disability access and inclusion plan 2017-22 (final … · web view15 department of finance,...

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017- 2022

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Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2022

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Contact usThe Department of Finance welcomes your feedback. If you wish to make any comments or suggestions about our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP), please contact us.

Phone: (08) 6551 1000

National Relay Service: 133 766 or 1800 555 677

Email: [email protected]

Mail: Locked Bag 11, Cloisters Square WA 6850

Website: www.finance.wa.gov.au

This plan is available upon request in alternative formats upon request, including in electronic format by email, in hard copy format in both large and standard print, in audio format on compact disc and published on the Department’s website.

Document controlDocument Title Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2017-2022

File No. Doc No.

Version Number Final draft Version Date 15 June 2017

Foreword Updated 20 June 2019


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A message from the Director GeneralAs a central government agency that services the Western Australian community, it is imperative that Finance has representation from a variety of people within the community.

We are focused on improving our workplace diversity – recruiting staff from multiple generations, ethnic backgrounds and people with disabilities. This will encourage us to be more agile and innovative in our thinking, and bring different perspectives, experiences and knowledge together to build exemplar performance.

The Disability and Access Inclusion Plan (DAIP) is a key component of our broader diversity objectives and sets out our commitment to providing equal access, opportunity and participation for people with disability, their families and carers.

This Plan builds on our previous success through the continued promotion of access and inclusion initiatives and awareness of matters impacting those with a disability within the workplace.

We are committed to achieving the seven outcomes included in this Plan, which will foster an inclusive and non-discriminatory work environment within Finance and also have flow on financial and occupational benefits to those with a disability, their families and the broader community.

Jodi Cant

Director General

Department of Finance

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The Department of Finance.............................................................................................................


Other Legislation..............................................................................................................................

Our Progress....................................................................................................................................

Our Commitment..............................................................................................................................

Development of the DAIP................................................................................................................



Review and Evaluation....................................................................................................................


Outcomes and Strategies................................................................................................................

Outcome 1......................................................................................................................................

Outcome 2....................................................................................................................................11

Outcome 3....................................................................................................................................13

Outcome 4....................................................................................................................................15

Outcome 5....................................................................................................................................16

Outcome 6....................................................................................................................................17

Outcome 7....................................................................................................................................18

Key Roles.....................................................................................................................................19

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The Department of Finance

The Department of Finance (the Department) is a central government agency established on 1 July 2011.

We are a policy and service-oriented organisation with a wide range of customers. These include first home buyers, taxpayers, construction companies, government suppliers, and other government agencies.

We provide facilities and services to the public through the provision of physical, social and economic infrastructure. Our services assist other agencies to operate efficiently, make best practice decisions, and deliver value-for-money outcomes for West Australians.


One in every seven Western Australians experiences disability.1 Another one in twenty cares for a person with disability. This means that one in every five Western Australians may need support to access the services the Department provides.

The Department is committed to a progressive approach to disability access and inclusion. The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) meets two main goals:

It provides a framework to accommodate the needs of people with disability when providing

1 Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (2015)

services to or for the public or our staff; and

It fulfils the requirements under the Disability Services Act 1993.

This Plan sets out responsibility for each action, with the DAIP Committee to guide the overall implementation of the plan and report to senior management on its progress.

Other Legislation

The Department actively seeks to meet its legislative obligations under the following laws and treaties:

Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA)

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Our Progress

Since the implementation of the first DAIP in 2012, the Department has introduced a range of strategies and initiatives to support equitable and full access and inclusion for staff and those who access our facilities, services and information. This progress includes:

Accessible ramps, automatic doors for staff access, and braille on lifts at Optima.

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Upgrades to access at QBE House, including more accessible toilets and redesigning lift keypads to improve accessibility.

Ongoing improvement of Department websites toward the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2) Level A.

Developing a Disability Awareness eLearning module to educate staff on disability matters and challenges, including training on how to make the workplace more inclusive.

Offering employment opportunities for trainees with disabilities through the Public Sector Commission’s Business Traineeship Program.

Early progress with the new Plan includes:

The recruitment of two staff with disability through the Department’s graduate program, further enhancing the diversity in our workforce.

Custom signage installed in kitchens to improve accessibility for staff with visual impairment.

