digital leviticus booklet


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L E V I T I C U S 1 -2

You are now entering a Leviticus slander-free zone! I recently read an article where Leviticus was voted “least favorite” book of the Bible. How can we have a “least favorite” if we believe all Scripture is inspired by God?

God is speaking in Leviticus. As it begins in 1:1, most of the book is God speaking to Moses. The entire 27 chapters take place at Mount Sinai, the mountain of God. So let’s not approach this book with an attitude of, “What am I going to get out of it?” The real question is, “If God is revealing himself from his holy mountain, why would I refuse to listen? What does God want to say?”

Let us think through why this book exists in the middle of the Law. God has just delivered his people from Egypt in Exodus. He is going to lead them to the Promised Land in Numbers. So, why is there a book in between completely devoted to what God says to Moses from his holy mountain? What is so important that God wants his people to stop and listen to what he has to say?

If you have a bad attitude about the book of Leviticus you need to repent. Literally, you must change your mind right now. The attitude you have about the book will determine your approach to it. If you don’t believe it is worth studying the word of God you are going to give up when it gets hard to understand. But if you believe Leviticus is better than gold, you won’t be able to stop digging until you discover the treasure of revival for your soul!

“The Law of your mouth is better to methan thousands of gold and silver pieces.”

-Psalm 119:72

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Leviticus begins right where Exodus ends. The people have contributed to and constructed the tabernacle. In Exodus 40:34 this tent of meeting is fi l led with the glory of the Lord. However, even Moses is not able to enter it. This begs the question: How do God’s people approach him in all of his holiness?

God instructs Moses in the offerings he will accept, the means of atonement. Chapter 1 describes the burnt offering. Chapter 2 describes the grain offering. Today’s challenge is to count how many times these two chapters say, “a food offering with a pleasing aroma to the LORD.” You can mark them in your Bible or write the references down in this booklet. How many times did you get?

Read Ephesians 5:2. According to this verse, who is our substitute that offered himself as a sacrifice to God?

Write down another verse that refers to the substitutionary atonement of Jesus for us:

Read Philippians 4:18. Let us consider this example of the financial gift the Philippians sent to Paul. What have you offered in response to God that could be considered as a pleasing aroma to the Lord?

What do you have to give as an offering as we begin the new year of 2020?

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L E V I T I C U S 3 - 4


Today’s reading continues to lead us up the mountain of God with the theme of atonement. Chapter 3 describes the peace offering. Chapter 4 gives us detail about the sin offering. Today’s challenge is to count how many times our text reads, “So the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin, and he shall be forgiven.” How many did you get?

Instead of just reading the description of the sin offering as something old and not practiced today, imagine for a moment what it would be like. You are convicted about the guilt of your sin. You approach the tent of meeting where God is. You put your hand on the head of the goat or the lamb you have brought to acknowledge your sin. You kil l the animal as a sacrifice in your place to practice substitutionary atonement. The priest takes some of the blood for the altar. After the fat is removed, it is burnt for a pleasing aroma to the Lord. You walk away forgiven.

Yes, we do not practice animal sacrifice because Jesus has already died as the lamb of God who takes away our sin. And yes, we do not need to confess to a priest because Jesus is our high priest who intercedes for us. However, we stil l need to confess our sins. This is one of the sure signs you have a relationship with God.

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Read 1 John 1:7-2:2. These verses make it clear when it comes to our sin, Jesus is our advocate with the Father. He stands in our defense and claims us as his own! He has redeemed our souls by his blood and so we are clean!

However, the conclusion is not that we have no sin. These verses make it clear we should not deny the reality of sin. It is only when we confess our sins that he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us. Being in the light as he is in the light means we have nothing to hide because everything is open and honest before him.

Is there any sin you need to confess to God today? (Imagine Jesus as the lamb who is slain. Do not step over his blood to do more sin. Please confess your sin to the Lord and experience the promised forgiveness and cleansing.) Write out a prayer of confession:

Read James 5:16. Is there anyone else you can confess your sin to so they can pray for you?

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L E V I T I C U S 5

Don’t give up on Leviticus! The treasure is rarely lying on the surface. If you want the gold you have got to keep digging! Unfortunately, as we read these repetitive descriptions of the offerings in the early chapters, this is where many people have mentally checked out and made Leviticus their “least favorite” book of the Bible. Ask God to open your eyes to see wondrous things from his Law!

