discretion in food


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Food is mandatory for maintenance of life. One has to eat the thing which has life in it and only through this a body can attain nourishment. This is because the act of eating itself involves killing. And killing of living beings happen in act of eating food; as a result, violence is committed; so then what should people, who want to follow the path of religion or spirituality, do? Dadashri has given right understanding regarding such aspects. This will give the right understanding about keeping discretion in proper diet, to the seekers. Those who want to go to moksha, do not have right to eat two-sense developed or more than two-sense developed life forms. There is some violence in eating one-sense developed living beings, but Lord does not forbid the consumption of single-sense developed organisms because they do not contain pus or meat. This progression into higher life forms is a natural process in the universe.


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DADAVANIEditor :Deepak Desai

April 2010Year : 5, Issue : 6

Conti. Issue No.: 54

Publisher, Owner &Printed by : Deepak Desaion behalf of MahavidehFoundation, 5, MamtaparkSoc., Usmanpura,Ahmedabad - 380014Gujarat, India.Discretion in food

Subscription : Yearly Subscription- India: 100 Rupees USA: 15 Dollars UK: 10 Pounds 15 Years Subscription - India: 800 Rupees USA: 150 Dollars UK: 100 Pounds

Printer/Press : Mahavideh Foundation, Basement, Parshvanath Chambers, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad-380014

EDITORIALAll jivas living beings from one sense developed ekendriya to five sense developed

panchendriya, are living according to the dictum ‘jivo jivasya jivanum – all living beings areliving their lives by consuming living forms’, in this world. Food is mandatory for maintenance oflife. Food for living being is verily a living being. One cannot eat any thing except a living being.One has to eat the thing which has life in it and only through this a body can attain nourishment.

Different opinions regarding disciplines in diet prevails in society for the maintenance of life.What is correct in this? What is proper? Because of lack of proper understanding in regards to whatkind of diet one should follow, people are getting confused. This is because the act of eating itselfinvolves killing. And killing of living beings happen in act of eating food; as a result, violence iscommitted; so then what should people, who want to follow the path of religion or spirituality, do?

Revered Gnani Purush Dadashri has presented facts according to the spiritual scientificvision and has cleared many misconceptions, about the kinds of foods which may be eaten. Howare fruits and vegetarian food beneficial? Why should one renounce root vegetables? Why oneshould not eat after dark? How drinking boiled water is beneficial? Is there violence in drinkingmilk or eating yogurt? How eating eggs and non-vegetarian food is detrimental; thus Dadashri hasgiven right understanding regarding such aspects. This will give the right understanding aboutkeeping discretion in proper diet, to the seekers.

Those who want to go to moksha, do not have right to eat two-sense developed or morethan two-sense developed life forms. There is some violence in eating one-sense developed livingbeings, but Lord does not forbid the consumption of single-sense developed organisms becausethey do not contain pus or meat. In providing benefits to humans, these life forms also reapbenefits for themselves. This progression into higher life forms is a natural process in the universe.

In fact, the entire universe is composed of life forms. Those (jivas) living beings are in theform of vegetation (vanaspatikaya), air (vayukaya), water (jalkaya), fire (teookaya), earth(pruthvikaya) and such innumerable living beings are killed, so then what should we do? So theLord said to protect trasjivas (the jivas with two senses developed or three senses, which getfrightened or feel fear). And beyond this, do not hurt or harass humans and animals who havecome under your shelter.

Revered Dadashri says that, think of your body, through which you have met a GnaniPurush, as a friend. Your body has brought with it everything for its preservation so you neednot interfere. You should completely immerse yourself in your spiritual goal. With all the existingdifficulties, you mahatmas are able to experience nirvikalp samadhi; bliss amidst all disturbancesin thoughts, speech and acts. All these are verily acquisitions, if one becomes non-acquisitive inthis then it can end, and can attain eternal bliss. It is our ardent prayer that let us all understandthe science related to food and start commencing real spiritual effort of attaining the Self.

~Deepak Desai

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Discretion in food{ Please note that ‘S’ Self denotes the awakened Self, separate from the ‘s’ worldly self. The Selfis the Soul within all living beings. The term pure Soul is used by the Gnani Purush for the awakenedSelf, after the Gnan Vidhi. The absolute Soul is the fully enlightened Self. The worldly soul is theself. In the same manner, ‘Y’ You refers to the awakened Soul or Self, and the ‘y’ you refers to theworldly self. This differentiation is unique to critical understanding of the separation of the Self fromthe self a/k/a the non-Self complex that is accomplished in the Gnan Vidhi of Akram Vignan.}

Is it possible to eat anything withouttaking a life?

Questioner: Life does not exist withouteating food (aahaar) then is it possible to eatanything without taking a life (samhaar)?

Dadashri: Eating food involves takinga life indeed. Whatever food you take in isverily taking a life samhaar.

Questioner: So does the other livingbeing get hurt to the slightest extent in theprocess of samhaar?

Dadashri: Pain (dukha) will happen,will it not?

Questioner: So how can we maintainour life without doing samhaar?

Dadashri: It cannot happen. Thereforethe Lord has allowed to do samhaar. Thereis no liability in doing killing (samhaar) onlythat much which is necessary to sustain ourlife/ which is just enough to live our life. Noperson should have the slightest fear or theslightest inconvenience on our account; thatmuch verily is the religion of the Self(Atmadharma). The preference in this, amidstall that lives is as follows. First it is for humanbeings. Second preference is for living beingswith five senses. Then the third preference isfor living beings with three sense organs andthen the life forms who have two-sense organsdeveloped and the fourth preference to thesetrees and plants which we pull and break

needlessly. So we should give suchpreferences.

Protect the living beings which feel fear

Questioner: Everything has life, plantsalso have life, eggs also have life; so then inmatters of eating how much discrimination, areyou suggesting, a worldly person should have,in the matter of eating-drinking?

Dadashri: That living being (jiva) whichdoes not experience fear and harassment(traas) from us, that food, that being, you canbe violent (himsa) with; you may eat that food.If you want to commit violence for eating foodthen just do to violence with those that do notfeel any fear. So when you touch this ant thenwill it get frightened or not? Do not touch orkill the living beings (jivas) which feel fear.Only such things as wheat, millet, rice do notget frightened; they are in the state ofunconsciousness (beybhan), so if you boilthem they will not run away. If you plant them,even then nothing will happen. They will leaveyou alone.

All different kinds of grains are there, allkinds of vegetables are there, eat with leisure,whatever you like. You can make such foodvery tasty; and food of plants and vegetablesis the best food.

The relation of food with the energy ofunderstanding

The life of the one who eats fruits only

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is the best of all. The one who lives on fruits(fadahari) has tremendous energy ofunderstanding. If one is not able to survive onfruits alone, but eats grains; is a pure vegetarian,does not eat eggs, does not eat potatoes, thenhis energy of understanding is of a very highlevel than other people. One’s energy ofunderstanding starts to decrease when he eatspotatoes and root vegetables. The one whoeats eggs, but not other non-vegetarian foodshas better energy of understanding than othernon-vegetarian people. And then comes non-vegetarian foods and at last the one who eatshuman meat. So all this are the categories offoods of living beings, so those who consumehuman flesh are the lowest in this order ofhuman beings. It is the worst thing to eat humanflesh. Such a human being is considered verilyan animal and the one who eats animal meatis called a half animal; it is bestiality, such aperson is a human being by appearance buthas an animal nature (paashavi).

Categories of foods to break the veilsof ignorance

Questioner: Why is eating certain kindsof food prohibited in our scriptures?

Dadashri: There are different categoriesof food. The worst and the most deleterious isthe human flesh. Next comes the meat ofanimals. In this category however, it is betterto consume the flesh of the species whosepopulation increases rapidly, such as chickens,fish or ducks, as opposed to eating the meatof cattle and such animals whose populationdoes not increase rapidly. Eating eggs is betterthan eating meat. But those who want to furthertheir spiritual progress should consume onlyedible roots e.g. carrots and potatoes. Andthose who want to progress even further, Isay that they should avoid even these and

consume only foods such as breads, whole-grain, sweet preparations of wheat and ghee.And spiritual progress beyond this wouldrequire avoidance of any foods containingunrefined sugar, ghee, butter, honey, yogurtand cream. In this case, people should eatonly rice, lentils and vegetables, which is theideal diet.

Foods are categorized in this mannerand anyone can choose the category of hispreference. The descriptions of the differentcategories are given to break the inner veils ofignorance, and not for the purpose ofenforcement. The Lord had made thesedistinctions to break the veils (avaran) ofignorance that cover the Self. If one followsthis path then the veils of ignorance start tobreak. The Lord has not insisted that peoplemust follow this. That which is wrong, mustfor sure be known.

Where are the living beings and whereare they not?

All these grains that you eat, like wheat,millet; are all tiny animate beings. When plantedin the ground and given water, they will sproutright away. All these are small creatures. Nowthis rice is not animate, live. It will not grow,that is why it is not animate. But all theseothers are living entities. Yet the Lord has saidto eat these only.

Questioner: When that wheat is on theplant, at that time is there a life in it?

Dadashri: Yes, and the life is there evennow. When we plant this wheat grain, it willgrow. But there is no life in the wheat grainsafter they become four-five years old. Afterthat if they are planted, they will not grow.

Questioner: Is the soul separate in eachseed?

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Dadashri: Yes, it is separate.

Questioner: And this tree which bearsfruit; is there a different separate soul (atma)in each fruit?

Dadashri: There is no soul in the fruitportion. The seed which is in that fruit, thatseed has soul within. There is no harm thereforein eating the fruit. The Lord has givenpermission to eat the fruit, but do not harassthe seed. You may eat the pulp of the mango,but do not break the gotlo (stone in fruit withkernel in it).

One cannot eat that which has no life

Questioner: So fruits can be eaten?

