, logging, memory management and other services

Additional functionality provided by most Application Servers includes JDBC pooling, JMS Queues, and Load Balancing

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Technology Relationships of Java Programs

The Application Server starts => The JVM starts

=> The Java code starts

So Maximo relies on the JVM to run which relies on the Application Server to run which relies on the Operating System to run

Application Server (IBM WebSphere or Oracle WebLogic)Manages the JVMs

Java Virtual Machine (IBM, Sun, and others)Executes the Java Code

Java Code (Maximo and others)Contains the application logic

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External Technology Relationships

Java code can have reliance on external technologies in addition to the Java relationships. In Maximo’s case, it relies on external database technologies and may rely on external report technologies.

Maximo does not use Application Server JDBC pooling

Application Server (IBM WebSphere or Oracle WebLogic)Manages the JVMs

Java Virtual MachineExecutes the Java Code

Java CodeContains the application logic

External DB Technologies (DB2, Oracle, SS)Manages the data from the application

External Report Technologies (Actuate)Manages the reporting for the application

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Resolving J2EE configuration issues

Each layer of technology relies on the layer it resides in

J2EE Layers can be reviewed separate from external technologies

External technologies such as database and report can be reviewed separate from J2EE

Both J2EE and external technologies may have common reliance such as network

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The TPAE Architecture

Tivoli Process Automation Engine (TPAE) Architecture

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What is TPAE?

The Tivoli Process Automation Engine provides basic services to applications that are built on it’s architecture

Functionality such as database connectivity, email listeners, cron tasks, workflow, security and much more is built into TPAE and provided to applications

Applications that use TPAE have a single point of troubleshooting for core issues

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The IBM Maximo Reliance Pyramid

Tips for finding performance bottlenecks

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The Maximo Reliance Pyramid

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Reliance on other technologies complicates

To simplify troubleshooting, start with the least reliant technology and build towards the most reliant

Using the bottom up approach to the reliance pyramid, troubleshooting starts with network and progresses upward.

– Maximo

– Services

– Hardware

– Network

The Approach Used For Troubleshooting

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Networks – The Ground Rules

Maximo uses about 32 kbps in bandwidth per concurrent user

Maximo performs best in 50 ms or less latency

– It takes thousands of packets to display a single User Interface (UI) screen

– 1000 * 50 ms = 50,000 ms or 50 seconds

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Networks – Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted simultaneously

Using a 56 kbps connection to transmit 512 kbps of data will…. fill up your “tubes”

Maximo uses approximately 32 kbps per user. Multiply 32 * number of concurrent users to determine required available bandwidth

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Networks – Latency

Latency is the amount of time in milliseconds that it takes for a packet to reach its destination and a receipt to be sent back to the sender

When too much data is sent through a connection, it is put in a queue and transmitted as bandwidth becomes available

Queued data takes longer to transmit because of the wait time and results in higher latency

Since latency is a key factor in Maximo performance, proper bandwidth must be allocated in order to ensure maximum performance

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Maximo On The NetworkMaximo







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Networks – Wide Area Networks (WAN)


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Networks – Quick Answers

Two simple commands to help determine performance

ping tracert

Senator Ted Stevens explains network communication best

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Networks – Objects vs. Packets

Two objects can be related to packets:– Object 1 = 51 bytes and can be placed in 1 packet

– Object 2 = 2,330 bytes and can be placed in 2 packets

How does this translate into performance?– It takes 100 copies of object 1 to make up 1 copy of

object 2

– Object 1 takes 98 more packets to transfer and cover the same area as object 2

– At 50 ms latency, object 1 will fill the area in 5 seconds while object 2 will only take 1/10 of a second

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Networks – Maximo vs. Web Pages

Images and objects (Application Designer)– Web Pages use larger images for static content

– Maximo breaks images into smaller objects

Validation (Ajax type technology)– Web pages typically validate at submit time

– Maximo validates and secures at field level during input

User Interface and Data Manipulation (ad hoc search)– Web pages typically focus on a specific job

– Maximo provides a high level of customization capability and user flexibility to access and manipulate large quantities of data

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Networks – Optimization Technologies

Citrix / Terminal Server (Client Emulation)

Junniper, Expand, & similar – (Single Device Acceleration / Caching, HTTP Header Compression)

Riverbed & similar – (Multi-device Acceleration / Caching, Compression, HTTP Headers)

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The Maximo Reliance Pyramid - Networks

You are here

When network tuning is complete, the next step is Hardware

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Hardware is measurable & relatively easy to define

Maximo requires a minimum of 900 MHz processors, enough memory to support the Java JVM, and network connectivity (a NIC card)

