digital image forgery detection using passive techniques ... · digital image forgery detection...

Digital image forgery detection using passive techniques: A survey Gajanan K. Birajdar a, * , Vijay H. Mankar b a Department of Electronics & Communication, Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur 440019, Maharashtra, India b Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Government Polytechnic, Nagpur 440001, Maharashtra, India article info Article history: Received 11 December 2012 Received in revised form 7 April 2013 Accepted 29 April 2013 Keywords: Passive/blind image forgery detection Image forensic Image manipulation detection Image authentication Image tampering detection abstract Today manipulation of digital images has become easy due to powerful computers, advanced photo-editing software packages and high resolution capturing devices. Veri- fying the integrity of images and detecting traces of tampering without requiring extra prior knowledge of the image content or any embedded watermarks is an important research eld. An attempt is made to survey the recent developments in the eld of digital image forgery detection and complete bibliography is presented on blind methods for forgery detection. Blind or passive methods do not need any explicit priori information about the image. First, various image forgery detection techniques are classied and then its generalized structure is developed. An overview of passive image authentication is presented and the existing blind forgery detection techniques are reviewed. The present status of image forgery detection technique is discussed along with a recommendation for future research. ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction to image forgery The rapid growth of image processing softwares and the advancement in digital cameras has given rise to large amounts of doctored images with no obvious traces, generating a great demand for automatic forgery detection algorithms in order to determine the trustworthiness of a candidate image. A forgery detection algorithm should be passive, requiring no prior information about the image content or any protecting methods like watermarks. According to the Wall Street Journal, 10% of all color photographs published in United States were actually digitally altered and retouched (Amsberry, 1989). The sci- entic community has also been subject to forgeries (Farid, 2006a; Pearson, 2005). The authenticity of photographs has an essential role as these photos are popularly used as supporting evidences and historical records in growing number and wide range of applications from forensic investigation, journalistic photography, criminal investi- gation, law enforcement, insurance claims and medical imaging. Image forgery has a long history (Rocha et al., 2011). As shown in Fig. 1 , in todays digital world it is possible to create, alter and modify the information rep- resented by an image very easily without leaving any obvious traces of these operations. In recent years blind digital image forgery detection eld has found signicant interest from the scientic community. This is evident from the Fig. 2 which shows the number of papers related to digital image tampering detection that have been published in IEEE and Elsevier conferences and journals over the last 13 years. Due to the technological advancement in the recent years, law enforcement has needed to stay abreast of emerging technological advances and use these in the investigation of crime. The Scientic Working Group on Imaging Tech- nology (SWGIT) provide recommendations and guidelines to law enforcement agencies and others in the criminal justice system regarding the best practices for photography, videography, and video and image analysis (https:// * Corresponding author. Pillai HOC College of Engg. & Technology, Rasayani, Raigad 410207, India. Tel.: þ91 9224445046. E-mail addresses: [email protected], gajanan123@rediffmail. com (G.K. Birajdar), [email protected] (V.H. Mankar). Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Digital Investigation journal homepage: 1742-2876/$ see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Digital Investigation 10 (2013) 226245

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Digital Investigation 10 (2013) 226–245

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Digital image forgery detection using passive techniques:A survey

Gajanan K. Birajdar a,*, Vijay H. Mankar b

aDepartment of Electronics & Communication, Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur 440019, Maharashtra, IndiabDepartment of Electronics & Telecommunication, Government Polytechnic, Nagpur 440001, Maharashtra, India

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 11 December 2012Received in revised form 7 April 2013Accepted 29 April 2013

Keywords:Passive/blind image forgery detectionImage forensicImage manipulation detectionImage authenticationImage tampering detection

* Corresponding author. Pillai HOC College ofRasayani, Raigad 410207, India. Tel.: þ91 92244450

E-mail addresses: [email protected], gacom (G.K. Birajdar), [email protected] (V.H. Ma

1742-2876/$ – see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd

a b s t r a c t

Today manipulation of digital images has become easy due to powerful computers,advanced photo-editing software packages and high resolution capturing devices. Veri-fying the integrity of images and detecting traces of tampering without requiring extraprior knowledge of the image content or any embedded watermarks is an importantresearch field. An attempt is made to survey the recent developments in the field of digitalimage forgery detection and complete bibliography is presented on blind methods forforgery detection. Blind or passive methods do not need any explicit priori informationabout the image. First, various image forgery detection techniques are classified and thenits generalized structure is developed. An overview of passive image authentication ispresented and the existing blind forgery detection techniques are reviewed. The presentstatus of image forgery detection technique is discussed along with a recommendation forfuture research.

ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to image forgery number and wide range of applications from forensic

The rapid growth of image processing softwares and theadvancement in digital cameras has given rise to largeamounts of doctored images with no obvious traces,generating a great demand for automatic forgery detectionalgorithms in order to determine the trustworthiness of acandidate image. A forgery detection algorithm should bepassive, requiring no prior information about the imagecontent or any protecting methods like watermarks.

According to the Wall Street Journal, 10% of all colorphotographs published in United States were actuallydigitally altered and retouched (Amsberry, 1989). The sci-entific community has also been subject to forgeries (Farid,2006a; Pearson, 2005). The authenticity of photographs hasan essential role as these photos are popularly used assupporting evidences and historical records in growing

Engg. & Technology,[email protected]).

. All rights reserved.

investigation, journalistic photography, criminal investi-gation, law enforcement, insurance claims and medicalimaging. Image forgery has a long history (Rocha et al.,2011). As shown in Fig. 1, in todays digital world it ispossible to create, alter and modify the information rep-resented by an image very easily without leaving anyobvious traces of these operations.

In recent years blind digital image forgery detectionfield has found significant interest from the scientificcommunity. This is evident from the Fig. 2 which shows thenumber of papers related to digital image tamperingdetection that have been published in IEEE and Elsevierconferences and journals over the last 13 years. Due to thetechnological advancement in the recent years, lawenforcement has needed to stay abreast of emergingtechnological advances and use these in the investigationof crime. The Scientific Working Group on Imaging Tech-nology (SWGIT) provide recommendations and guidelinesto law enforcement agencies and others in the criminaljustice system regarding the best practices for photography,videography, and video and image analysis (https://

Page 2: Digital image forgery detection using passive techniques ... · Digital image forgery detection using passive techniques: A survey Gajanan K. Birajdara,*, Vijay H. Mankarb aDepartment

Fig. 1. Recent image forgeries reported (a) Composite of Cher and Brad Pitt (Johnson and Farid, 2005) (b) Photomontage of John Kerry and Jane Fonda (Johnsonand Farid, 2005) (c) Jeffrey Wong Su En receiving the award from Queen Elizabeth II (Redi et al., 2011) (d) Pakistan prime minister Yousaf Gilani(, 2012) (e) Iranian montage of missiles (Irene et al., 2011) (f) Time covers reporting on the O.J. Simpson case (Redi et al., 2011).

G.K. Birajdar, V.H. Mankar / Digital Investigation 10 (2013) 226–245 227, 2012). SWGIT provides infor-mation on the appropriate use of various imaging tech-nologies for use by personnel in the criminal justice systemthrough the release of documents such as the SWGIT bestpractices documents.

Different image forgery detection techniques are clas-sified in 1.1 and then generalized structure of image forgerydetection is presented in 1.2. We then compared the per-formance of some typical image forgery detection algo-rithms. An overview of passive digital image authenticationmethod is presented and the existing blind forgery detec-tion techniques are reviewed. This papers focus is to clas-sify various image forgery detection methods emphasizingon passive or blind techniques. We hope that this article

Fig. 2. Number of publications over last 13 years. Results obtained by submitting qElsevier ( websites.

will serve as a guide and help the researchers from theimage forgery detection area to find new researchproblems.

1.1. Image forgery classification

Image forgery detection aims to verify the authenticityof a digital image. Image authentication solution is classi-fied into two types. (1) Active and (2) Blind or passive. Anactive forgery detection techniques, such as digital water-marking or digital signatures uses a known authenticationcode embedded into the image content before the imagesare sent through an unreliable public channel. By verifyingthe presence of such authentication code authentication

uery “Image tampering detection” from IEEE ( and

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may be proved by comparing with the original insertedcode. However, this method requires special hardware orsoftware to insert the authentication code inside the imagebefore the image is being distributed.

Passive or blind forgery detection technique uses thereceived image only for assessing its authenticity orintegrity, without any signature or watermark of the orig-inal image from the sender. It is based on the assumptionthat although digital forgeries may leave no visual clues ofhaving been tampered with, they may highly likely disturbthe underlying statistics property or image consistency of anatural scene image which introduces new artifactsresulting in various forms of inconsistencies. These in-consistencies can be used to detect the forgery. This tech-nique is popular as it does not need any prior informationabout the image. Existing techniques identify various tracesof tampering and detect them separately with localizationof tampered region. Fig. 3 shows classification of imageforgery detection techniques.

Several surveys have been published on image forgerydetection: Rocha et al. (2011), Farid (2009a), Mahdian andSaic (2010), Lanh et al. (2007a), Luo et al. (2007a),Mahdian and Saic (2008a), Ng et al. (2006), Sencar andMemon (2008), Zhang et al. (2008a), Bayram et al.(2008a) and Redi et al. (2011). Still most of the imageforgery techniques are remained unidentified and this ar-ticles objective is to explore all the existing blind forgerytechniques and recent updates in this field.