As we read chapter 5, we have now read about 5 different offerings described by the Lord:

Burnt offering >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1:1-17

Grain offering >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2:1-16

Peace offering >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3:1-17

Sin offering >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4:1-5:13

Guilt offering >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5:14-6:7

This should get us thinking: What is the distinction between these offerings? And not only that, but also we should observe the distinction within a specific offering! For example, today we are reading about the sin offering. But even this one offering may be given three different ways: as a lamb or a goat, as two turtledoves or pigeons, or as a tenth of an ephah of fine flour. All of this is based on what a person can afford, which brings us to this conclusion:

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This is something I say at our church regularly, “We are not interested in your money but we are interested in your soul.” Everyone can come to the tabernacle and find atonement for their sin no matter their financial status! In the same way, I pray that rich and poor may find repentance and forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ in his church today!

Read Isaiah 55. How much does it cost to come to God?

According to this chapter, what do we gain from seeking the Lord?

Read Luke 21:1-4. What stood out to Jesus about this widow’s offering?

Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10 & 6:17-19. How can being rich actually be a hindrance if we are not careful?

According to these verses, what are the rich called to do in their service of the Lord?

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L E V I T I C U S 6One of the ways we can sin against God is when we sin against our neighbor. Today’s chapter begins with examples of this kind of interpersonal sin. It may be tempting for us to separate our sins against God and our sins against others into two different categories, but the Law of God does not make this distinction. If we are not right with others why do we think we can stil l be right with God? Today’s application question: Is there someone you have sinned against? If so, have you confessed this sin to God and made it right with the other person?

Chapter 6 continues the description of the guilt offering, then it moves into specific instructions for the priests. The guilt offering brought up the idea of restitution in 5:16 and again today in 6:5. The idea of restitution here in Leviticus involves making things right and even adding a fifth. This is different from what we already read in Exodus 22 where restitution could be double or even more! It seems like being caught in our sin leads to serious consequences whereas freely confessing our guilt leads to forgiveness. Can you think of an example from your l ife where this proved to be true?

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“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” ~Galatians 6:2

What does “the law of Christ” mean? (Read Galatians 5:13-15, John 13:34-35 & 1 John 4:21 to help write out your definition.)

How would you evaluate your love for others (neighbors outside the church or brothers & sisters inside the church)?

Read Colossians 3:12-16. Write a prayer for other people and how you treat them. Pray you will be above reproach when it comes to “the law of Christ.”

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L E V I T I C U S 7You can’t get to God! That’s how Exodus ended and Leviticus began. The glory of the Lord fil led the tabernacle so that even Moses was not able to enter. For 7 chapters now the Lord has been describing the 5 kinds of offerings through which the Israelites could make atonement. Now, we see that not only do we need a sacrifice for atonement with God, we need a mediator to get to him. Introducing the priests! The Israelite priests come from the tribe of Levi. This is through Aaron and his sons. This is where the book of Leviticus gets its name!

Beginning in Leviticus 6:8 and continuing throughout today’s reading in chapter 7, the Lord goes back through all 5 offerings from the priest’s perspective. Today’s challenge is to write down what the priests are supposed to do with each of the 5 offerings. Do they burn it up completely as an offering to the Lord? Are they supposed to eat it? Or is it an offering to be eaten by both the priests and the people?

Burnt offering (6:8-13) >>>

Grain offering (6:14-18)>>>

Sin offering (6:24-30)>>>

Guilt offering (7:1-10) >>>

Peace offering (7:11-18 & 7:28-36)>>>

There is also an Ordination Offering for the priests (6:19-23), which we will read about as they are anointed in the upcoming narrative.

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As we begin to study the Levitical priesthood this will give us both a problem and a hope. The problem is our cultural reference point. When we use the word priest today many people will think of Roman Catholic priests. We might have a picture of someone going to a priest to confess sin, sitting in a box. However, we should not think these priests are the same at all ! For example, nowhere in the Bible does it say a priest is supposed to be celibate! Even the fact that the instructions for the priesthood are given to “Aaron and his sons” proves celibacy was never God’s intention for priests. The Levitical priesthood is passed down from one generation to the next.

