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1 Dominican College Portstewart GCSE Choices 2018/19 A Guide for Parents and Students Also includes information GCSE equivalents GCSE Subjects and their Assessment

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Dominican College


GCSE Choices 2018/19

A Guide

for Parents and Students

Also includes information GCSE equivalents

GCSE Subjects and their Assessment


Y10 Parents Information Evening

Y10 is an important milestone in a pupil’s education. They will be choosing their GCSE subjects

which may affect their future career options. The information in this booklet is to help guide pupils

and parents on the process of choosing GCSEs and includes a “snapshot” of each subject detailing

how and when assessment is carried out throughout Y11 and Y12.

The GCSE years, 11 and 12, are perhaps the most important in a school career. Students have to

cope with the differing demands of a wide range and large number of subjects and experience

suggests that quite a number do not devote sufficient time and effort until it is nearly “too late”.

Increasingly, universities are looking to GCSE grades as well as AS and A-levels when they

consider applications, so it is vitally important that each student achieves his or her best results at


A new range of GCSE courses began in September 2017.

In general, the Examination Boards have reduced the amount of Controlled Assessment (formally

coursework). The table below is a summary of the percentage Controlled Assessment for each

GCSE subject offered at Dominican College, Portstewart:

50-65% Controlled


20-40% Controlled


0% Controlled Assessment

-Art & Design (60%)

-Drama (60%)

-Food and Nutrition (50%)

-Health and Social Care (50%)

-Music (65%)

-Technology & Design (50%)

-Business & Communications

Systems (25%)

-Digital Technology (30%)

-English Language (40%)

-English Literature (20%)

-Learning For Life & Work


-Media (40%)


-Further Mathematics





-Religious Studies

-Science: Double Award

-Science: Single Award


Dominican College also offer a range of GCSE equivalent courses:

BTEC Level 2 SPORT – First Award which is 75% coursework.

Cambridge National Level 2 Certificate - CREATIVE iMEDIA which is 75% coursework.

The school is also introducing an Occupational Studies Level 2 qualification which is equivalent

to a GCSE. Occupational Studies;

focus on occupation and employability;

enable progression to other courses, training and employment;

help to raise levels of achievement; and

emphasise learning by doing, which helps learners to develop the transferable skills needed

in a changing and dynamic working environment.

Occupational Studies Level 2 are 100% coursework. The following options are available:

OS - Design and Creativity (2 units)


OS - Technology and Innovation (2 units)


It should be highlighted that the vast majority of Controlled Assessment must be done in school and

therefore your child’s attendance is crucial. Absenteeism must be eliminated. Students have to be in

class for their Controlled Assessment Tasks and we need your help and support in this regard. If a

pupil is absent he or she cannot carry out their controlled assessment.


It used to be that all GCSE papers were taken in June of Year 12. Now some subjects have “module

exams” throughout the course – some as early as February of Year 11. GCSEs where some

examinations are taken in Year 11 include Business and Communications Systems, Digital

Technology, English Language, English Literature, History, Learning for Life and Work,

Mathematics, Religious Studies, Science: Single Award, Science: Double Award and Technology

and Design. As with controlled assessment, it is so important to have very high levels of attendance.

If students miss class they miss preparation for their modules and if they are absent for a module

exam they may have to wait months or even over a year to sit the examination again, long after the

teacher has completed teaching that module.

We have prepared an outline for each GCSE subject and equivalents in this guide. The outline will

tell you a bit about each subject including how it is assessed and what proportion of marks go to

each part of the assessment. We have included website addresses so that you can obtain more

information if you wish.

Our experience is that students generally achieve the results they deserve, or to put it another way a

consistently good effort across all subjects, coupled with high attendance is the best recipe for


Sometimes students are unable to do their best because of illness or other reasons. The Examination

Boards can take account of this, if they have the evidence. The school’s Examinations Officer

should be contacted if Special Consideration needs to be requested in respect of any assessment.

GCSE Subject Choices 2019

Every Dominican College GCSE student takes a compulsory Common Core of subjects.

For those starting GCSEs in September 2019 the common core contains 4 GCSE subjects:

English Language Mathematics

English Literature Religious Studies

Some of the Mathematics students will also take Further Mathematics as an extra subject. Further

Mathematics candidates must have shown at KS3 that they have the ability and commitment to

work at this high level. Successful candidates will be informed in June of Year 10.

If it is offered it is not compulsory for the pupil to do Further Maths but it is a compulsory

requirement for A-level Maths and a preferred requirement for A-level Physics.

There are other compulsory parts to the Common Core. These are:

Physical Education (non-GCSE)

CoPE – Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (a short non-GCSE course)


Careers Education (non-GCSE)

Personal Development / Form Class

To build on the Common Core each student makes a number of GCSE Option choices.


