dim-mak and western medicine by dr. michael kelly


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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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a sample of Dim Mak techniques


Dim-mak is based on the ancient art of acupuncture. According to acupuncture theory, there is a circulating life force that travels through distinct invisible pathways in the body. These pathways are called meridians, and each one is related to one of the internal organs. When the dim-mak points are attacked, it is believed that the flow of energy is disrupted, resulting in illness or death. The idea of a life force circulating through invisible channels is a difficult one for some of us to accept. However, when thislife force is eplained as electricity, the concept becomes much more reasonable to the Western mind. Thedim-mak points are usually located very close to or directly on a nerve. Therefore, the manipulation of a point could easily stimulate the ad!acent nerve. The nervous system works through minute electrical impulses. Any electrical current, no matter how diminutive, gives off electromagnetic radiation. Thus, on could conclude that the points are really doorways to the nervous system, and that the circulating life force is actually the electrical activity of the nervous system. "urther evidence of the correlation between the acupuncture meridians and the nervous system can be seen in the phenomenon of referred pain. #ne especially important eample involves the radiation of pain down the arm during a heart attack. The pain traveling down the arm is a direct result of stimulation of the ulnar nerve. This is easily eplained by the ulnar nerve and the sympathetic nerves of the heart. However the path of the pain down the arm also corresponds to the heart meridian in acupuncture. $s this !ust coincidence, or is it two eplanations of the same phenomenon based on the perspectives of different cultures%To some, the concept of attacking an internal organ by stimulating a point on the skin seems like afeat of magic. However, if one can accept the idea that a dim-mak point is an avenue for attacking the nervous system, then it becomes easier to understand how the points can affect the internal organs. There is an area of the body where the peripheral nerves connect with nerves from the internal organs. This connection is well known in neurology and is called convergence. &sually, by tracing the ma!or nerve affected by a stimulated point, it is possible to find a neurological pathway leading directly to an internal organ. "urthermore, medical research has shown that stimulating the peripheral nerves can adversely affect the internal organs '(). Thus, stimulating an eternal nerve through a dim-mak point can stimulate the nerves that are connected to the internal organs, resulting in damage. #nce the pathway is mapped out by the neurological connections, the concept of attacking an internal organ through a dim-mak point seems much more plausible.There is a theory in acupuncture called the five-element theory. $n this theory, each meridian is assigned one of the five elements* fire, metal, wood, earth, and water. The five-element theory describes the interrelationships of the meridians according to the cycle of destruction or the cycle of creation. The cycle of destruction states that fire will destroy metal, metal will cut wood, wood will destroy earth, earth will destroy water, and water will destroy fire. This means that stimulation of a meridian will cause the inhibition of the meridian that follows it in the cycle of destruction. $n dim-mak, the cycle of destruction is sometimes used to determine the se+uence of the point attacks. "or eample, if one stimulated a fire point before a metal point, the effect on the metal point would be eaggerated because fire melts metal. This seemingly mystical ancient theory is supported by modern neuroscience. The points on the ulnar nerve, which are considered fire points, are located along the underside of the arm. The points on the radial nerve, which are considered metal points, are located along the top of the arm. $f one stimulates the ulnar nerve prior to stimulating the radial nerve, the effect of the radial nerve attack is eaggerated. However, this effect does not work in reverse.Although the five-element theory provides one eplanation for this phenomenon, modern neuroscience provides another. When a nerve senses pain, it sends a signal to the spinal cord. This signal then travels up the spinal cord to the brain. The pain signal also travels up one or two segment of the spinal cord on a separated pathway. The segment of the spinal cord where the radial nerve enters is located higher than where the ulnar nerve enters. Thus, stimulation of the ulnar nerve can send a pain signal up to the segment where the radial nerve enters. As a result, when the radial nerve is stimulated, thesegment receives pain signals from two separate sources. These pain signals then work synergistically to send an even greater pain signal to the brain. However, because pain usually travels up the spinal cord to the brain, the radial nerve cannot send a pain signal down to the level where the ulnar nerve enters. ,onse+uently, striking the radial nerve before the ulnar nerve does not intensify the pain of the latter strike. Which is a better eplanation, the five-element theory or neuroscience% $t probably depends on one-s culture and level of education.