doemens 2020: kicking off the beer sommelier education in ... · 52 · bbii 4/2018 beer sommelier...

52 · BBII 4/2018 Beer sommelier education in Korea Ambassador of Beer for Super Bock In Korea, enthusiasm for beer has been sparked in recent years. This is espe- cially noticeable in gastronomy in gen- eral and especially in the growing pub scene. Jihee Lee, a partner and local representative for Doemens, has been training beer sommeliers and helping to nurture this new excitement sur- rounding the delicious beverage. Since 2015, training has been offered in Seoul, educating and certifying 140 new beer sommeliers thus far. What is striking about the courses, which are always fully booked, is the great enthusiasm of the participants and the high proportion of women. Dr. Michael Zepf, head of the Doemens’ Savour Academy, conducts the final examinations on site. In the practical part, participants have to correctly al- locate five Korean lager beers, recog- nize off-flavors and present a beer to the class. In the theoretical examina- tion, beer knowledge is queried as part of a multiple-choice test. After passing the exam, the newly trained beer som- meliers receive their certificates, which are now displayed in many catering establishments. The name Doemens has therefore developed into a strong brand in beer sommelier training. Portugal is a country of connoisseurs and a land of culinary arts. This country on the Iberian peninsula is known not only for its good wines, but more and more for high-quality (craft) beers. The local population clearly enjoys the new variety, but tourists also flock to these beverages, especially in the major ci- ties of Lisbon and Porto. The most fa- mous Portuguese beer next to Sagres is Super Bock, which was first brewed Doemens 2020: Kicking off the fundraising initiative “Doemens 2020” is more than just a catch- phrase that has been echoing within global brewing circles for the past two years. Behind this label, an ambitious project – ori- ented toward the future – has been carefully mapped out: A brand new facility for Doemens Academy in Gräfelfing, Ger- many, is to be constructed in the next three years. Doemens will thus be in an even better position to prepare next generations of national and international beverage and food industry professionals for a promis- ing future. The entire industry will benefit from this new facility, considering that Doemens Academy has, for many years now, been a competent training provider for highly qualified middle and upper ma- nagement executives in the brewing, beverage, biotechnology and food in- dustries. However, such a major project pus- hes Doemens to its financial limits and could not be realized without exter- nal financial support. Without the new building, Doemens’ position as a major contributor to executive education and training would erode. For this reason, the Friends and Spon- sors Doemens 2020 e.V. was founded last summer as a non-profit organiza- tion in which respected industry repre- sentatives have set themselves the goal of convincing enough companies and private individuals that they, too, need to become involved to help put “their” Doemens on solid footing and give the Academy a new home. As chairman of the organization, I am already looking forward to many inte- resting discussions and to keep my ears open for our common cause. Sincerely yours Dr. Wolfgang Stempfl Chairman „Freundes- und Förderkreis Doemens 2020 e.V.“ Each course ends with a fun ceremony, and many alumni join to celebrate their new graduates. This great cohesion among beer som- meliers provides excellent networking opportunity that has now led to the founding of a Beer Sommelier Associ- ation, which has already been joined by more than 100 Korean beer somme- liers. The association was founded by the sommelier Edward Park, who in- ducted Jihee Lee and Dr. Micha- el Zepf as honorary members of the association during the most recent graduation ceremony. Andreas Hofbauer Beer Sommelier Association: Dr. Michael Zepf and Jihee Lee as honorary members, inducted by Edward Park The participants of the Beer Sommelier Course in Korea in 1927 and is still made by the Super Bock Group. However, the increasing enthusiasm for beer also requires suitably trained and sensitized personnel from the brewing side. At the beginning of 2017, in a cooperative effort between the Super Bock Group and Dr. Michael Zepf, head of Doemens’ Savour Academy, a pro- gram to train its staff from various de- partments (administration, sales, mar-

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52 · BBII 4/2018

Beer sommelier education in Korea

Ambassador of Beer for Super Bock

In Korea, enthusiasm for beer has been sparked in recent years. This is espe- cially noticeable in gastronomy in gen- eral and especially in the growing pub scene. Jihee Lee, a partner and local representative for Doemens, has been training beer sommeliers and helping to nurture this new excitement sur-rounding the delicious beverage. Since 2015, training has been offered in Seoul, educating and certifying 140 new beer sommeliers thus far. What is striking about the courses, which are always fully booked, is the great enthusiasm of the participants and the high proportion of women.