1.2. Generalized structure of image forgery detection

Image forgery detection techniques are two-class clas-sification techniques. Objective of blind or passive detec-tion is to classify given images into two classes: original (orauthentic) and forged images. Mostly existing blind imageforgery detection approaches extract features from imagesfirst, then select a classifier and train the classifier using thefeatures extracted from training image sets, and finallyclassify the features. Few such approaches are proposed inLuo et al. (2006), Mahdian and Saic (2007), Myna et al.(2007), Kirchner and Fridrich (2010), Cao et al. (2010a),Mahalakshmi et al. (2012) and Gul et al. (2010). Here, wedescribe a generalized framework of blind image forgerydetection approach tentatively, which consists of thefollowing major steps:

(1) Image preprocessing: Before feature extraction pro-cess some operations are performed over the images underconsideration, such as cropping, transforming RGB imageinto grayscale, DCT or DWT transformation to improve theclassification performance. (2) Feature extraction: A set offeatures are extracted for each class that helps distinguish itfrom other classes, while remaining invariant to charac-teristic differences within the class from the input forgeddata. In particular, extract informative features and selectfeature that must be sensitive to image manipulation. Oneof the desirable characteristic of selected features andconstructed feature vector should be with low dimension,which will reduce the computational complexity oftraining and classification. (3) Classifier selection and featurepreprocessing: Based on the extracted set of features selector design appropriate classifiers and choose a large set of

images to train classifiers. Obtain some important param-eters of classifiers, which can be utilized for the classifica-tion. Feature preprocessing is used to reduce thedimensionality of features without decreasing the machinelearning based classification performance at the same timereduction in computational complexity (Sutthiwan et al.,2009b). (4) Classification: The purpose of classifier is todiscriminate the given images and classify them into twocategories: original and forged images. Various classifiersare used such as SVM in Lint et al. (2005), Fu et al. (2006),Chen et al. (2007), Shi et al. (2007a), Hsu and Chang (2006),Wang et al. (2009), Zhenhua et al. (2009), Dirik et al. (2007),Chen et al. (2008a) and Khanna et al. (2008) and LDA inFang et al. (2009a). (5) Postprocessing: In some of theforgeries like copy move and splicing, postprocessingoperation involves localization of forged region as investi-gated in Fridrich et al. (2003), Sergio and Asoke (2011),Muhammad et al. (2011), Gopi et al. (2006) and Ghorbaniet al. (2011). According to the steps described above, thestructure of blind image forgery detection is presented inFig. 4.

2. Copy-move or region duplication forgery

Copy move is the most common image tamperingtechnique used due to its simplicity and effectiveness, inwhich parts of the original image is copied, moved to adesired location and pasted. This is usually done in order tohide certain details or to duplicate certain aspects of animage. Textured regions are used as ideal parts for copy-move forgery, since textured areas have similar color andnoise variation properties to that of the image which areunperceivable for human eye looking for inconsistencies inimage statistical properties. Blurring is usually used alongthe border of the modified region to lessen the effect ofirregularities between the original and pasted region.

First attempt in identifying tampered areas was inves-tigated by Fridrich et al. (2003). The authors proposed amethod of detecting copy-move forgery using discretecosine transform (DCT) of overlapping blocks and theirlexicographical representation to avoid the computationalburden. Best balance between performance and complexitywas obtained using block matching algorithm. Popescu andFarid (2004) presented a method using principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) for the representation of image seg-ments i.e. overlapping square blocks. PCA-based detectionresults in reduction of the computational cost and thenumber of computations required are O(NtN log N), whereNt is the dimensionality of the truncated PCA representa-tion and N the number of image pixels. Average detectionaccuracies obtained was 50% when JPEG quality ¼ 95 withblock size of 32� 32 and 100%when JPEG quality¼ 95withblock size of 160 � 160. Accuracy degrades for small blocksizes and low JPEG qualities. To deal with computationalcomplexity the use of k-dimensional tree was proposed byLangille and Gong (2006) in which a method searching forblocks with similar intensity patterns using matchingtechniques was used. The resulting algorithm has acomplexity of O(NbNs), where Ns ¼ neighborhood searchsize and Nb ¼ the number of blocks (which is a function ofinput image with resolution MN). Zero-normalized cross

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correlation (ZNCC) was used as a similarity measure andaccurate detection results obtained through searchingwithin at most 100 neighboring blocks in the sorted blockarray.

A copy-move forgery detection and localization methodbased on dividing an image into small overlapped blocks,then comparing the similarity of these blocks and finallyidentifying possible duplicated regions using intensity-based characteristics features was introduced by Luo et al.(2006). Illustrated algorithm has lower computationalcomplexity and is more robust against stronger attacks andvarious types of after-copying manipulations, such as lossycompression, noise contamination, blurring and a combi-nation of these operations resulting in accuracy of 0.9631and false negative of 0.0966 in case of mixed operations. Amethod for detecting near-duplicated regions based onblur moment invariants, PCA and kd-tree was described byMahdian and Saic (2007). To create the feature vector, al-gorithm uses 24 blur invariants up to the seventh orderresulting in correct region duplication detection but majordisadvantage of the method is its large computational time(Average run time is 30min for 640� 480 RGB imagewhenblock size of 24 and similarity threshold of 0.98).

Myna et al. (2007) developed a method using a log-polar coordinates and wavelet transforms to detect andlocalize copy-move forgery. Dimensionality reduction isobtained by applying wavelet transform to the input imageand exhaustive search is performed to identify the similarblocks in the image by mapping them to log-polar co-ordinates and using phase correlation as the similaritycriterion. Qiumin et al. (2011) employed log-polar fastFourier transform (LPFFT) which is rotation and scaleinvariant with lower computational complexity ofO(n2log n) where n is blocksize. A cloning detectionmethodbased on a filtering operation and nearest neighbor searchwas explored in Dybala et al. (2007). Li et al. (2007) usedsingular value decomposition (SVD) for feature vectordimensionality reduction and wavelet transform forduplicated regions detection. Duplicated regions werelocalized by lexicographically sorting and neighborhooddetecting for all blocks even when the image was highlycompressed or edge processed.

JPEG image forensics approach is implemented to detectcopy-paste forgery based on the check of block artifact grid(BAG) mismatch by Li et al. (2008b) even when a JPEGimage is truncated or multi-compressed. Scale invariantfeatures transform (SIFT) features which are stable withrespect to changes in illumination, rotation and scalingapplied by Huang et al. (2008) to detect the cloned regionsin the image. A method has good accuracy on different kindof post image processing like JPEG compression, rotation,noise, scaling and is also robust to compound image pro-cessing. A novel methodology based on SIFT is evaluated toestimate the geometric transformation parameters (hori-zontal and vertical translation, scaling factors and rotationangle) with high reliability in addition to detect forgedimage by Irene et al. (2011). The proposed method achievestrue positive rate (TPR) of around 100%. The technique alsoutilized for splicing detection.

A copy-move detection approach based on wavelettransforms and phase correlation was created to estimate

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the spatial offset between the copied region and the pastedregion by Zhang et al. (2008a). But the performance relieson the location of copy-move regions. The Fourier-Mellintransform (FMT) features, which are invariant to scaleand rotation was extracted and lexicographic sorting isused to detect copy move forgery by Bayram et al. (2009).The method is robust against various manipulation types(JPEG compression, rotation and scaling) in addition to thisauthors also presented a detection scheme thatmake use ofcounting bloom filters. Use of radix sort method was sug-gested by Lin et al. (2009a) to reduce the computationalcomplexity in forged area detection. The radix sort methodis used for sorting the feature vectors of the divided sub-blocks instead of lexicographic sorting, which improvestime efficiency significantly at a slight decrease in therobustness. Detection rates obtained were in the range of94–98% in presence of various manipulations.

Liu et al. (2011a) designed an efficient and robust pas-sive authentication method that uses the circle block andthe Hu moments to detect and locate the duplicate regionswith rotation. Features are extracted from the first four Humoments of the circle blocks in low frequency part ofGaussian pyramid decomposition to reduce the computa-tional complexity. To perform an efficient search, over-lapping blocks of pixels are mapped to 1-D descriptorsderived from log-polar map for automated detection andlocalization of duplicated regions affected by reflection,rotation and scaling in images is focused in Sergio andAsoke (2011). Out of total 20 non-tampered test imagesalgorithm detected 3 false matches (The number of imagesmistakenly classified as forgeries). A blind copy moveimage forgery detection method obtained in Muhammadet al. (2011) using dyadic wavelet transform (DyWT)which is shift invariant utilizing both the LL1 and HH1subbands to find similarities and dissimilarities betweenthe blocks of an image. Accuracy claimed is 95.9% with falsepositive of 4.54%.

Gopi et al. (2006) exploited auto regressive coefficientsas the feature vector and artificial neural network (ANN)classifier to detect digital image forgery. 300 feature vectorsfromdifferent images are used to train an ANN and the ANNis testedwith another 300 feature vectors. Percentage of hitin identifying the digital forgery is 77.67% in experiment 1in which manipulated images were used to train ANN and94.83% in experiment 2 in which a database of forged im-ages was used. An algorithm based on discrete wavelettransform (DWT) to reduce the dimension the image andDCT-quantization coefficients decomposition (DCT-QCD) toreduce the dimension of feature vector is illustrated byGhorbani et al. (2011) to detect copy-move forgery.