A ‘Passport - Reasonable Adjustment’ being introduced. This enables staff with disability the option of recording any unique work requirements with the Occupational Safety and Health team, to assist when transitioning to new managers or work areas.

Our Commitment

The Department endeavours to:

Achieve the seven outcomes of the DAIP by implementing strategies as detailed in this plan;

Ensure people with disability, their families and carers can fully access our services, information and facilities, providing the same opportunities, rights and responsibilities enjoyed by other people in the community;

Support and empower our employees so they are able to contribute to the Department’s objectives to the best of their ability; and

Consult with people with disability, their families, carers and support service providers to identify and remove barriers of access and inclusion.

Development of the DAIP

In 2016 a cross departmental Planning Project Team was established to review the existing DAIP and develop the new five year DAIP 2017-22.

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In 2016 and early 2017, the Department consulted with internal stakeholders, including:

Briefing key internal stakeholders at the Department of Communities (DoC) to raise awareness of disability issues;

Liaising with senior managers to assist in providing suitably qualified and motivated business unit representatives to form the DAIP Planning Project Team;

Promoting the upcoming review of the DAIP on the Department’s intranet;

Seeking comments and input from the Department’s Corporate Executive and staff; and

Investigating contemporary trends and best practice in access and inclusion plans.

The Department will publish the draft DAIP through the following channels:

Department of Finance website; LinkedIn; and In the West Australian newspaper.

The Department intends to send copies of the draft DAIP to those who seeks to contribute to the planning process including staff, people with disability, their families, carers, disability organisations, relevant community groups and peak bodies for feedback.

Copies of the plan will be provided in alternative formats upon request, including electronic format, hard copy (in both large and standard print), audio format and via the Department’s website.


An advertisement will be taken out in the West Australian newspaper advising the public that a copy of the final DAIP is available on the Department’s website and in alternative formats upon request.

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Review and Evaluation

The Department will monitor and review the implementation of the DAIP in the following ways:

Collect feedback from the community via our website, personal representation or by phone.

The DAIP Committee will meet quarterly to review the implementation of the DAIP, including any feedback provided.

The DAIP Committee will prepare an annual report on progress to the Department’s Corporate Executive for endorsement prior to submission to DoC.

We will provide an update on the progress of the DAIP in the Department’s Annual Report, and provide opportunity for the public to comment on subsequent updates.

We will review the DAIP within five years. Any amendments will be lodged with DoC.


The Department acknowledges the contribution and assistance provided by DoC, staff, community groups, the DAIP Committee and the Planning Project Team with the development of this Plan.

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Outcomes and Strategies

The Department will achieve the seven desired outcomes of the DAIP by implementing the following strategies.

Outcome 1

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any event by, the Department.

Strategies Responsibility Timeframe Due By

Maintain a DAIP Committee to guide the implementation of DAIP activities and advocate for equitable access to Departmental services and events

CorpEx Ongoing

Implement and monitor the DAIP to ensure it supports equitable access to services by people with disability throughout the various functions of the Department.

DAIP Committee Ongoing

Ensure that all events are organised so that they are accessible to people with disability.


Event Owners


Ensure that all agents and contractors of the Department are aware of their obligations under the DAIP.

Managers Ongoing

Incorporate the objectives of the DAIP into the Department’s strategic business planning, budgeting processes and other relevant plans and strategies.


Tier 3



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Strategies Responsibility Timeframe Due By

Occupational Health and Safety procedures and training are in place to ensure the safety of employees and visitors with disabilities are met in the event of a fire, evacuation or other critical incident.

Facilities Managers

OSH Manager

Fire Wardens



Provide opportunities for people with disability to comment on access to services and advice provided by the Department.

Facilities Managers Ongoing

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Outcome 2

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and other facilities of the Department.

Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Ensure all Departmental buildings and facilities are physically accessible for people with disability.

Building Service ManagersFacilities ManagersGovernment Office Accommodation


Ensure facilities have sufficient ACROD parking to meet the needs of people with disability.

Building Service ManagersFacilities Managers Government Office Accommodation


Ensure all government offices leased for occupation by the Department are readily accessible for people with disability.

Government Office Accommodation


Ensure that the Department’s reception and client contact areas are accessible for people with disability.

Building Service ManagersFacilities Managers Government Office Accommodation


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Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Maintain emergency evacuation procedures for the Department’s buildings that ensure the safety of people with disability.