Each student then chooses which Science subject to take.

Science: Double Award is worth 2 GCSE subjects and is taught as separate Biology, Chemistry

and Physics. Double Award students can go on and take Biology, Chemistry and / or Physics A-

levels, if they do well enough at GCSE. Science: Double Award opens up a wide range of careers

linked to Science.

Science: Single Award is worth 1 GCSE and is made up of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, taught

by one teacher. Single Award gives a good basic grounding in Science but not enough to be a

foundation for A-level Biology, Chemistry or Physics. It is a good subject for students who are very

sure that they will not want to pursue a career in which Science is a significant requirement.

Students who have chosen Science: Double Award now have the opportunity to choose three

additional subjects and one “reserve” choice.

Students who have chosen Science: Single Award now have the opportunity to choose four

additional subjects and one “reserve” choice.

The reserve choice is very important. After the choices are made a piece of computer software will

generate Option Blocks. The software tries to create a match for every student but, given the

number of combinations that are possible, it is likely that not every set of choices will fit.

When you make your choices you should put a 1 beside the subject you most want to do, 2 beside

your next choice, 3 beside your third choice and R beside your reserve choice. The students

choosing Science: Single Award will put 1, 2, 3, 4 and R.

Numbering your choices means that the computer software will give a priority to your choices and

try to match your top choices first.

For some students it may be more appropriate to take one fewer GCSE & concentrate on getting the

best results in 8 subjects. These candidates will receive extra help in English, Maths & their other

subjects through a Key Skills Programme. Staff will discuss this with those students later in Year


Key dates

Christmas tests - w/c 3/12/18

Christmas reports – 21/12/18

Parents evening – 15/1/19

Initial choices – 25/1/19

Final Option Block choices – April 2019


We will do our best to accommodate all our students and their choices however

this is not always possible.

We have tried to keep the information in this booklet as accurate as possible but

it may be necessary to make some changes to subject availability, dates, units

studied etc.

If you have any queries you can contact the school by phone or by email:

Ms K Anderson – 10-1 Form Tutor – [email protected]

Mr B Canning – 10-2 Form Tutor - [email protected]

Mrs M Laverty - 10-3 Form Tutor – [email protected]

Mrs A Park – Head of Careers – [email protected]

Mr I Hynds – Y10 Co-ordinator – [email protected]

Included over the page is a sample choices sheet.


NAME:____________________________YR 10 GRP:_

GCSE Subject Choices Form This is your opportunity to make your preliminary selection of the optional subjects which

you wish to take for GCSE or equivalent. This form must be returned to Mrs Park by Friday 25th

January 2019.


Choose one from:

Science: Double Award (2 GCSEs) or Science: Single Award

You now have 3 or 4 Optional Choices + 1 important reserve choice

If you chose Science: Double Award write 1, 2 and 3, in order of preference, in the boxes beside

your THREE choices and R beside ONE reserve choice

If you chose Science: Single Award write 1, 2, 3 and 4, in order of preference, in the boxes beside

your FOUR choices and R beside ONE reserve choice



Food and Nutrition Geography Spanish

Media Studies History Irish

Technology & Design Digital Technology French

Business & Communications LLW Drama

Art & Design Sport (BTEC) Music

Health & Social Care Key Skills Creative iMedia (L2)

Design and Creativity (OS) Technology and

Innovation (OS)

The next stage will be for the school to use your choices to arrange Option Blocks. You should be

aware that it may not be possible for everyone to be accommodated with all their preferred choices

and that if demand for a subject is very low it may not appear on the final timetable.

Write here about any career plans to support your choices:

Parent’s signature………………………………………………………………………………………..



Art & Design GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying Art & Design in Dominican College study the CCEA specification (see for more details). Set out below are the options that our students take:





Component 1

Part A:


Portfolio (no

final outcome


Part B: Investigating

the Creative

and Cultural

Industries (students

complete one

practical task

and will

produce a final




Part A (25%)

50 marks



Part B (35%)

70 marks

Internally assessed and



Part A


50 marks

Part B


70 marks


parts are






Part A- from September

(Term 1) to February in

Year 11 (Term 2).

Part B- from February

of Year 11 (Term 2) to

December of Year

12(Term 1)

Both parts will involve

Controlled Assessment

over four terms from the

beginning of Year 11.

Component 2:

Externally Set


A stimulus

paper is released

in January of the


year. Students

complete a

minimum of 20

hours of prep

work and

complete a final

outcome in a 10

hour exam




80 marks

Internally assessed

and externally




You will complete 20

hours in response to the

theme in the paper.

