diego garcia

Designing a solar oven By: Diego Monday, May 20, 13

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Page 1: Diego garcia

Designing a solar ovenBy: Diego

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 2: Diego garcia

Imagine for design #1• Idea #1

• Our materials are shredded white cloth and putting it on the side of the Box. We are also using shredded white foam and we are putting it on the bottom of the box.

• We need 1 unit of white cloth and 2 units of white foam.

• The advantage of this idea is that all of our materials are insulators and are not colored.

• The disadvantage of this idea is that the is a bit far away from the least environmental impact.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 3: Diego garcia

Imagine for design #1• Idea #2

• Our materials are shredded newspaper and we will put it on the bottom of the box. Our other material is shredded pipe insulation and we will be putting it on the side of the box.

• We have 2 units for shredded newspaper and 1 unit for shredded pipe insulation.

• The advantage of this idea is that the pipe insulation is thick and colored black which absorbs heat.

• The disadvantage of this idea is that the pipe insulation is second to last with hurting the environment.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 4: Diego garcia

Plan for design #1

Top view.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 5: Diego garcia

Plan for design #1

Side view

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 6: Diego garcia

Plan for design #1

White cloth 1 unit

We will use white cloth by putting it on the

side of the box.

White foam 2 units

We will use white foam by putting it on the bottom of the box.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 7: Diego garcia

Impact score for design #1Design


Natural or

processedReuse Recycle

Total points

Shredded white cloth

1 unit = 1 point

Our material

is processed+1 point

Our material has been

used before

-1 point

We can recycle

our material+1 point

2 points

Shredded white foam

2 units = 4 points

Our material

is processed+1 point

Our material has not

been used before

+1 point

We can recycle

our material-1 point

5 points

7 points7 points7 points7 points7 points7 pointsMonday, May 20, 13

Page 8: Diego garcia

Solar oven testing in the sunTime Temperature

0 minutes 25.0°c

5 minutes 58.9°c

10 minutes 65.0°c

15 minutes 73.4°c

20 minutes 69.4°c

25 minutes 70.0°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 9: Diego garcia

Solar oven in the shadeTime Temperature

1 minute 59.0°c

2 minutes 48.2°c

3 minutes 40.3°c

4 minutes 34.4°c

5 minutes 32.5°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 10: Diego garcia

Create for design #1

• Our heat score is our solar oven maximum temperature subtracted from the control oven: 73.0°c - 55.0°c = 18.0°c.

• Our time score is the number of minutes it took to cool down which was 4 minutes.

• Our total impact score was 7 points.

• Our total score for the solar oven is 15 points.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 11: Diego garcia

Improve for design #1• The total score for our first solar oven was 15 points.

• The parts of our solar oven design that worked well were flat foil because it reflected the light good.

• The parts of our solar oven design that did not work well was the inside because we were near the shade.

• We are going to try to improve our heat score.

• We will improve our heat score by using better insulators because it will help keep the box warmer.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 12: Diego garcia

Plan for design #2

Top view

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 13: Diego garcia

Plan for design #2Side view

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 14: Diego garcia

Plan for design #2

Sand 1 unit

We will use the sand by putting it around the


Foam 2 units

We will use the foam by glueing it

to the walls and ground.

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 15: Diego garcia

Impact score for design #2

Design #2 Reduce

Natural or

processedReuse Recycle

Total points

SandI unit = 1


Our material

is natural-1 point

Our material can be reused

-1 point

Our material can be

returned to nature-1 point


Foam2 units

= 4 points

Our material

is processed+1 point

Our material cannot be reused

+1 point

Our material cannot be recycled+1 point


5 points5 points5 points5 points5 points5 pointsMonday, May 20, 13

Page 16: Diego garcia

Solar oven testing in the sunTime Temperature

O minutes 16.0°c

5 minutes 34.5°c

10 minutes 36.3°c

15 minutes 36.7°c

20 minutes 37.5°c

25 minutes 38.3°c

30 minutes 39.1°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 17: Diego garcia

Solar oven testing in the shadeTime Temperature

1 minute 31.5°c2 minutes 28.6°c3 minutes 26.2°c4 minutes 24.7°c5 minutes 23.5°c6 minutes 22.6°c7 minutes 22.1°c8 minutes 21.7°c9 minutes 21.2°c10 minutes 20.8°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Page 18: Diego garcia

Create for design #2• Our heat score is our solar oven maximum

temperature subtracted from the control oven: 39.0°c-41.0°c=-3.0°c

• Our time score is the number of minutes it took to cool down which was 9 minutes.

• Our total impact score was 5 points.

• Our new total score for the solar oven is 1.

Acrylonitrile butadiene styreneMonday, May 20, 13

Page 19: Diego garcia

Reflection• Our improved design did not work well

because we changed our cloth with sand which wasn't a good insulator. We could tell it wasn't a good insulator because the temperature dropped about 40°C when heating.

• If we could improve again, we would use better insulators like foam pipes because it would keep the heat in.

Monday, May 20, 13