dofus archmonsters

Upload: aureliano-buendia

Post on 01-Jun-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 dofus archmonsters


    Arch Monster Names Regular names

    Tofulsom the Jailer Evil Tofu

    . Tofull the Optimist Sick Tofu

    . Tofudd the Hunter Tofu

    . i!inston the "hurlish urple i!i

    . i!illiam the #rave $reen i!i

    . i!ilde the #ossie Red i!i

    . i!iki the %itt& #lue i!i

    . i!icker the Manl& 'ello! i!i

    . i!i the Ermine ink i!i

    . Moskoitus the (nterruptor Moskito

    . Matmushmush the )lasher Mush Mush

    . *arvencia the Orange #lue *arva

    . +ra,aol& the atient "ra,

    . $o,,all&hoo the Nois& #lack $o,,l&

    . $o,,ach the "ontrapuntaler %hite $o,,l&

    . )amouse the -nkno!n $re& Mouse

    . andel the #o& Evil andelion

    . Arakula the "arpature Arachnee

    . Arachnekros the Agressive Aggressive Arachnee

    . Arachnangel the Hopeful Sick Arachnee

    Ti!ascal the %apper Ti!a,,it %osungree

    . Ti!ana the Tokin/ #lack Ti!a,,it

    . Ti!aldo the Hidden Ti!a,,it

    . Serpico the Honest lissken

    . Roseanne the 'anker emonic Rose

    . *arvalaska the "old Orange *arva

    . *arvadelaide the O0ie $reen *arva

    . +!oanium the Smart +!oan

    . +oleraspootin the Anesthesialogist +olerat

    . +okonan the Talker +okonut

    . Jellvis the +ing #lue Jell&

    . Jelleno the "hinn& Mint Jell&

    . Hunflo!er the Sinful %ild Sunflo!er  

    . $o,limp the #is +it $o,lin

    . $o,,allad the Romantic $o,,all

    . $lukoko the Slo! $lukoko

    . Eskoko the #aron Tikokoko

    . #andirt& the Mess& One1armed #andit

    . #andinamit the E2plosive Rogues "lan/s #andit

    . #akeraider the Tom, ark #aker  


    3amp the (mpalest 3ampire

    . Turture the Hooded 'ello! Turtle

    . Turtan/ernie the Street!ise #lue Turtle

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    . Spimushtache the Hair& $reen Spimush

    . Sno!hitisha the ure %hitish *upis

    . restreet the fighter respic

    . igstol the Se2& *ous& ig Shepherd

    . igo,let the -seful iglet

    . Mushdrill the iercer Mushd

    . Miliopold the #loomer Sick $rosse!er Milirat

    . Mc%ha,,it the iehard %a,,it

    . +arn&ona the Rider +arne Rider  

    . Jackellington the *ante!n Olante!n

    . $o,,alk& the Stu,,orn $o,,all %ar "hief  

    . #ul,amoon the Trumpeter #ul,am,oo

    . #oarnigen the amasker #oar  

    . #iplopon& the Entertainer ippin #i,lop

    . #ill,i,lop the $reat (ndigo #i,lop

    . #i,lopopo the Organi0er "oco #i,lop

    . #i,lo4akin the #ald Morello "herr& #i,lop


    5orrose the Messican O,scure Rose

    . %a,,in the %ich #lack %a,,it

    . Turtrenalds the Tragic $reen Turtle

    . Turticorn the Horned Red Turtle

    . Snapp& the )ishfrier $reen Snapper  

    . Snappu the Shopkeep #lue Snapper  

    . Snapple the %ise %hite Snapper  

    . Snap the ragon Orange Snapper  

    . Minoskittle the "olored ark Miner  

    . Milivanilli the Mime Mili,oo!olf  

    . Milikk&,um the (nformer Minoskito

    . *upisnockio the %ood!olf )urious %hitish *upis

    . *ord *acedhat The 3ampiric 3ampire Master  

    . E&emi the Narcissist E&e

    . "ro!manion the rimitive "ro!

