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93 Name: Class: © Santillana Educación S.L./Richmond Publishing 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE D i a g n o s t i c T e s t 1 Listen and number the people. 2 Read and write the names of the animals. _______________ is a mammal. It’s nocturnal. It eats insects. It sleeps upside down. It flies but 1 it hasn’t got feathers. _______________ is a bird. It’s nocturnal. It hunts at night. It’s a carnivore. It eats small animals. 2 It’s got feathers and it flies. _______________ is a reptile. It lays eggs. It’s got a colourful skin. It doesn’t walk. It lives in holes 3 under rocks. It is a carnivore. _______________ is an amphibian. The young animal breathes with gills. The adult animal 4 breathes with lungs. It eats insects. _______________ is a mammal. It’s a herbivore. It isn’t nocturnal. It eats grass and leaves. 5 It doesn’t eat other animals. It’s got thick skin. __________, __________, __________, __________ and __________ are doing exercise. __________, __________, __________, __________ and __________ aren’t doing exercise. Now complete the sentences.

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Name: Class:

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Diagnostic Test

1 Listen and number the people.

2 Read and write the names of the animals.

_______________ is a mammal. It’s nocturnal. It eats insects. It sleeps upside down. It flies but 1

it hasn’t got feathers.

_______________ is a bird. It’s nocturnal. It hunts at night. It’s a carnivore. It eats small animals. 2

It’s got feathers and it flies.

_______________ is a reptile. It lays eggs. It’s got a colourful skin. It doesn’t walk. It lives in holes 3

under rocks. It is a carnivore.

_______________ is an amphibian. The young animal breathes with gills. The adult animal 4

breathes with lungs. It eats insects.

_______________ is a mammal. It’s a herbivore. It isn’t nocturnal. It eats grass and leaves. 5

It doesn’t eat other animals. It’s got thick skin.

__________, __________, __________, __________ and __________ are doing exercise.

__________, __________, __________, __________ and __________ aren’t doing exercise.

Now complete the sentences.•

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Diagnostic Test

3 Look at the picture and write the names. Then complete the sentences.

4 Use the words to complete the text.

Mary Todd ___________ in Manchester. She ___________ to

school until she ___________ 10 and then she ___________ in a

big factory. There ___________ lots of women in the factory and

they all ___________ shirts. She ___________ work very early in

the morning and ___________ late at night. She only ___________

bread for breakfast and sometimes she ___________ a cup of tea

before work.

Sally’s going to the supermarket. She’s going to _________ some fruit.

_______________________ train station. He’s _______________________by train.

_______________________ hospital. _______________________ her aunt.

_______________________ park. _______________________ basketball.

Lucy and Tom are going to the library. They’re going to ___________ some books.

_______________________ animal refuge centre. ___________________ the dogs.

_______________________ sports centre. _______________________.




was started were lived made ate drank went worked finished

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Name: Class:


1 Listen and number the pictures.








2 Read and circle T (true) or F (false).

It’s snowing in Cardiff. T F 1

It’s raining in Manchester. T F 2

It isn’t sunny in Southampton. T F 3

It isn’t sunny in Birmingham. T F4

It’s snowing in Edinburgh . T F 5

It isn’t sunny in London. T F 6

It's foggy in Birmingham. T F7

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Name: Class:

tundra 1

taiga 2

deciduous forest 3

grasslands 4

Mediterranean forest5



This school is in the __________________ biome.

The climate is __________________________________________

In the school there ______________________________________


In the garden there ______________________________________

I think the uniform is _____________________________________

It is very hot and very humid all year. a

It is extremely cold and very dry all year. b

It is very hot and very dry all year. It is cold at night. c

It is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. d

It is very cold and wet in the winter. It is cool and wet in the summer. e

It is cool and wet in the winter and warm and humid in the summer. f

It is cool and wet in the winter and hot and dry in the summer. g

Luke and Sally are on 1 their / there way to the elephant camp. They 2 where / wear special boots and jackets. That night there is a terrible sand storm. The next morning the children are lost. 3 Where / wear are they? They don’t 4 no / know. They can’t find the 5 right / write sand dune. Oh dear! The desert looks like a huge 6 sea / see of sand. ‘And 7 I / eye have got sand in my 8 I / eye!’ complains Luke. They have only got 9 two / to water bottles and 10 for / four biscuits. When the 11 son / sun goes down the children look 12 for / four the pole star. They 13 see / sea it immediately. Then suddenly they 14 hear / here a vehicle. It’s the rescue party! The next day Sally and Luke 15 write / right about their adventure in the desert.