Students must produce

and complete the final

outcome within a set

period of 10 hours

under exam conditions.


Business & Communication Systems GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying Business and Communication Systems in Dominican College study the

CCEA specification ( for more details).

This specification has three units as outlined below.





Unit 1: Software Applications for Business

External computer-based exam 2 hours Students complete tasks using a range of software applications.

40% This examination is taken in May/June at the end of Y11.

Unit 2: The Business Environment

External written exam 1 hour Structured questions

35% This examination is taken in May/June at the end of Y12

Unit 3: Developing Digital Solutions

Controlled assessment

Students project manage and develop a digital solution for a given problem within a business context.

25% This coursework is researched and written in the first term of Y12. It involves 30 hours of controlled assessment.

Controlled Assessment makes up 25% of the total GCSE. It is vitally important that students

attend every class.


Digital Technology (formally ICT) GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying Digital Technology in Dominican College study the CCEA specification.

In this specification there are three modules – The tables below summarise the structure of this

GCSE course. Unit 1: Digital Technology is compulsory for all students. Students also follow either

*Route A: Multimedia (Units 2 and 3) or Route B: Programming (Units 4 and 5).

The qualification they achieve is either:

*GCSE Digital Technology (Multimedia); or

GCSE Digital Technology (Programming).

*At present the school only offers Route A.

*Route A: Multimedia

Content Assessment Weightings Timeframe

Compulsory Core Unit 1: Digital Technology

External written exam: 1 hour

30% Taken at the end of Year 11

Multimedia units Unit 2: Digital Authoring Concepts

External written exam: 1hr 30mins

40% Taken at the end of Year 12

Unit 3: Digital Authoring Practice

Controlled Assessment

30% Start in Year 11, submit in Year 12

Route B: Programming

Content Assessment Weightings Timeframe

Compulsory Core Unit 1: Digital Technology

External written exam: 1 hour

30% Taken at the end of Year 11

Programming units Unit 4: Digital Development Concepts

External written exam: 1hr 30mins

40% Taken at the end of Year 12

Unit 5: Digital Development Practice

Controlled Assessment

30% Start in Year 11, submit in Year 12

Students must take at least 40% of the assessment (based on unit weightings) at the end of the

course as terminal assessment.


Drama GCSE Snapshot GCSE students studying Drama in Dominican College shall be studying the CCEA specification (see for more details).

There are three components: two internally assessed (60%) and one externally assessed (40%). All

assessment is completed at the end of the course. The specification aims to encourage students to develop a

personal interest in drama, to engage actively in the process of dramatic study, to work imaginatively and

creatively in collaboration with their peers, to analyse their own work and the work of others, and to develop

and demonstrate competence in their chosen pathway of acting. The specification offers opportunities to

build on the learning experiences from Key Stage 3 and to develop the Cross-Curricular Skills and Thinking

Skills and Personal Capabilities at Key Stage 4.


Content Summary



Component 1: Devised Performance

In response to pre-release

stimulus material, students devise

and present a group performance.

Students also complete a student


25% Performance 15% Student logbook 10%

Controlled assessment

Pre-release stimulus material

Devise a group performance

All students submit a student


Teacher submits a recording of

every student’s performance.

Teacher marks the task and

CCEA moderate this.

Component 2 Using a published play

script, students present a

group performance.

35% Controlled assessment

Teacher marks the tasks

and CCEA moderate the


Component 3 Students explore Blood

Brothers by Willy Russell.

They develop

understanding of the text

and elements such as the

playwright’s use of

language, style and genre.

They also consider contexts

and aspects of performance,

production and design from

other performances that

they have seen.

40% External written


1 hour 30 mins

Three questions on their

set text 80 marks

Open book exam

As you can see coursework makes up 60% of the total GCSE. This is Controlled Assessment

coursework and therefore it is vitally important that students attend every class. Although students

are marked as individuals, it is crucial to individual success that all group members attend and

participate fully in all rehearsal work to ensure an engaged performance and character interaction

and to allow every student to achieve their potential at assessment.


English Language and English Literature

Year 11 and 12 pupils study the CCEA Specifications in both English Language and English

Literature which are separate GCSE subjects (see www. /English). There is a significant

overlap of pupils’ work within these two specifications as English Literature texts are used as

English Language controlled assessment texts.

English Language GCSE Snapshot Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe

Unit One: Writing for Purpose and Audience & Reading to Access Non Fiction and Media Texts

This unit is assessed in a

1 hour 45 minute written external examination.

Students complete 5 tasks during this paper.


Pupils will take this examination in June Year 11 and can, if necessary, repeat this unit in Year 12.

Unit Two: Speaking and Listening

This is a Controlled Assessment Unit. Candidates are assessed in an individual presentation and interaction, a discussion and a role play.


