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  • 7/30/2019 Discoverer Administration


    EASOracle A s

    Training On

    Oracle Discoverer Administration 4i



    A Presentation by EAS Oracle Applications

    Oct 2003

  • 7/30/2019 Discoverer Administration


    EASOracle A s

    Oracle Discoverer provides business users with data analysiscapabilities, regardless of whether the RDBMS was designed for anOLTP system or as a data warehouse.

    Oracle Discoverer is a business intelligence toolset that comprises:

    OracleDiscoverer Administrator- Its design determines howusers access and view data.

    Oracle Discoverer Desktop- It provides logical and intuitiveaccess to information from your organizations relational databasesfor ad hoc query, analysis, and reporting.

    Oracle Discoverer Plus- Same as above on web.

    Oracle Discoverer Viewer- for viewing workbooks created byusers of the Windows or Web releases of the Discoverer Plus.


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    EASOracle A s

    Discoverer Components

    Introduction- Contd.

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    EASOracle A s

    Introduction- Contd.

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    Implementation Flow Chart

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    Sample Report to be Developed

    Salesperson Order Summary report from Order Managementhas been identified to be developed in this training

    There are four queries in the report (in D2K).





    Each query is made a view in order to develop the same report inDiscoverer.





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    EASOracle A s

    Create an EUL (mandatory if one does not exist already).

    EUL resides between the database dictionary/table definitions andDiscoverer.

    EUL insulates Discoverer end users from the complexity and physicalstructure of the database.

    Provides an intuitive, business-focused view of the database

    Enables Discoverer end users to focus on business issues instead ofdata access issues.

    The metalayer structure of the EUL preserves the data integrity ofthe database.

    Discoverer provides read-only access to the application database.

    A database user can only own one EUL.

    EUL Access (Public-> all users, Public -> only owner)

    EUL user should have certain privileges on the database (CREATESESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE


    End User Layer (EUL)

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    EASOracle A s

    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager

    Use the EUL Manager to createand maintain EULs for differentusers (userids) in the database

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    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager> Create EUL

    The Create EUL Wizardwalks you through thesteps of creating a newEUL.

    The first step is to choosethe user who will own thenew EUL.

    APPS database user has

    access to all the schemaused for Oracle Apps

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    End User Layer (EUL)

    Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager> Create EUL

    The user creating EUL fora schema should knowthe password of schemasdatabase user id

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    End User Layer (EUL)Discoverer Administrator> Tools> EUL Manager> Create EUL

    Select the default andtemporary tablespace forthe new user by clickingyour choice in the list.

    These settings aredatabase settings

    Default table space mustbe at least 3mb

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    Create a business area and load data into it (mandatory).

    Business areas are conceptual groupings of tables and/or views

    Discoverer Administrator displays a business area as a file cabineton the Data tab of the Workarea.

    You create a business area in Discoverer Administrator using the

    Load Wizard (User-friendly Interface)

    Identify the data source and have a clear understanding of itsdesign.

    Identify which tables, views, and columns are required. Identifythose that are likely to be included in multiple business areas.

    Map out the necessary joins and determine whether they exist in thedatabase or will have to be created by you using DiscovererAdministrator.

    Identify security issues and access privileges.

    Business Area

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    Business Area

    Business Area Concepts

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    Business Area- Load Wizard

    The Load Wizard is whereyou open existing businessareas or create a new one.

    It is the first step to

    working in theAdministration Edition.

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Discoverer allows youto load metadata thatis present in thedatabase, but in non-

    Oracle format.

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Define the objectsthat will be loadedinto the new businessarea.

    You choices depend onwhere you chose toget your meta data.

    APPS schema is theowner of all four viewsin the report

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Select the specificobjects to load intothe business area.

    Each table and view

    that you select willbe a folder in thebusiness area.

    All the four views to

    be used in thereport are selected

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    Business Area- Load Wizard

    These options let youmake your businessarea and its folderseasy to find and


    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    Business Area- Load Wizard

    Finally, you mustname your newbusiness area.

