discipleship ministries project

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Liberty University DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES PROJECT Submitted to Dr. Allan England in partial completion of course requirements for DSMN 500 – Discipleship Ministries Elke Speliopoulos Downingtown, PA July 8, 2011

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of course requirements for DSMN 500 Discipleship Ministries at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. July 8, 2011.


Page 1: Discipleship Ministries Project

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

Liberty University


Submitted to Dr. Allan England

in partial completion of course requirements for

DSMN 500 – Discipleship Ministries

Elke Speliopoulos

Downingtown, PA

July 8, 2011

Page 2: Discipleship Ministries Project
Page 3: Discipleship Ministries Project



Step 1: Diagnosis of Need...............................................................................................................2

Mission Statement.......................................................................................................................4

Goal Statement.............................................................................................................................4

Vision (based on Scripture verses)..............................................................................................5

Target Group................................................................................................................................5

Step 2: Formulation of Objectives...................................................................................................6

Competencies Expected of Disciple-Followers...........................................................................6

Goals of “Cord of Three Strands”...............................................................................................7

Step 3: Selection of Content............................................................................................................8

Step 4: Organization of Content......................................................................................................8

Step 5: Selection of Learning Experiences......................................................................................9

Step 6: Organization of Learning Experiences..............................................................................10

Step 7: Determination of what to evaluate and the ways and means of doing it...........................14


Self-Assessment of How the 5 Essential Activities of an Education that Produces Disciples Was

Incorporated and Integrated...........................................................................................................16


Discipleship Bibliography.............................................................................................................19


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Attachment: Spiritual Maturity Assessment Tool.........................................................................21


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At Calvary Fellowship Church in Downingtown, PA, the motto is “Love God. Love

People. Life Change.”, and the stated vision is “[t]o sacrificially love God and all people leading

to life change through faith in Jesus Christ.”1 On top of worship services on Sundays, there are

small groups targeted at various demographics, several traditional, usually somewhat age-based

men’s and women’s bible studies that meet during the week, and a strong focus on age-relevant

groups on Sunday mornings.

This appears to be a solid foundation for ministry. However, what this set-up does not

easily accommodate is a more cross-generational relationship-based learning, something that

used to happen more so in spiritual formation classes before the advent of the life stage

ministries. Needless to say, there is both good and bad in an age-based approach, so the plan is

not to eliminate this offering, but to offer an alternative experience, allowing for these different

age groups to once again form friendships more readily and learn from each other.

Making committed followers of Christ is much more than studying the Bible together. In

a church the size of Calvary Fellowship, with over 2,000 Sunday morning worshipers, this

entails building relationships that need to reach beyond Sunday mornings and touch individual

lives in very individual ways, providing both a spiritual home and accountability.

At the same time, being a woman in the ministry world brings some level of limitation

with it in some denominational settings, which included Calvary Fellowship Church in the past.

Until recently, women were restricted to teaching children or women’s ministries. Only recently,

Ventures has allowed one of its own females to become a regular part of the teaching rotation.

1 Calvary Fellowship Church, Vision, http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/vision.php (accessed July 7, 2011).


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The younger groups, in particular Young Marrieds have long sought to find ways to

incorporate women more into active parts in all parts of the church. Common to all three of the

life stage ministries is the limited level of participation of the congregation, which ranges from

1.75% to about 4% on a regular basis, depending on group.

This discipleship ministries plan at hand thus has three goals at its foundation: 1) to bring

about accelerated adult discipleship, creating fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus, 2) to

raise the level of participation across the congregation, and 3) to allow both men and women to

fully engage in this effort. This new ministry will carry the name Cord of Three Strands (CTS).

In planning, it is critical to remember what Cheesman wrote: “In Western culture … we

need to take especial care that the model of academia and increasingly those models of training

and business do not dominate the more integrative and holistic models of discipleship and

community.”0 The program should not simply be an academic exercise, but one in which the

values of loving community and intimate discipleship foster the understanding of what it means

to live out the new commandment Jesus gave before He left to love one another (John 13:34).

