dorica (noro) parternership for progress in

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  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    Norwegian-Romanian (NoRo)

    Partnership for Progress in RareDiseases

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In



  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    Norwegian-Romanian (NoRo) Partnership

    for Progress in Rare Diseases

    Applicant : Romanian Prader Willi Association


    1. Romanian Prader Willi Association

    2. Romanian National Alliance for Rare Diseases

    3. Norwegian PWS Association 4. FRAMBU No Center for Rare Diseases

    5. Ministry of Health Romania

    6. Foundation ACASA

    7. St. Family Church Zalau

    8. City Hall Zalau/ DASC

    9. County Council Salaj/ DGASPC 10. Medical University Timisoara

    11. Romanian Society for Medical Genetics

    Additional partners

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    Project aim:

    To improve the quality of life for people affected by

    rare diseases in Romania by providing equal accessto early diagnosis, quality treatment and rehabilitation

    services through a comprehensive and accessible

    network of facilities and resources as set forth by the

    National Plan for Rare Diseases.

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    Objectives : 1. Establishing a Rare Diseases Task Force- RDTF:

    The main criteria for selecting members of this working group

    will include:

    a. Familiarity and knowledge of the work through the

    documentation: publications, training, grants;b. Had a contribution in creating protocols, recommendations;

    shared (partnerships) expertise with other experts ;

    d. Demonstrated open collaboration with organizations of


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    The role of the RDTF

    The role of the group: the evaluation of rare diseases inRomania (patient cases, treatments available, training needs andinformation) and propose actions (medical measures, educational andsocial, writing materials, guides to good practice, courses, curricula, etc.)and continuously updated knowledge of the role which the Ministry ofHealth has in connection with the activity;

    Functioning: The group will meet quarterly (8 X two days meetingsper project) and will analyze situations presented by each member of thegroup, each member will propose measures and will be informing theMinistry of Health and other ministries involved in the management of rarediseases. The maximum number of group members is 20.

    Budget: Each group member will have an allowance /meeting thatcover the costs of transportation, accommodation, meals. Also there will becovered the costs of communication in group, conference room formeetings, supplies, printings, publications, etc.

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  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    Ob.2. New services for rare

    diseases in Romania a. Developing and implementing a training network

    for professionals and staff involved in the diagnosis,treatment and rehabilitation of people with rarediseases.

    Organizing workshops, seminars, and training on specificareas:

    Selection of a training team of trainers;

    Creating curricula on specific jobs involved in RD, ex:genetic councilor;

    Performing trainings;

    b. The creation ofaccredited online training

    courses (eUniversity) about rare diseases forprofessionals: social workers, psychologists, nurses,teachers, doctors, etc.

    Creating curricula for specific training themes;

    Purchasing the necessary soft to perform this trainings;

    Authorization/ accreditation the trainings;

    Organizing the first training courses;

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    Improving training capacity in the country for theprevention, diagnosis, treatment andrehabilitation of patients with rare diseases:


    - a network of trainingspecialists and staff;

    - accreditation / licensing of online courses (eUniversity)(on rare diseases, for professionals: social workers, psychologists,nurses, teachers, doctors, etc.)

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    The Pilot Reference Centerfor personalized

    intervention for those affected by rare diseases

    3 main components + 1 external unit: a day center for patients with rare diseases (having

    behaviors on the autistic spectrum)

    a comprehensive training program for patients, families,caretakers and specialists involved in the management of rarediseases (FRAMBU model)

    patients newly diagnosedand their families (to learn tocope with new situations more easily)

    The external unit: A weight management unitin the Rehabilitation Hospital

    ACASA for patients with neuromotor deficiencies.

    We will plan so that patients who come to our coursescan come before or after the period of the rehabilitationtreatment that they take part in at ACASA Hospital

    In addition, we willhave a national database of patients,along with ACASA Hospital, with various diseases andbe actively monitoring their progress.

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    Ob.3 Shared best practice network

    on RD (NoRo)

    Organizing visits of the partners

    Writing the final proposal of the project based on the best

    practice of the partners and the shared values and experiences

    in the field of RD

    Organizing presentation of the projects results in the PW EEConference (April 2009 Romania), EURORDIS membership

    meeting Greece 2009, IPWSO Conference Taiwan 2010, etc.