Bashar et al. (2010) proposed a duplication detectionapproach that adopts two robust features based on DWTand kernel principal component analysis (KPCA). Multi-resolution wavelet coefficients and KPCA-based projectedvectors corresponding to image-blocks are arranged into amatrix for lexicographic sorting. ‘Translation – Flip’ and‘Translation – Rotation’ duplications are also detected usingglobal geometric transformation and the labeling tech-nique to identify the forgeries. XiaoBing and ShengMin(2008) identified the location of copy-move imagetampering by applying SVD which served to produce

algebraic and geometric invariant feature vectors. Theproposed method has lower computational complexity,robust against retouching details and noise. Sutthiwan et al.(2010) presented a method for passive-blind color imageforgery detection which is a combination of image featuresextracted from image luminance by applying a rake –

transform and from image chroma by using edge statistics.The technique extracts multi-size block discrete cosinetransform – Markov process (MBDCT-MP) features from Y-channel and support vector machine (SVM) with degree 2polynomial kernel is employed for classification purposeresulting in almost 99% of accuracy.

Xunyu and Siwei (2011) developed a region duplicationmethod by estimating the transform betweenmatched SIFTkeypoints that is robust to distortions based on imagefeature matching. The algorithm results in average detec-tion accuracy of 99.08% but one of the limitation of themethod is smaller region duplication is hard to detect as ithas fewer keypoints. Kakar and Sudha (2012) described anovel technique based on transform-invariant features fordetecting copy-paste forgeries with possible post-processing based on the MPEG-7 image signature tools. Afeature matching process that utilizes the inherent con-straints in matched feature pairs to improve the detectionof cloned regions is used resulting in a feature matchingaccuracy in excess of 90% across postprocessing operations.

All the methods discussed above that are able to detectand locate detecting copymove forgery and near duplicatesregions of the image, these are computationally expensiveand a human interpretation of the results is necessary. Also,they introduce high false positives. Further, few techniquesoften fails to detect the forgery when the size of the forgedarea is much smaller than image dimensions.

3. Image splicing or image composites

Image splicing involves replacing of image fragmentsfrom one or more different images on to another image.Image splicing is one of the simple and commonly usedimage tampering schemes. Image splicing detection is ofthe fundamental task in image forgery detection.

Themethod based on bispectral analysis was introducedby Farid (1999) to detect un-natural higher-order correla-tions introduced into the signal by the tampering processand is successfully used for detecting human-speechsplicing. Bicoherence is a normalized bispectrum. Ng andChang (2004) developed an image-splicing detectionmodel based on the use of bicoherence magnitude andphase features. The results of detection accuracy was about70%. Later same authors proposed a method for detectingthe abrupt splicing discontinuity using bicoherence fea-tures (Ng et al., 2004). Inverse camera response functionswere computed by analyzing the edges in different patchesof the image and verifying their consistency by Lint et al.(2005). Fu et al. (2006) used Hilbert-Huang transform(HHT) to generate features for classification and statisticalnatural image model based on moments of characteristicfunctions with wavelet decomposition was employed todistinguish the spliced images from the authentic images.Chen et al. (2007) investigated a scheme that extractsimage features from moments of wavelet characteristic

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functions and 2-D phase congruency which is a sensitivemeasure of sharp transitions for image splicing detection.

Natural image model was constructed by Shi et al.(2007a) to detect splicing which consists of statistical fea-tures extracted from the test image as well as 2-D arraysgenerated by applying to the test images multi-size blockdiscrete cosine transform (MBDCT). Hsu and Chang (2006)proposed a method in which for a given image, first sus-picious splicing areas identified, and then computing thegeometry invariants from the pixels within each region andthe camera response function (CRF) is estimated from thesegeometry invariants. The cross-fitting errors are fed into anSVM classifier. Johnson and Farid (2007c) presented amethod to detect compositing of two or more people into asingle image based on estimating a cameras intrinsic pa-rameters from the image of a persons eyes. Inconsistenciesin the estimated principal point was used as evidence oftampering. The discontinuity of image pixel correlation andcoherency caused by splicing in terms of image run-lengthrepresentation and image edge statistics were used forimage splicing detection in which SVM is used as theclassifier by Dong et al. (2008).

Zhang et al. (2008b) obtained a splicing detectionmethod based on moment features extracted from theMBDCT and image quality metrics (IQMs) extracted fromthe given test image, which are sensitive to spliced image.Ng and Tsui (2009) and Ng T.T. (2009) described an idea ofextracting the CRF signature from surfaces linear in imageirradiance using linear geometric invariants from the singleimage. In second paper authors explored an edge-profile-based method for extracting CRF signature from a singleimage. The proposed method requires straight edges andedges should be wide enough so that edge profiles can bereliably extracted. QingZhong and Andrew (2009) sug-gested a method based on extraction of neighboring joint

Table 1Comparison of image splicing or image composite detection algorithms.

Algorithm Extracted features

Ng et al. (2004) Bicoherence featuresLint et al. (2005) Inverse camera response function

Fu et al. (2006) Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) & Moments of charafunction using wavelet decomposition based feature

Chen et al. (2007) Statistical moments of wavelet characteristic functioand 2D phase congruency

Shi et al. (2007a,b) Moments of characteristic functions of wavelet subband Markov transition probabilities of difference 2-D

Hsu and Chang (2006) Camera response function using geometry invariantDong et al. (2008) Run length (RL) and edge detection (SP) based statisZhang et al. (2008a,b,c) Moment features extracted from multi-size block di

cosine transform (MBDCT) and some image qualityQingZhong

and Andrew (2009)Neighboring joint density of DCT coefficients

Wang et al. (2009) Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) of chromaZhenhua et al. (2009) Edge sharpness measure order statistic filter (OSF)Fang et al. (2009a,b) Color sharpness, inter-channel singular value differe

and the difference between an estimateof the demosaiced and tested image

Yu-Fengand Shih-Fu (2010)

CRF estimation using geometry invariants

Zhao et al. (2010) Four gray level run-length run-number (RLRN) vectextracted from chroma channels

density features of the DCT coefficients and then SVM isapplied to the features for image splicing detection. Wanget al. (2009) implemented a color image splicing detec-tion method based on gray level co-occurrence matrix(GLCM) of thresholded edge image of image chroma.Zhenhua et al. (2009) illustrated splicing detection systemconsisting of an order statistic filters (OSF) based edgesharpness measure and a visual saliency guided featureextraction mechanism. Zhang et al. (2009c) constructed amethod for detecting image composites based on esti-mated shadow geometry and photometry.

Fang et al. (2009b), evaluated consistency check ofcamera characteristics among different areas in an imagefor image splicing detection. Color sharpness and singularvalue difference are used for image authentication. CRF wasused to detect splicing regions by (Yu-Feng and Shih-Fu,2010). In this a test image was first automaticallysegmented into distinct arbitrarily shaped regions. One CRFestimated from each region using geometric invariantsfrom locally planar irradiance points (LPIPs).

Zhang et al. (2010) introduced a method based on theplanar homography constraint to locate the fake regionroughly and an automatic extraction method using graphcut with online feature/parameter selection to segment thefake object. Zhao et al. (2010) proposed a method based onchroma spaces. Four gray level run-length run-number(RLRN) vectors with different directions extracted from de-correlated chroma channels were employed as dis-tinguishing features for image splicing detection and SVMas a classifier. Liu et al. (2011b) investigated a techniquebased on photometric consistency of illumination inshadows by formulating color characteristics of shadowsmeasured by the shadow matte value.

Table 1 shows comparison of various algorithms forimage splicing. However all the above proposed techniques

Dimensionof feature vector

Classifier Detectionaccuracy

768 segments SVM 71%– SVM 100% (Using two

test images)cteristicss

110 SVM 80.15%

n 120 SVM 82.32%


266 SVM 91.87%

s 6 SVM 87%tical moments 12 (RL) þ 49 (SP) ¼ 61 SVM 76.52%scretemetrics (IQMs)

72 (IQMs) þ 168(MBDCT) ¼ 240

SVM 87.10%

169 SVM 89.2%

components 324 SVM 90.5%10/9 SVM 96.33%

nce, 20 LDA 90%

20 SVM 70%

ors 60 SVM 94.7%

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have few limitations. Image splicing detection fails whenconcealing measures, such as blur is applied after splicingwhen the edge sharpness cues are used for detection pur-pose. Also it requires straight edges and edges should bewide enough so that edge profiles can be reliably extracted.Sometimes manual labeling of image regions makes aparticular approach a semiautomatic one. Further, highlylocalized and minor tampering will most likely go unno-ticed and difficult to detect. The compression artifactsmakethe localization of the forgery difficult when the imagebeing analyzed is compressed by a low quality factor.

4. Image forgery detection using JPEG compressionproperties

JPEG is most popular and commonly used compressionstandard which has been found in variety of applications.Most digital cameras export JPEG file format. To identifywhether an image in bitmap format has been previouslyJPEG compressed or not is an important issue for someimage processing applications and plays very importantrole in image tampering detection.