Step 1: Diagnosis of Need

There are three major adult life stage groups at Calvary Fellowship Church. One of these

is the Ventures Faith in Action ministry with an intended target group of those 50 and over. Its

stated reason for existence is to be “a life stage ministry that includes singles and couples serving

one another, serving inter-generationally, and serving both in our community and globally.”0

Another adult life stage ministry is Engage, which is targeted to “anyone who is between the

0 World Evangelical Fellowship, Evangelical Review of Theology: Volume 17, electronic ed. , Logos Library System; Evangelical Review of Theology (Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster Periodicals, 2000), 496-97.

0 Calvary Fellowship Church, Ventures Faith in Action, http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/ministry10.php (accessed July 7, 2011).


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Young Adult Ministry and Ventures Ministries and is looking to get connected with others in the

same age range.”0 Finally, there is a Young Marrieds group, which is geared towards those new

to married life. From an age perspective, this group is targeted for couples in their 20s to mid-

30s. The stated purpose is to provide a “unique ministry in Chester County, providing a place for

young couples and families to focus on biblically principled teaching and marriage


Each of these ministries forms a very effective ministry within its targeted age group.

While from time to time, cross-group activities are planned, these very rarely are attended by

anyone but the hosting groups’ members. This leads to a divide in the sense that younger

individuals and couples are not benefiting from the life experience of those who have

experienced life as Christ followers for a number of years longer and in a variety of situations -

those who may already have found answers to questions that are yet unresolved.

At the same time, the ones that are older are not engaging sufficiently with the younger

Christ followers to understand what is happening in the church today that may be different from

how they were brought up in the church. Likewise, both groups will have those who are already

more spiritually mature, regardless of age or gender, who can nurture those who are still “babes

in Christ”. As such, the desire is to not only create completely surrendered followers of the Lord

Jesus, but to also allow the various groups to not only interact with each other, but to carry each

other’s burdens.

0 Calvary Fellowship Church, Engage, http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/ministry6.php (accessed July 7, 2011).

0 Calvary Fellowship Church, Young Marrieds Ministry, http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/ministry7.php (accessed July 7, 2011).


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Mission Statement

“To shape all adult followers of Christ at Calvary Fellowship Church, regardless of age,

gender or marital status, to become biblically-trained, evangelistically-minded, non-prejudicial,

sacrificially-serving, accountable worshipers of Christ in this local body who will win others to


Goal Statement

Calvary Fellowship’s broader mission statement is based on the intention to be a church

that loves God through vibrant and authentic worship, fervent and dependent prayer, disciplined

and relevant time in God’s Word, and reflected in obedience to Christ. This in turn serves to

change Calvary Fellowship attendees to love people through generous and practical acts of

service, purposeful and genuine relationships, bold and clear communication of God’s Word, and

reflected through intentional life choices. Ultimately, the goal is to have this lead to life change

in Jesus Christ reflected in my life, family, community and world.0

Cord of Three Strands is intended to support the church’s broader mission statement and

to enable followers of Christ in every manner possible by encouraging them to look across the

boundaries of age, gender, race, or ability based on what Scripture teaches and to equip them for

every good work within the body of Christ. The ministry will constitute a complimentary

element to existing programs to foster adult-intergenerational Bible study, prayer and ministry to

the broader body at Calvary Fellowship Church.

Cord of Three Strands will also serve as a nurturing ground for future leaders and

teachers within the church, regardless of age, gender, race, or ability. This means that teaching

duties, but also ministry obligations will be joyfully shared across all the traditional boundaries,

0. Calvary Fellowship Church, Vision.


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encouraging Calvary Fellowship Church at large to become sensitive to the needs of all groups

within the local body of Christ.

Vision (based on Scripture verses)

Biblical discernment – 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful

for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be

thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Evangelistic readiness – 1 Peter 3:15: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope

that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (ESV)

Non-prejudicial community – Romans 14:13: “Therefore let us stop passing judgment

on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your

brother’s way.”

Sacrificial service – Hebrews 10:24: “And let us consider how we may spur one another

on toward love and good deeds.”

Willing accountability – James 5:16: “Therefore confess your sins to each other and

pray for each other so that you may be healed.”

Life-changing worship – Philippians 3:3: “For it is we who are the circumcision, we

who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the


Target Group

The desired participants initially will come from the three adult life-stage ministries,

Young Marrieds, Engage and Ventures. Most of the participants in these groups are already

evangelized and desire to learn more about the God they serve. They also seek biblical

community, as evidenced by current activity and ministry patterns.