The hope of studying the priests is in who our priest really is today: His name is Jesus Christ! Jesus claimed to fulfi l l the Law in Matthew 5:17 . This means that Jesus is both the sacrifice whose blood is offered for our atonement and the priest who goes into God’s presence to intercede on our behalf ! What God has been explaining to the Israelites in great detail for these 7 chapters is all fulfi l led completely by Christ Jesus our Lord!

Read Hebrews 9:11-28. What is your response to Jesus being both our sacrifice and our high priest taking us into the presence of God?

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L E V I T I C U S 8 - 9Key Word of the Day: ANOINTING This word is first used in Leviticus 8:10, when Moses uses anointing oil in the tabernacle and on Aaron. Later on, in Leviticus 8:30, Moses takes some of the anointing oil and some of the blood on the altar and sprinkles them on Aaron and his sons. This is the official ordination of the Levitical priesthood and the beginning of the sacrifices in the Tabernacle. At the end of the eight days, when Aaron and his sons have been consecrated and are beginning offerings on behalf of Israel, Moses and Aaron are able to enter the tent of meeting again!

The Hebrew word for ANOINTING here is very similar to the word “Messiah” which means “Anointed One.” This is the first office of Israel to receive this anointing. Anointing will also be associated with prophets and kings. Ultimately, all of this ANOINTING is pointing us to Jesus and the way he perfectly fulfi l ls the roles of Prophet, Priest and King of Israel forever.

Read Isaiah 61 which refers to the LORD’s anointed. Then Read Luke 4:16-30 where Jesus claims that this passage is referring to him. Notice how the people of his hometown respond to him, which is how many people are stil l responding to Jesus today. How do you know Jesus is the Messiah? How would you prove it to someone else if they asked you?

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When Moses and Aaron enter the tabernacle, the glory of God appears to the entire congregation of Israel! Fire comes out from before the Lord to consume the sacrifices! When all of the people see it, they fell on their faces!

Falling facedown is a common response in Scripture to seeing the glory of God. Read 1 Kings 18:20-40 as another example where the fire of the Lord consumes a sacrifice and the people fall on their faces.

One of my favorite worship songs is entitled “Facedown” by Matt Redman. If you are able to, take a moment to listen to this song. Write a prayer of worship to God in response to his glory we have read about today:

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L E V I T I C U S 1 0The worship of God is to be taken seriously! After reading today’s chapter that opening statement seems like an understatement. We cannot approach God’s presence in a casual way. We must honor him rightly and never take him lightly! This is often referred to in the Scripture as the “fear of God” and is held up as a positive way to view him.

One of the items in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle is the Ark of the Covenant. Read 2 Samuel 6:1-15 where Uzzah is kil led just for touching the ark and trying to keep it from fall ing. Even though Uzzah’s intentions might seem right to us, God was stil l angry he had touched the ark.

Key Thought of the Day: Even when we are seeking to worship God, we stil l could come to him in an inappropriate way. Just because the goal is worship does not mean we are right. Take a moment to evaluate the way you come to God. Consider the way you pray to him in the secret place. Consider the way you gather with his people to worship at church. Does the way you worship show you have a high view of God as holy?

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At the end of chapter 10, Moses is concerned. The sin offering has not been eaten as God commanded in Leviticus 6:26. Moses approaches the surviving sons of Aaron about this in anger. Rightfully so, he is zealous for the commands of God to be obeyed and the worship of God to be according to his word. Aaron explains to Moses that he could not eat the sin offering after the death of two of his sons. Moses approves of what Aaron says here.

Although it might be easy to overlook this exchange between Moses and Aaron, because of the intensity of what happens earlier in the chapter, take a moment to consider this:



We are commanded to weep with those who weep in the same way Jesus wept. God offers comfort in all of our affliction. He offers mercy for all of our sin. Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. What are ways God has comforted you in trials or by forgiving your sin?

How can you extend this comfort of God to someone else today?

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L E V I T I C U S 1 1 -1 2“For I am the Lord your God who brought you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.” ~Leviticus 11:45

Just as we have been learning about Atonement through the offerings and the priests, Holiness is also a major theme in the book of Leviticus. This is the first of many times God commands his people to be holy as he is holy. It is important for us to notice the reason God expects Israel to be holy is because they are his people and he is their God. Holiness is not how they become right with him. That was atonement. Holiness is how they live because they are right with him.