3 Circle the correct words in the text. 1

5 Choose and describe a school.

4 Match the biomes to the descriptions of the climate.



radiators curtains fans blinds

air conditioning fireplace carpets


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Name: Class:


The series is on at half past nine. T F1

The cartoons are on at eight o’clock. T F2

The documentary is on before the news programme. T F 3

The quiz show is on after the film. T F 4

The sports programme is on after the cartoons. T F 5

The comedy programme is on before the documentary. T F6

1 2 3

4 5 6

a b c d e f

1 Listen and match the programmes to the times.

2 Read and circle T (true) or F (false).

3 Complete the chart.

Words that begin with g

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

Words that begin with j

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

TV schedule

16:30 Fun time with the Smiths

17:30 Our Universe is getting bigger!

18:45 News night

19:15 World skiing championships

20:00 David Duck and Matthew Mouse

20:30 Back to school (Episode 6)

21:15 Family quiz time

21:45 Love forever! Starring Tom Crust

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Name: Class:

On Monday Roland Twist is going to












4 Read the headlines and match them to the sections of the newspaper. 1



5 Write about Roland Twist’s plans for next week.

Monday – travel to Manchester. Tuesday – do a show at the Royal Theatre. Wednesday – do an interview on TV. Thursday – visit dance school. Friday – travel back to London. Saturday – have lunch with the family. Sunday – rest!

Dr Robert Frost, the polar zoologist, is going to Antarctica tomorrow. 3

Manchester United wins the cup. 2

Ivan Grotnik stars with The Bolshov Ballet. 5

Four-bedroom house for sale. 4

The President of France visits London. 7

Local bus drivers get new buses. 1

Family dog. 6

a Cartoons b International news c Home news

d Advertisements e Culture f Sports g Science


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Name: Class:


He always leaves his computer on at night.1

He never recycles plastic.2

He always recharges his batteries.3

He sometimes wastes food.4

He always closes the fridge door.5

He always leaves the fridge door open.6

He never wastes electricity.7

He never switches off the lights.8

He always turns off the tap when he’s brushing his teeth.9

He never turns down the radiator on warm days. 10

1 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) the pictures.

2 Match the characters to the sentences.

3 Use the words to complete the chart.

laugh light

ghost daughter

night naughty through

The letters gh sound like f


The letter h is silent


The letters gh are silent






Wasteful Wally Perfect Pete

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Name: Class:

4 Complete the sentences. 1

5 Choose should or shouldn’t and use the words in the box to complete the sentences.



____________ is a renewable source of energy.1

____________ is a renewable source of energy.2

____________ is a renewable source of energy.3

____________ is a non-renewable source of energy.4

____________ is a non-renewable source of energy.5

____________ is a non-renewable source of energy.6

To care for our environment...

we 1 should / shouldn’t fill the ______________ and the ______________.

we 2 should / shouldn’t ______________ our computer when we’re not using it.

we 3 should / shouldn’t ______________ the windows when the ______________ are on.

we 4 should / shouldn’t use ______________ of the paper.

we 5 should / shouldn’t ______________ paper.

we 6 should / shouldn’t ______________ plastic.

oil the wind the sun gas coal the sea

switch off recycle dishwasher both sides open washing machine radiators waste





Some people are not good environmentalists. They waste a lot of electricity. They 1 _______________ use most of their electricity during the day and they 2 _______________ use the washing machine at night. They 3 _______________ turn off their computers and they 4 _______________ leave the television on when they leave the room. They 5 _______________ use rechargeable batteries, but not 6 _______________. They 7 _______________ charge their batteries at night but they 8 _______________ turn off the lights.