Dadashri: You can eat all the fruits.There is no second opinion about eating fruitsat all. Fruits are the best amongst all that isgood. No one can meddle in that and sayanything against them. This is just that humanbeings have interfered in wherever they could.

Questioner: So you mean to say thatthere is a life in this fruit too.

Dadashri: All fruits have life. Yes, theyhave only one sense. That which is being eaten,are all (jivas) living beings, and they all haveone sense developed. One cannot eat lifelessmatter at all. Even an animal will not eat alifeless thing. Cow, buffalo, no one will eatlifeless matter.

Questioner: So then, human beingsshould not eat anything at all? Human beingscannot eat anything at all?

Dadashri: Human beings should eat,but there discretion has been offered thathumans eat the one-sense endowed life forms,which are not moving about and do not feelfright. You eat delicious dishes after preparing

and grinding grains like wheat, millet, rice, etc.,and you are responsible for killing these one-sense life forms. So what benefit do you gainfrom this? The nourishment sustains your life.Say for instance, having eaten them, forwhatever progress you made on the path ofspirituality towards the Lord, you made a profitof fifty rupees. Ten rupees out of this goes tothe life which was killed, and forty will beyours for higher progress. The ten rupees youlose is credited to life lost, and such credit willearn them a birth in a higher life form and youstill earn forty rupees. So this sequence isorganized.

Only the one-sense developed beingscan be eaten

Questioner: There is a soul in the paddyplant and we have soul within us. So are wenot committing sin (karma that will bringadverse result, demerit karma, paap) in eatingall these grains?

Dadashri: It is like this, what kind ofgrain do we have the right to eat? If we say,‘boil this wheat grains’, then wheat grains willnot run away. Then you may eat the wheatgrains. There is a life in them. But they will notrun away. So they do not have fear, they donot feel the hurt, they do not understand, theyare in the state of unconsciousness. Therefore,you can eat millet, wheat, rice and all suchgrains, but do not eat that chicken and all that.

When we touch this ant, will it run awayor not?

Questioner: It will run away.

Dadashri: Then you cannot kill it. Onecannot kill that which is afraid of us, runs away,panics due to us, and struggles to get away.

So we have right to eat wheat, rice,

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white gourd (doodhi), and all these vegetablesbecause they are ekendriya life forms withone sense. We are allowed to eat one-senselife forms. You can eat by grinding them ormilling them to different taste and texture, all itwill take is your effort energy, but that isallowed. So we have to live on these one-sense endowed living beings.

Eat just enough for sustenance

These mango trees, Neem trees,mangoes, do not feel fear; therefore you caneat as much you want to. If we cut this whitegourd (doodhi- green vegetable), does it runaway? No. So there is no harm in eating one-sense living beings. But one should not wasteit. It should be enough for nourishment. Andthen just for the sake of enjoyment one shouldnot cook two to four kinds of leafy greenvegetables, two to four kinds of chutneysspiced ground up sauces. One should not keepa trait to enjoy (shokha) in this manner;become an epicure. One should keep the ruleto eat just enough to nourish the body. Thennothing will become an impediment and bringsuffering.

However many seeds, that many lifeforms are there

Questioner: Similarly, small living beingsare there in eggplant, white gourd and all thosevegetables, are they not?

Dadashri: No, they are not in there.There is only one living being in white gourd(doodhi). You have to remove the seeds fromthat. However many seeds are there, that manyjivas living beings are there, so you have toremove the seeds. If you do not remove theseeds then at the most you end up eating fiveto fifty seeds. There is not much value of fiveto fifty seeds. But there are more than a

hundred thousand living beings (jivas) in asingle potato of standard size.

If you remove the seeds from a bigpumpkin (kodu) and did not misuse the seedsthen there is only one jiva in that entirepumpkin. It tastes just like potato. These Jainpeople eat vegetable preparation made fromunripe banana, they do want to relish thepleasure of taste too, don’t they?

Do not get deep into that

Questioner: But then in the routinevegetables like eggplant and okra etc., thatwe eat, so many are eaten, what about them?

Dadashri: You do not need to haveany concern about that at all. You do not worryabout that whatsoever.

Questioner: Does one bind more sin(paap), if he eats these sprouted moong (greenpulse beans), mutha (brown legume-pulsebeans)?

Dadashri: You should eat that more. Ifsomeone tells you, ‘One binds demerit karma(paap) by doing that,’ even then you shouldeat more. This is because there are very fewthings which give vitamins to the body in thisera of the time cycle kaal. So you should say,‘We will eat according to this kaal. We arenot ready to believe your talk.’ And thesemoong and mutha beans do not feel fear.

And go ahead and eat the boiledchickpea-garbanzo (chanaa) comfortably.Now if someone says, ‘Sir, when you boilchickpeas, then all those jivas will die, willthey not? And hyacinth beans (vaal) are biggerthan chanaa, so there are less jivas, are therenot!’ Hey you! Just eat, do not be overwise!Why are you becoming overwise? He beginsan account, that this bean size is small and this

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one is larger and therefore there is lesser lifeconsumed in eating larger size. The Lord hassaid all this for the living beings that flee fromfear trasjiva. The Lord has not said anythingabout the one-sense life forms. The Lord hasremained silent. Those jivas which do not havemeat and pus, do not get very deep into that.

One cannot eat trasjiva

The Lord tells you to take care of humanbeings first. Here is a guideline: Be aware tonot hurt any human being, even in the slightestdegree, through your mind, speech and actions.Then comes the five-sense endowed(panchendriya) living beings such as cows,chickens, goats etc. You do not have to worryabout these as much as you should abouthumans, nevertheless you should be carefuland not harm them in any way. So you shouldtake care up to this. Five-sense living beingsother than humans come in the secondarystage. Then what comes in the third stage?You have to take care of two and more thantwo-sense endowed life forms.

Two or more than two-sense developedlife forms are considered trasjivas. Traasmeans they get frightened and harassed. Thewhole world is in the form of fear and effectsof harassment. When we just touch thesebeings with our hand they get frightened, andthey remain in fear only. All living beings withtwo and more than two sense organsdeveloped; fear of us. The moment we try totouch, they feel fear and run away. Only one-sense developed living beings are not harmfulin eating. This wheat, rice do not have fear,because of one-sense development only, theyare not conscious of that. One-sensedeveloped life forms are not developed up tothe level of feeling fear.

Which is the highest of all food?

The best kind of food to eat is any foodthat comprises one-sense developed livingbeings. Anyone desirous of liberation shouldnot eat foods comprised of two or more sensedeveloped life forms. So we should not takeon the responsibility of eating that which ismore than two or more sense developed lifeforms. The higher the numbers of senses oflife forms in your food, the more of your meritkarma is used up.

Our food is verily one-sense developedliving beings

We humans must eat to survive, butwhen we consume food, we incur a liabilitybecause the food we eat is made up of atleast one-sense developed life forms. Whenwe eat this food, we are responsible for theviolence that arises from the act of eating. Butthe Lord has allowed us the freedom to eatbecause of our high merit karma balance. Inthe act of eating these life forms, although youincur a liability, the benefits you gain are muchgreater. The nourishment sustains you andkeeps you alive and because you do gooddeeds, you earn merit karma. For example, ifyou earn hundred points from your good deeds,in destroying these life forms, you lose tenpoints. Then ten points you lose is credited tothe life forms you kill, which will earn them abirth in a higher life form. This progressioninto higher life forms is a natural process in theuniverse. They will progress from a single-sensedeveloped organism to a two-sense developedorganism and so on. The evolutionary processtakes place in this manner. In providing benefitsto humans, these life forms also reap benefitsfor themselves. But people do not understandthis science.

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The Lord has said not to interfere withthe violence in eating of single-sense developedlife forms. To do so involves ego. The single-sense developed life forms do not run awayfrom you in fear, so you should not have anyqualms about whether or not to eat them. Thisis the way of life. One cannot survive withouteating and drinking.

The entire world is composed of lifeforms. Actually, the whole world is a collectionof life forms. The basis of life is at least single-sense developed organism only. You cannoteat anything that does not contain life;moreover there is nothing in this world that isvoid of life. You can only eat food that containslife because that is the only way you cannourish and sustain your body. Everything weeat is at least one-sense developed life form,if not more. The Lord does not forbid theconsumption of single-sensory organismsbecause they do not contain blood, pus ormeat. If you start worrying about the single-sensory life forms, there will be no end to it.In fact you are not to worry about them at all.People on the other hand have become overlyconcerned with things that have little significanceand have altogether dismissed things of greaterimportance. You should not worry about theviolence that occurs at the minuscule level.

Vow of not eating green vegetablesduring paryushan

Questioner: Would it make anydifference if one eats or does not eat greenvegetables during eight days of paryushan(Most important religious practice of the year,of Jains. This is a time of intensive study,reflection and purification)?

Dadashri: This is because there aresubtle life forms on the greenery, which enter

the stomach causing disease and affecting theperson’s overall health thereby preventing himfrom effectively practicing religion and onetakes on the liability of committing violenceagainst live microorganisms. It is harmful tobody and one commits the fault, thus bothhappen together.

How is the effect of parmanu?

Questioner: Why should one not eatonion, garlic, etc.?

Dadashri: It is a different discovery ofLord Mahavir. The purpose of not eating onion,garlic etc, in Vaishnav religion andSwaminarayan religion is different. These rootvegetables have odor and their unpleasant odortends to spread everywhere.

This the Lord has shown, the scientificscience to know the rules that if you want tolive in the worldly life and if you do not likethe severity of short-temper or anger then donot eat certain food like onion, garlic, etc.,which makes one emotional. One should nottake onion, garlic, etc., even as a last resort,because these onions and garlic lead to violence(himsa). This makes one angry and becauseof anger other person gets hurt. Other thanthis, eat whichever vegetables you like.

And you want to stay in the worldly lifeand if you ever feel that you are not as awareas you would like to be, then do not eat rootcrops like sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc.

