document resume - eric · document resume ed 298 125 sp 030 558 title get fit! a handbook for youth...

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 298 125 SP 030 558 TITLE Get Fit! A Handbook for Youth Ages 6-17. How To Get in Shape To Meet the President's Challenge and Earn the Presidential Fitness Award. INSTITUTION President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 87 NCTE 45p. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Awards; )(Body Composition; Elementary Secondary Education; *Exercise; Health Education; Motivation; Muscular Strength; *Physical Fitness; )(Program Development; *Self Actualization ABSTRACT This guidebook for a self-directed physical fitness program offers information on: (1) What is physical fitness; (2) How is physical fitness measured; (3) What is body composition; (4) How to improve fitness; (5) What is the new presidential physical fitness award program; and (6) What exercises qualify for the Presidential Fitness Award. A fitness quiz with answers is included. (JD) 30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000( 3 Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made )( )( from the original document. * 300000000000000000(;000000000000(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmommoommoommommm

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ED 298 125 SP 030 558

TITLE Get Fit! A Handbook for Youth Ages 6-17. How To Getin Shape To Meet the President's Challenge and Earnthe Presidential Fitness Award.

INSTITUTION President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports,Washington, D.C.


NCTE 45p.

PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Materials (For Learner)(051)

EDRS PRICE MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS *Awards; )(Body Composition; Elementary Secondary

Education; *Exercise; Health Education; Motivation;Muscular Strength; *Physical Fitness; )(ProgramDevelopment; *Self Actualization

ABSTRACTThis guidebook for a self-directed physical fitness

program offers information on: (1) What is physical fitness; (2) Howis physical fitness measured; (3) What is body composition; (4) Howto improve fitness; (5) What is the new presidential physical fitnessaward program; and (6) What exercises qualify for the PresidentialFitness Award. A fitness quiz with answers is included. (JD)

30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(3 Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made )(

)( from the original document. *300000000000000000(;000000000000(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmommoommoommommm

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September 26, 1986

I am pleased to have this opportunity to address theyouth of America on the importance of being physicallyfit.

Many of you have seen photos of Nancy and me ridinghorses, walking, swimming, and staying active in otherways. We do this not only to maintain good health, butbecause exercise makes us feel better and helps us to beable to deal with the responsibilities we have.

I know that you young people have plenty of responsibilityof your own. You have schoolwork to do, tests to take,household chores, and part-time jobs. You've got to be atthe top of your game to accomplish all that's expected ofyou, and I'm not just talking about school athletics.Exercise helps all of us to be winners in whatever taskswe take on.

But too many of America's youth are not in the shape theyshould be. I want you to help turn that trend around.Make daily exercise a regular part of your schedule. Itwill brighten your life and assure America of a brighterfuture.

I invite each of you to meet my "challenge" and earn thePresidential Physical Fitness Award Winning the award isan achievement, but trying hard is just as important. Youwill never know what you are capable of until you reallytry.

Nancy joins me in wishing you a healthy, physically fitand rewarding future. God bless you.


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TAKE PRIDE IN WHAT YOU DO: Finish eachjob you start and make sure you've done your best

TAKE SETBACKS IN STRIDE: Learn fromyour mistakes and keep looking toward the future

SET NEW GOALS: You'll never know what youcan do until you try

WORK HARD: Talent alone is not enough Onlyby hard work can you reach your goal

COMMITMENT: Make a total commitment toachieve your goals

BE CONSISTENT: Set a regular schedule andstay with it

ALWAYS GIVE 110 %: Do more than ex-

pected of you

BE PREPARED: To get ahead, plan ahead

ENTHUSIASM: Be positive Enjoy what you doand do It as well as you can

BE INNOVATIVE: The ability to find a newmethod or get better results sets people apart

BE CONFIDENT: To succeed, you must knowyou can do it



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On the following pEges youwill learn about the "Presi-

ent's Challenge," a pro-gram of the President's

Council on Physical Fitness andSports It is the basis for achieving

the Presidential Physical Fitness Award.This program recognizes physical fitness

excellence for youth ages six through 17, and is con-ducted in schocls and other youth-serving agencies.

