digital transformation: customer experience, cost or

Digital Transformation: Customer Experience, Cost or Compliance

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Digital Transformation: Customer Experience, Cost or Compliance

What We Want to Accomplish Today

Introduction and Agenda

Digital Transformation and Market Trends

Accelerating Digital Journey

Customer Success Story - AIG

Q & A

All Successful Businesses Will be 100% Digital.

13% More


50% More


19% Higher Market


Organizations that rank high on digital maturity

MIT Sloan and Capgemini – The Digital Advantage: How digital leaders outperform their peers in every industry

“Organizations that offer best-in-class customer experiences grow faster and more profitably. To reach this level, insurers must relentlessly improve customer

journeys across channels and business functions.”

The Growth Engine: Superior Customer Experience in Insurance, McKinsey & Company

53 trillion pages printed 550 billion paper faxes

3B Overnight Express Envelopes

Customer Experience

Return on Investment

Security and Compliance

Competing priorities


Accelerating Value: Digital Transaction Management (DTM)


The DocuSign Solution


Document Origination Business Processing Real-Time Integration

Multi-Channel Signature Capture

Wherever Whenever However

Reduce Operating Cost Grow Top Line Improve Customer


• Reduce manual processes

• Lower capital expenditure

• Improve operational efficiency

• Reduce errors

• Improve conversion rates

• Ability to sign on anywhere on any device

• Accelerate turnaround time

• Reduce friction for stakeholders interacting with Farmers

• Improve NPS scores for customers, employees, agents and vendors

Value Drivers

Increase Compliance

The Standard in Insurance: 13 of Top 15 Carriers


DocuSign Partner Ecosystem: Insurance and Financial Services


Strategy & Implementation

Strategy & Implementation

Technology Partners


Average Benefit Hard Dollar Savings Solution Displacement Costs: $0.6

Direct savings or displaceable costs

Decrease Document Storage Costs: $0.3

Lower Printing Costs: $0.9

Reduce Document Distribution Costs: $1.1

Productivity Improvements Lower Document Creation Costs: $1.0

Indirect savings associated with productivity improvements

Reduce Time to Distribute Documents: $1.3

Decrease Time to Manage Document Status: $1.9

Reduce Time to Process Signed Documents: $2.5

Decrease Document Scanning / Storage / Archiving Time: $1.3 $5.2

Revenue Gains Increase Sales Efficiency (Conversion Rates): $3.2

Increased revenue impact from efficiencies

Compress Signature Cycle: $2.9

Return on Additional Revenue: $0.1

Total: $17.10

Large Insurance Carrier: Value of $17.10 per new policy using DocuSign

Value Breakdown Per Transaction

Typical Customer Journey

Transformation Transaction completion Biz process Automation • Structure in vendor

relationship • Economies of scale • Ensure consistency

• Driving Maximum value • Executive sponsorship • Central IT governance • 3-yr DTM roadmap

• Initial deployments on LOB • Deliver short term value

Phase 1 Departmental

Phase 2 Central Purchasing

Phase 3 Central Governance (CoE)

DTM Assessment ROI Tools

DTM Assessment Overview

DTM Assessment Process: ~ 6 weeks *Once Executive Sponsor is identified

DTM Roadmap

3 year map

Value vs Complexity

Deliver Results Discovery Sessions


Collect Data


As-Is / To-Be

Large Use Cases

~ 6 weeks

Exec Presentation

Present Findings

Assessment Deliverables

1. Use Case Map

4. Prototype Solutions 5. Solution Architecture

3. Deployment Roadmap (3yr) 2. Business Justification

Assessment Discovery Sessions

Use Case Identification


10% for 3 years

0% for 1 year or less

For strategic early adopter customers and

showcase accounts

Implementation Speed

Measuring Value

3 2


1 Use Case Identification • What LOB or department? • What is the name and description? • Who is the Business sponsor and owner • Is it internal or customer facing?

