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TOPIC Conversational analysis of an interview Host: Hamid Mir Guest: Secretary jkbjkdb

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•Conversational analysis of an interviewHost: Hamid MirGuest: Secretary jkbjkdb

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• Hassan Moavia 12080702-018

• Muhammad bilal 12080702-094

• Husnain Aslam 12080702-050

• Hafiz Baber Khan 12080702-084

• Abdul Sattar 12080702-092

• Muhammad Mohsan 12080702-091

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• QUESTION: Thank you very much for giving us time. My first question is about your commitment with democracy. The U.S. aaa (pause) believes in democracy, U.S. is a champion of democracy all over the world. But why U.S. is not taking a clear position on military intervention against thaaaaaa(pause)democratically elected government of President Morsy in Egypt?

• SECRETARY KERRY: Well (quality hedges) , it’s a very appropriate and important question,and I want to answer it very directly(quantity hedges). Aaa(pause)The military was asked to intervene by millions and millions of people, all of whom aaa(pause)were afraid of a descendance into chaos, into violence. And the military did not take over, to the best of our judgment so far – so far (repetition). To run the country, there’s a civilian government. In effect, they were restoring democracy. And the fact is --

• QUESTION: (interrupt)By killing people on the roads?(adjacency pair of opinion and disagreement)

• SECRETARY KERRY: Oh, no. That’s not restoring democracy, and we’re very, very concerned about, very concerned about that (repetition) And I’ve had direct conversations with President Mansour, with Vice President ElBaradei, with General al-Sisi, as have other members of our government. And I’ve talked to the Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy, so I’ve been in touch with all of the players there. And we have made it clear that that is absolutely unacceptable, it cannot happen.

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• Now, as you know (quality hedges), these situations can be very confusing and very difficult. We’re working very hard right now with Lady Catherine Ashton, with various officials, with other foreign ministers of other countries, in order to try to see if we can resolve this peacefully. But the story of Egypt is not finished yet, soooo (pause) we have to see how it unfolds in the next days.

• QUESTION: (turn taking) Secretary Kerry, you very rightly said this afternoon in a press conference with aaa (pause) Mr. Sartaj Aziz that the presence of some al-Qaida leaders in Pakistan is a violation of our sovereignty. But in the recent past, in May 2013, the Peshawar High Court have also declared that the U.S. drone attacks are also a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and also declared these drone attacks as war crimes. Aaa(pause)And the High Court has directed the federal government to ensure a halt to the drone attacks. So would you like to help the newly elected government by halting the drone attacks?

• SECRETARY KERRY: Well (quality hedges), we we(repetition)are very much looking forward to the day when these – any kind of counterterrorism activity,

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CONTI…..• whatever it may be, whether that’s it or we’re doing that or not doing thataaa(pause)– we don’t want to be – we

don’t want to have to be engaged in counterterrorism, but we are for self-defense. I mean, the only reason that we are in in Afghanistan today and the only reason that the United States is pursuing al-Qaida there and elsewhere is because al-Qaida is trying to kill Americans and other people everywhere.

• Hamid Mir: Okay. (Adjacency pair of opinion agreement)

• SECRETARY KERRY: So this is a matter of self-defense,aaaa (pause) and regrettably we’re living in a very dangerous world. And we’re very appreciative to the Pakistani people; we’re very appreciative to the government. We understand the powerful feelings about any of these efforts. But Pakistan faces a very serious threat.(Adjacency pairs of opinion and agreement)


• SECRETARY KERRY:(turn taking) Lashkar-e Tayyiba, Tehrik-e Taliban, al-Qaida, Haqqani Network – these people blow people up in mosques. They blow people up in market places. Aa(pause)They don’t have a program to build schools.

• QUESTION: They use drone attacks as their excuse. Adjacency pairs of opinion and disagreement)

• SECRETARY KERRY: They were doing this long before there was a drone, and they’re doing it in places where there are no drones. So let’s be honest here. Blowing up women and children can never be excused, ever anywhere.

