diachronic variation in grammatical relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and...

Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters Volume 1, pages 381–390, COLING 2012, Mumbai, December 2012. Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relations Aaron Gerow Khurshid Ahmad Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland. ABSTRACT We present a method of finding and analyzing shifts in grammatical relations found in diachronic corpora. Inspired by the econometric technique of measuring return and volatility instead of relative frequencies, we propose them as a way to better characterize changes in grammatical patterns like nominalization, modification and comparison. To exemplify the use of these techniques, we examine a corpus of NIPS papers and report trends which manifest at the token, part-of-speech and grammatical levels. Building up from frequency observations to a second-order analysis, we show that shifts in frequencies overlook deeper trends in language, even when part-of-speech information is included. Examining token, POS and grammatical levels of variation enables a summary view of diachronic text as a whole. We conclude with a discussion about how these methods can inform intuitions about specialist domains as well as changes in language use as a whole. KEYWORDS: Corpus Analysis, Diachronic Analysis, Language Variation, Text Classification. 381

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Page 1: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters Volume 1, pages 381–390,COLING 2012, Mumbai, December 2012.

Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relations

Aaron Gerow Khurshid AhmadTrinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland.

ABSTRACTWe present a method of finding and analyzing shifts in grammatical relations found in diachroniccorpora. Inspired by the econometric technique of measuring return and volatility instead ofrelative frequencies, we propose them as a way to better characterize changes in grammaticalpatterns like nominalization, modification and comparison. To exemplify the use of thesetechniques, we examine a corpus of NIPS papers and report trends which manifest at thetoken, part-of-speech and grammatical levels. Building up from frequency observations to asecond-order analysis, we show that shifts in frequencies overlook deeper trends in language,even when part-of-speech information is included. Examining token, POS and grammaticallevels of variation enables a summary view of diachronic text as a whole. We conclude with adiscussion about how these methods can inform intuitions about specialist domains as well aschanges in language use as a whole.

KEYWORDS: Corpus Analysis, Diachronic Analysis, Language Variation, Text Classification.


Page 2: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

1 IntroductionLanguage is both representative and constitutive of the world around us, which makes trackingchanges in its use a central goal in understanding how people make sense of the world. Chartingthese changes is a two-part challenge: extracting meaningful, diachronic data and finding thebest way to characterize it. Literature on visualizing themes in text (Havre et al., 2002),identifying topics (Kim & Sudderth, 2011; Rosen-Zvi et al., 2010) and analyzing the sentimentof financial news and social media (Tetlock, 2006; Kouloumpis et al., 2011) are examples ofhow changes in language are linked to changes in the world. The underlying assumption is thatshifts in the distribution of words and phrases may indicate changes in a domain or community.

Language use in specific subjects is known to be productive: a relatively small set of words arenot used repetitively, instead, they give rise to new words through inflectional and derivationalprocesses (Halliday & Martin, 1993). This productivity, as genesis and obsolescence, suggeststhat by analyzing diachronic text we can gain insight into the ontological commitment of adomain (Ahmad, 2000; see McMahon, 1994 for general language and Geeraerts, 2002 forscientific language). Topic modeling has been shown to make use of frequency observationsto build probabilistic models with which to infer clusters of representative words (Griffiths& Steyvers, 2004). However, word-frequency is only one level of linguistic variation. Othershifts, like part-of-speech and grammatical relations, are also important in understanding adomain’s language. As we will see, some trends in frequency have consistent underlying trendsin grammatical relations that signal changes not apparent at higher levels.

By organizing text diachronically, frequency data can be analyzed as a time-series. Enabled byan endless amount of text on the internet, corpus linguists have constructed large databasesof such text to chart linguistic trends (for example Davies, 2010). Sentiment and opinionmining have developed nearly real-time methods of tracking sentiment in text (Tetlock, 2007).Other work has tracked shifts in parts-of-speech (Mair et al., 2003) and related fluctuations inverb-distributions to stock-markets (Gerow & Keane, 2011). Perhaps the boldest claim analystsof language-change have made, is that by analyzing the relative frequency of words over time,we gain a quantitative view of culture itself (Michel et al., 2010).

To find variation over time, we explore whether a time-series analysis can help uncover patternsof seemingly random movements in frequency. To do this, we use continuously compoundedreturn and volatility. These measures are commonly used in econometrics where high pricestend to beget higher prices and low prices, lower still. This phenomenon of auto-correlation isalso apparent in frequency-variations in text, which means an analysis of mean and variancecan be misleading. Using return and volatility has been used in sentiment analysis, where it wasfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the meanthan positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our knowledge, these metrics have not been used toinvestigate trends in words with respect to the grammatical relations in which they are found.By looking at grammatical relations in particular, we get a picture how those words are used.This type of analysis may shed light on language-change and perhaps help predict trends intopics and key-terms which characterize a domain.


