distributech-water.com getting smart with water€¦ · • water/wastewater plant operators •...

1 ® From a dedicated conference track to countless additional conference sessions, Utility University® courses, breakfast roundtables, a networking reception, and water-focused exhibiting companies, DistribuTECH 2014 has more to offer water industry professionals than ever before. REGISTER FOR THE FULL CONFERENCE AT A SPECIAL WATER UTILITY DISCOUNTED RATE OF $495! 4 WAYS TO REGISTER 1. ONLINE: http://distributech.com 2. EMAIL: [email protected] 3. FAX: +1 (918) 831-9161 / Toll-free +1(888) 299-8057 US Only 4. MAIL: PennWell / DistribuTECH 2014 P.O. Box 973059 / Dallas, TX 75397-3059 http://distributech-water.com Presented By: GETTING SMART WITH WATER ® JAN. 28-30, 2014 HENRY B. GONZALEZ CONVENTION CENTER SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Owned & Produced By: Presented By: Media Sponsor: Host Utility: Official Publication of DistribuTECH:

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From a dedicated conference track to countless additional conference sessions, Utility University® courses, breakfast roundtables, a networking reception, and water-focused exhibiting companies, DistribuTECH 2014 has more to offer water industry professionals than ever before.

RegisteR foR the full confeRence at a special wateR utility discounted Rate of $495!

4 Ways to RegisteR1. Online: http://distributech.com

2. email: [email protected]

3. Fax: +1 (918) 831-9161 / toll-free +1(888) 299-8057 Us only

4. mail: PennWell / DistributeCH 2014 P.o. Box 973059 / Dallas, tX 75397-3059


Presented By:

gETTing smarT wiTH waTEr


jan. 28-30, 2014 henry b. gonzalez convention center san antonio, texas

Owned & Produced By: Presented By: Media Sponsor: Host Utility: Official Publication of DistribuTECH:


Water Utility technologythe need to upgrade and put new technology in place is becoming a priority for the water industry as it addresses aging infrastructure problems and water resource challenges. streamlining operations and turning to automation to cut costs and gain insight into the distribution system is just the beginning for this growing industry. Distributech’s Water Utility technologies track gives water utilities the tools they need to accomplish these goals.

AMI: A Multi-Utility Technology tuesday, January 28 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

advanced metering infrastructure (aMi) provides significant value across utility platforms. this session will demonstrate the power of aMi and discuss how water, electric and gas utilities have worked together to make the most of their aMi investments.

SeSSiOn mOderatOr: Angela Godwin, Chief Editor, WaterWorld Magazine, PennWell Corporation

Two-way Smart Metering: Taking Water Utilities Beyond the Dataspeaker: Matt Thomas, Mueller Systems

Lakeland Smart Grid Initiative: What Worked and What Didn’t in Electric and Water Advanced Metering Infrastructure speaker: Randy Dotson, P.E., Lakeland Electricco-author(s): Robert Maurer, SAIC/Leidos

Smart Grid as a Service: Not Just for Electric But for Gas and Water Infrastructure Too speaker: Nick Hendricks, Jr., City of Kings

Mountainco-author(s): Rob Jamieson, SAICChris Tipton, SAIC/Leidos

Featuring SeSSiOnS OF SPecial intereSt tO:



tracK cHair:

angela godwin,Chief editor, WaterWorld Magazine,PennWell Corp.

Deriving Value from AMI Analytics tuesday, January 28 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

advanced metering infrastructure (aMi) holds tremendous potential for helping utilities streamline operations, but the massive amount of data generated by aMi can be daunting. this session will explore how utilities have been able to analyze aMi data to make effective business decisions across their organizations.

SeSSiOn mOderatOr: David Foltz, Program Manager, Sensus USA

Optimizing Water and Gas Utility Performance Using Advanced Metering Analyticsspeaker: Morrice Blackwell, Badger Meter Inc.

Kansas City BPU Leverages Data Analytics to Protect the Utility and Its Customers speaker: William Johnson, Kansas City Board

of Public Utilities

City of Georgetown, Texas: Water Conservation Based on AMI and Market Economics speaker: Glenn Dishong, City of Georgetown,

Texasco-author(s): Letecia Zavala, City of

Georgetown, Texas


SCADA, Data and Beyond Wednesday, January 29 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

scaDa and automation play a critical role in managing water. Many aspects need special consideration, however, including secure communications, data management and new innovations such as cloud technologies. the presenters in this session will discuss how utilities are meeting today’s challenges with these solutions.

