direction and focus of china's land management system reform - shouzhi wang, 2015/03/25

Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform ( 中国 土地管理制度改革的方向和 重点 ) 2015 Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Mr. Wang Shouzhi Director - General, Department of Policy and Legislation Ministry of Land and Resources People’s Republic of China 1

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Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management

System Reform (中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点)

2015 Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

Mr. Wang Shouzhi


Department of Policy and Legislation

Ministry of Land and Resources

People’s Republic of China


Content (内容)

A. An Overview of China’s National Land Management System (中国土地制度的


B. The Major Problems Emerged with respect to China’s Land Management (中


C. The Direction and Focus of China’s National Land Management System

Reform (中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点)

1. Improve The Most Stringent Farmland Protection

System (完善最严格的耕地保护制度)

2. Reform Rural Land Use System and Grant Farmers More Property Rights


3. Improve and Strengthen the System of Intensive Land Use (健全和强化集约


4. Establish a Unified Real Estate Property Registration System (建立不动产统一登记制度)


An Overview of China’s National Land Management



China has established a comprehensive system of land management —— 中国已建立了一套完备的土地管理制度。

The Constitutional Law, Property Law, Civil Law, Land Management Law and other

relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China operating together have

constituted a largely comprehensive legal and institutional system of land management,

which regulates the rights to land, land use planning and restrictions, land utilization and

protection, as well as land development and re-arrangement. (中国 的《宪法》、《物权法》、


China Adopts Socialistic Public Ownership of Land ——中国实行土地的社会主义公有制。

- China’s adopted socialistic public ownership of land means the combination of state

ownership and rural farmer collective ownership. According to the Constitution of the

People’s Republic of China, an individual is legally entitled to his or her “land-use rights.” (即


- For public interest reasons, the Chinese government can expropriate land with the

appropriate compensation in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. (国家为了公共



An Overview of China’s National Land Management


中国土地制度的基本概况 (Continued)

- Allocation of land ownership and prevention of ownership concentration are the

fundamental principles of China’s land policy, which are also the basic factors to ensure the

stability and development of the Chinese society. China’s historical lessons, current

development, productivity, and population all indicate that China’s current land management

system should not change. (平均地权,防止土地兼并,是国家土地制度的基本要求,也是中国社会发展


The Core Principle of Chinese Land Management is the Protection of Farmable Lands

—— 中国土地管理的核心是耕地保护。

- China highly restricts the use of farmable land for commercial development,

especially basic farmable land. If a situation arises in which such conversion is necessary,

then the national policy follows the principle of “Balanced Conversion and Replacement,” i.e.

for every unit of farmland converted, the same unit of farmland must be created. This applies

not only to quantity, but also quality of farmland. (国家严格限制建设占用耕地,特别是基本农田,

对建设需要确需占用耕地的,必须实 施“占补平衡”,做到“占一补一”,补充耕地不仅要保证数量,还必须保证质量。)

- China has a large population, very small amount of farmland per capita, and

shortage of reserved farmland resources. (我国人口众多,人均耕地少,而且,耕地后备资源不



An Overview of China’s National Land Management


中国土地制度的基本概况 (Continued)

- The Chinese land policy is therefore to prioritize the protection of farmable land

and implement the strictest restrictions on farmable land conversion to other purposes. The

national policy bottom-line is the protection of 1.8 billion mu of basic farmland, or 120 million

hectare. (在土地问题上国家的政策是,必须把耕地保护放在首位,实行最严格的耕地保护制度,严守18亿


- China’s land policy aims at ensuring the security of sufficient food supply for 1.3

billion population. (我国人口众多,人均耕地少,而且,耕地后备资源不足,对于我国一个13亿人口的大

国必须保障粮食供给的安全,粮食的需求只能依靠我国自己解决。 )

- A recent Chinese land survey reveals that China has 550 million acres of

woodland, grassland and other plains, among which only one hundred and thirty-five million

(130 million) hectares are farmable land. The above-mentioned farmable land numbers also

include sloping farmlands. China therefore has more people than farmable lands, especially

per capita farmable land. China’s per capita farmable land is less than 0.1 hectare per

person, compared with the global number which is 0.22 hectare per person.(最近中国土地调



An Overview of China’s National Land Reform

中国土地制度的基本概况 (Continued)

- For comparison, the per capita farmable land for the United States is 0.6

hectare per person; Canada, 1.4, and Australia 2.4. (美国是人均0.6公顷、俄罗斯是0.9公顷、加拿大是1.4公顷、澳大利亚是2.4公顷。 )

