document resume jc 760 137 faculty and staff information. … · 2013. 10. 24. · document resume...

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 119 746 JC 760 137 TITLE Faculty and Staff Information. INSTITUTION Kentucky Univ., Lexington. Community Coll. System. PUB DATA' Aug 75 NOTE 30p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$2.06 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Administrative Organization; *College Faculty; Community Colleges; *Employment Practices; Fringe Benefits; Instructional Staff; *Junior Colleges; School Policy; *State Standards IDENTIFIERS *University of Kentucky Community College System ABSTRACT This booklet is intended to acquaint faculty and staff members with general information about the University of Kentucky community College System, and to explain some of its policies affecting them. The booklet is organized into five sections. Section I contains general information about the system, gives its history, purpose, and a map of the locations of the 13 campuses. Section II discusses the organizational structure of the system, including the administrative hierarchy, and varipus assemblies and divisions. Section III gives rules and regulations in,such areas as equal opportunity, advanced work, term of appointment, faculty load, academic ranks, promotion, tenure, performance review, appeals, nepotism, leaves of absence, vacation, sick leave, and office hours. Section IV gives specific information as to paydays, deductions, official travel, admission to athletic contests, identification cards, absences in special circumstances, and political candidacy. Section V lists benefits, including life and health insurance, workman's compensation, unemployment compensation, retirement programs, official university holidays, and maternity leave. This booklet could be of use as a model for policy makers at other institutions. (NHM) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by !DRS are the best that can be made from the original. ***********************************************************************

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ED 119 746 JC 760 137

TITLE Faculty and Staff Information.INSTITUTION Kentucky Univ., Lexington. Community Coll. System.PUB DATA' Aug 75NOTE 30p.

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$2.06 Plus PostageDESCRIPTORS *Administrative Organization; *College Faculty;

Community Colleges; *Employment Practices; FringeBenefits; Instructional Staff; *Junior Colleges;School Policy; *State Standards

IDENTIFIERS *University of Kentucky Community College System

ABSTRACTThis booklet is intended to acquaint faculty and

staff members with general information about the University ofKentucky community College System, and to explain some of itspolicies affecting them. The booklet is organized into five sections.Section I contains general information about the system, gives itshistory, purpose, and a map of the locations of the 13 campuses.Section II discusses the organizational structure of the system,including the administrative hierarchy, and varipus assemblies anddivisions. Section III gives rules and regulations in,such areas asequal opportunity, advanced work, term of appointment, faculty load,academic ranks, promotion, tenure, performance review, appeals,nepotism, leaves of absence, vacation, sick leave, and office hours.Section IV gives specific information as to paydays, deductions,official travel, admission to athletic contests, identificationcards, absences in special circumstances, and political candidacy.Section V lists benefits, including life and health insurance,workman's compensation, unemployment compensation, retirementprograms, official university holidays, and maternity leave. Thisbooklet could be of use as a model for policy makers at otherinstitutions. (NHM)

***********************************************************************Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished

* materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort ** to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal ** reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality ** of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available ** via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not* responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions ** supplied by !DRS are the best that can be made from the original.***********************************************************************

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The Community College System 3

Organizational Structure 7

Rules and Regulations 13

Matters of Business 25

Benefits 29




The purpose of this booklet is to acquaint members of the CommunityCollege System with general information about the University of Ken-tucky Community College System and to explain some of its policiesaffecting them.

It is not intended to be a book of rules because some details ofexplanation and exception have been omitted to avoid excessive volume.Therefore, this booklet cannot be regarded as the official statement ofpolicy from which interpretations are to be made.


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The Community College System at a Glance

As one of the two educational sys-tems operated by the University ofKentucky Board of Trustees, the University of Kentucky Community Col-lege System Occupies a unique positionamong state systems of community col-leges in that it has association with thestate University on the one hand andcommunity orientation on the other.Certain course offerings in the Com-munity College System are the same asthose in the University 'System and thetwo systems share many administrativeoperations. Yet each college in theCommunity College System, through alocal advisory board, relates itself tothe needs of the community it serves.

In 1962 the General Assembly ofKentucky enacted legislation mandat-ing the formation of a state system ofcommunity colleges and entrusted theBoard of Trustees of the Universityof Kentucky with its operation. Twofactors were responsible for the oper-ation of the system being given to theUniversity of Kentucky Marc' of Trust-ees. First, the recognition that as thegoverning board of the state's landgrant university, the University of Ken-tucky Board of Trustees already hadresponsibility for the planning andoperation of state-wide programs, and


secondly, recognition of the existenceof the five extension centers then beingoperated by the University of Ken-tucky. Between 1948 and 1962, theUniversity of Kentucky had openedfour extension centers at Covington,Cumberland, Fort Knox, and Hender-son, and had assumed the responsibilityof the municipally-run Ashland JuniorCollege,

On July 1, 1964, the University ofKentucky moved to implement the1962 legislation and provided for boththe operation of the University Systemand a Community College System underthe Board of Trustees. Also in Septem-ber 1964, new community collegesopened at Elizabethtown and Prestons-burg, bringing the total number ofcampuses under the new system toseven.

The Community College System con-tinued its growth in all respects after1964. After studies of the need foradditional community colleges in 1965and 1967, recommendations concerningcriteria to be used in establishing newcommunity colleges were made to theUniversity of Kentucky Board of Trust-ees and were adopted and submittedto the Council on Public Higher Edu-cation, the state's coordinating and


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planning body for public institutionsof higher education. Acting on theCouncil's recommendation, the Gen-eral Assembly amended the ConnnunityCollege ..1ct to recognize the LexingtonTechnical Institute, which had beenoperating on the University campussince August 30, 1965, and to authorizenew community «Aleges at Louisvilleand Maysville in 1966, one at Hazardin 1967, and the one at Madisonville in1968.

In July 1968, Paducah Junior Col-lege. a municipally-operated- collegefounded in the 19:10's, joined the Com-munity College System as PaducahCommunity College. This brought tofifteen the number of units then oper-ating under the University of KentuckyBoard of Trustees.

In January 1970, the General. As-sembly of Kentucky, recognizing theneed for additional higher educationalopportunities in the Northern Ken-tucky area, authorized the creation ofNorthern Kentucky State College, anew four-year state «Alegi% The facil-ities Of the Northern Community Col-le,ge, operated since 1918 by the Uni-versity of Kentucky, were as of July1970, transferred to the administrativecontrol of the newly formed NorthernKennu ky State College. Then in July1972, the Board of Trustees authorizedthe development of a lour-year res-idential miter at Fort Knox and the«mmutnity wIlege program there wasterminated.The units of the Community CollegeSystem and their initial date of oper-ation are;

Ashland 1957

Iendecson 1960

Southeast (Cumberland) 1960


Elizabethtown 1964

Prestonsburg 1964

Hopkinsville 1965

Somerset 1965

LexingtonTechnical Institute 1965

Jefferson (Louisville) 1968

Paducah 1968

Hazard ' 1968

Maysville 1968

Madisonville 1968

Purpose and CommitmentBy action of the Kentucky General

Assembly and the University of Ken-tucky Board of Trustees, the Com-munity College System is committedto a comprehensive policy of educa-tional opportunity, of all citizens of theCommonwealth.

Each community college is chargedwith these three basic functions:

1. To offer curricula for the firsttwo years of a baccalaureate program.Courses in this program are usually thesame as the University of Kentuckyunderp,Taduate offerings and are trans-ferable to the Lexington campus or toanother four -seat institution. At theconclusion of the two-year prescribedcurriculum, the .-1ssociate in Arts De-gree or Associate in Science Degreemay be awarded.