Fan and Queiroz (2003) constructed a method deter-mining whether an image has been previously JPEG com-pressed and to estimate compression parameters. Amethod for the maximum likelihood estimation wasdevised to estimate what quantization table was used.However, the original intention of the paper was not fortampering detection. A method for estimation of primaryquantization matrix from a double compressed JPEG imagepresented in Fridrich and Lukas (2003). Three differentapproaches were presented fromwhich the neural networkclassifier based one is the most effective reliable yieldingless than 1% of errors. One of the limitation of proposedmethod is, sufficiently large images are required to obtainaccurate results and is not possible to reliably estimatequantization steps for high-frequency coefficients due toinsufficient statistics.

Popescu (2004) developed a technique for detecting if aJPEG image has been double compressed by examining thehistograms of the DCT coefficients, as double JPEGcompression amounts to double quantization of the blockDCT coefficients which introduces specific artifacts visiblein the histograms of these coefficients. But images that arecompressed first with a high quality, then with a signifi-cantly lower quality are generally harder to detect.Neelamani et al. (2003) implemented a method to estimateimage JPEG compression history components including thecolor transformation, subsampling, and the quantizationtable employed during the previous JPEG operations basedon DCT coefficient structure created by previous JPEGoperation as JPEG-compressed images exhibit near-periodic behavior due to quantization. A statistical modelbased on Benford’s law for the probability distributions ofthe first digits of the block-DCT and quantized JPEG co-efficients was obtained by Fu et al. (2007). The generalizedBenford’s law can be used in the detection of JPEGcompression for images in bitmap format, the estimationof JPEG compression Q factor for JPEG compressed bitmapimage, and the detection of double compressed JPEGimage.

Tjoa et al. (2007a) explored a method to determinewhich transform was used during compression. Themethod is based on analyzing the histograms of coefficientsubbands to determine the nature of the transformmethod. The three block transforms – DCT, Hadamard, andSlant and three wavelet transforms – 5/3, 9/7, and 17/11were correctly determined using proposed method. Tjoaet al. (2007b) evaluated a method to estimate the blocksize in digital images in a blind manner without makingany assumptions on the block size or the nature of anyprevious processing with a detection accuracy whichcorrectly classifies an image as block-processed with aprobability of 95.0% and the probability of false alarm at7.4%. A passive approach to detect digital forgeries bychecking image quality inconsistencies based on blockingartifact caused by JPEG compression was suggested by Yeet al. (2007). The blocking artifacts introduced duringJPEG compression could be used as a “natural authentica-tion code”. A blocking artifact measure is proposed basedon the estimated quantization table using the powerspectrum of the DCT coefficient histogram.

Zhang et al. (2009a) illustrated a method to detect andlocate for the tampered areas in tampered images based ondouble JPEG2000 compression. The technique exploits thefact that double JPEG2000 compression amounts toparticular double quantization of the sub-band DWT co-efficients, which introduces specific artifacts visible in theFourier transforms of DWTcoefficient histograms. Luo et al.(2008) implemented a method for block size estimationbased on morphological operation. The method is based onmaximum-likelihood estimation resulted in 40% accuracyimprovement compared with existing gradient-basedmethod reported in Tjoa et al. (2007b). Fridrich andPenvy (2008) introduced a reliable method for detectionof double compressed JPEG images and a maximum like-lihood estimator of the primary quality factor with theaccuracy better than 90%. It is based on classification usingsupport vector machines with features derived from thefirst order statistics of individual DCT modes of low-frequency DCT coefficients. The algorithm not only de-tects cover images but also images processed using steg-anographic algorithms.

Qu et al. (2008) formulated the shifted double JPEGcompression (SD-JPEG) as a noisy convolutive mixingmodel for identifying if a given JPEG image has ever beencompressed twice with inconsistent block segmentation. Atotal of 13 features which represent the asymmetric char-acteristic of the independent value map then feed to anSVM classifier resulting in detection accuracy of above 90%at QF of 95. Chunhua et al. (2008) created a machinelearning based scheme to distinguish between double andsingle JPEG compressed images with detection rate of 95%.This scheme relies on the Markov process and transitionprobability matrix (TPM) applied to the difference JPEG 2-Darrays, which are of the second order statistics which de-tects the artifacts left with double JPEG compression.

Li et al. (2008a) utilized the probabilities of the firstdigits of quantized DCT coefficients from individual AC(alternate current) modes called as mode based first digitfeatures (MBFDF) to reveal the double JPEG compressionhistory of a given JPEG image. Using the approach primary

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QF identified correctly in most of the cases using fisherlinear discriminant (FLD) classifier. Weihai et al. (2008)tested a blind approach to detect copy-paste forgery in aJPEG image to check whether a copied area came from thesame image or not. The approach utilizes the mismatchinformation of BAG as a clue of copy-paste forgery. Thecomplexity of this algorithm is quite high. Junfeng et al.(2006) developed an approach by examining the doublequantization effect hidden among the DCT coefficients thatcan detect doctored JPEG images and locate the doctoredparts. The approach has several advantages like the abilityto detect doctored images by different kinds of synthesiz-ing methods (such as alphamatting and inpainting, besidessimple image cut/paste), the ability to work without fullydecompressing the JPEG images and the fast speed. How-ever, the method fails when the original image tocontribute the undoctored part is not a JPEG image and incase of heavy compression after image forgery.

The artifacts introduced by lossy JPEG compression wasemployed as an inherent signature for compressed imagesby Chen and Hsu (2008). The method first estimates theblockiness for each pixel, model the linear dependency ofthe blockiness measure, and finally analyze the differentpeak energy distributions to discriminate single com-pressed images from tampered images. However, detectionof cropped-and-recompressed is feasible only when theoriginal quality factor is smaller than the recompressionquality factor. Farid (2009b) proposed a method fordetecting image composites created by different JPEGcompression quality on low quality images and can detectrelatively small regions that have been altered. The tech-nique detects if part of an imagewas initially compressed ata lower quality than the rest of the image. This technique iseffective only when the tampered region is of lower qualitythan the image into which it was inserted.

Lin et al. (2009b) constructed a fast, fully automaticmethod for detecting tampered images by examining thedouble quantization effect hidden among the DCT co-efficients using SVM classifier. The technique was insensi-tive to different kinds of forgery methods such as alphamatting and inpainting, in addition to simple image cut/paste. The method fails when the whole image is resized,rotated, or cropped. Detection method of double JPEGcompressed image was proposed based on histograms ofDCT coefficients and SVM by Mahdian and Saic (2009a).The method exploits the fact that altering a JPEG imagebrings into the image specific artifacts like periodiczeros and double peaks. However, the method produceshigh false positive to natural images with “nonperfecthistograms”.

Huang et al. (2010) presented a method which candetect double JPEG compression with the same quantiza-tion matrix. First a “proper” randomly perturbed ratio isobtained from the JPEG coefficients of the recompressedtest image and then this universal “proper” ratio generate adynamically changed threshold, which can be utilized todistinguish between the singly and doubly compressedimages. If the QF is no less than 90, the final detection ac-curacy rates are constantly higher than 90% for UCID, NRCS,and OurLab image dataset. The method can also beextended to detect the triple JPEG compression, four times

JPEG compression, and so on. Luo et al. (2010) evaluated amethod for image tamper detection including identifyingwhether a bitmap image has previously been JPEG com-pressed, quantization steps estimation and detecting thequantization table of a JPEG image by analyzing the effectsof quantization, rounding and truncation errors. Themethod achieves accuracy of around 90% even the imagesize decreases to 8� 8 and the quality factor is as high as 95while identifying JPEG images, average accuracy is 81.97%for the images with size of 128 � 128 and with the qualityfactor 85 while estimating quantization steps, and the ac-curacy can achieve over 94.52% when the image size be-comes larger than 64 � 64 while detecting quantizationtable.

Wang et al. (2010) implemented an algorithmwhich canlocate the tampered region in a lossless compressedtampered image when its unchanged region is output ofJPEG decompressor. PCA is employed to separate differentspatial frequencies quantization noises, i.e. low, mediumand high frequency quantization noise and extract highfrequency quantization noise for tampered region locali-zation. However, this methods fails to detect forgery if thetampered region of a forged image has little high frequencyinformation or the source image is saved in JPEG formatwith higher quality than the quality tampered image.Bianchi and Piva (2011) illustrated a reliable method todetect the presence of non-aligned double JPEG compres-sion (NA-JPEG) based on a single feature which depends onthe integer periodicity of the DCTcoefficients when the DCTis computed according to the grid of the previous JPEGcompression. Additionally the method accurately estimatesboth the quantization step and the grid shift of the primaryJPEG compression.

Chen and Hsu (2011) presented a technique to detecteither block-aligned or misaligned recompression byformulating the periodic characteristics of JPEG imagesboth in spatial and transform domains. The approach islimited if a global operation such as additive whiteGaussian noise or blurring are applied with a large distor-tion level before recompression. Kee et al. (2011) describeda technique which extracts camera signature (9163 cameraconfigurations) from a JPEG image consisting of informa-tion about quantization tables, Huffman codes, thumbnails,and EXIF format to determine if an image has been modi-fied in anyway. Bianchi et al. (2011) applied a statistical testto differentiate between original and forged regions in JPEGimages by computing probability models for the DCT co-efficients of singly and doubly compressed regions alongwith an estimation of the primary quantization factor in thecase of double compression. Bianchi and Piva (2012) pro-posed a method to detect into a digital image the presenceof non-aligned double JPEG compression based on theobservation that the DCT coefficients exhibit an integerperiodicity when the blockwise DCT is computed accordingto the grid of the primary JPEG compression.