Dr. Michael Zepf, head of the Doemens’ Savour Academy, conducts the final examinations on site. In the practical part, participants have to correctly al-locate five Korean lager beers, recog- nize off-flavors and present a beer to the class. In the theoretical examina- tion, beer knowledge is queried as part of a multiple-choice test. After passing the exam, the newly trained beer som-meliers receive their certificates, which are now displayed in many catering establishments. The name Doemens has therefore developed into a strong brand in beer sommelier training.

Portugal is a country of connoisseurs and a land of culinary arts. This country on the Iberian peninsula is known not only for its good wines, but more and more for high-quality (craft) beers. The local population clearly enjoys the new variety, but tourists also flock to these beverages, especially in the major ci-ties of Lisbon and Porto. The most fa-mous Portuguese beer next to Sagres is Super Bock, which was first brewed

Doemens 2020: Kicking off the fundraising initiative“Doemens 2020” is more than just a catch-phrase that has been echoing within global brewing circles for the past two years.

Behind this label, an ambitious project – ori-ented toward the future – has been carefully mapped out: A brand new facility for Doemens Academy in Gräfelfing, Ger-many, is to be constructed in the next three years.

Doemens will thus be in an even better position to prepare next generations of national and international beverage and food industry professionals for a promis- ing future.

The entire industry will benefit from this new facility, considering that Doemens Academy has, for many years now, been a competent training provider for highly qualified middle and upper ma-nagement executives in the brewing, beverage, biotechnology and food in-dustries.

However, such a major project pus-hes Doemens to its financial limits and could not be realized without exter-nal financial support. Without the new building, Doemens’ position as a major contributor to executive education and training would erode.

For this reason, the Friends and Spon-sors Doemens 2020 e.V. was founded last summer as a non-profit organiza-tion in which respected industry repre-sentatives have set themselves the goal of convincing enough companies and private individuals that they, too, need to become involved to help put “their” Doemens on solid footing and give the Academy a new home.

As chairman of the organization, I am already looking forward to many inte-resting discussions and to keep my ears open for our common cause.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Wolfgang StempflChairman „Freundes- und Förderkreis Doemens 2020 e.V.“

Each course ends with a fun ceremony, and many alumni join to celebrate their new graduates.

This great cohesion among beer som-meliers provides excellent networking opportunity that has now led to the founding of a Beer Sommelier Associ-ation, which has already been joined by more than 100 Korean beer somme-liers. The association was founded by the sommelier Edward Park, who in- ducted Jihee Lee and Dr. Micha-el Zepf as honorary members of the association during the most recent graduation ceremony.

Andreas Hofbauer

Beer Sommelier Association: Dr. Michael Zepf and Jihee Lee as honorary members, inducted by Edward Park

The participants of the Beer Sommelier Course in Korea

in 1927 and is still made by the Super Bock Group.

However, the increasing enthusiasm for beer also requires suitably trained and sensitized personnel from the brewing side. At the beginning of 2017, in a cooperative effort between the Super Bock Group and Dr. Michael Zepf, head of Doemens’ Savour Academy, a pro-gram to train its staff from various de-partments (administration, sales, mar-

BBII 4/2018 · 53

A visit from Doemens partners from South America

Doemens has a long lasting connec- tion to the South American continent and has been able to build lots of suc-cessful business relationships.

Honored visitor from far-away Mexico

Fortunately, an especially competent Doemens partner, beer enthusiast and beer expert made the long trip – along with his wife – and found time to tour the Doemens facilities in Munich-Grä-felfing.

Eduardo Villegas heads the Academia Mexicana de Eno-Gastronomía and is a leading light of the beer somme-lier training program in Mexico, which just began last year. Doemens consid- ers itself fortunate to welcome such a well-versed, experienced partner loca-ted in far-away Central America. Villegas was clearly impressed by the Doemens facility, which encompasses apprenti-ceship-training, the Savour Academy, seminar programs, consulting and rela-ted services.

