dictators: hitler & mussolini. in the 1930s, the great depression encouraged many people to turn to...

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  • Slide 1

Dictators: Hitler & Mussolini. In the 1930s, the Great Depression encouraged many people to turn to leaders who promised to make their lives better. In the 1930s, the Great Depression encouraged many people to turn to leaders who promised to make their lives better. The rise of fascism in Germany, Italy, and Spain brought a new type of government to these countries. The rise of fascism in Germany, Italy, and Spain brought a new type of government to these countries. Personal freedoms were considered less important than the needs of the state. Personal freedoms were considered less important than the needs of the state. Minorities of all types were attacked and persecuted: homosexuals, communists, Jews, intellectuals, etc. Minorities of all types were attacked and persecuted: homosexuals, communists, Jews, intellectuals, etc. Adolf Hitler, The Fuhrer Benito Mussolini Il Duce Francisco Franco Slide 2 Josef Stalin After Lenin died in 1924, Josef Stalin quickly gained control of the Soviet Union. After Lenin died in 1924, Josef Stalin quickly gained control of the Soviet Union. Under the guise of socialism, Stalin restricted freedoms and ruled like a dictator. Under the guise of socialism, Stalin restricted freedoms and ruled like a dictator. However, his five-year plans industrialized the Soviet Union at a breathtaking speed. However, his five-year plans industrialized the Soviet Union at a breathtaking speed. Stalin: Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Slide 3 Appeasement In order to keep the peace during the 1930s, world leaders looked the other way as Hitler took over more and more territory. In order to keep the peace during the 1930s, world leaders looked the other way as Hitler took over more and more territory. Anschluss: In 1938, German troops marched into Austria, and combined the country with Nazi Germany. Anschluss: In 1938, German troops marched into Austria, and combined the country with Nazi Germany. Next, Germany occupied all of Czechoslovakia and added it to the German Empire. Next, Germany occupied all of Czechoslovakia and added it to the German Empire. The last straw was the invasion of Poland. After that, Britain and France declared war on Germany. The last straw was the invasion of Poland. After that, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Canada declared war on Germany a week later, after a vote in Parliament. Canada declared war on Germany a week later, after a vote in Parliament. Slide 4 The Defeat of the French Hitler unleashed the blitzkrieg on France and the country was defeated in less than six weeks. Hitler unleashed the blitzkrieg on France and the country was defeated in less than six weeks. The French thought they were safe behind the maginot line (a stretch of fortifications along the border with Germany), but the Germans had a trick up their sleeve They went around it. The French thought they were safe behind the maginot line (a stretch of fortifications along the border with Germany), but the Germans had a trick up their sleeve They went around it. Slide 5 The Miracle of Dunkirk In late May, 1940, Hitler had British troops surrounded in a French city called Dunkirk. In late May, 1940, Hitler had British troops surrounded in a French city called Dunkirk. Hitler could have easily defeated the British forces, but he wanted to wait until his Luftwaffe (airforce) was in position to aid in the battle. Hitler could have easily defeated the British forces, but he wanted to wait until his Luftwaffe (airforce) was in position to aid in the battle. The British enacted a massive rescue mission, evacuating over 300,000 British soldiers in just a few days. The British enacted a massive rescue mission, evacuating over 300,000 British soldiers in just a few days. Ordinary Britons helped out too, using fishing boats, yachts, pretty much anything that could float! Ordinary Britons helped out too, using fishing boats, yachts, pretty much anything that could float! Many of these soldiers would later help to defeat German forces in France near the end of the war. Many of these soldiers would later help to defeat German forces in France near the end of the war. Slide 6 The Battle of Britain After the defeat of France, Britain stood alone in Europe in opposition to Nazi Germany. After the defeat of France, Britain stood alone in Europe in opposition to Nazi Germany. Hitler needed to defeat the RAF (Royal Air Force) in order to mount an invasion of the British island. Hitler needed to defeat the RAF (Royal Air Force) in order to mount an invasion of the British island. This air war, fought in the skies over Britain, is known as the Battle of Britain. This air war, fought in the skies over Britain, is known as the Battle of Britain. Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few, Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain. Slide 7 British/German Advantages Germany: Could choose the place and time of attack. Britains forces would be spread out, while German attacks could concentrate on one area. Germany: Could choose the place and time of attack. Britains forces would be spread out, while German attacks could concentrate on one area. Britain: Pilots who were shot down, and survived, could return and fight again. German survivors were captured and had to be replaced with new pilots. Also, Britain had begun to use the new RADAR, which allowed them to monitor incoming attacks. Britain: Pilots who were shot down, and survived, could return and fight again. German survivors were captured and had to be replaced with new pilots. Also, Britain had begun to use the new RADAR, which allowed them to monitor incoming attacks. Slide 8 And the winner is Hitler miscalculated: he thought that if he bombed civilian centres, British citizens would become demoralized and demand a surrender. Hitler miscalculated: he thought that if he bombed civilian centres, British citizens would become demoralized and demand a surrender. Instead, the British grew angry and resolved to work harder to defeat the Nazis. Instead, the British grew angry and resolved to work harder to defeat the Nazis. British aircraft production increased, and by October, 1940, Hitler cancelled the invasion of Britain. British aircraft production increased, and by October, 1940, Hitler cancelled the invasion of Britain. Slide 9 Operation Barbarossa After losing the Battle of Britain, Hitler was worried about fighting both Britain and the U.S. After losing the Battle of Britain, Hitler was worried about fighting both Britain and the U.S. Hitler thought that he could defeat the USSR in six weeks and use their resources to defeat Britain and the U.S. Hitler thought that he could defeat the USSR in six weeks and use their resources to defeat Britain and the U.S. He also wanted to expand the rule of his Aryan empire, and he cared nothing for the Nazi Soviet Pact of 1939. He also wanted to expand the rule of his Aryan empire, and he cared nothing for the Nazi Soviet Pact of 1939. Urban combat in Russia. Slide 10 Hitlers Big Mistake In June, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked with 3 million troops. In June, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked with 3 million troops. Stalin, who didnt believe Hitler would betray him, was shocked. Stalin, who didnt believe Hitler would betray him, was shocked. The Russians used a scorched earth policy they destroyed everything while retreating, forcing the Nazis to stretch their lines thin. The Russians used a scorched earth policy they destroyed everything while retreating, forcing the Nazis to stretch their lines thin. The extreme winter of 1941-1942 inflicted massive casualties on the ill- equipped Nazi soldiers. The extreme winter of 1941-1942 inflicted massive casualties on the ill- equipped Nazi soldiers. Nazi troops struggle to pass a Russian road. Russian troops in winter combat. Slide 11 Stalingrad In the winter of 1943, Nazi troops surrounded the Russian city of Stalingrad. In the winter of 1943, Nazi troops surrounded the Russian city of Stalingrad. Russian and Nazi troops fought fierce house-to-house battles for weeks. Russian and Nazi troops fought fierce house-to-house battles for weeks. German commanders begged Hitler to allow them to retreat, but he ordered them to fight to the last man. German commanders begged Hitler to allow them to retreat, but he ordered them to fight to the last man. Slide 12 Hitler gambles, and loses! In the end, more than 300,000 German troops were killed or captured. In the end, more than 300,000 German troops were killed or captured. This was the first major setback for the Nazis in Russia. This was the first major setback for the Nazis in Russia. The Russian troops now began to slowly push the Nazis out of the USSR. The Russian troops now began to slowly push the Nazis out of the USSR. Nazi troops surrender at Stalingrad. Slide 13 Pearl Harbour Roosevelt was cautious about getting involved in WWII few Americans would have supported him. Roosevelt was cautious about getting involved in WWII few Americans would have supported him. Japan wanted land & resources, brought conflict with the USA. Japan wanted land & resources, brought conflict with the USA. Dec 7th 1941: Sneak attack from Japanese planes caught Americans by surprise Dec 7th 1941: Sneak attack from Japanese planes caught Americans by surprise Aerial view of attack on Pearl Harbour. USS Arizona capsizes and sinks. Slide 14 Effects Most planes destroyed on the ground Most planes destroyed on the ground 8 battleships destroyed or damaged 8 battleships destroyed or damaged 2500 killed 2500 killed No aircraft carriers destroyed, oil supplies and repair facilities untouched. No aircraft carriers destroyed, oil supplies and repair facilities untouched. 