If these minimums are not met, Maximo may still run but is not supportable

Check documentation for specific release requirements


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Hardware - Operating System Relationships

Hardware is the physical equipment (processor, memory, storage devices, monitors) that software runs on

Operating systems manage the hardware and how it is used by software programs

All calls and uses of hardware are processed by the operating system

If the operating system runs poorly then the software running in it will run poorly

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Hardware – Common Windows OS Problems Mapped drives requiring network access for logs &

attached documents

When building/deploying EAR files, remote source files may cause the build/deploy process to perform poorly

Operating System swap space and memory management

Disk space / quotas

Configuration of the Network Interface Card (NIC)

Antivirus software on the server set too aggressively

Windows defaults to a more open security architecture than Unix but can be locked down

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The #1 OS problem experienced in Unix is privileges!

Unix defaults to a more secure security architecture than Windows does but privileges can be granted. If access to required files is denied, Maximo may not run properly

Mounted drives requiring network access for logs and attached documents

Operating System temp space and memory management

Unix Configuring X-Windows, XVFB, and the display variable on the server

Disk space / quotas for logs & attached documents

Unix controls upper limits on all types of connections such as DB connections, open files, logins etc… These can prevent proper function. (set “ulimit” for open files and memory)

Hardware – Common Unix OS Problems

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Physical servers can be divided into physical partitions. Example: 4 processors, 4 GB memory, can be 4 separate hard partitions acting as 4 separate computers, each one independent (IBM LPAR, Sun Domain, etc)

Physical partitioning usually applies to large Unix based systems

Soft partitions such as VM Ware and Microsoft VM are more PC oriented. VM Ware is not supported for production environments until release

Hardware – Partitioning

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The Maximo Reliance Pyramid - Hardware

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When hardware tuning is complete, the next step is Services

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Maximo is a software product written in Java that pulls together many types of technology to empower users

If a service is not performing well, that functionality of Maximo will not perform well

Tuning services is heavily reliant on recommendations from the manufacturer of that product

Services include J2EE, JVM, Database, Reporting and others that Maximo relies on

Services – How they affect Maximo

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Services – How they affect Maximo

If database queries run slowly then Maximo performance will degrade due to waiting for database response

If the J2EE server (IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic) does not perform well, Maximo running inside the J2EE server cannot perform well

If the JRE / JVM that the J2EE server uses does not perform well, Maximo cannot perform well

If the report server does not perform well, reports may be slow and other areas of Maximo may be affected

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Services – Database - How they affect Maximo DB2 has a cost driven optimizer , executing the RUNSTATS

utility will update the catalog and improve performance

Maximo does not use bind variables. Oracle will perform better if cursor_sharing is set to similar or force

In Oracle, more SGA is better, Oracle for Windows may have memory limitations

SQL Server uses memory page level locking by default. High concurrent user counts can cause database locks as a result. SQL Server will perform better if row level locking is enabled

Any database platform will perform better if indexing has been tuned for your particular use

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Services – J2EE Services - How they affect Maximo

If the J2EE server (IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic) or the JVM supporting Maximo does not perform well, Maximo cannot perform well

WebSphere should have cache settings and TCP/IP settings tuned to perform well

WebLogic should have threads tuned to perform well

HTTP servers and JVMs be deployed in sufficient numbers to support incoming requests and should be load balanced

Documents 1261874 & 1261853

WebSphere Tuning - Tuning -

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The Maximo Reliance Pyramid - Services

You are here

When service tuning is complete, the next step is Maximo

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Maximo Tuning – Common Performance Problems

Network Issues described earlier

Too many users on too few JVMs

Minimal training for end users causing improper use

Configuration choices at implementation time

Memory leaks

Databases not properly tuned

Log Overkill

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Maximo Tuning – Network Properties

Maximo 6.1 built in compression – (Software Compression / Gzip)

Maximo 6.1 built in caching – (Software Caching / max-age)

Document numbers 1262009 & 1292557

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Maximo Tuning – Concurrent Users Maximo should be clustered and load balanced to

maintain less than 50 concurrent users per instance

50 users is a guideline not a hard number. 50 users logged in and not doing anything is not the same as 50 users run in a Load Runner script hammering the system

Performance testing scripts should include wait times, different users, and different tasks to ensure a more real world experience

Be prepared to add more instances if performance is not as targeted. Document 1329219

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Maximo Tuning – Minimal Training

Maximo is very flexible and often has more than one way to accomplish a task

Untrained users often choose an approach that may be less than optimal

Common tasks should be reviewed by knowledgeable staff to fine tune processes

Maximo searching is very powerful but if misused, can impact performance for all users