5. Photographic images and photorealistic computergraphic (PRCG) images classification

As computer graphics (CG) technologies rapidlydevelop, sophisticated computer graphics rendering

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software can generate remarkably photorealistic images.Photorealistic images can be created that are difficult todistinguish visually from photographic images. As therendering technology evolves, photorealistic images can bemodeled and rendered easily. One of the challenging andimmediate problem is to distinguish between photo-realistic computer generated (PRCG) images from real(photographic) images.

Leykin and Cutzu (2003) investigated a technique basedon properties of intensity and color edges to differentiatepaintings from photographs of real scenes. Ng and Chang(2004b) constructed a detector which classifies photo-graphic images (PIM) from PRCG using natural image sta-tistics (NIS). Three types of NIS with different statisticalorder, i.e. NIS derived from the power spectrum, wavelettransform and local patch of images were studied. Lyu andFarid (2005) created a statistical model for photographicimages consisting of first and higher-order wavelet statis-tics using LDA and a non-linear SVM. However, the modeldon’t necessarily give any insight into how one mightrender more photorealistic images. Cutzu et al. (2005)computed the image classification system that discrimi-nates paintings from photographs based on the evidencethat that photographs differ from paintings in their color,edge, and texture properties.

Ng et al. (2005) proposed a method for classifyingphotographic images and photorealistic computer graphicsbased on a geometry-based image model motivated by thephysical image generation process. The classification wasbased on the SVM classifier. Further Ng and Chang (2006)deployed an online system for distinguishing photo-graphic and computer graphic images in which users areable to submit any image from a local or an online source tothe system and get classification results with confidencescores. Dehnie et al. (2006) developed a digital image fo-rensics technique to distinguish images captured by a dig-ital camera from computer generated images based on theproperties of the residual image (pattern noise in case ofdigital camera images) extracted by a wavelet baseddenoising filter.

Rocha and Goldenstein (2006) described a new meth-odology to separate photographs and computer generatedimages using the progressive randomization (PR) techniquethat extracts the statistical properties of each one of pho-tographs and computer generated image classes. Wang andMoulin (2006) implemented a method for differentiatingdigital photorealistic images from digital photographsusing a wavelet based statistical model to extract featuresfrom the characteristic functions of wavelet coefficienthistograms.

Dirik et al. (2007) proposed the use of features based onthe differences in the acquisition process of images todistinguish computer generated images from real images.Traces of demosaicking and chromatic aberration are usedto differentiate computer generated images from digitalcamera images. Shi et al. (2007b) introduced a novelapproach to distinguish computer graphics from photo-graphic images based on the statistical moments of char-acteristic function of the image wavelet subbands and theirprediction-error features. Same authors explored the use ofgenetic algorithm to select an optimal feature set for

distinguishing computer graphics from digital photo-graphic images using the same feature set but with reduceddimensions (Chen et al., 2008b).

Khanna et al. (2008) presented method for dis-tinguishing between an image captured using a digitalcamera, a computer generated image and an imagecaptured using a scanner based on sensor pattern noisefeatures extracted from digital cameras and scanners.Sankar et al. (2009) developed a technique for differenti-ating between computer graphics and real images based onan aggregate of existing features. In addition to this, filterswere proposed to effectively detect attacks like creation ofhybrid images and histogram manipulations. Sutthiwanet al. (2009a), employed statistical moments of 1-D and2-D characteristic functions to derive image features whichcaptures the statistical differences that can distinguishbetween computer graphics and photographic images.

Sutthiwan et al. (2009b) evaluated a method to differ-entiate between computer graphics and photographic im-ages by applying Markov process (MP) to model differenceJPEG 2-D arrays along horizontal and vertical directions toderive TPM which characterize the MP. Li et al. (2010)proposed a method for the discrimination between natu-ral images and photorealistic computer graphics usingsecond-order difference statistics and the Fisher lineardiscrimination analysis to construct a classifier. Wu et al.(2011) developed a method for discriminating computergenerated graphics from photographic images based onseveral highest histogram bins of the difference images asfeatures for the classification.

Table 2 describes comparison of various photographicimages and computer graphics images algorithm. Thetechniques discussed above works well for uncompressedimages or JPEG images with a high quality factor. Perfor-mance of various methods decreases with higher degreesof JPEG compression and down-sampling operation. Alsofrom a rendering point of view, few methods don’t neces-sarily give any insight into how one might render morephotorealistic images.

6. Lighting inconsistency

Different photographs are captured under differentlighting conditions. When combining image fragmentsfrom different images, it is difficult to match the lightingconditions from the individual photographs. Therefore,lighting inconsistency detection for different parts in animage can be employed to identify tampering.

Johnson and Farid (2005) described a technique forestimating the directionwithin one degree of freedom of anilluminating light source from only a single image to detectforgery. First the direction of the illuminated source isestimated for different objects/people in an image, in-consistencies in lighting can be used as evidence of digitaltampering. Same authors illustrated a model based on in-consistencies in the lighting due to multiple light sources,diffuse lighting, directional lighting from a single imagewhich is then used as evidence of tampering. It is illus-trated by Johnson and Farid (2007a) that any arbitrarylighting environments can be modeled with a 9-dimensional model. Johnson and Farid (2007b)

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Table 2Comparison of various photographic image and photo-realistic computer generated (PRCG) image classification algorithms.

Algorithm Extracted features Dimensionof feature vector

Classifier Classificationaccuracy

Ng and Chang (2004b) Natural image statistics (NIS) derived from the powerspectrum, wavelet transform and local patch of images

129 (NIS)& 102 (CG)

SVM 83%

Lyu and Farid (2005) First- and higher-order wavelet statistics 216 LDA& non-linearSVM


Ng et al. (2005) Geometry-based features by means of the fractal geometryat the finest scale and the differential geometryat the intermediate scale

192 SVM 83.5%

Rochaand Goldenstein (2006)

Statistical descriptors of the least significant bit (LSB) occurrencesusing Progressive Randomization (PR) technique

96 SVM 90%

Wang and Moulin (2006) The characteristic functions of wavelet-coefficient histograms(High pass filtering and band pass filtering)

144 FLD 100%

Dirik et al. (2007) Color filter array demosaicking and chromaticaberration based features

72 SVM 90%

Shi et al. (2007a,b) Moments of wavelet subbands & prediction error image 234 SVM 82.1%Khanna et al. (2008) Residual pattern noise (sensor pattern noise) 15 SVM 85.9%Chen et al. (2008a,b) Moments of wavelet subbands & prediction error image 100 SVM 82.3%Sankar et al. (2009) Moment-based method, texture interpolation method, color

histogram and patch statistics based features80 Two-class


Sutthiwan et al. (2009a) Image pixel 2D array and image JPEG 2-D array,2D histogram features

780(450 using BFS)

SVM 87.6%(92.7%using BFS)

Sutthiwan et al. (2009b) Second order statistics transition probability matrices (TPM)derived from Applying (Markov process) MP to modeldifference JPEG 2-D arrays

324(150 using BFS)

SVM 94.0%(94.2%using BFS)

Li et al. (2010) Features based on the variance and kurtosis of second-order differencesignals and the first four order statistics of predicting error signals

144 FLDA 95.5%

Wu et al. (2011) Histogram bins of first-order and second-order difference images 112 FLD 95%

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constructed a technique to measure the 3-D direction to alight source from the position of the highlight on the eye.Specular highlights that appear on the eye are a powerfulcue as to the shape, color and location of the light source(s).Inconsistencies in shape, color and location of the lightsource properties of the light can be used as evidence offorgery.

Zhang et al. (2009c) investigated a method to detectimage composites by enforcing the geometric and photo-metric constraints from shadows. In particular, authorsexplored (i) the imaged shadow relations that are modeledby the planar homology and (ii) the color characteristics ofthe shadows measured by the shadow matte. Farid andBravo (2010) described three computational methods thatcan be applied to detect the inconsistencies in shadows,reflections, and planar perspective distortions that seem toelude the human visual system. Yingda et al. (2011) pro-posed an improved blind image identification algorithmbased on inconsistency in light source direction which isdefined as “neighborhood method” as inconsistency in thelight source direction can be considered as strong evidenceof the image tampering. The neighborhood method wasused to calculate surface normal matrix of image in theblind identification algorithmwith detection rate of 87.33%.Farid (2010) studied a 3-D photo forensic analysis of thehistoric and controversial Zapruder film on JFK. The anal-ysis shows that the shadow is consistent with the 3-D ge-ometry of the scene and position of the sun proving that the8 mm original film has not been altered.

Major advantage of these methods is that it is difficult tohide the traces of inconsistencies in lighting conditionswhich is present due to digital tampering.

7. Projective geometry

Photographs with composited regions, it is often diffi-cult to keep the appearance of the image correct perspec-tive. Hence, traces of tampering can be detected byapplying the principles from projective geometry.

Johnson and Farid (2006b) proposed three techniquesfor estimating the transformation H of a plane imagedunder perspective projection. With this transformation, aplanar surface can be rectified to be fronto-parallel whereeach technique requires only a single image and exploitsdifferent geometric principles. Conotter et al. (2010) pre-sented a technique for detecting text manipulation on signor billboard using the evidence that text in an image fol-lows the expected perspective projection, deviations fromwhich are used as evidence of tampering. It is difficult toidentify forgery if the inserted text is applied with correcthomography.

