door locking system using andriod

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod





  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    The cell phone security system is the result of a fusion of a creative idea with an attempt to

    motivate change. Even though modern technology has allowed for the automation of many

    aspects of domestic lifestyles, from automatic motion sensing lights to automatic garage door openers, home security has not seen much benefit from this revolution. Household entry has

    long been a very manual routine with little effort to automate the process. Entry into a

    residence is still primarily limited to a manual process which involves inserting a key into a

     bolt and physically moving the locking mechanism. The cell phone security system aims to

    change this. The system takes advantage of the widespread acceptance of cell phones in

    today’s society in conjunction with the deep-rooted standards of the landline telephone

    network to introduce automation and convenience.

    The system will allow a user to use their cell phone and send code to lock or unlock the door 

     by touching the particular icon for !"#$%&!"# the door through android application.

    !nce the system verifies the code send through android app and if the code matches

    successfully, the system will automatically lock$unlock the door. This automation introduces

    a form of secure, keyless entry into a residence along with the convenience of a fully

    responsive security system monitor.


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod





  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod













    R TO








  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    Micro-controllr !o"r#: (t is a low power, high-performance ")!* +-bit microcomputer 

    with +# bytes of lash rogrammable and Erasable ead !nly )emory !)/. The device is

    manufactured using 'tmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible

    with the )"*-01. (nstruction set and pin out. The on chip lash allows the program memory

    to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. 2y

    combining a versatile +-bit "% with lash on a monolithic chip, it provides a highly fle3ible

    and cost effective solution so many embedded control applications.

    Motor Dri$r: 4567 is a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit 8("/. )otor drivers

    act as current amplifiers since they take a low-current control signal and provide a higher-

    current signal. This higher current signal is used to drive the motors.

    M%or Bloc': 9hen larger amounts of static data are to be stored 8such as in %*2 flash

    drives/ a specific type of EE!) such as flash memory is more economical than traditional

    EE!) devices. EE!)s reali:ed as arrays of  floating-gate transistors. EE!) is

    user-modifiable read-only memory 8!)/ that can be erased and reprogrammed 8written to/

    repeatedly through the application of higher than normal electrical voltage generated

    e3ternally or internally in the case of modern EE!)s.

    Po(r S)**l; (nitial stage of every electronic circuit is power supply system that providesreolts given to

    )icro-controller, op-amp, segment etc. =14 >olts are used to drive the segment driver.


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    9hen we have to learn about a new computer we have to familiari:e about the machine

    capability we are using, and we can do it by studying the internal hardware design 8devices

    architecture/, and also to know about the si:e, number and the si:e of the registers.

    ' microcontroller is a single chip that contains the processor 8the "%/, non-volatile memory

    for the program 8!) or flash/, volatile memory for input and output 8')/, a clock and an($! control unit. 'lso called a ?computer on a chip,? billions of microcontroller units 8)"%s/

    are embedded each year in a myriad of products from toys to appliances to automobiles. or 

    e3ample, a single vehicle can use @A or more microcontrollers. The following picture

    describes a general block diagram of microcontroller.

    AT0S/2: The 'T+5*04 is a low-power, high-performance ")!* +-bit microcontroller with

    +# bytes of in-system

     programmable lash memory. The device is manufactured using 'tmel’s high-density

    nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard +A"01

    instruction set and pin out. The on-chip lash allows the program memory to be

    reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. 2y

    combining a versatile +-bit "% with in-system programmable lash on a monolithic chip,

    the 'tmel 'T+5*04 is a powerful microcontroller, which provides a highly fle3ible and cost-

    effective solution to many, embedded control applications. The 'T+5*04 provides the

    following standard features; +# bytes of lash, 40B bytes of '), 64 ($! lines, 9atchdog

    timer, two data pointers, three 1B-bit timer$counters, a si3-vector two-level interrupt

    architecture, a full duple3 serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. (n addition, the

    'T+5*04 is designed with static logic for operation down to :ero fre

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    The hardware is driven by a set of program instructions, or software. !nce familiar with

    hardware and software, the user can then apply the microcontroller to the problems easily.