Page 3: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

The driving question in this paper is whether second-order analyses of diachronic text can beused to find trends not apparent on the surface. Using return and volatility we get a synopticpicture of changes in a diachronic corpus which is informed by the kind of changes themselves.And by examining grammatical relations, we note specific shifts not apparent at the lexicaltoken level. Our results offer some interesting findings about academic language: by analyzingkey terms, we find discernible trends at varying levels of language as well as generalizationsabout the text as a whole.

2 Methods: Measuring Diachronic ShiftsA series, f (t), is a discrete set of ordered data-points which typically exhibit a degree ofauto-correlation, meaning that preceding values tend to have a discernible effect on subsequentvalues. Even in heteroskedastic series – the log-normal regression of which is non-linear – thevalues of the past, f (t � n), tend to be good predictors of successive values. Measuring andmaking use of this relation is the focus of predictive econometric models, widely employed ineconomics and finance (Taylor, 2005). One common method used to measure the variationin a time-series is to calculate successive ratios of consecutive values, known as the return ofa series. Unlike standard deviation in a sample or population, calculating the return series isorder-aware and can be computed for varying segments of time and degrees of resolution. Inour analysis we use the continuously compounded return defined as:

r(t) = logf (t)

f (t � 1)(1)

Unlike the original series, returns are not serially correlated. This leads economists to considervariance in the return-series, or volatility, a better way to estimate the dispersion of values inthe original. For a time-series, f (t) of N ordered-points, volatility is defined as:

v =NX


(r(t)� t̄)2

N(N � 1)(2)

We can combine equations 1 and 2 to gain a view of the overall variation in a corpus composedof an time-ordered set of documents, D, as the mean of continuously compounded returns, r̄:

r̄ =1|D|





where fd is a frequency observation of document d.

3 Results: Variation in the NIPS corpus

The NIPS corpus1 consists of papers from thirteen volumes of Neural Information ProcessingSystems proceedings. It contains 6.7 million words in 1,740 documents published over 13 yearsfrom 1987 to 1999, with an average of 516,394 tokens per year. The mean return for yearlycorpus-size was 4% with a volatility of 11% – exhibiting a relatively slow, steady growth.

1Available at http://www.cs.nyu.edu/˜roweis/data.html.


Page 4: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

Sketch Engine (Kilgarriff et al., 2004) was used to clean, lemmatize, tag, divide the corpusinto yearly sub-corpora and provide frequencies of grammatical relations (see Table 1). SketchEngine uses a pre-trained version of TreeTagger (Shmid, 1994) and was also used to extractthe grammatical relations by applying abstract tag templates or a “sketch grammar” to thetagged corpus. It should be noted that the NIPS corpus offers a uniformly diachronic corpus onwhich to test our methods, but any diachronically organized corpus would suffice. Moreover,though we rely on a POS tagger and subsequent POS-based grammatical relation extraction,the method, as such, is applicable to any language from which grammatical relationships canbe extracted.

By comparing relative frequencies to the ACL Anthology Reference Corpus (ACL ARC)2, weisolated five terms to analyze in detail: network, learning, training, algorithm and neuron. Therelative frequency and return series are shown in Figure 1 and their respective mean frequency,standard deviation, mean of returns and volatility are given in Table 2. Taken together, wehave an overview of how the use of these terms changed over the thirteen-year corpus. Wecan see that algorithm doubled in usage, while neuron showed a steady decline and network aturbulent decline from dominating the five words. Only learning was steady throughout. Alsonote how network dominates the plot of relative frequency, despite having a relatively steadyreturn series. Alternatively, algorithm appears quiescent in the frequency series, but showsconsiderable fluctuations in return.

Relationship ExampleCooperative training gives a framework [...]Showing that training increased the [...][...] with a single training pattern.[...] at smaller training set sizes.[...] using back propagation training.[...] achieved during training or testing.

Table 1: Common grammatical relations found in our analysis. The defining feature of each isitalicized in the example and the word-in-question is in bold.

Figure 1: On the left are the relative frequencies (per 100,000 tokens) for five keywords (allforms) in the NIPS corpus. On the right are the return series for each keyword. Note how thereis considerably more variance in the return series than in the relative frequencies – particularlyfor neuron and training.

2Available at http://acl-arc.comp.nus.edu.sg/.