Pupils will complete various teacher assessed tasks throughout the course.

Unit Three: Studying Spoken and Written English

This is a Controlled Assessment Unit. Students will complete 2 tasks set by the classroom teacher on a theme set by CCEA


Students will complete these tasks in Year 11.

Unit Four: Personal or Creative Writing & Reading Literary and Non Fiction Texts

This unit is assessed in a

1 hour 45 minute written external examination.

Students complete 5 tasks during this paper.


Pupils will take this examination in June of Year 12.


English Literature GCSE Snapshot





Unit One: The Study of Prose

This unit is assessed by a 1 hour 45 minute paper. Pupils answer 1 question on the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Pupils answer 1 Unseen Prose Task


Pupils will take this examination in June Year 11 and can, if necessary, repeat this unit in June of Year 12.

Unit Two: The Study of Drama and poetry

This Unit is assessed by means of a two-hour examination paper. They will answer 2 questions. Unit Two Texts may include: Blood Brothers and Philadelphia, Here I Come


Pupils will take this examination at the end of Year 12.

Unit Three: The Study of Shakespeare

This Unit is assessed by Controlled Assessment. Students complete 1 task from a list of prescribed themes.


This unit is taken in Term One of Year 12

English Language has two Controlled Assessment units (40%) and two written exams


English Literature has one Controlled Assessment Unit (20%) and two written exams



French GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying French in Dominican College study the CCEA specification (see for more details). Students

develop their knowledge and understanding by studying three Contexts for Learning:

Context for Learning 1: Identity, Lifestyle and Culture

Context for Learning 2: Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest

Context for Learning 3: School Life, Studies and the World of Work





Unit 1:


One externally assessed

examination. Foundation

Tier paper (35 minutes) or

Higher Tier paper (45


25% Examination in Summer

term of Year 12

Unit 2:


One teacher facilitated and

externally marked speaking

examination consisting of

two role plays and a general

conversation (7-12 minutes).

25% Examination in Summer

term of Year 12

Unit 3:


One external reading

comprehension examination.

Foundation Tier paper (50

minutes) or Higher Tier paper

(60 minutes).

25% Examination in Summer

term of Year 12

Unit 4:


One external written

examination. Foundation

Tier paper (1 hour) or Higher

Tier paper (1 hour 15


25% Examination in Summer

term of Year 12


Food and Nutrition GCSE Snapshot

Students study the CCEA Food and Nutrition Specification. Controlled Assessment makes up of an

external examination component worth 50% and one coursework component worth 50%.





Component 1: Food and Nutrition

External written examination Format: 2 hours written Examination 120 marks The written paper includes multiple-choice, short and structured questions and questions requiring extended writing.


Summer Year 12.

Component 2: Practical Food and Nutrition

Controlled Assessment 120 marks Students complete one task that involves the following:

Students present the written report on the task in the required format. Teachers mark the task and CCEA moderate the results


CCEA will issue the title of the task on 1 September of the academic year in which the award is to be made. Assessment is available each Summer of year 12 from 2019.


Further Mathematics GCSE Snapshot

GCSE Further Maths candidates in Dominican College will sit the CCEA Specification for Revised

GCSE Further Mathematics (for more details see

Examination Components

There will be two written papers each two hours long.

Paper 1 Pure Mathematics 50%

Paper 2 Applications 50% (Mechanics and Statistics)

There is NO COURSEWORK component.

Grades Available

The grades available for Additional Mathematics will be A* - E.

Pupils will sit both papers in summer examination series in Year 12.


Geography GCSE students studying Geography in the Dominican College study the CCEA specification and

below is a summary (see for more details.

Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe

Unit 1:

Understanding Our Natural


This covers the following


Theme A: Rivers Environments

Theme B: Coastal Environments

Theme C: Our Changing

Weather and Climate

Theme D: The Restless Earth

External written exam

1 hour and 30 minutes

The examination includes four multi-

part questions, one on each theme.

Students answer all four questions.

40% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

Unit 2:

Living in Our World

This unit covers the following


Theme A: Population and


Theme B: Changing in Urban


Theme C: Contrasts in World


Theme D: Managing Our


External written exam

1 hour and 30 minutes

The examination includes four multi-

part questions, one on each theme.

Students answer all four questions.

40% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y11

Unit 3:

Fieldwork Report

External written exam

1 Hour

External written examination 1 hour

Students base their answers on their

knowledge and experience of fieldwork.

20% Students must bring a fieldwork statement and table of data to the examination. This exam will be done at the end of Year 12.

Students become actively involved in collecting geographical data first-hand through fieldwork.