The Lord had said that these rootvegetables are not beneficial. If other food isavailable then there is no point in filling thestomach with potatoes. One should not befond of and have a cultivated taste for (shokha)eating root vegetables like potatoes. At sometime, if you have to eat then it is a different

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matter, but one should not have a shokha forthis. Once the parmanu (subatomic particlesof matter) enter, the effect (asar) will keephappening. This body is verily built withparmanu. Therefore, the Lord said that keepthe awareness (jagruti) in that which is builtup of parmanus.

Science of renunciation of certain rootvegetables

Questioner: Is eating root crops(onions, garlic, potato, sweet potato)forbidden?

Dadashri: Yes, very major forbiddance,but eating after dark is worse. Eating afterdark comes to second place.

Questioner: Why did the Lord say notto eat root crops (kandmood)?

Dadashri: The root crops prevent thebrain from becoming alert.

What Lord Mahavir has to say? Rootvegetables are nothing but full of living beings,therefore it is better if you do not eat this.Your mind will remain good and clear. He willjust tell you, that is all. Gnan means, to showthat this is the fact. Do whatever suits you.Tirthankaras will just tell you, that is all. Theydo not have insistence.

Application done with wrongunderstanding

Why one has to renounce kandmoodpotato, sweet potato etc.? It is to enhancerelative awareness. As the relative awarenessincreases, inner burning increases. What is thething that must be causing burning in the midstof having such great kingdom and so manywives? It is because of awareness. Forexample, if your mind takes a turn for the

worse, I will know that readily. And how canthese stupid ones know anything as they walkaround piling in plenty of potatoes? Therefore,the Lord had forbidden eating kandmood. Itis systematic not to eat kandmood. Thesepeople renounced kandmood. The Lord saidone has to renounce kandmood to attainmoksha. One has to renounce kandmood sohe can attain awareness for moksha. However,people applied this awareness in the worldlylife. They attained awareness by renouncingpotato and many practice chovihar (no foodintake after dark), but the whole day they havequarrel.

Quarreling continues the whole daylong, on its own. ‘Why did the glass break?’is what he would ask the servant angrily. Yourhead broke mooah (the classic awakeningterm, used by Dadashri for the one who isdestined to die)! Where did you get this muchawareness from? Instead eat potatoescomfortably. How beautiful path the Lord hasshown! Has the Lord shown the path ofcreating burning and restlessness?

Infinite life forms exist in rootvegetables

Questioner: Aren’t there infinite lifeforms in a potato?

Dadashri: Yes, there are infinite potentialbodies developing forms.

Questioner: But all these are consideredone-sense endowed living organisms, so thenwhy single them out?

Dadashri: One-sense living entities areallowed; but that does not mean that you cankill twenty-five lakhs one-sense organisms.Decide that, it is possible to deal with minimumamount. That is why we rejected potatoes.

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One is veiled via violence

Questioner: Jains do not eat onion,potatoes, etc., and there is a scientific reasonbehind that; is there not?

Dadashri: Yes, it is completely scientific.

Questioner: What is the reason?

Dadashri: Potatoes are the bulbous rootverily full with living organisms. It is nothingbut full with living organisms. The science ofthe Jains say to eat vaal (kind of pulse ofbean), which has one living organism whereasthere are thousands of living organisms inpotato as big as a vaal bean piece. Thoseliving beings are killed and that much veil(avaran) remains over the Self, within.

Questioner: This statement of, if wepierce a potato with a pin or a needle, therewould be an infinite amount of jivas (livingorganisms) on the tip of the needle and thosejivas…

Dadashri: Who is all that applicablefor? It is for those who want to increase theirintellect (buddhi). If one becomes insistentabout this, when will it ever end? Whereasthis path of moksha is of the one without anyinsistence (niragrahi). Know all this, andreduce it as much as possible and understandeverything and try to reduce doing things asmuch as you possibly can.

What harm is done through rootvegetables?

Questioner: Then do you advise eatingsuch vegetables?

Dadashri: The Lord has forbidden it,and this should remain in your belief for sure.However, if you still end up eating them, thenit is as a result of your past karma. In spite of

this, it should not affect your belief about whatthe Lord says.

Questioner: You are giving a permissionof eating these, to us, but Jain religion forbidseating onion, potato, root vegetables, etc.

Dadashri: Whether you eat or do noteat kandmood, it is not like eating eggs. Donot eat eggs. If someone asks me, ‘Should Istop eating eggs or kandmood?’ Then I wouldsay, ‘Brother, stop eating eggs, eatkandmood.’ Then if he asks, ‘Should I stopeating kandmood or other vegetables?’ ThenI would tell him, ‘You can eat vegetables, quiteating kandmood.’ There is a way foreverything.

Questioner: It is in the stepping.

Dadashri: There is a method of steppingin every thing. It is like this, the most detrimentalthing in kandmood is potato. Of all the foodsthat robs one of his Jain status Jainpanu (beingborn in a Jain family with Jain ways of religionand practice), it is potato that is the biggestrobber. Hence what our people say, ‘Hey, whyis this? At least understand my talk. Is yourbrain stuffed with potatoes?’ Don’t people saythis? So then it gets stuffed with potatoes.Therefore, be aware! Be aware a little at least!Eat less potato as far as possible. Whetheryou like potatoes or not, eat less potatoes.You should continue the effort to make theminimum amount of potatoes enter the body.

Potatoes bring a veil over one’sawareness

In a way if you look, potatoes are verydetrimental. Potatoes are helpful for poorpeople. But one who has no scarcity of fooddoes not need to eat potatoes. Otherwise theywill get stuffed in the brain. People will then

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say, ‘Why is your brain stuffed with potatoes?’Why they don’t say, ‘Why is your brain stuffedwith eggplants?’ Thereafter one does not gainanything. The alertness of brains of everyonedecreases due to potatoes. Then there is noexactness left. Awareness also decreases. It isvery useful for poor people. They get thatenough protein and other nutrition from thisfood. It is very helpful for them. But why shouldrich people with all the luxuries enter into thisproblem? And those who eat kandmood aretold, ‘Is your brain stuffed with potatoes, speakup!’ When you eat kandmood your brainbecomes dull. Now it is not worth totallyrejecting either. These (kandmood) potatoes,all this is food of poor people. When they aredying hungry, they can survive through this muchfood. Therefore, it is not worth being scornfulto potatoes. But the one, who is able to getother food easily, should stop eating potatoes.Otherwise, it is the food of poor people. It isa full meal for them. It is possible to fulfill theirnourishment from potatoes.

Questioner: Half of the population ofthis world lives on potatoes only.

Dadashri: Yes, all the saints living inthe Himalayas, they live by eating kandmoodonly! Therefore we cannot speak negativeabout kandmood. This is just for those, whowant to keep at least some discipline, theyneed to understand this.

Dullness arises by eating root vegetables

Questioner: The Lord said not to eatpotatoes; was it to protect the lives in thepotato, or is there some other reason?

Dadashri: The Lord was not concernabout these lives in the potato. It is the verykind people who are around that are concernedabout the lives in the potato. These people are

not avoiding the potatoes to protect the manylives that exist in the potato. They avoid it tolet other people know that they are saviors oflife. Nowadays people do not like the taste ofother foods allowed. What would happen ifthey were to stop eating even potatoes?

Questioner: But they say that there issin in eating potatoes.

Dadashri: You bind sin whenever youhurt any life form, whether it is your husband,wife, child or neighbor. But by eating potatoesyour mind and intellect become dull. The reasonfor this is that there are infinite subtle life formsin root vegetables. In fact, root crops arenothing but a storehouse of life forms, whichis why when root crops are eaten, there isviolence against these life forms, and as a resultdullness and laziness sets in. This lack ofawareness results in an increase in one’skashayas (anger, pride, deceit and greed). Itis better if you do not eat these vegetablesbecause they dull your awareness. Thatawareness is especially needed after you attainthe Lord’s path and if your awarenessbecomes dull, how will you attain (moksha)liberation?

The rules of the Lord, without insistence

Whatever the Lord has said is true. Ifyou cannot abide by his teachings, do notworry, but simply do your best. It is good ifyou are able to follow the Lord’s teachings.

Otherwise what place is there wherethere is no life? And the Lord has not saidwith that purpose. The Lord is not concernedabout whether a living organism dies. This foodcreates obstacle over Gnan – Self-knowledge.Root vegetables are forbidden, because theyincrease veils over the Self. Otherwise there isno concern about caring for the microorganisms.

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Living beings, life forms are dying continuously.

People have completely botched upeverything. On the one hand they obsess aboutobserving ahimsa towards life forms in theroot crops and yet at the same time they dokashayas. This is tantamount to making a profitof three rupees on the one hand and a loss often million rupees on the other! People remainadamant about trivial issues and yet commitendless violence through their kashayas.Kashayas are the greatest of all violence inthe world. There is more sin involved inkashayas than in killing a life form.

Whatever the Lord has said is intendedfor your understanding and not to be takendogmatically. Do the best you can. The Lorddoes not tell you to go beyond your limits.

See the business of profit and loss

The Gnani will tell you to lookobjectively from the perspective of overallprofit and loss. If eating onions has a benefitof twenty-five percent and a loss of fivepercent for the subtle violence, there is a netgain of twenty percent. This is how the Gnanisassess the situation, whereas nowadayspeople have ignored this notion and havebecome dogmatic by preaching that one muststop eating onions and potatoes. For heaven’ssakes! Why? What do you have againstpotatoes and onions? On the contrary, whenone is forced to sacrifice the things he enjoys,he will constantly think about them, insteadof thinking about the Lord!

Do not forget the original message

Questioner: Now after Gnan, is therea need for renouncing root vegetables etc., ornot?

Dadashri: It is like this; the one who

has fever, needs medicine. ‘Necessity’ is arelative thing. The Gnani is the One, who doesnot get any fever; He therefore; has no need.Worldly people, whose fever goes up anddown, they need all this for sure.