Doemens’ Brazilian partner visits the Academy

South America has become an impor- tant focus for Doemens’ international

Impressum:V.i.S.P. Dr. Werner Gloßner, Doemens e.V., Stefanusstr. 8 D-82166 Graefelfing/Munich Tel. +49 (0) 89/8 58 05-0 Fax +49 (0) 89/8 58 05-26 E-mail: [email protected]

Editorial contact: Benedikt Meier Verlag W. Sachon GmbH & Co.KG Tel. +49 (0) 82 61/9 99-3 11 E-mail: [email protected]

Doemens appointmentDoemens at the BrauBevialeThe next BrauBeviale will take place from November 13th to 15th, 2018. Doemens can of course be found at the usual spot in hall 4, booth 304. Just like at last year’s drinktec the Doemens booth will be conceived in a new design. We are pleased to welcome many guests from home and abroad and to be able to offer delicacies from the Doe-mens experimental and training brewery. We are available to answer questions about our wide range of services in the areas of education, Savour Academy, seminars and services. We are looking forward to your visit!

Doemens Flash

Eduardo Villegas (l.) and his wife with Fabian Staudinger

keting, technology) to become “Ambas-sadors of Beer” and to convey a basic understanding of beer in all its facets, was developed.

The course is offered in two langua-ges: In addition to Portuguese, under Cilene Saorin, representative of Doe-mens on the Iberian Peninsula, it can also be taken in English under Dr. Mi-chael Zepf. Since summer 2017 eight courses have already been successfully completed and have been met with pos- itive response throughout the field.

Course content varies, ranging from the sharing of beer knowledge (raw materi-als, brewhouse, fermentation and stora-ge) to the development of a beer-related language, detecting off-flavors, descri-

bing various beer styles, identifying country-specific conditions (including market situation, pricing policy, consu-mer behavior) as well as beer & food pairings.

Theoretical knowledge is deepened through practical experience – be it through extensive sensory training, presenting selected beers to groups of colleagues or tracking the brewing pro-cess in the company’s own specialty brewery. Not just the staff benefits from the training: The leaders of the brewery group (CEO, CMO, CFO) were edu- cated as Ambassadors of Beer as well – an indication of Doemens’ training competency status in Portugal’s largest brewery group.

Andreas Hofbauer

activities, especially for our increas-ingly popular beer sommelier training program, organized and managed by our valued representative in the re- gion, Cilene Saorin. “Escola Superior de Cerveja e Malte“ (ESCM), which trains prospective brewers, has become a reliable partner in the effort to profes-sionalize beer sommelier training on the continent.

The training facility’s Director, Carlo Bressiani, visited Doemens and was hosted by Doemens Savour Academy staff member, Fabian Staudinger. Our South American guest was impressed with the scope and size of our train-ing facility (e.g. bottling and packaging equipment, well-stocked laboratory, ex-perimental brewery).

Bressiani reported that the expanding beer sommelier training programs in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay have be-come quite popular, and that the agree-ment between Doemens and ESCM – which both parties signed at the Brasil Brau last year – have already begun to bear fruit. This year the first beer som-melier education took place in Argenti-na!

Andreas Hofbauer

Carlo Bressiani (r.) with Fabian Staudinger

Beer Sommelier courseThe Doemens Academy will host its Beer Sommelier course (10th to 21st September 2018) in English language!

The Beer Sommelier program has solidly established itself throughout the world as an important education for people from beer service, production, logistics, communica-tion and commercialization, as well as gas-tronomy entrepreneurs, professionals and enthusiasts.

In the two week fulltime class, the partic-ipants will be trained in the fields of beer production, service, beer styles, food pair-ing, sensory analysis and many more essen-tial topics needed by a beer sommelier.

More information: savour-academy/beer-sommelier.html

Contact: Carina Keegan Tel. +49 (0) 89 / 8 58 05-20 E-mail: [email protected]