You also will learn how to get in shape to meet the"Challenge" and earn the award Descriptions of theexercises in the "Challenge" and other a,,tlyities youcan do to get physically fit are included By increasingyour less you will increase your chances of earning


Don't be discouraged if you can't do all the exer-ctses right away If there is one that is very hard foryou, do what you can and go on to the next exer-cise The important thing is that you tryeveryonecan become physically fit

Follow the directions for the exercises and don't tryto get in shape all at once "No pain, no gain" is amyth Exercise should not be painful A workoutshould challenge your body by making it do morethan it usually does But, if you do too much toosoon you could injure yourself and the benefits of ex-ercise MI be lost

So, let's GET FIT . . .


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CGetting in shape strengthebody, relaxes the mind a,toughens the spirit Buthard work and determibecome physically fit.the mistake of thinking that becauare active, you are physically lit It 1exercises to build physical fitnessexercises


flexibility, strength and endurance But most impor-tant, it takes a commitment

To help you keep that cominitment make exercisingfun Exercise to your favorite music or in the out-doors Start a fitness club with your friends or familyMake exercise a part of your daily life by climbingstairs, working out and trying not to spend too muchtime watching TV So that you understand howexercise will affect your body, read a book onfitness, or on the human body and learn how yourmuscles work

Set goals for yourself and record your weekly pro-gress in a personal log or notebook Keep track ofmiles jogged, number of pull -ups and curl-ups andhow far you can stretch Then when it comes time tomeet tne President's Challenge you'll he ready to doyour best Even if you don't earn the award, you'llknow that you've tried hard and followed through onyour commitment No one can ask, vou for morethan that


Chairman,President's Councilon Physical Fitnessand Sports


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Being physically fit means having the energyand strength to perform daily activities vigorously

and alertly without getting "run down," and---1 to have energy left over to enjoy leisure-

time activities or meet emergencydemands When you are physically

fit your heart, lungs and musclesare strong and your body is firm

ano flexible Your weight andpercent body fat are within 1

desirable range.

ical fitness will help you controlght and cope with stress You'll

ook better, and that often means successin anything you want to do, such as work, sports,dance, and other recreational activities You mayeven do better in school


Getting in shape is important for your futureYou'll oe healthier both now and as an adult, andthat me -ins a mite enjoyable and active life

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Physical fitness can be brokedown into three main partsendurance, strength and fleEach one can be measurethere are specific exercisimprove each area

ENDURANCE Is theability to keep movinglong periods of timeThere are two types of endurance

Cardiorespiratory endurance meansthat your heart and lungs are in good shape andare able to supply your muscles with lots of oxygenand nutrients "Aerobic" exercises like running,walking, jumping rope and cycling build endurancein your heart and lungs How fast you can run orwalk a mile is one test of heart/lung endurance

Muscular endurance means that your musclesare strong enough to move for long periods of tineExercises such as push-ups, leg raises, and curl-upsbuild muscular endurance and strength How man/curl-ups you can do is a test of abdominal musclestrength and endurance

WHY BUILD ENDURANCE? With high levels ofendurance you have more energy and are able tolast longer when you play sports or games Youdon't get out of breath easily and your muscles arefirm and trim When your heart and lungs are ingood shape you're healthier and less likely todevelop some forms of disease Also, doing"aerobic" exercises burns extra calories and helpskeep your weight under control

; 1 0


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STRENGTH is how much force you can exertwith your muscles You can measure this by seeinghow much weight you can hold in place (staticstrength, how much weight you can move (dynamicstrength, or how fast you can move a weight(power This weight can refer to your own bodyweight or special equipment such as a barbell orstrength training machine Always make sure you talkto someone wno knows a lot about strength trainingbefore you use special equipment

WHY BUILD STRENGTH? When you are strongyou don't need to rely on others to do the "heavy"work and you are less likely to injure your muscles.You can do things like lift your body weight and moveheavy objects Hard jobs become easier and you'llalso do better in sports, games r.nd other activities

FLEXIBILITY means that you can move yourmuscles and joints through their "full range of mo-tion Stretching exercises increase flexibility. Seeinghow close you can come to touching or reachingbeyond your toes is one measure of flexibility.

WHY BUILD FLEXIBILITY? When your musclesare flexible you can reach, bend and stretch moreeasily You are less likely to injure your muscles andjoints Stretching helps decrease tension and stress,and makes your body feel good.