2. To oiler career-oriented programsdesigned to prepare students for im-mediate technical or semi-professionalemployment. These programs are usu-ally completed in two years, and arecomposed of about one-half generaleducation courses and the other halfsemi-professional or technical educa-tion. The Associate Degree in piffledScience is awarded upon «nnpletion ofthe two year curriculum.

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3. To provide general educationalopportunities for citizens within theirinnnediate areas. These include eve-ning classes, workshops, seminars, shortcourses, concert series, exhibits, lec-tures, dramatic presentations and folkfestivals to meet in-service, re-educa-tion and cultural needs of the com-munity.

AccreditationEach unit of the Community College

System is fully accredited by the South-ern Association of Colleges and Schools.Certain technic al programs are also ac-credited by their respective professionalassociations and/or licensing agencies.

















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Board of Trustees

The governing body of the Univer-sity consists of 19 citizens of the Com-monwealth: 16 appointed by the Gov-ernor, three of whom are alumni ofthe University; two members of theteaching and/or research faculty of theUniversity named by secret ballot offaculty members holding the rank ofassistant professor or above; and thepresident of the student body. TheBoard of Trustees or its ExecutiveCommittee usually meets monthly.

The President

The President of the University is

the chief administrative officer of theUniversity, and carries out policies de-termined by the Board of Trustees.The President recommends to theBoard of Trustees various policies, pro-(Mures, etc., to be considered foradoption. He also refers 'major Uni-versity matters to the Board of Trust-ees, legislature, state government agen-cies, and the faculty of both the Uni-versity System and the Community Col-lege System.


Vice President for theCommunity College System

The Vice President for the Com-munity College System is the chief ad-ministrative officer and spokesman ofthe Community College System and isresponsible to the President and theBoard of Trustees for the administra-tion of policies and regulations thatpertain to the community colleges. Herecommends to the President all ap-pointments and promotions, and is re-sponsible for the preparation of thebiennial budget request and the an-nual operating budget of the Com-munity College System.

Educational OrganizationThe basic organizational units of the

Community College System are by di-visions and colleges. The basic unitof the Community College System forinstruction and community service inrelated fields of learning is the division.The individual community collegesand the Lexington Technical Instituteare the major educational units of theCommunity College System.

The divisional structure of each com-munity college shall be developed bythe college subject to approval by theVice President for the Community Col-lege System.


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Directors of CommunityColleges

The Director of a community collegeis the chief administrative officer ofeach college. Under the general di-rection of the Vice President for theCommunity. College System, he is re-sponsible for the over-all administra-tion of his college. Along with thefaculty, lie is responsible for the de-velopment and implementation of aninstructional program commensuratewith the purposes of a comprehensivecommunity college. He is responsiblefor the curricula of the college, for thequality of instruction given therein,for the assignment of duties to all per-sons and for the service rendered bythe faculty of the college individuallyand as a whole. He shall review andmake the final determination on theperformance evaluations submitted bythe division chairman or members ofthe college. He shall be responsible forrecommendations on salaries, salarychanges, appo in tments, reappointments,terminal appointments, decisions notto reappoint. postretirement appoint-ments, promotions and granting oftenure for members of the college orfor ultimate action thereon when suchauthority has been delegated to him bythe Vice President for the CommunityCollege System or the President.

With regard to students, the directoris c harged with the duty of administer-ing the requirements and regulationsof the conn.:anity college concerningthe admission. probation and dismissalof students.

The Director shall be responsible forthe preparation of the budget requestfor the college and is responsible forthe business and financial operation ofthe college either assumed or delegated


and for the maintenance ,'",nd operationof the physical plant of the college.

It is his further responsibility to re-late the college program to the com-munity through relationships with theadvisory board, through appropriateuse of public information media andby appropriate relationships with com-munity groups and individuals. TheDirector personifies the University inthe community and shall endeavor tofurther constructive relations betweencollege and community.

Division ChairmenThe division chairman serves as

chairman of the divisional faculty inthe development of divisional educa-tional policies in regard to programsand courses. He assists the Director orhis designate in the preparation of theclass and teaching schedule for the di-vision. He has administrative responsi-bility for implementing the division'sprogram within the limits establishedby the regulations of the University,the Community College System, pol-icies of the Senate of the CommunityCollege System and the rules and regu-lations of the community college.

The division chairman shall be re-sponsible for advising the Director onthe appointment of new members ofthe division, promotions, reappoint-ments, terminal appointments, deci-sions not to reappoint, post-retirementappointments and the granting oftenure, following consultation with thetenured faculty of the division. Pro-cedures and criteria used for such ad-vice shall be those established by theUniversity, the Community CollegeSystem and by the community collegeand divisional faculties.

The division chairman shall be re-

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sponsible for the periodic evaluationof members of the division by pro-cedures and criteria established by theUniversity, the Community College Sys-tem and the community college itselfand its divisional faculties.

The division chairman shall be re-sponsible for preparing for the Direc-tor or his designate the budget requestfor the division. He is responsible foradvising the Director or his designateas to salaries and salary changes fornwmbers of the division.

In connection with the major ad-ministrati% e functions of the divisionhairman, they must seek the advice of

members of the division, individuallyor as a group, or of advisory «numit teesthat he utay appoint.

The division chairman is the spokes-man for the division. In the eventthat he feels it necessary to departirons the opinion of the division fac-ulty, he must communicate the divisionopinion as well as his own, stating thereasons for differing from the dis isionopinion and notifying the division ofthis action.

University AssemblyThe University Assembly, consisting

of all members of the faculties of theUniversity System and the CommunityCollege System and all members of theadministrative staff who perform func-tions directly supporting academic af-fairs, meets on the call of the President,the University Senate. or the Senateof the Community College System. ThePresident of the University or his au-thorired representative shall preside.

The Assembly may express its viewson any matters affecting the Universityto the University Senate, to the Senateof the Community College System, to

the President, or through him, to theBoard of Trustees.

Senate of the CommunityCollege System

The Senate of the Community Col-lege System determines the system'seducational policy, except for thosefunctions explicitly assigned to theBoard of Trustees or the President. Thefunctions of the Senate of the Com-munity College System include the fol-lowing: (I) approving academic policiesand curricula; (2) approving coursesand other academic offerings in theCommunity College System not offeredin the University System; (3) approvingpolicies and regulations governing ad-mission, classification, probation, anddismissal of Community College Systemstudents; and (4) approving an aca-demic calendar generally consistentwith the University System. The Senatemay also make recommendations to theUniversity System on courses offered inthe Community College System. Rec-ommendations may also be made tothe Vice President for the CommunityCollege System on criteria for facultyappointments, reappointments, promo-tions, and tenure in the CommunityCollege System. In addition, the Sen-ate shall recommend to the Presidentall candidates for degrees and cer-tificates.

The Senate of the Community Col-lege System is composed of elected, exofficio and appointed members. Theelected faculty membership shall con-sist of and represent proportionatelythe full-time faculty in the various com-munity colleges and technical institute,except that no college or technical in-stitute shall have fewer than threesenators. In addition, each community


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college and technical institute shallelect an additional senator for each25 (or major fraction thereof) full-time faculty members above the first25. At least one of the three senatorsmust have responsibility in the occu-pational program area and at least onemust have responsibility in the gen-eral education area, except for thesenators front a technical institute.

The ex officio membership shall in-clude the Vice President for the Com-munity College System, the AssistantVice President for the Community Col-lege System, the chairman of each ad-visory committee of the Senate, andthe president of the student body ateach community college and technicalinstitute.

