dl. question. f. j. maw - library of congress

TT^'tmss « * -> Tt*~t £~ *%*. **s» *K% M .11 !»*:*.;,.£.>% . »A«.I . >. *...%. :iuu By Captain t. A. MITCHEL Copyright. 1892. by American Press Association „,;' ;> CHAPTER IE. fe ** * ' Fl.OATINU FOR t.f'Fft. M ARK had very little Idea tiow lonj? a lime would elapse tx»- fore It would he discovered that Sotirl tvas In his piare •nd hp bad wnped. It mipht be u few ininnt»»M. it mi^h! be half an hour, it ini^rhi possibly be out till morula# tton^h of this be bad little hope, fie ' toft.tneii (bill \rubui bail an Pour he . wmnu im* pursued hy bioiMltiouuds. lie tiiid t»een about ttie imvu enough to kuo.v il»e diivt iiou ot Jlie river ami •tarted toward it. lie was ut tiuine in :tbe water. uuJ di'leriuined tliui be ViMiiti th/t mresitiii to Hi d h bout. bin pltjn^t* In :ilid wvvwu tm tils lite The width <i£ ihe nvt'i m ("liuilari'iupi was «»U,Y JOWMII tbr«*e ijtiat 'H'rs OF a mile, and Mark <iul not regard this a ? ; real DFMUIICE. tor A SWIMMER >t»< e miu.-x the dop« v.utild liuve to pi If up I lie s.elil on the olho." S.iJf •lid il he sliouid permit the rurreni t<• eurry tiiiu fur di>\vn the stream the dhiliniify In doiUK ao would be greati v linreased. It was a soft siifii trior eveiitii-?. an;! the larger stars had a trendy begun in •bine. Casting a glance to the rijjii be saw a streak of lUrbt over Mission •ry ridge and knew that before lout: fee would I H> al a disadvantage fn»m the rising of M full moon, tie waikeu briskly whenever auy person was in Sight. and when lie thought that be Was unobserved he ran. No oue of the lew people who passed Hie RtruppinK u^K' n irirl. t\tu»e ta< e Was hidden wiiljin the blue ctieeU sun bOD net. dreuoietl thai u to ion soldier Was passing; that the sin Hold was be lug (iieaietl; that u messenger with the swrei of one of the uiost impor- tant moves any Confederate general bad made or was destined to (unite during lhe war was on his way north to tlie person of the negro womau hurrying on toward the river. He sped onward, naming and walk- tDg briskly alternately, till he came to place where a board fence was cap- fed by a narrow strip, lie mounted ft and walked as far as the fence ex- tended, perhaps a hundred yards, hop- ing by Ibis means to throw the 'Intjs •ff the scent for a few minute*. and *bus gain a little time Then he jump- -«d down and hurried forward. A man ^passed and ealled to Uiut. but be paid no attention to the call, and the man Blood iookintr afier him. doubtless sus- pecting that the gu'i was u runaway - slave. Al last the grateful sigfet of the river met hia gaze. It cheered liiin and fieeimd to beckon him on to rest upon its bosotu. or, as an alternative with the dreadful tragedy of the niorniag, Jo find oblivion beneath its surface. Be stood for a moment beaeatb a low clump of trees on the bank listen- ing and looting up and down tbe riv- *r. A boat was passing, and be felt it •aacensary to wait for it to go by. He lost flv# minutes, but it seemed baif mm boar. Then taking off bis dress •nd aboes and bonnet be put tbe dress and tb« afeoaa in tbe bonnet and tied tb« atrtonB around bis neck, resting tba bundle on bla back, doing down tb* margin. and agsla lUtening a Mamant to maka sura be was not ob- •arrad. ba wadad out aa far as ba KMM toocb bottoos, $ad tban began to AM It was addaummar ba bad ex- Hetad to dad tbe water warn. Bis Bpertatlone ware raaiUed to a raa- jeMble dagreo. aad be Celt tbat be MM rawala In It a long while wttb- m* batag ebUSed. Bis plan was to Irtft down a considerable dlatance. il mlgbt bo exported to a win acrosa aa rapidly as be could, and tbe rtir- *ttt la tbis CMS would land bin per- bapo a mile below tbe town. These wbo woold follow blm with doga IMM dodbtltaa track bltn to tbe rtr- er Mbfgto. tbas take tbe doga across «sd eadeaeor to pick op tbe arent •acbe dtetaace below on tbe other side. Mark bsCuvlibfd aU tbeee eirrum- stSAeaa. wad determined to drift down •» far aa poarible. toad at the moutb •f a reek If be could Bod one. enter it and *wim or walk op it in tbe wa- ter. tban rendering it difficult for the dogs to track him. He awam alowly till be reached the middle of tbe river; tbeo. floating with sean-ely any motion of hla bands and Jwt. be permitted himaeif to drift c ,0ma with tbe current. A favorite ' \ brltb blm. wben a boy. of resting tbe water, bad been to float on nts (Tnmtndful of tbe wetting be glee tbe dotbes tied around bis bi> UMind over and drifted wlta beside blm. bla eyes »« »e sky. fpMkMi oa bis back be could |0iH .Mptfd St tbe stars. Thi»iv mtfm dadw Above blm span- ^arttb pyvfada of bright points I by tbe "milky way He beea fond of the «*ar* ts^ert bia mind pi< n»ti and rnn-wi » VRUB WBU b I»E-W»IK dlvertwi n.> *bb oervdi berame <tuite mtddemy It M| eery to fmb m m* * II •K»'(„llpi Kiibbt Bo tiMaaid^ii. en'fy could h<*ar m«»re PTfid^ntiy there was a pack. They drew nearer Th.-n they censed for awhil<». 1'er Imps they imd come to the p'm - ** where he had walked on the fen<*e. Then the bnrk3 began again, prrowing ontv slightly lotidor as they en me. for Mark was floating rapidly from the point where he had entered the river. He involuntarily turned over on his chest and struck out lustily. The cur lent was swift; swimming would not add to hi* safety—it would only tax bis strength and render him more liable to recapture on the other shore But swim he must. With tbe terrible sound of those dogs in his ears he Could not lie idly on the water and leave the current to bear him onward Soon there rnme another cessation of sound from the dogs far above on the shore, and Mark judged that they bad lost the scent at the place where be had entered the water. Then he h«*gnn to think of Souri and Jakev. What had they done to Sourt when they had discovered aer iri' k. Would they punish ber? Would they treat the boy harshly ; fie was com fortod Willi the thought that there wouid hp nothing gained by this it would not tiring the prisoner barR but tie il.uttered a prayer tor the gtri A lio Ulld p!a< ed liei>e>t hemml Hkssh prhon bnr«, wlin n.ni ;m" rage of bis jailers to suvt ti.j.i. lie heard no mure of the di>g«! anu floated oil, swimming and rental-: at ternaiely. The high bluffs ot .Momi fin point were belore niru on his right An mtfi on their miimint. watching th<» rising moon, oceasionaii.v gave a dl^ inai hoot, the intervals being supplied by the melancholy whippoorwill. The current bore bun ou around the point, carrying him in near the shore where he had passed tbe picket with the sleeping J a key in his arms a tf»w nights before. So close was he that be could see a man walking back and forth on the very beat ot the one he had passed. As be drifted away hr saw the relief approach and tbe picket etiuugod. Jin ba-coJiTijrrto.l Corona N G. Anderson was a Miibank call- er Friday. Mrs. Wallace Deuel and son Ira were shoppiug at Miibank Saturday. G, A. Leibenstein, macaper of the MeGowan Lumber company, was up from Milhatik ou business Friday. A sleighiug purtv of young folk; 1 drove nut, to anend the evening at the home of Hero Jolin, Tuesday. P. E. Kohler was dnwn afc Miibank transacting business Friday. Miss Esther Liebinar was havii g dental work done at Miibank Friday. Mr. John Ehrle wa-» transacting business at Sisseton Thursday and Friday. Dr. Prouty returned from St. Paul Saturday Mr. B. C. Blood of Milbaok was visiting wiib bis eon Monday. The roemnerfi of the Junior league were entertained at tie Lambert hume Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Obas. Ferber were at Miibank Saturday. Wm. Buttke transacted business at Peever between trains Tuesday. Miss Emma Schafer came up from Miibank baturda? to visit her sister Mr*, llass. Chester Maine came down from Wil- mrn Wednesday and will visit at the Hill home. Misb Cora Humphner went to Sisse- ton Wednesday to spend Thanksgiv- ing at home. Mrs. Gilmore left for Baocock last Monday where •he will visit her daugh- ter Mrs.R. B Ebrle. George Thomas came up on tele- phone husiness Tuesday for tbe Dako- ta Cential. i The many fr.endg of Thomas Lough ery and tamilv will Le pleased tohear that they are