disability in casulty

The scene opens with a mid shot which shows the reflection of two men in a mirror. Rule of thirds has been used to ensure the audience focus upon the able bodied man who has been positioned in the foreground of the shot which shows his dominance over the disabled character – who we can see is in a wheelchair portraying him as physically disabled. However the shot is deep focus which shows perhaps shows the disabled male to be equally as important, but represents his disability as a burden to him as it stops him from partaking in daily life- such as being able to try on the clothes in the shop easily. The able bodied males diegetic dialogue of ‘you have a defective taste gene’ shows him not to see the disabled man as any different to himself, as he ironically discusses defective genes about his taste in fashion, showing his disability not to be an issue. The fact that the shot is taken through a reflection in the mirror reinforces the idea of how the able bodied male sees his friend’s disability also. Mise en scene reflects the idea that the disabled man stands out, through the use of his dull brown clothing which contrasts with the bright colours within the shop. This shows that he may feel that his disability defines him. The use of dull colours connotes the idea that his disability may get him down and make him feel upset, further portrayed by his sarcastic diegetic response to his friend through a close up shot- ‘so I can watch the hours passing? Great’ this shows that it is constantly on his mind. This section, as well as all other scenes in the clip which focuses on these men has been edited in the continuity style, which shows that the male’s disability is a part of everyday life and is no longer focused on as an issue by his friend.

Upload: brandon-smith

Post on 13-Nov-2015




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The scene opens with a mid shot which shows the reflection of two men in a mirror. Rule of thirds has been used to ensure the audience focus upon the able bodied man who has been positioned in the foreground of the shot which shows his dominance over the disabled character who we can see is in a wheelchair portraying him as physically disabled. However the shot is deep focus which shows perhaps shows the disabled male to be equally as important, but represents his disability as a burden to him as it stops him from partaking in daily life- such as being able to try on the clothes in the shop easily. The able bodied males diegetic dialogue of you have a defective taste gene shows him not to see the disabled man as any different to himself, as he ironically discusses defective genes about his taste in fashion, showing his disability not to be an issue. The fact that the shot is taken through a reflection in the mirror reinforces the idea of how the able bodied male sees his friends disability also. Mise en scene reflects the idea that the disabled man stands out, through the use of his dull brown clothing which contrasts with the bright colours within the shop. This shows that he may feel that his disability defines him. The use of dull colours connotes the idea that his disability may get him down and make him feel upset, further portrayed by his sarcastic diegetic response to his friend through a close up shot- so I can watch the hours passing? Great this shows that it is constantly on his mind. This section, as well as all other scenes in the clip which focuses on these men has been edited in the continuity style, which shows that the males disability is a part of everyday life and is no longer focused on as an issue by his friend.

The mid shot of the shop assistant shows her to be positioned towards the able bodied man, and he is the only one she dietetically asks do you want to try it on? showing her feelings of awkwardness towards the disabled male as she does not know how to act towards him. This represents disability as being a tender subject as the woman is conscious of his disability. It also indirectly reinforces the representation that he is different and that his disability hinders him. He responds by confidently and dietetically telling her he has an incurable disease, which represents him as being aware of her awkward attitude. It also shows him to address his disability and to be comfortable with discussing its severity with a distinct lack of emotion. As he discusses his disability a close up shot of the woman shows her expression to be unsure and also very shocked, showing she does not know how to react to what he is saying, as disability is clearly a controversial topic. The cutting between the three characters during this conversation shows a contrast between the way that they all view disability: The shopkeeper is unsure how to react, which portrays her as viewing him as different, the disabled man appears to be bitter and also very blunt about his disability, and the able bodied man still appears not to see it as a large issue. The disabled man then follows in his dialogue by saying quit pushing me about which represents him as wanting to be independent.

The introduction to the character of Ely firstly shows him as being able bodied through a long shot, which also represents him as being normal. The womens reactions to him at this point are very positive as they approach him and joke around with him. However this changes as he appears to pass out and fall to the floor. Handheld camera is used to track his fall as it shows the disorientation he feels, showing disability to be frightening and unsettling. The women react by joking and not understanding what has happened, shown through their dialogue what happened? Did he trip? Aw, bless, and I thought we were pissed! which represent able bodied people as nave and oblivious to his disability. Their body language and expressions through this are happy, as they are drunk, which shows a lack of care as his disability is not visible, showing it to perhaps be overlooked. The editing after he falls has lots of short takes which shows a change in pace and reflects the importance of recognising his disability and the panic it causes to him in contrast to the longer takes in which a calmer atmosphere is displayed when he is awake.

The Ariel shot of the two coffees has been used to represent equality. The two coffees are exactly the same for both the able bodied and disabled character, which represents disability as not changing the value of a person. The sound perspective of the saucers being placed on the table has been made louder in order to ensure the audience focus on the importance of the coffees and their representation of equality. The waitress then adds a biscuit to the one coffee and match on action is used to show her give this to the disabled man only, representing him as being treated differently. The able bodied man is seen to ask the waitress why the disabled man has an extra biscuit, which goes against the stereotype of disabled characters being treated as lesser than able bodied, as it is the able bodied man who is losing out. An insert close up shot of his dismayed facial expression represents that able bodied people are not used to being discriminated against. Alternatively, it could show the waitress to take pity on the disabled character and give him an extra biscuit, representing disability as a weakness and something to be pitied. However this view is abolished as she replies he is my tenth customer, representing her view of not recognising or treating him differently due to his disability.