The appointed membership shallconsist of three community college ortechnical institute directors and threeother administrators, each of whomshall be appointed by the Vice Pres-ident for the Community College Sys-tem. In addition, any member of theCommunity College Council appointedby the Vice President for the Com-munity College System to correct animbalance in the elected senators interms of professional areas of spe-cialization shall be a member of theSenate.

The Vice President for the Com-munity College System is the chairmanof the Senate of the Community Col-lege System. He shall serve as presidingofficer for all meetings except as hemay delegate this [unction.

The Senate shall meet annually inregular session at a time and placedesignated in a call by the Vice Pres-ident for the Community College Sys-tem. Special sessions may be called bythe President, by the Vice Presidentfor the Community College System, or


by a petition from at least 15 senatorsto the Vice President for the Com-munity College System.

The executive committee of the Sen-ate of the Community College Systemis the Community College Council,consisting of one duly elected senatorfrom each college or technical institute;two students elected by and from thestudent senators; one director desig-nated by and froni the directors whohave been appointed to the Senate, theVice President for the Community Col-lege System and the Assistant VicePresident for the Community CollegeSystem, who shall serve as ex officiomembers; and the chairmen of thestanding committees of the Senate, whoshall serve as ex officio members. In theevent there is an imbalance in the dulyelected senators in terms of professionalarea of specialization, the Vice Pres-ident for the Community College Sys-tem is authorized to appoint a max-imum of three additional faculty mem-bers to the Community College Coun-cil, who shall become members of theSenate.

The Vice President for the Com-munity College System and a personelected from and by the membershipof the Community College Councilshall serve as cochairmen of the Com-munity College Council.

The Senate of the Community Col-lege System may address the Vice Pres-ident for the Community College Sys-tem, through him the President of theUniversity, and through the Vice Pres-ident and the President, the Board ofTrustees, respecting any matters of con-cern to the University.

Community College FacultiesThe faculty of a community college

shall consist of all professional, instruc-


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tional, library and administrative per-sonnel. The Director of the collegeshall serve as chairman of the faculty.Within the limits established by theGoverning Regulations and the Rulesof the Senate of the Community Col-lege System, the faculty of a collegeshall determine the educational pol-ides of that college.

Divisional FacultiesThe faculty of a division

silt of a chairman and theshall con-members

of the division who are members ofthe faculty of the community college.The divisional faculty has responsi-bility with the approval of the Directorand the Vice President for the Com-munity College Systent for the in-ternal educational policies of the divi-sion, insofar as these policies do not

conflict with those of other divisions,the Rules of the Senate of the Com-munity College System, or other Uni-versity regulations.

Faculty AssemblyThe faculty of each community col-

lege may organize itself as a FacultyAssembly for the purpose of makingrecommendations relating to any phaseof the academic program of the collegeor of the Community College Systemand to the professional welfare of itsmembers. The Rules of the FacultyAssembly of a community collegeshould be submitted to the Director ofthe college, the Community CollegeCouncil and the Vice President for theCommunity College System for reviewbefore being made operational.


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Governing RegulationsRegulations approved by the Board

of Trustees, and applying to all facultyand staff of both the University Systemand the Community College System,are contained in a publication entitled"Governing Regulations of the Univer-sity of Kentucky." Interpretations andregulations concerning the implemen-tation of the Governing Regulationsare found in a publication entitled"Administrative Regulations of theUniversity of Kentucky." Copies ofthese two documents can be found inthe college library and offices of theDirector and the division chairman.

Rules primarily applying to academicmatters are contained in a publicationentitled "Rules of the Senate of theCommunity College System." With re-spect to matters not covered in theabove publications, the CommunityCollege System Bulletin shall govern.

Equal OpportunityEqual opportunities shall be pro-

vided for all persons throughout theUniversity in recruitment, appointment,promotion, payment, training, andand other employment practices with-out regard to race, ethnic origin, sex,color, creed, religion, age, or nationalorigin,

The President has appointed an Af-firmative Action Coordinator to as-sist with the implementation' of thispolicy. The Coordinator investigatescomplaints of violations, advises Deansand Directors concerning violations,and informs faculty and staff about ex-isting grievance procedures of the Uni-


versity, (viz, Privilege and Tenure Com-mittee, Staff Grievance Procedure). TheUniversity has a written affirmativeaction plan. A Summary of it is avail-able in the Director's Office.

Faculty or staff who wish informa-tion or assistance should call the EqualOpportunity Office on the Lexingtoncampus.

Advanced WorkMembers of the faculty and staff are

encouraged to do additional under-graduate or graduate study providingarrangements can be worked out withtheir Director. The taking of courses,however, during normal working hoursis a privilege and not a right of employ-ment and actual time lost from workmust be made up.

Term of AppointmentAll faculty appointments are made

on 10- or 12-month bases. Employmentfor the summer sessions may be avail-able for those on 10-month appoint-ments.

The employment period for facultytin a 10-month appointment is August1-May 31. In general, faculty are ex-pected to be present on campus ap-proximately two weeks prior to the fallterm for divisional and college meet-ings and preparation for the beginningof classes, and shall remain until aftergraduation at the end of the springsemester and until all reports havebeen made. The 10-month appoint-ment inc lodes one month earned vaca-tion that may be taken upon the ap-proval of the director of the college.


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Faculty LoadThe load of each faculty member

will reflect the philosophy of a com-prehensive community college and willinclude teaching, advising and com-munity service responsibilities. The di-vision chairman will develop with thefaculty member a written statement ofresponsibilities and assignments. Thepercentage of time allocated among thethree broad areas of responsibility willvary with both the individual facultymember and his division. The normalteaching load for faculty members inthe Community College System is 15credit hours per semester. It is expected that in classes with laboratoriesinvolving extensive contact hours, acommensurate adjustment in teachingload will be made. Faculty membersare expected to maintain regular office

hours for consultation with students,and are encouraged to take an activerole in college and community lifethrough work with committees andcivic groups.

Academic RanksAcademic ranks in the Community

College System shall include Instruc-tor in the Community College System,Assistant Professor in the CommunityCollege System, Associate Professor inthe (":ommunity College System, andProfessor in the Community CollegeSystem, and other ranks that are fullyor partially equivalent to these recog-nized ranks.

Performance ReviewAs part of a continuing program of

improvement and growth both in

the instructional and non-instructionalareas, the Community College Systemutilizes an annual performance review


for all faculty and staff.Faculty are evaluated in four areas:

teaching performance, student guid-ance-advisory activities, community ser-vices as related to the program of thecollege, and professional activities. Thedistribution of effort agreement com-pleted by the division chairman andthe faculty member is the basis for theevaluation. To serve this purpose, in-puts from students, colleagues and ad-ministrators are to be used. In the as-sessment of teaching and advising, stu-dent appraisal is to be included for atleast one semester each year. Staff mem-bers are evaluated in regard to theirjob performance, attitude and othersuch areas as would be appropriate forthe type of position held by the staffmember. The evaluation is done bythe immediate supervisor and/or theDirector.

Promotion in RankAdvice on promotion should orig-

inate with the division chairman andmust include the written opinion ofthe tenured members of the appropri-ate divisional faculty of a rank equalto or higher than that being recom-mended for the candidate. Promotionfiles must include a complete vita ofthe candidate and an evaluation of histeaching ability, student service con-tributions, community service contri-butions, arid professional growth anddevelopment. Each Director is encour-aged to appoint a college committee toreview and advise him on some or allrecommendations to appoint and pro-mote.