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In addition, the desire is to expand from the current limited turn-out based on the general

attendance numbers at Calvary and to get more believers to become an active and well plugged-

in part of the Calvary Fellowship Church family. To this end, targeted program attendees are

everyone who attends Calvary Fellowship Church on a regular basis.

Finally, it is the strong desire to diversify the attendance of the Cord of Three Strands

group. Calvary Fellowship Church is a predominantly Caucasian church, but more and more

attendees come from other racial backgrounds. It is very desirable to build an example of ethnic

diversity within a group such as Cord of Three Strands to model it to the church body at large.

Likewise, leadership has traditionally been delegated to men at Calvary Fellowship

Church. Cord of Three Strands wants to intentionally target women as leaders and teachers as

this is believed to be within the boundaries of biblical prescription. We know a pool of talented

and gifted women exists, yet they need to be encouraged to share their gifts with mixed adult


Step 2: Formulation of Objectives

Competencies Expected of Disciple-Followers

Being modeled on Scripture, much of what this ministry is about is depicted in Romans

12-4-8, where Paul instructs us that many members form the body of Christ and that each

member belongs to the other. Though we have varying gifts, all serve to build up the body. As

such, each participant should complete a spiritual gifts assessment to understand how they best

serve within the local body. In addition, a spiritual maturity assessment will be given to establish

which type of learning or discipleship will prove most beneficial. This would also allow the

leader to establish a pool of spiritually mature men and women to tap for leadership functions

within the ministry. Based on experience, those who are asked whether they would agree to do a

task based on acknowledged capabilities will agree. If they are simply asked whether they would


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like to somehow participate or volunteer, the answer is much more readily “no” or “not now”.

With knowledge about the person in hand, tasks can be pre-assigned and consent obtained.

Goals of “Cord of Three Strands”

Participants in Cord of Three Strands will seek to build a foundational layer of devoted

followers of Jesus who will participate not just in community, but will carry their faith out the

doors and into the community and the rest of the world. They will hold a solid foundation of

biblical knowledge, giving them the discernment needed to defend and share their faith in the

secular world they enter Monday through Friday.

The participants will understand scriptural values and apply them to their lives. They will

seek to live holy lives, which honor their Creator and Savior. They will be able to work within

any context, whether old or young, healthy or ill, rich or poor, educated or non-educated, and

ultimately believing or non-believing, without regard to gender and race.

A participant’s essential knowledge set will consist of:

Knowledge and understanding of all 66 books of the Bible

Understanding of limitations and opportunities within diverse groups

Know-how about ministries within the broader range of Calvary Fellowship

Church they can tap into to successfully minister to each other and others

Participants will hold the following skills:

Listening skills

Evangelism skills

Skills based on their spiritual gifts

Skills based on their natural talents outside of spiritual gifts


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Step 3: Selection of Content

Due to the somewhat tight budget situation (running on cost containment budget), the

decision was made to forego teaching materials other than the Scriptures. In addition, assessment

tests will initially be managed through free online tools. In order to jumpstart the ministry, a

Two-Year Bible Reading Plan will be printed and distributed to all Sunday morning attendees

with an initial verbal invitation in the Video Ministry Announcements (VMA) to join the

forming Cord of Three Strands activities. These announcements will also be repeated in the

Sunday bulletin and on the church website on a regular basis. In addition, Cord of Three Strands

will be regularly featured when ministry updates are given in business meetings.

Step 4: Organization of Content

Calvary Fellowship Church is blessed to have a good basis of Bible teachers to choose

from due to its existing programs. These can be tapped for the initial start of Cord of Three

Strands. As such, additional teachers can slowly grow into the program as believers mature and

become equipped. A focus shall be given on tapping female teachers who may not naturally step

forward. There should be a good mix, both gender and age-wise.

The format of each session, which will be held in parallel to both Sunday services, will

consist of one third of the hour as an overview of the week’s teaching content (based on the

Two-Year Bible Reading Plan), including background, author, location, time of writing and

audience. This should be done in a semi-seminary introductory course level. Access will be

provided to extensive commentary collections available in the pastors’ offices. In addition,

Logos will be installed in the future as funding status permits on a publicly accessible computer

at the church, also permitting learners in the groups to study there.