Building Service ManagersFacilities ManagersFire WardensOSH Manager


When access issues are identified via employee or visitor feedback, they are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner and resolutions communicated to relevant stakeholders.

Building Service ManagersFacilities ManagersGovernment Office Accommodation


Ensure signage meets the needs of people with disability. Building Service ManagersGovernment Office Accommodation


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Outcome 3

People with disability receive information from the Department in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people are able to access it.

Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Continue to work towards ensuring Department websites and online applications are compliant with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2) Level A or higher including:

Maintenance and improvements of existing systems and applications. Procurement of all new systems and applications.

Application Owners Ongoing

Support Department staff with making information accessible by tailoring and upgrading Managed Operating Environments systems and software that have accessibility built in.

Application Owners Ongoing

Ensure all Department publications are as accessible as possible (in accordance with Finance’s Writing Guide and WCAG 2 Level A) or are available in alternative formats on request.

ManagersContent OwnersDirector Strategic Issues


Improve staff awareness of their responsibilities in creating and/or obtaining accessible information in alternative formats.

Tier 3Managers


Offer documentation regarding services, facilities and customer feedback in an appropriate format using clear and concise language.

Business Unit Managers


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Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Improve the awareness of customer service staff of how to provide information in an appropriate format.

Managers Ongoing

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Outcome 4

People with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of the Department as other people receive from the staff of the Department.

Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Increase employee awareness of disability and access requirements with an aim to train staff to provide a satisfactory service to people with disability.

DAIP CommitteeManagers


Maintain and promote policies, codes of conduct and strategies that prohibit discrimination, harassment and victimisation of employees and visitors with a disability.

Director PSP Ongoing

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Outcome 5

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to the Department.

Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Ensure that the current systems for receiving and resolving complaints/grievances are readily accessible for people with disability.

Business Unit Managers


Ensure that people who go through the complaints/grievances resolution process have an opportunity to provide feedback on their experience of the complaints/grievances process.

Business Unit Managers


Ensure staff are aware of the complaint/grievance process, to ensure that appropriate support is given to people with disability.

Director PSPManagers


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Outcome 6

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation by the Department.

Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Ensure that where relevant, people with disability and disability support providers are invited and encouraged to participate in public consultation.

Managers Ongoing

Provide sufficient notice of meetings and appropriate support to people with disability who wish to participate in consultation.


Event Owners


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Outcome 7

People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment with the Department.

Strategies Responsibility TimeframeDue By

Develop and maintain effective strategies to improve the attraction, recruitment and retention of employees with a disability.

Director PSP Ongoing

Ensure the process and method of applying for employment opportunities is accessible to people with disability.

Director PSPRecruitment Panels


Offer equal opportunities for training and career development for employees with disability.

Director PSPManagers


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Key Roles

Role Definition

Application Owners Staff who implement and modify in-house IT applications.

Building Service Manager Facilities manager employed by the lessor of premises leased by the Department.

Business Unit Managers The senior staff who manage each business unit: Assistant Deputy Directors General; Executive Directors; and Commissioner

CorpEx The most senior management group in the Department. It is composed of the Director General and a representative from each Business Unit, a Deputy Director General, Commissioner or Executive Director.

DAIP Committee Department of Finance representative staff that oversee the implementation of the DAIP and raises awareness of access and inclusion issues.

Director People Strategy and Performance (PSP)

Tier 3 leader responsible for organisational development, occupational safety and health, and human resources.

Director Strategic Issues Tier 3 leader responsible for coordinating public communication of the Department.

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Role Definition

Content Owners Persons responsible for approving content for public use or internal communications.

Event Owners Staff who plan and carry out an event and or project.

Facilities Managers Staff responsible for managing the facilities occupied by the Department.

Fire Wardens Staff who ensure safe evacuation of staff from work premises in an emergency.

Government Office Accommodation Branch of Building Management and Works responsible for leasing and managing government offices.

Managers Staff responsible for supervising or monitoring other staff in the Department.

OSH Manager Staff member directly engaged to manage OSH issues in the Department.

Recruitment Panels Teams responsible for screening and appointing staff to roles within the Department.

Tier 3 The second most senior management group in the Department. Consists of senior leaders who report directly to members of CorpEx.

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