Read 1 Peter 1:14-19. This passage refers to our atonement through the blood of Jesus. Because we are right with God, we are also commanded to be holy as he is holy. Our God is holy, holy, holy and he has not changed from Leviticus to today. He is stil l holy and he stil l expects his people to be holy. Since this is true, why is holiness not a passion for God’s people in the church today?

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The major consideration of these chapters is what God considers clean and not clean. In chapter 11 the focus is on animals, while in chapter 12 on women who have given birth. Read Luke 2:22-24 to see how Mary kept the Law presented here in chapter 12. What does the fact that Joseph and Mary offered “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons” tell us about them?

What does the fact that Jesus was will ing to be born to Joseph and Mary tell us about him?

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L E V I T I C U S 1 3 -1 4“What’s going to be on the cover of the Leviticus booklet?! A picture of Leprous skin disease?!”

I will never forget when one of the men in my fellowship group said this! He was simply expressing with words what many people in the church today have thought about Leviticus. It can be difficult to follow!

My friend said this on a Saturday morning over breakfast. Ever since our church started reading through the Law together, the men in my group have committed to meeting every Saturday morning. We drink coffee. We eat eggs. We ask questions. We go over how God spoke to us from the reading. We confess sin. We pray for one another. We share life. It is real fellowship in Jesus.

Let me encourage you right now: Don’t read Leviticus alone! You need brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage you! And they need you to encourage them. When the Word of God is on our hearts we are supposed to speak it to one another, as it says in Colossians 3:16. Who can you reach out to right now and encourage in the Lord today? Who can you share what you have you been learning with? Reach out to them right now. Send them an email or a text message. Give them a phone call or get face to face.

And to my brother about the cover, well, it is solid gold! Because greater than gold is the revival we are going to find if we keep on digging into Law of the Lord:

“More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold…” ~Psalm 19:10

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After reading two chapters about how lepers were unclean and the process they had to go through to be cleansed, what does it make you think that Jesus was known for healing lepers? (Read Luke 17:11-19 for an example.)

Here’s some buried treasure on the hyssop branch:(Dig up each verse and write down what it was used for)

Exodus 12:22:

Leviticus 14:49-53

Psalm 51:7

John 19:28-30

Hebrews 9:19-20

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L E V I T I C U S 1 5WARNING: Today’s chapter describes bodily discharges that may not be understood by children.

As we read through more of what is considered clean and unclean, it is important for us to remember why this is here. We cannot come to Leviticus from our cultural understanding, but we must try to understand it in its original context. There is only one right interpretation of Scripture. It is what the original author was inspired by God to say to the intended audience. This is why we cannot come to Leviticus from our cultural perspective but we need to seek to understand the culture of Moses and the Israelites. We cannot read the Bible for what we get out of it, but we have to get into the original context to get it at all .

God says at the end of this chapter in verse 31 the people of Israel need to be “separate” from uncleanness so that they will not die by defil ing his tabernacle. This is not about what might seem normal in human bodies. This is about how sinners enter the presence of God! We must be holy! We must come to the Scripture ready to hear heaven’s perspective and set our minds on the things above rather than on the things that make sense to us here on earth.Keep asking God to open your eyes to see wondrous things from the Law!

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The Hebrew word for being “separate” is Nazar. It is the word that Nazirite comes from. Read Numbers 6 regarding the Nazirite vow and notice the emphasis that is put on separation. Notice specifically in verse 6 where it talks about separating from a dead body. This is why there is such an emphasis on separating from the blood some of these discharges may have contained. What do you need to separate yourself from so you can be holy to the Lord?

Read Matthew 9:18-26. After reading this chapter about bloody discharges, what does Jesus healing this woman make you think about?

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L E V I T I C U S 1 6“So that he may not die!”

This is the most famous chapter of the book of Leviticus! It describes the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, as it is stil l known today. In this chapter, Aaron is given specific instructions as the high priest about going into the most holy place once a year. And he needs to follow these instructions exactly “so that he may not die!”

