
1. Electoral Process CALENDAR ACTIVITY 2. One Big Party WORKSHEET p.1 3. Candidate Evaluation REVIEW p.1 4. Mock Election REVIEW 5. Public Sphere WORKSHEET p.1 6. Role of Media AGENDA CUTOUT ACTIVITY 7. Interest Groups THE POTATO PROBLEM 8. What’s The Message? PACKET (propaganda)

一 Bell RingerPick up a test study guide from the front and prepare these papers for your notes


二 WH









The Political Process and Media Influence The Electoral Process and Party Politics

When is election day? How can you tell the difference between single-

party, two-party, and multi-party systems? Candidate Evaluation and the Role of

Media Information from the public record Information from the candidate Information from the media How can the agenda of media change how

and what they report on? Public Sphere vs. Private Sphere Interest Groups Propaganda

Bandwagon, Glittering Generalities Name Calling, Plain Folks Stacking the Deck, Testimonials, Transfer

1. Electoral Process CALENDAR ACTIVITY 2. One Big Party WORKSHEET p.1 3. Candidate Evaluation REVIEW p.1 4. Mock Election REVIEW 5. Public Sphere WORKSHEET p.1 6. Role of Media AGENDA CUTOUT ACTIVITY 7. Interest Groups THE POTATO PROBLEM 8. What’s The Message? PACKET (propaganda)

三 Notes Check

四 What to Expect from TestsAnswer Sheets

When you walk into the room on the day of a test, pick up an answer sheet from the front table. DO NOT LOOK FOR YOUR OWN NAME.

Sit down. Your desk should only have someone’s answer sheet and a pencil on it.

Do not give the answer sheet you picked up to anyone else.

Tricky Answer Choices

This test has 55 questions.

Please read the answer choices carefully. The answer choices will be in the instructions for much of the test.

0-5 incorrect = A6-11 incorrect = B

12-16 incorrect = C17-22 incorrect = D23-55 incorrect = F

四 What to Expect from TestsWhen you are


Put the answer sheet in the upper-right corner of your desk. Put the test on top of that so that your answers are hidden.

Get a book to read from the class library. You do not need permission to go get a book from the classroom library.

You may read a book you brought from home instead.

Strange Numbering

Your answer sheet will have numbers 1 through 100. The first question on your test is numbered 11. Where should you bubble your first answer?

I will remind you again on test day.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり十分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり九分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり八分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり七分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり六分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり五分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

All legal cheating papers must be turned in

on the day of the test before the test begins.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり四分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

All legal cheating papers must be turned in

on the day of the test before the test begins.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり三分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

All legal cheating papers must be turned in

on the day of the test before the test begins.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり二分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

All legal cheating papers must be turned in

on the day of the test before the test begins.

五 What Is Legal Cheating?   ( のこり一分 )

When there are ten minutes left for your test, I will announce that it

is time for legal cheating. Anything you wrote down for your study guide today may be referenced during the last ten minutes of testing.

All legal cheating papers must be turned in

on the day of the test before the test begins.

がんばって! Study hard. Good luck tomorrow!

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