SeSSiOn mOderatOr: Gary Wong, Global Water Executive, OSIsoft LLC

Practical Considerations for Using DNP3 for a Water Utilityspeaker: Jacob Brodsky, DNP Users Group

Connecting Water Utilities to the Internet of Things speaker: Graham Symmonds, GW Resourcesco-author(s): Trevor Hill, Global Water Fathom

Bridging the Gap Between SCADA and CMMS: Waterford, Michigan’s Workflow Solution speaker: Bill Fritz, Waterford Township DPW

Smart Asset and Work Management Strategies thursday, January 30 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Utilities are finding innovative ways to optimize operations to meet increasing financial, workforce and customer pressure. this session will demonstrate how utilities have increased efficiencies through technologies—such as gis—that help them visualize their businesses and spot areas for improvement.

SeSSiOn mOderatOr: Sergio Escalante, Manager, Maintenance Engineering, Water System Operations, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Painting a Complete Asset Information Picturespeaker: Joel Smith, American Waterco-author(s): Sterling Blake, Accenture

Making the Transition to an Integrated Utility Solution for Work and Asset Management speaker: Sheila Crawford, Eugene Water and

Electric Board (EWEB)co-author(s): Geoff Evans, Five PointSkip Heis, GeoNexusPeter Turi, Five Point

Mobile Workforce Training and Support: How to Avoid Leaving Mobile Workers Out in the Coldspeaker: Wanda Barnett, Los Angeles

Department of Water and Power

Innovative Energy Management thursday, January 30 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

energy costs account for the largest annual expenditure at water and wastewater facilities today. this session will explore some unique approaches to managing energy usage—and saving big dollars in the process.

SeSSiOn mOderatOr:Thomas Neary, CEO, OpCon Technologies Inc.

Water to Wire: Generating Electricity From Water Pipesspeaker: Gregg Semler, Lucid Energy

Power Management and Automation Scheme for Water Canal Networks speaker: Amandeep Kalra, Schweitzer

Engineering Laboratories Inc.co-author(s): David Dolezilek, Schweitzer

Engineering Laboratories Inc.Ron Nauman, HydroScientific West

Valuing Agricultural Irrigation Demand Response Capabilities: Insights From Utility Data speaker: Daniel Olsen, Lawrence Berkeley

National Laboratory


other Water-relateD sessions

enhance your Distributech conference experience add a breakfast roundtable to your registration! each roundtable focuses on an industry hot topic and provides attendees the opportunity to discuss challenges and share best practices over breakfast in an informal setting.

wednesday, January 29, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration Fee: $45.00 (ticket required)

sponsored by:

water Utility Technologythe water industry has often trailed gas and electric utilities in adopting new technology and proactively reinventing its business model. this breakfast roundtable will explore current trends affecting the water industry beyond just aMr and consider privatization, innovative project financing and possible future consolidation. What is the future of the water industry? how will small / rural water utilities representing the bulk of the america’s 60,000 water systems deal with escalating regulation, tightening water standards and growing reliance on new technologies? in an inviting forum, we’ll explore possible answers to these questions.

breakfast roUnDtable

in additon to the complelty dedicated Water Utility technolgy track, Distributech offers multiple water-related session within other track options.

advanced MeteRing •SmartMetersatMunicipals •AchievingAMIDeploymentBenefits:

three Utility Company Case studies •PANELTheftIdentificationwithSmart


Big data •ManagingAssetRiskThroughDataAnalytics •PreparingYourBigDataInfrastructure •BigDataandAMI:MakingtheMostofAnalytics

custoMeR stategies and technology •HowCustomerEngagementisTransforming

Utility operations •PANELMeetingCustomerExpectations


cyBeRsecuRity •PasswordandAccessManagement:

Who’s got the Key? •CanWirelessNetworksbeSecure? •CybersecurityDeployment:

examples and Lessons Learned

enteRpRise infoRMation and asset ManageMent •EnterpriseInformationManagement

and Utility semantics •UsingAMIDataforAddedValue

operational solutions •AssetInvestmentandPlanningStrategies

toOptimizeUtilityCompanyBudgets •TheCaseforCondition-basedMaintenance •DeviceMonitoringandManagement

gis and MoBile solutions •MobileDevicesfortheNextGeneration

FieldWorker •PANELMobileUtilityWorkeroftheFuture •MobileWorkforceManagement

wateR utility technology •AMI:AMulti-utilityTechnology •DerivingValuefromAMIAnalytics •SCADA,DataandBeyond •SmartAssetandWorkManagementStrategies •InnovativeEnergyManagement

sponsored by:


Utility University® Details

UU 111:

a Primer on Big Data and grid analytics: the Road to the Futuresunday, January 26, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

analytics and business intelligence (Bi) are not new to the utility industry.Utilitieshaveinvestedvaluableresourcesandtimetocreate data repositories and subsequently mine them to help makeorvalidatekeybusinessdecisions.Theseapplicationshavenot,however,proventobesustainableandoftenwitheroverashorttime.Theadventofgridmodernizationhasfurtherhighlightedthisissueevenasutilitiesarefacedwiththe“datatsunami”fromthearrayofnewdevicesandsensorsinthefield.the foundational two-way communication capability of grid modernizationhasrevealedthelimitationsofinteroperabilityandcallsforastrategywherediverseislandsofautomationcanbeintegratedattheenterpriselevel,resultingindataflowthroughouttheorganizationandasystematic,consistent,cross-relatedviewofthisdataasinformationthroughouttheorganization.EnterBIGDATA!Thiscoursewillbringtogetherthought leaders from industry, regulatory bodies and utilities to discusstheoriginsofbigdata,itsevolutionasakeyasset,howitisverydifferentfromthe“traditional”analytics/BI.Itwillcoverkeyanalyticsareaswithintheutility(transmission,generation,revenue/meter,asset,demand,customer,etc.);theoperationalrhythmoftheanalyticsplatformasitisleveragedtodeliversustainablevalueovertime;thechallengesthatremainwhentrying to combine the analytics needs of the entire utility into acohesiveenergyanalyticsportfolio;and,howtheindustryasa whole is responding to this new set of requirements. other topicssuchasobjectives,businesscases,marketandregulatoryinfluence,security,technologies,industrylandscape,applicationsandcasestudiesalsowillbecovered.Utilitycasestudieswillbeusedtodescribekeytopicsanddiscussions.

WHO SHOuld attend tHiS cOurSe?•Businessleaders•Utilityanalytics,IT/OTprojectteammembers• IT/operationsmanagers•Architects,dataanalysts/scientists,BIdevelopers/datawarehouseprofessionals,QA,PerformanceSMEs


management, renewables, technology managers•Rateandfinancialmanagers•Resourceplanners•Consultants,technical,marketinganddeliveryteammembers


Soorya Kuloor, Chief Technology Officer, GRIDiant

Glenn A. Pritchard, Principal Engineer, PECO, an Exelon company

Bob Singh, Manager, Hydro One Inc.

P. Vishwanath, President, V-TECH

Aleksandar Vukojevic, Principal Engineer - Smart Grid, BGE

Anant Venkateswaran, Technical Solutions Director, GE Energy

UU 201:

Utility enterprise analytics: Foundation, architecture and implementation Roadmapmonday, January 27, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

as utility businesses become more integrated and smart grid technologies push data into businesses with increasing speedandvolume,theoldbusinessintelligenceanddata warehousing (Bi/DW) strategies will no longer scale. Technologyadvancesaretransformingutilityenterpriseanalytics.Marketsareshiftingfromcustomsolutionstoproduct-based implementations. Without careful planning and a strategic roadmap, utilities could spend millions of dollars andaddlittlevalue.Thefocusofthiscourseistoprovideanoverviewofbestpracticesandarchitecturepatternsofenterprise Bi and analytics solutions, core big data technologies, relevantindustrystandards,suchasIECCIM,examplesofanintegrated solution and a roadmap of utility analytics from technology,people,processandprioritizationperspectives,helpingutilitiesavoidcostlymistakesandresultinscalableandsustainable solutions.

WHO SHOuld attend tHiS cOurSe?

•Utilitybusinessmanagersandsubjectmatterexpertswithresponsibility in business intelligence and analytics.

•UtilityITenterprisearchitects,solutionarchitects,BI/DWarchitects, data architects, data modelers, it project managers anddevelopers.


Tom Eyford, Principal Business Strategy Consultant, Oracle Utilities

Shawn Hu, Solution Architect, Xtensible Solutions

Joe Zhou, CTO, VP of Sales and Marketing, Xtensible Solutions


Utility University® Details

UU 212:

DerivingCybersecurityRequirements:FromIndustryStandardstoProjectSpecificsmonday, January 27, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Thiscourseisdesignedtoprovideutilitypersonnelwiththeskillstoensureinvestments,alignwithindustrybestpracticereferencedocumentation,supportoverallcorporateriskpriorities and interests, and conform to project implementation constraintsandobjectives.Thiscoursewillincreasetheattendee’sknowledgeofindustrycybersecurityreferencedocumentation, understanding of the methods for translating high-levelindustryrequirementsintotechnologyandprocessspecifications,andfamiliaritywithhowtoassembletechnologicalsubsystemsintoeffectiveandholisticsystemsecurity architecture. at the end of this course, the attendee will be able to: •Identifyandlocaterelevantindustrydocumentation•Extracthigh-levelrequirementsrelevanttoutilityprojects•Selectanappropriatesystemcybersecurityarchitecture

pattern for utility needs •Applyaselectedsystemcybersecurityarchitecturepatternto

a utility project •Assigncybersecurityfunctionstosubsystemsandcomponents•Translatehigh-levelrequirementsintoactionablespecificationsforsubsystemsandcomponents

WHO SHOuld attend tHiS cOurSe?