Fieldwork is an essential aspect of geography. It involves applying specific geographical

knowledge, understanding and skills to a particular and real out-of-classroom context however

assessment for this unit is a written examination. Students must create and submit a word-processed

fieldwork statement and table of data.

Both the fieldwork data collection and the final fieldwork report, written under controlled

conditions are very important in Geography, and it is essential that pupils attend all classes.


Health and Social Care (Single Award) GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying Single Award Health and Social Care in Dominican College study the

CCEA specification.

This specification has two units of study outlined below:

Controlled Assessment makes up 50% of the total GCSE. It is vitally important that students

attend every class.





Unit 1: Personal Development, Health and Well-being

External Examination

1 hour 30 mins

Students answer three

questions that require

short responses and

extended writing.

50% This examination is taken in May/June at the end of Y11.

Unit 2: Working in Health, Social care and Early years sectors

Controlled Assessment

Students complete the

controlled assessment

task based on information

released from CCEA

50% The controlled assessment is submitted to CCEA at the beginning of May of Y12.


History GCSE Snapshot. GCSE students studying History in Dominican College shall be studying the CCEA specification

(see for more details). In this specification there are several different

options to follow. Set out below are the options that our students will be






Unit 1:

Life in Nazi



Externally assessed written


Exam lasts 1hr 45 minutes, 52

minutes of which is based on

the German history studied

Pupils will answer 5 questions.

These will include short

response questions, structured

questions and an essay


30% This exam will be done in May/June Year 12

Unit 2:





Externally assessed written


Exam lasts I hour 45 minutes,

52 minutes of which is based on

the Irish history studied

Pupils will answer 6 questions.

These will include source based

questions, short response

questions and an essay


30% This exam will be done in May/June Year 12

Unit 3:




Externally assessed written


Exam lasts 1 hour 15 minutes

Pupils will answer 6 questions.

These will include source based

questions, structured questions

and an essay question.

40% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

There is no Controlled Assessment component. All pupils will sit the same tier of entry.


Irish GCSE Snapshot.

GCSE students studying Irish in Dominican College study the CCEA specification (see for more details). In this specification there are several different

options to follow. Set out below are the options that our students take:





Unit 1: Listening

External written examination with stimulus material in Irish. 2 tiers of entry: Foundation (35 mins.) Higher (45 mins.) Students answer 12 questions. Responses include answers in Irish & English, gap filling and selection.

25% Summer Y12

Unit 2: Speaking

Teacher facilitated and externally marked oral examination. 1 Tier of entry. Exam lasts 7-12 mins. and includes: 2 Role plays. A general conversation on 2 topics. Students prepare the first topic in advance from a prescribed list.

25% Summer Y12

Unit 3: Reading.

Stimulus material in Irish.

2 Tiers of entry:

Foundation (50 mins)

Higher (60 mins)

Students answer 12 questions.

Responses include selection, gap

filling, questions in Irish and

English. Translating short sentences

from Irish to English.

25% Summer Y12

Unit 4: Writing

External written examination.

2 tiers of entry:

Foundation (1 Hour)

Higher (1HR 15)

Students answer 4 questions.

A listing Task ( Foundation)

Short Phrase.

Short responses in Irish.( Higher


A short translation from English to

Irish (both tiers)

1 Structured, extended writing task

from a choice of 3. (both tiers)

25% Summer Y12

Students must take at least 40% of the assessment at the end of the course as a terminal assessment.

Tiers of entry are based on student data during Yr11 and the Autumn term of Yr12.


Learning For Life & Work (LLW) GCSE Snapshot

Students take the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Specification. LLW consists of 3

Strands; Citizenship, Employability and Personal Development.

Strand Assessment Weighting Timeframe Unit 1:Local & Global


External written examination. (60 Marks) 1 hr.

Includes short structured questions and extended

writing questions.


Summer of


Unit 2: Personal


External written examination. (60 Marks) 1 hr.

Includes short structured questions and extended

writing questions.


Summer of


Unit 3: Employability

Unit 4: Controlled

Assessment Task.


External written examination. (60 Marks) 1 hr.

Includes short structured questions and extended

writing questions.

100 Marks. Students complete one task from a choice

of Citizenship, Employability or P.D.

The task involves planning, research, working with

others, communicating findings, self-evaluation and

presentation of task.



Summer of


Summer of Y12

Students must take at least 40% of the assessment at the end of the course as terminal assessment.


Mathematics GCSE Snapshot

GCSE pupils in Dominican College will sit the Revised CCEA Modular Two Tier Specification for

Mathematics (for more details see

Pupils must sit two modules – One from modules M1- M4 and one from modules M5 – M8

One group will sit both modules in Year 11 and go on to do GCSE Further Maths in Year 12.