One of the things we need to understand about the tabernacle is that there was a curtain that separated the most holy place from the rest of it. The priests would regularly go into the tabernacle but they dared not enter behind this curtain. In this most holy place was the Ark of the Covenant, covered on all sides with gold. Above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the Mercy Seat. This was considered to be the very presence of God.

This is the ultimate question the book of Leviticus is written to answer: How do people like us enter the holy presence of God?

The blood of the sacrifice is what cleansed the people from their sins. The scapegoat represented the sins of the people being removed from them and taken away. This is all foreshadowing of the work of Jesus Christ to be the sacrifice for our sins:

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” ~2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus died so that you may not die!

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Read Matthew 27:45-54. What is the significance of the curtain in the temple being torn from top to bottom?

Read Hebrews 10:19-23. Based on what Jesus has done, what is this passage tell ing you to do?

What do you want to say to Jesus today in response for what he has done for you?

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L E V I T I C U S 1 7-1 8“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the alter to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” ~Leviticus 17:11

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” ~Hebrews 9:22

As you are reading Leviticus, how has it changed the way you think about blood?

What is your favorite verse about the blood of Jesus? Why?

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“You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the LORD.” ~Leviticus 18:5

We know from the rest of Scripture, God is not saying if we keep his commands we will be saved from our sins. But he is saying that keeping his commands is the way of l ife. More specifically, it is the way to live out the life we have from him. Chapter 18 gets into commandments about sexual immorality and the consequences of not keeping them.

What does this chapter make you think about America today?

What are you going to do about it?

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L E V I T I C U S 1 9 -2 019: You are now entering the love chapter of Leviticus! Verse 18 is where the 2nd greatest commandment comes from: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. This command to love others is sometimes referred to as an old commandment because it comes from the old covenant here in Leviticus. But it is also called a new commandment because of the example of love we have in the new covenant of Jesus.

Verse 34 can extend our understanding of the context of the second greatest commandment. What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself ? God commands Israel to treat the strangers or sojourners among them, remembering how they were strangers themselves in the land of Egypt. This is where the idea of the golden rule comes from: treating others in the same way we want to be treated.

Look up verses that quote Leviticus 19:18 and write down how you can apply them today:

Romans 13:8-10

Galatians 5:13-15

James 2:8-13

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20: I cannot communicate to you how heavy my heart was after reading this chapter. There is not enough space on this page to write how broken we are right now in America. There is only one thing left for us to do:


Verse 1: PRAY for all of those who have had an abortion that they will turn to God in repentance and know his forgiveness. (Offering children to Molech seems to be connected to sexual immorality in Leviticus 18:21.)

PRAY for repentance in our nation to turn away from the sin of abortion. Pray for adoptions. Pray for parents to raise their children in the fear of the Lord.

Verse 9: PRAY for children who are disobedient to their father and mother that they will repent and turn to the Lord to be saved.

PRAY for repentance among the parents of America to love their children enough to patiently discipline them.

Verse 13: PRAY for those who are living a homosexual or transgender l ifestyle that they will turn from their sin and trust in the Lord Jesus to make them a new creation!

PRAY for repentance from any definition of marriage in our land besides one man and one woman joined together by God.

Verse 22: PRAY that we will not be vomited out of our land like the Canaanites. PRAY God will be merciful not to judge us. PRAY for his patience that leads to repentance. PRAY for REVIVAL before it is too late!

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L E V I T I C U S 2 1 -2 2“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” ~James 3:1

There has always been a need for qualified leaders of God’s people. Unfortunately, so many people have been let down, misled or hurt by leaders who did not l ive up to God’s standard.

In today’s chapters, God has specific requirements for the priests. These commands had to do with their families and the sacrifices they administered. God knows that his own reputation will be associated with those who serve as priests and so he says, “And you shall not profane my holy name, that I may be sanctified among the people of Israel (Leviticus 22:30).”

These chapters are not dissimilar from passages like 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1 that l ist the qualifications for leaders in the church of Jesus Christ today. Both the roles of pastor and deacon are described in detail in these pastoral epistles. Christians are encouraged to submit to these leaders and to make their job a joy (Hebrews 13:17). However, this is hard to do in our day when so many pastors have fallen into sin and been disqualified. Many others have made the ministry a profession and not really cared for God’s people. If a pastor is a shepherd how can he do his job without loving the sheep?

