dokkodo games pitch

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  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    1 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Dokkodo The Way of Walking Alone

    Games Pitch

    Elevator Pitch

    Loosely based on the legendary life of

    the Japanese Sword-Saint Miyamoto

    Musashi and set in the feudal era of

    Edo Japan; Hiro must find the kidnapped

    Princess Chiharu, rise through the

    ranks of the lands Daimyos, achieve

    greatness in battle and prove his worth

    amongst his peers to take his place

    amongst the lords of the land-perhaps

    even to the exalted height of Shogun.

    Player Motivation

    As a lowly samurai with little income, no prospects but an

    eagle eye with his sword and bow, Hiro

    must work hard to promote himself to

    his lord and friends while still

    keeping his honour intact. With Japan

    fractured by constant internecine wars,

    Hiro will have opportunities aplenty to

    keep his eye in. The player must find

    the missing Princess, gain experience,

    increase their various skills and widen

    their sphere of influence to become a

    candidate for fame. The game contains battle elements,

    political intrigue, and moral quests that will challenge

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    2 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    the players choices of duty and loyalty over their greed

    and personal ambition.Target Customer

    The game is designed for all ages but

    is ultimately geared for the male

    market within the age range of 16

    25. As the game primarily deals with

    elements that mostly appeal to male

    players, this has become the target

    audience. The game may be adapted in

    the future to contain elements that

    would lend itself to a female


    Target hardware.

    The game is designed to be played across the three main

    console markets; Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and the Nintendo

    Wii. Smaller, more basic packages will be offered to the

    Sony PSP and the Nintendo DS with an app also available for

    Android and Apple devices. Cross play between the devices

    will be encouraged as any upgrades or changes the player

    makes in the app versions will be updated to their game on

    the Consoles to extend the games playability and lifespan.

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    3 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Game Genre.

    The games genre is third person shooter. Hiros attacks

    will consist of his archery skills, shuriken/kunai

    (throwing star and throwing knife)

    and his CQC (Close-Quarter-Combat)



    Other games of this type exist but

    they are for the most part past

    their prime. Probably the most

    well-known is Shinobi but as

    this is set in the modern age and

    has a ninja as its protagonist, it

    has reached its zenith in terms of


    Unique Selling Points

    While many games are set in the

    feudal era of Japan, none will

    have the authenticity and original

    flavour Dokkodo contains. The in-

    game dialogue begins in Japanese

    and as the player progresses and

    discerns objects, places and

    people, the English equivalent

    becomes revealed. The players decisions will be based on

    the language he has learned through play. The game will

    also contain historically accurate political change as well

    as legendary and political figures of their time.

  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    4 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Back Story

    Born in 1584 and raised by his Father after his Mother died

    in childbirth, Hiro was taught the warrior arts until his

    Fathers death in a dual with the

    Ashioka sword school at the age of


    His uncles, both warrior monks took

    in Hiro and raised and taught him as

    best they could but Hiros natural

    ability and inner rage at the loss

    of his Father quickly outstripped

    their faculties of patience. When

    Hiro was still only 13, he

    challenged and beat a ronin

    senseless for insulting him.

    Finally, his uncles decided that a life in the services of

    the local Lord might temper his fire.

    The Daimyo, Lord Akibo hearing of Hiros natural talents

    decided to make him a ward of the court and employed him as

    a playmate and last protector of his

    daughter, Chiharu.

    Growing up in the constricting

    atmosphere of the court was

    torturous to Hiro but Chiharus

    patience and grace ameliorated his

    ire until finally he found a

    workable compromise. Hiro became a

    constant companion and her fiercest


  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    5 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    When Chiharu reached 16, she was betrothed to another Lord

    to strengthen Lord Akibos various alliances. Hiro was

    heart-broken but had learnt enough self-discipline to hold

    his tongue as she left the castle.

    Left without his charge, Hiro was moved into the soldiers

    quarters and expected to become just another part of his

    Lords retinue.

    After a few

    weeks, the

    drudgery of



    started to

    grate and

    Hiro began

    to lapse

    into bad


    again; fights, drunkenness and duels became commonplace

    around him. Lord Akibo, who had come to like and respect

    Hiro, was at a loss as to what to do with him but found an

    answer when messengers brought him the news that his

    daughter had been kidnapped and her new husband and his men

    had been slaughtered on the road. When Hiro was summoned

    and told, he went berserk, needing to be restrained by the

    guards to stop him rushing after Chiharu. After he had

    calmed down, Lord Akibo sent for him and unnecessarily

    requested that he find his daughter.

    The next morning, with the sun rising at his back, Hiro set

    out to find Chiharu and bring bloody vengeance to her


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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    6 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    7 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Games Concept Design

    Character Definition Sheet v1Name: Hiro

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Japanese samurai circa1600

    (Twin Swords, Enamel Armour, Longbow)

    Current Occupation:

    Ashigaru (Spear carrier - lowest echelon ofSamurai hierarchy.