Other factors that will affect how well you do inthe "President's Challenge" are Speed, Agility, andCoordination These factors also will help improveyour performance in your daily activities

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People who are physically fit have a well-balanced body shape and good body compositionBody composition means how muchof your body is fat compared to lean-body mass, which includesmuscles, bones, tissues andorgans

Exercise gives muscles theishape, and muscles give shapeyour body People who exerciseare more likely to have less bodthan those who are not in shapBoys tend to have less bodyfat tnan girls

You are healthier when your weight and body fatare in the right range

The scale is not always agood indicator of fitness particularly forathletes Since muscle weighs more than fat,you could have good body composition yet appearto weigh too much on the scale or, you could weighthe right amount but have too much fat on yourbody If you want to know whether your body com-position is good ask your physical education orhealth teacher, or a fitness instructor, to measureyour percent body fat



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improve your fitness level,must follow the P R 0 S

the principles of exerciseThey are PROGRESSION,


here's what they mean


PROGRESSIONGradually increase howhard, how long and how many times you do an exer-cise over a period of time It takes six to eight weeksfor physical improvements to be seen, but you'll feelbetter right away For example, don't try to go from5 curl-ups to 50 curl-ups overnight, but add a fewmore every week until you've reached your goals

REGULARITYSet up a regular scheduleand wcrk out every day, or at least 3-4 times eachweek It's not good to take too much time off be-tween workoutswhat you don't use, you lose

OVERLOAD For a muscle to get stronger itmust work harder than it does at rest This meansmaking your heart beat faster and your breathing in-crease during aerobics, doing more repetitions of anexercise or lifting more weight It an exercise feelstoo easy it probably is, and chances are you won'timprove But remember, don't over do it "No pain,no gain" is a myth'

SPECIFICITYExercise is specific For ex-ample, aerobic exercises won't build flexibility And,stretching exercises won't make your musclesstronger To be flexible you have to stretch, and tobe strong you have to make your muscles workhard And, to be good at a certain sport you have topractice that sport


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Since 1966, Ameri-can youngsters have takenpart in the PresidentialPhysical Fitness AwardProgram Beginning withthe 1986-87 schoolyear, boys and girlsages 6 through 9 par-ticipated in the pro-gram for the firsttime, bringing theage range to 6through 17

To earn the-(you must meet the PrChallenge by scoring at or abovepercentile on all five Challenge items betional norms have been set up based on the titnesscores of thousands of students n the United States

Challenge Item Primary Fitness ComponentMeasured

One-mile run/walkCurl-upsV-Sit Reach (or sit and reach)Shuttle RunPuli-ups

heart/lung enduranceabdominal strength/endurancelower backihamstring flexibilityleg strength/endurance/power/agilityupper body strength/endurance

WHAT DOES THE 85th PERCENTILE MEAN? Ifyou score at the 85th percentile or above you havascored in the top 15 percent of your age grour basedon students sampled in a national survey




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When you qualify for the Presidential PhysicalFitness Award you can receive a certificate signedby the President and an official emblem to wear onyour jacket or sweater The emblem has the Ameri-can eagle and "Presidential Physical FitnessAward" embroidered in gold, red, white and blueThe emblem also has on it the number of years youhave won the award If you start when you are six,you could earn a total of 1 2 emblems

The program is conducted in schools,park and recreation departments, YMCA's,

Jewish Community Centers and otheryouth organizations Ask your teacher

for more information on theprogram.

Winning this award is some-thing of which to be proud

10, But don't get discouraged ifyou don't qualify the first

time you try Take note ofyour scores, try to do betterthe next time, and



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These are the exercises you will be asked to do toqualify for the Presidential Physical Fitness A

magliirgr' 43.Check your scores against the chart on page

Sit on the floor with your knees Vfeet about 12 inches from your buttPlace hands on opposite shoulders,arms close to chest A partner willhold your feet and count eachcurl-up Raise your trunk up totouch elbows to thighs Acomplete curl-up is countedeach time you lie back andtouch your shoulders tothe floor The goal is to doas many curl-ups as youcan in one minute

Grasp a bar with anerhand grip Small children

can be lifted to this positionFeet should not touch the floor and

legs should hang straight

Begin by hanging with your arms straightPull your body up with a steady movement until

your chin is over the bar and extend ba-2.1( down Doas many pull-ups as you can There is no time limitand the pull-ups must be done with straight legs.


