double page spread analyses

With this double page spread there are a lot of good and bad points about it. Good: some good parts of this spread is that there are a lot of pictures and are taken in a good place that suits the magazine. The font is a bright pink which contrasts the dark green background so it is easy to see. And the font is large and well chosen it suits the magazine and what it is about, its large so it is easy to spot and read. The bad parts about the magazine are that some of the pictures are in black and white and are difficult to see what is going on in them and the main picture is also very dark but can be seen it could use a bit more lighting. Some of the writing is very small and not so easy to read. This magazine is good but it has a few downsides that

Upload: charis-creber

Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Double page spread analyses

With this double page spread there are a lot of good and bad points about it. Good: some good parts of this spread is that there are a lot of pictures and are taken in a good place that suits the magazine. The font is a bright pink which contrasts the dark green background so it is easy to see. And the font is large and well chosen it suits the magazine and what it is about, its large so it is easy to spot and read.

The bad parts about the magazine are that some of the pictures are in black and white and are difficult to see what is going on in them and the main picture is also very dark but can be seen it could use a bit more lighting. Some of the writing is very small and not so easy to read. This magazine is good but it has a few downsides that let it down but in all it is a good double page spread.

Page 2: Double page spread analyses

Good points about this double page spread are that the picture is a good size its big and it’s a well taken picture because lighting is good its not dark so people can see it and the model is looking at the camera. There is a lot of information on the page which is good and it is a good size its not too small and its not too large it’s a big enough size for people to read and the font is also well chosen it goes with the picture and really stands out on the page. The background is filled so it isn't blank sometimes people forget about the background but this is filled and it is the right colours for the picture and it stands out in the back.

Bad points about this spread are that the colours of the writing such as yellow don’t really go with everything around it so it is out of place, also the lime green that covers the black writing in the middle doesn’t go it is a light colour so it doesn’t go with the picture or the background. There isnt any column structure which makes the writing out of line and bad it has no fitted position on the page.

Page 3: Double page spread analyses

This double page spread is very good because the writing is big and bold it stands bout from the rest of the page and it’s a good font not too modern and not classic its in-between which is interesting. The column's are well place underneath the large heading and have different colours to show important parts of the writing also the writing is a good size its not small or large it is readable. Up in the left hand corner there is a good piece of writing because with the colours the black strips over the white writing works well as the black brings out the white which is very artistic. The final good part is that it has a page number which is good because it shows the person has thought about this and have put it in where others may not.

Bad parts of this magazine are the picture it is blurry and not very good as it is difficult to see even though it takes up half of the page it is bad because the model isn't looking at the camera and its black and white which isn't the best choice because the background is white so it’s a bad mix up.They could have used more of a colour scheme instead of just using black white and purple they maybe could have used different colours to contrasts the black and white picture to make it better.