    The pin diagram of the +A01 shows all of the input$output pins uni

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    The following are some of the capabilities of +A01 microcontroller.

    1. (nternal !) and ')

    4. ($! ports with programmable pins

    6. Timers and counters

    C. *erial data communication

    The +A01 architecture consists of these specific features;

    • 1B bit " Ddata pointer 87T/

    • + bit program status word 8*9/

    • + bit stack pointer 8*/

    • (nternal !) Ck

    • (nternal ') of 14+ bytes.

    • C register banks, each containing + registers

    • +A bits of general purpose data memory


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    • 64 input$output pins arranged as four + bit ports; A-6

    • Two 1B bit timer$counters; TA-T1

    • Two e3ternal and three internal interrupt sources !scillator and clock circuits.


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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    Bl)toot Mo#)l:

    This module enables you to wireless transmit D receive serial data. (t is a drop in

    replacement for wired serial connections allowing transparent two way data communication.

    ou can simply use it for serial port replacement to establish connection between )"% or 

    embedded project and " for data transfer.


    • 6.6> power operation

    • %'T interface

    • 1A meters range

    • Easy to use

    • )inimum E3ternal "omponents

    • *tatus E7s


    • 9ireless Telemetry

    • emote 7ata ogging

    • obotics

    • *ensor )onitoring

    • emote rogramming


    • 2luetooth protocol v4.A


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    • ange 1A meters

    • re7" 0Am'

    • !perating Temperate; -4A" to =00 "

    • 7imensions; 4B.5 mm 3 16 mm 3 4.4 mm

    Mo# o3 o*r"tion

    These modules have two modes; master and slave. ou can set the module mode 8master or 

    slave/ of the device by 'T commands.

    The main function of 2luetooth serial module is replacing the serial port line, such as;

    MCU to MCU co%%)nic"tion

    There are two )"%s want to communicate with each other. !ne connects to 2luetooth

    master device while the other one connects to slave device. Their connection can be built

    once the pair is established. This 2luetooth connection is e

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    MCU to PC4S%"rt Pon Co%%)nic"tion

    9hen )"% has 2luetooth salve module, it can communicate with 2luetooth adapter of 

    computers and smart phones. Then there is a virtual communicable serial port line between

    )"% and computer or smart phone. 7river is not re

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    B"ic Sc%"tic

    *tatus E7 flashes at different rates to indicate different status like searching, config,


    air E7 lights on continuously when matching and data connection is establishedsuccessfully.

    "onfig Iumper is put to make pinJ6C high, then module enters 'T command mode for 

    configuration. eave pinJ6C floating and module is in normal working mode. ower off the

    module when making this change


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    An#roi#:'ndroid is an open source and inu3-based O*r"tin5 St% for mobile devices such as

    smartphones and tablet computers. (t offers a unified approach to application development for 

    mobile devices which means developers need only develop for 'ndroid, and their 

    applications should be able to run on different devices powered by 'ndroid.

    6 An#roi# 7


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    ,"t)r o3 An#roi#

    'ndroid is a powerful operating system competing with 'pple CF* and supports great

    features. ew of them are listed below;

    ,"t)r Dcri*tion

    2eautiful %( 'ndroid !* basic screen provides a beautiful and intuitive user interface.

    "onnectivityF*)$E7FE, (7E&, "7)', E>-7!, %)T*, 2luetooth, 9i-i, TE,

     &" and 9i)'.


    *Kite, a lightweight relational database, is used for data storage


    )edia support

    H.4B6, H.4BC, )EF-C *, '), ')-92, ''", HE-''", ''" 0.1,

    )6, )(7(, !gg >orbis, 9'>, IEF, &F, F(, and 2)

    )essaging *)* and ))*

    9eb browser 2ased on the open-source 9eb#it layout engine, coupled with "hromeLs

    >+ Iava*cript engine supporting HT)0 and "**6.


    'ndroid has native support for multi-touch which was initially made

    available in handsets such as the HT" Hero.