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Name: Class:


1 Listen and number the pictures.

2 Read and circle T (true) or F (false).

3 Read the texts and circle the words with the fi nal, silent e.

You can smell some gases. T F 1

You can’t taste any liquids. T F2

You can’t touch any solids. T F3

You can see solids. T F4

You can’t see any gases. T F 5

You can touch liquids. T F 6

A ____________ has got a fixed volume but it hasn’t got a fixed shape.

A ____________ hasn’t got a fixed volume or a fixed shape.

A ____________ has got a fixed volume and a fixed shape.

A table is made of wood. It’s a solid. It’s got a fixed volume and it’s got a fixed shape. A lot of things are made from wood. A pencil, a chair, a door are three things made of wood. Wood comes from a tree.

A bike is made of metal. It’s a solid, too. We can see lots of things made from metal, a plane, a car and a train, are all examples.

A rope is made from nylon. Nylon comes from petroleum. The name nylon is an abbreviation of New York and London.

Now complete the sentences with • solid, liquid or gas.




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Name: Class:

4 Match the description to the material. 1

5 Use the words to describe the water cycle.



freezes falls flows condenses melts snows evaporates rains flows

The water in the sea _____________. Then it _____________ in the clouds. It _____________. The rain _____________ into the river. The river _____________ down into the sea. When it’s very cold it _____________. When the snow _____________ it _____________ into the river. Sometimes the snow _____________ into icebergs.

You can cut it but you can’t fold it, melt it, crush it or tear it. 1 You can cut it, fold it, melt it and crush it, but you can’t tear it. 2 You can cut it, fold it, melt it, crush it and tear it. 3 You can cut it, fold it, tear it and crush it, but you can’t melt it. 4 You can cut it and melt it, but you can’t fold it, crush it or tear it. 5 You can cut it, melt it and crush it, but you can’t fold it or tear it.6

glass metalwood plastic cottonwax


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Name: Class:


1 Listen and match the pictures to the dates.

2 Complete the sentences with is, are, was or were.

3 Underline the words in the text which start with an s sound.

In London there are a lot of cars in the north and south of the city, but in the centre people pay a special charge to drive their cars. You can travel on the underground or the bus. Two of the underground lines in the city centre are the Circle Line and the Central line. You can visit the Science Museum and the London City museum to see the scenes of the Great Fire of London.

Now complete and write sentences. •

They built Tower Bridge in the ____________ century, ____________ years ago. 1






1 2 4 5 6 3

In the 31 rd century the population of London ________ 20,000, and there ________ 1 bridge.

In the 212 st century the population of London ________ 7.5 million and there ________ 34 bridges.

In the 193 th century the population of London ________ 4 million and there ________ 27 bridges.

1702 2004 1710 1894 1080 1870

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Name: Class:

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then number the sentences in the correct order.



ate slept

worked talked

washed finishedstarted

Complete the sentences with the correct words. Then match the questions • to the answers.

He ____________ to the other servants. a

He ____________ in the yard before breakfast. b

He ____________ work at 7 o’clock. c

He ____________ in a small bedroom. d

He ____________ in the stables. e

He ____________ breakfast in the kitchen. f

He ____________ work at 6 o’clock. g

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

__________ did he live?

__________ did he have in his bedroom?

__________ did he talk to the other servants?

__________ did he eat for breakfast?

__________ did he work?

__________ did he eat soup?

He __________ in a big house.

_________________ bread and eggs.

_________________ soup for supper.

_________________ a bed and a chair.

_________________ in the stables.

_________________ the other servants at night.

William lived in the 19th century


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Name: Class:


1 Listen and match the centuries to the pictures.

2 Read and circle T (true) or F (false).

Now describe the means of transport. •

The hot air balloon was faster than the biplane. T F1

The supersonic plane was more dangerous than the biplane. T F2

The Zeppelin was bigger than the jet plane. T F3

The biplane was slower than the zeppelin. T F4

The glider was faster than the jet plane. T F5

The jet plane was safer than the glider. T F6

In the 20th century people travelled by ____________________________________________________




20th century 18th century19th century 16th century

a b c



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Name: Class:

3 Circle the correct words. Then answer the questions. 1

4 Use the words to complete the texts.


mobile phone (x2) platform station train gate airport safety belt ticket plane

In 1870 you could travel from London to Oxford by stagecoach /

plane. It took 5 hours / 5 days.

