dorado beach members newsletter winter 2015

Friendships that last a lifetime begin here. Winter 2015

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Friendships that last a lifetime begin here.

Winter 2015

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Dear Members,

On behalf of the entire staff at Dorado Beach Resort & Club, I wish you and your family a wonderful New Year.

2014 was a great year for The Club and I have exciting news about several new capital projects for 2015. Throughout the year, ownership will be investing several millions in upgrading the club’s facilities for your enjoyment. We are expecting the upgrades to start in January as follows:

(1) The Sugarcane Course will receive completely new cart paths as well as improvements to many of the greens.

(2) Converting three of the existing tennis court surfaces to Hard-Tru to provide a more consistent and enjoyable playing experience. This project is expected to begin 3rd quarter 2015.

(3) Our golf pavilion will be remodeled and enclosed with air conditioning, new flooring, new bathrooms and a new kitchen facility making it an ideal location for weddings, corporate events, family gatherings and award ceremonies.

(4) Improvements will be made to the Zafra Bar and the outdoor seating areas.

We are also proud to announce that in 2015, all of the Dorado Beach Golf Courses will be recognized as “TPC Dorado Beach” - one of only 35 worldwide destinations to be granted this illustrious distinction. With this designation, Dorado Beach will be in the company of world recognized golf destinations such as TPC Sawgrass, TPC Scottsdale, and TPC Boston. As part of our continued partnership with the PGA Tour, Dorado Beach will continue to be the host club for the annual event of the PGA TOUR Latinoamérica Championship. One of the privileges that you will receive as a member of the new TPC Dorado Beach is that you will be granted membership privileges at all TPC Clubs around the world.

I take this opportunity to introduce the new Golf Staff; Mr. Randall Thompson joins us as Golf Supervisor and PGA Tour Academy has appointed Mr. Chip Koehlke as our new teaching Pro. I am confident that with their background they will make your golf experience an unforgettable one.

Stay tuned to a 2015 year full of great memorable activities, please make sure you have your email registered with us in order to receive our notifications.

I wish everyone the best for 2015!


David R. TysonGeneral Manager/COODorado Beach Resort & Club

Inside Lifetime News• Spotlight 3

• New Members Welcome 3

• Mercado Dorado December Edition 3

• Gingerbread House Workshop 3

• Taste of Puerto Rico 3

• Members Holiday Celebration 4-5

• Halloween at Barlovento 4-5

• Fitness and Wellness 6-7

• Golf News / Golf Tips 8

• Talking About Tennis 8

• Good Winds 9

• Upcoming Events 10

• Dorado Beach Ritz Carlton Reserve 11

• Fist Art Foundation 12

A new exciting year is here.

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Mercado Dorado December

Membership Corner

Welcome to the Club!

• Olivier Gillier & Vanessa Gillier• Edil O. Jimenez & Eileen Bravo

• Alfonso Valdés & Ginette Blanes• Scott Nairne & Ali O’ Brien• Peter Schiff & Lauren Schiff

• Omar Morales & Adisbeth Morales• Jorge Azel & Sheila Azel

• Marcus Katz & Pearl Baker• Michael Shadkin & Victoria Usherenko

• Michael L. Michog & Coco March-Michog• Douglas Sanders & Jenifer Sanders

• Cheyne Pace

Mayra Morales Position: Member Relations ManagerWhat do you hope to accomplish in your new role?I am a very accessible person, I am looking forward to working directly with our members and take members ideas and suggestions to another level, increase events, improve communication and members participation in our day to day operation. How many years have you been in the industry?I have been in the hotel industry for 20 years. I am very passionate about what I do, I consider members and people I work with like family. Working in this Industry is a very fulfilling experience, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

What do you love most about your new job?I am very excited about this new position as it affords me the opportunity to work directly with Members and Guests. I love having direct contact with them. Every day is a new challenge, a new opportunity to make yesterday better. What is something you recommend that every member & guest can do here at the resort? I believe that we have everything in this Club, the best staff and great members. I would love to see more member participation in the great events we prepare for them, and as I always say…The best is yet to come. What do you enjoy best at what you do? My interaction with people, being able to assist and serve, this is the part I enjoy the most. Outside of work, what do you do for fun? I enjoy being with my family, they are the most important. I also enjoy reading; a good book is always by my side.