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    )ulti-tasking%ser can jump from one task to another and same time various application

    can run simultaneously.

    esi:able widgets9idgets are resi:able, so users can e3pand them to show more content or 

    shrink them to save space

    )ulti-anguage *upports single direction and bi-directional te3t.


    Foogle "loud )essaging 8F")/ is a service that lets developers send

    short message data to their users on 'ndroid devices, without needing a

     proprietary sync solution.

    9i-i 7irect' technology that lets apps discover and pair directly, over a high-

     bandwidth peer-to-peer connection.

    'ndroid 2eam' popular &"-based technology that lets users instantly share, just by

    touching two &"-enabled phones together.

    An#roi# A**lic"tion

    'ndroid applications are usually developed in the Iava language using the 'ndroid *oftware

    7evelopment #it

    !nce developed, 'ndroid applications can be packaged easily and sold out either through a

    store such as Goo5l Pl", Sli#ME, O*r" Mo!il Stor, Mo!"n5o, ,-#roi#  and theA%"8on A**tor.

    C"t5ori o3 An#roi# "**lic"tion

    There are many android applications in the market. The top categories are;


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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    Here last two components are optional and if you are working on 9indows machine then

    these components make your life easy while doing Iava based application development. *o

    let us have a look how to proceed to set re

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    (f a load is connected to the secondary circuit, electric charge will flow in the secondary

    winding of the transformer and transfer energy from the primary circuit to the load connected

    in the secondary circuit.

    The secondary induced voltage VS , of an ideal transformer, is scaled from the primary VP by

    a factor e

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    Two coils of wire 8called windings/ are wound on some type of core material. (n some

    cases the coils of wire are wound on a cylindrical or rectangular cardboard form. (n effect, the

    core material is air and the transformer is called an '(-"!E T'&*!)E.

    Transformers used at low fre

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    supply terminal to the right along the red 8positive/ path to the output, and returns to the

    lower supply terminal via the blue 8negative/ path.

    9hen the input connected to the l3t corner is n5"ti$, and the input connected to the ri5t

    corner is *oiti$, current flows from the lo(r supply terminal to the right along the r#

     path to the output, and returns to the )**r supply terminal via the !l) path.

    (n each case, the upper right output remains positive and lower right output negative. *ince

    this is true whether the input is '" or 7", this circuit not only produces a 7" output from an

    '" input, it can also provide what is sometimes called ?reverse polarity protection?. That is,

    it permits normal functioning of 7"-powered e

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    four diodes connected in the bridge configuration became a standard commercial component

    and is now available with various voltage and current ratings.


    or many applications, especially with single phase '" where the full-wave bridge serves to

    convert an '" input into a 7" output, the addition of a capacitor may be desired because the

     bridge alone supplies an output of fi3ed polarity but continuously varying or ?pulsating?

    magnitude 8see diagram above/.

    The function of this capacitor, known as a reservoir capacitor 8or smoothing capacitor/ is to

    lessen the variation in 8or LsmoothL/ the rectified '" output voltage waveform from the

     bridge. !ne e3planation of LsmoothingL is that the capacitor provides a low impedance path to

    the '" component of the output, reducing the '" voltage across, and '" current through, the

    resistive load. (n less technical terms, any drop in the output voltage and current of the bridge

    tends to be canceled by loss of charge in the capacitor. This charge flows out as additional

    current through the load. Thus the change of load current and voltage is reduced relative to

    what would occur without the capacitor. (ncreases of voltage correspondingly store e3cess

    charge in the capacitor, thus moderating the change in output voltage $ current.

    The simplified circuit shown has a well-deserved reputation for being dangerous, because, in

    some applications, the capacitor can retain a lethal charge after the '" power source is

    removed. (f supplying a dangerous voltage, a practical circuit should include a reliable way to

    safely discharge the capacitor. (f the normal load cannot be guaranteed to perform this

    function, perhaps because it can be disconnected, the circuit should include a bleeder resistor 

    connected as close as practical across the capacitor. This resistor should consume a current

    large enough to discharge the capacitor in a reasonable time, but small enough to minimi:e

    unnecessary power waste.

