document title: recognition and management of shock (2012

Project: Ghana Emergency Medicine Collaborative Document Title: Recognition and Management of Shock (2012) Author(s): Jim Holliman, M.D., Uniformed Services University License: Unless otherwise noted, this material is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike-3.0 License: We have reviewed this material in accordance with U.S. Copyright Law and have tried to maximize your ability to use, share, and adapt it. These lectures have been modified in the process of making a publicly shareable version. The citation key on the following slide provides information about how you may share and adapt this material. Copyright holders of content included in this material should contact [email protected] with any questions, corrections, or clarification regarding the use of content. For more information about how to cite these materials visit Any medical information in this material is intended to inform and educate and is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Please speak to your physician if you have questions about your medical condition. Viewer discretion is advised: Some medical content is graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers. 1

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Project: Ghana Emergency Medicine Collaborative Document Title: Recognition and Management of Shock (2012) Author(s): Jim Holliman, M.D., Uniformed Services University License: Unless otherwise noted, this material is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike-3.0 License:

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Recognition and Management

of Shock

Jim Holliman, M.D., F.A.C.E.P. Program Manager, Afghanistan Health Care Sector Reconstruction Project Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine Uniformed Services University Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. 3

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Shock : Lecture Objectives •  Define shock •  Recognize stages or degrees of shock •  Know appropriate management for each



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Shock •  Definitions :

•  A state of inadequate tissue oxygenation & organ perfusion

•  Situation when the circulation is inadequate for metabolic needs


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Principles of Shock Recognition and Management

•  Patients in shock may only exhibit subtle signs

•  Identifying the cause is usually less important than starting treatment

•  Goal is to restore perfusion and correct the shock state

•  Frequent reassessment of response to treatment is important


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The Body's Mechanisms to Try to Compensate for Shock

•  Increase cardiac output : tachycardia •  Increase oxygen supply : tachypnea •  Release of vasoactive mediators

•  Nausea •  Peripheral vasoconstriction

•  Cool, clammy skin, increased diastolic pressure, decreased urine output

•  Note : "Compensated" shock is still dangerous and needs treatment ; pediatric patients may maintain a partially compensated shock and then suddenly catastrophically deteriorate


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Types of Shock •  Hemorrhagic : most common in trauma patients •  Hypovolemic (emesis, diarrhea, etc.) •  "Obstructive"

•  Pulmonary embolus, cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax

•  Cardiogenic •  Acute myocardial infarction, Myocardial contusion

•  Neurogenic •  Septic •  Anaphylactic


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Principle of Treatment for Shock •  In the trauma patient in shock : always

treat for hemorrhagic shock first


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General Symptoms of Shock •  Weakness •  Dizziness •  Lightheadedness •  Nausea •  Sense of impending doom


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General Signs of Shock •  Decreased mental status or confusion •  Cool, clammy, or grey or ashen color

skin •  Diaphoresis •  Tachycardia •  Tachypnea •  Hypotension •  Oliguria


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Hemorrhagic Shock •  Hemorrhage definition :

•  Acute loss of circulating blood ; can be internal and / or external

•  Normal body blood volume •  Adults : 7 % of ideal body weight

•  5 liters in 70 kg adult •  Children : 8 % of ideal body weight

•  80 ml/kg


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The Four Stages of Hemorrhagic Shock •  Stage 1 hemorrhage : 0 to 15 % of total

blood volume (TBV) •  Stage 2 hemorrhage : 15 to 30 % of TBV •  Stage 3 hemorrhage : 30 to 40 % of TBV •  Stage 4 hemorrhage : > 40 % of TBV


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Comparison of the Four Stages of Hemorrhagic Shock


Blood lost (cc)

% TBV lost


Systolic BP

Dias- tolic BP

Resps. Pulse Urine Output (ml/hr)

Treat- ment


<750 0 to 15 Slightly anxious

Normal. Normal. 14 to 20 <100 >30 Crystal- loid


750 - 1500

15 to 30 Mildly anxious

Normal. 20 to 30 >100 20 to 30 Crystal- loid, may need blood


1500- 2000

30 to 40 Confu- sed, anxious

30 to 40 >120 5 to 15 Crystal- loid & blood


>2000 >40 Lethar- gic or unconc.

>40 >140 Negli- gible

Rapid fluids, blood, surgery


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Stage 1 Hemorrhage •  Blood lost : < 750 cc •  % TBV lost : 0 to 15 •  CNS Symptoms : Slightly anxious •  Systolic BP : Normal •  Diastolic BP : Normal •  Respirations : 14 to 20 •  Pulse : < 100 •  Urine Output (ml/ hr) : > •  Treatment : crystalloid ( 3 to 1 ratio) IV



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Stage 2 Hemorrhage •  Blood lost : 750 to 1500 cc •  % TBV lost : 15 to 30 •  CNS Symptoms : mildly anxious •  Systolic BP : normal •  Diastolic BP : increased •  Respirations : 20 to 30 •  Pulse : > 100 •  Urine output : 20 to 30 cc/hr •  Treatment : crystalloid, may need blood