Taste of Puerto Rico

Gingerbread House Workshop

Page 4: Dorado Beach Members Newsletter Winter 2015

Dear Members,

On behalf of the entire staff at Dorado Beach Resort & Club, I wish you and your family a wonderful New Year.

2014 was a great year for The Club and I have exciting news about several new capital projects for 2015. Throughout the year, ownership will be investing several millions in upgrading the club’s facilities for your enjoyment. We are expecting the upgrades to start in January as follows:

(1) The Sugarcane Course will receive completely new cart paths as well as improvements to many of the greens.

(2) Converting three of the existing tennis court surfaces to Hard-Tru to provide a more consistent and enjoyable playing experience. This project is expected to begin 3rd quarter 2015.

(3) Our golf pavilion will be remodeled and enclosed with air conditioning, new flooring, new bathrooms and a new kitchen facility making it an ideal location for weddings, corporate events, family gatherings and award ceremonies.

(4) Improvements will be made to the Zafra Bar and the outdoor seating areas.

We are also proud to announce that in 2015, all of the Dorado Beach Golf Courses will be recognized as “TPC Dorado Beach” - one of only 35 worldwide destinations to be granted this illustrious distinction. With this designation, Dorado Beach will be in the company of world recognized golf destinations such as TPC Sawgrass, TPC Scottsdale, and TPC Boston. As part of our continued partnership with the PGA Tour, Dorado Beach will continue to be the host club for the annual event of the PGA TOUR Latinoamérica Championship. One of the privileges that you will receive as a member of the new TPC Dorado Beach is that you will be granted membership privileges at all TPC Clubs around the world.

I take this opportunity to introduce the new Golf Staff; Mr. Randall Thompson joins us as Golf Supervisor and PGA Tour Academy has appointed Mr. Chip Koehlke as our new teaching Pro. I am confident that with their background they will make your golf experience an unforgettable one.

Stay tuned to a 2015 year full of great memorable activities, please make sure you have your email registered with us in order to receive our notifications.

I wish everyone the best for 2015!


David R. TysonGeneral Manager/COODorado Beach Resort & Club

Members Holiday Celebration

“Day of the Dead” Halloween at Barlovento

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Members Holiday Celebration

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Fitness and WellnessBe S.M.A.R.T. about your fitness goalsDon’t fall short of reaching your fitness and health goals this year! Start of with the right foot my setting smart goals!What are smart goals?These are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goals. An example of a smart goal would be losing 7 pounds in three months by exercising five days a week for six hours total, combining cardio with strength training and eating a healthy diet. The USDA My Pyramid website can be used to find helpful nutrition tools and practical tips. Let’s evaluate this scenario:Specific: What are you trying to achieve? Lose 7 pounds. Why? To feel better and look better. How are you going to do it? By exercising regularly and hiring a personal trainer.Measurable: Choose a goal with measurable progress so you can see change, overcome setbacks, keep on track and stick to your goal. For instance, you get sick and lose three days of training, instead of giving up, you resume training as soon as you feel better. You plan ahead for a week long business trip by scouting out restaurants that serve healthy meals, work out every morning at the hotel gym, and walk to the convention center rather than taking a taxi.

Attainable: You ensure that your goal is attainable by considering financial resources, your current living situation and time available. Set your goal as a challenge, but not too far out or too short to not become discouraged.Realistic: Ideally, you would want to return to your high school weight, but you know losing 30 pounds would be unrealistic. You know that 7 pounds lighter you’ll feel much better and more easily fit into your favorite pair of jeans or dress.

Time-bound: Using dates and times as measurements toward successful completion of your goal is critical. We suggest building in a reward system for milestones: A massage, a getaway weekend, whatever makes you happy and keeps you motivated to stay on track.Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Your fitness center at Dorado Beach has several amazing qualified instructors that would be happy to help you attain your goals!