The other groups will sit one module in June of Year 11 and the other in June of Year 12.

If necessary, there may also be an opportunity to re-sit a module in January of Year 12.

The modules will be chosen to suit the ability of each pupil

The table below gives an outline of the grades achievable with the various module combinations.

There is NO COURSEWORK component in GCSE Mathematics








All grades in this range are


M2 and M6 C-F All grades in this range are


M3 and M7


All grades in this range are


M4 and M8 A* - C All grades in this range are


Modules M1-4 are all calculator papers

Modules M5-8 consist of two papers Paper 1 is non-calculator and Paper 2 is a calculator paper.


Media Studies GCSE Snapshot

Media Studies is a 2 year GCSE course, 60% is assessed through exam and 40% controlled

assessment (coursework).

Year 11 and 12 pupils will study the WJEC Specification (Welsh board)

See: (

media-studies-spec-for-2017%20(16-09-16).pdf?language_id=1 )

Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe

Unit One: Exploring the Media

Questions will focus on media language and representation in relation to two print media forms. Assessment is by written exam of 1 hour 30 minutes.


Pupils will take this

examination in June of Year


Unit Two: Understanding Media Forms and Products

Questions will assess all areas of

the theoretical framework and

contexts of the media in relation

to television and music.

Assessment is by written exam of

1 hour 30 minutes.

(30%) Pupils will take thus

examination in June of Year


Unit Three: Creating Media Products

This assessment of this unit is

controlled. It will be marked by

the teacher and moderated by the

exam board.

(40%) Pupils will begin work on this

unit in Year 11.


Music GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying Music in Dominican College shall be studying the CCEA specification

(see for more details). In this specification there are several different

options to follow. Set out below are the options that our students will be taking.





Component 1: Composing and appraising (controlled assessment)

Internally marked and externally moderated Candidates must create two compositions and keep a composition log for each. One of these is based on a stimulus provided by CCEA. The composition portfolio’s length should be 3–6 minutes in total.

30% This component will be done throughout Yr 11 and Yr 12

Component 2: Performing and appraising (controlled assessment)

External examination Candidates must present one solo and one ensemble performance. The standard should be equivalent to Grade 3 or above. There will be a discussion lasting about 3 minutes with the examiner based on the performances.


(30% for actual performances 5% discussion with examiner )

This exam will be done in April/May at the end of Yr 12

Component 3: Listening and appraising (External assessment)

External Examination

There is one examination of aural perception, lasting about an hour and a half. This exam consists of questions based on music studied and unfamiliar music.

35% This exam will be done in

May/June at the end of Yr 12

As you can see coursework and performance make up 65% of the total GCSE. This is

Controlled Assessment coursework and therefore it is vitally important that students attend every

class and work consistently on these components throughout the entire course.


Religious Studies GCSE Snapshot.

GCSE students studying Religious Studies in Dominican College will follow the CCEA Religious

Studies Specification. (See for more details)

The course is comprised of two chosen units of study.

Set out below are the two units our students take:





Unit 5:


through a Study of

the Gospel of


Externally assessed written paper Examination lasts 1 hour 30 minutes.

50% Course studied in Year 11. This examination is taken in May/June at the end of Y11

Unit 6:

An Introduction to



Externally assessed written paper Examination lasts 1 hour 30 minutes.

50% Course studied in Year 12. This examination is taken in May/June at the end of Y12

There is no controlled assessment component in Religious Studies.


Science: Single Award GCSE Snapshot

GCSE students studying single science will follow the CCEA specification. The specification can

be found at:

o Foundation grades available C*-G

o Higher grades available A*-D/E

o Students achieve a single GCSE grade in this subject.

Students embarking on this modular course must cover all the requirements for the

particular modules and it is therefore important that the student attends all classes.

Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe Biology

Section A

Staying alive

Section B

Activity and health.

Externally assessed written paper

Foundation tier: 1 hour

Higher tier: 1 hour 15min.

25% This exam will be done in Feb of Y11


Section A

Chemical patterns and our


Section B

Materials and their


Externally assessed written paper

Foundation tier: 1 hour

Higher tier: 1 hour 15min.

25% This exam will be done in Nov of Y12


Section A

Electricity, waves and


Section B

Fossil fuels, road transport

and safety, radioactivity and

earth and space.

Externally assessed written paper.

Foundation tier: 1 hour

Higher tier: 1 hour 15 min.

25% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

Practical skills Between 1 March -1May in Year 12

students will complete two pre-release

practicals, from Biology, Chemistry and

Physics, which will be externally

marked. This part will be worth 7.5%.