The Director of the college has beendelegated authority to make promotionsfrom the rank of instructor to assistantprofessor. Such actions will then bereported through the Vice President

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for the Community College System tothe President and the Board of Trust-ees.

Promotions to Associate Professor orProfessor will follow the same processas indicated above, but will be clearedthrough the Vice President for theCommunity College System to the Ad-visory Committee on Appointment,Promotion and Tenure for its recommendation to the Vice President. TheAdvisory Committee's report will bereturned to the Vice President, whowill add his recommendation and for-ward the file to the President for hisrecommendation and for subsequentaction by the Board of Trustees.

Whenever administrative action ona promotion is disapproved at any level,this fact must be reported back to thepreceding level with supporting rea-sons, and an opportunity provided fora thorough discussion among the con-cerned parties.

An individual shall not remain asan instructor in the Community Col-lege System for more than three years.If, after that period, promotion to ahigher rank cannot be justified, em-ployment as an instructor shall beterminated. Non-tenure appointmentsat the assistant professor or associateprofessor levels shall not exceed sevenyears, including previous full-time ap-plicable service at the rank of instruc-tor or higher at other institutions ofhigher learning, except that no morethan three years of previous servicemay be counted against this seven-yearprobationary period. Reviews shall fol-low the usual procedures for promotionand must be completed in time for theindividual to be notified of the resultin accordance with the Governing Reg-ulations. Assistant professors musteither be promoted at the end of the

probationary period or not have theirappointments renewed.

Tenure in the CommunityCollege System

Tenure for faculty of the Universityof Kentucky Community College Sys-tem when granted by the Board ofTrustees in accordance with the Gov-erning Regulations shall be in theCommunity College System and not atthe individual educational unit of theCommunity College System.

Non-tenure appointments may be forone year or for other stated periods,subject to renewal, but the total non -tenure period shall not exceed sevenyears, including previous full-time ap-plicable service with the rank of in-structor or higher in other institutionsof higher learning. A faculty memberwith more than three years of ap-plicable experience in the academicprofession, who is called from anotherinstitution and appointed at the rankof associate professor or below, may berequired to serve in a probationarystatus for a period not to exceed fouryears, even though his total proba-tionary period in the academic profes-sion is extended beyond seven years.Time spent on leave of absence shallcount as probationary period serviceunless the Community College Systemin granting the leave and the indi-vidual in accepting it, agree to the con-trary. Individuals initially appointedat the rank of full professor may begiven non-tenure status for a periodnot to exceed one year.

Following appropriate review periodsnot exceeding in duration those de-scribed above, all persons of associateprofessor or higher rank shall be giventenure or not have their appointments


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renewed; all persons of assistant pro-fessor rank shall be promoted to as-

sociate professor with tenure or nothave their appointments renewed. Es-tablished appointments, promotion, andreview procedures shall be followed inmaking these decisions..

A tenured associate professor con-cerning whom a recommendation forpromotion has not been forthcomingfor six years must be considered forpromotion and a recommendation,either affirmative or negative, shall bemade by the Director to the VicePresident for the Community CollegeSystem by December 1 of the seventhyear. If the recommendation is nega-tive, the Vice President will advise theconcerned faculty member of this de-cision to not recommend him for pro-motion and will invite him to developa file for submission to the AdvisoryCommittee on Appointment, Promo-tion and Tenure for evaluation. Uponnotification by the Vice President, theconcerned individual, if he wishes tohave his case reviewed by the AdvisoryCommittee on Appointment, Promo-tion and Tenure, must request such areview within 60 clays after this noti-fication. Upon receipt of the recom-mendation of the Advisory Committee,the usual procedures for the considera-tion of any promotion will be followed.

Part-time, visiting or temporary short-term appointments with explicit termi-nal dates of one academic year or lessterminate at the expiration of theterm without notice. For those em-ployed year-to-year on a fiscal or ac-demic year basis, notification of termi-nation of employment at the end ofthe first year of service shall be givennot later than March 1 if the appoint-ment expires at the end of that year,or three months in advance if the one-


year appointment terminates duringthe academic year. Notification oftermination of appointment at the endof the second year of service shall begiven no later than December 15 if theappointment expires at the end of thatyear or six months in advance if theappointment expires during the year.Notification of termination of appoint-ment after more than two years of ser-vice shall be given at least 12 monthsbefore expiration of the appointment.Notice of termination of appointmentof those on post-retirement appoint-ment shall be no less than six months.

In cases where a division chairman'sadvice for reappointment for a specificterm is rejected by the Director and aterminal reappointment is offered in-stead, the following procedure will beemployed. If the tenured members ofthe division faculty and the chairmanreaffirm their advice and so request bymajority vote, the Vice President forthe Community College System willrefer the matter to the Advisory Com-mittee for Appointment, Promotionand Tenure (or an ad hoc advisorycommittee especially formed for thatpurpose) . The Committee in its de-liberation will address itself to the po-tential of the individual as a teacherin a comprehensive community collegeand the likelihood of an eventualtenure appointment, and will submit awritten recommendation to the VicePresident. After considering the com-mittee's report, the Vice President willmake his recommendation to the Pres-ident.

Advisory Committee onPrivilege and Tenure

This committee of the Senate of theCommunity College System is charged


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with giving preliminary considerationto the following matters as referred toit by the President, the Senate of di)Community College System, or indi-vidual staff members of the CommunityCollege System: (1) cases of appoint-ment termination for cause of a facultymember who has tenure; (2) cases ofdismissal of a faculty member during alimited appointment; (3) cases of non-renewal of a probationary appointmentwith less advance notice than specifiedby the Governing Regulations; (4)cases of allegation by a faculty memberor a non-tenure appointment that adecision for non-reappointment violateshis academic freedom as a faculty mem-ber; (5) cases of allegation by a Com-munity College administrator that adecision to terminate his appointmentto his administrative post, or not toreappoint him violates his academicfreedom; or (6) cases of terminationof a tenure appointment or the dismis-sal of a person prior to expiration of anon-tenure appointment because of afinancial emergency and all similarcases. The function of the committeein all such cases is to attempt to effectan adjustment and, in cases of failure,to recommend to the President actionto be taken. The committee is ap-pointed by the President from a list ofnames of tenured faculty nominatedby the Community College Council.

The committee may, upon request,advise individual staff members on theinterpretation of Community CollegeSystem privilege and tenure regula-tions, with copies of the interpretationbeing sent to the Community CollegeCouncil, the Director of the Commu-nity College, the Vice President for theCommunity College System, and thePresident.

The committee also may review casesof allegations of a faculty memberwho believes that his privilege as ascholar has been abridged or abused.The faculty member should address astatement to the Chairman of the Com-mittee setting forth in detail the rea-sons why he believes his privilege hasbeen abused. The committee will re-view the statement and determinewhether conditions warrant further in-vestigation. Upon investigation, thecommittee will make recommendationsto the faculty member and file a copywith the President and Vice Presidentfor the Community College System.Recommendations may be made alsoto the President and/or Vice Presidentfor the Community College System witha copy sent to the faculty member.

In the event that the following con-sideration of allegations of a facultymember by the Advisory Committee onPrivilege and Tenure, the faculty mem-ber shall consider the matter unre-solved, he shall upon the recommenda-tion of the Advisory Committee havethe right to request a formal review ofthe allegations by the Hearing Panel(Privilege and Tenure) of the Senate

of the Community College System.