If the only thing you have ever done with pumpkin is carve it and fill it with a candle, you are not alone. Many people tend to think of pumpkins as little more than just a holiday decoration or a pie filling, but you may want to rethink this plump orange plant.Pumpkin is an extremely nutrient dense food, meaning it is chock-full of vitamins and minerals but low on calories. There are many creative ways pumpkin can be incorporated into your diet, including desserts, soups, salads, preserves and even as a substitute for butter. Next time pumpkin season comes around, don't carve it, cook it up and eat it!This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods.Nutritional breakdown of pumpkinAccording to the USDA National Nutrient database, one cup of pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt contains 49 calories, 1.76 grams of protein, 0.17 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol and 12 grams of carbohydrate (including 2.7 grams of fiber and 5.1 grams of sugar).

Consuming one cup of cooked, canned pumpkin would provide well over 100% of your daily needs for vitamin A, 20% of the daily value for vitamin C, 10% or more for vitamin E, riboflavin, potassium, copper and manganese at least 5% for thiamine, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.Of course, using fresh pumpkin and preparing it yourself will give you the most health benefits, but canned pumpkin is also a great choice. Be sure to steer clear of canned pumpkin pie mix, which is usually right next to the canned pumpkin in grocery stores and in a similar can but has added sugars, syrups, etc. Canned pumpkin should have only one ingredient: pumpkin.Possible health benefits of consuming pumpkinConsuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like pumpkin decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a

healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.Pumpkin is one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant known to give orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color and which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Consuming foods rich in beta-carotene may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, offer protection against asthma and heart disease, and delay aging and body degeneration.Blood pressure: Eating pumpkin is good for the heart! The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in pumpkin all support heart health. Consuming adequate potassium is almost as important as decreasing sodium intake for treatment of hypertension (high-blood pressure). Other foods that are high in potassium include cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and bananas.Increased potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones. 7

Cancer: One particular type of cancer where research has shown a positive benefits of a diet rich in beta-carotene is prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health's Department of Nutrition. 5 Beta-carotene has also been shown to have an inverse association with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population. 4Eye Health: The antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene (all of which pumpkin has) have been shown to support eye health and prevent degenerative damage.A higher intake of all fruits (3 or more servings per day) has also been shown to decrease the risk of and progression of age-related macular degeneration.Fertility: For women of child-bearing age, consuming more iron from plant sources such as spinach, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, and beets appear to promote fertility, according Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publications. The vitamin A in pumpkin (consumed as beta-carotene then converted to

vitamin A in the body) is also essential during pregnancy and lactation for hormone synthesis.Immunity: Plant foods like pumpkins that are high in both vitamin C and beta-carotene offer an immunity boost from their powerful combination of nutrients.

(Information courtesy of

Come try our Pumpkin Pie smoothie at Dorado Beach Fitness and Wellness CenterPumpkin Pie Smoothie formally known as “De-Bloat Smoothie” at the Canyon Ranch SpaServes 1¼ Cup canned unsweetened pumpkin puree½ Cup chopped frozen banana1 Cup unsweetened vanilla soy milk1 Tbsp. protein powder1 Pinch cinnamon1 Pinch nutmeg1 Tsp. honeyBlend all ingredients well and serve.

Pumpkin is not just for the Holidays

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If the only thing you have ever done with pumpkin is carve it and fill it with a candle, you are not alone. Many people tend to think of pumpkins as little more than just a holiday decoration or a pie filling, but you may want to rethink this plump orange plant.Pumpkin is an extremely nutrient dense food, meaning it is chock-full of vitamins and minerals but low on calories. There are many creative ways pumpkin can be incorporated into your diet, including desserts, soups, salads, preserves and even as a substitute for butter. Next time pumpkin season comes around, don't carve it, cook it up and eat it!This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods.Nutritional breakdown of pumpkinAccording to the USDA National Nutrient database, one cup of pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt contains 49 calories, 1.76 grams of protein, 0.17 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol and 12 grams of carbohydrate (including 2.7 grams of fiber and 5.1 grams of sugar).