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s of wood or similar objects ared a line drawn 30 feet from where you

the signal "Ready, Go!" you run to theks, pick one up, briny it back and place it behind

the starting line You then run and pick up thesecond block and bring it back across the startingline Your fastest time is recorded

At the signal "Ready, Go" you begin runningone mile on a track or safe area marked off to thecorrect distance Walking is permitted However,the goal is to complete the mile as fast as possible


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Take off your shoes and placeyour feet directly behind a 1149,marked on the floor Your fshould be 8-1 2 inches apartis the baseline A measuringis placed between your leClasp your thumbs so that yhands are together with paldown and place them on tmeasuring line A partner willKeeping your toes pointing upwardreach forward as far as possible along the measuringline. Exhale as you reach forward Reaches beyondbaseline are "plus" scores, behind baseline are"minus Baseline equals "0 You'll f,ave threepractice tries and the fourth reach will be recorded.

Option: Sit and Reach (not pictured)

A spJcially designed box is used forthis flexibility test You sit on floor with legsstraight and feet held flat against end of boxA measuring line is on top of the box with23 centimeters marked at the level of thefeet You place your hands evenly alongmeasuring line, one hand on top of theother, and reach as far as you can Threpractice tries are allowed and the fourthreach is recorded Scores are recordedin centimeters


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If you score at or above these scores for your age and sex

on ALL FIVE EVENTS you qualify for



ITened one mmulel Ise:mods) lincheS1 ,cenbrneters, Iminules seconds)




6 32 124 +55 32 11 20 2

7 34 12 1 +50 32 10 38 2

8 38 11 8 +4 5 33 10 02 2

9 39 11 1 +5 b 33 9 30 2

10 40 108 +60 33 9 19 311 42 105 +6 5 34 9 02 3

12 45 104 +70 36 8 23 2

13 46 10 2 +70 38 8 13 214 47 10 1 +80 40 7 59 2

15 48 100 +80 43 8 08 2

16 45 10 1 +90 42 8 23 1

17 44 100 +80 42 8 15 i


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On the following pages aresome exercises you can do to getshape for the "President'slenge" How you do these exett^~cises is very important so beto follow the directions carefyou are unsure about whator would like some differencises, ask your physical ebon teacher or someoneedgeable about physical fRemember, exercising cokids than others Work nard but don mating in shape a contest Progress at your own paand you will soon see and feel the benefits

Always warmup your body first for aboutfive minutes to get your muscles and joints readyfor action You'll know you are warmed up when youstart to sweat and breathe heavier Warmup exercisesactually raise your body's temperature and make yourmuscles more limber After you've warmed up, yourbody and mind are ready for more vigorous activityTh3 four exercises that follow are warmup exercises



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Stand tall with knees slightlybent Rise on your toes and slowlycircle your arms inward and up-ward, until arms are straightoverhead. Inhale deeply. Con-

tinue circling your arms backwardand downward while lowering

your heels and exhaling. This ex-ercise should be done slowly andsmoothly Repeat 5 times.


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Stand up straight with fshoulder-width apart, handsryour sides Alternate righleft arms in forward circtions as if you were donforward "crawl" swimstroke. At the same time,that when your right arm isward your left knee is raised, right kneeis raised while left arm is moving for-ward. Do 10 complete circles witheach arm and then switch arms todo the "backstroke." Repeat 10full circles with each arm




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tand straight with aims atide Step to right, bend-

y right knee Raise armsad and push towardsding At the same time,

rise on your right toes andlift your left leg off the

ground, keeping all yourweight on the right foot Putyour left leg back on the

ground, bending both kneesand placing hands on shoul-

ders. Repeat to the left side bypushing off on your left foot,pushing palms towards the

ceiling and lifting your right footoff the ground Repeat 10 times

on each side.



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Stand straight with feet tJump up and land with yourshoulder-width apart as youarms to shoulder height. Jumpstarting position while clappinhands over your head. Jumpland with feet apart while byour arms back to shoulderJump back to starting positenng arms to your sides. Repeat4-part jumping jack 10-20 times at aslow, controlled pace


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Stretching helps preventur muscles and joints frometting injured Stretchings your body more flexible soble to move easily and do


est i-..,

n your activities.