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Stage 3 Hemorrhage •  Blood lost : 1500 to 2000 cc •  % TBV lost : 30 to 40 •  CNS symptoms : confused, anxious •  Systolic BP : •  Diastolic BP : •  Respirations : 30 to 40 •  Pulse : > 120 •  Urine output : 5 to 15 cc/hr •  Treatment : crystalloid and blood


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Stage 4 Hemorrhage •  Blood lost : > 2000 cc •  % TBV lost : > 40 •  CNS symptoms : lethargic or unconscious •  Systolic BP : •  Diastolic BP : •  Respirations : > 40 •  Pulse : > 140 •  Urine output : negligible •  Treatment : rapid fluids, blood, surgery


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Variations in Manifestations of the Four Stages of Shock

•  Patients do not always show the progression of signs & sx listed on the prior 4 slides with progression of the degree or severity of shock

•  Some adults, especially young adults, may have normal pulse rates or even bradycardia with stage 2 or 3 shock

•  Pediatric patients may remain in "compensated" shock until almost preterminal stage 4 shock


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Sequence of Assessment of the Patient in Shock

•  Airway •  Breathing

•  Oxygenate •  Ventilate

•  Circulation •  Stop external hemorrhage with direct pressure •  Start IV fluid resuscitation •  Assess for "obstructive shock"

•  Tension pneumothorax : needle thoracostomy •  Cardiac tamponade : pericardiocentesis


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Rapid Fluid Resuscitation for Shock •  Draw blood for type and cross-match from the needlestick

for the IV line •  Place large bore (> 18 gauge) IV if possible •  Place 2 IV lines if Stage 3 or 4 shock •  Initially run fluid in "wide-open"

•  Use large drip chamber IV tubing •  May need pressure bags on the IV bags •  Usually use Lactated Ringers

•  Choose normal saline if patient may be hyperkalemic •  Normal saline also preferred for same IV line to be

used for blood transfusion •  Do not use vasopressors ; treat with fluids


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Alternative Vascular Access Sites for Shock Treatment

•  Peripheral vein in upper extremity ; Preferred in most patients •  Avoid if possible proximal limb fracture

•  Central veins •  Subclavian or internal jugular vein ; accessible even in Stage

4 shock •  Access can cause pneumothorax (always get CXR to

check) •  Femoral vein ; easy and safer to place

•  If abdominal injury present, fluid may extravasate in abdomen

•  Intraosseous line : may be easiest and even preferred initial route in children ; can also be tried in adults

•  Intraperitoneal 22

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Other Resuscitative Procedures for Severe Shock

•  Blood transfusion •  Type - O-negative (if needed immediately) •  Type - specific (if needed in < 15 minutes) •  Fully crossmatched

•  Emergent left thoracotomy, pericardiotomy, aortic clamping

•  Autotransfusion •  Most useful for blood output from chest tubes


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Indications for Emergent Transfusion With O-Negative Blood

•  No palpable blood pressure at arrival •  Multiple simultaneous patients requiring

emergent transfusion •  Rapid deterioration or sudden large volume

external blood loss and type specific blood not immediately available


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Indications for Transfusion With Type-Specific or Fully Crossmatched Blood

•  Type-specific : (usually takes 5 to 10 minutes to obtain from blood bank) •  Transfusion emergent but can wait 10

minutes but not 60 minutes •  Fully crossmatched : (takes 45 to 60

minutes) •  Patient stable enough that transfusion can be

delayed 45 to 60 minutes until blood is ready


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Non-Hemorrhagic Types of Shock

•  Hypovolemic (non-hemorrhagic) shock •  Due to vomiting , diarrhea, "third spacing" of

fluid •  Treat with IV Lactated Ringers or saline •  Does not need blood transfusion

•  Anaphylactic shock •  Due to allergic reaction with release of

vasoactive mediators which can cause airway edema & vasodilatation

•  Treat with IV fluids & epinephrine


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Non-Hemorrhagic Types of Shock (cont.)

•  Septic Shock •  Can be a late or delayed complication •  Patient may have fever or hypothermia •  Treat with IV fluids ; sometimes need

secondary treatment with vasopressors •  Finding and directly treating the source of

the sepsis is critical to save the patient (start antibiotics, drain abscess if present, etc.)


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Non-Hemorrhagic Types of Shock (cont.)

•  "Obstructive" : key sign is distended neck veins in the patient with shock •  Tension pneumothorax

•  Treat with anterior needle thoracostomy •  Cardiac tamponade

•  Treat initially with IV fluids •  Consider pericardiocentesis

•  Pulmonary embolus : •  Need to confirm diagnosis (V/Q or spiral CAT scan) •  Then treat with thrombolytics or embolectomy


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Non-Hemorrhagic Types of Shock (cont.)