An important advantage of this approach is that it isdifficult to conceal the traces of tampering. However, fewtechniques are semiautomatic.

8. Chromatic aberration

The imperfections in optical imaging systems results indifferent types of aberrations into the captured images.Chromatic aberration is caused from imperfection in thelens to perfectly focus light different wavelengths in adigital camera which provokes a discrepancy in the loca-tion in which the sensor receives light of different wave-lengths. There are two types of chromatic aberration:longitudinal and lateral. Longitudinal aberration causes

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different wavelengths to focus at different distances fromthe lens while lateral aberration is attributed to differentwavelengths focusing at different positions on the sensor.Tampering of image causes the aberration across the imageinconsistent. This reveals the presence of forgery.

Johnson and Farid (2006a) implemented a model forlateral chromatic aberration and automatic technique forestimating these model parameters that is based onmaximizing themutual information between color channelwas derived. This approach for detecting tampering iseffective when the manipulated region is relatively small.Lanh et al. (2007b) estimated the parameters of lateralchromatic aberration by maximizing the mutual informa-tion between the corrected R and B channels with the Gchannel. The parameters extracted are then used as inputfeatures to an SVM classifier for identifying source cellphone of images resulted in average accuracy rate of92.22%. Gloe et al. (2010) obtained a new approach to es-timate lateral chromatic aberration with low computa-tional complexity and, for the first time, provide results onusing lateral chromatic aberration in real-world scenariosbased on the ‘Dresden’ image database. Memon et al. (2011)employed a technique which is able to obtain a stableenough CA pattern distinguishing different copies of thesame lens.

Most of the methods discussed above suffer heavilyfrom image modification attack and it is observed that thedetection performs poorly on low quality images.

9. Color filter array (CFA) and inter pixel correlation

Many digital cameras are equippedwith a single charge-coupled device (CCD) or complementary metal oxidesemiconductor (CMOS) sensor which capture color imagesusing CFA. The CFA consists of an array of color sensors,each of which captures the corresponding color scene at anappropriate pixel location where it is located and remain-ing colors are obtained by interpolating process. Imageforgery can be detected by identifying correlation intro-duced by the interpolation process.

Popescu and Farid (2005a) introduced a method todetect and locate image tampering based on an expecta-tion/maximization (EM) algorithm and uses a linear modelin lossless and lossy compressed images. The detectionaccuracies for eight different CFA interpolation algorithmsare close to 100% for quality factors greater than 96, andthat they decrease with decreasing quality factors.Swaminathan et al. (2006a) investigated a technique foridentifying the CFA pattern and the interpolation algo-rithm. The interpolation coefficients corresponding to thethree color planes were estimated and an SVMwas used foridentifying the interpolation method. 100% classificationaccuracy in identifying the correct CFA interpolation algo-rithm with no false alarms was obtained. Cao and Kot(2009) presented a detection framework of image demo-saicing regularity using partial derivative correlationmodels which detects both the cross and the intra-channelcorrelation caused by demosaicing. The test identificationaccuracies of 97.5% for 14 commercial DSCs of differentmodels and 99.1% for 10 RAW-tools was obtained using theprobabilistic SVM classifier.

Huang and Long (2008) proposed a decision mechanismusing 3-layer feedforward back propagation neural net-works (BPN) and a majority-voting scheme is designed fordemosaicking correlation recognition and digital photoauthentication based on a quadratic pixel correlationmodel, inwhich such correlation is expressed in a quadraticform. Gallagher and Chen (2008) developed a techniquewhich detects the presence of demosaicing in a digitalimage to detect and localizing tampering. Also an approachis described to distinguish between PIM and PRCG images.Swaminathan et al. (2009) focused on the problem ofcomponent forensics and examined how the intrinsicfingerprint traces left behind in the final digital image bythe different components of the imaging device can be usedas evidence to estimate the component parameters.

Dirik andMemon (2009) constructed a tamper detectiontechniques based on artifacts created by CFA by computingfeatures like CFA pattern number estimation and CFA basednoise analysis and finally classification is done by using asimple threshold based classifier. The technique is sensitiveto strong JPEG re-compression and resizing and may alsonot work well if the tampered region area is too small. Fanet al. (2009) proposed a framework which is effective inrecognizing the demosaicking algorithms for raw CFA im-ages based on a generalized neural network framework tosimulate the stylized computational rules in demosaickingthrough bias and weight value adjustment. Kirchner (2010)formulated an efficient method to determine the configu-ration of the CFA pattern in demosaiced digital images usingonly one linear filtering operation per image which is usedto assess the authenticity of digital images. However, JPEGcompression severely reduces correct recognition rate ofthe CFA pattern configuration.

Takamatsu et al. (2010) described a method for esti-mating demosaicing algorithms from image noise variancebased on the observation that the noise variance in inter-polated pixels becomes smaller than that of directlyobserved pixels without interpolation. Estimation of theCFA pattern accuracy is 95.8% for multiple image and 98.4%for single image when JPEG quality is set to 100. One lim-itation of the proposed method is that the accuracy de-creases when the image is processed (e.g., imagecompression and other image filtering) after demosaicing.

Major limitation of the methods discussed above is thatstrong post-processing and JPEG compression hamper areliable accurate detection of tampering.

10. Image processing operations

When altering an image, to conceal traces of tamperingoften various image processing operations are applied tothe images. Detection of these operations results in iden-tification of forgeries.

Lukas (2000) implemented a technique to detectmanipulation in digital images using the convolutionalfiltering and spectral filtering operations. Avcibas et al.(2004) illustrated a method that discriminates betweentampered image and its originals based on content-independent distortion measurements called as imagequality measures used as features in the design of a linearregression classifiers. Bayram et al. (2005a) method based

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on the neighbor bit planes of the image based on the basicidea that, the correlation between the bit planes as well thebinary texture characteristics within the bit planes willdiffer between an original and a doctored image. Thesebinary similarity measures are used as features in classifierdesign.

Bayram et al. (2006) explored a technique to detectdoctored and manipulated images using three features, thebinary similarity measures between the bit planes, theimage quality metrics applied to denoised image residuals,and the statistical features obtained from the waveletdecomposition of an image. Stamm and Liu (2008, 2010)presented a method to detect globally and locally appliedcontrast enhancement and the use of histogramequalizationby searching for the identifying features of each operationsintrinsic fingerprint. Swaminathan et al. (2006b) exploitedblind deconvolution to detect image tampering. The linearpart of the tampering process is modeled as a filter andobtained its coefficients using blind deconvolution. Possiblemanipulations such as filtering, compression, rotation etc.are indentified using these estimated coefficients.

Luo et al. (2007b) described a method based on theproperty of the blocking artifact characteristics matrix(BACM) for effectively detecting cropping and recom-pression operations in JPEG images. BACM exhibits a sym-metrical shape for the original JPEG images and thissymmetrical property will be altered by cropping andrecompression operations. Kirchner and Bohme (2008)developed different form of image transformation opera-tionswhich are undetectable by resampling detectors basedon periodic variations in the residual signal of local linearpredictors in the spatial domain. The detectability and theresulting image quality is benchmarked against conven-tional linear and bicubic interpolation and interpolationwith a sinc kernel. Kirchner and Fridrich (2010) proposed amethodwhich investigates the detection ofmedianfilteringin digital image using streaking artifacts (for uncompressedimages) and subtractive pixel adjacency matrix (SPAM forCompressed images) features and SVM classifier.

Cao et al. (2010b) presented an algorithm to detect themedian filtering manipulation. Statistical characteristics ofthe median-filtered signal is analyzed and measured by theprobability of zero value on the difference map of texturedpixels. Mahalakshmi et al. (2012) obtained a technique forimage authentication that detects the basic image opera-tions such as re-sampling (rotation, rescaling), contrastenhancement and histogram equalization in the digitalimages. The interpolation related spectral signaturemethod is used for detecting rotation and rescaling and forestimating parameters such as rotation angle and rescalefactors. Gul et al. (2010) employed SVD based features tomodel the correlation among the rows and columns usingrelative linear dependency to detect image manipulationssuch as rotation, scaling, brightness adjustment, etc. Table 3shows comparison of various image processing operationdetection algorithms.

11. Local noise

Authentic image contains an amount of noise that isuniformly distributed across an entire image. It is common

to add localized random noise to the forged image regionsin order to conceal traces of tampering while creatingforgeries. Detection of inconsistent local noise levels acrossthe image resulted due to tampering can be utilized toperform forgery detection analysis.

Gou et al. (2007) introduced a novel approach for imagetampering detection and steganalysis, using three sets ofstatistical noise features (60 features) based on denoisingoperations, wavelet analysis, and neighborhood prediction.SVM is used for classifying the authentic images and thetampered images resulting detection probability 90% andabove.

Mahdian and Saic (2008b) investigated a method todetect image forgeries which divides the investigatedimage into various segments of different noise levels andthe local noise is estimated based on tiling the high passdiagonal wavelet coefficients. The proposed method is notable to find the corrupted regions, when the noise degra-dation is very small. Also the detection performance radi-cally decreases to images corrupted by noise. Lee and Choi(2010) described a color laser printer identification methodby estimating the invisible noises with the wiener-filterand then a GLCM is calculated to analyze the texture ofthe noise. These 60 GLCM statistical features are used asinput to a support vector machine classifier for identifyingthe color laser printers. Nataraj et al. (2010) proposed a re-sampling detectors which reliably detect re-sampling inJPEG images at lower QFs (75–90) by adding a controlledamount of noise to the image before the re-samplingdetection step.