Could you travel by car? _________________________________

In 1970 you could travel from London to Paris by plane / ship.

It took 2 hours / 20 minutes.

Could you travel by train? ________________________________

In 1990 you could travel from London to New York by train / ship.

It took 8 days / 8 hours.

Could you travel by plane? _______________________________

In 1790 you could travel from London to York by bus / horse and

cart. It took 6 hours / 6 days.

Could you travel by train? ________________________________

I arrived at the 1 ____________ and checked in for my flight. I walked to 2 ____________ 23 and waited to board the 3 ____________. On board I put on my 4 ____________ and switched off my 5 ____________. I landed in Paris at half past six and arrived in the city two hours later.

I arrived at the 6 ____________ and bought my 7 ____________. I walked to 8 ____________ 4 and waited to board the 9 ____________. I listened to music and used my 10 ____________ to call my mum. I arrived in the centre of Paris two hours later.






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Name: Class:


1 Listen and use the key to classify the pictures.

2 Read and complete the biography of Dian Fossey.

watched was made copied took drew opened called

Answer the questions. •

In 1967 Dian ____________ a research centre in Rwanda. She ____________ the gorillas and ____________ hundreds of photos of them. She ____________ pictures of them too. She ____________ friends with the gorillas. She ____________ the gorillas’ movements and sounds. One gorilla, ____________ Digit, ____________ her special friend.


What causes pollution?1


What destroys the natural habitat of wild 2



What causes pollution and destroys 3

the natural habitat of wild animals?


What is not a threat to wild animals?4


Key 1 = cause pollution. 2 = destroy natural habitat.

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Name: Class:

3 Read the letter then complete the questions Lucy’s mum asked. 1

4 Write what you did yesterday and what you are going to do tomorrow.



Yesterday I __________________







Tomorrow I ___________________






How was _________________?1

When did _________________?2

What is _________________?3

When did _________________?4

What did _________________5


What are _________________6


What is _________________7


Animal Rescue Centre


28th April

Dear Mum,

Thank you for your letter, it arrived yesterday. My

journey was very exciting. I arrived at the rescue centre

on Sunday. The weather in Thailand is hot and humid.

I started work on Monday. Yesterday I washed the

elephants and I fed the tigers.

Tomorrow I am going to build a tree house for the

monkeys. A monkey called Joe is my favourite animal.

I am having a lovely time. Send my love to Dad.

Love from,


y g g











Activities:wash the elephants

feed the tigers

clean the enclosures

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Activities:feed the tigersclean enclosuresplay with the monkeys


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Name: Class:


1 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) the chart.

2 Read and circle T (true) or F (false).

3 Circle the words with a silent letter.

My heart pumps blood around my body. T F 1

The brain controls all the messages in my body. T F2

My veins carry oxygen. T F3

My blood flows away from my heart along my arteries. T F4

The brain doesn’t change during our life. T F5

The brain stem controls balance and movement. T F6

The top part is the thinking part of the brain. T F7

When I was eight I could read and write.1

I can feel my pulse on my wrist and behind my knee.2

Homo neanderthalensis could walk upright and he used a tool like a knife.3

Homo habilis

Homo antecessor

Homo neanderthalensis



talk read use tools draw cook grow food

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Name: Class:

4 Complete the sentences and label the picture.

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

friendly helpful pessimistic shy cheerful selfish

arteries veins heart cerebrum brain stem cerebellum

She always helps her friends. She’s ________________.1

He doesn’t like to talk to people. He’s ________________.2

He’s always happy. He’s ________________.3

She’s never happy. She’s ________________.4

She never shares her toys. She’s ________________.5

He always says hello to new children at school. He’s ________________.6

The ________________ controls balance and 1

movement. It develops in babies and gets

worse in old people.