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• Hamid Mir (turn taking): Okay. Secretary, don’t you think that the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui can make a very good impact on the U.S.-Pakistan relationship?

• SECRETARY KERRY: Well(adjacency pair of opinion and agreement), I’m sure that people in Pakistan would feel very good about it; I have no doubt about that. But we have a legal aaa(pause) situation that we have to analyze. I don’t – I haven’t(self repair) even had the chance to do that, to be honest with you. This was not discussed in the course of today.

• QUESTION:(turn taking) Nobody from Pakistani side mentioned about-(overlapping)-------

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• SECRETARY KERRY : Well (quality hedges), there are people who mentioned it to some of our +other people. But frankly, the prime minister and I had bigger, more direct things in a smaller amount of time to talk about. We’re well aware of the issue.

• HAMID MIR: Okay. (Adjacency pairs of opinion and agreement)

• SECRETARY KERRY: We’re well aware of the issue.(Repetition) And I have asked some people to take a look at exactly what the circumstances are. But I know that the offense for which she is serving time is a very serious offense and it’s a very long sentence. So I don’t want to make any promises that can’t be kept.

• QUESTION:(overlapping) Soaaa(pause) Secretary Kerry, Pakistan is facing aaa(pause)big energy crisis. So have you discussed the possible U.S. support in the energy sector in Pakistan?

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• SECRETARY KERRY: (turn taking) absolutely. We discussed it at great length(quantity hedges) and we’re very anxious to try to be helpful in energy. We’ve already provided – through USAID, we have provided assistance that has brought 1,200 megawatts of power online, so 16 million Pakistanis are today receiving extra power that comes from the United States.

• We have over 10,000 students who are going to schools because America has provided scholarships. We’re building or fixing over 600 schools here in Pakistan. We’re working very hard on energy, other kinds of energy projects. Aaa(pause) We’re helping to build roads. There are many things the United States is engaged in, which unfortunately a lot of people never hear about. But we’re very proud of that partnership with Pakistan.

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• QUESTION: (turn taking)Can you ensure that every single U.S. soldier will leave Afghanistan in 2014?


• QUESTION: (tag question)No?

• SECRETARY KERRY: (turn taking)No, because not every single U.S. soldier will leave in 2014. And we’ve been very clear about that. We are not withdrawing, we are drawing down. We are reducing the numbers of soldiers, but we will leave people there who will be involved in counterterrorism and who will be involved in training, advising, and equipping the Afghan military.

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• Now, other nations will too. We won’t be alone. A lot of other nations have already committed numbers of troops to stay, because we’re not going to walk away from what we’ve been involved in now for more than 11, 12 years.

• QUESTION:(turn taking) Thank you very much. Thank you very much.(Repetition) Our time is finished.(Adjacency pair of compliment and thanks)

• SECRETARY KERRY: hahahaha Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.(Repetition)

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Adjacency pairs are sequences of two related utterances which are given by two different speakers. The second utterance is always a response to the first

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Repair, in conversation analysis, is 'a term for ways in which errors, unintended forms, or misunderstandings are corrected by speakers or others during conversation.

• Self-repair:

• repair is classified as self-repair or other repair and self-initiated or other-initiated. A repair which is made by the speaker him/herself (i.e. self-initiated) is known as a self repair

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• Hedges are the kind of expressions to show that the speaker may be against the maxims or to describe that the speaker wishes to avoid coming straight to the point or to avoid speaking directly.

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TYPES OF HEDGES• 1: Quality hedges:

• Quality hedges are used when a speaker doesn't know whether his utterance is based on the truth or not and they are used to avoid asserting. Brown and Levinson (1978, p.164) say, 'quality hedges may suggest that the speaker is not taking full responsibility for the truth of his utterance.' For example:

• I think.

• I guess...

• I'm not sure if this is right, but I heard

• 2: Quantity hedges:

• As Brown and Levinson, give notice that not much or not as precise information is provided as might be expected. For example: to some extent,

• more or less

• to cut a long story short.

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• 4: Turn taking:

• Turn-taking is defined as 'the role of speaker and listener change constantly in conversation.

