do the new atheists want to destroy religion

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  • 7/29/2019 Do the New Atheists Want to Destroy Religion


    Do the new atheists want to destroy


    Tamas Pataki ABC Religion and Ethics 17 Aug 2011

    It has become a commonplace among religious advocates that the new atheism aims to

    destroy or annihilate religion: it is perceived as an aggressive existential threat.

    See also

    Related Story:The virtues of atheism and the vices of religionTamas Pataki 1 Mar2011

    Related Story:With friends like these: Atheists against the New AtheismABCReligion and Ethics 4 Aug 2011

    Related Story:The poverty of the new atheismScott Stephens 19 Jan 2011 Related Story:Evangelical atheism, secular ChristianityABC Religion and Ethics 26

    Jul 2011

    Comments (114)

    In some of myprevious articles, I noted that although the global religions are undergoing

    internal changes that are worrying both their opponents and their mainstream leaderships -

    radicalisation, polarisation, the rise of cults to Mammon (the god Prosperity) - they have little

    to fear from atheism; at least if the metric of success in religion is increase in number of self-declared votaries.

    The fact that global population growth is occurring in poor, religious demographics points to

    such increase; and exigent emotional needs will continue to drive people to seek satisfactions

    that religions can in their various ways provide, especially, as living conditions and security


    Having broadened my reading a little recently, I would now also add to the motives to

    religion the cognitive systems posited by evolutionary psychologists that draw us ineluctably

    social beings to inferences about supernatural agencies.
  • 7/29/2019 Do the New Atheists Want to Destroy Religion


    (Of course, I do not believe that mere number is a useful metric for success in religion and I

    doubt that the intelligent and moderate elements of religious leadership believe that either.

    What constitutes advance in religion? Well, I'm not a player, but I'd be inclined to say that it

    is the extent to which the pacific tendencies in religion predominate over its destructive ones:

    the extent to which Eros overcomes Thanatos, in Freudian language.)

    I mention these matters to provide a backdrop to a curious feature of the religious response to

    the "new" or "Darwinian" atheism represented by Richard Dawkins and company. It has

    puzzled me for some time, and though it remains in my mind unresolved I venture a few

    exploratory reflections.

    It has become a commonplace among religious advocates that the new atheism aims to

    destroy or annihilate religion: it is perceived as an aggressive existential threat. There have of

    course been brutal, occasionally successful, attempts in the past to extirpate particular

    religions - usually instigated by other religions - and unsuccessful attempts, as by

    communism last century, to extirpate all religion.

    It would seem from some of the pronouncements of religious advocates that the new atheists

    were contemplating exterminations on a similar scale. The puzzle is how this perception

    could have gained ground, especially in light of the facts mentioned in the opening paragraph,

    and the relatively anodyne temper of the new atheism, historically speaking.

    Let me consider a few examples. Recently, many senior clerics in sermons and articles have

    been deploring the growth in atheism and drawing explicit connections between this (alleged)

    development, atheist literary and promotional activities (such as last year's Global Atheist

    Convention) and the "godless" activities of Nazis and Communists last century.

    Commentators such as The Age's Barney Zwartz are worrying about "the rise of a radical

    secularism" which argues "that religion must be expunged from public life."

    Cardinal George Pell wasreportedas complaining about "a global campaign of bullying and

    intimidation by secular groups trying to drive Christians from public debate and stop

    churches providing schools, hospitals and welfare ... 'No one in the West today would suggest

    that criticism of Christianity should be outlawed'," he opined generously, but some secularists

    wanted a one-way street, and sought to drive Christianity from the public square. "Modern

    liberalism," he concluded, "has strong totalitarian tendencies."

    The first time I noticed this putative existential threat to religion was in a widely quoted andrepublishedreviewby the distinguished law professor and Jesuit Father Frank Brennan. This

    article influenced the tenor of much of the local reaction to the new atheism - its language can

    be heard echoing in the articles by Zwartz, Pell and many others - so it still seems befitting to

    examine it.

    Brennan's immediate targets were "the antireligious rantings" of Christopher Hitchens,

    Michel Onfray and myself - although Richard Dawkins as usual received the worst drubbing.

    "Dawkins and his ilk think religious belief of any kind is meaningless, infantile and

    demeaning, so nothing is lost by agitating in the most illiberal way for the suppression of all

    religion and not just religious extremism which causes harm to others ... The successfulmarketing of The God Delusion has now unleashed a steady flow of anti-religious rantings
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    from intelligent authors who have thrown respect for the other and careful argument to the

    wind, staking bold claims for the destruction of religion. Instead of proposing strategies for

    weeding out religious fundamentalists who pose a threat to the freedom, dignity and rights of

    others, these authors are proposing a scorched earth policy of killing off all religion."

    What struck me at once is that none of the books about which the review is so scathing, norany of the kindred atheist sorties that I have read (and I've read a few), are in a critical respect

    accurately described.