convalescing from there recent illness. Our litle village can now bf»ast of having a suntie-e salute. Jchnie with his gun tires, and one less cotton- tail is in our midst. I'm airald our liitle blue ribbon one will go next. "Leave it for us.'' An English Union Sunday School was organized last Sunday with Miss Jessie Stewart as auperintendant. Miss Stewart deserves much credit for the undertaking and everyone should become interested and help make it a success Sundays at 3. P. M. Twin Brooks The rural mail carriers are certain- ly more than earniug their salaries these days. A thanksgiving program was given in the school by the pupils Wednes- day afternoon. Knuie Wufelin has beeu home tor a few days. Some of the trappers are complain- ing that their traps are being stolen. Paul TEMPER, HARVEY Fenner and Eiuii Woitifc have joined the A. O. U. W . Ktuery Ho-ner turned from ('ana da lacl vtM k. fch: wil - p-nd the WIL* u r St Summit. Claude tud his family aie hi {imio health. Wui.'Biuiutnond left for his home at Uutfd.o L'tivu, .Vliun., oil Wednes- day eveuin. t i -.pend the holidays. Herman L-ud. r was iu town Tues- d ay» Mrs. Fred Bohu, of Milbaok, has been visiting with her eon. ttiubard Bohu oufiug the week. I'hil Fritchler, the «»perator, receiv- ed word Saturday evening 1 that ht* «i!-ter, wiiuse imine is near Clinton, Iowa, was not expected to live, *ud he left for that place at once. Will Schmidt visited with tiff broth* er August over Sunday. Chas. Chavet is at Peever, buying hay for the Bag ley elevator. Dedicate Lutheran Church. The Big Stone Headlight gives the following history of the new church •ear the state liue that was dedicated la*t Sunday, and of which Rev. Geo. Kaso is pastor: The new St. Johannes society is composed of families from the old Lake Albert congregation, aud fanii- liee along the date line formerly con- nected with the Yellowbankc >njrrega- tion. Thev have a t-chool building adjoining the new ehureh, which is on the uortheast corner of section 8 in ea*t Alban. The new church is 32x02. with 20 foot posts, and has a handsome spire, 65 feet above the ground. It is heat- ; ed by furnace and lighted by ga», and is 1 equipped with gallery, pulpit and all necessary furnishings. l'be officers of the church are as follow^: Directors: August Miller, Louis Sctil-iwaudt, Carl Stiube, Cari Katuiu, secreiaiy, and Paul PiuKert. treasurer. Trustees, Carl Strube, August Strube and Herman Zeuapel. The building ooinuiittce, wuich h&s completed its importHut work., was Paul Pinkert, Herman Freiwald and Carl Stiube. The total co»t of the building is about $5,000, and the entire sum has been raised or provided for. The erection of so hand^-me a church by a comparatively small congregation in a rather light crop jear, is acred- it to those who have had the matter in charge, and they are to be congrat- ulated on the succes-, of their efforts and upon the possession of so beauti- ful and substantial a church home. Marvin Ed. N. Meyers was calling on our friends here Sunday Harry Hocum stopped off at Marvin Saturday soliciting orders for Loose- Wilea Biscuit Co. James and Dick Mace arrived home Thuraday from Weyburn, Canada, where they have been during the sum- mer The Misses Adelaide and Irene Wil liams departed for Miibank Friday for a lew day s visit with relatives Mrs. Ole Olson entertained a large crowd of tbe ladies aid society Thurs- day. Five o'clock dinner was served. Mrs. H. C. Bachelder was a vi il- bank visitor between trains Saturday Carl Lindgren came up from Mil- bank to visit at bis home here for a week. Master Warren Shisier entertained a few of his little playmates Wednes- day at a birthday party Fred JoraDger was at Summit be- tween train Monday Frank L. Nelson came up from Mil- bank Saturday to spend Sunday with bis family A large number of young people from here attended the dance at Sum- mit Tuesday evening. All report a good time Steve Kane was at Ortley Tuesday. Tbe Misses Myrtle and Ethel Mc- Wattrs el Auillank attended the dance here Monday evening Tbe stoi my weather that prevailed Mcrday night was a dissappointment to Stenarlh Orchestra as there was net encveh people to pay them to pro (reed wiih Ihe music Nevertheless ihe young people remained and our local orchestra was called in and an enjoyable time reported Miss Josie Jenson went to her home at Summit Wednesday to upend J*r Thanksgiving vacation Adulterated and Mis^randsd Food and Drug Products and Linseed Oil I, Alfred N. Cook, Food and Drug Commissioner for South Dakota, do hereby certify that the list of 58 food and drug products and linseed oil herein specified l ave been analysed or examined during the three months proceeding October 1st, 1911, and, in my opinion, the same are adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the statute, as shown in each individ- ual case. I further affirm that this is a true and correct list to the best of my knowledge. Over 300 other foods and drugs were analyzed by the chemists of the department which were found to be pure. ALFRED N. COOK Food and Drug Commissioner Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November. 1911 J. M. OTTERNESS [SEAL] Notary Public ADULTEBATbO . ANU MIIsBltANDED P.:ODt CT8. 10-1314* Hoilt d hnaefd oil. Central Linseed on Co., Omabtt, Neb. Adimer<u«MJ in tbat it computed to » in ire of mineml oil vloi>fl> ikiu <o mttrblue oil. 1154 rtttiiMnl 1<». Manufactured by John Tro->«r, D«IT<lw.tod, S. l>.. Adu lent ted id tbat it con la In* putrid niiiuial or tt<geoo>l«* umtier. 11-4U. Natural ic«*. Sold by W. H. Butler, Lead, s. I>. A(iiiiter»t»-d in tuat it contaiue putrid unimal <>r V«*K< cable miner. 11-53. Natural ire. Soid Hy E. C. Covert Ici* Co., bead *uo(l, 8. D .i>u I it-rated in that it contaiuA putrid auimal or ve^etttoie matter. II 40. Natural ice. Sold hy Preabo Ice Co., Prrabo, 8. O. Adm ernt>-d in tb»r it contains tiutrid animal or vt-wtahlf mutter. it 55. Natural ice. Niihoif I e Co., bead- wood, 8.1). Adult< rHt>-ii mi ihit it conton- putnd animal or vegetable winter ll-ni. Natural ic<* from Vet million r.ver, Ver- iniili>>n. S. 1>., mc|iilt<-rnt*-<l in that itcoitaina putrid anlntnl or vejetnble mnto-r The ice uy k ve due not ire i hat i heir ice was t. he Uird Olib for C'X'linv purp. eet>. Ii'it one ho- tel, one reetaumiit -mi >i>e bo >rdiug h<mBe were found »•» tie iiaii t; rhe aame iu fi od. and notice waa itiven ilitm to ceaa**. 11 l-i6 Turn* o rut-in., Snyder 1 * brtnd. T. A. iivder Hresi tve Co., C'ii cinnatl, Ohio. \du]t*'ra | «'d in h t it ie lonipoeed in part ot t-poli'd mm, rial. 11 17i T mat*i t'atsun. Submitted by Paiis Si lirant M^r-mtiit! ,;o.. Hut' to«n. 8. D., to deiero ine wlieth* r 11 c tame I.^hI. Adul- t-raled In tint it is <-oin inseil in p*rt of spoiled MNTERI'IL. It 175. Tni^atoeatsno " Vewport brans. The •tereev I'N' knis '• .. ' 'oiriuna' . h>o , adulter aied ii tbn it i> c inii >•«•< ii. |,wri of spoiieJ m itprml II 178, T mat» "'afenp, Tt<>% h| Hed Brand The Kr»«|. r wk g «• ., Klw , ./I. ,nd. Adul- ter tec* IN iliHt. it in < <>nic H-dir. p.rt of spoiled maiTal. tl-8it.». T.im»t" <'» »no l.ihbyV, Libby, M"Neiil and r-hv, Cbicae >. Hi. Adnltented In that it is «n]»o ed io j»"rt .polled nutex- 11-94. Ham aurtcer SAUSAGE. F. M. Ramadeil , Fauikion, 6. Adulterated iii that it CI'IITAIN* A PR. ^ERVNUVE thai is to be deleiei . '... tie t<I BFCTILIH, whlcta WAS aoded ID ibe foim »f i - RVT-Z*II-H.ILO UI tureii lij . lt . 11, LLI r ICO., C;HI( AGO. Kiiie<! FIN aud <ons. LILS. Ilaiiiiiiiig - r I-AU-ATFE. CHRIS Eymaiin , Ueit >«-BUI'R S. 1J. ADI LTNI.I.D M IHI.T 1 coi .- ta UE H preservative well KNOWN to tie drleter - IOI.S to tieaiih , whii -H was ADUEII in the form <if FN I'TE EN , III'.I. ulaiturt <I I>> H TELLER & Co . T ' hicaifo, 11. Kiueo $10 M <1 costr . U-'IH lihintiurget HI.UTN^E. L<>ois Bauch , Sioux " KALLF, S. I>. Mr . BUUCB pleaded GUILTY to HDDIIN; INIIIX to taueaio, aiidwat-FL ed $15 niid C IETW. On »UD»»*<JIIEOT EXAMINATION ihe SHNEA^S WIN tonud to I onian ] a sulphite well known to be DELETERIOUS to health . No borax was fouud I L-ttl _ HAUL BURNER ('• I. >ok, S OHX .