China adopts a land-usage control system —— 中国实行土地用途管制制度。

The method of land management use d by China is the “Usage Control System,”

under which land owners and land-use rights holders shall all use land in accordance with

the land-use purposes and categories prescribed by the applicable Chinese laws and

regulations. The Chinese land usage laws categorize land into the following three types: (i)

farm-use; (ii) construction-use; and (iii) undeveloped land. China highly restricts the

conversion of farmland or undeveloped land into construction-use land and restricts the total

land area for construction. (在土地管理方式上,中国实行土地用途管制,不管土地的所有者还是使用者,都必须严格按照国家土地利用规划确定的土地用途利用土地。用途管制是将土地分为;农用地、建设用地、未利用地,严格限制农用地、未利用地转为建设用地,严格控制建设用地总量。) 6

The Major Problems 中国土地管理面临的主要问题

China’s rapid economic and social development in the past 30 years brought about

tremendous industrialization and urbanization. The pace of urbanization continues to speed

up and the conversion of rural to urban land is rapid at urban fringe areas. The prominent

land issues are as follows: (近30年来中国社会经济快速发展,工业化和城镇化快速推进,城市扩张的速


Shortage of land for construction and inefficient land use —— 建设用地供给不足、土地利用粗放浪费。

- On the one hand, demand for land remains strong for various purposes of

construction, and the state land supply could not meet the demand. On the other hand,

current land use is inefficient and wasteful, and a large amount of urban land faces the need

of re-development. (一方面中国各项建设对土地需求仍然旺盛,国家计划供地不能满足需要;另一方面,


- During 2000-11, China’s urban built-up areas have expanded by 76.4%, while urban

population has grown 50.5%. It is estimated that about 5,000 square kilometers of urban

land or 11% of China’s urban built-up areas, is utilized very inefficiently. (从2000年到2011年我



The Major Problems 中国土地管理面临的主要问题 (Continued)

Rural construction land is seriously wasteful and Idle —— 农村建设用地闲置和浪费突出

- As China's industrialization and urbanization continue, a large number of rural

population have migrated to the cities and towns. China's urban permanent residential

population rose from 460 million in 2000 to 710 million in 2012, and the urbanization rate

increased from 36.2% in 2000 to 52.6% in 2012. However, rural construction land and

farmers’ homestead have not decreased proportionally. (随着我国工业化和城镇化快速推进,大量


- The re-development of idle rural construction land and homestead, however,

has encountered spatial layout constraints and policy constraints. (农村闲置浪费的建设用地和宅基地的开发遇到空间布局和政策约束的限制。)

- There is no legal provision for market transaction of rural construction land for

urban development without going through state expropriation. There are no legal provisions

for the development, concessions, transaction, pricing, and development benefit sharing of

rural construction land. As a result, rural construction land does not have the same rights

and same prices as the state-owned construction land. as those of the state-owned

construction lands. (法律上没有农村集体建设用地直接通过市场配置使用的规定,在农村集体建设用地



The Major Problems 中国土地管理面临的主要问题 (Continued)


Need to Amend the Current Land Management Laws and Regulation as They Do

Not Sufficiently Address China’s Reform and Development Needs —— 土地管理法律制度不能适应改革和发展,需要修改

- China‘s Land Management Law was enacted in 1986, and became effective on

January 1, 1987. It was amended three times, in 1988, 1998, 2004, respectively. (我国《土地管理法》颁布于1986年,1987年1月1 日起开始实施,之后,在1988年、1998年、2004年先后进行了三次修改。)

- Currently, China’s land management law regime is considered largely

appropriate, but not sufficient to meet China’s land management needs. The law and

regulations with respect to the expropriation and management of rural land should be

amended. (目前看,我国土地管理法的基本的制度是适用的,但有些制度已不能适应土地管理的要求,特别是土地征收、农村集体建设用地管理等方面制度需要进行修改。)

Direction and Focus of China’s National Land Management

System Reform 中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点

- In order to solve China’s land management problems described above, the land

management system must be reformed. The national government has made a

comprehensive plan for the reform and set forth a clear direction and focus. (解决我国当前土地管理面临的问题,必须进行土地管理制度改革,抓住面临的主要问题采取有效的对策和改革措施。在这方面,我国党和政府已作出了全面部署,提出了明确的改革方向和工作重点。)

- Based on China’s national circumstances and current stage of development, the

government sets forth the following direction: (i) Uphold the socialist public ownership of

China’s land; (ii) Grant farmers more property rights, safeguard farmers’ land interests and

ensure that such interests are not impaired; (iii) Adhere to the most stringent farmland

protection system and strict adherence to the protection of “1.8 billion mu (122 million

hectares) of basic farmland” as the national bottom line; (iv) Adhere to the most stringent

land conservation and use system; (v) Improve the unified national management system for

natural resources, and (vi) Implement the unified real property registration system. (在土地管理制度改革的方向上,根据我国国情和目前的发展阶段,国家明确:要坚持土地的社会主义公有制度不改变;要进一步赋予农民更多的财产权利,坚持农民利益不受损;要坚持实行最严格的耕地保护制度,严守十八亿亩(1.22亿公顷)耕地红线;要坚持最严格的节约集约用地制度;要健全国家对自然资源的统一管理体制,全面推进对不动产的统一登记制度。)


