did you know… in the united states 30 million people suffer from an eating disorder

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Did you know

In the United States 30 million people suffer from an eating disorder

And did you know15 20 % of eating disorders are seen in males But did you know42% of men with an eating disorder identify as gayEven though gay men make up only 5% of the male population This overrepresentation can be the result of the emphasis on body image in gay cultureGay men are more likely to sexually objectify their bodies than heterosexual men and lesbian women

And internalized homophobia may constitute for low self-esteem associated with an eating disorder

56% of homosexual men say they are dissatisfied with their bodies

What can we do?More research to identify the differences in eating disorders between men and women And treatment options designed specifically for men in this culture Clinicians need to learn to recognize the signs And we need to recognize the signsWithin ourselves And within each otherBibliographyDilts, Jason. "Eating Disorders: The Gay Connection." The Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide 18.4 (2011): 23. 1 July 2011. Web. 14 Dec. 2013.Feldman, Matthew B., PhD, and Ilan H. Meyer, PhD. "Eating Disorders in Diverse Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations." International Journal of Eating Disorders 40.3 (2007): 218-26. Wiley Online Library. Web. 14 Dec. 2013.Gibson, Rachel. "Study Links Gays, Eating Disorders." The Age [Melbourne, Australia] 26 July 1999, late ed., News sec.: 4. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 14 Dec. 2013. Jackson, Catherine, DO. "Exploration of Factors Associated with Eating Disorders in Gay Men." (2008): n. pag. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Web. 14 Dec. 2013. Siconolfi, Daniel, and Halkitis N. Perry. "Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorders in a Sample of Gay and Bisexual Men." International Journal of Men's Health 8.3 (2009): 254-64. ProQuest. Men's Studies Press, Fall 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.

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