-' alls S D. ADITLU r&ND in bat it LONUM*. A I recer v * tlve W 'LIK INWN to oe DELETERIOUS to hi - alth, which was addrd in the form of Kreeze- Km. nirtutifacttired ny B llell . r & Co . '" hit ajju. 111. Thio WAS Mr . I. ook' s second offense , for which HE WH- tineii $10. JI HFI. iiain : inri ; er SAU*»I;E. W. II. Beio , Dell Hap 09, S. 1) Adulterated in that it coir AM* a IIRES native WE I kioiwn to be DELETE!I<• na thealth, which wa» added R the form of Freeze - EUI, nianntai tnred HJ B Heller & Co., Chicago , 111. VI r . Beto wa » flneil 113! Hamburger MINTAGE E. G. Kremer , Armour , S. D. Adtilteiated in that it CONTAIN a pre - ervative well kn . wn to lie deieUriotin io HEAITLI, which «»« IDDERT In the form of Freeze - Km, manufactured b) B. lleller JT Co., < HICNK'J, M. 11-32. Bologna SANSNEE E. <». Kremer . AR- m>T-. r, S. it. Adulorit 'D iii that it contains hora *. 150 pounds of tin * *ALL«•^K' , ' WNN caused to be desi . oy - d it . tile pieernte of lh< ii epecior . LL-I-W. IL. mbnriier eam«agt. RT-ihi -I n & Kliiikhammer , Mit H' ll, S. AOUT' eiatr- d in t lint II I "IIT-I II* a pr . NEI >I,TNE WI II H NI.W n TO HE deleterious to lieiith , whirh wa addeii in ihe lor ' il of FI eeze K HI . tlliide liy Uellt I & T o .. T' hl i-TTT!.. III. !• 11 I d F-W.35 I 1 -4T:> IL'OIIIIUR^ER*ITI^!'!,'« KLIRN I K sak, Miichell. S. I', SOD »t a tutich co .. t> r III a sxloo . <' iaim<F! to have B T.|, |, a-. RI ot B. B Unt ie, SIOUX City IOWH. Aflnl»> rHie. TTILII t it , coctiii . rd » tiie ^ eivative W.|. KN«.V n to tie DETETERIOUM to health . MR KLI'EAIEMR KOFFLK iv «re FI icil ''. t > ' t ' ne in « pet * n » r eau - ed I II<- un «<«( ' us to HE shipped h«tk t " the maim- F». till ' 11-;!! I. II IMI-NR-JER «HNSASE Manufactiirn nnk v*!. - ol <t on t b* STREETS of Union ditrina the St o l"-T. Adulterated in thai it conta no H preservative W 11 known to i e deli ' erions to henltl , 11-:!'.I6. H-imhrircer *a'i«»i»rt. Manuf»cnirea tin known. Sold on rhe stre«»!8of H'lrim duriinf the St ite Fair. Adnl'e-ati»<i in that it coiitairis a |ire»-rvative well known to be deleterious to to-ali h 11-^D". Hemb' trg R«^ !«IWE. MNNNF*ETUR<'S un - KNOWN. SOLD or> the ETI»RI R OF II urnti dnrlnjr T.:e St it,'- H"*lr Adulterated IN that I eoiitain A ore eervatixe well known to he DEI^trrioiis to HEALTH II 17 I' ork and Teal sail * A-JE T'R\ Meat Mark T, Phillip. S. L». Ad iiteiated tn that It rontatn * a pfe *>- rvat I ve well KNOWN to ba dsleterloo * to HEALTH F tiedJilO and costs I - I-'I7 Vent M. E. Creed. Preahn . S. D TFINND to he » ellinij tlHhy meat HIED FILL and cr»P»S 10-KSJ L. emoB Kxtraet Pure II- tnon sod* water flavor L'LDWIU Sahlni - ter Co.. Milwaukee , Wis . Adulterated in tt >at It contaii . s no lemon oil 10 HV2 LEMON Kxtraet Superior brand Pa*, ton AGSLSTNEI Co., Omaha , Adulterated I. ow in lemon oiI 10-1-287 L.' ini * Rx ' ract DeLlsaer ' a soda wat - er flavor I' eLisser Jt Co NEW York Adulter ated in thai it contains « uly a truce of lemon oil 10-419 Trnttfttinn Lemon flavor . Owl brand Mi I' ifactnrsr unkuowa . HOLD by * merchant in Mitchell , S D. ' lalnia t > U- train ' emon oi \ hnt anaUsis frovee it to I,* «I tuely sbeent . 11 -.'T Compouna FLAVOR of lemoti «MI coral . Nickle Plate brat D. BLUE lieli Medicine Co . W ATERTOW", S. D. AduIterated in that it is low in lemon oil 11 IS CEMUVNND van ' lln , TONKA, vanillin AN'L <*ouni rin N ckle Plats brand The Ptlue Beli \1 edieine Co ., WATERTNW T:. S. I).. Adulternterl in THHT it c •I.- ts ' ns lint a MERE tr c of vanilla and misbranded a * to the ulrohol 'C, content 11211 Arf 'FIOI' il st r<I wrl <ei I » flavor N' rkle PI >te br - oid The BIN,' Hell MEILII ine CO., Watertown S. F). M ie ^ randed as to the alcoholic rontt nt . 10-104 Lemon EXTRACT Monarch hrar .RI RIPI', Mnrd - ick CHLIAJO, 111. Miah - anded in th it TH" label EN the caitoon clninis that the product IF* the strtinceat , pur <- sl and hest , w here- (II)HLYSIS N veals t imt «IURI product WPF NEITHER the HTRIMMEST, M- r TLIE T>#-ST. AIR. O . J. HAT HHU R, Mitchell ,S I)., having HA I previous noiire to discontinue the a >ile ot Hi ,1 urti ' le , and faiMtir to COMPLY with the iffjnest of the C' oinnil - sione* vva * tlned J15 and co - ts 11 131 Strawi erry extract BL- ick Hawk Cr>f- fe JT Spice Co .. Waterloo Iowa . Misbranded in th .- it it is an imit ' ition strawber 'Y extract '. and not genuine 11 90 Flour . Sold by Tollerton <FC Warfleid , wholesalers . Sioux City . Iowa YIEL' ist -RBD in that it is not labeled for tlie MIME of the Stite WHER* M• tinfiic. URED. 1132 UO*ALINE Berlinyer KOAERVIRNNII-PA'/E. B Heller JFC Co ., ChiCaiT", III \ pre « er < at I ve and color DE<|I>N»ted to he used bv hntcherf . Adulterated in that , it contains a I>r* eervative «•: II known to HE delete ioue T-I health The S;ITI»II'E found CONT 11 ninsr I his pri "- erviiti ve- was dest'0\ed ill tlie PRESENCE of HO- IISP (for 11-:5-'."I KIIL' lich W aliuit " T. A P. CASH Gro - cery . MTTI-he I S. I). Adnl er «ted in that a LARUE per CENT of hem ARE spoiled 10 1 i'i-i W'LI-at Flou <;I- iimedto he the Bon Ton brand , man u fact II red UV the » utrar <' nv Cer eal V lllf , N rfoik , eh. Adulti IAT d in thai it , is blenched , which bleached flmir CONTAINS an added substance , claimed by the United States Depart me lit ot Acrii ultureto be deleterious to health 11178 Vinegar SUBMITTED by D. P. Slichter , Armour , F». D to determine if it was legal . Adul - erhteo in that it contains rsin water 10-1182 llMtilled W. iter M tonfa ^tnred by the Sioux F-TLLS WATER I>I-«11111ntjo., Sioux L- alls. 8 D. Adulterati A iu thtt it contains considerable dis -»- iived S lids ann organic matter 10-1181 Distilled water . John II Schnneman Pharmacy , S oux Falls , S. I). dul erated in that it is HIIFHU charted with minerals . It ap- pears to be ordinary well water 11-164 Strawherrv pop tlawkeye brand. Cbeeterman Co.. Sioux Oi y . Iowa Misbranded in »ha tbe flavor ie artificial and not ao atated on the la> 11 11 185 Strawberry pop. P. Binder A Sons, Yankioa, 8. D. Adulterated in tbat it contains sacharln , an artificial sweetener known to be da terl '>ua to health 11188 Root beer P. Binder & S »ne , Yankton 8. 1). Adulterated with saccn - trin , a suosiance known to BE deleterious to health 11187 Creim Soda pop P. Binder <FC Sons, Tankton. S. I). Adulterated with saccharin. Fin ed $10 and costs . 11 813. C' ream aods pop. F. W. Lane, Hlonx City, I iwa, Adulterated with saccharin, an artificial aweetener known to be deleterlona to beal b 11-354 Strawberry pop P. W. Lane, Sionx City , LOWS Adulterated with eaccbarin 11 8M Lemon 8< da pop Manufactured BY P. W. Lane, ionx city . Iowa . Sold by P. P. Bull , KRAI o ' the Murpliv News Sysiean Adulterated witt < saccharin . Mr . Bull was fined $15 11-335 Lemon aoda pop Tsndall Bottline Works Tyndal S. D Puiind to contain atcciiar in. an artificial aweetener known to be dele - terious io bealib 11-336 Koot beer. Tyndall Bottling Works , Tytid-TLL.S. D. Adaltcraied with aacccharin 11-317 Orangeade Tvndali Hottlins Works. Tyndal , S. II. Adulterated with saccharin The proprietor has been cited F->r a hearing 11-825. Strawberry pop. Richlai - d Bottling Work *. Hichland ,S D Vllsbr nded In that It ta not labeled for artlflrial flavor and olor 11-'288 Uitiuer al -. CH ppewa brand . ITI ttled t Chippewa Falls , Wis . Sold by L. T. Dunning Nioux rails , S D. Misbranded in tbat it ia claimed to BE prepa ed from the pureat water in the world . U-3A5 Kggs Sold by Christian Weller, Eure- ka , S. D. Adulterated in that , they were com- posed in Dart of decomp >sed animal matt « r . Fined $10 and co » ts LL- 2ti6 Egga Kept for sale by Charles Rigter , Eureka, R. D. Adulterated in that thev were composed in part of decomposed animal matter . Fined $5. and costs 11-167 Eggs Sold B> John HofT, <> nterpoint, FL. D. Adulierated in that they were composed In part of decomposed animal matter Fined |B and coat a JS Dee 1 N OTICE OF FINM ^FTTT EMKKT OF AO COL VT A DL -TIT II b I ION OF KisTATE Stat - of South Dakota I County of (* r<- it ) IT* COCSTY COUKT In th » tnaner of thee * tate of I Lars P. Chris en *. in , Deceased J NOTICE Notice is hereby GIVEN that, HAGGEU Jacobson, adtiiHiiatrafor of . B-'E-TATRT of I.AIX F Chrieteii - aon , deceased , has piesented to and filed with thie- Couit , his flaal ituiint and report of his adrn inistratioti of raid estate and st ,, tiuif therein thai said estate is ready for final sen lenient and dis 1 ribution , and that Monday , the llth day ofV«< emher , A.I)., L!IIL, at the hour of two o ' clock LU the afternoon nf that day , at the CO'irt Hoi M of said Conrt in the City of M,e btnk. County of Grant , aud State of S nth Da- kois, have been appointed HS the time and plnce for A settlement of said account AND report ar d for hearing said pettition for distribuiion of said estate. Dated at Miibank, tirant County , South Dako- ta , this ' 21st day of November , A. I). 