When you stretch, relax and breathe comfort-ably Don't bounce or jerk Hold each position forabout 10 seconds If it hurts ease up a little. As youimprove, hold each stretch for 30 seconds Stretch-ing also helps you relax when you're feeling tense.Always remember to stretch muscles after they'vebeen warmed up

The following are just a few of the stretchesyou can do every day to improve your flexibility.


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You can do this stretch stand-ing or sitting Raise your right hthe air with your palm facing tback bend your elbow and pthe palm of your hand on yourbetween your shouldersyour left hand behind your band try to touch your right hHold 10-30 seconds Retwo times on each side. Dforce this stretch, you may findone side easier than the other1



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le standing, lift left kneeoward your chest Placeft hand under your knee

up to stretch the backd your lower back Keep

leg slightly bent Hold for 10-30seconds Repeat twice on each side



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Keep ng body upright, graspleft foot behind you with lefthand Slowly pull leg back sothat your knee moves away fromyour body until you feel a stretch infront of your leg Hold 10-30 secRepeat twice with each leg



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Lean against a wall and putright leg behind you Keep right

heel on the floor and very slightlybend the right knee Lean forward until

you feel a pull in your calf and behind yourankle Hold 10-30 seconds Repeat twice with

each leg


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Every exercise progrshould include aerobic act-ties to strengthen your hand lungs Aerobiccises require lots of 'make your heart beat fasterswimming, running and aerob c dexamples of this type of exercisePresident's Challenge includes a one-mile run/w ,

it's a good idea to practice running as your aerobicactivity


After you've warmed up and stretched you'reready to run And, don't forget the P-R-O-S (page 10)

First, find an area where a one-mile distancecan be marked off Four times around a school trackis usually one mile If you've never run a mile before,follow the Beginner program If you're a pretty goodrunner, but haven't been following a regular runningroutine, follow the Intermediate program If you'vedone a lot of running and are ready to time yourselffor the or.e-mile, follow the Advanced program

BEGINNER:Jog 2 minutes/walk 1 minutefor a total of 15 -utes Repeat Do this at leastthree times a week for 2 weeks Don't worry aboutthe distance yet

INTERMEDIATE: Jog 4 minutes/walk 1minute Do this for about 15-20 minutes at leastthree times a week After about two weeks, reducethe amount of walking time to 30 seconds Gradu-ally build up to about 30 minutes using this pattern

ADVANCED:Continuously jog for 20 min-utes Of course, there is no limit here If you find jog-ging is for you, you can run longer distances Once aweek, tune a one-mile run for speed and work up tothe score you need to meet the "President'sChallenge



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nning shoes with plenty of cushionsupport

Land on your heel, roll through your feet and pushoff from the ball of your foot Running on your toescan make your calves feel very tight

Keep your shoulders relaxed and your elbowsshc,thtly bent Look straight ahead, not at your feet.

Breathe steadily and deeply, with mouth open. Ifyou have trouble catching your breath, slow downa little

Run with good form Let your arms swing naturally,aid alternate arms and legs Your right arm and leftleg should be moving forward at the same time andyour left arm and right leg at the same time

Always warm up (start gradually) and cool down(stop gradually) Stretch your muscles before andafter you jog

NEVER stop abruptly or he down after your jog.When you're ready to stop, gradually slow downand walk for about 3 minutes before coming to acomplete stop


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These exercises will help you get in shape todo CURL-UPS, PULL-UPS, and SHUTTLE RUN forthe "President's Challenge They will help developyour muscle strength and endurance Do these exer-cises and prcctice the specific"Challenge" items as well


Lie on your back wknees bent at 90 degrees, feflat on the floor Place yarms across your cheshands on opposite shoulderSlowly curl your heashoulders and upper backfloor bringing elbows to diout as you curl up and then recurposition while breathing in Start with 1

Gradually add 2 curl-ups each week untilyou've reached the 85th percentile score needed foryour age and sex Practice these curl-ups at least 3times each week in addition, have someone timeyou once a week to see how many curl-ups you cando in one minute E fentually, you'll reach your goal'You can do it with enough practice



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a strong pole or pipe on theof two chairs placed aboutt apart Make sure the endsr are secure Lie on your

back, shoe under the bar and graspit with two hands, palms facing

away from your body and handsabout shoulder width apart Pull your

chest uo to the bar keeping your bodystraight from head to feet Do this 10times li it is easy, find a higher barEventually, rvork up tc, d horizontal barvvto..r your body can hang completelyoft the ground Practice holding yuurcnIri above the bar or doing pull-ups atIt.1St three times each INtAiK Work up tothe number you need to :Jo to meet the

