distribution of film

Genre and market Distribution and Institutional research

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Distribution of film

Genre and market Distribution and Institutional research

Page 2: Distribution of film

Genre and Sub genre Rom com Comedy Horror Noir Sci-fi Action Adventure Thriller

Page 3: Distribution of film

Distribution The way that certain film is promoted can effect the

distribution, this is because promotions raise awareness which would persuade people to see the film. Promotions are a way of advertising the film. Distribution can include actually selling the movie to the cinemas or selling the dvd or blue ray in stores, and distributors have to make as much money possible from that. Independent film company's use film festivals to get the attention of film distributors. A good example of a distributor would be Buena Vista which are one of the most famous and are owned by Disney.

Page 4: Distribution of film

Market share for each genre

As the statistics show comedy has the biggest total tickets, indicated that comedy is currently the most popular genre, it has a share of 23.54% and there has only been 2,913 movies made. Focusing on horror, with only 608 films since 1955 horror has sold 2,245,288,627 tickets with a share of 4.48%

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Market share for each genre-continued

A film in the genre of comedy would more likely to get more ticket sales, this is because the target audience can be any age because the films can have different type of comedy. As an example top cat is in the genre of comedy and it its target audience would be family's, this is because the Childs parents would more likely to take their child to the cinema. Now the type of comedy in a film can vary, for children under the age of 12 slapstick comedy in film would be the best choice, in comparison to over 18 which films have more adult humor in it. This shows that there are wide rage of age groups in comedy, and this is why it is the most populate. Now if you where to compare horror to comedy you would notice a distinct difference between them. This is because horrors target audience is usually 12+. This can effect the statics because its only aimed at a select group which people may or may not go to. From the data we could say that the more that you select an audience the less ratings you will get because it will appeal to fewer people

Page 6: Distribution of film

Hammer film productions Hammer film productions are a film distribution company,

they have created such films as The Curse of Frankenstein Dracula and The Mummy. these films where very successful. The company are well known in the UK. Hammer also produced science fiction, thrillers, film noir and comedies — and, in later years, television series. The woman in black was a different type of horror, by this I man that it was targeted at an audience at 12+ this could have been to get more sales but it was said that the age rating was too low.

Page 7: Distribution of film

Marketing our film The best way to market the film would be to consider the

factors like target audience, publicity and best ways to let everyone know. This could be anything from posters on buses, promotions and even adverts. So if we aimed our film at 16 year old we could put posters in schools, if we where aiming at 18 year olds buses and poster would com into play. There is a whole range of ways to advertise our films. Social media can be used to “Spread the word” of the film, using tweets to let everyone know with haste.