Hearing Panel (Privilegeand Tenure)

A Hearing Panel of 15 members shallbe appointed for staggered three-yearterms by the President from a list ofnominees recommended by the Com-munity College Council. From thispanel an ad hoc Hearing Committeeshall be chosen to hear a case arisingfrom dismissal of a faculty memberwith continuous tenure or of a non-


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tenured member before the end of hisspecified term of appointment., or ofone arising from allegation of the vio-lation of the academic freedom of anon-tenured faculty member or of anadministrator. This committee shallconsist of five members chosen by lotfrom that panel. A member shall re-move himself from a case, either at therequest of a party or on his own ini-tiative if he deems himself disqualifiedfor bias or interest. Each party shallhave a maximum of two challengeswithout stated cause. If the panelshould be exhausted before an accept-able committee has been obtained, fivesupplementary members shall be ap-pointed to the panel by the same pro-cedure from which members of thecommittee may be selected. The com-mittee shall select its own chairman.

The committee will conduct thehearing and report its findings as de-scribed in the Governing Regulations,Section X, 5, b. In addition, the com-mittee will adhere to the followingprocedures:

I. The faculty member will be af-forded' an opportunity to obtainnecessary witness and documentaryor other evidence, and the adminis-tration will, in so far as it is possiblefor it to do so, secure the coopera-tion of such witnesses and makeavailable necessary documents andother evidence within its control.

2. The faculty member and the ad-ministration will have the right toconfront and cross-examine all wit-nesses. When the witness cannot orwill not appear, but the committeedetermines that the interest of jus-tice requires admission of his state-ment, the committee will identifythe witness, disclose his statement


and, if possible, provide for inter-rogatories.

3. The Hearing Committee will not bebound by strict rules of legal evi-dence and may admit any evidencewhich is of probative value in de-termining the issues involved. Everypossible effort will be made to ob-tain the most reliable evidenceavailable.

. The Hearing Committee will grantadjournments to enable either partyto investigate evidence as to whicha valid claim of surprise is made,

5. The findings of fact and the de-cision will be ,based solely on thehearing record.

6. Except for such simple announce-ments as may be required coveringthe time of the hearing and similarmatters, public statements and pub-licity about the case by either thefaculty member or the administra-tive officers will be avoided so faras possible until the proceedingshave been completed. Including con-sideration by the Board of Trustees.

Advisory Committee onAppointment, Promotion andTenure

The Advisory Committee on Ap-pointment, Promotion and Tenure isan administrative committee establishedfor the purpose of providing the Pres-ident and the Vice President for theCommunity College System with a sys.tematic and broad base of advisementfrom faculty on matters of appoint-ment, promotion and tenure.

The prime responsibility of the com-mittee is to advise the President andthe Vice President for the CommunityCollege System concerning the appoint-ment and promotion of faculty to theranks of Associate Professor and Pro-


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fessor in the Community College Sys-tem and the granting of tenure.

The committee consists of seven ten-ured faculty members appointed by thePresident from a list of candidates pro-vided by the Community College Coun-cil.

The Faculty Member as aScholar and a Citizen

It is the policy of the University ofKentucky Community College Systemto maintain and encourage within thelaw, full freedom in inquiry, discourse,teaching, research and publication andto protect any member of the academicstaff against influences, from within orwithout, which will restrict him in theexercise of these freedoms in his areaof scholarly interest. Teachers and stu-dents will be permitted and encouragedto investigate any theory, challenge anypremise, engage in political and socialdebate and to express their dissent,without jeopardy to their academiccareers, provided their behavior is notin violation of the law and does notinterfere with the normal operation ofthe educational programs of the Com-munity College System.

In his role as a citizen, the facultymember has the same freedoms as othercitizens, without institutional censor-ship or discipline, although he shouldbe mindful that accuracy, forthright-ness and dignity befit his associationwith the University of Kentucky Com-munity College System and his positionas a person of learning. When a facultymember speaks or writes as a citizen,he should indicate that he is not aninstitutional spokesman.

Like other citizens, faculty membersare free to engage in political activitiesso far as they are able to do so withinthe law consistent with their obliga-


tions as teachers and scholars. Whennecessary, leaves of absence withoutpay may be given for the duration ofan election campaign or a term of officeprovided that there has been timelyquested leave is limited to a reasonableperiod of time. The terms of a leave ofabsence for this purpose shall be setforth in writing. The leave shall notaffect unfavorably the tenure status ofa faculty member except that the timespent on such leave from academicduties does not count as probationaryservice.

Elective and appointive part-time ser-vices on boards and commissions towhich members of the faculty and staffare prepared to render exceptionalservices shall be governed by policiesgoverning professional practice.

NepotismMembers of the Board of Trustees,

except those elected to the Board asfaculty representatives or as a studentrepresentative, and relatives by bloodor marriage of any member of theBoard of Trustees, are ineligible forappointment to any position in theUniversity.

No relative by blood or marriage ofthe President or the vice presidents ex-ercising University-wide jurisdiction,shall be employed in a position whichcarries responsibility for a part of theacademic program of the University.Waiver of the above regulations maybe permitted by the Board of Trusteeson a .stated temporary basis, not to ex-ceed two years, when it is otherwiseimpossible practicably to fill a positionwith a fully qualified person. Thesame individual shall not be eligiblefor reappointment under the terms ofthis exception unless approval is given


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by the Board of Trustees.No relative by blood or marriage of

any administrative officer of the Com-munity College System, or of any mem-ber of the faculty holding the rank ofassociate professor or higher, may beappointed to any position in the Com-munity College System over which therelated officer or staff member exercisessupervisory or line authority.

Employment of persons related byblood or marriage within the samedepartment must be approved specif-ically by the President. "Relatives byblood or marriage" as used above, in-clude parents and children, husbandsand wives, brothers and sisters, brothers-and sisters-in-law, mothers- and fathers-in-law, sons- and daughters-in-law, un-cles, aunts, nieces and nephews, andstep-relatives in the same relationships.

If a prohibited relationship of a

faculty or staff member as listed aboveis created it will-be necessary for oneof the persons so affected to give up hisposition by the end of the fiscal yearor within six months from the date ofmarriage, whichever is the greaterperiod.

However, the affected person may betransferred on re-employed elsewherein ate Community College System sub-ject to the provisions listed above.

This regulation does not affect thestatus of any staff member employedprior to the effective date of this policy,except in the event of marriage afterthe effective date.

Student employment on a part-timebasis, or payment to students in theform of scholarships, fellowships, or as-sistantships shall not be interpreted asemployment for purposes of this regu-lation, except that a supervisor shallnot himself give employment to a mem-ber of his immediate family.


Leaves of AbsenceSabbatical Leave: Faculty members

with the rank. of Assistant Professor orhigher are eligible for leaves of absencefor one-half or one full year after sixyears of continuous service in the rankof instructor or higher with the Com-munity College System. All such leavesof absence shall be approved by thePresident or his designated representa-tive.

The purpose of all sabbatical leavesis to provide opportunities for st,,dy,research, creative effort, improvementof teaching capabilities and methodsand related travel in order that thequality of each recipient's service to theCommunity College System may be en-hanced.

After six years of continuous eligibleservice, an individual may apply forone year's leave (academic year for 10-months' appointees) at one-half salaryor six months' leave (academic semesterfor 10-months' appointees) at full sal-ary. Leaves of absence without pay arenot credited toward eligibility for sab-batical leave but such periods shall notbe considered as interruptions of con-tinuous service. Sabbatical leave shallbe granted with the understandingthat the recipient, following the leave,will continue his service with the Com-munity College System for at least oneacademic year.