Consuming one cup of cooked, canned pumpkin would provide well over 100% of your daily needs for vitamin A, 20% of the daily value for vitamin C, 10% or more for vitamin E, riboflavin, potassium, copper and manganese at least 5% for thiamine, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.Of course, using fresh pumpkin and preparing it yourself will give you the most health benefits, but canned pumpkin is also a great choice. Be sure to steer clear of canned pumpkin pie mix, which is usually right next to the canned pumpkin in grocery stores and in a similar can but has added sugars, syrups, etc. Canned pumpkin should have only one ingredient: pumpkin.Possible health benefits of consuming pumpkinConsuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like pumpkin decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a

healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.Pumpkin is one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant known to give orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color and which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Consuming foods rich in beta-carotene may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, offer protection against asthma and heart disease, and delay aging and body degeneration.Blood pressure: Eating pumpkin is good for the heart! The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in pumpkin all support heart health. Consuming adequate potassium is almost as important as decreasing sodium intake for treatment of hypertension (high-blood pressure). Other foods that are high in potassium include cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and bananas.Increased potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones. 7

Cancer: One particular type of cancer where research has shown a positive benefits of a diet rich in beta-carotene is prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health's Department of Nutrition. 5 Beta-carotene has also been shown to have an inverse association with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population. 4Eye Health: The antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene (all of which pumpkin has) have been shown to support eye health and prevent degenerative damage.A higher intake of all fruits (3 or more servings per day) has also been shown to decrease the risk of and progression of age-related macular degeneration.Fertility: For women of child-bearing age, consuming more iron from plant sources such as spinach, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, and beets appear to promote fertility, according Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publications. The vitamin A in pumpkin (consumed as beta-carotene then converted to

vitamin A in the body) is also essential during pregnancy and lactation for hormone synthesis.Immunity: Plant foods like pumpkins that are high in both vitamin C and beta-carotene offer an immunity boost from their powerful combination of nutrients.

(Information courtesy of

Come try our Pumpkin Pie smoothie at Dorado Beach Fitness and Wellness CenterPumpkin Pie Smoothie formally known as “De-Bloat Smoothie” at the Canyon Ranch SpaServes 1¼ Cup canned unsweetened pumpkin puree½ Cup chopped frozen banana1 Cup unsweetened vanilla soy milk1 Tbsp. protein powder1 Pinch cinnamon1 Pinch nutmeg1 Tsp. honeyBlend all ingredients well and serve.

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Golf News

Talking About TennisAdam LaneTennis Professional

Jeff WillenbergDirector of Golf

Chip Koehlke is a highly experienced PGA Professional, with 2013 marking his 30th year as a golf professional. Throughout his career Chip has refined a simple and holistic coaching philosophy to improve each player's consistency through the development of their technical, tactical, mental, and physical skills. While he has used this same approach to successfully improve the performance of some of the best players in the world, he has also applied it to assist countless recreational and competitive amateur golfers achieve their objectives and truly change their game.

Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Chip Koehlke began his golf career successfully competing as a junior golfer. Afterward he attended Michigan's Ferris State University and earned a B.S. in Professional Golf Management. In the first half of his golf professional career he served as an Assistant Professional, Teaching Professional, and Director of Golf at several top private clubs throughout the United States where he refined his teaching and coaching philosophy.

In 1997, Koehlke was hand selected by tour player Sir Nick Faldo as Director of Instructional Programs for the Faldo Golf Institute by Marriott brand. During his time with the institute he developed the instructional programs, curriculum, and instructor certification

programs for the brand, as well as successfully coached over 20 professional golfers on the PGA, LPGA, Champions, European, and Asian Tours including Sir Nick Faldo himself and Women's British Open Champion Karen Stupples among others.

He has been recognized as an elite instructor by The PGA of America, an served on the PGA National Educational Committee. Additionally he was nominated by both the North Florida PGA and Michigan PGA for Teacher of the Year and has been

recognized in both Golf Digest and Golf Magazine as one of the top instructors in his region. He has been published by noteworthy golf publications Golf Digest, Golf Magazine, PGA Magazine as well as featured numerous times on the Golf Channel in the United States and United Kingdom.

In 2010, Koehlke relocated to Puerto Rico to develop his own golf academy brand to bring developmental golf programming to the Caribbean. While Chip has a strong desire to develop elite junior players for future college and professional opportunities, he's passionate to help players of all ages and abilities improve, enjoy, and enhance their lives through the game of golf.