Typically, in all the methods it is difficult to find thecorrupted regions, when the noise degradation is verysmall.

12. Interpolation and geometric transformations

When creating image composites, to give the image amore uniform aspect geometric transformations areneeded. These geometric transformations typically involvere-sampling (e.g., scaling or rotating) which in turn calls forinterpolation (e.g., nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic).Detecting the specific statistical changes due to interpola-tion step can be identified as possible image forgery.

Popescu and Farid (2005b) applied a technique to detectspecific correlations into the image introduced by re-sampling operation using EM algorithm to estimate prob-ability maps. The presence of these correlations can be usedas evidence of digital tampering. This method performswell only on uncompressed TIFF, JPEG and GIF images withminimal compression. Gallagher (2005) presented an al-gorithm to detect the presence of interpolation in imagesby exploiting the property that the second derivative signalof the interpolated images contains a periodicity. The per-formance of the algorithm degrades for high order inter-polation filters such as a windowed sinc interpolation filterand the interpolation detection algorithm fails in case ofinterpolation by a factor of 2.0.

Prasad and Ramakrishnan (2006) developed four tech-niques to detect the traces of re-sampling, two of thetechniques are in pixel domain and two others in frequencydomain. Spatial domain techniques are based on properties

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Table 3Various image processing operation detection algorithms.

Algorithm Problem domain Extracted features Classifier Detection accuracy

Avcibaset al. (2004)

Scaling, rotation, brightnessadjustment and contrastenhancement detection

Two first-order momentsof the angular correlationand two first-order momentsof the Czenakowski measure

Linear regressionclassifier

Brightness adjustment ¼ 69.2%,Contrast adjustment ¼ 74.2%,Mixed processing ¼ 80.0%(Results for tamperedimages with manipulations)

Bayramet al. (2005a,b)

Scaling-up, rotation, brightnessadjustment, blurringand sharpening

Binary similarity measures Linear regressionclassifier

Image scaling-up (@50%) ¼ 99%,Rotation (@500) ¼ 99%,Brightness adjustment(@40) ¼ 78%, Gaussian blur(0.5) ¼ 99%, Sharpening ¼ 93.5%

Bayramet al. (2006)

Scaling-up/down, rotation,brightness adjustment,blurring and sharpening

Image quality Measures(IQM), Higher order waveletstatistics (HOWS), Binarysimilarity measures (BSM)

Clairvoyant classifier,Semiblind classifier,Blind classifier

Scaling up (10%) ¼ 100%,Scaling down (10%) ¼ 99%,Rotation (@150) ¼ 100%,Blurring (0.3) ¼ 72%,Brightness adjustment(15) ¼ 76%, sharpening ¼ 98%

Stammand Liu (2010)

Contrast enhancement,histogram equalization,additive noise

Image pixel value histogram Threshold classifier Globally applied contrastenhancement ¼ 99%, Locallyapplied contrastenhancement ¼ 98.5%, Histogramequalization ¼ 99%, Additive noisedetection in images ¼ 99%

Luo et al. (2007a,b) Cropping and recompressionoperations in JPEG images

Blocking artifact characteristicsmatrix (BACM)

SVM 63.9% (@ QF1 is 80–89 & QF2 is 65),99.2% (@ QF1 is 60–69 & QF2 is 85)

Kirchnerand Fridrich(2010)

Detect median filteringoperation used for denoisingand smoothing

Streaking artifacts(Uncompressed), Subtractivepixel adjacency matrix(SPAM) (Compressed)

Soft-margin SVM For uncompressed images, falsepositive rate of <1.8%

Cao et al. (2010a,b) Detection of median filtering The probability of zero valueson the first order differencemap in texture regionsis used as MF statisticalfingerprint


MF detection with true positiverate >0.85, Distinguish MFfrom other manipulationswith true positive rate >0.95

Mahalakshmiet al. (2012)

Rotation, rescaling, contrastenhancement and histogramequalization

DA (DFT þ Averaging) and AD(Averaging þ DFT) methods

Rotation ¼ 98.3% (Global) & 96.3%(Local), Rescaling ¼ 99% (Global)& 97.6% (Local), Contrastenhancement ¼ 100% (Global)& 98.3% (Local), Histogramequalization ¼ 100% (Global)& 99.3% (Local)

Gul et al. (2010) Scaling-up/down, rotation,brightness adjustment,contrast, rotationand blurring

SVD based features Clairvoyant classifier,Semiblind classifier,Blind classifier

Scaling up ¼ 100%, Scalingdown ¼ 100%, Rotation ¼ 100%,Blurring ¼ 90.5%, Brightness ¼ 79%,Contrast ¼ 81%

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of the second difference and properties of the zero-crossings of the second difference. Frequency domaintechniques include DCT high pass filtering and bi-orthogonal wavelets. Kirchner (2008) implemented a re-sampling detection method based on cumulative periodo-grams. Variance of prediction residuals of a resampledsignal can be used to describe periodic artifacts in thecorresponding p-map. Mahdian and Saic (2008c) proposeda blind, efficient and automatic method capable of findingtraces of resampling and interpolation using specific peri-odic properties present in the covariance structure ofinterpolated signals and their derivatives using Radontransform with the detection accuracy near 100%.

Gloe and Kirchner (2009) investigated re-samplingdetection in re-compressed JPEG images and shown thatthe blocking artifacts of the previous compression step canhelp to increase detection performance in JPEG compressedimages. However, a detection of downscaling requires alower JPEG quality in the first compression step. Mahdian

and Saic (2009b) proposed a cyclostationarity detectionmethod to detect the traces of geometrical transformationsin an image and the specific parameters of the trans-formation are estimated. The method is based on the factthat a cyclostationary signal has a frequency spectrumcorrelated with a shifted version of itself. The detection isnearly perfect for scaling rates greater than 0.90.

Sarkar et al. (2009) developed a machine learning basedframework to distinguish between seam-carved (or seam-inserted) and normal images using 324-dimensional Mar-kov feature and consisting of 2D difference histograms inthe block-based DCT domain with a detection accuracy of94%. Fillion and Sharma (2010) constructed a method ofdetecting content-adaptive scaling of images using seam-carving using four sets of features and SVM which pro-vides a classification accuracy of 91%. Wei et al. (2010)illustrated an image rotation angle estimator based on therelations between the rotation angle and the frequencies atwhich peaks due to interpolation occur in the spectrum of

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the image edge map. Further, rescaling/rotation detectionand parameter estimation to detect fake objects insertedinto images also estimated.

Dalgaard et al. (2010) proposed a method to detect re-sampling traces for image authentication using differenti-ation prefilters. As derivative of the interpolated signal isused for covariance computation, it results in improvementof resampling manipulations detection significantly.Vazquez-Padin and Perez-Gonzalez (2011) investigated thedesign of prefilters to improve the estimation accuracy ofthe resampling factor of spatially transformed images. Aframework which allows the definition of a cost functionthat measures the degree of detectability of the spectralpeaks is proposed based on cyclostationarity theory withan estimation accuracy close to 90%.

The methods discussed above are performs well whenthe image being analyzed is in uncompressed format. Thedetection accuracy lowers in JPEG images compressedusing lower QF as the artifacts of JPEG compression concealthe traces of interpolation.

13. Blur and sharpening

Blurring is a common process in digital image manipu-lation which is used to reduce the degree of discontinuityor to remove unwanted defects. Furthermore, blur opera-tion is one of the commonly used methods to hide thepresence of forgery. So identifying blur inconsistencies invarious image regions can be helpful in detection imageforgeries.

Hsiao and Pei (2005) implemented a tampering detec-tion scheme based on blur region detection using imageDCT coefficients and optional morphological operations.Sutcu et al. (2007) applied a method to detect imagetampering operations that involve sharpness/blurrinessadjustment based on the regularity properties of wavelettransform coefficients which involves measuring the decayof wavelet transform coefficients across scales. Zhang andZhang (2007) described an image forgery detectionmethod based on detecting the presence of feather opera-tion, which is particularly useful to create a smooth tran-sition between the selected region and its surroundings.The forged region can be determined by the value ofweighted local entropy at a 17% false positive rate. A bluredge detection scheme is employed in Zhou et al. (2007)based on the edge processing and analysis using edgepreserving smoothing filtering and mathematicalmorphology with average accuracy of 90%.

A passive blind digital image forgery detection methodwas introduced byWang et al. (2008) based on consistencyof defocus blur which uses local blur estimation at eachedge pixels to exposes the defocus blur inconsistency.Elder-Zucker method is used to estimate the blurriness ofchosen image patches and judge if their blurriness isconsistent using threshold. Suwendi and Allebach (2008)proposed a nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolationdetection algorithms are designed to estimate rationalresampling factors (above 1) in both the vertical and hori-zontal dimensions. A blind image forgery detection algo-rithm is designed by Cao et al. (2009) to detect sharpeningoperation in digital images based on histogram gradient

aberration and ringing artifacts metric. Overall accuracy isfound to be 93% using combination of both the features.