    Previous Occupation (s)


    Personal and occupational goals:

    Avenge the death of his father, discover the kidnappers of the princess Chiharu and rescue same.

    Become greatest living sword-saint of the age and a legend in his own lifetime.


    Excellent skills within warrior class, hand to hand combat, close quarter combat, thrown weapons,bow, sword and equine combat.


    Swordsmanship, Princess Chiharu, freedom andthe mountains.


    Rules, Restrictions, Ashioka Sword School,Bad Manners.

    Friends, family & relationships (present)

    Ward of Lord Akibo and fostered to his two Warrior-Monk Uncles. Best Friends with Lord Akibomissing daughter, Princess Akibo.

    Friends, family & relationships (past)

    Mother (deceased) Father (killed in a duel with the Ashioka Sword School) Hiro grew up withoutpeers his own age, which was perfectly fine with Hiro as his Father encompassed all he needed asfar as he was concerned. (See below)

    Key childhood or early experiences

    While Hiro grew up never knowing his Mother, his Father became his whole world. A respectedSword teacher, he lost his life in a duel with the Ashioka Sword-School. While the duel wasconsidered fair, Hiro will never accept it. With the death of his beloved Father, Hiro lost hisguiding light in the world and rebelled. It was only the patience of Lord Akibo and the grace ofPrincess Chiharu that allowed Hiro to attempt to come to terms with his inner turmoil.

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  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    9 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Games Concept Design

    Character Definition Sheet v1Name: Lord Akibo Itto

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Daimyo Fuedal Lord

    (Overmantle, Kaori, Twin Swords, War Fan)

    Current Occupation:

    Daimyo Fuedal Lord of Harima province(150,000,000 koku fief [koku - amount ofrice required by one person per year.])

    Previous Occupation (s)


    Personal and occupational goals:

    Preserve the peace of the land. Honour the Emperor.Skills:

    Lord Akibo is an exceptional politician and a skilled orator. His disposition has kept warfare awayfrom his lands for many years.


    Peace, solitude. His daughter Princess Chiharuand Hiro.


    War, conflict. Anything that causesproblems for his people or his realm.

    Friends, family & relationships (present)

    Princess Chiharu, Hiro, various castle retainers.

    Friends, family & relationships (past)

    Wife (deceased)

    Key childhood or early experiences

    As the son of the noted general, Akibo Daigoro, Lord Akibo had very large geta to fill. While he

    loved and revered his Father, Lord Akibo had always preferred the political method to counterconflict rather than a military one. That being the case, Lord Akibo has never shied away fromdecisive action if the need requires it.

  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    10 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Games Concept Design

    Character Definition Sheet v1Name: Daitengu Sojobo of MountKurama

    Species: Tengu - Deity

    Gender: Male


    A white bearded mountain hermit with anenormously long nose.

    Current Occupation:

    King of the TenguTengu Mythical mountain/Forest deities

    Previous Occupation (s)


    Personal and occupational goals:

    Defeat all challengers who appear on his mountain, maintain the peace amongst the various kami

    (nature spirits) in the land. Teach his combat techniques to the worthy.


    Unequalled in combat. Excels in all forms of warfare, martial arts and weaponry.


    Personal combat



    Friends, family & relationships (present)

    Other Tengus from the mountains of Japan, Kami

    Friends, family & relationships (past)


    Key childhood or early experiences

    The Tengu, formed from the heavenly spear stirring the void, are ageless. They have alwaysworshipped the mountains and forests and the peace that is found there. With the arrival of man,

    they have only tightened their hold in the wilderness and dislike mans disturbance of those areas.

    While not openly antagonistic, they will attack and destroy anyone who disrespects their lands orthe denizens that dwell within. Very few humans meet the Tengu and walk away. DaitenguSojobo is no exception but will turn a blind eye to brave and honourable warriors who trespassupon his mountain providing they meet his challenge.

  • 8/12/2019 Dokkodo Games Pitch


    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    11 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Game Play and key features

    The forests dark path

    unrolled towards the blood

    red moon that had slowly

    risen just above the pine trees.

    Something dark and ancient

    was awakening amid the


    Hiro dropped to his haunchesand glanced ahead, his view

    through the twisted trunks dim and unclear but his sharp senses detected movement

    against the wind; where a branch moved with the breeze, the limbs he could see did

    not. He breathed deeply but silently. His hand went to his waist, feigning the action

    of climbing to his feet again. In one motion he twisted on one foot, ripped his sword

    from the scabbard and leapt into the undergrowth, his sword outstretched, his body

    like a knife

    This is the opening sequence of the game proper with the

    backstory played out as a cut sequence when the game first

    loads; starting from Hiro being trained by his Father up to

    the decision by Lord Akibo to send Hiro to rescue Princess

    Chiharu. The opening menu will only allow the player to

    change various options in the game such as the control

    settings, sound etc.