1911 Grant County Conrt By the Conrt [*«*I] S. S. LOCKIIART . Judge of THE County Court Nov 85 Dee. 8 N OTICH W TILART!«0 PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION State of South Dakota \ UA County ot Grant J INC'OUKTT CoD*T In the matter >f the estate of > JEFF'-rson D. Skintier , Deceased J NOTICR The Stats of S ittth T»NKOTA fends greeting to Kva M . Bork . J "S« ie W. Skinner . Frank A Skin ncr , L. vnn A. Skinner >oid KNOEA M. Skin tier , helr « >>t law of leffersori L», - Skinner , dec,-N>ed. Yon and each of on a- e hereiiv notiflid that Kinnit M. skinner has filed in the County Const of Grant I .. lilt ', SIF. tc if S.M' li .L- otn, LER pt titi 'II -SK'N^' th -1 she he appoint d adnnnis - IT FITRIX of THE EN ate of .REFF. R«NI D. SK inner , de - ceased,AND tfiat said petil <ott has been set for hearing A « RI SF<IL r term of I iid Con^T to IN held st rhe <, flice IF Coniity .LUEP. N the Cit > NF Miibank In said Connty on the 11th RIAY O D<- celliber , A D., 1911, Ht the hour Of two II'C.IH k P. M. D*:tpd at Milbnt k. s. Tl . November 50.1911 mnt Coin tv Conn I S' AT. I S, S. LOCK HART Thad I . Ful : er County Judge Attorney for P- titlonet Miibank,5. D. City Meat M arket Keepa a variety of ll.e freulxss* vegetables to be had, ami mukev a specialty of Home Mud* A ehi ii'e litiP. of M^ats always oa hand, including' Sliced 11am, Sum- mer Sausage, L)ried Beef unci Uaa- netl Goods. Markets Im Milbaok and TwU Brooks. Fred W Meyers Dr. G. O. Goorimsiii, DENTIST & DKNTAL SUKGKOM MILBANH, S. I). Offleela Farmer s Rank Building. Paone:(>rauc Coant|f"H«il Dr. Frttttk Mil(elH(«M»dl Dentist Office over Poll's Hardware Store, Mi)batik. Pimm; 188 Xov. 10 Dee. 15 Ul-ICE OF REAL ESTATE MOUlGAGb. N UI ICE I Sa LK. Default htvirg been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, «-ont«inii g H power of sale, made, executed and delivered by The Mtrouee ton C.. «.p» rative Creamery Associaiioii, <d Str nseti n, Somh Dakota, uioitnaaor, to K . J . Schafer, of Shehoywan, Wisconsin, mortgagee, besitng date Mar<h UH, Irtih, and rtcoided in the oflice of ths regt»tei of dcetis lor Gri nt County, Sont.h Dakota, on the tb day of May, I9(i8, at •tie o'clock P. in Boi-k l! 1 of Mortgages, at page «0, which mortsace was (jiven to at cure a certain promissory note for jb'.'l.Kfi with Interest at ten per cent per antinm, payable annually, which note bears even date with said inoitg«ge, which mortgagee the followli tr described real estate sitnati tm»1he Contity of (irant .ind State of south l>akot», to-w It: A tract of one half acre ni the northwest quarter of sertiun twenty- four (H) in township one hundred and twentj ('1:201 north of janj/e fifty twowest of the fifth principal nier'ilinti in the S sseron nt.d Wahpe- inti Indian Reservation, beginning at a po nt nil the west line of said section seven hundred (700^ feet muth of the iicrthwewt c rner of said sec tioi , tliei ct five (5) r dw fust, then< c sixteen (Hi) fifis soiiih, thence live {f> > rods w est, thence sixteen (1K) r ids north to the point of beginning. That >4 d n ite and moilga^e became due nn>1 piyable npon the defnuit of said niortirairor to pay the inti-re-t when due and keep the said property insure d -s provided in said mortise or pay rhe ;axes deiii.ftuei-t thereon, and that there is d LIE nd puMihle at. i he date i.f th<s no- t'ce'he»tim of $7<t-<. 10: that nn nciii n or pro- rending at law, or otherwise, ha- been instituted to recover the debt secured by said nioitjfage, or any part thereof. Notice is hereby given that said mort^Mre will he foreclosed by ihe enle of he lands above de- scribed, i>> ihe sheriff of caul Grant County,or his deputv, on Saturday, the twentv third dav of Dcci mher A D. lrtl!, at the hour of two o'clock 1*. M . at the front door of tt e Coint House, in the Citv of Milb'.nfc, in the C' llM v of Grant and Mate of >outh Dakota, to sat isfy the above 'n- d-btedness, prtiicipal, inieiest. costs, and do- biirsetiiente. besides an nttoruev'e fee of 1 Wenly five dollars "Mowed by law. Dated »t Milba k. South Dakota, this 9;h day of November A. D. mil. N. .J. SI MARRB, -Mortgagee. S, S. Lockhart Attorney for Morteagee. Miibank, South Dakota. S. 8. LIM'KIIII RT, L^AW, Laud, IIJMH aoee, Surety Ilnttds Office tivi r Fai nc rs Bauk I'lioue Miibank, - So. Dak. Thad L. Fuller LAWYBK Practice in all Courts (Both Phones— lilt-. MILBANK SO.DAKOTA Dr. si. A. Jacotel, PHYMCIAN AMUSUIUJEON : Office over Farmers Bank— rot n<s l,t aed Residence—First ho'.ise north of court hons*. Phones— D,C.,0«Ce.M2,reatdenct 33-4; Kara, era,41. MILBAN& «0. DAKOTA I, J. MORRISEY, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Bask B'ldg GRANT 00U Nf I PHONE ALBEE, - BOUTH DAKOTA MONEY TO LOAN On farm lanaeat loweat rates and upon eaay terma. :• Gold & rompiiny BIG STONB CITY, K. DAKOTA For terma, etc, call upoa Ttios. I, Bouck, Miibank George S. Hix, ATTOKNKY AT LAW Lands, Loans and C>ollectioBt, Both I'hnnea, tlentley Block VlLBAMa «O.OA»ITA I, W. S. Nixon, County Auditor of Grant County, South Dakota, hereby certify that the above ig a true and correct copy of the list of adulter ated and misbranded products as cer- tified to me by A'fred N. Cook, Food add Drug Commissioner Dated at Miibank, South Dakota) this 23rd day of November 1911. W. S NIXON [SEAL] County Auditor milmnli Mttmcts Wheat, No. 1 .... , Wheat No. 2 Wheat N<». 3 ..... lol Velvet Chaff ........ Mac» p oni Plaz O A T G . . , h; w > I: 1/ -F-. >:• R V . ' , " J " > I ! v I ji'i t ' f i 4 ^ * K I* ''•* y J*, N ^ ^ ^ ^A X »,5 " ,-RA- ^ < W •" . ..... 91 88 .......... 83 ••. 89 ........ 85 1 75 38 •»«TO M * i BhFocai News! DR. P.J. MAW, MILBANK, S. D. 1 am prepared to show you the ad- vantages of the latest in lovisible Automatic Grooved Bi-focal Ouifex Bi-focal Uniftixe " Invi-jble-on Bl.focal Kryptox " Achro-Molto «* Invicihle Pebble " I am properly equipped for making thorough and iutelligent examaoina- tioo of the eve and giving you thf bent of t«d vice. Call in and we'll talk over the eye- trouble question. Dl. F. J. MAW Dr. Cliiirlps Flett, PHY SCI A N AND SURGEON CySpercial atu-ntinu t r 'v«>ii to diseaeea oftheKye and K;ir. Gla^^e^ ft4eH» Call .s promptly RtU'tidod. Phnri# - ()M, ' E ,5 '- 1 ° VER ( lie?. 19—2 staedt'n !«tor« MILBANK, - SOUTH DAKOTA l": - 1 *"' 0 ^ ' hi \ •* V ' IF ,, •7 V >£» - •' « 1 «S . ' .< it ' °.^t '.V M>> At - Lsst HERE 13 COM! CRT FOR SPECTACLE \VEAHR.R3 We wiil Gaaivralce THAT THE Apex Temple WILL HOT CUT Oil CHAi Ii THE EARS They can be applied to your lenses while you wait LET US SHOW YOU Dr. J. W PAY TELEPHON*K BLOCK MILBANK MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Twenty-eight years of Mucces&- ful and conservative Banking Oldest Bank in Grant Gouotj CAPITAL PAID IN $25,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER $300,000.00 Tbe-Individual Responsibil- ity of our Twelve Stockhold* der* over •1,000,900.00 M E R C H A N T S NA a ION AX. BANK MILBANK, SOUTH DAKOTA Try us on your next order of job work and get satisfied THE PIONEER STCBB Has the Goods You Want They handle only the best lu quality at ihe very lowest prices. For ov«r 28 years we have offered aud have given SATISFACTION to purchasers of our goods. Why not trade with the Old Reliable Store and save worry and trouble. Hun- dreds are, why not you? (Senpnil » <'trli;tmjjse Marvin, South Dakota tuM.