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The second third of the hour will consist of a group discussion around what was learned

with the expectation of not only the teacher providing back answers and comments, but each

participant to contribute according to their ability. It is clear that some of these discussions need

to be gently guided into biblical reality again. In this case, the teacher will be drawing the class

back to Scripture. The teacher will also make sure that evangelistic concepts are regularly

discussed and approaches for evangelistic outreach become a staple of the discussions around the

Scripture reading.

The final third will be dedicated to identifying and praying for the needs of the group or

the wider body with solutions being sought of how they can be met either within the group or by

identifying non-group members who are capable of providing the aid. In addition, prayer

requests are captured and circulated by the group throughout the week, so the prayer time is

spent praying for these identified requests, rather than collecting them.

Step 5: Selection of Learning Experiences

The expectation for participants of Cord of Three Strands is that some level of homework

preparation is expected as the reading for each week will be according to that week’s Bible

reading schedule. Participants are also expected to bring with them relevant experiences or share

stories that contribute to the group’s overall understanding of the reading and its applicability to

a believer’s life.

Teachers need to be chosen with this definition of “truly great teachers”0 in mind: great

teachers have credibility, which is a combination of offering reliable information, purity of

motives, warmth and friendliness, reputation, expertise and passion. Likewise, great teachers

communicate clearly by having a clarity of concept, purpose, structure and presentation. Great

teachers stimulate interest by hooking the learner, involving him or her, and equipping the

0 Lawrence O. Richards and Gary J. Bredfeldt, Creative Bible Teaching (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1998), 213-26.


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learner. They teach with style, shown through their vivid words, purposeful actions, eye contact,

vocal variety, visual display, and note-free delivery. In addition, great teachers take the risk of

creativity, meaning what they are trying may or may not work. Finally, great teachers value and

respect their students: “Great teachers do more than teach. They value their students and treat

them as people should be treated.”0 We have these types of teachers already at Calvary

Fellowship Church, and a core group has been identified. The hope is that this ministry will

produce more of them and will thus self-feed and expand the program into the future.

Step 6: Organization of Learning Experiences

Cord of Three Strands will by the nature of using the Two-Year Bible Reading Guide

limited in its first run to a two year duration. However, the hope is that this format will allow for

another group to start with a time off-set, such as possibly in three to six months intervals. This

largely depends on the ability to nurture additional teachers for the meetings, but is also limited

by the available facility space on Sunday morning. There may be consideration given to offering

a course on a weeknight to accommodate those who can’t be there on Sunday nights, however

there should be no interference or overlap with other ministries running during the week.

Administratively, it is important that a leader is quickly identified. This leader needs to

develop a team of “leadership understudies” who can then launch new groups or take over when

a leader can’t be there. Also these leaders need to model the Christian Teacher’s Triad, promoted

by Yount, which features three intersecting circles, Think, Feel, and Do. What I think represents

“the rational side of life: knowing, conceptualizing, problem solving, analyzing, synthesizing,

evaluating. Without a clear focus on ‘correctly handl[ing] the word of truth’ (2 Tim. 2:15), we

open ourselves and our learners to deception and delusion.0 In the “What I Feel” circle, the

emotional, or affective, side of life is depicted, which includes feelings, attitudes, values and 0 Ibid., 226.


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priorities. “If the rational represents what we think (our ‘head’), we might consider the affective


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representing what we value (our ‘heart’).”0 The final circle depicts What I Do. This is the

behavioral, or action, side of how we live. “What I do with my life, what I do in my life, is a


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window on who I am.”0 The leadership of Cord of Three Strands needs to incorporate this into

their ministry approach to demonstrate the holistic image of a true Christ follower.

From a budget requirement, a short plan is summarized below.

A Ministry Action Proposal

For: Cord of Three Strands Ministry

1. A description of proposed plan and how it relates to the church’s basic purpose.

Having formed successful adult life stage ministries, the need is now existent to find links

between these groups to allow them to become stronger as an interlinked community than as

individual groups within Calvary Fellowship Church. In addition, Calvary Fellowship Church

desires to allow both men and women to fully exercise their gifts within the new ministry setting.

The Cord of Three Strands Ministry will 1) bring about accelerated adult discipleship, creating

fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus, 2) raise the level of participation across the

congregation, and 3) allow both men and women to fully engage in this effort. This new ministry

will carry the name Cord of Three Strands.