Questioner: Should there be such athing like edible or inedible in the matter ofeating?

Dadashri: How can one eat somethingthat is not meant to be eaten (abhakshya –inedible)?

Questioner: Can we eat root vegetables?Should we eat root vegetables or not?

Dadashri: ‘We’ would never say, ‘eatkandmood.’ And we do not have scorn forthose who do eat potatoes and onions.

Questioner: Can one say that oneshould not eat them?

Dadashri: You can say that. But youcannot have any insistence. Or if someone iseating kandmood then you should not harborany scorn for him.

Questioner: Can we explain that whyone should not eat them?

Dadashri: All things are good. What isthe main thing that you have to do? Main thingis that one has to attain the Self (Atma). Ifyou did not attain the Self then everything yoursgoes down the drain. Then all you can do isto cry your heart out in a jungle! Do peoplego in a jungle and scream! All this is there toattain the Self.

Sustain whatever you can

Questioner: We have taken a vow notto eat kandmood. Now after taking Gnan –Self-realization, we have to eat after saying,

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‘the eater eats and I, the ‘non-eater,’ am the‘knower’ of this,’ so then, will we not be atfault in this?

Dadashri: If the vow has left, then it isgone, and if it remains then sustain it.

Questioner: But should we sustain itor not?

Dadashri: You do not have to sustainit, if it sustains by itself, ‘You’ have to ‘know’that. You have to keep the desire to sustain itbecause there is no need to eliminate that,which used to be there. You do not need tokeep that which is going away. Is it sustainedor not? If a vow is still there, sustained, thenyou should sustain it.

Questioner: Generally, I do not feeldesire to eat kandmood.

Dadashri: Then it is enough, on thecontrary it is better that you do not feel likeeating, it is better if it does not enter. It helps.

Questioner: If I were to visit someone’shome, and if kandmood onions potatoes garlicetc., are served in the food then, should I eator not?

Dadashri: And there may be a time, ifyou were to visit someone’s home and if heinsists that you take it; then you may eat, thereis no harm in that. It is not poison. And if hedoes not insist then leave that preparation inyour plate. If he tells you that, ‘You willdefinitely have to eat’, then you should say,‘All right brother.’ You should go ahead andeat. You should not have insistence, obstinacyetc. But who will put it in the mouthdeliberately? If one knows that the powder isa laxative, then who will deliberately take it?It is a different thing if someone makes youeat that purgative powder.

So that which is good, you should keepit, sustain it. It is definitely good if one doesnot eat kandmood, isn’t it? There is no otheropinion in that at all.

Awareness increases throughrenunciation of root vegetables

This is very beneficial for those whohave attained right vision (samkit) and this isbeneficial to those who have not attainedsamkit but they are on the path of samkit.Otherwise all this is harmful to businessmen.

Questioner: Why?

Dadashri: All these are things, whoseavoidance can increase awareness.Renunciation of kandmood increasesawareness. In worldly awareness, one iscurrently ‘sleeping with eyes open’. In that,one will be more aware, more aware in worldlymatters. Chovihar (avoidance of food intakeafter dark), is also a thing which can increaseawareness.

Questioner: How about boiled water?

Dadashri: Drinking boiled water is forthe sake of your physical health. But thesetwo things can increase awareness. So whatcan happen if the awareness of thesebusinessmen increases?

Know, but do according to your ability

Questioner: Lord Mahavir has saidthose five vyavahar (worldly interaction):Aagam (scripture) vyavahar , Shrut(knowledge gained by hearing) vyavahar,agna (command) vyavahar, Dharana (mentalretention) vyavahar and Jeet (victory)vyavahar. Out of these five vyavahar, agnavyavahar is the vyavahar of the Gnani, andit is beyond the non-Self.

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Dadashri: This agna vyavahar, thereis a talk about agna. It is about vyavaharagna instructions of worldly conduct. Did youunderstand? So we have to write abouteverything in vyavahar agna.

Questioner: What about Aagamvyavahar?

Dadashri: Aagam vyavahar meansvyavahar. This agna (vow) and all the thingsare there, the Lord has showed the state ofvyavahar. In that it is taught, do not eat afterdark.

Questioner: But even then, one shouldnot eat after dark, should one?

Dadashri: It is a good thing. But theLord had said to do according to your energy.If other person does it then you do not run,other person will run, he will run if he hasenergy. And if you do not have energy, if youdo not get chance to eat at night or if it is notsuitable for the prakruti (mind-body-speechcomplex), then there is no harm. But this eatingafter dark is harmful. Potatoes are also harmful,that is what the Aagam vyavahar says.

Scientific understanding of not eatingafter dark

Questioner: In Jainism it is forbiddento eat after dark. Can you enlighten us furtheron this topic?

Dadashri: As far as the timing of foodintake is concerned, it is best not to eat afterdark. This is the best approach but it hasnothing to do with religion. It becameincorporated into religion because one makesgreater religious progress as one’s bodybecomes healthier. As far as religion isconcerned not eating after dark serves tocleanse the body.

Questioner: So is it for the health ofthe body or the sin involved, that the Vitarags(fully enlightened Ones), advocated not eatingafter dark?

Dadashri: It is meant for the health ofthe body, as well as for the practice of(ahimsa) non-violence.

Questioner: In Jain religion, eating afterdark, drinking water without boiling, eatinggreen vegetables on certain lunar days (tithi),are considered sins, so are these sins?

Dadashri: All this is not beneficial onthe path of moksha. If you eat after dark,then do you not see the small living organismsfalling in your meal at the time of eating?

Questioner: Yes.

Dadashri: If you eat those bugs withyour meal, then what will be your condition?Do you think people would be eating bugsalong with their meal? Therefore, what is theproblem if you eat early? Do you have anyproblem? Microorganisms cause differentdiseases when ingested in meal, and thenknowledge takes a turn, it ruins.

Questioner: But why shouldn’t we eatafter dark?

Dadashri: According to the principlesof Jainism and Vedanta, evening meals shouldalways be eaten while the sun is still present.The Vedanta view holds that your internalorgans are more receptive during the daytimeallowing the process of digestion to occur. TheJain view, based on what the Tirthankarashave said, holds that all living beings returnhome when the sun sets. At times, because ofthe clouds it may be difficult to see whether ornot the sun has set, but the embodied soulshave an internal energy that allows them to

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sense the day’s end. One can tell that the dayhas ended when the life forms return home.Even the subtlest of life forms, which are notperceptible under a microscope, enter in home.They settle on the food and remain unseenbecause they are of the same color as thefood. This is why food should not be eatenafter dark. All these microorganisms getingested, and there is no fault because of theirdeath but ingestion of these very subtle livingorganisms causes heavy veils (avaran) in thebrain. Now because of this I am not sayingthat I am asking you to quit. Keep this in yourunderstanding. This gnan is worthunderstanding. I am not saying that, ‘You mustnot do this,’ because even I am also not ableto remain completely in such circumstances. Ifevidence comes late then I eat late and if it isearly, then I eat early. As far as possible, thisgnan is present that I should follow accordingto this gnan. We do not want to incur a loss,even then we have to. Even under thecircumstances, our decision should be, that wedo not want to incur a loss. We should havesuch worldly interaction (vyavahar).

Have a goal of following a religion ofnon-violence

Questioner: It is said that, eating afterdark is the entrance to the first hell (narka),yet why do people eat at night?

Dadashri: One should not eat afterdark, but still people do that. People are notaware about the harm caused by eating afterdark and those who know are entangled inother circumstances. Otherwise it is best notto eat after dark. Not to eat after dark isconsidered a mahavrat (highest religious vow).This can be considered the sixth mahavrat(the five vows given by Lord Mahavir are(ahimsa) non-violence, (satya) truth,

(achaurya) non-stealing, (aparigraha) non-acquisitiveness, and (brahmacharya) celibacy.

Questioner: If a person has no choicebut to eat after dark, will he be binding karma?

Dadashri: No. Karma is not bound inthis way. Why do you have to break that rule?Someone must have taught you to observe it,right?

Questioner: As a Jain, I have beenbrought up that way.

Dadashri: In that case you should dopratikraman in the name of Lord Mahavir. Itis the Lord’s instruction, so you must abide byit and if you cannot follow it, you must ask forforgiveness. If you want to practice non-violence (ahimsa) and keep your body healthy,it is best that you eat before sunset. Do younormally eat early?

Questioner: I have started to do sorecently.

Dadashri: Who made you do it?

Questioner: I started doing so becauseI wanted to, on my own.

Dadashri: But from now on you shoulddo it with the understanding that you arefollowing this practice for the sake of ahimsa,as explained by Dadashri. It is useless if it isdone without a purpose and a goal.

Know the follower of the rule

Questioner: After Gnan – Self-realization, the importance of eating less oravoiding eating after dark, does not remain.

Dadashri: Not eating after dark is aright thing; it is a good thing. If it does nothappen then it will happen according to theway it has been filled (puran) in the past life.

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Questioner: Renunciation of not eatingafter dark, renunciation of seven addictions,why all this is said then?

Dadashri: If you are not eating afterdark, then do not quit that rule. Are you eatingafter dark right now?

Questioner: Yes.

Dadashri: Then you should not worryabout that and ‘You’ should tell ‘Chandubhai’that, ‘Brother, if you do not eat after darkthen it is beneficial. If it is convenient then it isbetter if you follow’, that much You have tosay. ‘However we cannot threaten you. Youhave become a neighbor. We cannot intimidateyou,’ You should say. So there is no harm intelling him this.

Gnani also observes rules

Although I was not born a Jain, I tooused to observe the rules of not eating rootcrops, practicing chovihar (not eating afterdark) and I always drank boiled water, whetherI was at home or out of town. My businesspartner and I would always carry a flask ofboiled water wherever we went. We observedThe Lord’s prescribed rules.