It has been a very exciting four months at the tennis courts. Many good things have been happening as we look forward to the holiday season. Our tennis event with Monica Puig was a huge success. We had over 75 members attend the adult,kid's and performance clinics with Monica. Monica passed out many good tips, took tons of photos, and signed many autographs. Monica had just returned from China where she had won the WTA Tour 's "Rising Star" tournament. As I write this, I am in St. John with several of our

students and families conducting a training group and clinic with the Virgin Islands tennis group. We are having a great time playing tennis and socializing. I know many of you have asked, and I wanted to update you on our assistant pro Hannah. We are in the process of applying for her visa extension and should hopefully have an answer around the start of the new year. We are currently in the process of patching and repairing the tennis courts and they should be up to playing conditions within the week. Start out your New Years resolution of losing weight with our cardio tennis class that runs every week. Mention you read about the cardio class in the newsletter and your first class of the new year is free. Cardio tennis burns up to 1000 calories in an hour.

Happenings at Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve Winter 2015


Enjoy the freshest grilled seafood prepared with uniquely Puerto Rican flair. Come and savor delicacies

such as octopus and lobster, along with the most distinctive arroz mamposteado on the island.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

La Cocina Gourmet Culinary Center at the Ritz-Carlton Reserve is proud to offer a full

array of cooking courses; sure to prepare you for a splendid culinary performance.

For information and to reserve a class, call 787-626-1100 ext. 7245.

Enjoy the highest quality grade of Sushi + Ceviche in a barefoot luxury setting while basking in the warmth of the perfect Caribbean sunset.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM


SEASONAL DELICACIESSample our winter menu

specially created by Chef José Andrés.

Open Tuesday to Saturday:

6:00 PM to 10:30 PM

For information and reservations, call our exclusive line for Club Members, at 787 278 7217,email us at [email protected] or visit

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Good Winds 1. A family that plays together stays together: Not many sports allow family members to practice and enjoy the whole day together. On the other hand, the ocean provides many opportunities to connect with the ones you love. Share the fun of sailing at sunset, the thrill of going kitesufing together in a windy day, and feel the pride when your kids learn new things. When you see your 4 year old daughter catching her first wave with a gigantic big smile on her face… you will understand.

2. Going offline and connecting with nature: When is the last time your life revolved around wind and waves? When could you recite, down to the minute, the time of the sunrise, sunset, high tide, or low tide? All of those variables are rooted in the ebb and flow of

the earth, thus when in the ocean you are restoring an intimate connection between human behavior and the natural world.

3. You will be healthier and happier: It is possible to exercise and become very fit while having a blast. Aside from getting tanner and blonder, your body will reap the benefits of a highly active lifestyle while you are having tons of fun on the water.

4. You will be more flexible. Figuratively and literally. In water sports, the playing field constantly changes. From wind to weather to tide, the conditions are in

perpetual motion. Your success is dictated entirely by your ability to adapt to your environment. Sound like anything else? Like…life?

5. Develop a deeper sense of mindfulness: Because most water-sports are all about balance, it will help you develop a new awareness of your body and mind.

6. You will be humbled. As individuals, we consistently lack the ability to contextualize our place on this planet. In the ocean, that is not a problem. The moment you confront a building-size wall of ocean energy crashing on your head, that self-awareness disintegrates.

7. You will gain a sense of community: Surfers, sailors and kite surfers come from all walks of life, which make a very vibrant community. The common love for all things water make people connect in a very unique way.

“En el mar la vida es más sabrosa” 7 reasons why your life is better

when you surf, kite and sail.

Parrandeo Navideño

Happenings at Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve Winter 2015


Enjoy the freshest grilled seafood prepared with uniquely Puerto Rican flair. Come and savor delicacies

such as octopus and lobster, along with the most distinctive arroz mamposteado on the island.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

La Cocina Gourmet Culinary Center at the Ritz-Carlton Reserve is proud to offer a full

array of cooking courses; sure to prepare you for a splendid culinary performance.

For information and to reserve a class, call 787-626-1100 ext. 7245.

Enjoy the highest quality grade of Sushi + Ceviche in a barefoot luxury setting while basking in the warmth of the perfect Caribbean sunset.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM


SEASONAL DELICACIESSample our winter menu

specially created by Chef José Andrés.

Open Tuesday to Saturday:

6:00 PM to 10:30 PM

For information and reservations, call our exclusive line for Club Members, at 787 278 7217,email us at [email protected] or visit

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ber E



For more information contact Mayra Morales, Member Relations Manager: 787-626-1009 or [email protected]



MARCH 2015

DRIVE-IN MOVIEBring your golf cart and blanket and enjoy a movie night under the stars with the kids.