2. Why this ministry is needed.

Calvary Fellowship Church has launched three successful adult life stage ministries,

Young Marrieds, Engage and Ventures. These groups have established themselves well over the

past few years and the attendees are quite regular. However, there are virtually non-existent links

between these three groups due to the difference in age and the natural relationships that have

formed within the groups. This is seen as a hindrance to church-wide engagement of all

believers, e.g. when there are believers of a certain age group, which don’t fit into the “natural

profile” of a particular group. This brings with it the threat of leaving members out of fellowship.

In addition, Calvary Fellowship Church sees the many gifts the members of each of the groups

has and would like to see both men and women fully leverage them, including in teaching mixed

audiences under the guidance and leadership of the senior pastor.


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3. The costs to the church (in detail).

The desire is to keep the cost to a minimum as church budget does not allow for

additional ministry expenses at this point in time. As we trust God to provide more finances,

additional funds might be requested, but this is not deemed necessary to launch the ministry.

Printing of a two-year Bible reading plan for church body

(8-page brochure, half-fold, 2000 pieces - one per adult) - price quoted initially:

Base Printing Price: $348.00

+ Paper Upgrade: $74.80

+ Folding: $20.00

Printing Subtotal: $442.80

Printing Cost Each: $0.22

+ Shipping/Handling: $35.75

Order Total: $478.55

In the future, as ministry budgets permits, a copy of Logos Bible study software will be

purchased and installed on a publicly accessible computer in the church’s library.

In addition, there are free tools for spiritual gifts assessments available on the internet. As

future budget allows, Calvary Fellowship Church could invest in a church-wide spiritual gifts

database, as is made available by Churchgrowth.org



This service is available for a one-time set-up fee of $59 and a $129 yearly subscription


4. What this will mean to the church in opportunities and cost in 2, 3, 5 years.

Better equipped disciples will be those who share their faith with others.

The start-up cost is minimal as the Bible will be the main source of teaching.


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The retail price for Logos Scholar Package currently is $ 629.95 with 20-25% off coupons

regularly offered. This should be sufficient for the immediate purposes at Calvary Fellowship


A laptop capable of running Logos retails for around $700. This may be needed if another

machine cannot be used.

A continued cost of $129 annual subscription fee to Churchgrowth.org.

Facilities are available in existing location at Calvary Fellowship Church. Operational cost is

included in church’s running budget for operations.

5. Alternative.

Continue the three life-stage ministries, but offer more opportunities to meet and interact at



Human nature dictates that groups that know each other tend to stay together at such



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If evening events, babysitting might not be easily accessible0

Step 7: Determination of what to evaluate and the ways and means of doing it.

Rubric for evaluating the success of Cords of Three Strands:

Participation has increased from a current 0.05% at best to 10% of the church

body within the first two years.

o This will be measured through regular attendance taking via attendance


Participants include various age groups, genders, races, income levels, education

levels, etc.

o This is measured by more subjective reports on attendance by the

teachers / leaders.

Relationships have visibly formed between different generations and races.

o The measure for this objective:

attendance at functions that Cord of Three Strands hosts – are they

attended by members across generational boundaries and from

different racial backgrounds?

Sunday morning distribution across tables – are certain age

groups / races sitting together or is true integration visible?

Participants “carry(ing) each other’s burdens”, according to Galatians 6:2, has

become visible

o Measured through visits with the aged who can’t get out, babysitting by

older attendees of younger attendees’ children to set them free for an

evening, financially and physically helping each other, etc.


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The desire for the Cord of Three Strands ministry is to foster interaction and true

community between all believers attending Calvary Fellowship Church and to put away with

generational, gender and race barriers, which we believe are not the intention of a body of

believers in the model Christ presented to us.

We intend to achieve this through diligent targeting of participants, raising up godly

leaders and teachers and promoting the permeating spirit of discipleship within Calvary

Fellowship Church. At the same time, we want to thoroughly equip attendees to be able to

defend their faith in their workplaces and communities and to attract others to the truth and

beauty of the gospel.

Calvary Fellowship Church is blessed with abundance of good teachers who fit the

models described. Where Calvary Fellowship Church is lacking is adult inter-generational

teaching that not only equips the body of Christ, but also ensures that all members are equally

well developed and using their gifts for the good of the body.

