digging for dinosaurs

By: Molly Mann and Elizabeth Goetz Digging For Dinosaurs

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Digging For Dinosaurs. By: Molly Mann and Elizabeth Goetz. Introduction. Second Grade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Digging For Dinosaurs

By: Molly Mann and Elizabeth Goetz

Digging For Dinosaurs

Page 2: Digging For Dinosaurs

Second GradeOur thematic unit on dinosaurs will be taught

over a course of five consecutive days in a second grade classroom. The curriculum on dinosaurs will focus on a variety of subjects, such as reading, science, mathematics, and writing. For our lessons we plan to cover a broad over view in dinosaurs, including how we know about them, types of dinosaurs, and how they lived.


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Students will discuss and explain the history and lives of dinosaurs and will gain an understanding about why they no longer exist and how we know about them today.

Objective 1

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Students will apply and demonstrate their mathematical skills such as determining and estimating lengths in inches and centimeters by measuring the bones of dinosaurs. CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.A.1 CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.A.3

Objective 2

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Students will learn how to conduct interviews and formulate and develop questions. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.1 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.1c CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2.4Gardner’s linguistic intelligence

Objective 3

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Students will be able to support an argument and apply their knowledge through writing. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.8

Objective 4

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Activity: A brief overview of the history of dinosaurs. Followed by reading The Magic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs.

Activity: Discuss the extinction of dinosaurs and create their own dinosaurs and write three sentences about their dinosaur. They will then measure the length of the body parts in inches.

Activity: The students will have a fun and interactive to the Dinosaur State Park.

Activity: Students will be conducting interviews with a partner.

Activity: Creating an article for the Dino-times using knowledge learned from the week and the interviews.

Schedule For The Week

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Create own dinosaurMeasure body partsWrite three statements

Tuesday (Activity #2)

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Fieldtrip to Dinosaur State Park; Rocky Hill, CTThe Park features over 500 Early Jurassic

dinosaur footprints preserved in place inside the museum, alongside interactive exhibits about dinosaurs

Wednesday (Activity #3)

Page 10: Digging For Dinosaurs

Write an article for Dino-TimesPrompt: “From your experience as a

paleontologist at Dinosaur State Park, argue why studying dinosaurs is important. Use your knowledge about dinosaurs to help you.”

Friday (Activity #5)


Page 11: Digging For Dinosaurs

By their articles

RubricEvaluated one a one to five scaleThey will receive:(1)- Shows minimal understanding of information, little creativity and effort(2-3)-Demonstration of substantial understanding of information, some effort and creativity shown(4-5)-Clear understanding of information, able to apply information successfully & creatively, outstanding effort