#ne aspect of dim-mak that sounds as if it-s straight out of a science fiction movie is that of deathpoints. How can it be possible for a person to strike another person on specific areas of the body and thereby cause death% .uch a concept evokes images of the /ulcan death grip. However, a number of medical !ournals contain case descriptions and studies of sudden death secondary to chest trauma. $n one study, for instance, there was evidence that a fatal heart rhythm could be caused by trauma to a specific area of the chest '0). $nterestingly, the area of impact used in the study correlated with one of the 1death points2 described in dim-mak.Discussion of the autonomic nervous system brings forth another interesting correlation between dim-mak and the nervous system. Dim-mak and acupuncture both involves theories that are based on the concept of yin and yang, which permeates all aspect of 3astern cultures. The yin and yang concept postulates that everything in the universe has an opposite. According to the theories of acupuncture and dim-mak, the meridians have either yin or yang properties. The yang meridians are related to the solid organs and are believed to have a positive energy. The yin meridians are related to the hollow organs and are believed to have a negative energy. The body is considered to be in a state of health when these two energies are in balance. Thus, in acupuncture, the effects of dim-mak are eplained by an imbalance of yin and yang in the body. $nterestingly, there is a correlation between the theory of yin and yang and modern neuroscience. The autonomic nervous system has two components, the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, which have opposing actions on the internal organs. #ne will speed up the functioning of the organ, and the other will slow it down. $n other words, one will have a positive effect, and the other will have a negative effect. $t is well known in Western medicine that an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems can cause illness and even death. 4ecent research has shown that many cases of a sudden cardiac death can be attributed to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system '5). $nterestingly, stimulation of the dim-mak points can directly affect the balance of the autonomic nervous system. When the dim-mak points are attacked, is one causing an imbalance between yin and yang or an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system%What about the sub!ect of a delayed death touch% ,ould such a sinister method of attacking a human being be a reality% $f the spleen were attacked through the left 6th and 7th ribs and the force was hard enough to fracture the ribs and tear the spleen, the answer would be yes. When the spleen is ruptured, the capsule around the spleen controls the bleeding for a short period of time. During the interval, the individual will have no symptoms. 3ventually, the spleen capsule bursts and individual bleeds to death almost instantly. This window of time without symptoms is well known to trauma surgeons. $t is interesting that there is a legend of a three-day death touch and that the window of time mentioned can last three days.How can there be points that have two different effects depending on how they are stimulated% 3ven if one accepts the notion that one is attacking the nervous system, it is still difficult to believe that a point can cause two different effects. The answer to this parado lies in the study of neuroscience. The peripheral nerves are actually a bundle of multiple nerve fibers called type , transmits a pain signal to thespinal cord. The stimulation of the type , nerve fibers causes severe pain that affects the autonomic nervous system. 8assage or acupuncture stimulates a different type of nerve fiber called type A. This typeof nerve fiber also carries a pain signal to the spinal cord. However, the pain associated with the type A nerve fiber is a sharp, well-locali9ed pain that is relatively mild in comparison to that associated with the type , nerve fiber. $n fact, an itch is caused by the stimulation of type A nerve fibers has been shown to block the effects of the type , nerve fibers by inhibiting the type , nerve signal in the spinal cord. Thus, various methods of point stimulation can have different effects depending on the type of nerve fiber that is activated. This is also why the effects of attacking a point can be reversed with acupuncture or massage.The sub!ect of healing, or revival, brings forth another interesting aspect of dim-mak that is supported by medical science. When an opponent is 1knocked out2, he or she is revived either by slappingthe trape9ium or by pressing a point at the base of the skull. How can such methods be effective%The important concept is that there are neurological connections between the dim-mak points and the area of the brain that causes a vasovagal faint. All of the dim-mak methods that causes a knockout stimulate an area of the brain called the nucleus tractus solitarii. 8edical research has found that ecessive neural traffic in this area can cause a vasovagal faint. '0) The nucleus tractus solitarii is responsible for the increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and the withdrawl of the sympathetic signal to the blood vessels. This occurs through a number of mechanisms. #ne involves the inhibition of areas in the vasomotor center of the brain. There are two areas called the reticularis gigantocellularis and the reticularis parvicellularis that have been found to cause high blood pressure in a normal range ':). When the nucleus tractus solitarii is stimulated, there is ecessive inhibition of these areas, which causes an interruption of the sympathetic signal supplying the blood vessels. The result is an increase in the diameter of the blood vessels and a decrease in blood pressure. At the same time, the nucleus tractus solitarii stimulates the motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, leading to an increase in the parasympathetic effects on the heart. This causes the simultaneous decrease in the heart rate. The nucleus tractus solitarii can be stimulated in three different ways in order to induce a vasovagal faint. Applying the concept of aberrant reference, it can be stimulated indirectly by using dim-mak point combinations to simulate pain in some of the internal organs. Another option involves causing pain in the type , nerves, which stimulates the nucleus tractus solitarii indirectly through the hypothalamus. The type , nerves can be attacked through most of the dim-mak points, but etreme force is re+uired to do so. "inally, attaking points on the carotid sinus, trigeminal nerve, facial nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, optic nerve.