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Page 1: Dl. question. F. J. MAW - Library of Congress

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By Captain t. A. MITCHEL

Copyright. 1892. by American Press Association

„,;' ;> CHAPTER IE. fe ** * ' •

Fl.OATINU FOR t.f 'Fft.

MARK had very little Idea tiow lonj? a lime would elapse tx»-fore It would he discovered that Sotirl tvas In his piare

•nd hp bad wnped. It mipht be u few ininnt»»M. it mi^h! be half an hour, i t ini^rhi possibly be out till morula#

tton^h of this be bad little hope, fie ' toft.tneii (bill \rubui bail an Pour he

. wmnu im* pursued hy bioiMltiouuds. l ie tiiid t»een about ttie imvu enough

to kuo.v il»e diivt iiou ot Jlie river ami •tarted toward it. l ie was ut tiuine in :tbe water. uuJ di 'leriuined tliui be ViMiiti th/t mresitiii to Hi d h bout. bin

pltjn^t* In :ilid wvvwu tm tils lite The width <i£ ihe nvt'i m ("liuilari ' iupi was «»U,Y JOWMII tbr«*e ijtiat 'H ' rs OF a mile, and Mark <iul not regard this a

?;real DFMUIICE. tor A SWIMMER >t»< e miu.-x the dop« v.utild liuve to

pi If up I l ie s.elil on the olho." S.iJf •lid il he sliouid permit the rurreni t<• eurry tiiiu fur di>\vn the stream the dhiliniify In doiUK ao would be greati v l inreased.

It was a soft siifii trior eveiitii-?. an;! the larger stars had a trendy begun in •bine. Casting a glance to the rijjii be saw a streak of lUrbt over Mission •ry ridge and knew that before lout: fee would IH> al a disadvantage fn»m the rising of M full moon, tie waikeu briskly whenever auy person was in Sight. and when lie thought that be Was unobserved he ran.

No oue of the lew people who passed Hie RtruppinK u^K' n irirl. t \ tu»e ta< e Was hidden wiiljin the blue ctieeU sun bOD net. dreuoietl thai u to ion soldier Was passing; that the sin Hold was be lug (iieaietl; that u messenger with the swrei of one of the uiost impor­tant moves any Confederate general bad made or was destined to (unite during lhe war was on his way north to tlie person of the negro womau hurrying on toward the river.

He sped onward, naming and walk-tDg briskly alternately, till he came to • place where a board fence was cap-fed by a narrow strip, lie mounted ft and walked as far as the fence ex­tended, perhaps a hundred yards, hop­ing by Ibis means to throw the 'Intjs •ff the scent for a few minute*. and *bus gain a little time Then he jump--«d down and hurried forward. A man ^passed and ealled to Uiut. but be paid no attention to the call, and the man Blood iookintr afier him. doubtless sus­pecting that the gu' i was u runaway

- slave. Al last the grateful sigfet of the river

met hia gaze. It cheered liiin and fieeimd to beckon him on to rest upon its bosotu. or, as an alternative with the dreadful tragedy of the niorniag, Jo find oblivion beneath its surface.

Be stood for a moment beaeatb a low clump of trees on the bank listen­ing and looting up and down tbe riv-*r. A boat was passing, and be felt i t •aacensary to wait for it to go by. He lost flv# minutes, but it seemed baif mm boar. Then taking off bis dress •nd aboes and bonnet be put tbe dress and tb« afeoaa in tbe bonnet and tied tb« atrtonB around bis neck, resting tba bundle on bla back, doing down l» tb* margin. and agsla lUtening a Mamant to maka sura be was not ob-•arrad. ba wadad out aa far as ba KMM toocb bottoos, $ad tban began to

AM It was addaummar ba bad ex-Hetad to dad tbe water warn. Bis Bpertatlone ware raaiUed to a raa-jeMble dagreo. aad be Celt tbat be MM rawala In It a long while wttb-m* batag ebUSed. Bis plan was to Irtft down a considerable dlatance. il mlgbt bo exported to a win acrosa aa rapidly as be could, and tbe rtir-*ttt la tbis CMS would land bin per-bapo a mile below tbe town. These wbo woold follow blm with doga IMM dodbtltaa track bltn to tbe rtr-er Mbfgto. tbas take tbe doga across «sd eadeaeor to pick op tbe arent •acbe dtetaace below on tbe other side. Mark bsCuvlibfd aU tbeee eirrum-stSAeaa. wad determined to drift down •» far aa poarible. toad at the moutb •f a reek If be could Bod one. enter it and *wim or walk op it in tbe wa­ter. tban rendering it difficult for the dogs to track him.

He awam alowly till be reached the middle of tbe river; tbeo. floating with sean-ely any motion of hla bands and Jwt. be permitted himaeif to drift

c,0ma with tbe current. A favorite ' \ brltb blm. wben a boy. of resting

tbe water, bad been to float on nts (Tnmtndful of tbe wetting be

glee tbe dotbes tied around bis bi> UMind over and drifted wlta

beside blm. bla eyes »« »e sky.

fpMkMi oa bis back be could |0iH .Mptfd St tbe stars. Thi»iv mtfm dadw Above blm span-^arttb pyvfada of bright points

I by tbe "milky way He beea fond of the «*ar* ts^ert bia mind pi< n»ti

and rnn-wi » VRUB WBU b I»E-W»IK

dlvertwi n.> *bb oervdi berame <tuite

mtddemy It M| eery

to fmb m m* * II •K»'(„llpi Kiibbt Bo tiMaaid^ii.

en'fy could h<*ar m«»re PTfid^ntiy there was a pack. They drew nearer Th.-n they censed for awhil<». 1'er Imps they imd come to the p'm -** where he had walked on the fen<*e. Then the bnrk3 began again, prrowing ontv slightly lotidor as they en me. for Mark was floating rapidly from the point where he had entered the river.

He involuntarily turned over on his chest and struck out lustily. The cur lent was swift; swimming would not add to hi* safety—it would only tax bis strength and render him more liable to recapture on the other shore But swim he must. With tbe terrible sound of those dogs in his ears he Could not lie idly on the water and leave the current to bear him onward

Soon there rnme another cessation of sound from the dogs far above on the shore, and Mark judged that they bad lost the scent at the place where be had entered the water.

Then he h«*gnn to think of Souri and Jakev. What had they done to Sourt when they had discovered aer iri ' k.

Would they punish ber? Would they treat the boy harshly ; fie was com fortod Willi the thought that there wouid hp nothing gained by this it would not tiring the prisoner barR but tie il .uttered a prayer tor the gtri A lio Ulld p!a< ed liei>e>t hemml Hkssh prhon bnr«, wlin n.ni ;m" rage of bis jailers to suvt ti.j . i .

l ie heard no mure of the di>g«! anu floated oil, swimming and rental-: at ternaiely. The high bluffs ot .Momi fin point were belore niru on his right An mtfi on their miimint. watching th<» rising moon, oceasionaii.v gave a dl^ inai hoot, the intervals being supplied by the melancholy whippoorwill. The current bore bun ou around the point, carrying him in near the shore where he had passed tbe picket with the sleeping J a key in his arms a tf»w nights before. So close was he that be could see a man walking back and forth on the very beat ot the one he had passed. As be drifted away hr saw the relief approach and tbe picket etiuugod.

Jin ba-coJiTijrrto.l

Corona N G. Anderson was a Miibank call­

er Friday.

Mrs. Wallace Deuel and son Ira were shoppiug at Miibank Saturday.

G, A. Leibenstein, macaper of the MeGowan Lumber company, was up from Milhatik ou business Friday.

A sleighiug purtv of young folk;1

drove nut, to anend the evening at the home of Hero Jolin, Tuesday.

P. E. Kohler was dnwn afc Miibank transacting business Friday.

Miss Esther Liebinar was havii g dental work done at Miibank Friday.

Mr. John Ehrle wa-» transacting business at Sisseton Thursday and Friday.

Dr. Prouty returned from St. Paul Saturday

Mr. B. C. Blood of Milbaok was visiting wiib bis eon Monday.

The roemnerfi of the Junior league were entertained at t ie Lambert hume Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Obas. Ferber were at Miibank Saturday.

Wm. Buttke transacted business at Peever between trains Tuesday.

Miss Emma Schafer came up from Miibank baturda? to visit her sister Mr*, llass.

Chester Maine came down from Wil-mrn Wednesday and will visit at the Hill home.

Misb Cora Humphner went to Sisse-ton Wednesday to spend Thanksgiv­ing at home.

Mrs. Gilmore left for Baocock last Monday where •he will visit her daugh­ter Mrs.R. B Ebrle.

George Thomas came up on tele­phone husiness Tuesday for tbe Dako­ta Cential.

i The many fr.endg of Thomas Lough ery and tamilv will Le pleased tohear that they are convalescing from there recent illness.

Our litle village can now bf»ast of having a suntie-e salute. Jchnie with his gun tires, and one less cotton­tail is in our midst. I 'm airald our liitle blue ribbon one will go next. "Leave it for us. ' '

An English Union Sunday School was organized last Sunday with Miss Jessie Stewart as auperintendant. Miss Stewart deserves much credit for the undertaking and everyone should become interested and help make it a success Sundays at 3. P. M.

Twin Brooks The rural mail carriers are certain­

ly more than earniug their salaries these days.

A thanksgiving program was given in the school by the pupils Wednes­day afternoon.

Knuie Wufelin has beeu home tor a few days.

Some of the trappers are complain­ing that their traps are being stolen.

Paul TEMPER, HARVEY Fenner and Eiuii Woitifc have joined the A. O. U. W .

Ktuery Ho-ner r» turned from ( 'ana da lacl vtM k. fch: wil - p-nd the WIL* u r St Summit. Claude tud his family aie hi {imio health.

Wui. 'Biuiutnond left for his home at Uutfd.o L'tivu, .Vliun., oil Wednes­day eveuin. t i - .pend the holidays.

Herman L-ud. r was iu town Tues-d ay»

Mrs. Fred Bohu, of Milbaok, has been visiting with her eon. ttiubard Bohu oufiug the week.