Miscellaneous: The President maygrant leaves of absence with pay fora period not to exceed 30 days for thepurpose of permitting an appointee toattend a professional meeting, servetemporarily with an outside agency,serve in the military forces of theUnited States, or for other good cause.Such leave of absence with pay for


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more than 30 days requires approvalof the Board of Trustees,

Leave Without Pay: On recommen-dation of the Director and the VicePresident for the Community CollegeSystem and approval of the President,a member of the faculty or staff maybe given a leave of absence withoutpay. Such a leave shall not 'be grantedfor a period in excess of one year.However, such a leave may be ex-tended. The best interests of the Com-munity College System shall be a ma-jor consideration in the granting andextension of any such leave.

Vacation LeaveVacation allowance is considered as

an earned right while rendering serviceto the Community College System. Theallowance begins to accumulate fromthe initial date of employment. Inorder for the initial month to becounted for accumulation purposes, em-polyment must begin on or before the10th clay of the month.

Vacations are to be scheduled attimes that are most convenient to thecollege. An adequate stall must beavailable to meet the work load of thecollege, however, an individual's pref-erence will be given due considera-tion.

1. Administrative Staff Personnel:Four weeks plus two days (equivalent

to the average calendar month) vaca-tion with pay shall be granted aftereach year of service.

2. Academic Personnel:a. Four weeks plus two days (equiv-

alent to the average calendar ,nunith)vacation with pay shall be granted toall faculty whether on 10. or 12-months'appointment after each year of service,

b. Vacation leave cannot be accu-mulated.

3. Professional Staff Personnel:a. Three weeks' vacation with pay

shall be granted after each of the firstnine years of continuous service.

I). Four weeks' vacation with payshall be granted each year after 10

years of continuous employment.

4. Office and Clerical Personnel:a. Two weeks' vacation with pay

shall be granted after each of the firstthree years of continuous employment.

b. Three weeks vacation with payshall be granted each year after fouryears of continuous employment.

c. Four weeks' vacation with payshall be granted each year after 10years of continuous employment.

The vacation allowance period is

based on a fiscal year basis (July 1 toJune 30). Vacation leave must betaken within the 1-1 months' periodfollowing the close of the fiscal year(June 30) in which it occurs. The totalvacation (with pay) taken during anytwo month period shall not exceedthe annual allowance for the appro-priate employment category. No vm a-Lion of any length shall be grantedprior to six months of continuous em-ployment. Credits to that point shallbe considered as earned and available,

Terminal VacationVacation allowance earned at the

time of resignation may be granted tothose non-academic employees who havecontinuous employment of at least oneyear and are in good standing at thetime of separation. 'l'o be separated ingood standing requires that the em-ployee give sufficient notice to his su-pervisor of his intent to leave (norm-ally one pay period) .



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Eligible employees separated in goodstanding shall be granted terminal va-cation pay in an amount equal to theamount of vacation for which they areeligible at the time of separation. How-ever, in no case may the total terminalvacation allowance exceed the annualallowance to which the employee wouldordinarily be entitled. Vacation allow-ance is not permitted to be taken atthe time of separation, if the employeeis dismissed for cause or if it is neces-sary for the Community College Systemto request resignation because of un-satisfactory conduct or service.

The effective date of separation fromthe payroll shall he in the last day forwhich vacation leave is paid.

Holidays occurring during a termi-nal vacation period shall be consideredas working days for computing termi-nal pay allowances.

In the event of death of an em-ployee, the final salary payment willinclude payment for earned vacationcomputed on the same basis as above.


Sick leave may be granted to ac-ademic appointees by the President.Group I personnel, as defined in theretirement program, who are totallydisabled, are entitled to six months'leave with pay after which a Total Dis-ability Benefit Plan, for which premi-ums are paid by the University, be-comes operative. Sick Leave with payfor more than six months requires ap-proval by the Board of Trustees.

Maternity related sick leave for upto 30 clays may be approved for facultyby the Vice President.STAFF

The -ick Leave Policy is intended toemourage the accumulation of sick


leave to cover an extended illness. Itis recognized that a staff member maybecome ill or injured through 110 negli-gence of his own and, therefore, unableto perform his assigned duties. Thispolicy covers these circumstances. How-ever, accumulated sick leave should notbe considered as earned time off withpay and may not be granted in thismanner. Abuse of the privilege maybe deemed justification for dismissalof the employee.

It is urged that all staff members beimptessed with the value of accumulat-ing as much sick leave as possible tocover potential emergency needs:

1. Regular staff members shall earnand accumulate sic k leave with pay onthe basis of one working clay of sickleave for each calendar month of em-ploymen t.

2. Sick leave shall accumulate fromthe initial date of employment, butsick leave credits earned during theprobationary period (three months) maynot be granted until the end of theperiod,

3. In order for the initial month tobe counted for accumulation purposes,employment must begin on or beforethe 10th day of the month.

4. Sick leave shall not be taken inexcess of the amount earned.

5. An absence necessary before anysick leave is due or an absence in ex-cess of accumulated sick leave shall becovered by a leave without pay.

(3. Working schedules that providefor half-day Saturday work shall be con-sidered a half-day in computing sickleave.

7. Transfer from one department toanother shall not change sick leave ac-cumulation.

8. Sick leave will continue to accu-mulate during a leave with pay, but


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will not be accumulated during anyfull calendar month or absence in anon-pay status.

9. Unused sick leave balance willnot be paid upon the termination orresignation of a faculty or staff.

10. The head of the deparunentmay require, for any sick leave andparticularly for sick leave requested onthe day before or after a paid holidayor %a( ation period, a medical certificatefrom a licensed practicing physicianconfirming the illness of the staff mem-ber.

11. In the ( ase of illness occurringaway from work, prompt notification tothe director must be given prior tothe start of the work period in order tohave the work covered.

a. If the illness continues, ade-quate notification concerning theprogress of the illness must be givento maintain work load coverage.b. If notification is not made inaccordance with this policy, theabsence will be on a "without pay"status.

Family Illness or Injury Provision:Absences necessitated by emergency orserious illness of an immediate memberof the family may be applied againstthe accumulated sick leave credits upto a maximum of one calendar weekfor any one period of illness or sick-ness. Immediate family is defined, forthis purpose, as spouse, unmarriedchild at home, or other relatives livingin the same household and in care ofthe staff member. Parents, children,grandparents, grandchildren, brothers,sisters, or in-law relatives of the samedegree who are solely dependent uponthe staff member for emergency caremay also be included in the group de-fined as immediate family.

Military Leave of AbsenceA leave of absence for extended ac-

tive military service is granted to eligi-ble faculty and staff members as ameans of protecting the re-employmentrights of a regular full-time faculty orstaff member during absence from hisposition. Military Leave of Absence(without pay) for service in the ArmedForces of the United States shall begranted, upon application, when a fac-ulty or staff member is required to per-form such service. Such service mayoccur by induction through SelectiveService, or through membership in theNational Guard or a Reserve corn-pommt of the Armed Forces of theUnited States.

For further information concerningMilitary Leave of Absence, contact yourDirector and refer to the PersonnelPolicy and Procedure Manual.

Unauthorized AbsencesFaculty members who absent them-selves front their classes and teachingresponsibility without adequate noticeand the permission

ofthe Director may

be subject to loss of pay. Such actionsshall be considered as justification forthe non-renewal of a contract, or termi-nation of an appointment before theend of the appointment period.

Office HoursAll Community College System Of-

fices are expected to be open at leastthe following hours: Monday throughFriday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, classesmay be scheduled for Saturday morn-ing.


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Paydays and DeductionsThe last business day of the calendar

month is payday for full-time facultyand administrative staff on a regularannual or monthly basis. Part-time fac-ulty can be paid either on a monthlybasis or in a lump-suns payable at theend of the semester. Staff members onan hourly rate are paid hi-weekly onevery other Friday.

