different kinds of architectural signs

What exactly are architectural signs? Where are these often used? Check these different examples out so you can understand what these are and what kinds of signs are considered part of this signage family.

Upload: rontay72

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Different Kinds of Architectural Signs

What exactly are architectural signs? Where are these often used? Check these different examples out so you

can understand what these are and what kinds of signs are considered part of this signage family.

Page 2: Different Kinds of Architectural Signs

Architectural signs come in many forms, configurations, and uses

Page 3: Different Kinds of Architectural Signs

These can be found both indoors as well as outdoors

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These can even be used to show direction...

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To tell you what can be found in a room...

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Or what office or company building you are in.

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These can tell you if you are in the right restroom...

Page 8: Different Kinds of Architectural Signs

And if you are in the right place. One thing that you will notice about architectural signs is that..

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These are all crafted to look good while at the same time showing you where to go and where you are.

Page 10: Different Kinds of Architectural Signs

Signcollection is one place where you can get quality architectural signs.