    . #!orkoder the Ma0ter #!ork Magus

    . #ul,isonic the enetrating #ul,iflor  

    . #lorko the "olorful #!ork Archer  

    . #am,ottinit the 6uiet #am,ooto

    . Am,ushapens the -nluck& Am,usher  


    %a,,itor the Apt Skeleton %a,,it

    . Treekniddio the Need& Treechnid

    . Spimush& the Smell& #lue Spimush

    . Spimushaia the Traveler Red Spimush

    . Speedmush the racer #ro!n Spimush

    . Scaratheef the incher %hite Scaraleaf  

    . Scarareef the %recker $reen Scaraleaf  

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    . Scaraha0ad the Stor&teller #lue Scaraleaf  

    . Scara,reef the Short Red Scaraleaf  

    . Salamaa the Henpeck Manderisha

    . Ri, the Torn Ri,

    . +itse!e& the #lue +itsou Nak!a

    . +hameleltru2 the Tolerant +hamelerost

    . Jiminicrackler the "onscious "rackler  

    . Jell&posukshion the Slim Stra!,err& Jell&

    . $argo&la the aranoiac $argo&l

    . ragotitis the ainful %ild Almond ragoturke&

    . "rackrockisree the Tiger "rackrock

    . "hafaldrag the "harming (nvisi,le "hafer  

    . #!orak the #ohemian #!ork


    Trunk,eard the $entle Trunknid

    . Treeknid&lus Treechnee

    . Snappster the Sued +loon Snapper  

    . Scor,ison the *onel& Scurvion

    . Scaraheath the Hanger Scaratos

    . Rattatouille the Stirrer Sick $rosse!er Rat

    . ighatchoo the Electrical )arle/s ig

    . rakokidoki the 3olunteer %ild $inger ragoturke&

    . "rocc&2 the #ummer "rocod&l

    . "ra,orthos the All Mahli,uh "ra,oral

    . "ra,artanian the Allforone +urasso "ra,oral

    . "ra,aramis the One Mo4eeto "ra,oral

    . "hafred the )ish "hafer )oot Soldier  

    . "haferanho the Essential "hafer  

    . #ul,ushisu the Makisan #ul,ush

    . #oom,ora the angerous #oom,a

    . #lopulent the retentious "oco #lop

    . #lopium the elirious (ndigo #lop

    . #lopal the recious ippin #lop

    . #iorchid the $orgeous Morello "herr& #lop

    .%o%alker the Eg&ptian %o %a,,it

    . Su0essman the Enthusiastic Suse4

    . Smither0 the *icker ark Smith

    . &gknightlion the *ous& *ous& ig +night

    . Osurcus the Tamer Osurc

    . Niptuk the lastic&nic Nipul

    . Ne,uchadne00er the "on7ueror Ne,gi,

    . Misskokoko the "hannel +okoko

    . *ert Macraken the -sed Emo *et Emoliug

    . +irevampiro the %restler +irevam

    . $!a,,it the %unner %a,,it $randpa

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    . ragostino the Tin& $olden ragoss

    . ragospel the #lack #lack ragoss

    . ragoskovit the #arefoot Sapphire ragoss

    . raggolash the Ste!ed (mmature #lack reggon

    . ragaustin the o!er   %hite ragoss


    %ara0pacho the "herrilla %arguerite

    . Superg!ass the )ree $!ass

    . Sparod& the &thon Sparo

    . Snapoalak the Redhead ippin +oalak

    . Ratilla the Hun H&oactive Rat

    . olterghaisk the Stra& Soul #urning $host

    . +aol& the )iddler Morello "herr& +oalak

    . Jackoalak the Ripper "oco +oalak

    . Ha0!on,all the Hickler Ha0!oanarm

    . $rasnaki0anami the Ruler $rass Snake

    . $hosta,rava the Tourist #rave $host

    . $anon the !arf "annon orf  

    . reggump the Shrimp (mmature $olden reggon

    . reggommomm the "he!er   #lack reggon

    . reggat8n the *atino Sapphire reggon

    . ragamemnon the eadtro&er   %hite reggon

    . "rackoalak the #londe (ndigo +oalak

    . #ar,rosskam the "hief #ar,rossa

    . Arepotair the #espectacled Apero $host

    . Apero,ics the &namic Arepo $host


    Tanu+iki the eliver&ghost Tanuki "han $host 9earth:

    . Tanno the ominator   Tanuki "han $host 9fire:

    . Tanaked the Stalker   Tanuki "han $host 9!ater:

    . rikoko the %itless lain ikoko

    . andumonium the Joker   Tanuki "han $host 9air:

    . andoracle the Opposing )orce Tanuki "han $host 9neutral:

    . andali the Surreal andulum

    . Mufava,een0 the "anni,al Mufafah

    . +illua the Assassin +ili,riss

    . +idodo the E2tinct +ido

    . +aniedoss the $iggling +aniger  

    . reggrieg the ianist Alert Sapphire reggon

    . reggooni0 the Adventurous Alert $olden reggon

    . reggoog the o!nunder   Alert #lack reggon

    . reggoli0 the Macho Alert %hite reggon

    . ragangora the Soft& ragostess

    . "rokd&lann the Re,el "rocod&l "hief  

    . "rackedral the Ma4estic olished "rackler  

    . "hukoalak the Norris +oalak %arrior  

  • 8/9/2019 dofus archmonsters


    . #oot& the #east #oo!olf  


    %arko the (nk& #ro!n %arko

    . Treekonk the Stunned ark Treechnid

    . Treekalack the Sad ark Treechnee

    . opoalak the Mousi,ro!n +oalak )orester  

    . ocher the +ingponger   oacher 

    . iralhaka the (ntimidator iralak

    . ikhoven the eaf ark ikoko

    . Oni/orses the )oolish Oni

    . Moops the #u,,le,o& Moopet

    . +oelloggs the "reator +oalak Rider  

    . +oalarchitect the #alancing )orce +oalak $ravedigger  

    . +itsouie the $reen +itsou Nere

    . $reetdoff the $entleman $reedovore

    . )loratio the (nvestigator Rotaflor  

    . )isheralf the Ste!art )isheralak

    . E0oth,eitor the Neigh,or 5oth isciple

    . regguantico the Trainer   %arrior reggon

    . ragon& the 3iolent )l&ing reggon

    . #ul,igroov the ancer #ul,ig

    . #am,ono the Hol& Hol& #am,ooto


    5ig0oth the (ndecisive 5oth %arrior  

    . %orka the %illful urple %arko

    . Treekness the ark ark Treeckler  

    . Sorg&o 6uireto2 the "hatter,o2 Sor&o )irefou2

    . Mopid&k the Mire Miremop

    . Mopfeet the "ircular Mopeat

    . MoMaho the Modernist Maho )irefou2

    . Mamankalak the #i,liomaniac Mama +oalak

    . +oalsen the Similar %ild +oalak

    . +oaldman the $arish #lood& +oalak

    . +itsue& the Red +itsou Nufeu

    . Jackoalak the Moon%alker +oalak Mumm&

    . )loramodovar the Stoned )loramor  

    . rakoama2 the Mad rakoalak

    . raigovsk& the SocalledS!an $olden A!aken ragoss

    . ragossiper the Nag Sapphire A!aken ragoss

    . ragorse the %ild %hite A!aken ragoss

    . raghouse the "&nical #lack A!aken ragoss

    . "alip0oth the (c& 5oth $irl

    . #arkricrac the -nstead& #arkritter  


    5ou0oth the "uddl& 5oth Sergeant. 'okai the "horal 'okai )irefou2

  • 8/9/2019 dofus archmonsters


    . Trumpa&nor the Survivor Trumperelle

    . Trooligan the #ulldogg Trool

    . Treekstal,al the s&chic *ight Treeckler  

    . Tanukhuina the ra!er   andulum $host

    . Spimushketeer the *o&al Mush Mish

    . Snailmetalika the $aragician Snailmet

    . Satonuki the lastikpadd& Sor&o )irefou2 $host

    . R&ukualak the #ored Reapalak

    . Romush the Montecchi Mush Tup

    . andipoopik the %ondrous andika0e $host

    . Nidsall& the Mushtang Mushnid

    . Mushuliet the "atapulet Mush Rhume

    . *eorio the Haunted *eopardo $host

    . +oalakropolis the +ing of the Hill +oalak Master  

    . )ollikoko the Tufted Air ikoko

    . Edvushmunch the Screamer Mushmunch

    . on 6ui0othe the Stu,,orn 5oth Master  

    . "heech the uss&cat "heeken


    . 'oksai the Spirited  'okai )irefou2 $host

    . Tanuktonik the oofdoof   Tanukou; San $host

    . Tanukhiraru the $ifted andora $host

    . Ro& the Rover Mop& +ing

    . andahl the Rolled andora

    . Miomaho the Siciliano Maho )irefou2 $host


    pandoracle the Opposing )orce

    andora de e2plorer 


    ? "OM*ETAO

  • 8/9/2019 dofus archmonsters


    Amount Stage





















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