Page 5: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

f̄ SD( f ) r̄ vtraining-[n] 0.151% 30% 0.3% 13%neuron-[n] 0.122% 40% -3% 12%

algorithm-[n] 0.165% 27% 3% 10%learning-[n] 0.198% 13% 0.1% 6%network-[n] 0.405% 37% -4% 6%

Table 2: Summary statistics for the relative frequency and return series of the five keywords weexamined in the NIPS corpus, ordered by volatility. Shown are the relative frequency ( f̄ ; per100,000 tokens), the standard deviation of the frequency, the mean of return (r̄; Eq. 3) and thevolatility (v; Eq. 2).

The key question in this paper is whether there is significant variation at the grammatical level.In Table 3, the nouns learning and training are presented with a breakdown of their occurrencesand their most common grammatical relations. Note that although learning-[noun] appearssteady (1-lag auto-correlation = 28%, p = 0.18), it exhibits relatively high volatility in its twomost common relations: adjective modified and as a modifier. Training-[noun], which at 1-lagis 61% auto-correlated (p < 0.1), is also deceptively summarized by its frequencies being foundin a number of a volatile relationships, the least volatile being the one which increased themost: as a modifier.

The remaining three terms, network, algorithm and neuron, are presented in Figure 2, whichcontains plots of the mean return against volatility for each POS-class and the five most commonrelations in which they occur, as well the plots of the relative frequency throughout the corpus.Consider network in Figure 2, which, despite showing a steady negative trend overall in Figure1, is increasingly modified by both nouns and adjectives, appearing less frequently as a subject.Also consider forms of the word neuron, which include the two adjectives neural and neuronalboth in stable states compared to its noun forms. Though neuron declined in use overall, itshows wide variation in two relations, and , in addition to an increase inneuron-[noun] being noun-modified.

Year: 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 f̄ r̄ vlearning-[n]

N 164 190 214 199 187 211 193 261 217 215 185 169 170 198 0.1% 6%14 23 24 28 25 26 19 42 29 31 27 23 25 26 5% 32%19 20 19 20 18 19 18 24 27 23 16 15 22 20 1% 20%10 8 11 14 11 17 11 23 17 18 21 17 16 15 2% 15%8 10 11 13 10 9 8 14 9 12 9 7 8 10 0% 12%7 6 8 14 20 18 12 19 15 16 13 9 10 13 1% 15%

training-[n]N 87 151 187 191 187 197 192 185 185 87 109 115 95 151 0.3% 13%

7 7 9 8 11 15 11 8 12 9 5 8 4 9 -1% 42%34 57 71 88 103 95 91 95 164 167 111 96 74 96 7% 25%5 4 5 7 9 14 10 8 16 13 5 6 4 8 -1% 44%9 9 8 13 14 17 16 17 33 24 15 14 7 15 -1% 33%10 10 14 15 18 15 22 25 40 25 15 12 9 18 -1% 30%

Table 3: Variation in the relative frequency of training-[noun] and learning-[noun] and oc-currences in their five most common grammatical relationships. Here f̄ is the mean relativefrequency. Volatility (v) and mean return (r̄) are calculated as in equations 2 and 3 respectively.Maximum values are underlined and summary statistics are shown in bold.


Page 6: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

Figure 2: Grammatical shifts for the three keywords network (top), algorithm (middle) andneuron (bottom) are summarized in each pair of plots. On the left, the mean of returns (Eq. 3)is plotted using the word-form’s relative frequency (per 100,000 tokens) against its volatility(Eq. 2) for each relationship in which it was found. In these plots, we expect clusters aroundthe origin, where relations show little trend or volatility. On the right are plots showing thepercentage make-up of each relationship over the NIPS corpus. Note that relationships whichoccurred less than 10 times per year are not shown but are factored into the percentagecalculations.


Page 7: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

Looking at individual words can tell us a lot about how their independent usage changes overtime, but it is also useful to take a broad look at a corpus to. To this end, we extracted thetop 200 noun keywords in the NIPS corpus, again by comparing their distributions to the ACLARC. We excluded nouns that occurred less than 10 times per 100,000 tokens each year, andthose that did not occur in at least two different grammatical relations every year. Becausesome commonly cited authors dominate the noun-distribution when compared to the referencecorpus, we also removed proper nouns. In the end we were left with 43 nouns which wereindicative of NIPS and consistent enough to ensure a complete analysis.

The most common relations were the same as those for training, learning, neuron, algorithm andnetwork. For each noun we computed the mean return, volatility and the correlation betweenthe relationship and the frequency of the overall word (all forms). For mean return, only

was significantly changing at 0.7% (p < 0.1). The most volatile relationship among thenouns was which had 27.5% volatility. However, the least volatile relationship,

, showed 15.3% volatility. Lastly, no relationship consistently correlated withwords’ overall usage. In fact, the correlations themselves were highly variable (SD = 37.03%),implying that grammatical relationships are not independently indicative of word usage.