3 days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the USA. 3 days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the USA. Slide 15 D-Day D-Day - June 6, 1944. D-Day - June 6, 1944. 130,000 Allied troops landed in Normandy, France. 130,000 Allied troops landed in Normandy, France. Allies surprised the Nazi defenders. Allies surprised the Nazi defenders. Within one month more than a million Allied troops were pushing the German armies out of France. Within one month more than a million Allied troops were pushing the German armies out of France. Canadian troops liberated Holland. Canadian troops liberated Holland. Allied troops land on the beaches of France. Invasion plans for the liberation of France. Slide 16 Japan Fights On Japanese soldiers hardly ever gave up they were fighting for the honour of their emperor and country. Japanese soldiers hardly ever gave up they were fighting for the honour of their emperor and country. American forces were suffering huge casualties as they attacked Japanese-occupied islands in the Pacific. American forces were suffering huge casualties as they attacked Japanese-occupied islands in the Pacific. American commanders estimated that up to 1 million Americans would die if Japan itself was invaded. American commanders estimated that up to 1 million Americans would die if Japan itself was invaded. U.S. troops island hopping to Japan.A Japanese soldier surrenders. Slide 17 Hiroshima and Nagasaki President Truman thought he could shorten the war, by using atomic weapons and forcing the Japanese to surrender. President Truman thought he could shorten the war, by using atomic weapons and forcing the Japanese to surrender. Truman warned the Japanese to surrender or be destroyed they ignored the warning. Truman warned the Japanese to surrender or be destroyed they ignored the warning. On Aug. 6th, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On Aug. 6th, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. 70,000 died instantly, and 20,000 later died from radiation and burns. 70,000 died instantly, and 20,000 later died from radiation and burns. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. On August 14th, 1945, Japan finally surrendered. On August 14th, 1945, Japan finally surrendered. WWII was over!! WWII was over!! Hiroshima after the A-Bomb. NagasakiRadiation burns. Slide 18 Victory! Peace! Germany and Japan were occupied by the armies of the Allies. Germany and Japan were occupied by the armies of the Allies. Germany was divided into four zones: British, French, American, and Russian. Germany was divided into four zones: British, French, American, and Russian. The Atlantic Charter said all countries would have their freedom and rights restored after the enemy soldiers left. The Atlantic Charter said all countries would have their freedom and rights restored after the enemy soldiers left. The United Nations was created to take the place of the League of Nations. The United Nations was created to take the place of the League of Nations. This time, the United States would take a leadership role in the organization. This time, the United States would take a leadership role in the organization. Colonal Gerneral Gustaf Jodi signs surrender documents for Germany in May, 1945. A poster depicting the defeat of Nazi Germany by the combined military might of Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Slide 19 The United Nations Two major parts, a Security Council and a General Assembly. Two major parts, a Security Council and a General Assembly. Security Council: Five strongest countries US, Britain, France, China, and the USSR. Security Council: Five strongest countries US, Britain, France, China, and the USSR. The Security Council could veto any decision by the General Assembly. The Security Council could veto any decision by the General Assembly. Therefore it was easy for the Security Council members to manipulate the United Nations. Therefore it was easy for the Security Council members to manipulate the United Nations. After WWII: The stage was set for a half decade of conflict between the capitalist West (led by the United States), and the communist East (led by the USSR). The UN symbol. UN headquarters in NYC. Interesting sculpture outside the UN building.