Deductions are made for FederalWithholding Tax, State WithholdingTax, Social Security (FICA.), exceptpersons under Federal Civil Service,City Tax, and, at the request of theemployee, Hospitalization and/or LifeInsurance premiums. For employeesunder Federal Civil Service, deductionis made for contribution to the CivilService Annuity Fund.

Official TravelPersons required to travel on Com-

munity College System businesg shoulddo so only on prior approval. The ap-proval of the Director is sufficient ifexpense is to be charged to federal orrestricted funds and to state funds ifthe travel is within the state. For out-of-state travel, the expense of which ispayable from state appropriated funds,prior approval of the 'President and

the State Commissioner of Finance isrequired. Such requests must be sub-mitted to the office of the Vice Pres-ident for the Community College Sys-tem at least three weeks prior to be-ginning the trip.

Receipts are required for expendi-tures for transportation, lodging, andother items of expense in excess of $2.Employees who drive their own carson official business are reimbursed atthe rate established by the Businessand Procedures Manual.

Detailed procedures to follow aregiven in the Business Procedures Man-ual.

Admission to Athletic ContestsFull-time members of the faculty and

staff may purchase football and basket-ball tickets at a reduced rate, providingtickets are available. For further in-formation, contact the Athletics TicketOffice at the University of Kentucky.

I. D. CardsIdentification cards are available to

any regular faculty or staff memberwho wishes to have such a card issuedto him. The cards will be issued bythe University Personnel Division ona written request basis. Forms to pro-vide the necessary information to issue


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the cards will be available in the of-fice of the Director or at the UniversityPersonnel Division.

", Court and Jury DutyJury Duty is recognized as a civic

responsibility. Faculty and staff mem-bers are encouraged to fulfill their ob-ligations with regard to this service asa citizen of the community.

A regular, full-time employee shallbe granted time off to serve on a jury,or to serve as a court witness whensubpoenaed, without loss of pay, andwithout charge against annual vaca-tion.

An individual will be permitted toretain his jury duty compensation soas to help defray his expenses whileserving on a jury or as a court witnesswhen subpoenaed.

A copy of the subpoena may be re-quired by the Director before approv-ing time off for this purpose.

If the jury duty does not require thefull work clay, the individual is ex-pected to report to work when freefrom such duties.

National, State andLocal Elections

Faculty and staff members of theCommunity College System are encour-aged to exercise their voting privilegesat all national, state and local elections.

Work schedules will normally permitadequate time for faculty and staffmembers to exercise their voting priv-ileges, either before or after normalworking hours, and it is suggested thatthey utilize this period of time to votewhenever possible. Where this is notpossible, full-time faculty and staffmembers entitled to vote may begranted time off from regular duties for


two consecutive hours for the purposeof voting on election days.

Faculty and staff members absent forsuch purpose shall not be subject toany penalty or deduction from pay.

Faculty and staff members who votein distant communities are encouragedto exercise their right to vote byabsentee ballot to avoid absences fromwork.

Funeral Attendance AbsenceThe Community College System rec-

ognizees that the occurrence of deathin the immediate family will requirethe absence from work of a faculty orstaff member for a period of time.

All regular, full-time personnel maybe allowed necessary absence with payfor attendance to funeral matters up tothree clays for cases involving parent,brother, sister, spouse or child, or otherrelative for whom he is directly re-sponsible. In cases requiring extensivetravel time, additional time off maybe granted, except that the total al-lowance with pay for funeral matterswill not exceed five working days.

In the case of a grandparent, grand-child, or an in-law relative of the de-gree indicated above, absence with paymay be granted up to one day forfuneral attendance. In cases requiringextensive travel time, additional timeoff may be granted, except that thetotal allowance with pay for funeralmatters will not exceed three workingdays.

Time off, without loss of pay, maybe granted at the discretion of the Di-rector, to attend the funeral service ofother relatives, associates, or closefriends. Such time off should not ex-ceed one-half day.

In cases requiring time in excess of

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the above allowance, or other absencesrequested for funerals of other relativesor friends shall be granted without payor may be charged to earned vacation.

Candidates forPolitical Office

The following policy adopted by theBoard of Trustees is quoted for theinformation of all faculty and staffmembers of the University of KentuckyCommunity College System.

If a non-faculty employee desiresto announce his candidacy for publicoffice demanding full-time service, orfor the Kentucky General Assembly orfor the United States Congress, he shall

sever his relationship with the Com-munity College System at the time heannounces his candidacy. Faculty areeligible to receive a leave of absence.

2. Such severance shall not affectthe eligibility of the employee for re-instatement to his former position inthe Community College System.

3. In the case of the Kentucky Gen-eral Assembly, he shall be eligible forreinstatement at the conclusion of thesemester in which the regular sessionof that body occurs.

4. When an employee is reinstated,all accumulated rights and privileges inthe Community College System shall berestored to him.


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Group Life InsuranceThe University of Kentucky provides

a basic term life insurance program ofS5,000 for all regular, full-time facultyand staff of the Community CollegeSystem. Also an individual can pur-chase additional insurance in thatamonnt, which when added to thebasic $5.000 amount will be equal toeither one and one-half or twice hisannual salary. Coverage on the policyis continued as long as the individualretains his connection with the Com-munity College System and automat-ically increases as the animal salary in-creases. Upon termination of employ-ment the contract may be convertedinto any one of the poll( ies customarilywritten by the insurer.

Hospitalization InsuranceGroup rates for insurance (Bl ue Cross/

Blue Shield) to help pay for hospital-ization' and surgical expense is avail-able on a voluntary basis for purchaseby members of the faculty and staff tocover them and their dependents.. Newemployees are eligible for coverage onthe date active service begins. and ifapplication is made within 31 daysfrom date of eligibility. no medicalexamination is required. Benefits arepaid for room, board. drug, dressings


and other hospital expenses, and forsurgical fees.

Health MaintenanceOrganization

Faculty and staff who live within a50-mile radius of Lexington may par-ticipate at group rates in the HunterFoundation for Health Care, Inc. TheHunter Foundation operates a prepaidmedical-hospital plan with emphasis onpreventive medicine and health main-tenance.

Group Accident InsuranceThis plan covers death, dismember-

ment, and total permanent disabilityresulting from accidental means. Itprovides coverage 24 hours a day, 365days a year, world-wide, for accidentson or off the job. Any amount ofprincipal sum (in multiples of $5,000)between a minimum of $10,000 and amaximum of $100,000 may be obtained.

Employees may prefer to become in-sured under the Family Plan. Maleemployees may insure their wives anddependent children. Female employeesmay insure their dependent childrenbut not their husbands.

The insurance terminates when theemployee retires or when he terminates


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his employment with the CommunityCollege System. Dependents' coverageceases when the employee's insuranceterminates.

Major Medical ExpenseInsurance

This plan is available for purchaseby faculty and staff at group rates fromTeachers Insurance and Annuity As-sociation.

Each participant is initially coveredfor a maximum of $250,000 of medicalexpense whether hospitalized or not.The plan pays 80 percent of the coveredmedical expense after the payment ofa deductible by the insured. This de-ductible is $100 plus any base planbenefits. For those not insured undera base plan the deductible is $200. Thecoverage ceases upon termination ofemployment with the Community Col-lege System.

Total Disability IncomeInsurance

The University of Kentucky providesa program to provide long term totaldisability income insurance for all reg-ular, full-time faculty and staff of theCommunity College System who havecompleted one year of employment.This program is composed of twobenefit provisions: (I) those providedby a contract with TIAA; and (2)those provided by the University ofKentucky.

