dirty water

Dirty Water Definition of dirty water Chemically, dirty water has a high PH levels, and has a high mineral content / poor mineral content. Dirty water contaminated by pathogenic bacteria. For example, E. coli bacteria that can cause diarrhea and typhoid salmonella can result. Physically, dirty water is muddy, odorless, and tasteless if taken. Water pollution can be caused by many things and have different characteristics. Organic waste such as sewage (sewage) causes an increase in oxygen demand in water accept that leads to reduced oxygen that can have a serious impact on the entire ecosystem. Dispose of various kinds of industrial pollutants in waste water such as heavy metals, toksinorganik, oils, nutrients and solids. The waste water has a thermal effect, especially those issued by the power plant, which can also reduce the oxygen in the water. Such as plant waste into a river that flows like a river Citarum water pollution by garbage The use of explosives to catch fish IMPACT OF WATER POLLUTION IN ENVIRONMENT AROUND Wide impact of water pollution, for example, can poison drinking water, poisoned pet food, rivers and lakes ecosystem imbalance, deforestation due to acid rain, and so on. In bodies of water, rivers and lakes, nitrogen and phosphate (from agricultural activities) have led to the growth of aquatic plants that are out of control (excessive eutrophication). This led to the explosive growth of oxygen, which should be shared by all animals / plants water, to be reduced. When the water plants die, their decomposition suck

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Dirty WaterDefinition of dirty waterChemically, dirty water has a high PH levels, and has a high mineral content / poor mineral content. Dirty water contaminated by pathogenic bacteria. For example, E. coli bacteria that can cause diarrhea and typhoid salmonella can result. Physically, dirty water is muddy, odorless, and tasteless if taken.Water pollution can be caused by many things and have different characteristics. Organic waste such as sewage (sewage) causes an increase in oxygen demand in water accept that leads to reduced oxygen that can have a serious impact on the entire ecosystem. Dispose of various kinds of industrial pollutants in waste water such as heavy metals, toksinorganik, oils, nutrients and solids. The waste water has a thermal effect, especially those issued by the power plant, which can also reduce the oxygen in the water. Such as plant waste into a river that flows like a river Citarum water pollution by garbage The use of explosives to catch fishIMPACT OF WATER POLLUTION IN ENVIRONMENT AROUNDWide impact of water pollution, for example, can poison drinking water, poisoned pet food, rivers and lakes ecosystem imbalance, deforestation due to acid rain, and so on. In bodies of water, rivers and lakes, nitrogen and phosphate (from agricultural activities) have led to the growth of aquatic plants that are out of control (excessive eutrophication). This led to the explosive growth of oxygen, which should be shared by all animals / plants water, to be reduced. When the water plants die, their decomposition suck up more oxygen. As a result, the fish will die, and bacterial activity decreases.

The impact of water pollution are generally divided into four groups, namely: The impact on water biota Impact on groundwater quality Impact on health Impact on environmental aesthetics

1. The impact on water biotaThe number of substances in wastewater pollution will lead to decreased levels of dissolved oxygen in the water. Resulting in life in water requires oxygen disturbed and reduce development.As a result of the death of the bacteria, the water purification process that should occur naturally in the waste water is also inhibited. With wastewater that is difficult to unravel. Heat from the industry will also impact the death of the organism, if the waste water does not cool down.2. The impact on groundwater qualityGroundwater contamination by feces are usually measured by faecal coliform has occurred on a broad scale, this is evidenced by a survey of shallow wells in Jakarta. Many studies indicate that pollution.3. Impact on healthThe role of water as a carrier of various infectious diseases, among others: Water as a medium for pathogenic microbes, Water as a vector-borne insect nests, The amount of water available is not enough, so the man in question can not clean themselves, Water sebaga media for disease vector life.4. Impact on environmental aestheticsWith the increasing number of organic substances discharged into the aquatic environment, it will be increasingly polluted waters are usually marked with a pungent odor besides piles that can reduce the environmental aesthetics. The problem of waste oil or fat can also reduce the environmental aesthetics.