Christians today are also commanded to submit to governing authorities (Romans 13) and to pray for our leaders (1 Timothy 2). This is hard for many to do when there is so much corruption in politics and our nation is no longer placing itself under God. Our law no longer l ines up with his Law.

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Don’t give up on leaders! Let today’s chapters be a reminder to you that leadership is designed by God. He anointed the priests for their role. He appoints pastors in the church today through the laying on of hands. Romans 13 makes it clear that there is no governing authority except from God. Even Jesus submitted himself to the authority of Pilate because he knew that “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given to you from above (John 19:11).”

As one of the pastors at our church, I ask you to pray for your leaders. Please pray for me as I am preaching from Leviticus this weekend. It will be a heavy sermon. Pray that I will preach God’s message and not my own and not receive a stricter judgment. Pray for Pastor Bill and Pastor Daniel as they work around the clock to oversee our flock. Pray for future pastors that God will raise up for our church. Please also pray for all of those who lead our fellowship groups. Pray for fellowship group #31 that just started this last week!

When people at our church let me know they are praying for me, the first thing I think is: I need it. Pray I will not hurt or mislead God’s people but l ift high the name of Jesus in his church!

Please also take some time to pray for our governing authorities. Pray for our president. Pray for our congress. Pray for our supreme court. Please pray for our Governor of California and for our local authorities. Pray for a revival in our land once again!

Please take time to pray for your leaders. God appointed them. After all these years of human history we can see that talking bad about leaders has not helped, but talking to God about leaders can make a real difference. He is the one with all authority over heaven and earth.

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L E V I T I C U S 2 3

The Feasts Quiz

Please answer all of these questions from today’s chapter and the following cross references:

#1. What day of the week is the Sabbath?

#2. According to Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5 what two things were the Israelites supposed to think about on the Sabbath?

Exodus 20:

Deuteronomy 5:

#3. According to Exodus 12, how many days did the Israelites have the lamb before the Passover?

#4. What were the Israelites supposed to feast on for the 7 days following the Passover?

#5. According to Exodus 23:14-17 how many times a year were the Israelites commanded to keep a feast? Who was commanded to appear before the LORD God?

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#6. What feast is kicked off at the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2?

#7. At what feast did Jesus say “I am the light of the world” in John 8:12?

#8. Why were the Israelites commanded not to reap their field right up to its edge?

#9. What was the feast of booths meant to remember?

#10. During which feast did Jesus die on the cross for your sins?

To see if your answers are correct, you can check them at under Leviticus 23!

Don’t cheat and look it up until you have answered every question! You don’t want to get caught cheating on a Leviticus quiz!

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Here’s something to think about for today: God does not sleep! His l ight is always shining. His candle is stil l burning. This l ight in the Tabernacle is a picture of the light that will shine in the New Jerusalem. We will be in the presence of our God with all of his people. And there will be no night. We won’t even need a light for the glory of God and of Jesus Christ will endlessly l ight the place up! They will reign forever and ever! Read Revelation 21 & 22 for this glorious description of being in God’s presence! Write out a prayer of praise to the Lord today for his glorious light that never goes out!

We, on the other hand, get tired. We need sleep. We run out of energy. We cannot keep going endlessly. Even while we are sleeping the Lord is our keeper. He is watching over us from the moment our eyes are closed until we wake. If you are feeling tired or running out of energy today: Read Isaiah 40:28-31.

It was only a few days ago we began the new year of 2020. The first days were full of possibilities and resolutions. Have you already begun to grow weary in doing good? I have good news for you! God gives strength to the weary. He gives energy to those who are tired. Write out another prayer of how much you need God’s power to work in you so that his grace can be sufficient in your weakness!

L E V I T I C U S 2 4“He shall arrange the lamps on the lampstand of pure gold before the LORD regularly.” ~Leviticus 24:4

In today’s instructions for the tabernacle, a l ight is to be kept burning regularly. Aaron is to arrange it in the tent of meeting from evening to morning before the Lord. You can imagine the light reflecting off of the pure gold lampstand and shining all around.