I 'hil Fritchler, the «»perator, receiv­ed word Saturday evening1 that ht* «i!-ter, wiiuse imine is near Clinton, Iowa, was not expected to live, *ud he left for that place at once.

Will Schmidt visited with tiff broth* er August over Sunday.

Chas. Chavet is at Peever, buying hay for the Bag ley elevator.

Dedicate Lutheran Church. The Big Stone Headlight gives the

following history of the new church •ear the state liue that was dedicated la*t Sunday, and of which Rev. Geo. Kaso is pastor:

The new St. Johannes society is composed of families from the old Lake Albert congregation, aud fanii-liee along the date line formerly con­nected with the Yellowbankc >njrrega-tion. Thev have a t-chool building adjoining the new ehureh, which is on the uortheast corner of section 8 in ea*t Alban.

The new church is 32x02. with 20 foot posts, and has a handsome spire, 65 feet above the ground. It is heat-

; ed by furnace and lighted by ga», and is1 equipped with gallery, pulpit and all necessary furnishings.

l 'be officers of the church are as follow^: Directors: August Miller, Louis Sctil-iwaudt, Carl Stiube, Cari Katuiu, secreiaiy, and Paul PiuKert. treasurer. Trustees, Carl Strube, August Strube and Herman Zeuapel.

The building ooinuiittce, wuich h&s completed its importHut work., was Paul Pinkert, Herman Freiwald and Carl Stiube.

The total co»t of the building is about $5,000, and the entire sum has been raised or provided for. The erection of so hand^-me a church by a comparatively small congregation in a rather light crop jear, is acred-it to those who have had the matter in charge, and they are to be congrat­ulated on the succes-, of their efforts and upon the possession of so beauti­ful and substantial a church home.

Marvin Ed. N. Meyers was calling on our

friends here Sunday Harry Hocum stopped off at Marvin

Saturday soliciting orders for Loose-Wilea Biscuit Co.

James and Dick Mace arrived home Thuraday from Weyburn, Canada, where they have been during the sum­mer

The Misses Adelaide and Irene Wil liams departed for Miibank Friday for a lew day s visit with relatives

Mrs. Ole Olson entertained a large crowd of tbe ladies aid society Thurs­day. Five o'clock dinner was served.

Mrs. H. C. Bachelder was a vi il-bank visitor between trains Saturday

Carl Lindgren came up from Mil-bank to visit at bis home here for a week.

Master Warren Shisier entertained a few of his little playmates Wednes­day at a birthday party

Fred JoraDger was at Summit be­tween train Monday

Frank L. Nelson came up from Mil-bank Saturday to spend Sunday with bis family

A large number of young people from here attended the dance at Sum­mit Tuesday evening. All report a good time

Steve Kane was at Ortley Tuesday. Tbe Misses Myrtle and Ethel Mc-

Wattrs el Auillank attended the dance here Monday evening

Tbe stoi my weather that prevailed Mcrday night was a dissappointment to Stenarlh Orchestra as there was net encveh people to pay them to pro (reed wiih Ihe music Nevertheless ihe young people remained and our local orchestra was called in and an enjoyable time reported

Miss Josie Jenson went to her home at Summit Wednesday to upend J*r Thanksgiving vacation

Adulterated and Mis^randsd Food

and Drug Products and

Linseed Oil

I, Alfred N. Cook, Food and Drug Commissioner for South Dakota, do hereby certify that the list of 58 food and drug products and linseed oil herein specified l ave been analysed or examined during the three months proceeding October 1st, 1911, and, in my opinion, the same are adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the statute, as shown in each individ­ual case.

I further affirm that this is a true and correct list to the best of my knowledge. Over 300 other foods and drugs were analyzed by the chemists of the department which were found to be pure.

ALFRED N. COOK Food and Drug Commissioner

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November. 1911

J. M. OTTERNESS [SEAL] Notary Public


10-1314* Hoilt d hnaefd oil. Central Linseed on Co., Omabtt, Neb. Adimer<u«MJ in tbat it i« computed to » in ire of mineml oil vloi>fl> ikiu <o mttrblue oil.

1154 rtttiiMnl 1<». Manufactured by John Tro->«r, D«IT<lw.tod, S. l>.. Adu lent ted id tbat it con la In* putrid niiiuial or tt<geoo>l«* umtier.

11-4U. Natural ic«*. Sold by W. H. Butler, Lead, s. I>. A(iiiiter»t»-d in tuat it contaiue putrid unimal <>r V«*K< cable miner.

11-53. Natural ire. Soid Hy E. C. Covert Ici* Co., bead *uo(l, 8. D .i>u I i t-rated in that it contaiuA putrid auimal or ve^etttoie matter.

II 40. Natural ice. Sold hy Preabo Ice Co., Prrabo, 8. O. Adm ernt>-d in tb»r it contains tiutrid animal or vt-wtahlf mutter.

i t 55. Natural ice. Niihoif I e Co., bead-wood, 8.1). Adult< rHt>-ii mi ihit it conton-putnd animal or vegetable winter

ll-ni. Natural ic<* from Vet million r.ver, Ver-iniili>>n. S. 1>., mc|iilt<-rnt*-<l in that itcoitaina putrid anlntnl or vejetnble mnto-r The ice

uy k ve due not ire i hat i heir ice was t . he Uird Olib for C'X'linv purp. eet>. Ii ' i t one ho­tel, one reetaumiit -mi >i>e bo >rdiug h<mBe were found »•» tie iiaii t; rhe aame iu fi od. and notice waa itiven ilitm to ceaa**.

11 l-i6 Turn* o rut-in., Snyder1* brtnd. T. A. iivder Hresi tve Co., C'ii cinnatl, Ohio. \du]t*'ra |«'d in • h t i t ie lonipoeed in part ot t-poli 'd mm, rial.

11 17i T mat*i t 'atsun. Submitted by Paiis Si lirant M^r-mtiit! ,;o.. Hut' to«n. 8. D., to deiero ine wlieth* r 11 c tame I.^hI. Adul-t-raled In tint it is <-oin inseil in p*rt of spoiled MNTERI'IL.

It 175. Tni^atoeatsno " Vewport brans. The •tereev I'N' knis '• . . ' 'oiriuna' . h>o , adulter aied ii tbn it i> c inii >•«•< i i . | ,wri of spoiieJ m itprml

II 178, T mat» "'afenp, Tt<>% h| Hed Brand The Kr»«|. r wk g «• . , Klw , ./I. ,nd. Adul-ter tec* IN iliHt. it in < <>nic H-dir. p.rt of spoiled maiTal.

tl-8it.». T.im»t" <'» »no l.ihbyV, Libby, M"Neiil and r-hv, Cbicae >. Hi. Adnltented In that it is c» «n]»o ed io j»"rt .polled nutex-

11-94. Ham aurtcer SAUSAGE. F. M. Ramadeil, Fauikion, 6. 1» Adulterated iii that i t CI'IITAIN* A PR. ^ERVNUVE thai is to be deleiei. '... t i e t<I BFCTILIH, whlcta WAS aoded ID ibe f o i m » f i- RVT-Z*II-H.ILO UI tureii lij.lt. 11, LLI r ICO., C;HI( AGO. Kiiie<! FIN aud <ons.

LILS. Ilaiiiiiiiig- r I-AU-ATFE. CHRIS E y m a i i n , Ueit>«-BUI'R S. 1J. ADI LTNI.I.D M IHI.T 1 coi.-ta UE H preservative well KNOWN to t ie drleter-IOI.S to tieaiih, w h i i-H was ADUEII in the form <if FN I'TE EN , III'.I.ulaiturt <I I>> H TELLER & Co . T 'hicaifo, 11. Kiueo $10 M <1 costr.

U-'IH lihintiurget HI.UTN^E. L<>ois Bauch, Siou x" KALLF, S. I>. Mr . BUUCB pleaded GUILTY to HDDIIN; INIIIX to taueaio, aiidwat-FL ed $15 niid C IETW. On »UD»»*<JIIEOT EXAMINATION ihe SHNEA^S WIN t o n u d t o I o n i a n ] a s u l p h i t e w e l l k n o w n t o be DELETERIOUS to heal th. No borax was fouud

I L-ttl _ HAUL BURNER ('• I. >ok, S OHX .-'al ls S D. ADITLU r&ND in bat it LONUM*. A I recer v*tlve W 'LIK INWN to oe DELETERIOUS to hi-alth, which was addrd in the form of Kreeze-Km. nirtutifacttired ny B l lel l. r & Co . '"hit ajju. 111. Thio WAS Mr. I.ook 's second offense, for which HE WH- tineii $10.

JI HFI. iiain :inri;er SAU*»I;E. W. II. B e i o , D e l l Hap 09, S. 1) Adulterated in that it coir AM* a IIRES native WE I kioiwn to be DELETE!I<• na t<» health, which wa» added R the form of Freeze-EUI, nianntai tnred HJ B Heller & Co., Chicago, 111. VI r. Beto wa» flneil

113! H a m b u r g e r MINTAGE E. G. Kremer , Armour, S. D. Adtilteiated in that it CONTAIN a pre-erva t ive well kn .wn t o l i e deieUriotin io HEAITLI, which «»« IDDERT In the form of Freeze-Km, manufactured b) B. lleller JT Co., < HICNK'J, M.

11-32. Bologna SANSNEE E. <». Kremer . AR-m>T-.r, S. it. Adulorit 'D iii t h a t it contains hora*. 150 pounds of tin* *ALL«•^K' , ' WNN caused to be desi.oy -d it. t i le pieernte of lh< ii epecior.