    2ecause a bleeder sets a minimum current drain, the regulation of the circuit, defined as

     percentage voltage change from minimum to ma3imum load, is improved. However in many

    cases the improvement is of insignificant magnitude.

    The capacitor and the load resistance have a typical time constant N O  RC where C and R are

    the capacitance and load resistance respectively. 's long as the load resistor is large enough


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    so that this time constant is much longer than the time of one ripple cycle, the above

    configuration will produce a smoothed 7" voltage across the load.

    (n some designs, a series resistor at the load side of the capacitor is added. The smoothing can

    then be improved by adding additional stages of capacitorPresistor pairs, often done only for 

    sub-supplies to critical high-gain circuits that tend to be sensitive to supply voltage noise.

    The ideali:ed waveforms shown above are seen for both voltage and current when the load

    on the bridge is resistive. 9hen the load includes a smoothing capacitor, both the voltage and

    the current waveforms will be greatly changed. 9hile the voltage is smoothed, as described

    above, current will flow through the bridge only during the time when the input voltage is

    greater than the capacitor voltage. or e3ample, if the load draws an average current of n

    'mps, and the diodes conduct for 1AQ of the time, the average diode current during

    conduction must be 1An 'mps. This non-sinusoidal current leads to harmonic distortion and a

     poor power factor in the '" supply.

    (n a practical circuit, when a capacitor is directly connected to the output of a bridge, the

     bridge diodes must be si:ed to withstand the current surge that occurs when the power is

    turned on at the peak of the '" voltage and the capacitor is fully discharged. *ometimes a

    small series resistor is included before the capacitor to limit this current, though in most

    applications the power supply transformerLs resistance is already sufficient.

    !utput can also be smoothed using a choke and second capacitor. The choke tends to keep the

    current 8rather than the voltage/ more constant. 7ue to the relatively high cost of an effective

    choke compared to a resistor and capacitor this is not employed in modern e

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    REGULATOR IC ; from 14>/. There are two types of voltage


    1. fi3ed voltage regulators 8@+33, @533/ 4. variable voltage regulators8)61@/ (n fi3ed

    voltage regulators there is another classification 1. =ve voltage regulators 4. -ve voltage

    regulators !*(T(>E >!T'FE EF%'T!* This include @+33 voltage regulators. The

    most commonly used ones are @+A0 and @+14. @+A0 gives fi3ed 0> 7" voltage if input

    voltage is in [email protected]>, 4A>/.

    T C"*"citor ,iltr

    The simple capacitor filter is the most basic type of power supply filter. The application of the

    simple capacitor filter is very limited. (t is sometimes used on e3tremely high-voltage, low-

    current power supplies for cathode-ray and similar electron tubes, which re

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    ,)ll-("$ rcti3ir (it " c"*"citor 3iltr>

    9hen this filter is used, the " charge time of the filter capacitor 8"1/ must be short and the

    " discharge time must be long to eliminate ripple action. (n other words, the capacitor must

    charge up fast, preferably with no discharge at all.

      2etter filtering also results when the input fre

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    Half-wave rectifier with and without filtering.


    The value of the capacitor is fairly large 8several microfarads/, thus it presents a relatively

    low reactance to the pulsating current and it stores a substantial charge.

    The rate of charge for the capacitor is limited only by the resistance of the conducting diode,

    which is relatively low. Therefore, the " charge time of the circuit is relatively short. 's a

    result, when the pulsating voltage is first applied to the circuit, the capacitor charges rapidly

    and almost reaches the peak value of the rectified voltage within the first few cycles.

    The capacitor attempts to charge to the peak value of the rectified voltage anytime a diode is

    conducting, and tends to retain its charge when the rectifier output falls to :ero. 8The


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    capacitor cannot discharge immediately./ The capacitor slowly discharges through the load

    resistance 8/ during the time the rectifier is non-conducting.