The ________________ is the thinking part 2

of the brain. It develops and changes.

The________________ controls autonomic 3

processes. It doesn’t change.

The ________________ pumps the blood 4

around the body.

The ________________ take the blood away 5

from the heart.

The ________________ take the blood to 6

the heart.


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Name: Class:

End of year Test

1 Listen and circle T (true) or F (false).

2 Look at the pictures and write the section of the newspaper.

There ______________________________________________________________________






Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

T F1

T F2

T F3

T F4

T F5

T F6

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Describe the picture. •

sports cartoons home news culture international news advertisements

1 2 3 4 5 6

Today 25 years ago 100 years ago

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Name: Class:

End of year Test

3 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 5

What causes pollution or destroys the natural habitat of wildlife?




Which animals are endangered species and which are not?




4 Solve the anagrams of the vehicles. Use the words to write true sentences.

Last year I travelled by ______________.

Last year I didn’t travel by ______________.


















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Name: Class:

End of Year Test

5 Read the text and answer the questions.

Where did Helen work last year?1


Did she sleep in a bedroom?2


What did she do first?3


What did she do at the lake?4


What was the weather like in the afternoon?5


What did she do in the evening?6


What is she going to do next year?7


What is she going to study?8


Last year Helen worked for an Animal Rescue Centre. She slept in a tent. She started work at 8 o’clock. First, she cleaned the monkeys’ huts and then she fed all the animals. At 11 o’clock she walked to the lake. She couldn’t drive through the jungle. It took half an hour. She washed the elephants and then walked back to the centre for lunch. She didn’t work in the afternoon because it was often rainy and windy. In the evening she studied in her room. Next year, she is going to go to a different centre in a different biome. She is going to study a different endangered species.

6 Write about the animals.

Diet Number in the wild Habitat

carnivore 110 Southern Europe carnivore 25,000 Arctic Circle herbivore 3,725 Southern and Central Africa

The ____________ is critically endangered because there are only _____________ 1

in the wild. They are ____________ and they live in ____________.

The _____________ is endangered _______________________________________2


The _____________ is vulnerable ________________________________________3


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Diagnostic Test answers

Page 93

1 Jim – 1Sally – 2Tony – 3Anna – 4Bob and Tom – 5Judy and Tina – 6Rory and Lucy – 7

Jim, Sally, Judy, Tina and Tony are doing exercise.Rory, Lucy, Bob, Tony and Anna aren’t doing exercise.2

A bat1 An owl2 A snake3 A frog4 An elephant5

Page 94

3 Sally’s going to the supermarket. She’s going to buy some fruit.Jim’s going to the train station. He’s going to travel by train.Anna’s going to the hospital. She’s going to visit her aunt.Bob’s going to the park. He’s going to play basketball.Lucy and Tom are going to the library. They’re going to borrow some books.Judy and Tina are going to the animal refuge centre. They’re going to feed the dogs.Rory and Tony are going to the sports centre. They’re going to run.4livedwentwasworkedweremadestartedfinishedatedrank

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Test answers

Page 95

1 Jim1 Jan2 Greg3 Maya4 Tom5 Nina6 Bob7 Lyn8

2F1 T2 T3 T4 T5 F6 T7

Page 96

3 their1 wear2 Where3 know4 right5 sea6 I7 eye8 two9 four10 sun11 for12 see13 hear14 write15

4b1 e2 f3 g4 d5 a6 c7

5Child’s own answers

Page 97

1 d1 c2 f3 b4 e5 a6

2F1 T2 T3 F4 F5 T6

3 Model answerGeorge, gym, Geography, got, going, grandsonjacket, June, July, January, jam, jar

Page 98

4c1 f2 g3 d4 e5 a6 b7

5On Monday Roland Twist is going to travel to Manchester.On Tuesday he is going to do a show at the Royal Theatre.On Wednesday he is going to do an interview on TV.On Thursday he is going to visit a dance school.On Friday he is going to travel back to London.On Saturday he is going to have lunch with his family.On Sunday he is going to rest!