    Discoverer Administrator> File> New

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    Business Area- other features

    Features provided for Business Area

    Opening an Existing Business Area (File> Open)

    Exporting a Business Area to a File (File> Export)

    Importing EUL elements from a File (eg. Business Area, Folders,Functions etc) (File> Export)

    Editing Business Area Properties (Double click on Business AreaIcon)

    Deleting a Business Area (Right Click > Delete Business Area)

    Synchronizing the Business Area with the Database (File>Refresh)

    Data migration issues (Analytic Functions)

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    Use Discoverer access permissions to control who can see and usethe data in business areas

    Use Discoverer task privileges to control the tasks each user isallowed to perform

    You can grant Discoverer access permissions and task privileges to

    database roles as well as to database users.

    Data access rights to the database tables remain under the controlof the database administrator.

    Access Privileges

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    Granting Access Permission for Business Area

    This section describes how togrant (or deny) accesspermission for business areas tospecific users or roles.

    Users having responsibilityOrder Management Super UserVision Operation will be able toaccess the business area.

    Tools> Security

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    Granting Task Privileges

    Tools> PrivilegesUse this tab to grant privileges toa specific user orrole/responsibility*.

    Oracle Applications users will seethe term Responsibility displayedhere instead of Role.

    Grant the head privilege(Administration, User Edition)before you grant the privilegesunder it.

    If you wish to grant (or deny)Administration privileges to a useror role, you must also grant (ordeny) that user Administrationaccess to the business area.

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    Administration Edition Tasks

    Format Business Area

    Create/Edit Business Area

    Create Summaries

    Set Privilege

    Manage Scheduled Workbooks

    Discoverer Plus Tasks

    Create/Edit Query

    Collect Query Statistics

    Item Drill

    Drill Out

    Grant Workbook

    Schedule Workbooks

    Save Workbooks to database

    Granting Task Privileges

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    Query Retrieval Limits

    Tools> Privileges> Query Governor

    Use this tab to view and edit thequery retrieval limits for aspecified user or responsibility.

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    Specifying Schedule Workbench Limits

    Tools> Privileges> Scheduled WorkbooksTo set the parameters forscheduling workbooks to a user orrole that has that privilege.

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    An Item, is a representation of a database table's column, in the EUL

    Administrator can do following on items (Columns):

    Formatting Change

    Name Change

    Other changes to enable user to clearly read the data

    Items are stored in folders and can be:



    Moved among different folders

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    Editing Item Properties

    Item>Right Click> Properties

    This section shows you how to enhancethe users view of the data by editingitem properties.

    Field name (Name) of viewxxom_hdr_salesrep_ord_summary_vchanged to Customer Name

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    A join relates two folders using one or more common items.

    End users cannot create joins

    Administrator has to create joins for end users to create reportsthat combine information from multiple folders.

    A join between two folders enables you to include items from bothfolders when creating (Worksheet, Complex Folder, Hierarchy)

    Single item joins relate two folders using an item that is common toboth folders.

    Multi-item joins relate two folders using more than one joincondition.

    You cannot directly include functions or literals (e.g. text strings,

    numbers, dates) in the join conditions. Items in joins can be hidden later, allowing end users to benefitfrom the use of joined folders without having to see the join details.

    While Creating Joins, You do not need to enter a name for the join,Discoverer Administrator automatically creates a default name for thejoin when you click OK.


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    EASOracle A s

    Create Joins

    Screen print refers to thedata model of reportdeveloped in D2K

    Joins are to be developed

    among the views based onthe data model (D2K) ofsample report.

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    EASOracle A s

    Create Joins

    To create a join, select

    the Master folder

    the operator

    the detail folder

    Use Multi-Item for joiningmultiple Master and detailfolders

    For defining join types (outerjoin, Foreign key with nullvalue, one to one relationship)use OPTIONS

    Item>right click> New Join

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    EASOracle A s

    Edit Join Properties

    You can inspect and edit morethan one Join item at a time.

    Select a join to view itsproperties.

    If you select more than one

    Join Property and make achange to a property, thechanges apply to all selectedproperties.

    Join Name> Right Click> Properties

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    EASOracle A s

    Edit Join

    The screen details are same asCreate Join screen

    Join Name> Right Click> Edit Join

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    EASOracle A s

    Folder, analogous to a directory in Windows where folders are the

    containers and items are the files held in the folders.