•  Cardiogenic : due to heart pumping dysfunction •  Acute myocardial infarction (sometimes this

can be the original cause of a person injuring themself in a traffic accident or fall)

•  Myocardial contusion •  Actually is rare even with major blunt chest

trauma •  May require treatment with vasopressors



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Non-Hemorrhagic Types of Shock (cont.) •  Neurogenic : due to spinal cord injury and loss

of sympathetic nervous system outflow •  Results in venous pooling, peripheral vasodilation •  Often has relative bradycardia •  Treat with IV fluids first, then alpha vasoconstrictors

if hypovolemic shock ruled out •  Spinal shock : actually is a "cord-stunning"

syndrome •  Flaccidity and loss of reflexes •  Is an "electrical" phenomenon of the spinal cord •  May have complete recovery


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Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (PASG)

•  Also called MAST (Military Anti-Shock Trousers) •  Probably not useful for most trauma cases •  Some studies actually indicate increased mortality with

routine use •  Placement can interfere with physical exam and

placement of femoral IV lines •  Dangerous if prematurely or rapidly deflated •  Most of complications associated with inflation of

abdominal compartment •  Prolonged inflation can cause compartment syndrome


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Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (PASG) •  Inflation may be helpful for :

•  Reducing bleeding from pelvic fractures •  Splinting fractured femurs •  Non-pharmacologic treatment of

Supraventricular tachycardia •  Anaphylactic shock


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PASG : Contraindications •  Pregnancy •  Evisceration •  Suspected diaphragm rupture •  Increased intracranial pressure •  Uncontrolled hemorrhage from body area

(chest) not covered by the garment •  Pulmonary edema


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Measurement of Central Venous Pressure (CVP) in Shock Patients

•  CVP acts as measure of right side of heart's ability to accept a fluid load

•  Central venous IV line not needed for most trauma patients

•  CVP line measurements may be helpful for patients with : •  Preexistent cardiac dysfunction (CHF) •  Implanted pacemaker •  Neurogenic shock •  Myocardial contusion •  Suspected cardiac tamponade


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Interpretation of Initial CVP in Trauma Patients

•  Low (< 6 mm Hg) : Hypovolemia •  Continue IV fluids or transfusion

•  High (> 15 to 18 mm Hg) : •  Hypervolemia (overtransfusion) •  Right heart failure (infarction) •  Cardiac tamponade •  Lung disease •  Tension pneumothorax •  Catheter malposition •  Vasopressors or PASG inflation


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Interpretation of CVP Changes With Resuscitation

Initial CVP






Persistent Hypovolemia

More IV fluid



Resuscitation succeeding

Slow IV rate

Low or Mid


Ongoing fluid loss

More rapid IV fluid



Hypervolemia or problems on

prior slide

Slow IV rate


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Monitoring of the Shock Patient •  Response to therapy judged by monitoring :

•  Patient's mental status & speech •  Pulse, blood pressure, respirations •  Urine output (should be at least 1 cc / Kg / hr. or

30 cc / hr in adults) •  Capillary refill & skin pertusion •  CVP •  Lab data (less important than clinical parameters)


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Lab Results in the Shock Patient •  Hematocrit

•  May be normal initially despite severe blood loss •  If low initially may represent very severe blood loss

•  Blood urea nitrogen •  May be elevated if hypovolemic (prerenal azotemia)

or if blood in upper GI tract •  Small elevations may represent severe dehydration

in children •  Serum glucose

•  May be highly elevated from stress alone (not due to diabetes)


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Lab Results in the Shock Patient (cont.)

•  White blood cell count •  Whether high or normal or low has little

diagnostic or prognostic significance •  Serum calcium

•  May be low if citrated blood transfused •  Usually not necessary to treat


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Causes of Coagulopathy in the Shock Patient

•  Hypothermia : (usually temp. < 35.5 degrees Celsius) •  Most common cause •  Very important to take all possible measures to

prevent •  Massive transfusion

•  "Washout" of coagulation factors and platelets •  May need one unit fresh frozen plasma per 6 to 8

units of blood transfused •  May need one pack (6 to 8 units) of platelets per 8 to

12 units of blood transfused •  Sepsis •  Preexistent coagulopathy or liver failure •  Drug or toxin effect 40

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Considerations If the Patient Fails to Respond to Treatment for Shock

•  Unrecognized fluid loss •  Ventilation problems •  Acute gastric distention

•  Treat by NG tube / suction •  Cardiac tamponade •  Acute myocardial infarction •  Diabetic Ketoacidosis •  Adrenal crisis •  Neurogenic shock •  Hypothermia •  Drug or toxin effect


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Hidden Blood Loss from Fractures

INJURY Range of Blood Loss (ml)

Closed leg fracture 500 to 1000 Closed femur fracture 500 to 2500 Open femur fracture 1000 to > 2500 Closed arm fracture 500 to 750 Closed spine fracture 500 to 1500 Closed pelvis fracture 1000 to > 3000 Open pelvic fracture > 2500


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Shock Assessment & Treatment Summary •  Start shock treatment with the primary

survey •  Categorize the initial estimated blood loss •  Assess the type(s) of shock present •  Frequently reassess the response to

treatment •  Progressive or non-responsive shock may

require emergent surgery for correction