If someone finds these practices toorigid and difficult, I would tell him that he isnot obligated to follow them, but if he did, hewould indeed benefit from doing so. The Lordhas given us these rules so that we mayrecognize their benefits and not so that webecome dogmatic about them.

The Gnani Purush does not need torenounce or attain anything. Even then I observechovihar because occasionally someone willtell me that it upsets him to know that I do notadhere to the timings. Sacrifices andrenunciation is of no significance when one

reaches the level of a Gnani. People interpretand practice these rules according to their levelof understanding. The Gnani Purush does notlack anything. The Lord calls the Gnani Purusha non-violent One in an ocean of violence.From the very beginning I have observedchovihar.

Even now we observe chovihar all thetime, but if it gets a little late like this then wedo not observe on that day. But we do nothave to observe as a vow. We do not need torenounce (tyaga) or acquire (grahan)anything. ‘We’ do not have renunciation-acquisition (tyaga-atyaga). An ego isnecessary for us to renounce. Nowadaysbecause of my satsang schedule, I am onlyable to do so on certain days. My intention isto observe it completely, and that is whatcounts!

Faith must not change

If someone is following chovihar vownot to eat after dark, then you cannot speakthat there is no need to do chovihar. ‘Idefinitely want to follow chovihar,’ suchawareness you should have and if it does nothappen then you should do pratikraman. Weare not asking you to do pratikraman all thetime, but if you do pratikraman once forchovihar then there is no problem.

Now, whatever you are doing. If youare following the vow of chovihar then do itand do not if you are not. Do whatevervyavasthit – scientific circumstantial evidences,makes you do. There is no doership in thatnow. However if someone asks, arekandmood good or bad? Then you can say,‘Lord has said, that is correct. Kandmooddiet is not appropriate.’

If someone says, ‘Then why are you

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eating?’ Then you say, ‘Brother, this is a faultof ‘Chandubhai’, I can ‘see’ that,’ you shoulddeclare it that way.

Questioner: What is paryushan (Mostimportant religious practice of the year, of Jains.This is a time of intensive study, reflection andpurification)? Is it some kind of a calculation?Is it a custom of ours and other religions inmonsoon season or is there importance ofparyushan in any other way?

Dadashri: No, there is support ofAyurveda. All religious followers had setpracticing penance -austerities in monsoonseason, on the basis of Ayurveda.

This is helpful for health

Questioner: Why are we told to drinkboiled water?

Dadashri: There are infinite life formseven in just one drop of water. Boiling waterkills these life forms. By drinking boiled water,your body stays healthy, and when the bodyis healthy, your awareness increases. Peoplehowever have completely misunderstood thisconcept.

The Lord has shown us all the differentways to stay healthy and drinking boiled wateris one of them. Drinking cold water is violencetowards the infinite live organisms in the water.Yet people insist on not boiling the water (inorder to prevent himsa) at the expense oftheir own health. Instead the Lord has toldyou to boil the drinking water in order to keepyour body healthy. But that water has to beconsumed within eight hours, after which youshould not drink it because life forms will startto grow in it again.

So it is more for the sake of health andnot so much for the violence, that people are

told to boil their drinking water. Drinking boiledwater prevents the accumulation of otherorganisms in the stomach. This is helpful inincreasing your awareness. By boiling thewater, the larger organisms are destroyed.

Questioner: So does that not constituteviolence?

Dadashri: This kind of violence doesnot have much significance because itcontributes to the health of your body. With ahealthy body one can practice religion. In thisworld there is nothing but violence. When youeat or drink, you consume nothing but lifeforms.

Yogurt has so many living organisms thatone time eating yogurt is equivalent to not doingten chovihar. It is full of living organisms.

The Lord has not given any emphasison the violence against one-sense developedlife forms. People have misconstrued all this.If the Lord had intended for us to worry aboutsuch matters, He would have advocateddrinking only cold water, since so many lifeforms are destroyed when water is boiled. Howmany life forms do you think die in boilingwater?

Questioner: Countless.

Dadashri: You cannot see the life formsbut these life forms themselves make up thephysical composition of water. Now tell mehow can people see them when water itself isthe body formed of the aggregate of all theselife forms? These life forms are such that theirmanifest form is water. Now tell me how canyou deal with something like this?

Understanding about five life forms

Questioner: We know for sure that

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there are subtle life forms in water, which iswhy we boil the water before we drink it.

Dadashri: What you know about theorganisms found in water is based on whatyou have been told, but in reality the facts arevery difficult and too subtle for one tounderstand. Even if you were given a clearexplanation, it would still elude you. Not evenscientists can understand this. Only the Gnanisunderstand it. Of the five, only the organismsin vegetation can be understood, the othersrequire a more profoundly developed spirituallevel.

Questioner: That is what the scientistsare researching.

Dadashri: They will not be able tounderstand it even then. They only understandthe vegetation, but even that knowledge islimited.

Let me explain this to you in the Lord’slanguage: All the vegetation that you see aroundyou has life (vanaspatikaya). Life is alsopresent in the air (vayukaya), the dirt androcks. The rocks also contain living organismsknown as pruthvikaya. Flames of a fire arereally a collection of organisms calledteookaya. The water we drink is composedof jalkaya, the organisms whose very bodiesare in a glass of water. Water is composedentirely of animate beings. Everything aroundyou, water, food, air, earth and fire is living.

Questioner: So all these jalkaya meansthey are one-sensory life forms.

Dadashri: Yes, people do not knowthat at all that water means it is jalkaya lifeforms. People think that water comes fromthe well and we are wasting away. The onewho knows this, would follow this rule.

Egg means it is verily a baby

Questioner: We have eaten eggs in ourfamily.

Dadashri: Why had you eaten?

Questioner: We had eaten to make thebody healthy.

Dadashri: What weight do you have tolift with the body?

Questioner: One doctor said to feedeggs to your son so we started cooking eggsat home. But it was only once in a while. Wewere not eating on regular basis. Not even formonths or years, very rarely we eat eggs.

Dadashri: Do you feel goodafterwards?

Questioner: Not much.

Dadashri: You did not like them?

Questioner: I do not like them much.I eat them some times, but I cannot, everyday.

Dadashri: Eggs and young ones, bothare same. There is no difference in eatingsomeone’s egg and eating someone’s youngone. Do you like to eat a young one? Wouldyou choose to eat someone’s baby?

Questioner: No, no.

Dadashri: Why is that?

Questioner: I would not like the tasteat all.

Dadashri: So then eggs are verily samething, they are babies only. Don’t you feel thatthey are babies? Only a baby will grow out ofit.

Questioner: Eggs too are part of avegetarian diet; people have such belief.

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Dadashri: No, it is a wrong belief. Theycall these eggs (nirjiva) lifeless eggs. Youcannot eat the thing which does not have life.

Questioner: I feel this is a different talk.

Dadashri: Different means, it is exact.This was told to scientists. One should eat bykilling a living being. This is one kind ofbefooling, nothing is like that. One cannot eata lifeless thing. If there is a life then only onecan eat. There is a life but it is certain kind oflife. So people have taken advantage of theworld, in a way. One cannot touch that at all.And what can happen to children by feedingeggs, the body will become so much effectivethat it cannot remain in one’s control. Certainvegetarian food is very good. Let it be raw.Doctors have their profession, and they keeptelling according to their intellect. It is not afault of the doctor in this. Doctors would followaccording to their intellect and understanding.We have to protect our (sanskar) culturalvalues. We are from homes with ethical values.

Questioner: There is no violence ineating eggs because they are non-fertilized.They are saying that there are two kinds ofeggs. They are saying, in one kind of eggs,there is no life.

Dadashri: It is not anything like that.These people have made the world foolish.By saying one kind of eggs have life and otherkinds of eggs do not have life, they are makingthe world foolish. There is no such thing in thisworld that one can eat which does not havelife in it, we cannot eat a thing, which does notcontain life at all. Only we can eat after killingthe life forms.

Questioner: Some people even arguethat there are two types of eggs. Eggs with lifeand eggs without life, so can we eat the latter?

Dadashri: Yes, they argue that thereare eggs, which do not contain life, andtherefore technically it is non-violence toconsume them. I tell them that it is impossibleto eat anything that is non-living. One cannoteat anything that does not contain life. If eggsdid not contain life, they would be consideredinanimate and therefore inedible. One can onlyeat living things and moreover, only those livingthings which are not spoilt. Even vegetableswill rot and become inedible a few days afterbeing picked. One can only eat living things.There is no truth in the statement that an egghas no life in it. Why are you trapping peoplewith such statements?

It is a wonder that people have createdsuch a concept. Anything that is non-livingcannot be eaten. I asked about other kind ofeggs, tell me whether the other kind of egg isliving or non-living. If it is lifeless then onecannot eat. You made the whole world foolish.What kind of people are you? We cannot eatsomething which does not have life, it isconsidered inedible.

So there is no such thing as ‘non-violent’egg. If you say non-violent then there is no lifein it, and if it is non-living then one cannot eat.If there is life then that egg is alive.

Questioner: But these ‘vegetarian eggs’do not develop further into a chick.

Dadashri: That is a different matter, butthere is indeed life in them.

People are being misinformed. This issuehas become a difficult one for Jain children toaccept. So many of them argue with me aboutthis and I simply tell them that they should givethis more thought. There is no problem if thereis no life in it, but you cannot eat anything thatis lifeless. If you are eating the egg with the

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idea that it is void of life, then you should alsostop eating grains and only eat food that doesnot contain any life. Food that does not containlife will satisfy hunger but it does not have anynutritional value and it will not nourish andsustain the body. The children accepted thisfact and agreed to stop eating eggs altogether.

People will listen if one takes the time toexplain things to them; otherwise there is somuch misinformation out there that one’sintellect is led astray.