LL-I-W. IL.mbnriier eam«agt. RT-ihi-I n & Kliiikhammer, M i t H' ll, S. I» AOUT'eiatr-d in t l in t II I "IIT-I II* a pr. NEI >I,TNE WI II H NI.W n TO HE dele ter ious to lieiith, whirh wa:» a d d e i i in ihe lo r 'il of FI e e z e K HI . tlliide liy Uellt I & T o.. T'hl i-TTT!.. III. !• 11 I d F-W.35

I 1 -4T:> IL'OIIIIUR^ER*ITI^!'!,'« KLIRN I K sak, Miichell. S. I', SOD »t a tutich co .. t> r III a sxloo . <' iaim<F! to have B T.|, |,a-. RI ot B. B Unt ie, SIOUX City IOWH. Aflnl»> rHie. TTILII t i t , coctii i .rd » t i ie^eivative W.|. KN«.V n t o t i e DETETERIOUM to health. MR KLI'EAIEMR KOFFLK iv « re FI icil ' ' . t> ' t'ne i n«pe t*n» r eau-ed I II<- un «<«( ' S»us to HE shipped h«tk t" the maim-F». t i l l '

11-;!! I. II IMI-NR-JER «HNSASE Manufactiirn nnk v*!. -ol< t on t b* STREETS of U n i o n ditrina the St o l"-T. Adulterated in thai it conta no H p r e s e r v a t i v e W 1 1 k n o w n t o i e d e l i ' e r i o n s t o h e n l t l ,

11-:! ' .I6. H-imhrircer *a'i«»i»rt. Manuf»cnirea tin known. Sold on rhe stre«»!8of H'lrim duriinf the St ite Fair. Adnl'e-ati»<i in that it coiitairis a | ire»-rvative well known to be deleterious to to-ali h

11-^D". Hemb'trg R«^ !«IWE. MNNNF*ETUR<'S un­KNOWN. SOLD or> the ETI»RI R OF II urnti dnrlnjr T.:e St it,'- H"*lr Adulterated IN that I eoiitain A ore eervatixe well known to he DEI^trrioiis to HEALTH

II 17 I'o r k a n d Teal sail* A-JE T'R\ Meat M a r k T, Phillip. S. L». Ad iiteiated tn that I t rontatn*

a pfe*>-rvat I ve w e l l KNOWN t o ba dsleterloo* t o HEALTH F tiedJilO and costs

I-I-'I7 Vent M. E. Creed. Preahn. S. D TFINND to he »el l inij tlHhy meat HIED FILL and cr»P»S

10-KSJ L.emoB Kxtraet Pure II- t non sod* water flavor L'LDWIU Sahlni-ter Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Adulterated in tt>at I t contaii.s no l emon oi l

10 HV2 LEMON K x t r a e t Super io r b r a n d Pa*, ton AGSLSTNEI Co., Omaha, Adulterated I.ow i n l emon oiI

10-1-287 L.'ini* Rx 'ract DeLlsaer 'a soda w a t ­e r f l avo r I 'e L i s s e r Jt C o NEW Y o r k A d u l t e r a ted in tha i i t con ta ins «uly a t ruce of l emon oil

10-419 Trnttfttinn Lemon flavor. O w l brand Mi I'ifactnrsr unkuowa. HOLD by * merchant in Mitchell, S D. ' lalnia t > U- train 'emon oi\ hnt anaUsis frovee i t to I,* «I tuely sbeent.

11 -.'T Compouna FLAVOR o f l emot i «MI coral. Nickle Plate brat D. BLUE lieli Medic ine Co. W ATERTOW", S. D. AduIterated in t h a t i t is l ow in l emon oil

11 IS CEMUVNND van ' l l n , TONKA, v a n i l l i n AN'L <*ouni '» r in N ckle Pla t s brand The Ptlue Beli \ 1 e d i e i n e C o . , WATERTNW T: . S . I ) . . A d u l t e r n t e r l i n THHT i t c • I . - t s 'ns l i n t a MERE t r .» c (» of v a n i l l a and mi s b randed a* t o the u l r o h o l 'C, con t en t

11211 Arf 'FIOI'il st r<I wrl<ei I » flavor N'r k l e PI >te br-oid The BIN,' H e l l MEILII ine CO., Watertown S. F). M ie^randed as to the alcohol ic rontt nt.

10-104 Lemon EXTRACT M o n a r c h h r a r .RI RIPI', M n r d - i c k C H L I A J O , 1 1 1 . M i a h - a n d e d i n th it TH" label EN the cai toon clninis tha t the product IF* the strtinceat, pur<-sl and hest, w here-

(II)HLYSIS N vea l s t imt «IURI p r o d u c t WPF NEITHER the HTRIMMEST, M-r TLIE T>#-ST. AIR. O . J. HAT HHU R, M i t c h e l l ,S I). , hav ing HA I p r e v i o u s n o i i r e t o discont inue the a> i l e ot I»Hi,1 urti ' le, and faiMtir to COMPLY with the iffjnest of the C'oinnil-sione* v v a* t l n e d J15 and c o - t s

11 131 S t r a w i e r r y e x t r a c t BL- i c k H a w k Cr>f-fe JT Spice Co.. Water loo Iowa. Misbranded in t h . - i t i t i s a n i m i t ' i t i o n s t r awber 'Y e x t r a c t ' . a n d not genuine

11 90 Flour. Sold by Tollerton <FC W a r f l e i d , wholesalers. Sioux City. Iowa YIEL'ist-RBD in t h a t i t i s no t l a b e l e d f o r t l i e MIME o f the S t i t e WHER* M•tinfiic. URED.

1132 UO*ALINE Berlinyer KOAERVIRNNII-PA'/E. B Hel le r JFC Co., ChiCaiT", III \ pre«e r< a t I ve and color DE<|I>N»ted to he used bv hntcherf. Adul te ra ted in t ha t, i t conta ins a I> r* eervative «•: II known to HE de l e t e i oue T-I h e a l t h The S;ITI»II'E found CONT 11 ninsr I his p r i"-erviiti ve- was dest'0\ed ill tlie PRESENCE of HO- IISP (for

11-:5-'."I KIIL' l i c h W aliuit" T. A P. CASH Gro­cery. MTTI-he I S. I). Adnl er«ted in that a LARUE per CENT of hem ARE spoiled

10 1 i'i-i W'LI-at Flou <;I-iimedto he t h e Bon Ton brand, man u fac t II red UV the »utrar <'nv Cer eal V l l l f, N rfoik, eh. Adult i IAT d in thai i t, i s b l e n c h e d , w h i c h b l e a c h e d f l m i r C O N T A I N S a n added substance, claimed by the United States Depart me lit ot Acrii ultureto be deleterious to h e a l t h

11178 Vinegar SUBMITTED by D. P. S l i c h t e r , Armour, F». D to determine if i t was legal. Adul-e r h t e o i n t h a t i t c o n t a i n s r s i n w a t e r

10-1182 llMtilled W. i t e r M tonfa^tnred by the Sioux F-TLLS WATER I>I-«11111ntjo., Sioux L-alls. 8 D. Adulterati A iu th t t i t contains cons ide rab le d is-»- i i ved S l i d s ann o rgan ic ma t t e r

10-1181 D i s t i l l e d water. John II Schnneman P h a r m a c y , S o u x F a l l s , S. I) . d u l e r a t e d i n that it is HIIFHU charted with minerals. It ap­pears to be ordinary well water

11-164 Strawherrv pop tlawkeye brand. Cbeeterman Co.. Sioux Oi y. Iowa Misbranded in »ha tbe flavor ie artificial and not ao atated on the la> 11

11 185 Strawberry pop. P. Binder A Sons, Yankioa, 8. D. Adulterated in tbat it contains sacharln, an artificial sweetener known to be da I«terl'>ua to health

11188 Root beer P. Binder & S »ne, Yankton 8. 1). Adulterated wi th saccn- t r in, a suosiance known to BE de l e t e r ious to hea l th

11187 Creim Soda pop P. Binder <FC Sons, Tankton. S. I). Adulterated with saccharin. Fin ed $10 and costs.

11 813. C'ream aods pop. F. W. Lane, Hlonx City, I iwa, Adulterated with saccharin, an artificial aweetener known to be deleterlona to beal b

11-354 Strawberry pop P. W. Lane, Sionx City, LOWS Adulterated with eaccbarin

11 8M Lemon 8< da pop Manufactured BY P. W. Lane, >» ionx city. Iowa. Sold by P. P. Bull, KRAI o ' the Murpl iv News Sysiean Adul tera ted witt< saccharin. Mr. Bull was fined $15

11-335 Lemon aoda pop Tsndall Bottline Works Tyndal S. D Puiind to contain atcciiar in. an artificial aweetener known to be dele­terious io bealib

11-336 Koot beer. Tynda l l Bo t t l ing Works, Tyt id-TLL.S. D. Adaltcraied wi th aacccharin

11-317 Orangeade T v n d a l i Hottlins Works. Tyndal , S. II. Adulterated with saccharin The proprietor has been cited F->r a hearing

11-825. Strawberry pop. Richlai-d Bottling Work*. Hichland,S D Vllsbr nded In that I t ta not labeled for artlflrial flavor and • olor

11-'288 Uitiuer a l-. CH ppewa brand. ITI ttled • t C h i p p e w a F a l l s , W i s . S o l d by L. T. D u n n i n g Nioux rails, S D. Misbranded in tbat i t ia claimed to BE prepa ed from the pureat water in the world.