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (continued)

Land Management System Reform Priorities, and Major Policies and Measures to be

Implemented —— 土地管理制度改革重点和实施的政策措施主要有:

1. Implement the most stringent farmland protection system —— 完善最严格的耕地保护制度

- Strengthen the protection of basic farmland – clearly delineate basic farmland for

permanent protection, and strictly prohibit the change of basic farmland for other rural uses. (强化基本农田保护。划定基本农田,要落实到地块,实行永久保护,严禁占用基本农田或者将基本农田改为其它农用地。)

- Strictly maintain the size of farmland. Prohibit the use of farmland for non-

agricultural construction purposes. If conversion is deemed necessary, low-quality farmland

should be first selected for conversion. The amount of conversion should be determined by

the amount of replenished farmland, with the similar quality. (严格实施耕地的占补平衡。严禁非农建设占用耕地,确需占用耕地的,应当尽量占用劣质耕地。实施“先补后占”“以补定占”,严格“占优补优”,占水田补水田。)

- Ensure that the “agricultural land is used for agricultural purposes.” Adhere to land

use controls, and prohibit the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural facilities, tourism and

leisure, and other non-agricultural construction purposes. Farmers’ contract with village

collectives for farming a particular parcel of farmland will not be affected by the injection of

outside commercial capital.(确保“农地农用”。坚持用途管制,严禁以各类农业设施、观光休闲等各



Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

- Improve the incentive mechanism of farmland protection. Establish a basic farmland

subsidy system to ensure the protection of farmland by providing farmers and village

collectives with financial compensation. (完善耕地保护激励机制。建立基本农田补贴制度,让保护耕地的农民和基层政府获得必要的经济补偿。)

- Strictly carry out the farmland protection target assessment throughout the country.

Strengthen local governments’ responsibility for farmland preservation. (严格落实耕地保护目标考核制度。强化地方政府耕地保护责任。)

2. Reform of Rural Land Use and Farmers’ Property Rights —— 推进农村土地使用制度改革,赋予农民更多的财产权利

Promote reform of land expropriation system —— 推进征收土地制度改革:

(i) Narrow the scope of land expropriation, and gradually reduce the scale of such expropriation. (ii) Set a

clear procedure for land expropriation, implement expropriation risk assessment as a mandate, explore

stakeholder negotiation mechanisms, and implement full information disclosure throughout expropriation

process. (iii) Improve the multiple protection mechanism for affected farmers, such as resettlement, housing,

employment training and other social security programs. (一是缩小征地范围,逐步缩减征地规模;二是规范征地程序,实施征地风险评估制度,探索征地民主协商机制,实现征地实施中征地信息全面公开,健全征地纠纷调处机制;三是完善被征地农民合理、规范、多元保障机制。)


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

Move forward with the market transaction of rural collective constructionland use right —— 推进农村集体经营性建设用地使用权入市:

(i) Grant equal rights to the rural collective construction land, as those to thestate-owned construction land. Allow rural collectives to transfer, lease, share, or mortgagethe use rights of their commercial construction land as long as the parcel of land is incompliance with planning and land use controls.

(ii) Allow rural collectives to develop in-situ their commercial construction land aslong as the parcel of land is in compliance with planning and land use controls. Guide thevillage collectives to re-arrange their commercial construction land and enter the market fordevelopment once public infrastructure is provided.

(iii) Establish consistent and equal construction land market trading rulesbetween the state-owned construction land and rural construction land. Improve governmentservices and regulatory regimes governing construction land planning, investment, finance,taxation, etc.

(iv) Protect the benefits of village collectives gained from the increases of landvalue from their commercial construction land development. Government will capture landvalue increase mainly through taxation.

(一是赋予农村集体经营性建设用地与国有经营性建设用地同等权利,在符合规划和用途管制的前提下,允许农村集体经营性建设用地使用权出让、租赁、入股、转让、抵押。二是符合规划并依法取得的农村集体经营性建设用地,可以就地入市。引导农民集体开展区片建设用地整理,保证公共基础设施用地后,集体经营性建设用地可直接入市。三建立与国有建设用地一致的集体经营性建设用地市场交易规则。完善政府规划、投资、金融、税收等相关服务和监管制度。 四是集体经营性建设用地入市,政府主要通过税收分享土地增殖收益,切实保障集体成员的收益分配权。)


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

Reform rural homestead management system ——推进农村宅基地制度改革:

The rural homestead land is an important property right of farmers, and an integral part of

rural land. Under the current system, one farmer household is allocated one “homestead”

while urban residents are not allowed to purchase rural homestead land.

