disease of alcoholism and recovery spt

Alcohol/Drug Addiction and Recovery Symptoms of the Disease based on the Jellinek Chart 1

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Disease of Alcoholism and Recovery SPT

Alcohol/Drug Addiction and RecoverySymptoms of the Disease based on the Jellinek Chart


Page 2: Disease of Alcoholism and Recovery SPT


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Progression of the Disease


1. Occasional Relief Drinking

2. Constant Relief Drinking

3. Increase in Alcohol Tolerance

4. Onset of Memory Blackouts

5. Sneaky Drinking

6. Increasing Dependence on Alcohol

7. Urgency of First Drink

8. Feeling of Guilt

9. Unable to Discuss Problem

10.Memory Blackouts Increase

11.Drinking Bolstered with Excuses

12.Decrease of Ability to Stop Drinking When Others Do

13.Persistent Remorse

14.Grandiose and Aggressive Behavior

15.Promises and Resolutions Fail

16.Efforts to Control Fail Repeatedly

17.Loss of Other Interests

18.Tries Geographical Escapes

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Progression of the Disease Cont’d19.Work and Money Troubles

20. Family and Friends Avoided

21. Neglect of Food

22. Unreasonable Resentments

23. Tremors and Early Morning Drinks

24. Loss of Ordinary Will Power

25. Physical Deterioration

26. Decrease in Alcohol Tolerance

27. Moral Deterioration

28. Onset of Lengthy Intoxications

29.Drinking with Inferiors

30. Impaired Thinking

31. Indefinable Fears

32.Unable to Initiate Action

33.Obsession with Drinking

34.Vague Spiritual Desires

35. Al Alibis Exhausted

36.Complete Defeat Admitted5

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Symptoms of Recovery based onThe Jellinek Chart

1. Honest desire for help

2. Learns Alcoholism is an illness

3. Told Addiction can be arrested

4. Meets former addicts Normal & Happy

5. Stop taking alcohol

6. Assisted in making personal stocktaking

7. Right Thinking Begins

8. Physical Overhaul by Doctor

9. Onset of New Hope

10. Start of Group Therapy

11. Regular nourishment Taken

12. Diminishing fears of the Unknown Future

13. Realistic Thinking

14. Return of Self-Esteem

15. Natural Rest and Sleep

16. Desire to Escape Leaves7

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Symptoms of Recovery based onThe Jellinek Chart Cont’d

17.Adjustment to Family Needs

18.Family & Friends Appreciate efforts

19.New Interests Develop

20.New Circle of Stable Friends

21.Rebirth of Ideas

22.Facts Faced with Courage

23.Increase of Emotional Control

24.Appreciation of Real Values

25.First Steps towards Economic Stability

26.Confidence of Employer

27.Care of Personal Appearance

28.Contentment in Sobriety

29.Rationalization Recognized

30.Group Therapy and Mutual Help Continued

31.Increased Tolerance

32.Enlightened and Interesting Ways of Life Open Up with Road ahead to Higher Levels Than Ever Before


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