Cord of Three Strands is designed to promote this concept by augmenting existing

programs. Members may swap in and out of existing groups, but the hope is that ultimately all

members understand and value the great treasure all generations, genders and races bring to the

Christian community. Ultimately all participants will come to the realization of the great truth

from 2 Corinthians 12:8-9: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in

weakness.” Where they lack, Christ will be strong for them.


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Self-Assessment of How the 5 Essential Activities of an

Education that Produces Disciples Was Incorporated and Integrated

Mitchell lists the five essential activities of an education that produces disciples. An

assessment of how these elements were addressed in the Cord of Three Strands ministry plan is

shown below.

1. Make a disciple who worships Jesus (answering the What question)

a. This is addressed by equipping program participants with the Word of God

first and foremost.

b. It is elevated by the identification of gifts and intercessory prayer.

2. Construct a curricular plan (answering the Content question)

a. The framework is a Two-Year Bible Reading Plan.

b. Lessons are divided up based on that week’s reading.

3. Prepare a plan for teaching and learning (answering the Processes question)

a. Teachers use the Two-Year Bible Reading Plan to prepare each week’s lesson.

b. Participants are expected to have read and meditated on the passages for the


4. Establish an environment for education (answering the Context question)

a. The group is set up for group interaction and adding life experiences.

0 William R. Yount, Created to Learn: A Christian Teacher's Introduction to Educational Psychology (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1996), 250.

0 Ibid., 251.

0 Ibid., 252.

0 Based on the proposal for a ministry-action budgeting approach in Charles A. Tidwell, Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1985), 165.

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b. The group is challenged to find application to the biblical reading through a

teacher-guided discussion.

5. Have a heart for and serve people (answering the People question)0

a. The group regularly identifies needs within the group itself as well as the

larger church.

b. It seeks to find answers from either within the group or by pinpointing

individuals who possess the needed time, finances, and skills.

0 Michael R. Mitchell, Leading, Teaching, Making Disciples (Bloomington, IN: Crossbooks, 2010), 12.

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Calvary Fellowship Church. Ventures Faith in Action. http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/ministry10.php (accessed July 7, 2011).

Calvary Fellowship Church. Engage. http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/ministry6.php (accessed July 7, 2011).

Calvary Fellowship Church. Young Marrieds Ministry. http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/ministry7.php (accessed July 7, 2011).

Calvary Fellowship Church. Vision. http://www.calvary-fellowship.org/vision.php (accessed July 7, 2011).

Mitchell, Michael R. Leading, Teaching, Making Disciples. Bloomington, IN: Crossbooks, 2010.

Richards, Lawrence O., and Gary J. Bredfeldt. Creative Bible Teaching. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1998.

Tidwell, Charles A. Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1985.

Yount, William R. Created to Learn: A Christian Teacher's Introduction to Educational Psychology. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1996.

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Discipleship Bibliography

Arnold, Jeffrey, and Stephanie Black. The Big Book on Small Groups. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1997.

Bergstrom, Richard L. Gary Fenton and Wayne A. Pohl. Mastering Church Finances, Mastering ministry. Christianity Today, 1992.

Cheesman, Grahame. Competing Paradigms in Theological Education Today. Evangelical Review of Theology: Volume 17. Electronic ed. , Logos Library System; Evangelical Review of Theology. Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster Periodicals, 2000.

Hayford, Jack W., Greg Howse, and Michael Posey. Race and Reconciliation: Healing the Wounds. Winning the Harvest, Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study Guides. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.

Hayford, Jack W., and Herman Rosenberger. Appointed to Leadership: God's Principles for Spiritual Leaders. Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study Guides. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.

Hegg, David W. Proven Character: Prelude to Position. In Reformation and Revival Volume 7. Carol Stream, Illinois: Reformation and Revival Ministries, 1998.

Icenogle, Gareth Weldon. Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry: An Integrative Approach. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1994.

MacArthur, John Jr. How to Study the Bible. John MacArthur's Bible Studies. Chicago: Moody Press, 1996.

Shelley, Marshall. Growing Your Church Through Training and Motivation: 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry. Library of leadership development. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House, 1997.

McKinney, Larry J. A Theology of Theological Education: Pedagogical Implications. In. Evangelical Review of Theology: Volume 29. Exeter, England: Paternoster Periodicals, 2005.