•Utilityengineersandmanagers•Regulatorystaff• Systemarchitects


Darren Highfill, Founder and Managing Partner, UtiliSec

UU 216:

MDM:WhatisIt?HowdoIuseIt?monday, January 27, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Meterdatamanagement(MDM)cansignificantlyimproveadvancedmeteringinfrastructure’s(AMI’s)value,oritcanincreaseAMI’scomplexityandcost.ThiscourseprovidesareviewoffunctionalityandfeaturesofMDM,whatMDMcanandshoulddo.InstructorswilldiscusshowtoimplementMDMsolutions. the course is based on practical experience and lays outtheentireprocessfromrequirementsdefinitiontooperation.Itistargetedforintermediateandadvancedstudents.Havingsuccessfully completed this course, the participants should expecttohaveagoodoverallunderstandingofMDMandtheoptionsandalternativesforitsimplementation.TheparticipantsshouldhavebasicknowledgenecessarytoaidtheirutilityteaminunderstandingthescopeandcommitmentofMDMforanysizeadvancedmeteringproject,aswellasprovideaninitialtemplatefromwhichthespecificrequirements,goalsandschedulecanbeachieved.

WHO SHOuld attend tHiS cOurSe?

•Projectmanagers• ITprofessionals•Customerservicemanagers•UtilitypersonnelwhoexpecttobeinvolvedintheutilizationorimplementationofMDM

•AnyoneconsideringimplementingMDMandwhowouldliketounderstand its capabilities and interactions


John Wambaugh, Sr. Vice President, Utility Integration Solutions


UU 221:

ReplacementAlternativesforYourAgingCommunications infrastructuremonday, January 27, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

are you unsure of what communications media to select to replace your aging communications media? are you unsure of what to select for new applications? this course presents anoverviewofcurrentlyavailableandfuturetrendingcommunications infrastructure technologies. instructors will beginwithareviewofaprovenprocessfordefiningyourcommunications requirements and architectures for sharing SCADA,distributionautomation(DA),advancedmeteringinfrastructure(AMI),andotherapplicationsoveracommonnetwork.Technologiescloselyreviewedincludefiberoptics(ADSS,OPGW,carrierlease),microwave,WiMax,mesh,PMP,FirstNet,cellular,satellite,broadbandwirelessandemergingwhite space product lines. Case studies of actual deployments willalsobereviewed.

WHO SHOuld attend tHiS cOurSe?

• Engineers• ITmanagers• Smart-gridprogrammanagerswhooverseeapplicationssuchasDA,AMI,SCADA,etc.

• Seniormanagementfacedwithsignificantcommunicationsinfrastructure cost decisions


Kevin Zamzow, Communications Consultant, Power System Engineering Inc.

Rick Schmidt, Vice President – System Design, Communications and Utility Automation, Power System Engineering Inc.

UU 225:

AMIOperations:BestPracticesforOrganizingandRunningYourAMISolutionmonday, January 27, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Thiscourseisapracticalcoursethatdescribestheorganizationofthegroupresponsibleforoperatingtheadvancedmeteringinfrastructure(AMI)andmeterdatamanagement(MDM)systems and the processes associated with the monitoring and management of this critical infrastructure. this course will present best practices and guidelines for managing an AMItotheperformanceandreliabilityexpected.ThisisanewcoursedevelopedfromseveralyearsofoperatingAMIandMDMsystemsandworkingwithutilitiesthathaveimplementedAMIsolutionsandarestrugglingtooperatethemtothelevelof performance expected by the industry and business case. EnsuringtheAMIsolutionanddataareavailable,reliableandaccurate is critical to a utility’s success and this course focuses onhowtosuccessfullyoperateAMI.

WHO SHOuld attend tHiS cOurSe?

•Projectmanagers• ITmanagers•Operationsandpersonnel•Utilitypersonnelinvolvedintheuseoroperationof AMIandMDM



John Wambaugh, Sr. Vice President, Utility Integration Solutions

4 Ways to RegisteR

1. Online: http://distributech.com

2. email: [email protected]

3. Fax: +1 (918) 831-9161 toll-free +1(888) 299-8057 Us only

4. mail: PennWell Distributech 2014 Po box 973059 Dallas, tx 75397-3059

regiSter BeFOre nOvemBer 15 FOr early Bird SavingS!

Utility University® Details