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Test answers

Page 99

1 Oven ✓Blender ✗Dishwasher ✗Washing machine ✓Toaster ✗Microwave ✓2

Wasteful Wally1 Wasteful Wally2 Perfect Pete3 Wasteful Wally4 Perfect Pete5 Wasteful Wally6 Perfect Pete7 Wasteful Wally8 Perfect Pete9 Wasteful Wally10

3 The letters gh sound like f: laughThe letter h is silent: ghostThe letters gh are silent: light, daughter, night, naughty, through

Page 100

4 the wind1 the sun2 the sea3 oil4 gas5 coal6

5we should fill the washing machine and the 1 dishwasher.we should switch off our computer when we’re 2 not using it.we shouldn’t open the windows when the 3 radiators are on.we should use both sides of the paper.4 we shouldn’t waste paper.5 we should recycle plastic.6

Model answeralways1 never2 never3 often4 sometimes5 always6 never7 sometimes8

Page 101

1 1; 5; 4; 2; 3liquidgassolid2

T1 F2 F3 T4 F5 T6

3table, volume, shape, made, are, made1 bike, made, made, plane, are2 rope, made, name3

Page 102

4wood1 metal2 plastic3 cotton4 wax5 glass6

5The water in the sea evaporates. Then it condenses in the clouds. It rains. The rain falls into the river. The river flows down into the sea. When it’s very cold it snows. When the snow melts it flows into the river. Sometimes the snow freezes into icebergs.

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Test answers

Page 103

1 18941 17022 20043 10804 17105 18706

Model answer (calculations from the year 2010)They built Tower Bridge in the 181 th century, 116 years ago.They built Buckingham Palace in the 192 th century, 308 years ago.They built The Gherkin in the 213 st century, 6 years ago.They built The Tower of London in the 114 th century, 930 years ago.They built St Paul’s Cathedral in the 1895 th century, 300 years ago.They built The Houses of Parliament in the 196 th century, 140 years ago.

2was, was1 is, are2 was, were3

3 In London there are a lot of cars in the north and south of the city, but in the centre people pay a special charge to drive their cars. You can travel on the underground or the bus. Two of the underground lines in the city centre are the Circle Line and the Central line. You can visit the Science Museum and the London City museum to see the scenes of the Great Fire of London.

Page 104

4 He talked to the other servants. 1 6He washed in the yard before breakfast. 2 1He started work at 7 o’clock. 3 3He slept in a small bedroom. 4 7He worked in the stables. 5 4He ate breakfast in the kitchen. 6 2He finished work at 6 o’clock. 7 5

Where did he live? He lived in a big house.What did he have in his room? He had a bed and a chair.When did he talk to the other servants? He talked to the other servants at night.What did he eat for breakfast? He ate bread and eggs.Where did he work? He worked in the stables.When did he eat soup? He ate soup for supper.

Page 105

1 20th century – c,d,e,f19th century – b, c18th century – b16th century – a

In the twentieth century people travelled by plane, coach, car and train.In the nineteenth century people travelled by train and stagecoach. In the eighteenth century people travelled by stagecoach. In the sixteenth century people travelled by horse and cart. 2

F1 F2 T3 T4 F5 T6

Page 106

3stagecoach, 5 hours, no1 ship, 8 days, yes2 plane, 2 hours, no3 horse and cart, 6 days, no4

4airport1 gate2 plane3 safety belt4 mobile phone5 station6 ticket7 platform8 train9 mobile phone10

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Test answers

Page 107

1 Cars – 1Motorways – 1, 2Building sites – 2Oil slicks – 1, 2Wind farms – 2Factories – 1Power stations – 1, 2Solar panels – 2Bicycles

Cars, motorways, oil slicks, factories and power 1 stations.Motorways, building sites, oil slicks, wind farms, 2 power stations, solar panels.Motorways, oil slicks and power stations.3 Bicycles.4

2In 1967 Dian opened a research centre in Rwanda. She watched the gorillas and took hundreds of photos. She drew pictures of them too. She made friends with the gorillas. She copied the gorillas’ movements and sounds. One gorilla, called Digit, was her special friend.