Mitchell, Michael R. Leading, Teaching, Making Disciples. Bloomington, IN: Crossbooks, 2010.

Nicholls, Bruce J.. The Role of Spiritual Development in Theological Education. In Evangelical Review of Theology: Volume 19. Electronic ed. , Logos Library System; Evangelical Review of Theology. Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster Periodicals, 2000.

Osborne, Larry W. The Unity Factor: Getting Your Church Leaders Working Together. The leadership library. Carol Stream, Ill.: CTI, 1989.

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Richards, Lawrence O., and Gary J. Bredfeldt. Creative Bible Teaching. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1998.

Tidwell, Charles A. Church Administration: Effective Leadership for Ministry. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1985.

Yount, William R. Created to Learn: A Christian Teacher's Introduction to Educational Psychology. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1996.

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Attachment: Spiritual Maturity Assessment Tool

Personal public commitment to Jesus (Definition of “I believe in Jesus”)

I believe God exists.

I believe God made me.

I believe I’m separated from God by my humanity and my actions (see def’n of sin).

I believe Jesus is the bridge to fix that separation.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son* of God and that he died for my sins* and rose again

from the dead.

Through faith, I have received Jesus as my personal Savior* and Lord*.

I have promised to be faithful and loyal to him day by day.

I have been baptized as an adult* (made a public profession of my faith).

Total: ___/8

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

0-7 : I am still seeking and gaining an understanding of Jesus and the Christian faith, but have not yet personally trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins and become part of His family. I am still investigating the claims of Christ.

8 : I understand what it means to be a Christian and declare myself to be one.

Personal walk with God


o I regularly pray for others and for me (regular is defined as 5 days out of 7)

o My prayers contain more than requests. They reflect confession, adoration*, and

o thanksgiving.

o I keep a log of my prayers and I watch for God’s answers to them.

o I have experienced God’s Spirit prompting me to action, conduct, or speech in my day.

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o I try to listen to the Spirit’s promptings though the day.

o My gut response to crisis/problems/the unexpected is to pray.

o I recognize an increasing depth and profoundness in my prayer life. It is a time for

o restoration and refocusing. It offers perspective, insight, and strength.

o When I pray I am sometimes prompted to action; I obey these promptings.

Total: ___/8

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-2 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 3-4 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 5-6 : I am stable and growing in this category

o 7-8 : I am able to guide others in this category.

Bible reading and study

o I believe the Bible is this Word of God and therefore authoritative for my life.

o I read and study the Bible regularly (regularly defined as intentionally planned in the

o week)

o When I read the Bible, I read with comprehension, remember it, and apply it to life.

o I take specific time to reflect upon and apply God’s Word.

o I seek to bring my behavior in line with Biblical definitions for normal Christian behavior

o Sometimes, when I read the Bible, I experience a specific chastisement or

o encouragement from the Spirit.

o I seek answers to questions I have about the Bible by reading other books or talking with

o other Christians.

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o When I read the Bible, I am often prompted to pray for certain things.

o I want to obey what I learn from the Bible.

Total: ___/9

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-2 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 3-4 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 5-7 : I am stable and growing in this category

o 8-9 : I am able to guide others in this category.

Character change

I see the fruits of the Spirit* in my character, as evidenced through my thoughts, speech, and actions.

o love,

o joy,

o peace,

o patience,

o kindness,

o goodness,

o faithfulness,

o gentleness,

o self-control.

Total: ___/9

When I sin, I am quick to confess it to God and re-establish my walk with him.

When I sin against another person, I am quick to confess that sin and seek forgiveness and reconciliation.

I take specific time to reflect upon my recent behavior and consider, if necessary, how to bring it in line with Christ-likeness.

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I see my character being shaped by difficulty and vulnerability and I don’t hold it against God.

In fact, I view it as a time to be stretched in my spiritual maturity.

I regularly seek God’s wisdom as I live each day.

Regularly, I am content with what I have. (I praise God for what I have and don’t focus on what I don’t have.)

I am not busy pursing the things of the world, but instead I simplify and focus my life according to Jesus’ priorities.

Christ’s agenda has a growing priority in my life.

