digipak construction

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Upload: sara

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Digipak Construction

2. Front Cover
Mefistofeles is the name of the Artist which this image represents.
I decided to use this picture as my front cover because is very disorientated and allows the audience to use their imagination. This image conveys so much yet at the same time it reveals so little and that is why it will catch eyes and make the audience want to look on and try to understand something that's weird and unexplainable.
3. Over Lapping
Scar Minds is the name of the album which this image is introducing.
This image is the one seen after the front cover and it compliments the front cover as it just reveals a bit more and allows the audience to understand what they are looking at however its still and unusual and needs explaining. This image and the front cover work well together and are the most important images because they are what attract the audience.
4. Back Cover
This is the image seen at the back of the Digipak and its simply bloodpouring down which compliments all the other images as the colour and theme goes with the whole Digipak. Also the end of the blood is very sharp and is designed to look like a dagger which at second glance just give it more meaning and allows the audience to take in the whole Digipak and understand it all through all the images.
On a third glance the image also represents M which is for Mefistofeles .
5. Side One
This image is the background and will contain what disc one Includes
This image clearly represents and explains the front cover and the over lapping cover. Therefore its clear to the audience what its hinting.
6. CD (Middle)
Disc One this is where the first CD will be placed and the image is the image that is on the CD and also in the back ground. This disc includes the Music Video and the songs.
Disc two will be placed here and the image is the background and CD cover as well. The CD includes behind the scene, interviews and also images of the Artist.
7. Side Two
This image is a background and contains what disc two will include.
This image also gives some explanation as to what the whole Digipak is about, however over all the Digipak is suppose to create disorientation and disorder.