    Permanent updating of the project results on the websites;

    Writing articles in the newsletters and RD journals to promote

    the projects results;

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    The space received from the City


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    The vision

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    The model

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    Relevant partnerships established during the seedmoney implementation;

    Proper facilities for the new services;

    Feasibility studies completed;

    Grant offer letter signed;

    A coordination team for the project implementationestablished at the Ministry of Health;

    Official launching of the project at the 1st EasternEuropean Conference on PWS organized;

    The first evaluation meeting of the potential membersof the RDTF at the conference in Timisoara;

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    Pilot Centre for Rare Diseases:

    Idea of the Centre: A residential part:

    To provide help for families after experience of

    diagnosing a RD;A place to learn how to face the new situation

    and to dial with the disease in their every day


    A place to organize meetings and trainings ofpatients;

    Support groups and counseling activities for

    patients and families;

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    Pilot Centre for Rare Diseases:

    Hospitalization of the RD patients in ACASA hospital forrehabilitation;

    Establishing a data base of patients that needsrehabilitation program in ACASA;

    Specializing services of the center for RD patients:

    weight management, individualized therapeuticallyapproach;

    Day care activities:

    Individualized therapeutically approach of autisticspectrum diseases;

    Behavior intervention therapy;

    Occupational Therapy and Educational activities;

    Recreational activities;

    Support groups and counseling activities;

    Weight management

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    Main interventions of the project:

    To develop skills to approach the RD for patients, professionals andparents;

    To maintain and improve the mental and physical capabilities ofpatients through individualized therapeutically approach;

    To improve understanding and support of community;

    To create a data base of patients with RD;

    To establish protocols of assistance and care for different RD;

    To start a model network in this field through the development of astrategic partnership: NGOs, national and international, Ministry ofHealth, Local Authorities, state departments, etc;

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    Up to date results

    23.10.2009 10.12.2009 Training for

    personal assistants of people with severe

    disabilities (first trainings, 41 personal

    assistants from Crasna, and 25 from Balangraduated)

    6 groups of patients / 75 patients included

    in interdisciplinary recovery and intervention

    program in ACASA Foundation (Multiple

    Sclerosis, Prader Willi Syndrome, muscular

    dystrophies and amyotrophic disorders).

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    19 children with rare diseases from

    autistic spectrum included in personalized

    therapy at the Information Center for Rare

    Diseases. 10 issues printed of the magazine Rare

    People and Rare Diseases

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    1 issue of the Journal of Rare Diseases,

    dedicated to the Balkan Congress of Rare

    Diseases Cluj-Napoca

    Leaflets, flyers distributed through thenetwork of Info sanatate and with the

    occasion of different events.

    Printed curriculla (information support

    material) for trainings;

    Books for children;

    Accredited trainings from MMSSF and CMR;

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    Developing the structure

    Information materials are prepared by Prof. Dr. Maria

    Puiu, Dr. Mihai Gafencu from UMFT, Cristina

    Skrypnyk from Oradea + APWR team. The IT part is

    made by Istvn Dombi and Camelia Arion.

    Management plan for the renovation and expansion

    of the building is approved by Innovation Norway, the

    technical project is completed, the public

    procurement process have been passed and thebuilding construction is under development.

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    We officially received the report of the visit

    to Romania of the partners / specialists from


    there was an overall positive assessment ofthe project, considering it necessary and

    appropriate for patients with rare diseases

    from Romania

    The same opinion regarding our activity have

    been received after the monitoring visit and

    the first report.

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    they appreciated how many social and

    medical functions are aligned and

    harmonized in the future Center for rare

    diseases technical design and architectural solution

    have been assessed as representing a

    harmonious combination between new and

    old, approaching in a friendly way the socio-medical and educational complex

  • 8/9/2019 Dorica (NoRo) Parternership for Progress In


    The project team decided to organize preparatory

    meetings for the National Rare Diseases Task Force

    meeting, to prepare the agenda and the materials

    necessary for the committee's work, but also for

    organizational development, "team building"

    activities. The first meeting will be held in November.

    Also, from the idea that the National Plan for Rare

    Diseases is supposed to have the answer to the

    needs of patients affected by rare diseases inRomania, we decided to organize workshops with

    representatives of patients simultaneously with Rare

    Diseases Task Force meetings.

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    the idea of e-learning and e-University for

    rare diseases was considered as an

    innovative concept

    To increase the visibility of the project wemade a media communication strategy. It was

    also decided that before the end of the year

    we need a selection for a PR specialist, and

    the acquiring of two infochiosks (one will beinstalled in Zalau City Hall and the other at

    ACASA Foundation).

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    Analyzing the complexity of the project

    activities and services that is going to be

    developed in the Pilot Reference Center for

    Rare Diseases, we resumed discussions onthe International Advisory Group, which

    could come to support the team to develop

    the services in the future centre.

    Asked agreement of the partners on thisissue.

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    Knowing that this Advisory Group was not

    included in the project, we were looking for

    complementary funds for it's meetings (we

    received financial support from theorganization Kindness forKinds from


    Advisory committee formed, first two

    meetings have been organized;

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    Thank you!