Movie Showing: FrozenPLANTATION LAWN| 6:30 PM

RESOLUTION 5KStart your fitness New Year’s Resolution off right by participating in our 5K Race! Refuel after the race with a hearty breakfast at Barlovento. $25 entry includes race and breakfast buffet after the race.


Saturday 17 Saturday 24

JACK & JILL GOLF TOURNAMENTBring your sweetheart and join our 1st tournament of the year. Best Ball Stableford gross & net prizes. Awards lunch following golf.

EAST COURSE | 9 AM Shotgun

MAGICAL SPLISH SPLASHLet it be a magical fun day for the whole family! Kids will enjoy the magic clown and water games


MAGICAL SPLISH SPLASHLet it be a magical fun day for the whole family! Kids will enjoy the magic clown and water games


Saturday 8Saturday 8 Saturday 8

STROKE PLAY WALKING CHAMPIONSHIPWork on your game and physical condition and be ready for this championship! Reception after golf, enroll today!

EAST COURSE | 10 AM Tee time start

Saturday 17

CELEBRATE VALENTINES & ALL THAT JAZZJoin us for a romantic beach front dinner and celebrate with your loved one. While enjoying live Jazz music.*Limited spaces available, reservations required.


FASHION EDITIONJoin us for the first Mercado Dorado of the year and see the latest fashion trends from local boutiques and jewelry designers.

ZAFRA TERRACE | 11 AM - 5 PMSaturday 14 Saturday 21

ST. PATRICK'S MEMBER & MEMBER Members get to share a day of pure fun and camaraderie. Pair up to the challenge. Reception will follow golf. Sign up at the pro shop today.


WINE DINNER Enjoy an exclusive wine pairing and dining experience with a five-course meal freshly prepared by Chef Jose Cedeño.


Saturday 14 Thursday 19

KINDY-500 BOXCAR RACE Fueled by creativity and competitive fun, design and build your own imaginative, leg-powered Boxcar and compete on our Kindy-500 race course. Teams will be judged on three criteria: speed, creativity and showmanship.

PLANTATION LAWN | 2 PM **More details will follow

JAMMIN' BY THE SEA Barlovento hosts another legendary beach party to kick start spring! Live band performance, DJ and Cocktails.


Saturday 21 Saturday 28

Happenings at Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve Winter 2015


Enjoy the freshest grilled seafood prepared with uniquely Puerto Rican flair. Come and savor delicacies

such as octopus and lobster, along with the most distinctive arroz mamposteado on the island.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

La Cocina Gourmet Culinary Center at the Ritz-Carlton Reserve is proud to offer a full

array of cooking courses; sure to prepare you for a splendid culinary performance.

For information and to reserve a class, call 787-626-1100 ext. 7245.

Enjoy the highest quality grade of Sushi + Ceviche in a barefoot luxury setting while basking in the warmth of the perfect Caribbean sunset.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM


SEASONAL DELICACIESSample our winter menu

specially created by Chef José Andrés.

Open Tuesday to Saturday:

6:00 PM to 10:30 PM

For information and reservations, call our exclusive line for Club Members, at 787 278 7217,email us at [email protected] or visit

Page 11: Dorado Beach Members Newsletter Winter 2015

Happenings at Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve Winter 2015


Enjoy the freshest grilled seafood prepared with uniquely Puerto Rican flair. Come and savor delicacies

such as octopus and lobster, along with the most distinctive arroz mamposteado on the island.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

La Cocina Gourmet Culinary Center at the Ritz-Carlton Reserve is proud to offer a full

array of cooking courses; sure to prepare you for a splendid culinary performance.

For information and to reserve a class, call 787-626-1100 ext. 7245.

Enjoy the highest quality grade of Sushi + Ceviche in a barefoot luxury setting while basking in the warmth of the perfect Caribbean sunset.

Open Sunday to Saturday: 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM


SEASONAL DELICACIESSample our winter menu

specially created by Chef José Andrés.

Open Tuesday to Saturday:

6:00 PM to 10:30 PM

For information and reservations, call our exclusive line for Club Members, at 787 278 7217,email us at [email protected] or visit

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