Prevention of dirty water1. Use water wisely.How to prevent water pollution first and simplest is to avoid excessive water use. Especially if diambillangsung water into groundwater stomach. In addition to reducing water reserves, excessive soil moisture absorption also have a negative impact on the environmental balance.Nowadays, especially in urban areas, the exploitation of ground water has reached alarming stage. If allowed to continue to take place, is not likely to arise in the extent of environmental damage is terrible.2. Reduce the use of detergents.How to prevent further water pollution is to minimize the use of detergents. Detergent is made from materials of petroleum derivatives. Generally, detergents contain surfactants (surface active agent) which serves to lower the surface tension of water so as to release the dirt on the material. Surfactants are compounds containing anionic, cationic, non-ionic, and amphoterik. Detergents also contain phosphate, acetate, silicate, zeolite, and citric acid.Compounds in detergents proven negative effect on the environment, especially if used in excessive amounts. Therefore, reducing the detergent is a way to prevent further water pollution that could be done. Even if the use of these items, choose wisely where the most friendly to the environment.Currently, it has been available alternative materials to reduce human dependence on detergents. Such as soap and toothpaste herbs. These products are more natural and easily parsed so that it can reduce pollution.3. Reduce consumption of chemical drugs.Chemical drugs we consume cause chemical reactions in the body, and partly wasted through the channel secretion. However, the chemical waste is still likely to contaminate the water. Not to mention the rest of chemical drugs inedible we throw away to tempatsampah. Chemical compounds will react to the ground and cause pollution.How to prevent water pollution associated with the cause of the contamination of water this one is wise reduce chemical drugs, and replace them with alternative medicines made from herbs. Besides functioning for cell regeneration, the remaining drug will not cause chemical contamination.4. Reduce the use of insect repellent and insecticide.We often easily using drugs pesticides and insecticides to repel mosquitoes, cockroaches, termites, ants, and so on. In fact, we spray a chemical that will be stored in the soil, creating a chemical reaction that pollute the environment.How to prevent water pollution related to the cause you can do this one is certainly reduce the use of any pesticides or insecticides. To break free from the influence of the repulsive animals, keeping the house clean is the only way you can do.5. Reduce the use of materials that are difficult to unravel.Many difficult biodegradable materials we use in everyday life, such as plastic and styrofoam. The material takes hundreds of years to decompose. Unfortunately, it is easy to use and throw it into the trash. Without realizing it, the use of these items could have an impact on water pollution, especially if the goods are disposed of by accident in waterways.How to prevent water pollution due to the discredit of these objects is to limit the use of these items. So that environmental damage does not occur further. Use alternative materials.6. Manage your household waste properly.Separation of organic waste and non-organic facilitate waste management in the final disposal. Therefore, the waste is not managed properly will cause chemical compounds due to bacterial processes damage the water ecology.How to prevent water pollution fitting is to manage waste independently, either by simple oxidation and making compost. Good addition to regenerate the soil environment, also can reduce the burden of waste management operations.7. Plant a tree.Trees and greenery huge role in preventing environmental pollution, environmental good air, soil or air air.Polusi reduced, the net effect on the atmosphere, and rain water is not contaminated.Plants also help the absorption of water by the soil through micro cavity formed roots. How to prevent water pollution it is fairly complicated. However, the complexity that is created will not be comparable with the benefits that were presented.8. Reduce the use of motor vehicles.Exhaust fumes are the main pollutants that contaminate the air. A dirty air will indirectly affect the cleanliness of the water. Reduction of the use of motor vehicles is expected to reduce the level of carbon emissions and decrease air pollution. This method is also included in one of the ways to prevent water pollution is quite powerful.9. Promote the recycling industry.Garbage that is not managed a problem for the environment. The habit of throwing garbage into the river or water source is a major cause of water contamination. Therefore, industrial waste recycling is a way to prevent water pollution reasonable.

10. Management of waste in household industries.Household waste industry is the highest contributor to water pollution in a densely populated neighborhood. Therefore, household industry and SMEs tend to disregard waste management, as contained in large industrial. Counseling and exemplifies the concrete steps are ways to prevent pollution of water that can be done.

Many things we can do as a way of prevention of water pollution, among others:1. Aware of the continuity of water supply with no damage or exploit water sources that are not polluted.2. Do not throw garbage into the river.3. Reduce the intensity of household waste.4. Perform screening plant waste so that the waste that will be united with the river water is not a destroyer of evil waste of ecosystems.5. Making proper sanitation and clean so that the sources of clean water is not contaminated.Other methods of controlling water pollution is the planting of trees. Trees in addition to preventing landslides, recognized able to absorb water in large quantities. That's why a lot of flooding due to logging in bulk. In fact, the tree is a water absorbent most effective and reliable.In fact, the water catchment area was used as a residential and tourist center. Real trees can be a source of water because the number of trees, the more potential sources of water underneath.