dlw europe - javascript tooling

Fabian Jakobs | 1&1 JavaScript Tooling Minimize, Lint & Co

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Presentation held at the webinale 08 in Karlsruhe. This talk gives an overview over JavaScript tools.


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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

JavaScript Tooling

Minimize, Lint & Co

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

About me

• Fabian Jakobs <[email protected]>

• JavaScript Framework developer at 1&1– Framework architect of the

Javascript GUI Framework qooxdoo

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1


• Professional tooling for JavaScript• Focus on larger JavaScript based applications• Will demonstrate the presented techniques on

a simple example application

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Example Program

• Performs „Filter-as-you-type“

• Separation of– Content (HTML)– Style (CSS)– Behavior (JavaScript)

• Uses qooxdoo DOM API• No qooxdoo GUI

application Demo

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Demo – Content

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Demo – Stylebody { background-color: #1D1D20; padding: 40px 20px; color: #BBBBBB; font: 11px "Lucida Grande", "sans-serif"; text-align: center;}

#searchContainer { position: absolute; background-color: #7389AE; width: 500px; margin: 20px 0px 0px -265px; padding: 15px; left: 50%; color: white; -moz-border-radius: 7px; -webkit-border-radius: 7px;}

h1 { color: #FFFFFF}

#result { margin: 20px; background-color: #1D1D20; padding: 20px; color: #BBBBBB; -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px;}

.match { font-weight: bold; color: #FACE8F;}

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Demo – Behavior

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Overview - Tools

• Linker• API documentation• Lint• Optimizer/Packer

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What is under the hood?






ShrinkSafeYUI Compressor


qooxdoo tools(Python JS parser)

JSLint(JavaScriptJS parser)

Syntax Tree

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1


• Detect dependencies between JavaScript fles• Sorted list of fles to include• Generate an optimized version of the


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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Linker – Motivation

• The dependency Graph of the demo

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Linker – Motivation

• Been there – done that

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Linker – Common Scenario

• Scenario– Use of a pre build version of the framework used– Manage include list of own JavaScript fles manually

• Problems– You always include the full framework even if only parts of it

are used– managing dependencies manually doesn't scale– Needs separate solution for deployment (combination of


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Linker - Solution

• Solution– (semi-) automatic detection of dependencies

• needs knowledge about the Framework

– Generation of loader scripts– Generation of „compiled“ application fles

• Implementations– dojo build system

• evaluates „dojo.require()“

– qooxdoo• „knows“ qooxdoo class defnitions

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Linker – Demo

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• Static code analysis– fnd common coding mistakes– enforce coding guidelines

• Especially useful in dynamic languages, where errors– often occur only at runtime– only under certain conditions– have strange side effects and are hard to fnd

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Lint – Can you fnd all errors?

• This code is full of– errors– bad JavaScript style

• Demonstrate two lint tools– JSLint by Douglas Crockford– ecmalint (part of qooxdoo)

• Other tools– JavaScript Lint– YUI packer (-v parameter)

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Lint – Ecmalint

• Finds– errors related to variable scope

• undefned variables• unused variables

– redefnition of map keys– deprecated methods (eval,

alert, ...)

• Part of qooxdoo

• Works with any JavaScript

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Lint – Ecmalint

Use of deprecated global identifier 'alert'

Use of undefined or global identifier 'i'

Unused identifier 'j'

Map key 'add' redefined

Use of undefined or global identifier 'xO'

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Lint – JSLint

• Checks for bad coding style• by Douglas Crockford

– “Will hurt your feelings”

• Reports– Missing semicolons– Unreachable code– Missing blocks– Many more

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Lint – JSLint

Missing semicolon.

Use '===' to compare with '0'.

Expected '{' and instead saw 'sum'.

Expected '{' and instead saw 'throw'.

Missing semicolon.

Unreachable 'return' after 'return'.

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Lint – Summary

• Lint tools can help fnding bugs early• Should be run regularly• Should be integrated into the build system

BUT: Cannot replace testing!

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API Documentation

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

API Documentation

• Generate API documentation• Most JavaScript Frameworks have API

documentation for their classes• Must understand the framework

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API Documentation – JSDoc

• Non framework tool• Uses JavaDoc like documentation comments• Only basic JavaScript OO features• Does not understand

– OO notation of most frameworks– OO notation of qooxdoo

• Generates boring static HTML :-)

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API Documentation – Demo

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• Optimize application for deployment– Compress fles

• Gzip• JavaScript compression

– Combine fles• Improves startup time• JavaScript, CSS, images

– Optimize/Obfuscate JavaScript

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Deploy – JavaScript PackerRemove comments

Remove white space

Rename local variables

safe Client performanceimpact

Dean Edward's Packer

yes yes yes yes negative (uses eval)

YUI Compressor

yes yes yes yes neutral

Dojo ShrinkSafe

yes yes yes yes neutral

Doulas Crockford's JSMin

yes yes no no neutral

qooxdoo generator.py

yes yes yes yes positive (string optimizer)

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Deploy – JavaScript Packer

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Deploy – JavaScript Packer• Remove local variables

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Fabian Jakobs | 1&1

Deploy – JavaScript Packer• Optimize strings

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Deploy – JavaScript Packer• Remove white space

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Packer – Demo

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Deploy - Further optimizations

• Rename private members– Needs framework knowledge

• Remove debugging code• Generate browser specifc builds• Inline HTML Templates

– Dojo inlines dijit template

• Combine images and CSS

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Links – Linker, integrated build systems

• dojo build system http://dojotoolkit.org/book/dojo-book-0-9/part-4-meta-dojo/package-system-and-custom-builds

• qooxdoo generator2 http://qooxdoo.org/documentation/general/generator2

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• API Documentation– JSDoc http://jsdoc.sourceforge.net/– dojo API viewer http://api.dojotoolkit.org/– ExtJS API viewer http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/ – qooxdoo API viewer http://api.qooxdoo.org/

• Lint– JSLint http://www.jslint.com/– JavaScript Lint http://www.javascriptlint.com/

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Links - Packer

• Dean Edward's Packer http://dean.edwards.name/packer/

• YUI Compressor http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/

• dojo ShrinkSafe http://dojotoolkit.org/docs/shrinksafe• JSMin http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html