Total: ___/17 (including the fruits of the Spirit total)

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-7 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 8-11 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 12-13 : I am stable and growing in this category

o 14-17 : I am able to guide others in this category.

Sunday worship and learning

I attend Sunday morning worship services regularly (3 out of 4 Sundays per month unless there are unchangeable work commitments)

I come to honor and bless* God through my participation in the service.

I come to learn and apply what I have learned to my life.

I come to bless others at my church through my time with the larger church family.

I participate in the Sunday experience wholeheartedly.

Total: ___/5

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-2 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 3 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 4-5: I am stable and growing in this category

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Fellowship of Believers (often, but not exclusively, referred to as a “small group”)

I see myself as an integral part of my church and am committed to sharing my life with people in that community.

I have a small group of Christian friends with whom I express and experience genuine Christ-like love, encouragement, forgiveness, and help.

I have a growing sense of gladness and thankfulness for other believers and their influence in my life.

I am honest with (a couple of) others about the condition of my heart - my personal struggles, questions, confessions, and anxieties.

I experience others sharing the condition of their heart with me.

I seek to love, forgive, encourage, and help others.

I am open to others commenting / giving feedback about my character, behavior, or life decisions, especially when they are not consistent with following Jesus.

My community of believers practices truth telling even if it may cause conflict.

Total: ___/8

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-2 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 3-4 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 5-6 : I am stable and growing in this category

o 7-8 : I am able to guide others in this category.

Part of the Body of Christ

I have committed myself to be an active part of my church.

I have made that commitment public by becoming a member.

I regularly contribute to the life and health of the church by serving/volunteering.

The ministry I serve with expresses my unique spiritual gifts, abilities, and perspective.

Serving in ministry is a chance to express my gratitude and devotion to God, therefore when I serve, I give my best effort.

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I pray for my ministry responsibilities, being aware of my dependence on God yet my responsibility to be faithful with the effort.

I view preparing for my ministry responsibility as another opportunity to honor Jesus.

I sometimes serve even if I’m not comfortable or am out of my comfort zone.

I return a percentage of my income to God’s work, using the Old Testament tithe (10%) as a guide.

Total: ___/9

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-2 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 3-4 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 5-7 : I am stable and growing in this category

o 8-9 : I am able to guide others in this category.

Being a missionary in our world

I seek to help those who do not know Jesus to understand who He is and to invite them to be part of God’s family.

I seek to express being a Christian at home, in my vocation, and as a citizen.

I can identify how I help other people know Jesus.

I find myself trying to understand things from God’s perspective. (In complicated or confusing issues I find myself asking “What might God be doing here?”)

I find myself taking risks to help others know Jesus, even when it comes at a personal cost.

I sacrificially donate money to causes that help the poor, bring truth and justice to the world, or help spread the Gospel.

I seek to help others in my daily life (believers and non-believers).

I pray for our government and the leadership of other countries.

I pray for other missionaries and the spread of the Kingdom of God.

I pray for Christians that are persecuted around the world.

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I stay informed and involved with at least one world concern; seeking to spiritually and practically impact my community and our world with compassion.

Total: ___/11

My assessment reveals: (please circle the appropriate one)

o 0-3 : I am lacking an understanding of this aspect of being a Christian.

o 4-5 : I am weak in this area, or I am a young Christian.

o 6-8 : I am stable and growing in this category

o 9-11 : I am able to guide others in this category.

Current Maturity Profile. Year: ____

The purpose of this page is to help you get a general perspective on your current spiritual health. A regular assessment of your spiritual health (such as once a year) will also help you track your growth, or conversely help you see spiritual decline.

Please transfer your results from the category assessments to this page by circling the appropriate results.

Personal public commitment to Jesus:

o I am still seeking; I am a Christian

Personal walk with God

o Prayer:

Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing; able to guide

o Bible Reading & Study:

Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing; able to guide

o Character Change:

Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing; able to guide

o Sunday morning worship and learning:

Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing

Fellowship of Believers:

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Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing; able to guide

Being Part of the Body of Christ:

Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing; able to guide

Being a missionary in our world:

Lack understanding; weak/new; stable/growing; able to guide0

0. Based on Bethesda Church, Spiritual Maturity Assessment Tool, http://www.bethesdachurchonline.ca/pdf/spiritual-maturity-assessment-tool-2005.pdf (accessed July 8, 2011).