Pres.dt,nt s Choi lengt


33 ,

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Get down on yourhands and knees and posi-tion yourself so that yourback is straight, head in line withyour spine Hands should be placedslightly outside your shoulders, fingerspointed forward, feet on the ground Slowly loweryour body until your chest touches the floor Returnto starting position Once you can do 20-25 wi+ Iyour knees bent, advance to the straight-leg positionon your hands and toes Try to do 10 repetitionsagain to start1





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Support your body (turnedays) on your right hand and

and both feet Keep your rightand both legs fully extended,

feet slightly apart. Now "walk"y in a circle using your right arm

as a pivot Repeat using your left arm.Repeat 10 times on each side


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Sit on the floor withknees bent, feet flat on theground and hands placedbehind you on the floor.Raise your body up sothat it is supported byyour hands and feet. Walward on hands and feet,then backward for 5 steps. Add onway every week Build up to 20 steps in eadirection.




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t circles of paper or moldof wire about 12-15 inches

eter Stagger 12 hoops in twos of six with 12 inches separating

the hoops from one another Runthrough hoops, alternating right and

left, with right foot going throughhoops on right side, and left footgoing through left hoops Lift yourknees high Once you get good atthis time yourself and try to getfaster


...__ __D


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Stand sideways next to a wall and extend your armup Mark, mentally or with a piece of tape, the spot

one yard away from your fingersDrop your arm, bend your knees

and leap up and try to touchthat mark Repeat 10 tow xs

on each side



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After you have doneyour "aerobic" or "muscularconditioning" work, you'ready to "cool down " Just asou had to "warmup" youry before exercising vigorously,should "cool it down" to getto normal. Cooling down helps

cies from becoming sore and stiff.

Before you do your cooldown stretches, walkaround for a few minutes to make sure your breath-ing is back to normal and your heart is NOT beatingfast You should be feeling slightly relaxed by thetime you're ready to do stretches



You can choose stretching exercises you'vedone in your warmup or add others. The importantthing to remember is to stretch all major joints andmuscle groups, especially those you have used dur-ing your workout This is the time when you reallycan work on your flexibility, since its easier to stretchwarm muscles

When you're done, see how many questionsyou can answer correctly in the fitness quiz thatfollows you're on the road to physical fitness,


Page 40: DOCUMENT RESUME - ERIC · DOCUMENT RESUME ED 298 125 SP 030 558 TITLE Get Fit! A Handbook for Youth Ages 6-17. How To Get. in Shape To Meet the President's Challenge and Earn the

1. Stretching exercisesA. Build strengthB Avoid injuriesC. Burn caloriesD. None of these

2. Joints and muscles are preparedexercise by:

A Jogging and weight trainingB. Warmups and stretchingC. Rope climbing and situpsD Pushups and jumping rope

3. Muscle endurance isA. The ability to move a heavy weight

onceB. The ability to stretchC. The ability to move something many

timesD. The ability to jump high

4. Jogging for 20 minutes will improveA. FlexibilityB. Muscle strengthC. Heart/lung enduranceD. None of these

5. The best heart/lung (aerobic) enduranceexercise is:A. Short, fast runsB. Long, slow runsC. TumblingD. Basketball

6. Muscle strength is the ability toA. Move a heavy weight onceB. Play sportsC. Move something many timesD. Run fast

4 It

(continued on next page)


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7. Which athlete will probably require themost heart/lung (aerobic) endurance dur-ing a game:A. Soccer goalieB Softball fielderC Basketball guardD. Football quarterback

8 Cooling down after a workout is importantbecause:A It gives your body time to return to its

normal levelB It helps reduce your chance of injuryC It lowers your pulse and breathing rate

slowlyD All of the above

9. The ratio or lean body mass to fat is:A. Body sizeB Body typeC Body fitnessD Body composition

10. Physical fitness is important forA. HealthB Physical performanceC. Mental well-beingD All of the above

(Adapted from "Fitnessfor Living," Walt DisneyEducational Media Companyin cooperation with the PCPFS)


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Answers1 B 6 A2 B 7 C

3 C 8 D4 C 9 D5 B 10 D



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