Page 1: · 11月 18, 2020 Bauple BroadcastBauple Broadcast 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052

From the Principal

Can you believe there is only three weeks left of the 2020 school year? We are well and truly on the home stretch as we head towards Christmas holidays. This newsletter will provide a reminder about some of the upcoming events. YEAR 6 GRADUATION We are excited to celebrate the graduation of our Year 6 students on Monday, 7th of December. Year 6 students, their parents and staff will come together for this special occasion. Please stay tuned for invitations coming home shortly. Our Year 5 volunteers are also

looking forward to being involved as waiters and waitresses. YEAR 5 LEADER SPEECHES Year 5 students have nominated for leadership positions for the 2021 school year. Please come and support them as they give their leadership speeches on the 23rd November. Students will be running for school captain, vice-captain and sport captain. Results will be announced on our 2020 Awards Day. AWARDS DAY AND KEYS TO SUCCESS CELEBRATION Our annual Awards Day will be held on the last day of school, Wednesday, 9th of December. We warmly invite parents to join us as we recognise our students’ achievements from 2020, reflect on our year and introduce our 2021 school leaders. Our ceremony will be followed by a shared lunch and then our Keys to Success Colour Run. We invite parents to stay on to join us for some fun! COVID-19 safe practices will be in place. We will provide further detail as this special day draws closer. HIGH SCHOOL BIG DAY OUT AND ORIENTATION Our Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed participating in the Big Day Out at Maryborough State High School last week. Manual Arts, Technology and PE were all among some of their favourites. Year 6 students who have enrolled to attend

School & Community



23 P&C Meeting

30 Maryborough High Orientation

7 Year 6 Graduation

9 Awards Day &KTS Colour Fun Run

10 Christmas Holidays

Number 3 18th November 2020 Term 4

Our 2020 Explicit School Priority Agenda is: Reading Comprehension

Bauple Broadcast 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650

A/Principal: Jess Chin [email protected]

Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052

President: Rebecca - 0448 426 093 Secretary: Courtney - 0458 157 114

Treasurer: Jess - 0428 214 513 Bus: Hinter-Coast Transport - 1300 658 971

Page 2: · 11月 18, 2020 Bauple BroadcastBauple Broadcast 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052

Maryborough State High School in 2021 are invited to an Orientation Day on Monday, 30th of November. Please contact the school for more details.

REMEMBRANCE DAY Last Thursday our students and staff paused for a minute silence to reflect and thank our service men, ladies and animals who currently serve or have served in the

past to keep us and our country safe. It is always promising to see our young students participate with respect and understanding. “We will remember”. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Bauple Staff and the P&C have completed our revised Student Code of Conduct. We will be sharing this with the community for the 2021 year. Thanks to those who have contributed to the creation of this document. MOBILE PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES Staff continue to have concerns for how some of our students are using their electronic devices. We have had reports that there has been inappropriate use of devices outside of school but the incidents are beginning to impact on relationships and engagement at school. If communicating online, it is vital that we COMMUNICATE KINDLY and abide by the same expectations we share if communicating face to face. If allowing your children to access games on the internet, PLEASE BE AWARE that they are potentially coming in contact with unknown adults from across the world posing to be peers. Please speak to your children about appropriate use of electronic devices and monitor how they are using the device. We will be working our way through a series of “Net Safe” videos during our B4L lessons. You may like to also follow up at home to reinforce key messages. 2021 ENROLMENTS – For School and e-Kindy We would be delighted to meet any new students and are accepting enrolments. Please let family or friends know that we are taking enrolments for 2021 and look forward to meeting them soon! communicating face to face. If allowing your children to access games on the internet, PLEASE BE AWARE that they are potentially coming in contact with unknown adults from across the world posing to be peers. Please speak to your children about appropriate use of electronic devices and monitor how they are using the device. We will be working our way through a series of “Net Safe” videos during our B4L lessons. You may like to also follow up at home to reinforce key messages. 2021 ENROLMENTS – For School and e-Kindy We would be delighted to meet any new students and are accepting enrolments. Please let family or friends know that we are taking enrolments for 2021 and look forward to meeting them soon! PRE-PREP SESSIONS and PREP 2021 Our 2021 Prep students have become very comfortable in the school environment. We look forward to three more weeks of Pre-Prep and then Ivy and Charlotte will officially join us next year as prep students. FREE TRIP TO K’GARI (FRASER) ISLAND One of our Rangers, Krista, has invited students and parents to write a Trip Advisor review to share highlights of our camp experience. You might like to thank Krista for leading our raft building or canoe activity. You might like to tell about the fun and learnings we shared during our scavenger hunt, camp

Page 3: · 11月 18, 2020 Bauple BroadcastBauple Broadcast 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052

fire and beach walk. Please take the time to share some positive feedback about our camp experience and then take advantage of the gift card to score yourself a barge ride for two absolutely free. A perfect way to spend a day over the Summer break! Please refer to the card attached to this newsletter FRASER ISLAND CAMP Students have spent some time to reflect and share some camp stories and photos with you this week. Please find them attached. 4-6 News

Seniors have been extra busy the past few weeks working on assessment tasks in several subjects. Students have been learning about Earth and Space and have worked towards an independent research project. Some students have created a Powerpoint presentation with voiceover, while others have created a poster to display. This week we viewed the livestream of the launch of the Space X rocket, which was an exciting addition to our Science learning.

English assessments are well underway. Year 6 students have written a speech discussing author style and will soon participate in a panel discussion. Year 3 and 4 have been writing about setting and character descriptions in Rowan of Rin.

Last week many of our Year 5 and 6 students attended the Big Day Out at Maryborough State High School. Students experienced a range of learning activities, including digital technology (coding), P.E., manual arts, science and HASS. All students displayed great behaviour and enjoyed the day.

Loretta Bryce

P-3 News Students have really enjoyed learning about Earth and Beyond this term. Students are currently completing an assessment task to share their understanding of key concepts. Ask your child about some of the things they know about Earth and the Solar System. During English time we have been constructing our recipes. Students have produced some very interesting and disgusting recipes! They are currently preparing Power Points and then will present their recipes. During math time we have been enjoying math games to practise our number facts and learn more about fractions. We have also been revising 2D and 3D shapes and learning about angles. Keep learning and enjoy the rest of your week! Jess Chin


The Keys to Success provide us with strategies and ways of thinking

when times are tough.

Our Bauple students are familiar with this language and parents are

Student of The Week Doing the Right

Thing Alara, Aisha, Jackson, Max and Ethan

Page 4: · 11月 18, 2020 Bauple BroadcastBauple Broadcast 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052
Page 5: · 11月 18, 2020 Bauple BroadcastBauple Broadcast 44 Forestry Road Bauple 4650 A/Principal: Jess Chin Phone: 07 4193 8222 Mobile: 0491 226 052

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