The combined benefits of the in-surance policy and the University'sbenefits would, in fact, assure theequivalent of full basic salary for thefirst 18 months of total disability, 90percent of basic salary for the next 12months following, and 80 percent of


basic salary for the next 12 months.After these 42 months of supplementalbenefit payments by the University, thedisabled employee receives only the 60percent benefit (and waiver of TIAA-CR FE premiums where applicable)until he reaches age 65.

Workman's CompensationThe University of Kentucky Com-

munity College System has providedfor the welfare of its employees incompliance with the Kentucky Work-man's Compensation Law. In additionto the statutory benefits under this law,the University has included supple-mental benefits:

1. All employees of the Universityof Kentucky Community College Sys-tem, full-time or part-time, are eligiblefor the benefits of the compensationlaw.

2. An employee must report all in-injuries to his supervisor at once incompliance with the law. Special formsused for this program may be obtainedfrom the Personnel Office.

3. To be eligible for compensation,an employee must have received per-sonal injuries or contracted an occu-pational disease directly caused by thejob in the course of and resulting fromhis employment at the community col-lege. This coverage is limited to theemployee and does not cover his family.

4. For additional information con-cerning benefits under the Workman'sCompensation Law, consult the Per-sonnel Policies and Procedures Manual,which has full details or contact thePersonnel Division.

Unemployment CompensationAs of July 1, 1972 the University of

Kentucky Community College System,


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came under the provisions of the Ken-tucky Unemployment Insurance Law.For information concerning the cover-age and details of the program, indi-viduals should contact the Universityof Kentucky Personnel Division in Lex-ington.

Retirement ProgramsAt the present time there are three

retirement plans in effect for Com-munity College System personnel. Eachof these arc funded plans under whichthe contributions made by the em-ployee and those made by the Univer-sity are forwarded to Teachers Insur-ance and Annuity Association (T.I.A.A.)and/or College Retirement EquitiesFund (C.R.E.F.) for investment andpurchase of retirement annuities be-ginning at age 65.

These retirement plans are referredto as Group I, Group II and GroupIII. The group in which the facultyor staff member is eligible to partic-ipate is determined by position cate-gories Generally speaking these cat-egories are defined as follows:Group IThis group is composed pri-

marily of persons having academicappointments.

Group IIClassified personnel (gener-ally speaking this includes those staffmembers who are in the clerical,technical and service categories).

Group IIIThis group is comprised ofstaff members in the administrative,managerial, professional and scien-ific positions.Participation in any of the three

group plans is limited to those facultyor staff members who are classified asregular, full-time employees. It is vol-untary prior to age 30 and mandatorythereafter. A one-year waiting period


is required of all participants prior totheir becoming eligible of enroll. How-ever, this waiting period is waived fornew employees who are appointedwith tenure and those who alreadyhave a retirement contract with Teach-ers Insurance and Annuity Associationor College Retirement Equities Fundat the time of employment with theCommunity College System.

The level of contribution by theemployee and the University, and thevesting date of the University's contri-butions, varies with each group. Fur-ther information and details on theseretirement plans may be obtained fromthe Community College Directorthe University Personnel Division.


Social SecurityAll faculty and staff members of the

University of Kentucky CommunityCollege System, except those in FederalCivil Service, are covered by the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance of theSocial Security Program and thus, areeligible for benefits in accordance withthe laws governing this program.

Each eligible staff member must haveor obtain a Social Security Card, andsupply to the Community College Sys-tem a completed Treasury Form W-4,K-4 with his Social Security Numberand other information necessary inwithholding insurance contributions.

The Social Security Tax (F.I.C.A.) isdeducted from the pay of staff mem-bers, and the University matches thiscontribution.

HolidaysThe University of Kentucky Com-

munity College System recognites thefollowing legal holidays:

I. New Year's Day


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2. Memorial Day3. Independence Day4. Labor Day5. Thanksgiving Day6. Christmas DayWhen a holiday falls on Sunday, the

following Monday shall be observed asa holiday.

If you arc required to work on anyof these holidays, equivalent compen-satory time off will be granted at theconvenience of the department.

Christmas HolidaysFour special Christmas Holidays shall

be granted to all full-time staff mem-bers in addition to the Christmas Dayand New Year's Day Holidays. Thefour days granted will be taken in ac-cordance with a schedule as arrangedby the various departments within theperiod of time as outlined below. Thesedays do not need to be scheduled con-secutively.

I. During the week prior toChristmas I)ay Holidays, or2. During the week in which theChristmas Day Holiday occurs, or3. During the week following theChristmas I)ay Holiday.1. Those departments with spe-cial scheduling and staffing prob-lems may schedule these four spe-cial holidays up to the followingFebruary I.

Maternity Leave*Female staff members who are on

regular lull -time appointment basis and


who have been continually employedfor at least two years shall be entitledto accrued sick leave with pay in ma-ternity cases, including pregnancy,birth, confinement and recuperationup to the following limits:

1. Twenty-four clays, exclusive ofSundays and holidays, in all cases.

2. If a result of complications, thebirth is not deemed a normal birth,up to 12 additional clays may begran ted.

In this case, a separate certificate ofthe attending physician as to any suchcomplicating factors shall be required.

Sick leave with pay in maternitycases may be taken at any time withinthe period beginning two months priorto and ending two months followingdelivery.

If vacation leave it taken at any timefor this materity period, then sick leavecannot be taken concurrently so as toresult in double payment, but must betaken either consecutively or separately.

Leave of absence not to exceed atotal of four calendar months, includ-ing any days of sick leave and vacationleave with pay, may be granted to staffmembers requesting such leave for thispurpose, provided the staff memberhas been continuously employed for atleast two years.

Female faculty members are onlyeligible for maternity leave as grantedof the sick leave policy for faculty.

This policy is currently under revision andinformation concerning the changes will be dis-tributed when the changes become effective



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Academic Ranks 14 Hospitalization Insurance 29Accreditation 5 I. 1). Cards 25Admission to Athletic Contests 25 Leaves of Absence 20Advanced Work 13 Major Medical 30Advising Con iiii ittee On Appoint- Map, Community College System 5

ment, Promotion and Tenure 18 Maternity Leave 32Advisory Committee on Military Leave 23

Privilege and Tenure 16 National, State and Local Elections 26Board of Trustees 7 Nepotism 19Candidates for Political °Hite 27 Office Hours 23Christmas 1Iolidays 32 Official Travel 25Co iiiii nmity College Faculties 10 Paydays and Deductions 25The Community College System Performance Review 14

at a Glance 3 President. 7Court and jury Duty. 26 Promotion 14Directors of Community Colleges .. 8 Purpose and Commitment 4Divisional Chairmen 8 Retirement Program 31Divisional Faculty . 11 Sick Leave . . 22Educational Organization 7 Senate of the CommunityEqual Opportunity 13 College System - 9Fat ulty Assembly. 11 Social Security 31Fat ulty Load 14 Tenure 15Faculty of the Community Term of Appointment 13

College System . 11 Terminal Vacation 21Faculty Member as a Scholar Total Disability Income

and a Citizen 19. Insurance 30Funeral Attendants Absent e 26 Unauthorized Absences 23Governing Regulations 13 Unemployment Cotnpensation 30Group Accident Insurance 29 University Assembly .. 9Group Life Insurance 29 Vice President for the CommunityHealth Maintenance Organization 29 College System 7Hearing Panel 17 Vacation Leave 21Holidays 31 Workman's Compensation 30

1,1S-Pub. I31 (Bev 1August 1975