    None of them engage in anything remotely akin to "agitating in the most illiberal way for the

    suppression of all religion," staking a claim "for the destruction of religion" or "proposing a

    scorched earth policy of killing off all religion."

    Note the hysterical idiom: "suppression," "destruction," "killing," "scorched earth policy."

    Most contemporary atheists do believe that religion is pernicious and that the world would be

    better off without it. But none of the literature that I have encountered recommends pogroms,

    shooting bishops, flaming religious institutions, suppressing religious expression, framingoppressive or discriminatory legislative measures or agitating for anything other than public

    discussion, intelligent analysis, decent education and a robustly secular state - a state in which

    all religions may co-exist but is neutral in regard to all of them.

    (Of course there are religious folk who believe that without a religious state religion itself

    will wither. And there are others who think that the current opposition to SRI, state-funded

    chaplains, and the tax-exempt status of religious institutions is a nefarious atheist conspiracy

    to destroy religion. They are wrong. As Max Wallace and others have shown there are

    rational economic, educational and welfare grounds underlying each of these challenges. In

    any case, Christians should perhaps reflect that there is nothing in the Gospels about Caeser

    being obliged to render unto them tax revenue.)

    Frank Brennan and his ilk fail to notice elementary distinctions. It is one thing to criticise or

    condemn religious institutions, practices and ideologies in the hope that the faithful will

    surrender their religion, which the new atheists do in buckets; but that is not the same as

    arguing or urging the suppression or extinction of religion, which is altogether different again

    from trying actively to suppress or eradicate them by murder, force, threat, or oppressive


    These are not subtle distinctions and it is a cause for wonder that Brennan and the others

    could overlook them.

    There was one instance where Brennan seemed to have a case. The French philosopher

    Michel Onfray, according to Brennan, "even denies equality of treatment in the public square

    to any religious believer," and he quotes thus from the The Atheist Manifesto:

    "Equality between the believing Jew and the philosopher who proceeds according to the

    hypothetico-deductive model? Equality between the believer and the thinker who

    deconstructs the manufacture of belief, the building of a myth, the creation of a fable?

    Equality between the Muslim and the scrupulous analyst? If we say yes to these questions,

    then let's stop thinking."

  • 7/29/2019 Do the New Atheists Want to Destroy Religion


    This looks bad for Onfray, for "equality" unqualified is likely to be read as "moral or legal or

    political equality," and Brennan milks the passage for all its worth.

    "What are we to do - start fighting? Do we not need to accord equality to all these persons in

    the public square of the free and democratic society, applying the same rules to each of them

    whether or not they are religious?"

    Well of course we should. But the curious thing is that there is no such passage in Onfrays'

    book. Here is what Onfray wrote:

    "Equality between the believing Jew - convinced that God promised his ancestors that they

    were his chosen people, in token of which he divided the sea, stopped the sun, etc. - and the

    philosopher who proceeds according to the hypothetico-deductive model? Equality between

    the believer - convinced that his hero, born of a virgin, crucified under Pontius Pilate, risen

    on the third day from the dead, and whiling his life away ever since sitting on the right hand

    of his father - and the thinker who deconstructs the manufacture of belief, the building of a

    myth, the creation of a fable? Equality between the Muslim - convinced that drinkingBeaujolais and eating pork roast disqualifies him from entering paradise ... - and the

    scrupulous analyst ... If we say yes to these questions, then let's stop thinking."

    Brennan abridged the passage and (inadvertently, I believe) converted what is clearly an

    epistemological frame of reference into a legal/political one.

    Onfray isn't considering equality in the public square at all, but equality on the plane of

    reason. He thinks that religious beliefs are absurd and violate accepted canons of evidence

    and inference. That view may be offensive, but it is not tantamount to advocating political

    inequality, banishment from the public square, or, as Brennan concludes, failure to

    "understand the rules for civil discourse and engagement in the post September 11 public


    What seems to disturb Brennan (and many others), and in part generates their hyperbolic

    language, is the manifest disrespect and disdain for religion flaunted by many of the new

    atheists. But is that really cause for alarm and surprise?

    Such disdain for religion is hardly new and has in fact always reached its apogee in contests

    between and within religions. Compared to the rhetoric that emerged from, say, the troubles

    in Ireland or from the sub-continent, the atheist critiques wouldn't bring a blush to a Sunday


    Besides, it is a wonderful feature of effective secular democracies that although citizens may

    consider their fellows fools, knaves, or sloths (as I consider the politicians and public

    opposed to taxing carbon, for example) they are not, by and large, disposed to "expunge" or

    "exclude" them from public life, let alone suppress or destroy their organisations. And the

    new atheists are nothing if not secular democrats.

    So how could Brennan and the others, of whom I have taken Brennan as representative, have

    managed to so exaggerate and misrepresent the atheist menace to religion?

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    Tamas Pataki is honorary senior fellow at the University of Melbourne and honorary fellow

    of Deakin University. His most recent book isAgainst Religion(Scribe, 2007), and he is a

    contributor toThe Australian Book of Atheism(Scribe, 2010).