    Folders can include items, calculated items, joins, conditions, itemclasses, and hierarchies.

    You can assign a folder to one or more business areas.

    A folder has a single definition, regardless of the number of business

    areas to which you assign it.

    Three Type of Folders:

    Simple Folders, which contain items based on columns in a singledatabase table or view

    Complex Folders, which can contain items based on columns frommultiple database tables or views. This is analogous to a view in thedatabase.

    Custom Folders, which are based on SQL statements


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    EASOracle A s

    Adding Simple Folders from Database

    Insert> Folder> From Database> On-line Dictionary

    This sectiondescribes how toadd Simple foldersfrom the databaseto an existingbusiness area.

    Follow the sameprocess you usewhen creating anew business area.

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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Custom Folder

    Insert> Folder> CustomThis section describeshow to create a customfolder

    TIP: You can addcomments to your SQL

    statements by beginningthe comment line with --.

    Like other folders,custom folders requirejoins in order for itsdata to relate to otherdata in the businessarea.

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    EASOracle A s

    Complex Folder

    Complex folders consist of items from one or more otherfolders.

    Complex folders enable you to create a combined view of datafrom multiple folders.

    This can simplify the business area without creating a newdatabase view.

    Complex folders result set could also be produced by adatabase view. But:

    Complex folders can be created without the databaseprivileges required to create a database view.

    Security is handled through the Folders Business Area.

    Complex Folders has no effect on the physical schema, thusthey are very safe to use.

    Views can be complicated to maintain, whereas ComplexFolders are managed entirely within Discoverer AdministrationEdition.

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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Complex Folder

    1. On the Data page of the work area, select the businessarea to which, you want to add a Complex folder.

    2. Choose Insert | Folder | New. This creates a newcomplex folder.

    3. Drag items from any folder (in any open business area)to your new folder.

    Each item that is added in the complex folder mustbelong to a folder, that is joined to the folder of at least oneother item in the complex folder

    Item dragged and dropped in complex folder references

    the original, source item. Therefore any change made inthe original item will reflect on the item inside the complexfolder.

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    EASOracle A s

    Create Calculation Item

    Calculation Items behavemuch like any other Item in aFolder

    Calculated Item can be usedin Conditions, Summaries,

    Lists of Values, Joins, andother Calculation Items.

    3 Calculations in Discoverer

    Derived calculations

    Aggregate calculations

    Aggregate Derivedcalculations

    Add new item to showdifference of order qty andinvoice qty in sample report

    Folder Name> Right Click> New Item

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    EASOracle A s

    Editing Calculation Properties

    Same as Item Properties Item Name> Right Click> Properties

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    EASOracle A s

    Editing Item Calculation

    This section describeshow to edit an existingCalculation.

    Item Name> Right Click> Edit Item

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    EASOracle A s

    Create Conditions

    End users can useConditions to restrictthe results of theirquery to the areasthey are interested

    This can result infaster queries.

    No condition isapplied in thesample report

    Item (on which condn to apply)> Right Click> New Condition

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    EASOracle A s

    Mandatory Vs Optional Condition

    Mandatory Condition Optional Condition

    Always applied to the results of a folder. Only applied to the results of a folder if

    selected in Discoverer Plus

    Used by an administrator to permanentlyrestrict the rows returned by a folder.

    Provided by an administrator to help usersbuild conditions

    Invisible in Discoverer Plus. Visible (but not editable) in Discoverer Plus.

    When created in a complex folder, can

    reference items in the source folders.

    When created in a complex folder, can only

    reference items in the complex folder.

    Affect the result set of the folder definition in

    the EUL.

    Applied when used in Discoverer Plus thus

    no effect on EUL result

    When added, changed, or deleted, cause

    any summaries based on the folder to

    become invalid, because their result set no

    longer matches that of the folder.

    When added, changed, or deleted have no

    affect on summaries based on the folder.

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    EASOracle A s


    Hierarchy is a logical linking that you define between Items thatenables Discoverer Plus users to:

    drill up (to a greater level of aggregation) and

    drill down (to a greater level of detail).

    Hierarchical relationships are not defined in the database; you createthem in the Business Area.