    The rate of discharge of the capacitor is determined by the value of capacitance and the value

    of the load resistance. (f the capacitance and load-resistance values are large, the "

    discharge time for the circuit is relatively long.

    ' comparison of the waveforms shown in figure C-1B 8view ' and view 2/ illustrates that the

    addition of "1 to the circuit results in an increase in the average of the output voltage 8Eavg/

    and a reduction in the amplitude of the ripple component 8Er/ which is normally present

    across the load resistance.

     &ow, letLs consider a complete cycle of operation using a half-wave rectifier, a capacitive

    filter 8"1/, and a load resistor 8/. 's shown in view ' of figure C-1@, the capacitive filter 

    8"1/ is assumed to be large enough to ensure a small reactance to the pulsating rectified

    current. The resistance of is assumed to be much greater than the reactance of "1 at the

    input fre

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    igure C-1@'. - "apacitor filter circuit 8positive and negative half cycles/. !*(T(>E H'-


    igure C-1@2. - "apacitor filter circuit 8positive and negative half cycles/. &EF'T(>E


    *ince practical values of "1 and ensure a more or less gradual decrease of the discharge

    voltage, a substantial charge remains on the capacitor at the time of the ne3t half cycle of 

    operation. 's a result, no current can flow through the diode until the rising ac input voltage

    at the anode of the diode e3ceeds the voltage on the charge remaining on "1. The charge on


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    "1 is the cathode potential of the diode. 9hen the potential on the anode e3ceeds the

     potential on the cathode 8the charge on "1/, the diode again conducts, and "1 begins to

    charge to appro3imately the peak value of the applied voltage.

    'fter the capacitor has charged to its peak value, the diode will cut off and the capacitor will

    start to discharge. *ince the fall of the ac input voltage on the anode is considerably more

    rapid than the decrease on the capacitor voltage, the cathode

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    The diode is a p-n junction device. 7iode is the component used to control the flow of the

    current in any one direction. The diode widely works in forward bias.

    7iode 9hen the current flows from the to & direction. Then it is in forward bias. The Rener 

    diode is used in reverse bias function i.e. & to direction. >isually the identification of thediodeSs terminal can be done by identifying he silver$black line. The silver$black line is the

    negative terminal 8cathode/ and the other terminal is the positive terminal 8cathode/.


    • 7iodes; ectification, free-wheeling, etc

    • Rener diode; >oltage control, regulator etc.

    • Tunnel diode; "ontrol the current flow, snobbier circuit, etc


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    The flow of charge through any material encounters an opposing force similar in many

    respects to mechanical friction .this opposing force is called resistance of the material .in

    some electric circuit resistance is deliberately introduced in form of resistor. esistor used fall

    in three categories , only two of which are color coded which are metal film and carbon film

    resistor .the third category is the wire wound type ,where value are generally printed on the

    vitreous paint finish of the component. esistors are in ohms and are represented in Freek 

    letter omega, looks as an upturned horseshoe. )ost electronic circuit re

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    ' wire wound resistor is made of metal resistance wire, and because of this, they can be

    manufactured to precise values. 'lso, high wattage resistors can be made by using a thick 

    wire material. 9ire wound resistors cannot be used for high fre

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    (n an electronic circuit, a capacitor is shown like this;

    9hen you connect a capacitor to a battery, here’s what happens;

    UThe plate on the capacitor that attaches to the negative terminal of the battery accepts

    electrons that the battery is producing.

    UThe plate on the capacitor that attaches to the positive terminal of the battery loses electrons

    to the battery.



    To test the capacitors, either analog meters or special digital meters with the specified

    function are used. The non-electrolyte capacitor can be tested by using the digital meter.

    )ulti P meter mode ; "ontinuity ositive probe ; !ne end &egative probe ; *econd end

    7isplay ; SAS8beep sound occur/ S!S esult ; aulty !# 


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    E7 falls within the family of -& junction devices. The light emitting diode 8E7/ is a

    diode that will give off visible light when it is energi:ed. (n any forward biased -& junction

    there is, with in the structure and primarily close to the junction, a recombination of hole and

    electrons. This recombination re

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    7" )otor has two leads. (t has bidirectional motion

    • (f we apply =ve to one lead and ground to another motor will rotate in one direction,

    if we reverse the connection the motor will rotate in opposite direction.