Page 108

3 How was your journey?1 When did you arrive at the rescue centre?2 What is the weather like?3 When did you start work?4 What did you do yesterday?5 What are you going to do tomorrow?6 What is your favourite animal?7

4Model answerYesterday I washed the elephants, I fed the tigers and I cleaned the enclosures.Tomorrow I am going to feed the tigers, I am going to clean the enclosures and I’m going to play with the monkeys.

Page 109

1 Homo habilis ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗Homo antecessor ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗Homo neanderthalensis ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓2

T1 T2 F3 T4 F5 F6 T7

3 When I was eight I could read and write.I can feel my pulse on my wrist and behind my knee.Homo neanderthalensis could walk upright and he used a tool like a knife.

Page 110

4cerebellum1 cerebrum2 brain stem3 heart4 arteries5 veins6

5helpful1 shy2 cheerful3 pessimistic4 selfish5 friendly6

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© Santillana Educación S.L./Richm

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End of year Test answers

Page 111

1 T1 F2 F3 F4 F5 T6

Model answerPicture 1There is a fridge, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a microwave, an oven, a toaster, a radio and there are two televisions.Picture 2There was a fridge, a washing machine, an oven and a television.Picture 3There was an old cooker.2

culture1 sports2 cartoons3 international news4 advertisements5 home news6

Page 112

3 What causes pollution or destroys the natural habitat of wildlife?Motorways, planes, factories, wind farms.Which animals are endangered species and which are not?Iberian lynx, European mink and bears are endangered. Cats, dogs and horses are not endangered.4car, bus, train, helicopter, plane, underground, yacht, ferryChild’s own answer

Page 113

5 Model answer

She worked for an animal rescue centre.1 No, she slept in a tent.2 First she cleaned the monkeys’ huts.3 At the lake she washed the elephants.4 In the afternoon it was rainy and windy.5 In the evening she studied.6 She is going to go to a different centre.7 She is going to study a different endangered 8 species.

6The Iberian lynx is critically endangered because 1 there are only 110 in the wild. They are carnivores and they live in Southern Europe.The black rhino is endangered because there are 2 only 3,725 in the wild. They are herbivores and they live in Southern and Central Africa.The polar bear is vulnerable because there are 3 only 25,000 in the wild. They are carnivores and they live in the Arctic Circle.

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Continuous assessment chart

Unit 1 Lesson 2 name the biomes, the vegetation and the weather conditions. Lesson 6 name features of buildings (inside and outside).Lesson 7 name clothes.

Unit 2Lesson 2 name different types of TV programmes.Lesson 3 tell the time.Lesson 6 describe and ask questions about future plans.Lesson 9 name the sections of a newspaper.

Unit 3 Lesson 2 name the main electrical appliances.Lesson 3 offer advice for energy saving actions using should or shouldn’t.Lesson 7 describe energy saving actions using the adverbs of frequency.Lesson 8 classify rubbish into items that they can reuse, reduce or recycle.

Unit 4 Lesson 2 name examples of objects in the different states of matter. Lesson 3 describe the properties of different materials. Lesson 7 describe processes in food preparation.Lesson 8 describe the stages of the water cycle.

Unit 5 Lesson 2 name modern and old buildings.Lesson 7 describe how children lived and worked in the past.Lesson 9 describe life in an ancient city.

Unit 6 Lesson 2 name the main means of transport.Lesson 6 ask and answer questions about the possibilities of travel.Lesson 7 compare different types of aircraft.Lesson 8 describe a journey.

Unit 7 Lesson 1 name animals in danger.Lesson 2 say big numbers.Lesson 6 describe the main threats to wildlife.Lesson 9 describe a wildlife protection campaign.

Unit 8 Lesson 2 describe blood circulation.Lesson 6 ask and answer questions about themselves, their life styles and fears. Lesson 9 describe how they have changed over the years.

Unit / lesson Objective: Children can Grade

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