All foods contain life, but the Lord hastold humans to consume only certain foods.He has drawn limits as to which foods areallowed and which are forbidden. You mustnot harm or eat any thing that runs away fromyou in fear.

Questioner: An egg does not run awayfrom us in fear, so is it permissible to eat it?

Dadashri: The egg does not run away,but the life contained within the egg is in astate of unconsciousness and dormancy. Willthis life not be apparent when the egg beginsto hatch?

Questioner: Yes, we will discover thatimmediately. But what if it does not hatch?

Dadashri: That is because the life withinit is in a dormant state. Whether or not it isgoing to hatch into a chicken is a differentmatter. Even the human fetus at four to fiveweeks, is in the same state as the egg, so youmust not harm the egg. As humans we knowwhat happens to the egg after it hatches.

Therefore we cannot eat eggs and if youare eating non-vegetarian food then I wouldsay, ‘It is better to eat eggs and quit eatingnon-vegetarian food.’

Questioner: We can eat yogurt. Sowhat is the difference between the livingorganisms, which are present in yogurt andthe living being present in the egg? There is noharm in eating yogurt and what is the harm ineating an egg?

Dadashri: It is like this, there are one-sense developed organisms in yogurt. And thelife that is in the egg is a five-sense developedbeing. The Lord had said that you may eat allone-sense developed things because there isno other food for you to eat at all.

This wheat grains are here, now if wesay boil these wheat grains then they will notrun away, or move around. Then you can boilthat. But we cannot boil those, who scatteraway. Those, who feel fear and feel harassed,do not boil them.

This is just that people are misled bysaying this eggs are lifeless (nirjiva). Wecannot eat any thing which is not living. Youeat the lifeless or a stone, both are similarthings. So eggs are verily living. People areshown wrong methods by giving wrong ideasand have started business. One cannot toucheggs at all. If one feels the hurt and understandsnon-violence (ahimsa) then he should nottouch eggs. Whether they say it is living ornon-living, but it is verily living. It is not non-living. Do not meddle with eggs. There is nosuch thing as ‘non-violent’ eggs for those whoeat them under such understanding. It is justthat these people have found the business ofmaking people foolish by doing propaganda.This is because one cannot eat anything that isnon-living. Scientifically, one cannot eat thatwhich does not have life at all. One can eatonly after life enters. There has to be a lifewithin.

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Questioner: That is right.

Dadashri: Otherwise one cannot eat atall. One cannot eat non-living thing whatsoever.So all this businesses are there to make peoplefoolish. Yes, therefore one cannot touch eggs.People may say anything that this is a non-living, but it is a grave danger. Do not eat eggsat all, do not touch them. And because ofmerit karma punyai you have taken birth in aJain family and if you misuse it, then what isthe meaning of it?

Milk is a vegetarian food

Questioner: Just as one should not eatthe ‘vegetarian’ egg, one should not drink themilk of a cow.

Dadashri: You cannot eat eggs but youcan drink cows’ milk, eat yogurt and somecan even eat butter made from that milk. Norestrictions have been placed on these.

The Lord had forbidden some peopleto eat butter, but that was for specific peopleand for a different reason. You can makepuddings and sweets from that milk. Even ifsome scriptures forbid this, I will tell you thatthose scriptures are wrong and that there areno restrictions. Go ahead and enjoy them buttake care not to overindulge.

Questioner: But nature had intendedthe milk for the calves and not for us.

Dadashri: That is completely false. Onlythe calves of the wild cows and buffaloes drinkall their mother’s milk. People however, feedand nurture cows so that both the calves andthe humans can benefit from the cows’ milk.This has been the practice from timeimmemorial. If you feed a cow well, it canproduce up to fifteen liters of milk a day. If

you feed it well it will produce more than thenormal amount of milk so you will not bedepriving the calf of its share and making it gohungry.

Questioner: What kind of food can weconsider for milk?

Dadashri: There is not any problem indrinking milk. Those who have shownobjection, have shown it without thinkingessential and non essential things. We are takingbenefit of cow’s milk and we are nourishingcows too. We should nourish the cow well.

But people take benefit of these cowsand buffaloes, until they produce milk and thenthey send them to be slaughtered. Rich peopleshould take care of them. Every rich personshould have cow-pen of ten cows. Becauseof this he will become wealthier and will getmilk, ghee and dairy products right at home.When rich people will establish cow-pen(goshada) in India then real happiness willarise in this world.

Why adulteration in food?

Which business is good? It is that whichdoes not involve violence and no one gets hurtthrough us. If one owns a grain grocery storethen he will cheat his customer by weighingless grains than was paid for. Nowadayspeople have learnt to sell adulterated goods.If one does this for human food, he will beborn as an animal in the next life. He will notfall because of four legs, will he? Maintainreligion in your business otherwise the devil ofevil will enter into it.

We do not need to be concerned aboutunethical behavior but the laws of nature mustbe heeded with reference to that which is meant

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for human consumption like food andmedicines. A person is not at fault or may beat fault to a lesser extent if he cheats someoneby selling pure goods worth thirty-sevenpounds instead of forty pounds but the onewho gives a full forty pounds of adulteratedfood material incurs a great liability. Do notadulterate. It is a major crime to adulteratefood. One must not adulterate material forhuman consumption.

Questioner: I personally believe that, Ishould not engage in any activity which keepshurting me inside.

Dadashri: Yes, never do anything thatgives you pain. These days there is rampantadulteration in grains, cooking oil and milk etc.This should not be the situation.

‘Sahaj meela so doodha baraabar,’spontaneously obtained is as good as milk.Even if one obtained a glass of water naturally,without any effort, it is as good as milk.‘Maang leeya so paani,’ and if one asked fora glass of milk, it will give the effect like water.‘Khinch leeya so rakta baraabar,’ if it isobtained by snatching it away from someone,it is like drinking blood. ‘Gorakh bole bani,’in the two sentences, Gorakh has summarizedthe scripture.

Violence caused by antibiotics

Questioner: What about themedications taken to reduce fever or infectionsin the body?

Dadashri: You need not worry aboutthe violence to such life forms. Some peopledo not worry but about such organisms.

Questioner: An infant would die if itwere not given the medicine to kill parasites inits stomach.

Dadashri: You have to treat the child.Give the child whatever medications are neededto kill all the parasites. The Lord has not saidto practice such non-violence at all.

Know the science of Ayurveda

Taking a vow (ektanu – the vow ofhaving only one meal in a day) on certainoccasion is for the Ayurveda (the medicalscience of ancient India) purpose. All thesetaking vow of fasting or keeping discipline forcertain food on certain days are arranged toget benefit in Ayurveda. People of old timeshave done better arrangement. Even stupidpeople will take benefit from this. So theseaatham (eighth day of a lunar fortnight),agiyaras (the eleventh day of a lunar fortnight),pancham (fifth day of a lunar fortnight), allsuch days are set, and shraaddha (the act ofmaking ceremonial offerings to the deadancestors or relatives) are set. So thisshraaddha is set for very auspicious thing.

Questioner: Dada, what is thesignificance of that? Is it called ignorance?

Dadashri: No, it is not ignorance. Thisis something people had taught that on thisoccasion they make ceremonial offerings onthe death anniversary of a relative. We have abig history of doing these ceremonial offeringson the death anniversary of the relatives. Whatwas the reason for doing these ceremonialoblations? Shraaddha are considered from thefull moon day of the eleventh month of Vikramayear (Bhadaravo – the eleventh month ofVikrama year Suda – bright half of lunar monthPoonam – full moon) to the no-moon day ofthe eleventh month of Vikrama year(Bhadaravo – the eleventh month of Vikramayear Vada – the dark half of a lunar month

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Amaas – no-moon or last day of the dark halfof every lunar month). Shraaddha areperformed for sixteen days. Now why thesepeople had introduced this shraaddha? Veryintelligent people! This system of performingshraaddha was introduced by people is veryscientific. Some years before, in every home,at least one to two patients of malaria wouldbe there in small villages in the month ofBhadaravo in India. So when you go in thevillage, you would see a patient with malaria inevery home. There are lots of mosquitoes inthe month of Bhadaravo. So there used to bean outbreak of malaria. Malaria is considereda fever of pitta – one of the three humors ofthe body. Malaria is not the fever of vayu orcapha (two main humors of the body). It is afever of pitta, so bile increases a lot. In amonsoon season, mosquitoes bite and one getsthis fever of bile. Mosquitoes will bite whoeverhas more pitta (bile).

So the investigators had researched toget some way out in India. Otherwise half ofthe population would go down in India.Nowadays mosquitoes are less, otherwisepeople would not stay alive. So they had donesome research that if they eat doodhpaak(sweet dish of milk and rice), kheer (sweetdish made of rice and sugar), milk and sugar,then pitta intensity will ease off and patientcan be relieved from effects of malaria. Nowpeople are such that they will not make kheeror doodhpaak from milk even it is available athome. People are such normal (!) so what canhappen, do you know? Now, how can theyeat doodhpaak everyday?

Now, not even a word is reaching thebeloved one who has departed. This peoplehad invented that the people of India are notsuch who will practice the religion even worth

of four aanaas (1 aanaa – 6 paisa). Theyare so greedy that they will not spend eventwo aanaas for religion. So people would comeand ask, ‘At least do shraaddha for yourfather!’ This is how the shraaddha wasintroduced. So people had started performingshraaddha on the father’s death anniversary.And someone obstinate like me, who wouldnot do the shraaddha then what people wouldsay? ‘This one does not even help to performthe shraaddha for his father.’ So people inneighborhood would kick up a fuss and thenhe would do it and feed everybody.

So we get to eat doodhpaak from thefull moon day to all the fifteen dayscontinuously. One day my home, next day otherperson’s home and it was convenient to people.So we used to eat at one after another person’shome. We did not cheat and did thekaagvaasa (word uttered at the time ofmaking an offering to a crow – for the namesof shraaddha day). So this was investigated.Pitta can ease off, by doing this. Thereforepeople had done this arrangement. This is avery good scientific arrangement.