To further explore whether grammatical relationships could be indicative of a word’s changein usage, we grouped words with positive trends and compared them to words with negativetrends. Of the 43 nouns, 17 had a positive mean return (r̄ � .5), 21 had negative meanreturn (r̄ -.5) and 5 were relatively steady (-.5 < r̄ < .5). We found that in negative trends

, and were more likely to peak after the word as awhole ( : 11 proceeding the word’s peak, 3 preceding; : 13 and 6;

: 15 and 3). The frequency of preceding and proceeding a word’s peak wereweighted by the number of positive to negative trends (40% positive and 49% negative). Usingthe weighted scores, we found that in negative trends comparison was 7.4 times morelikely to proceed the word’s peak when compared to positive trends. On the other hand, inpositive trends, both adjective and noun modification were 3.3 times more likely to peak beforethe word as a whole than in negative trends. Results of this analysis are presented in Table 4.

Relationship Preceded Simultaneous ProceededPositive Trends (N=17)

2.8 (7) 0.0 (0) 1.2 (4)5.5 (14) 0.0 (0) 2.8 (7)4.7 (12) 0.8 (2) 2.0 (5)3.2 (8) 0.8 (2) 2.0 (5)3.6 (9) 0.0 (0) 2.0 (5)4.0 (10) 0.0 (0) 0.8 (2)

Negative Trends (N=21)1.5 (3) 0.0 (0) 5.4 (11)2.9 (6) 0.0 (0) 6.3 (13)1.5 (3) 0.5 (1) 7.3 (15)1.0 (2) 1.0 (2) 4.9 (10)1.5 (3) 0.5 (1) 5.4 (11)2.0 (4) 0.0 (0) 5.9 (12)

Table 4: Of the 43 noun keywords, shown here are the weighted frequencies of how many timesa given relationship’s frequency peaked before, simultaneously and after the word’s overallfrequency. The weighting was done by the number of trends in each category (17 positive and21 negative). Raw frequencies are shown in parentheses.


Page 8: Diachronic Variation in Grammatical Relationsfound that negative-affect terms caused a larger, and longer-lasting deviation from the mean than positive terms (Ahmad, 2011). To our

4 Analysis & Discussion

One example of how shifts in relations indicate changes in the domain is the increased nounmodification of neuron. Since the beginning of the NIPS corpus in 1987, a great deal of researchhas been undertaken to discern and simulate the functions of various neurons in the brain. Theincreased noun modification of neuron may be due to increased attention to particular types andfunctions of neurons. The word network also exhibits this change to being increasingly noun-modified but has steadily decreased in use as a subject. This could be due to the ubiquity of theterm in the NIPS community; no longer is a neural network a “network” as such, but somethingmore specific, like a “self organizing map”, a “connectionist model” or “multilayer perceptron.”Lastly, recall that despite the overall steadiness of the word training (Table 2), its use as amodifier dominates its ascent. This could be because the concept of training became establishedmidway through the corpus, enabling terms like “training sample” or “training data” withoutas much explanation of training specifically. Though these results are somewhat speculativein nature, we feel they go deeper than first-order analyses of frequencies, by measuring thechanges through the corpus as a whole.

The broader analysis of 43 key-nouns exemplifies some techniques for uncovering how changesat different levels of language use may be interrelated. We did not find a grammatical relation-ship among the key nouns that consistently correlated with the term’s use, which implies thatgrammatical variation is informed by the lexicon. Comparing rising and falling patterns, wefound that words which are increasingly common tend to be preceded by increased modification,both adjectival and nominal. Perhaps this points to the need for authors to further specifyconcepts before the community adopts them. Conversely, terms which were decreasing inuse were more likely to see a subsequent peak in comparison. This may point to anexplanatory transition from one term to another, that is, writers liken new terms to old termsfading from use.

The key observation in this paper is that academic language – which is used primarily usedto explain complex, technical ideas – exhibits grammatical shifts not apparent in tokens orparts-of-speech. Our proposoal is that examining a time-series’ second-order moments, whichbetter quantifies changes in linguistic data, enables the investigation of deeper shifts in language.These shifts, like the grammatical relations explored here, show how language is put to use inexplanation as well as in general communication.


Thanks to Sam Glucksberg for comments and advice on this research. This work was supportedby Enterprise Ireland grant #CC-2011-2601-B for the GRCTC project and a Trinity Collegeresearch studentship to the first author.


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