In June of Year 12 an external written

exam will be completed which will

contribute 17.5%. This paper will

contain questions set in a practical


25% Year 12

Part A: 1Mar-1May

Part B: May/June

Where required each

examined unit can be

repeated in November,

February and June, however

each unit can only be

repeated once


Science Double Award GCSE Snapshot

Students follow the CCEA examination. The subject counts as two GCSEs. The specification can

be found at:

o Foundation tier: available grades C* – G

o Higher tier: A* - D/E

o Students will be able to receive two different grades in their Double Award Science

Qualification, such as AB or BC

Below is a summary of the assessment

Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe Biology- Unit 1 External examination (1hr) 11% This exam will be done in

May/June at the end of Y11

Chemistry- Unit 1 External examination (1hr) 11% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y11

Physics- Unit 1 External examination (1hr) 11% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y11

Biology- Unit 2 External examination (1hr 15min) 14% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

Chemistry- Unit 2 External examination (1hr 15min) 14% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

Physics- Unit 2 External examination (1hr 15min) 14% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

Practical skills- Unit 7

Between 1 Jan -1June in Year 12

students will complete three pre-

release practicals which will be

externally marked. One each from

Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

This part will be worth 7.5%.

In June of Year 12 an external

90min written exam will be

completed which will contribute

17.5%. This paper will contain

questions set in a practical context.

25% Year 12

Part A: 1Jan – 1May

Part B: May/June

Where required each examined unit

(from year 11)can be repeated in

November, February and June in

year 12, however each unit can only

be repeated once


Spanish GCSE Snapshot. GCSE students studying Spanish in Dominican College study the CCEA specification (see for more details). Students develop their knowledge and understanding by studying three Contexts for Learning: Identity, Lifestyle and Culture, National, International and Global Areas of Interest and School Life, Studies and the World of Work. There are 2 tiers of entry for GCSE Spanish for the Listening, Reading and Writing papers. Decisions on which tier to enter are based on the pupil progress and the results of the mock examinations sat in the second term of Year 12.





Unit 1: Listening

External examination with recorded listening material in Spanish There are two tiers of entry: Foundation (35 mins approx.); and Higher (45 mins approx.). Students answer 12 questions. Four of these are the same in both tiers.

25% Examination in Summer term of Year 12

Unit 2: Speaking

Students complete one speaking test carried out by their own teacher and externally marked by CCEA. There is one tier of entry. The test lasts 7- 12 minutes, plus 10 minutes of supervised preparation time. Each test includes: two role plays and a general conversation on two topics. Students prepare the first conversation topic in advance.

25% Examination in Summer term of Year 12

Unit 3: Reading

External reading comprehension examination There are two tiers of entry: Foundation (50 mins); and Higher (60 mins). Students answer 12 questions. Four of these are the same in both tiers.

25% Examination in Summer term of Year 12

Unit 4: Writing

External written examination There are two tiers of entry: Foundation (1 hour); and Higher (1 hour 15 mins). Questions include writing a vocabulary list, translating a short passage into Spanish and completing an extended writing task.

25% Examination in Summer term of Year 12


Technology and Design GCSE Snapshot.

GCSE students studying Technology and Design in Dominican College shall be studying the CCEA

specification (see for more details). In this specification there

are several different options to follow. Set out below are the options that our students will be taking.





Unit 1: Technology and Design Core Content

1 external written examination 1 hour 30 minutes Students answer 10 questions from a core area of study.

25% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y11

Unit 2: Optional Areas of Study

Students choose one of three options, in Dominican we study option: B. Mechanical and Pneumatic Control Systems.

25% This exam will be done in May/June at the end of Y12

Unit 3: Design and Manufacturing Project

Controlled assessment Students complete a design project comprising a design portfolio and an associated manufacturing task. Teachers mark the design project, and CCEA moderate the results via visiting moderation.

50% This coursework will be done throughout Y11 and Y12 It will involve 40 hours of controlled assessment.

As you can see coursework makes up 50% of the total GCSE. This is Controlled Assessment

coursework and therefore it is vitally important that students attend every class.



First Award

Year 11 and 12 pupils study the Pearson Specification and this subject is equivalent to one GCSE.

Pupils are awarded grades Distinction * - Pass.

BTEC SPORT Snapshot Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe

Unit One: CORE

Fitness for Sport

& Exercise

This unit is assessed by online

external exam. Pupils explore

fitness requirements,

components of fitness and

training methods. Pupils

participate in a series of fitness



Pupils will take the exam at

the end of year 11.

Unit Two: CORE


Performance in


This unit is assessed by teacher

assessed tasks. Pupils will

develop their knowledge of the

regulations, rules, skills &

techniques of two sports. Pupils

perform and review their own

performance. This unit also

looks at the roles of officials.