Get your work done through spiritualpractice

Questioner: I understand that the bodymust be kept healthy for the attainment of Self-realization, but if many life forms are destroyedin the process, should we continue to keepthe body healthy?

Dadashri: If you have the intent ofhealth as your main goal then your practicetowards Self-realization will be hindered. Truespiritual practice towards the Self happenswhen the aspirant’s primary focus is not inachieving a healthy body. Your body hasbrought with it everything for its preservation

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so you need not interfere. You shouldcompletely immerse yourself in your spiritualgoal. Everything else is as it should be. That iswhy I am telling you to remain in the present,because the past is gone forever and the futureis in the hands of vyavasthit. Think of yourbody, through which you have met a GnaniPurush, as a friend. Even if the medicineprescribed causes violence, you must still takeit, and care for the body. Everything in life isbased on the process of profit and loss. If thisbody were to live two more years, you canaccomplish a lot within this time, because it isthrough this body that you have come to meetthe Gnani Purush. You will incur some lossthrough violence, but your benefits will betwenty times greater! Your benefits will faroutweigh your losses; it is all a business ofprofit and loss.

Understand this…

There is nothing but life forms in thisworld. Countless life forms are destroyed injust one breath, so does it mean that oneshould stop breathing? The problem would besolved if this were possible because as it ispeople have created absolute madness aroundthis issue.

There is nothing here that needs to becritically analyzed. The only thing you need tobe cautious about is that you must not harmthose life forms that run away from you infear.

Why such renunciation?

There was one sthanakavasi sheth(Jain follower who does not believe in idols)a business owner. He was very resolute; hewould not touch any root vegetables. Oneday he invited me for a meal. We all were

sitting together for a meal. Then a piece of apotato came out from his daal (lentil soup).So he kept looking and peering deeply. Isaid, ‘What is in this? Is this something to beshown to others?’ I understood that this oldman was doing this because of his awareness.If one has less awareness then he would putit aside. Why one has to quarrel for this?Then he shouted, ‘What is this? What is this?’So his wife got frightened, ‘what happened’?Hey you! Tigers and lions are better thanyou. See how this woman is frightened to thecore! What kind of a person have you turnedout to be? All this is to scare women? Whydo you have to renounce this kandmood (rootvegetables)? It is to reduce kashayas: anger-pride-deceit-greed, instead you started doingkashaya . On the contrary kashayasincreased! Renunciation is advised todecrease kashaya.

Agitation in renunciation

No matter what the extent of externalrenunciation one undergoes, if there is any traceof agitation (vishamata) in that renunciation,then one cannot see his own mistakes, but hewill be able to see the mistakes where there isequanimity (samata). An ascetic goes askingfor food and if he happens to see a smallpiece of a potato in his bowl, he would becomevery upset. Then how can he see his mistake?There must be equanimity in renunciation.

Questioner: What is meant by agitationin renunciation?

Dadashri: If a person renounces eatinggarlic and onion, but finds a piece of an onionon his plate, he will go berserk and start yelling.Some even feel repulsed merely at the sight ofan onion, so what is their status? Do you callthat equanimity?

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Questioner: No, that is agitation.

Dadashri: Agitation is the result of suchrenunciation. Instead it would have been betternot to renounce anything at all. The Lord saysif a piece of a potato ends up in a renunciant’splate by mistake, does it cause him any harm?Besides, everything that gets consumed is a‘potato’! Lack of awareness is the reason whysuch divisions have been made by the intellect.If a piece of a potato or an onion falls in theplate by mistake, that situation has to be simplyresolved; should one not be capable of doingat least this much? Equanimity should neverbe departed from. If equanimity is maintainedin renunciation, it can take one to moksha. Isrenunciation done for the purpose of increasingequanimity or increasing agitation? Renunciationis to increase equanimity and if one is not ableto maintain equanimity in renunciation, then thatrenunciation is useless.

As long as there is egoism, there is noliberation

The Lord has said there is no mokshafor either the renunciant or the family man.The family man renounces nothing and so hehas the ego of acquisitiveness (grahan),whereas the renunciant has ego of renouncing(tyaga). Both have ego of what they do andas long as there is egoism, there is no liberation.Nevertheless, on the Kramic path which doescall for renunciation, one has to have the egoof doership in order to purify his ego. In thepath of Akram Vignan (step-less sciencetowards Self-realization) however, there isliberation for one as he becomes non-acquisitive living amidst all there is to attain.What was it like for Emperor Bharat? As anEmperor, he had all the pomp and luxuries ofan empire, thirteen hundred wives, palaces etc.

But despite all the material wealth, LordRushabhdev gave him the knowledge of AkramVignan and because of that he was able toattain liberation despite living amidst all luxuries.

Gnani’s equanimity

With all the existing difficulties, youmahatmas are able to experience nirvikalpsamadhi (bliss amidst all disturbances inthoughts, speech and acts). A piece of a potatomay very well end up in your plate, but youhave to quietly set it aside, without anyone’sknowledge and with equanimity. But what willa person who becomes agitated say? ‘Wheredid you get this from? Go, throw it away.’ If‘we’ were to find a piece of meat in ‘our’daal, ‘we’ would quietly take it out and put itinside the fold of our dhoti. Let it get dirty,but ‘we’ would not upset anyone. If ‘we’ upsetanyone, then anyone who would eat the daalwould become sick (kashaya laden). Peoplehave eaten so many cockroaches and lizardsin this way and then they contract diseases.People develop white leprosy (leukoderma)and many other diseases. Whatever food oneeats outside their home, no one keeps an eyeon it, so many insects fall in the food and yetpeople devour that food. ‘We’ would hide thepiece of meat and accept it as vyavasthit;‘we’ would behave as if nothing has happened.Whereas these masters go berserk and startyelling with such intensity that it stuns everyonein the home. ‘We’ have the understanding andwould question, ‘Did the woman deliberatelyput the meat in the food?’ No. She must havewalked away to do something and a crowcame along to take a piece of rotli anddropped a piece of meat it was carrying in itsbeak. Just look at all the evidences that takeplace. Therefore, people should be preparedfor all kinds of things. Should you not maintain

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awareness of all different circumstances thattake place?

Non-acquisitive amidst acquisitions

Gnani do not have any opinion ofrenunciation (tyaga) or lack of it, (grahan)acquisitiveness. Tirthankara Lord had said‘the Gnani follows naturally according toprevailing circumstance. They do not have anyvikalp (that which arises through, ‘I am thisbody’), that ‘now I will do this’ because theyare not the doer.’ So what happens? Theybehave as per whatever happens naturally, noother problem. Even the Lord cannot find anyfault with them, because they are not the doerat all, they are absolutely in the non-doer state(akarta bhaav). Whatever happens theyremain natural. If they get it then it is fine andif not then also they are fine.

Let me tell you how it is for ‘us’, theGnani Purush. Everything is natural. If someone

were to take away ‘our’ dinner plate, ‘we’would tell him that ‘we’ have not eaten anythingsince the morning and would request him toleave the plate alone, but if despite this hedoes not listen, ‘we’ would not object. It isnot parigraha to ask for something. ‘We’ maybe a Gnani but ‘we’ still have to ask for things.Gnani does not have any attraction for a plateof food. The end can only be in sight if onebecomes aparigrahi amidst all theseparigraha; only then will he attain the bliss ofthe Self. But today people have ventured onthe wrong path and yet they are not at fault;everything is dependant upon the effect of thecurrent time cycle. ‘We’ do not see anyone asbeing at fault. The one within, is absolutely thepure vitarag Lord. This science is an absolutewonder. The knowledge of Akram Vignan hasmanifested within and it is an unprecedentedvictory.

~Jai Sat Chit Anand

Watch Pujya Niruma on T.V. ChannelsIndia 'Sanskar', Everyday 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM (In Hindi)

DD-Girnar (Gujarati), Everyday 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM & 3:30 PM to 4 PM Doordarshan Sahyadri - Mon-Tue-Thu-Sat 7:30 to 8 AM

& Wed-Fri 7:15 to 7:30 AM (In Marathi)All over the World (except India) on 'Sony TV' Mon-Fri 7 AM to 7:30 AM (In Hindi)USA : 'TV Asia' Everyday 7 AM to 7:30 AM EST (In Gujarati)USA-UK : 'Aastha International' Everyday 8 AM to 8:30 AM (In Gujarati)Africa : 'Aastha International' Everyday 10:30 AM to 11 AM (In Gujarati)

Watch Pujya Deepakbhai Desai on T.V. ChannelsIndia Zee Jagran, Everyday 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM (In Hindi)

DD-Girnar (Gujarati) Everyday, 9 PM to 9:30 PM (In Gujarati)USA 'SAHARA ONE' Mon to Fri 9 AM to 9:30 AM EST (In Gujarati)USA-UK : 'Aastha International' Everyday 9:30 PM to 10 PM (In Gujarati)UK-Europe : 'MA TV' Everyday 5 PM to 5:30 PM (In Gujarati)Africa : 'Aastha International' Everyday Midnight 12 to 12:30 AM (In Gujarati)

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Venue Date Day Program From To Venue Contact nos

Atlanta, GA 16-Jun-10 Wednesday Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Gujarati Samaj 678-595-9631

Atlanta, GA 17-Jun-10 Thursday Gnanvidhi 5.30 PM 9.00 PM 5331 Royalwood Parkway, 229-423-5453

Atlanta, GA 18-Jun-10 Friday Aptaputra Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Tucker,GA 30084 404-538-5000

[email protected] 404-934-7192

Jacksonville, FL 19-Jun-10 Saturday Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Twin Lakes Academy Middle School (904)743-7327

Jacksonville, FL 20-Jun-10 Sunday Aptaputra Satsang 10.00 AM 12.00 PM 8050 Point Meadows Drive, (904)704-6966