(i) Explore innovations under the “one rural household one homestead” rule. For

example, for rural areas where land is scarce and the secondary sector is highly

developed, village collectives may build condominiums to ensure a home for every


(ii) Establish an incentive mechanism to stimulate re-development of idle and wasted

homestead land. Improve the incentive/compensation mechanism to allow rural

households to exit their unused homestead land voluntarily.

(iii) Establish a system that would allow farmers to acquire, use, exit, mortgage, and

guarantee their homested land.

(中国农村宅基地是农民重要的财产权,也是农村土地的重要组成部分,农村实行一户一宅制度,城市居民不准购买农村宅基地。一是探索农户“一户一宅”制度创新,传统农户区实行宅基地分配制度。对人均耕地少、二、三产业较发达的地区主要通过集中建房和建设农民公寓等方式落实宅基地权益,保障住有居所;二是建立闲置废弃宅基地盘活利用激励机制,完善宅基地自愿有偿退出机制。三是建立农民对宅基地取得、使用、退出、抵押、担保制度。 )


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

3. Improve and Strengthen the Collective Land Conservation System —— 健全和强化集约节约用地制

- China’s sustainable development requires the strengthening of a

sound land conservation and efficient use system. China’s government

understands the high importance of land conservation and has made effective

land conservation China’s national policy. The policy focuses on the strict

control of land used for construction, increase the efficiency of existing land use,

and rely on the market for the allocation of land resources and land use

efficiency. (健全和强化节约集约用地制度,是我国以土地利用方式转变促进经济


Strengthen the binding constraint on the scale of urban and rural construction

land use;(强化县市城乡建设用地规模刚性约束;)


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

For the Eastern region (particularly in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangzi River

River Delta, and Pearl River Delta City Clusters), the priority is to increase

the use efficiency of existing land stock, and reduce the scale of new land

supply; (在东部地区特别是优化开发的三大城市群地区要以盘活存量为主,率先压减新增建设用的规模;)

Link the increases of city construction land with the decrease of rural

construction land; revitalize idle land, and redevelop industrial wasteland,

and inefficiently utilized urban land; (继续推进城市建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少相挂钩,加强工矿废弃地复垦利用和城镇低效用地再开发等; )

Speed up the delineation of city development boundaries, permanent basic

farmland, and ecological protection land; improve the layout of functions for

production, living, and ecological preservation; (加快划定城市开发边界、永久基本农田和生态保护红线,促进生产、生活、生态用地合理布局;) and

Encourage the revitalization and upgrade of “old townships” and “old factory

plants” and speed up the re-arrangement of rural land. (鼓励“旧城镇”“旧厂房”改造和产业升级;加快农村土地整理)


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

4. Establish a Unified Real Estate Property Registration System —— 建立不动产统一登记制度

- China has established a system of land, housing and other realestate property registration system, which records the creation, change,transfer, loss, and mortgage of real estate properties, as well as the disputes onthe properties. (中国目前已经建立起一套土地、房屋等不动产登记制度体系,形成了对物权的设立登记、变更登记、转让登记、灭失登记、抵押登记以及异议登记和预告登记为主要形式的登记制度. )

- However, at present, the system is still departmentally fragmented.The laws and regulations, institutions, and procedures concerning real estateproperty registration are also fragmented. In some cases, the same piece of realestate property may be subjected to multiple registration requirements. (但是,目前我国的不动产登记制度的现状仍然是部门分散登记体制。存在着有关不动产登记的法律规定很零散,登记机关不统一,登记程序不完备,同一不动产多头登记,登记机关行政性质为主的问题。)


Direction and Focus of China’s Land Management System Reform

中国土地管理制度改革的方向和重点 (Continued)

- “The State Council’s Institutional Reform and Government Functional

Transformation Plan” decides one department to be in charge of registration of

housing, woodland, grassland and other land resources. The government has

begun to implement the real estate property registration reform and draft related

laws and regulations. “The Real Estate Property Registration Regulation” has

been promulgated by the State Council on November 24, 2014, effective as of

March 1, 2015. (《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案》确定整合房屋登记、林地登



- The above regulation emphasizes the basic principles “unified

registration responsible authority, unified registration documentation, unified

property rights card, and unified information platform.” (《条例》主要贯彻“登记机构统一、登记依据统一、登记簿证统一、登记信息平台统一”的基本原则。)

- China’s unified registration of real estate properties is being

implemented in an orderly manner. (我国不动产统一登记工作正在积极有序推进。)


Thank You


The above description provides the conference participants

with a broad, but incomplete, introduction of China‘s land

management system reform. The power point presentation

may not be cited or duplicated in any capacity without the

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