Cao et al. (2010a) proposed a blur operation detectionapproach which is based on assessing consistency of theestimated blur radius along an edge segment. Kakar et al.(2011) presented a method of detecting splicing in im-ages, using discrepancies in motion blur. The approach isbased on the gradients of the matting components of theimage to estimate the motion blur present in the image.Further, a blur estimate measure (BEM) is developed toprovide robust segmentation in the case of little perceptibleblur. Cao et al. (2011) proposed a detection method of un-sharp masking (USM) sharpening manipulation, which iscommonly applied as a retouching tool. Overshoot artifactsmeasured by a sharpening detector can be used as a uniquefeature for identifying the history of sharpening operation.

Major drawback is most of the proposed techniquesrequires a human interpretation of the output.

14. Acquisition device analysis and identification

Digital image may come from various imaging devices,e.g., various cameras, scanners, computer graphics tech-nology. In order to determine integrity and authenticity of agiven image, identifying the device used for its acquisitionis of major interest. Different image forgery detectiontechniques detect the traces left by the different processingsteps in the image acquisition and storage phases. Thesetraces mark the image with some kind of inherent “fin-gerprints” of the imaging devices, which can be used toidentify the source of the image.

Kharrazi et al. (2004) developed a method of identifyingthe source camera of a digital image using the color pro-cessing/transformation and a set of IQM. Bayram et al.(2005b) applied a technique to identify the source cameraof an image based on traces of the color interpolation in theRGB color channels. Measures are generated by using EMalgorithm and SVM is used to classify the image origin.Farid, (2006b) proposed use of the quantization tables thatcontrols the amount of compression achieved to distin-guish between original and modified photos. Differentcameras employ different quantization tables. A compari-son of an image quantization scheme to a database ofknown cameras can be a simple technique for confirmingor denying an image source. The traces of demosaicing areused to identify the camera by Bayram et al. (2008b) andCao and Kot (2010).

Imaging sensors used in capturing devices tends tointroduce various defects and to create noise in the pixelvalues. The sensor noise is the result of three main com-ponents, i.e. pixel defects, fixed pattern noise (FPN), andphoto response non uniformity (PRNU). FPN and PNRU arethe two components of the so-called pattern noise asillustrated in Fig. 5 and depend on dark currents in thesensor and pixel non-uniformities respectively. Chen et al.(2008b) investigated a technique to identify the sourcedigital camera from its images and for revealing digitallyaltered images using PRNU using the maximum-likelihoodprinciple. The method is robust against common imageprocessing, such as JPEG compression, gamma correction,resizing, and denoising. Khanna et al. (2009) presented a

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Fig. 5. Pattern noise in CCD.

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method to identify the source camera of an unknownimage, in which the imaging sensor pattern noise extractedfrom the image is correlated with all the reference camerapatterns obtained from training images which is called asunique fingerprint of that camera. This correlation basedapproach is classification accuracy close to 100% when it istested on 10 digital cameras. Li (2009) effectively usedsensor pattern noises (SPN) extracted from digital imagesas device fingerprints for digital device identification withan identification rate greater than 99%. But one of thelimitation is misclassification rate is high in case of smallimage size. In the approach an enhanced fingerprint can beobtained by assigning weighting factors inversely propor-tional to the magnitude of the signal components.

Li and Li (2010) proposed method of extracting PRNUcalled colour-decoupled PRNU (CD-PRNU), by exploitingthe difference between the physical and artificial colourcomponents of the photos taken by digital cameras that usea colour filter array for interpolating artificial colour com-ponents from the physical ones for digital camera identi-fication. Typical identification rate for 768 � 1024 imagesize is 94.33% and 192 � 256 image size is 60.67%. Liu et al.(2010a) employed the binary hypothesis testing scheme todetect the presence of PRNU in the image and proposed amethod to extract from the noise residual the significantregionswith higher signal quality and discard those regionsheavily deteriorated by irrelevant noises for identificationof a specific digital camera.

Kang et al. (2012) proposed a source camera identifi-cation method that can remove the interference and raisethe correlation to circular correlation norm (CCN) value andfurther a use of CCN as the test statistic, which can lowerthe false positive rate to be a half of that with statistic peakto correlation energy (PCE). True positive rate (TPR) of theproposed method is 99.9% on an image with size of512� 512 pixels at zero false positives (FP). Celiktutan et al.(2008) proposed a method to identify the originatingcamera based on three sets of features, binary similaritymeasures, image quality measures and higher orderwavelet statistics in conjunction with SVM classifier. Themethod resulted in accuracy of 97.5% using decision fusionmethod when 16 camera models are used. Dirik et al.(2008) proposed a source camera identification methodbased on detection and matching of the sensor dust char-acteristics with average 99% identification accuracy. Sensordust problem is due to interchangeable lenses that thedigital single lens reflex cameras deploy.

Techniques to detect digital forgeries based on PRNUwhich can be used as fingerprint (which is a stochastic,spread-spectrum signal and thus robust to distortion) ofimaging sensors are proposed by Fridrich (2009). Authorevaluated how fingerprint can be estimated from imagestaken by the camera and later detected in a given image toestablish image origin and integrity. Xu et al. (2009) pro-posed a model for detecting the brands and models ofdigital cameras from given digital images based on thetransition probability matrices derived from four differentdirectional Markov processes applied to the image differ-ence JPEG 2-D arrays. The average classification accuracyfor camera models is higher than 97% and the averagebrand classification rate is 96.3%. Bateman et al. (2009)proposed a method for identifying anomalies in digitalcameras by analysing image variations using statisticalprocess control (SPC). Authors presented use of SPC as animage authentication technique to highlight in-consistencies in the image data, which can help to makesuch an identification.

Liu et al. (2010b) investigated source camera classifica-tion based on a graph based approach that requires no extraauxiliary images nor a prior knowledge about the consti-tution of the image set. Performance with average classi-fication accuracies over 95% is achieved while classifying 6camera models. Alles et al. (2009) proposed a method toidentify the source camera of heavily JPEG compresseddigital photographs of resolution 640 � 480 pixels usingPRNU. Classification accuracy of 83% for single images and100% for around 20 simultaneously identified questionedimages for 38 cameras of four different model is achieved.Micro and macro statistical features based on SVD is pro-posed for source cell-phone identification by Gul andAvcibas (2009) with the classification accuracy achievedby using 18 features is 92.4% for 9 different camera.

Fang et al. (2009b) developed a classifier to distinguishbetween digital images taken from digital single lens reflex(DSLR) and compact cameras based on wavelet coefficientsand pixel noise statistics. Average classification accuracy ofabove 93% is achieved for 20 different cameras models.Goljan and Fridrich (2012) evaluated a method based onsensor fingerprint (PRNU) camera identification to imagescorrected for lens distortion. A detection reliability of 91%for a Panasonic camera and 99.8% for Canon with camerafingerprints estimated from 10 images is obtained.

15. Conclusion

Passive or blind techniques and methodologies forvalidating the integrity and authenticity of digital images isone of the rapidly growing areas of research. Passivemethods require no extra prior knowledge of the imagecontent or any embedded watermarks or signature. Wehave presented overview of digital image tamperingdetection and the existing references on blind methods forimage forgery detection. Different image forgery detectiontechniques are classified and then generalized structure ofimage forgery detection is presented in this paper. We thencompared the performance of some typical image forgerydetection algorithms. Most of the techniques are developedto detect image tampering and some of also are able to

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localize the forged areas. We hope it will contribute to findnew promising methods and ideas to researchers workingin the field of digital image forgery detection.

First drawback of existing methods is the problem ofautomation i.e. outputs need a human interpretation. Sec-ond, to localize the forgery, existing methods mostly needto have a larger modified region containing inconsistencies.Also, camera source identification is still limited to 9–15cameras and in mobile camera model identification; theresult can be adversely affected by increasing the numberof cameras. It is observed that the identification methodsbased on intrinsic features of camera hardware like the lensand CCD sensor characteristics produce reliable and betterresults than those based on camera software parts (e.g., CFAinterpolation algorithms). The compression artifacts makethe localization of the forgery difficult when the imagebeing analyzed is compressed by a low quality factor inmost of the techniques.

In case of copy-move forgery detection, these methodsare computationally expensive and they introduce highfalse positives. Image forgery localization methods basedon JPEG works fine when the image content is consistentand the modified region previously had a lower JPEGquality factor than the current JPEG quality factor. In CFAand inter pixel relation based methods, tampering detec-tion accuracy affects strong post-processing and JPEGcompression. In case of image-splicing, detection accuracylowers post-processing operations such as edge blurring,adding noise, and lossy compression.

Current research in passive-blind forgery detection ismainly limited to the image tampering detection tech-niques and can be extended to audio and video. Under-standing the perception of visual semantics could beimportant also to identify the maliciousness of a forgery.The work suggested by Lee et al. (2006) finds perceptuallymeaningful regions using an image segmentation tech-nique and by using a common-sense reasoning techniques.The validation of performance measures, such as accuracy,robustness, security is a major concern. This is because ofthe lack of established benchmarks and of public testingdatabases which evaluates the actual accuracy of digitalimage forgery methods. One of the major limitation ofcurrent image forgery detection methods is that there is noway to the distinction between malicious tampering and“innocent” retouching, such as red-eye correction or artisticmanipulation. Also one of the challenging tasks is to findmore robust statistical features to resist the various post-processing operations.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-viewers for their valuable and insightful comments on theearlier version of this manuscript.


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