Jacksonville, FL 20-Jun-10 Sunday Gnanvidhi 5.30 PM 9.00 PM Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 737-1674

Jacksonville, FL 21-Jun-10 Monday Aptaputra Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM [email protected] (973) 618-6775

New York, NY 22-Jun-10 Tuesday Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Gujarati Samaj of New York 718-849-2530

New York, NY 23-Jun-10 Wednesday Gnanvidhi 5.30 PM 9.00 PM 173-15 Horace Harding Expwy, 718-347-0050

Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 718-631-0443

Pujya Deepakbhai's USA-Canada Satsang Program 2010

[email protected] 516-624-7628

Hunt Valley, MD 24-Jun-10 Thursday Aptaputra Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Baltimore Mariott (301) 351-0510

Hunt Valley, MD 25-Jun-10 Friday Gnanvidhi 5.30 PM 9.00 PM Hunt Valley Inn, 245 Shawan Road, (732) 766-7265

Hunt Valley, MD. 21031 (410) 905-2342

[email protected] (757) 286-8021

Hunt Valley, MD 26-Jun-10 Saturday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 7.30 PM

Hunt Valley, MD 27-Jun-10 Sunday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 7.30 PM Hunt Valley Inn

Hunt Valley, MD 28-Jun-10 Monday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 7.30 PM Hunt Valley

Hunt Valley, MD 29-Jun-10 Tuesday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 7.30 PM Closest AirportHunt Valley, MD 30-Jun-10 Wednesday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 7.30 PM International (BWI)

Dallas, TX 01-Jul-10 Thursday Aptaputra Satsang 7.00 PM 9.30 PM DFW Hindu Temple Auditorium 817-329-4656

Dallas, TX 02-Jul-10 Friday Gnanvidhi 6.30 PM 10.00 PM 1605 North Britain Road 214-636-4787

Dallas, TX 03-Jul-10 Saturday Satsang 10.00 AM 12.30 PM Irving, TX 75061-2608 972-369-3298

[email protected] 214-316-8123

Houston, TX 04-Jul-10 Sunday Satsang 10.00 AM 12.30 PM Shree Vallabh Priti Seva Samaj Hall 832-771-8204

Houston, TX 04-Jul-10 Sunday Gnanvidhi 4.30 PM 8.00 PM (VPSS Haveli), 11715 Bellfort Village Dr, 832-646-4696

Houston, TX 05-Jul-10 Monday Satsang 10.00 AM 12.30 PM Houston, TX 77031-2629 832-405-5172

Phoenix, AZ 05-Jul-10 Monday Aptaputra Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Shreenathji Temple Hall, 6300 South 23rd Ave., 480-209-1472

Only for mahamtas and those who have

previously registered.


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Venue Date Day Program From To Venue Contact nos

Los Angles, CA 06-Jul-10 Tuesday Satsang with Eng. Translation 6.30 PM 9.30 PM Anil and Bhavina Patel 714-337-9000

Los Angles, CA 07-Jul-10 Wednesday Gnanvidhi (Guj/Eng) 5.30 PM 9.30 PM 2164 Rocky View Road 909-510-1258

Los Angles, CA 08-Jul-10 Thursday Satsang with Eng. Translation 6.30 PM 9.30 PM Diamond Bar, CA 91765 323-493-3030

[email protected] 562-201-5700

San Jose, CA 09-Jul-10 Friday Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Vaishnav Parivar - Haveli 408-624-1611

San Jose, CA 10-Jul-10 Saturday Gnanvidhi 4.00 PM 7.00 PM 25 Corning Ave., 408-910-6052

San Jose, CA 11-Jul-10 Sunday Aptaputra Satsang 10.00 AM 12.30 PM Milpitas, CA 95035 408-978-3938

San Jose, CA 11-Jul-10 Sunday Satsang 4.00 PM 7.00 PM [email protected] 408-646-4977

Champaign, IL. 12-Jul-10 Monday Aptaputra Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Hotel Hanford Inn & Suites 217-689-1075

Champaign, IL. 13-Jul-10 Tuesday Gnanvidhi 5.30 PM 9.00 PM 2408 North Cunningham Avenue 217-689-1035

Urbana, IL 61802 217-821-0764

Pujya Deepakbhai's USA-Canada Satsang Program 2010

[email protected] 217-493-8250

Chicago, IL 14-Jul-10 Wednesday Satsang 6.00 PM 8.30 PM Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago 847-980-5759

Chicago, IL 15-Jul-10 Thursday Gnanvidhi 5.30 PM 9.00 PM 435 Rt. 59, Bartlett, IL 60173 847-885-8576

Toronto, Canada 17-Jul-10 Saturday Satsang 6.30 PM 9.00 PM Sanatan Mandir 416-731-5236

Toronto, Canada 18-Jul-10 Sunday Satsang 10.00 AM 12.00 PM 9333 Woodbine Ave.,Markham, 416-675-3543

Toronto, Canada 18-Jul-10 Sunday Gnanvidhi 4.30 PM 8.00 PM Ontario, Canada L6C [email protected]

Cherry Hill, NJ 20-Jul-10 Tuesday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 12.30 PM Crowne Plaza 856-875-4775

Cherry Hill, NJ 20-Jul-10 Tuesday Satsang 4.30 PM 7.00 PM 2349 Marlton Pike W, 201-229-1483

Cherry Hill, NJ 21-Jul-10 Wednesday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 12.30 PM Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 732-322-2639

Cherry Hill, NJ 21-Jul-10 Wednesday Satsang 4.30 PM 7.00 PM [email protected] 732-968-6836

Cherry Hill, NJ 22-Jul-10 Thursday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 12.30 PM Closest Airport

Cherry Hill, NJ 22-Jul-10 Thursday Satsang 4.30 PM 7.00 PM PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL(PHL)

Cherry Hill, NJ 23-Jul-10 Friday Satsang/Samayik 9.30 AM 12.30 PM Every evening from 9 PM to 10 PM

Cherry Hill, NJ 23-Jul-10 Friday Satsang 4.30 PM 7.00 PM we will have different programs planned,

Cherry Hill, NJ 24-Jul-10 Saturday Satsang 10.00 AM 12.30 PM including Garba.

Cherry Hill, NJ 24-Jul-10 Saturday Gnanvidhi 4.00 PM 7.30 PM Also Different Exhibitions, Theme Shows,

Cherry Hill, NJ 25-Jul-10 Sunday Gurupujan 9.00 AM 2.00 PM Children's World, Puppet Show and more.


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Spiritual Discourses and Gnanvidhi in the presence ofAtmagnani Pujya Deepakbhai

Amreli4th May, 8 to 10-30 pm - Satsang and 5th May (Wed), 7 to 10-30 pm - GnanvidhiVenue : Gymkhana Ground, Nr. S.T. Depot, Amreli (Gujarat). Tel. : 9426985638

Bhavnagar7th-8th May, 8 to 10-30 pm - Satsang and 9th May (Sun), 7 to 10-30 pm - GnanvidhiVenue : Shantilal Shah High School Ground, Nr. Crescent, Bhavnagar (Guj.). Tel. : 9824283369

Anand18th May, 8 to 10-30 pm - Satsang and 19th May (Wed), 7-30 to 11 pm - GnanvidhiVenue : Akshar Farm, Vidhyanagar Road, Anand (Gujarat). Tel. : 9825022832

Vadodara21st-22nd May, 8 to 10-30 pm - Satsang and 23rd May (Sun), 7-30 to 11 pm - GnanvidhiVenue : Parsi Agiyari Ground, Nr. Suryapalace Hotel, Sayajigunj, Vadodara (Guj.). Tel. : 9825032901

Godhra24th-25th May, 8 to 10-30 pm - Satsang and 26th May (Wed), 7 to 10-30 pm - GnanvidhiVenue : New Era High School Compound, Nr. Science College, Godhra (Guj.). Tel. : 9924343468

Ahmedabad28th-29th May, 8 to 10-30 pm - Satsang and 30th May (Sun), 6-30 to 10 pm - GnanvidhiVenue : Sanskar Kendra Ground, Nr. Tagore Hall, Paldi, Ahmedabad. Tel. : (079)27540408Spiritual Retreat in Hindi at Trimandir Adalaj - Date 3rd to 6th June 2010

Note : This shibir is for only Hindi Speaking people who do not know Gujarati language. If youare of Hindi region and want to register for Hindi Spiritual Retreat, you must register your nameon (079) 39830400 or by email to [email protected] after 20th April 2010 but before 20th

May 2010. No registration will be accepted after 20th May 2010.

Contact : Mahavideh Foundation, Trimandir, Simandhar City, Ahmedabad-Kalol Highway, P.O.:Adalaj,Dist.:Gandhinagar-382421, Gujarat, India. Tel. : (079) 39830100, email: [email protected] : 0265-2414142, Mumbai : 9323528901, USA: 785-271-0869, UK: 07956 476 253Websites : (1) www.dadabhagwan.org (2) www.dadashri.org

Spiritual Discourses (with English Translation) and Gnanvidhi in LA (USA)6th & 8th July, 6-30 to 9-30 PM - Spiritual Discourses & 7th July, 5-30 to 9-30 PM - GnanvidhiVenue : Mh. Anil & Bhavna Patel, 2164, Rocky View Road, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.Contact : 714-337-9000, 909-510-1258, 323-493-3030, 562-201-5700DADA GURUPURNIMA 2010 in UK in presence of Pujya DeepakbhaiDate Day Time Event Venue29 Jul '10 Thursday 7:30 to 10 PM P.Deepakbhai's Satsang Wanza Community Centre30 Jul '10 Friday 7:30 to 10 PM P.Deepakbhai's Satsang 31 Pasture Lane,31 Jul '10 Saturday 6 to 10 PM Gnanvidhi Leicester, LE1 4EY1 Aug '10 Sunday 9 AM to 8 PM Gurupurnima Celebration Contact : 01162208081

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