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Here’s something to think about for today: God does not sleep! His l ight is always shining. His candle is stil l burning. This l ight in the Tabernacle is a picture of the light that will shine in the New Jerusalem. We will be in the presence of our God with all of his people. And there will be no night. We won’t even need a light for the glory of God and of Jesus Christ will endlessly l ight the place up! They will reign forever and ever! Read Revelation 21 & 22 for this glorious description of being in God’s presence! Write out a prayer of praise to the Lord today for his glorious light that never goes out!

We, on the other hand, get tired. We need sleep. We run out of energy. We cannot keep going endlessly. Even while we are sleeping the Lord is our keeper. He is watching over us from the moment our eyes are closed until we wake. If you are feeling tired or running out of energy today: Read Isaiah 40:28-31.

It was only a few days ago we began the new year of 2020. The first days were full of possibilities and resolutions. Have you already begun to grow weary in doing good? I have good news for you! God gives strength to the weary. He gives energy to those who are tired. Write out another prayer of how much you need God’s power to work in you so that his grace can be sufficient in your weakness!

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L E V I T I C U S 2 5

Is anyone surprised that REST is one of the main themes of the Law?!?! I heard the Law was supposed to be a bunch of works. But now we are reading that every seventh day was a day of rest. Every seventh year was a year of rest for the land. And every 50th year was a Year of Jubilee! Debts are paid! Slaves are freed!

It is clear that God wants his people to rest so that they can remember everything they have in l ife comes from him. He is the provider. He gave them the land. He gives them the crops. There is something godly about ceasing to work and acknowledging all good things come from God and apart from him we can do nothing.

How do you do when it comes to rest? Do you take time off? Do you use the time off to remember God and find rest for your soul in him?

How interesting as we read God’s law we are not finding a burdensome list of works but a God who commands rest.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ~Jesus in Matthew 11:28

Take some time to rest and remember what God has done for you right now!

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Take this page off.

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L E V I T I C U S 2 6“And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people.” ~Leviticus 26:12

As we come to the conclusion of Leviticus, let us take a moment to remember what it is all about: God having a relationship with his people. As Israel contributed to and constructed the tabernacle, it was fil led with the glory of the Lord. But Moses was not able to enter.

In this book of Leviticus, God provided a way of atonement for his people through offerings and priests so that they were able to enter the tent of meeting. However, he stil l had a strict standard of cleanliness and commands for them to obey. He expected his people to be holy, because they were his people and he is a holy God.

In the Old Covenant, God’s goal was to establish a relationship with the people of Israel. He wanted them to come and worship him as a holy God. It turns out that this is also God’s goal in the New Covenant we are living in right now. Read Ezekiel 36:22-29. What are the differences between the old and new covenant presented here?

How would you say your relationship with God is right now?

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Leviticus 26 is a review of the covenant God has with his people going back to the 10 commandments in Exodus and even to his promise to Abraham in Genesis. BUT It is also a preview of what is to come as we move towards the book of Deuteronomy.

In today’s chapter, God sets a choice before his people.

On the one hand there is obedience to God’s commands: ~the land shall yield its increase~eat your bread to the full~dwell in the land securely~five shall chase a hundred enemies away

On the other hand there is disobedience to God’s commands:

~you shall sow your seed in vain~you shall flee when no one pursues you~let loose the wild beasts against you~keep striking you, sevenfold for your sins

And if you stil l choose not to listen to God:

~He will devastate the land~He will lay your cities waste~He will scatter you among the nation

This same choice lies before you today:

Choose wisely.

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L E V I T I C U S 2 7And after everything God says to his people at Mount Sinai… there is a response! God has given his offerings for atonement and his commands for holiness. But Leviticus does not end with God giving more to his people. Leviticus ends with what his people may want to give back. This is the heart of worship, a genuine response to God for atonement for our sins and the privilege of being one of his people.

As it is written in Psalm 116:12:


It may seem extreme for us to vow a person to the Lord as the chapter gets into. But is that not exactly what Hannah does with Samuel. Read 1 Samuel 1 & 2 to see an example of this.

Throughout Leviticus we have seen the atonement God provided through the sacrifice of his Son. We have also seen the commands to be holy because we are one of his people and he is a holy God. What is your response to God? What do you want to give to him?

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As we come to the end of Leviticus, what is one thing you are going to take with you long after our study of the Law is done?

What do you need to do to get ready for Numbers? Is there any change you need to make in the way you are reading the Law and praying through it?