U-3A5 Kggs Sold by Christ ian Weller, Eure­ka, S. D. Adulterated in that, they were com­posed in Dart of decomp >sed animal matt« r. F ined $10 and co» ts

LL-2ti6 Egga Kept for sale by Charles Rigter, Eureka, R. D. Adulterated in that thev were composed in part of decomposed animal matter. Fined $5. and costs

11-167 Eggs Sold B> John HofT, <>nterpoint, FL. D. Adulierated in that they were composed In part of decomposed animal matter Fined |B and coat a

JS Dee 1


Stat- of South Dakota I County o f (*r<-it ) IT* COCSTY COUKT I n t h » tnaner of t h e e * t a t e o f I Lars P. C h r i s en*.in, Deceased J NOTICE

Notice i s hereby GIVEN that, HAGGEU Jacobson, adtiiHiiatrafor of . B-'E-TATRT of I.AIX F Chrieteii-a o n , d e c e a s e d , h a s p i e s e n t e d t o a n d f i l e d w i t h thie- Couit, his flaal ituiint and report of his adrn inistratioti of ra id es ta te and s t,,tiuif there in t h a i s a i d es ta te is r e a d y fo r f ina l sen l e n i e n t a n d d i s 1 r i b u t i o n , a n d t h a t M o n d a y , t h e l l th d a y ofV«<emher , A.I)., L!IIL, a t the hour of two o 'c lock LU the af ternoon nf tha t day , at the CO'irt Hoi M of said Conrt in the City of M,e btnk. County of Grant, aud State of S nth Da-kois, have been appointed HS the time and plnce for A settlement of said account AND report ar d for hearing said pettition for distribuiion of said estate.

Dated at Miibank, t i rant County, South Dako­ta, this '21st day of November, A. I). 1911 Grant County Conrt By the Conrt

[*«*I] S. S. LOCKIIART . Judge of THE County Court

Nov 85 Dee. 8


State of S o u t h Dakota \ UA County ot G r a n t J INC'OUKTT CoD*T I n the mat ter >f t h e esta te of > JEFF ' - rson D. Skintier, Deceased J NOTICR

The S t a t s o f S i t t t h T»NKOTA fends greeting to K v a M . Bork . J"S« ie W. S k i n n e r . Frank A Skin ncr, L.vnn A. Skinner >oid KNOEA M. Skin tier, helr« >> t law of leffersori L», -Skinner, dec,-N>ed.

Yon a n d each of on a-e hereiiv n o t i f l i d t h a t Kinn i t M. s k i n n e r h a s f i l e d i n t h e C o u n t y C o n s t of Grant I .. l i l t ', SIF.tc if S.M'li L» .L-otn, LER pt t i t i 'II -SK'N^' th -1 she he appoint • d adnnnis-IT FITRIX of THE EN ate of .REFF. R«NI D. SK inner, de-ceased,AND tfiat said petil<ott has been set for hear ing A « RI SF<IL r te rm o f I iid Con^T to IN held st rhe <,fl ice IF Coniity .LUEP. N the Cit> NF Miibank In said Connty on the 11th RIAY O D<-cel l iber , A D., 1911, Ht t h e hour O f t w o II 'C.IH k P. M.

D*:tpd at Milbnt k. s. Tl . November 50.1911 • mnt Coin tv Conn

I S' AT. I S, S. LOCK HART Thad I . Ful:er County Judge

A t t o r n e y for P-titlonet Miibank,5. D.

City Meat M arket Keepa a variety of ll.e freulxss*

vegetables to be had, ami mukev a specialty of Home Mud*

A ehi ii 'e litiP. of M^ats always oa hand, including' Sliced 11am, Sum­mer Sausage, L)ried Beef unci Uaa-netl Goods.

Markets Im Milbaok and TwU Brooks.

Fred W Meyers


MILBANH, S. I). Offleela Farmer s Rank Building.

Paone:(>rauc Coant|f"H«il

Dr. Frttttk Mil(elH(«M»dl Dentist

Office over Poll's Hardware Store, Mi)batik. Pimm; 188


Default htvirg been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, «-ont«inii g H power of sale, made, executed and delivered by The Mtrouee ton C.. «.p» rative Creamery Associaiioii, <d Str nseti n, Somh Dakota, uioitnaaor, to K . J . Schafer, of Shehoywan, Wisconsin, mortgagee, besitng date Mar<h UH, Irtih, and rtcoided in the oflice of ths regt»tei of dcetis lor Gri nt County, Sont.h Dakota, on the tb day of May, I9(i8, at • •tie o'clock P. in Boi-k l!1 of Mortgages, at page «0, which mortsace was (jiven to at cure a certain promissory note for jb'. ' l .Kfi with Interest at ten per cent per antinm, payable annually, which note bears even date with said inoitg«ge, which mortgagee the followli tr described real estate sitnati tm»1he Contity of (irant .ind State of south l>akot», to-w It: A tract of one half acre ni the northwest quarter of sertiun twenty-four (H) in township one hundred and twentj ( ' 1 : 2 01 north of janj/e fifty twowest of the fifth principal nier'ilinti in the S sseron nt.d Wahpe-inti Indian Reservation, beginning at a po nt nil the west l i n e of said section seven hundred (700^ feet muth of the iicrthwewt c rner of said sec tioi , tliei ct f i v e (5) r dw fust, then< c sixteen (Hi) fifis soiiih, thence live {f> > rods w est, thence sixteen (1K) r ids north to the point of beginning. That >4 d n ite and moilga^e became due nn>1 piyable npon the defnuit of said niortirairor to pay the inti-re-t when due and keep the said property insure d -s provided in said mortise or pay rhe ;axes deiii.ftuei-t thereon, and that there is d LIE nd puMihle at. i he date i.f th<s no-t 'ce'he»tim of $7<t-<. 10: that nn nciii n or pro-rending at law, or otherwise, ha- been instituted to recover the debt secured by said nioitjfage, or any part thereof.

Notice is hereby given that said mort^Mre will he foreclosed by ihe enle of he lands above de­scribed, i>> ihe sheriff of caul Grant County,or his deputv, on Saturday, the twentv third dav of Dcci mher A D. lrtl!, at the hour of two o'clock 1*. M . at the front door of tt e Coint House, in the Citv of Milb'.nfc, in the C' llM v of Grant and Mate of >outh Dakota, to sat isfy the above 'n-d-btedness, prtiicipal, inieiest. costs, and do-biirsetiiente. besides an nttoruev'e fee of 1 Wenly five dollars "Mowed by law.

Dated »t Milba k. South Dakota, this 9;h day of November A. D. mil.

N. .J. SI MARRB, -Mortgagee.

S, S. Lockhart Attorney for Morteagee .

Miibank, South Dakota.

S. 8. LIM'KIIII RT, L^AW, Laud, IIJMH aoee, Surety Ilnttds

Office tivi r Fai nc rs Bauk I 'lioue

Miibank, - So. Dak.

Thad L. Fuller LAWYBK

Practice in all Courts (Both Phones— lilt-.



: Office over Farmers Bank— rot n<s l , t aed Residence—First ho'.ise north of court hons*.

Phones— D,C.,0«Ce.M2,reatdenct 33-4; Kara, era,41. MILBAN& • «0. DAKOTA



Office In Bask B'ldg



MONEY TO LOAN On farm lanaeat loweat rates and

upon eaay terma. :•

Gold & rompiiny


For terma, etc, call upoa

Ttios. I , Bouck, Miibank

George S. Hix,


Lands, Loans and C>ollectioBt, Both I'hnnea, tlentley Block


I, W. S. Nixon, County Auditor of Grant County, South Dakota, hereby certify that the above ig a true and correct copy of the list of adulter ated and misbranded products as cer­tified to me by A'fred N. Cook, Food add Drug Commissioner

Dated at Miibank, South Dakota) this 23rd day of November 1911.

W. S NIXON [SEAL] County Auditor

milmnli Mttmcts

Wheat, No. 1...., Wheat No. 2 Wheat N<». 3. . . . . l o l

Velvet Chaff . . . . . . . . Mac»poni Plaz O A T G . . ,


w >

I: • 1/

-F-. > : • • R V • . ' , " J " > I ! v I ji ' i t ' f i 4 ^ * K I*

''•* y J*, N ^ ^ ^ ^A X »,5 " ,-RA- ^ < W •"

. ..... 91 88

.......... 83 ••. 89

........ 85 1 75

38 • • » « T O M

* i

BhFocai News! DR. P.J. MAW, MILBANK, S. D.

1 am prepared to show you the ad­vantages of the latest in lovisible Automatic Grooved Bi-focal

Ouifex Bi-focal Uniftixe " Invi-jble-on Bl.focal Kryptox " Achro-Molto «* Invicihle Pebble "

I am properly equipped for making thorough and iutelligent examaoina-tioo of the eve and giving you thf bent of t«d vice.

Call in and we'll talk over the eye-trouble question.

Dl. F. J. MAW

Dr. Cliiirlps Flett, PHY SCI A N A N D SURGEON

CySpercial atu-ntinu t r 'v«>ii to diseaeea oftheKye and K;ir. Gla^^e^ ft4eH»

Call .s promptly RtU ' t idod. Phnri# - ()M, 'E ,5 '-1 °VER

( l ie?. 19—2 staedt'n !«tor« MILBANK, - SOUTH DAKOTA

l": -1*"' 0 ^ '

hi \ •* V ' IF ,, •7 V >£» - •' «1 «S .

• • ' .< • i t ' °.^t ' .V M>>

At - Lsst •


We wiil Gaaivralce THAT THE


They can be applied to your lenses while you wait




Twenty-eight years of Mucces&-ful and conservative Banking

Oldest Bank in Grant Gouotj

CAPITAL PAID IN $25,000.00

DEPOSITS OVER $300,000.00

Tbe-Individual Responsibil­ity of our Twelve Stockhold*

der* i« over •1,000,900.00



Try us on your next order of job work and get satisfied

THE PIONEER STCBB Has the Goods You Want

They handle only the best lu quality at ihe very lowest prices. For ov«r 28 years we have offered aud have given

SATISFACTION to purchasers of our goods. Why not trade with the Old Reliable Store and save worry and trouble. Hun­dreds are, why not you?

(Senpnil » <'trli;tmjjse

Marvin, South Dakota