5 Types of Potential Transactions

UIM forms Med Auth Agent Contracts

Purchase Order

Capital Budget Estimate (CBE) Request / Approval

Project Request Process / Approval


Collect Data Acknowledge

Notify Sign

Disclosures Pricing/Rate Schedule Neg Auth

Use cases that are intended to inform or notify employees, suppliers or vendors

Policy Delivery Compliance Confirmation

Internal Approval Confirmation

Use cases requiring confirmation that the employee, vendor or supplier has


Use cases that ask for an approval as opposed to a more formal signature

Health Information Life application Change


Use cases where information needs to be collected from the Recipient(s)

Binding legal documents that require a legally-defensible signature

Sample DocuSign Use Cases in Insurance

• Accident history • Odometer • Medical release forms • Total loss damage • Power of attorney • Statement of lost salary • Settlement Release

Claims Processing

• Asset tracking • Change requests • Requirements sign off • Access management • Incident reporting • Production change

authorization • Maintenance authorization


• Purchase orders • Statements of work • Master service agreements

(MSAs) • RFP sign off • Invoice processing


Sales and Services

• New policy applications • Premium payments • Driver exclusion • Coverage rejection • Bill presentment • Trailing documents • Account change forms • Change of address • beneficiary forms

• Contracts • Non disclosures • State required forms • Internal compliance • Outside counsel agreements • Internal and external audits • Compliance

Legal and Compliance

• Capitalization management • Delegations of authority • Leadership approvals • Invoice processing • Expense reporting • Travel reimbursement • Audit signoff


• New hire paperwork • New agent packets • On/off-boarding checklist • Employee policy distribution

and signature • Contractor agreements • PTO management

Human Resources

• Marketing approvals • Agency contracts • Advertising contracts • Media plan sign-offs • Press release sign-offs


Name of doc LOB Description Owner Volume/yr Driver Exclusion Personal Lines Servicing Operations xxxx 100,000

Agent Agreement Agency Services Annual comp plan for EA xxxx 30,000

BIC Financial Services Best Interest Contract for DOL xxxx 200,000

Use Case Identification – Key Information

Measuring Value

2 • Avg Volume / Year + growth • NIGO Percentage • Turn Around Time (Days) • Hard costs: print/ship/storage • Is this use case generating revenue? • Value per transaction, current conversion rate? • Labor Intensity: time to create, distribute, manage

Value Drivers

Delight customers, employees and suppliers

Maintain visibility into transactions

Return on Investment

Customer Experience

Security & Compliance

Shorten time to receive signed contracts

Cut operating costs

Eliminate document errors and streamline processes

Speed time to revenue

Value Potential Evaluation

Area Metric Low Value High


Annual Volume 1 1M+

Not in Good Order (NIGO) 0% 85%

Turnaround Time (TAT) Minutes Months

Hard Dollar Costs # of pages printed None 100+

Distribution method Email / face to face

FedEx / Courier

Productivity Gains Labor Intensity Minutes Hours

Revenue Gains Annual Revenue per Transaction $0 $1M+

Implementation Speed

3 • What is the current process? • Integrate with other systems? • Could it start as a standalone solution? • Out of box Web App, Partner plugin, or API? • What are the risks / concerns of doing this now?

Integration Workflow Complexity Cultural Readiness

Implementation Speed Dependencies

Center of Excellence Components

1 Governance


2 Resourcing


3 Communication


4 Training Strategy

5 Support Model


Typical Customer Journey

Transformation Transaction completion Biz process Automation • Structure in vendor

relationship • Economies of scale • Ensure consistency

• Driving Maximum value • Executive sponsorship • Central IT governance • 3-yr DTM roadmap

• Initial deployments on LOB • Deliver short term value

Phase 1 Departmental

Phase 2 Central Purchasing

Phase 3 Central Governance (CoE)

DTM Assessment ROI Tools

Erik Eisenman, Head of Recovery, AIG

- Implemented DocuSign initially in 2005 - Expanded to an enterprise-wide initiative in 2015