(25%) Pupils will complete various

teacher assessed tasks

throughout year 11.

Unit Three: CORE

Training for

Personal Fitness

This unit is assessed by teacher

assessed tasks. Pupils will

design a personal fitness

training programme and learn

about factors of exercise.

(25%) Pupils will complete various

teacher assessed tasks

throughout year 12.

Unit Six:

Leading Sports


This unit is assessed by teacher

assessed tasks. Its focus is sports

leadership. Pupils will plan,

organise and deliver a sports

session to Year 8 pupils, evaluate

the lesson and produce a personal

development plan.


Pupils will complete various

teacher assessed tasks

throughout year 12.

Video evidence is compulsory for units 2 ,3 and 6. Pupils taking BTEC Sport must be regularly

competing in a team sport.


OCR Cambridge National Level 2 Certificate


Year 11 and 12 pupils study the OCR Specification and this subject is equivalent to one GCSE.

Pupils are awarded grades Distinction * - Pass.


Content Assessment Weighting Timeframe

Unit R081: Pre-production skills (Mandatory)

1 ¼ hr written paper, OCR set and marked

(25%) 60 marks

Students are introduced to a

range of essential pre-

production techniques used in

the creative and digital media,

including client brief, time

frames, deadlines and

preparation techniques

TAKEN IN YEAR 11 Unit R082: Creating digital graphics (Mandatory)

Centre-assessed tasks, OCR



60 marks

Building on the skills and

understanding that they have

developed in the previous unit,

students explore where and

why digital graphics are used

and the techniques that are

involved in their creation.

They apply their skills and

knowledge in creating digital

graphics against a specific



R085: Creating a

multipage website

Centre-assessed tasks, OCR



60 marks

Students explore the different

properties, purposes and

features of multipage

websites. They demonstrate

their creativity by combining

components to create a

functional, intuitive and

visually pleasing website.


R092: Developing

digital games

Centre-assessed tasks, OCR



60 marks

Students create and test a

playable game from an

existing design or brief to

develop their knowledge and

understanding of different

types of digital games creation

software, hardware and




Occupational Studies

Design and Creativity Snapshot

Students study the CCEA qualification. This course is the equivalent to one GCSE. The course is

assessed through two units. Practical Assessment worth 60%. Written Evaluation of Practical Tasks

worth 20% and Knowledge Tests set throughout the year- 20%

Both units must be completed to achieve a full qualification. CCEA will award a final grade based on the combined scores.





Unit 1: Contemporary Cuisine Pupils will cook a range of starters, main courses and desserts

Develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to undertake work-based tasks Actively engage in work based learning Reflect on learning Develop an appreciation of career opportunities and progression within the Hospitality and Catering sector Develop an understanding of health and safety issues and environmental impacts arising from the catering industry


Summer Year 11.

Unit 2: Patisserie and Baking Pupils will cook a range of breads, scones, biscuits, cakes, and pastry products. Contemporary Cuisine

Develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to undertake work-based tasks Actively engage in work based learning Reflect on learning Develop an appreciation of career opportunities and progression within the Hospitality and Catering sector Develop an understanding of health and safety issues and environmental impacts arising from the catering industry

Evidence of the above work is collected in a portfolio, which is gathered throughout the year and sent away at the end of the unit. This course is internally assessed. There are no external exams.

50% Summer Year 12.


Occupational Studies

Technology and Innovation Snapshot

Students study the CCEA qualification. This course is the equivalent to one GCSE. The course is

assessed through two units.

Evidence of the above units are collected in a portfolio, which is gathered throughout the year and

sent away at the end of the unit.

This course is internally assessed. There are no external exams.

Both units must be completed to achieve a full qualification. CCEA will award a final grade based on the combined scores.





Unit 1: Computer Aided Design

This unit introduces learners to basic skills in the use of an industry standard Computer Aided Design (CAD) drafting package. Learners will create drawings in the discipline of: • construction (architecture); This unit includes: • consideration of health and safety issues in CAD; • consideration of career opportunities in CAD; • routine drafting techniques in CAD; • creating component drawings in CAD; • consideration of environmental issues in CAD; and • a review and evaluation of performance.


Summer Year 12.

Unit 2: Bench Joinery

This unit is designed to provide increased vocational skills in bench joinery and associated activities. This unit includes: • consideration of health and safety issues with respect to workshop activities in bench joinery; • consideration of career opportunities related to working with wood in the construction industry; • an appreciation of environmental issues relating to timber; • the appropriate use of bench joinery hand tools, and basic hand-held power tools; • techniques of cutting, jointing, boring and planing to produce construction related components; • construction of a range of bench joinery models; and • a review and evaluation of performance.

50% Summer Year 12.