    • (f we keep both leads open or both leads ground it will not rotate 8but some inertia

    will be there/.

    • (f we apply =ve voltage to both leads then braking will occurs.


    This circuit is known as H-2ridge because it looks like V HV 9orking principle of H-2ridge.

    • (f switch 8'1 and '4 /are on and switch 821 and 24/ are off then motor rotates in

    clockwise direction

    •(f switch 8B1 and 24 /are on and switch 8'1 and '4/ are off then motor rotates in'nti clockwise direction


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    • 9e can use Transistor, mosfets as a switch 8 *tudy the transistor as a a switch/




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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    E@*r SCH

    E3press *"H software used for "ircuit designing.*teps for 7esigning;

    • 2egin a new schematic by running E3press*"H. ou can launch E3press*"H from

    your desktop by clicking on the icon.

    • *elect &ew from the ile menu. Then start designing a schematic diagram.

    • Take component from "omponents and *ymbols manager as per re

  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    PCB L"o)t


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    PCB Artit

    rinted "ircuit 2oards 2asics

    "2’s are the backbone of any electronic devices, and therefore knowledge of "2 layout

    tools can be a vital skill. 2oth analog and digital circuits used in "2s depending on the

    application, and with different types of circuits, the designer must take into account certain

    design considerations. )ore 'dvance circuits like circuits or ower circuits take more

    thought in the layout and design because the circuit is more sensitive to component placement

    and the lengths of the connections between them.


    The process for "2 design is to first create a list of parts you will use in the circuit, and then

    take the footprint of the component from libraries available. 'fter taking footprint, you have

    to connect that component by track. Then finally place all the components’ in this manner and

    connect them physically how you want them to be fabricated on the board.


  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod


    Kil )$iion

    The W>ision (7E from #eil combines project management, make facilities, source code

    editing, program debugging, and complete simulation in one powerful environment. The

    W>ision development platform is easy-to-use and helping you ision editor and debugger are integrated in a single application

    that provides a seamless embedded project development environment.


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      (n today’s world of automation our project 7oor ocking *ystem provides convenience

    to lock$unlock the door using 'ndroid. )icrocontroller +A01 is the heart of the project. 9hen

    the user wants to lock$unlock the door he$she has to touch the particular icon on his androidapplication. The android app sends the data with special code to controller. "ontroller 

    decodes it an accordingly gives command to 4567 to access the door at the same time

    display the status in "7 display. !n the other hand controller stores the status in the

    memory so that at the time of power failure, controller can get the status of door. (n this way

    this automation introduces a form of secure, keyless entry into a residence along with the

    convenience of a fully responsive security system monitor.


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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod




    • !ffices

    • 7octors cabins

    • !ffices cabins

    • Home


    'dvance *ecurity for home, offices etc

    • 7oor can be access on a touch



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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    9e have tested our system both hardware and software in our lab. 9e have successfully

    completed it. (t is working properly according to our project ideas. This system is very good

    for security purpose.


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  • 8/18/2019 Door Locking System Using Andriod



    • ei Rheng, ionel &i. 4AAB. *mart hone and &e3t Feneration )obile "omputing,

    )organ #aufmann publisher, san ransisco.

    • . Iohn obles and Tai-hoon #im, 4A1A. 'pplications, *ystems and )ethods in

    *mart Home Technology; ' eview, (nternational Iournal of 'dvanced *cience and

    Technology. 10; 6@-C+.

    • 7. *a3ena, . 2isen and *. 2hoyerkar. 4A14. 7evelopment of (ntelligent *ecurity and

    'utomation *ystem, (nternational Iournal of 'dvanced esearch in "omputer 

    *cience and Electronics Engineering 8(I'"*EE/. 1; 165- 1C6. 4A1C.

    • How 2luetooth Technology 9orks, XonlineY.


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