• 5. Overlapping:

• When two speakers speak together at a same time.

• 6. Interruption:

• When one speaker interrupt the other speaker during the conversation.

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sentenceTurn taking



ADJACENCY PAIR of question


INTERRUPT REPETITION Adjacency pair of opinion and dis agreement

The U.S. aaa

But why U.S. is not taking a clear position on military intervention against thaaaaaa


Kerry: it’s a very appropriate and important question, and I want to answer it very directly

Aaa √

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sentence Turn taking



As you know… √

Sooooo √

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Sentences Turn taking

Quantity hedges

Pause Adjacency pair of question

Tag question

Repetition Adjacency pair of opinion and agreement

Secretary Kerry, you very rightly

a press conference with aaa

And also declared these drone attacks as war crimes. Aaaaa And the High………

Kerry: well

We we

we’re doing that or not doing thataaaaa…– we don’t want to be – we don’t want to have to be engaged

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Hamid Mir: Okay.


Pakistan faces a very serious threat. Hamid mir: : Yes.


They blow people up in market places. Aaaaaa

Hamid Mir. Okay.

Sentences Turn taking

Quantity hedges

Pause Adjacency pair of opinion and agreement

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Sentences QUALITY HEDGES Adjacency pair of opinion and agreement

pause Self repair overlaping

Blowing up women and children can never be

excused, ever anywhere. Hamid


Dr. Aafia Siddiqui can make a very good

impact on the U.S.-Pakistan relationship.



We have a legal aaaaa  


I don’t-I haven’t    


Mention about------SECRETARY KERRY:


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We are well aware of the issue….we are well aware of the issue

Hamid mir:


Pakistan is facing aaaaaaaa

Sentences Adjacency pair of opinion and


pause Self repair Turn taking

interruption Repetition Quantity hedges

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Sentences Turn taking Pause Adjacency pair of question and disagreement

SECRETARY KERRY: absolutely.

We’re working very hard on energy, other kinds of energy projects. Aaa

Hamid Meer

Can you ensure that every single U.S. soldier will leave Afghanistan in 2014?SECRETARY KERRY: No.Hamid Meer: No?

SECRETARY KERRYNow, other nations will too. We won’t be alone. A lot of other nations have already committed numbers of troops to stay, because we’re not going to walk away from what we’ve been involved in now for more than 11, 12 years.

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Hamid Mir:Thank you very much. Sir, Thank you very much.

SECRETARY KERRY: hahahaha Thank you, Thank you very much.

Sentences Turn taking

Quantity hedges

Pause Adjacency pair od question

Self-repair Tag question

Repetition Adjacency pair of complement and thanks

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• Pause:

• Speaker makes long expression of his words to take a pause like aaaaaa…. Thaaaaa.

• Hedges:

• When speaker cannot come to the point directly by using the words like you know, I mean and etc.

• Quality hedges:

• when one speaker does not know whether is utterance is based upon the truth or not.

• Quantity Hedges:

• When one speaker does not give precise information, then it is provided as might be expected.

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• When there is adjacency pair of agreement and disagreement, the one person gives the opinion the other person might be agree or disagree to it.

• When one speaker is giving an opinion, the other speaker might be agree or disagree by using adjacency pair of agreement or disagreement

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• Repair:

• When one speaker repairs his words own self during conversation this is called self repair.

• Other repair:

• When one person repairs the other person’s words that is called other repair.

• Example:

• I will come on Monday……..oh Tuesday.

• When oh Tuesday will be said by speaker himself that is called self repair.

• When oh Tuesday will be said by other speaker that is called other repair.

• Repetition:

• When speaker repeats its own words once or two times that is called repetition.

• Tag question:

• a short question asked by another person e.g would you like to come ?? will you…

• Turn taking:

• Turn-taking is defined as 'the role of speaker and listener change constantly in conversation.

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• Overlapping:

• When two speakers speak together at a same time.

• Interruption:

• When one speaker interrupt the other speaker during the conversation.