    Discoverer Hierarchies mimic data relationships from the end usersperspective instead of from the database perspective.

    There are two types of Hierarchy in Discoverer Administration Edition: Item Hierarchies

    Date Hierarchies

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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Item Hierarchy

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click> New Hierarchy> Item Hierarchy


    Order> Line

    End user will have a report

    which can be drill down fromlocation to departments

    Hierarchy created in sample

    report to drill Order data at line


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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Item Hierarchy- Contd

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click> New Hierarchy> Item Hierarchy

    Like other items in the

    Business Are, Name Hierarchy.

    Choose names that describethe hierarchy so they are easy

    to find and use later.

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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Date Hierarchy

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click> New Hierarchy> Date Hierarchy


    Year> Month > Week

    User looks at total salesfor each year in theirrecords, they can drill down(using the Date Hierarchy)

    you implement this DateHierarchy in a BusinessArea, and an end user hasa report in Discoverer Plus

    You can use DiscovererAdministration Editionsexisting Date Hierarchytemplates to define manycommon Date Hierarchies,or you can create your owncustomized Date


    Default date hierarchy is used in sample report

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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Date Hierarchy- Contd..

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click> New Hierarchy> Date Hierarchy

    You can choose the dateitems in your Business Area

    that will use the new datehierarchy.

    This step is optional.

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    EASOracle A s

    Creating Date Hierarchy- Contd..

    Hierarchies Tab> Business Area> Right Click> New Hierarchy> Date Hierarchy

    Like other items in yourBusiness Area, you can

    name your hierarchy.

    Choose names thatdescribe the hierarchy sothey are easy to find anduse later.

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    EASOracle A s

    Item Class

    An item class is a group of items that share similar attributes.The administrator creates an item class to enable the following features:

    Lists of values

    Alternative sorts

    Drill-to-detail links (hyperdrills)

    These features help users build queries more quickly and easily.

    The item class can be created to support these features individually, or incombination

    The only exception is that an alternative sort mustrelate to a list ofvalues

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    EASOracle A s

    List of Values

    A list of values is the items set of unique values

    The values the item class references correspond to those found in adatabase column.

    Lists of values are used by end users to refer to values in the databaseand to apply conditions and parameter values.

    Lists of values are often generated automatically when the business areais first created (in Load Wizard: Step 4).

    The Item Class Wizard provides a way to extend a list of values to otheritems.

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    EASOracle A s

    Create List of Values

    Select the items thatuse this item class.

    If you do not select theitems using the item

    class, you will need toapply the item class tospecific items later.

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> List of Values

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    EASOracle A s

    Create List of Values

    LOVs to be created insample report forin put parameters:

    1. Order Number

    2. Order Date

    3. Order Type4. Line Type

    5. Agreement

    6. Sales Person

    7. Customer Name

    8. Customer Number

    9. Line Category

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> List of Values

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    EASOracle A s

    Alternative Sorts

    Data elements to be sorted in an alternative order other thanAscending or Descending Order

    For example, a series of sales regions would be sorted alphabeticallyby default, such as



    South, and


    But the end user may need them sorted in this order:



    East, and


    No Alternate sort is used in Sample Report

    C S

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    Create Alternative Sorts

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> Alternative sort

    Select the item that

    generates list of values.

    You may choose from

    any Business Area in the

    End User Layer.

    Selecting a Business

    Area displays its folders.

    Click the plus (+) symbol

    to open folders and view

    the items contained in


    C t Alt ti S t C td

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    EASOracle A s

    Create Alternative Sorts- Contd..

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> Alternative sort

    Select the item

    containing the

    alternative sort


    Note that the alternative

    sort item must be in the

    same folder as the list

    of values.

    C t Alt ti S t C td

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    EASOracle A s

    Create Alternative Sorts- Contd..

    Item Classes Tab> New Item Class> Alternative sort

    Select the items that

    use this item class.

    If you do not select the

    items using the item

    class, you will need toapply the item class to

    specific items later.

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    EASOracle A s

    Summary folders are a representation of queried data that hasbeen saved for reuse.

    Created to improve query response time for end users.

    Query is improved because the query accesses pre-aggregatedand pre-joined data rather than accessing the database tables.

    Summary Folders

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    Q & A