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Maximo Tuning – Configuration Choices Search functionality defaults to the most flexible

searching method but burdens the database server. Search methodologies include:• Wildcard (default)

• Exact

• Text

• None

User loads, type of work and user training may dictate changing the default search methodology

A common implementation approach is to create catch all screens for users. More smaller screens can improve performance over larger crowded screens

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All programs have bugs

Some memory leaks may be related to invalid program data (example parent/child locations set as the same value causing a loop)

Some bugs may be related to custom coding

Memory and MBO’s will continue to grow and not release if there is a memory leak – Documents 1291250 & 1326774

• 07 Apr 2008 11:14:22:622 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (272), mbos (306)

• 07 Apr 2008 11:15:22:651 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (278), mbos (312)

• 07 Apr 2008 11:16:22:690 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (380), mbos (432)

• 07 Apr 2008 11:17:24:708 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (435), mbos (489)

• 07 Apr 2008 11:18:24:928 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (686), mbos (812)

• 07 Apr 2008 11:19:25:101 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (847), mbos (939)

• 07 Apr 2008 11:20:26:399 [INFO] WORKORDER: mbosets (942), mbos (1028)

Maximo Tuning – Memory Leaks

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Maximo Tuning – Databases

Maximo is shipped for generic use. A specific implementation requires specific index and database tuning

Tuning the database will involve a good understanding of the database environment as well as the ways Maximo is used in a given environment

If Maximo is more focused on purchasing, tuning work order tables and indexes will probably not help

Use Maximo logging properties to identify problems

Document 1291250

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Maximo Tuning – Database (SQL Server 2005) SQL Server 2005 tuning parameters

• mxe.db.disableservercursor=Y

• mxe.db.resultsettype=TYPE_FAST_FORWARD

• mxe.db.fetchsizeuse=Y

• mxe.db.fetchsize=40

• mxe.db.optionuse = Y

• mxe.db.optionnum=1000

• mxe.db.sqlserverPrefetchRows=200

Note: For Maximo releases > 6.1 & SQL Server 2000, these values are different

Documents 1268567, 1296072, 1313428

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Maximo Tuning – < 6.2 Database (SQL Server 2000) Use SQL Server tuning parameters to manage cursor


• mxe.db.disableservercursor=Y

• mxe.db.resultsettype=TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE

• mxe.db.fetchsizeuse=Y

Note: For Maximo releases > 6.1 & SQL Server 2000, these values are different

Documents 1268567,1295983, 1313428

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Maximo Tuning – > 6.1 Database (SQL Server 2000) Use SQL Server tuning parameters to manage cursor


• mxe.db.disableservercursor=Y

• mxe.db.resultsettype=TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE

• mxe.db.fetchsizeuse=Y

• mxe.db.fetchsize=40

• mxe.db.rowcount=15000

• mxe.db.optionuse=N

Note: For Maximo releases < 6.2 & SQL Server 2000, these values are different

Documents 1268567,1295983, 1313428

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Maximo Tuning – Oracle

Use Oracle logging properties to identify problems

Ensure that Oracle has enough SGA

Ensure that Oracle is set to: Cursor_Sharing=similar

Ensure that Oracle is upgraded to or later

Ensure that Oracle is set to Cost Based optimization

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Maximo Tuning – Logging

Setting verbosity 9 or debug mode makes finding a problem in a log like a needle in a haystack

Setting verbosity 9 or debug mode causes performance problems, impacts disk space and may cause the log to roll before the issue can be captured

Minimizing logging can impact problem resolution times. Typical logging should be set at verbosity 3 and per document 1291250 for general runtime.

Use common sense when logging for a suspect issue

Debug Logging -

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Maximo – Tuning and Troubleshooting

Use the Maximo debug parameters to ensure that SQL is performing well

– mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit (5.2 P02A and above)

– mxe.db.logSQLPlan (6.0 P01 and above - Oracle)

– mxe.db.sqlTableScanExclude (6.0 P01 and above - Oracle)

Use the debug parameters to ensure that memory is performing well

– mbocount (5.2 P05 and above - different implementations)

– mxe.db.fetchResultLogLimit (5.2 P02A and above)

Document numbers 1291250 & 1326774

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This link is the key to finding good information on Maximo

WebSphere Tuning - 1261874Gzip / max-age – 1262009Oracle performance - 1262959 & 1262180max-age - 1292557SQL Server - 1268567SQL Server 2000 - 1295983 &

1313428SQL Server 2005 - 1296072Debug logging - 1291250

Type the document reference number into the search criteria

Important Information to Take Away

Or go to and enter the following in the search field (include the quotes)

"IBM Maximo Asset Management Support"

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