    After the start button is pressed, the above forest

    sequence will play out. Hiro will come face to face with

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    12 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    the Tengu King who defeats Hiro but respects his courage

    enough to hear his story. The dialogue, while all in

    Japanese, will have English (or whatever appropriate

    language) subtitles.

    The Tengu King will then start the

    tutorial for gameplay and also

    teach Hiro a new technique to use

    in the game. He tells Hiro to

    start his search in a nearby bandit

    campsite which allows the player to

    try out the combat methods in the

    game. As the game is a third

    person shooter this is mostly bow

    and throwing knives but to make a

    more unique game, swordplay is

    included for close quarter combat.

    As Hiro infiltrates the camp, the moral options become

    available to the player; does Hiro stealthily steal his way

    to the bandit chief, question him and kill him or does he

    bellow his war cry and wade in a on a tide of rage? Both

    options will weigh towards what kind of hero the player

    wishes to become. Other options later in the game further

    blur this line. An Honour/Dishonour Bar will be part of

    the players HUD and will dictate what actions a player can

    take later in the game.Whatever the player decides, the bandit chief is the first

    levels Boss character. The end of level challenges are

    always played out using the sword as the primary weapon and

    only the successful use of the techniques learnt through

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    13 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    each level will ensure victory. This challenge becomes

    progressively harder with each level as the player has to

    integrate techniques together for successful strike

    combinations or combos.

    The battle will always end with a new clue to Princess

    Chiharus location as well as a monetary award and a new


    With the end of the first level, the map opens showing the

    four Japanese

    Islands and

    showing the player

    the locations they

    have knowledge of

    and clues to new

    locations and

    missions. Duels

    and challenges as

    well as other

    mystical creatures

    who can teach Hiro

    new techniques

    will also be available from the map screen.

    Villages and towns can be visited and items, resources and

    even services can be purchased such as blacksmiths, sword-

    makers and farms. The services increase Hiros sphere of

    influence which can be used to increase his money and

    social standing, raising him through the ranks in the land.

    As new ranks are awarded, more political options are opened

    where Hiro has to contend with dealing with the people

    under his control and the jealous, power-hungry Lords

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    14 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    around the borders of his land. This element of the game

    will develop slowly to allow the player to enjoy all

    aspects the game has to offer.

    The conclusion to the game will see Hiro, now a Daimyo,

    reunited and allied with Lord Akibo on the field of battle,

    both racing to the Demons Keep to rescue the Princess

    Chiharu. Lord Akibo will die in the final fight with the

    Demon, his final request for Hiro to marry his daughter.

    All this is of course dependent on a morally good

    character. Hiros end game will play out according to the

    players choices through the game. The good ending will

    see Hiro as a high ranking Lord of the land, an unbeaten

    warrior, with the realm at his feet and his childhood love

    by his side. The bad ending will be variations on this

    theme; Chiharu dies or is possessed, Lord Akibo goes to war

    against Hiro, Hiro is feared as a force of evil through the

    land instead of respected, Hiro ends his days as a

    wandering ronin. The choices are many and varied.

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    15 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    Why Play?

    The story will span the life of Hiro, from his early

    childhood to a respected Sword-Saint.

    While there are numerous enemies, from lowly ronin to

    mighty samurai and ninja, there are also the demons of

    Meifumado, the Oni and the Tengus from the mountains that

    Hiro must defeat to obtain new techniques. The end of

    level (or end of Era bosses) will all be characters from

    Japanese mythology or historical enemies from the life of


    Over 80 hours of exploration, interaction and combat!

    History, legends, battles, people and weapons all

    painstakingly researched and brought to life!

    Experience the Japan of history and legend.

    Graphically created to reflect the artwork from Japanese

    history, the environments are sumptuous feasts for the

    eye, based on the artwork of Hokusai and Ikegema. Past

    masters unified with modern illustrators will create a

    Japan that will appeal to all who wish to experience the

    Japan of imagination.

    As the player has multiple choices within the game, there

    are a variety of plot routes that can only be played once

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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    16 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray

    per game. For the player to experience all the

    possibilities that Dokkodo offers, they must play through

    the game a number of times. The game will offer unique

    challenges and rewards with each play that will make each

    time playing a new occurrence.

    Use the Wii remote, the Playstation Move or the Xbox

    Kinect for full interactive warfare experience!

    Solo play or join in the Skirmish mode online.

    Dueling and survival modes.

    Are you going to be a respected Sword-Saint feted across

    the length and breadth of Japan or a demon on the road to

    Meifumado, merciless to all who cross your path, YOU


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    Games Concepts Games Pitch

    17 Tony Murphy & Nicholas Murray
